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Four Corners of Chaos

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Yeah at 90 % match ratio, most of your angles at events/PPVs will bomb horribly pretty much no matter what. I suggest changing it to 80 %, then it will work as usual.


Also, congrats on another fine show. B is very nice indeed at cult. :)


Yeah, I changed it before I sent the file on. I've managed 4 B rated shows. And with the exception of one they were all main evented by Terry Funk v Bret Hart... so I think it's pretty clear what the formula to get boosted up over B- is. B- generally being my "that show rocked!" mark.


Oh and the one B rated show that wasn't a Hart/Funk main event? Vader.


But in terms of growth... does it really matter to a company at cult size whether you get a B-, B, A or A*? Heck as I'm currently just C- in most of the country, it's my impression that all I really need to score is C+ - and that anything above that is just bells and whistles, really.


You are 100% correct. As long as we hit C+s we're good. That's the measurement of success at cult. We go national once we're C+ importance in... yes, in 8 regions and no worse that D- anywhere in the country. We can totally do that on C+ shows.




For Winter, here is how the popularity increases work. If your show grade is greater than 20 points of your popularity, you gain .4. If it is greater than 10 points but less than 20 points, you gain .2. And if it is less than 10 points greater, then you gain a big fat nothing. This is applied to each area individually.


Here's an example for you. You run a TV show that covers Southwest and Northwest. You get a 65 show rating. Now, you're at 58 pop in SW and 38 in NW. You gain nothing in the Southwest (only 7 point difference), but you gain .4 in the Northwest.


Now, I don't know if that's true. But if it is were somewhere in the 60-65% approx pop per region (Being C through mos of america) so our C+ shows are giving us a .2 bonus and if we were ever to hit a B+ show then there is a chance we would get double that in growth.*


And if we're gonna aim for that we might as well start swinging by Target on our way home from work... just in case.


Yeah I wouldn't have traded away Savage, I wouldn't have been so quick to sign The Road Warriors (who both start as injured) and I would have stayed away from The Midnight Express. I would also have tried harder to sign The Steiner Brothers and Lex Luger. Also, I wouldn't have signed Davey Boy Smith so early in the draft, as I for some reason had completely underrated him as a performer for that version of the mod.


You leave the Steiners alone. Oh, but your reminded me... Perfect would not have been my second overall pick.


*(With the asterix that if we happen to be at the low end of the C ratings then a high B show would also give us the double gain. But that seems pretty unlikely at this point.)

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You leave the Steiners alone. Oh, but your reminded me... Perfect would not have been my second overall pick.


I would steal The Steiners and Bret Hart from you without blinking if I could. :p


I was just reading the first half of our draft again, and apart from a few mistakes I'm actually rather pleased with what I got. I should have gotten Vader instead of Chris Jericho though, so I could have kept Savage. But on the other hand, I likely wouldn't have gotten Guerrero and Backlund in that case... so oh well, it all worked out reasonably. I had really hoped that Bret Hart could have been my #2 pick though. I'm thankful for Rick choosing Hennig however, as I myself had forgotten about his long injury and had him as #4 or #5 on my list. :D

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It's my perception that even though a B rated RAW lowers my overall popularity, I could run them forever and not fall to cult. I am by no means an expert on the game mechanics but I think even a low B across the board keeps me at National...and Canada alone keeps me Global...


...Did I mention I was Global and not International?


...As far as draft strategy, I'd say I would stand pat...WWF is soooooo weighted towards popularity that, for example, Owen Hart would barely make a dent in the mid-card even though he has more ring skills than most of my roster...Chris Jericho, Christian, Silver King, the Midnights? Uhm...jobbers :( The Flairs, Hogans, Lugers etc are bying me time to build up the lower card (So far I'd consider Raven, Jesse James & H.H. Helmsley as the biggest successes on that front)



...Edit: If only Hunter H. Helmsley could come up with a catchy nickname :p

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It's my perception that even though a B rated RAW lowers my overall popularity, I could run them forever and not fall to cult. I am by no means an expert on the game mechanics but I think even a low B across the board keeps me at National...and Canada alone keeps me Global...


This is def true. There's no need to put on A shows by any stretch of the imagination. You have to maintain C+ Importance in 8 regions so it would stand to reason you'd have to be putting on C shows to fall. Mind you other things, such as having too small a roster and national battles could in theory do enough damage to knock you down. But yeah, B- or B shows should keep you Global forever (just so long as you maintain coverage in Hawaii and PR so they don't drop below D- there!)

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Just ran RAW (& Superstars)...RAW pulled a B...counting Survivor Series that's three B's in a row...WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Sent the file to AL for Nitro.


Just so you guys know, me running Superstars on the same day as RAW gives me a big boost in attendance for my B show, instead of the 3,000 or so it would normally draw, it's being taped in the same arena as RAW, which this week was the TD Garden Center, attendance 17,387!! Not that the WWF is gonna run outta money anytime soon but feels like I am cheating...does make the game go quicker though



...Oh and I got it for Hunter Hearst Helmsley's new nickname....Terra Ryzing!!! What do guys think?? :o




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Just ran RAW (& Superstars)...RAW pulled a B...counting Survivor Series that's three B's in a row...WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Well done, congrats. :)


Just so you guys know, me running Superstars on the same day as RAW gives me a big boost in attendance for my B show, instead of the 3,000 or so it would normally draw, it's being taped in the same arena as RAW, which this week was the TD Garden Center, attendance 17,387!! Not that the WWF is gonna run outta money anytime soon but feels like I am cheating...does make the game go quicker though


I don't see it as cheating in any way or form, and it's definately better than slowing the game down by having it on another day.



...Oh and I got it for Hunter Hearst Helmsley's new nickname....Terra Ryzing!!! What do guys think?? :o


Hmm I don't like it, it doesn't sound terrorising enough to me... :p

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I amazingly didn't get the pun until Hive pointed it out. Good WWF name though. Verne, however, would pitch a fit. I managed to lose my ppv write up so I'm gonna start again today... I'm doing such a good job of keeping it concise! You guys will be proud of my relative briefness, I promise.
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You should call him Husky Helmsley. That gimmick will get anyone over.


Oh I think I can get OAFA out from work today, but I need one piece of info. Could either of you guys go into your most recent save game and look at the attendance figure from Once And For All? Thanks!

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You should call him Husky Helmsley. That gimmick will get anyone over.


Oh I think I can get OAFA out from work today, but I need one piece of info. Could either of you guys go into your most recent save game and look at the attendance figure from Once And For All? Thanks!


Hunter Hearst McGuillicuty?



Once and For All attendance: 56 :D


Ok it was 15,000 sold out at the Kemper Arena, buy rate was 0.89



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Brilliant, just read RAW... So much is happening that my head is spinning! A Flairless Horsemen... I'll give anything a shot, but those boys are gonna have to work double hard now to fill some pretty big shoes...


I refuse to accept such blasphemy from WWF! Flair is integral to The Horsemen! :mad:


Actually, this bugs me double as I had such hoped to see The Blue Bloods have a great tag career before going their seperate ways and killing that gimmick... :(

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I refuse to accept such blasphemy from WWF! Flair is integral to The Horsemen! :mad:


But I would say that Arn has just as much right to the Horsemen legacy...he's been there since day one...fought (and partied) every bit as hard as Flair...and he has a point...Flair is a bit of a narcissistic glory hound...give Arn's Horsemen a chance...you'll learn to love (to hate) them :D




Actually, this bugs me double as I had such hoped to see The Blue Bloods have a great tag career before going their seperate ways and killing that gimmick... :(


Yeah, i didn't like breakin up the blue bloods but I think (hope) it will work out in the end...besides that just make room for Regal to take some one else under his wing.... ;)




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besides that just make room for Regal to take some one else under his wing.... ;)


You can't have Eaton! :p


I just always felt that the original Blue Bloods line-up could have been so much better than what we got... I liked Levesque as a snob. He played it well.

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Ok, we might as well take the discussion here as it's much easier. As you know, per our discussion, I sent Big Al the following PM on June 24th:




The rest of us have been talking a bit about how it's a real shame that our WCW player isn't writing anything neither in the diary thread or our game thread, as we all feel that the interaction between players is a big part of what makes this particular multiplayer game fun...


Now of course, we understand and respect that you might not have as much time on your hands for this as we do - and that's fine. But we're hoping that you might be able to allocate just a bit time to participate a bit more in the various threads in the near future. It won't have to be long and extensive posts, just some tidbits here and there to fill the gap that's presently there would be fine. Don't feel you have to compete with others' diaries.


I hope you don't take this as a personal attack or anything, because it's certainly not meant that way. We'd just all love to hear more about what's going on in WCW, with Mr. T and the two kings and all that stuff that's obviously happening. :)




...but have heard nothing from him since. And I have checked: he HAS been on these boards since then, last time on July 3rd.


So... should I just try to send him the same message on e-mail as well, hoping that he'll respond there?

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