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Four Corners of Chaos

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I got an email from Big Al saying that he had some trouble sending the save because of connection troubles in Sydney (I guess that's not his native city then), but that he'll pass on the save in about 48 hours. So don't expect movement untill then.
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So, to kill the time while we are waiting... how far ahead do you guys plan?


Personally, I have my main events for the next 4 episodes of Impact! and 3 PPVs planned. I also have my 2 next world champions scheduled as well as my next 2 x division champs and next 2 tag team champs.

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Oh wow. No, nothing like that.


I plan in six month cycles. So I plan on having two Main PPVs a year and having a six month build to both of them. But it's very broad with the particulars of what happens only being decided in the week that the show is run. There are key story line points, but where they fall shifts constantly until I'm satisfied with the timing. Nothing is ever in stone.


Some examples:


I had planned for the segment between Rey and Barron where Cornette screams "You may be a great wrestler, but he... he is a King!" From day one. It was initially set to come in week one of month two, but I kept moving it back as I wasn't really satisfied with with the feud and wanted a slower and slower build. I think it finally came somewhere in month three...


I had originally planned for the Wrestling Classic 1995 Main Event to be a rematch between Scott Hall and Bret Hart. But what with Scott Hall's drug problems that changed after Regenesis. At that point I had legitimately planned to headline with Bret v Owen. But then Owen's contract situation turned out to be worse that I had understood and I had to abort his push and do some last minute rebooking. I ended up rushing the Bret Hart/Funk feud. In doing so I feel I accidently ended up with a much more dynamic story to the ppv.


Somethings end up getting moved forward (Larry Zbyszko's debut) some end up getting a slower boil than I had initially foreseen (The Dustin/Dusty feud) but the key points and main thrust is planned in six month cycles. It's the details on a show to show level that vary wildly depending on many factors including how much I'm into their angle. Terry Funk is booked pretty particularly for the next three months (and still more particularly than anyone else for five) where as my plan for Ron Simmons is a lot more loose. Mind you if one day a great Simmons storyline falls in my lap... well, that will change.


As for future champions etc I have a rough plan, but it depends so much on contract status that it's more like a hope than a plan.

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So, to kill the time while we are waiting... how far ahead do you guys plan?


Personally, I have my main events for the next 4 episodes of Impact! and 3 PPVs planned. I also have my 2 next world champions scheduled as well as my next 2 x division champs and next 2 tag team champs.



Wow...for the most part I am a 'seat of my pants' type booker. I have a general idea of where I am going but...


I really planned on Raven as a minor mid-card villian, but he got over and reader support/interest pushed it into the main event type storyline it has become...


I always intended for Jake "The Snake" to go heel...when, why & how however I just waited for the right moment...


The fourth member of the horsemen? Several possibilities lingered until about two weeks before Survivor Series before I settled on Jake...and his D+ rated interview on the RAW before Survivor Series almost made me pull him for a last minute replacement...


My next champions? How would I know?!? The next champion will be determined in the ring...maybe your 'rasslin companies are all scripted but not the WWF!! We offer only the World's premier athletic entertainment.






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I'd like to add that I don't plan EVERYTHING so far in advance... I too book on the fly from time to time, and I too have plans change due to various reasons.


For instance, I had to remove James Mitchell as manager for The Apocalypse due to him having poor chemistry with not one of them but BOTH! I also had no plans for Christian Cage and regretted drafting him, but some good performances made me think something up...


And of course, I had to change a lot of booking due to Scott Hall's unexpected appearances on TNA PPV and television.

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I'm starting to picture Verne Gagne as my 11th grade Physics teacher... Aging, bespectacled, hunched over graphs, charts & formulas whilst the whole class (or in this case, the AWA locker room) makes fun of him behind his back...


To bad the AWA doesn't have a strong effective well respected leader...like Ted Dibiase!!




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I'm starting to picture Verne Gagne as my 11th grade Physics teacher... Aging, bespectacled, hunched over graphs, charts & formulas whilst the whole class (or in this case, the AWA locker room) makes fun of him behind his back...


To bad the AWA doesn't have a strong effective well respected leader...like Ted Dibiase!!





If dust, inexplicably, was disturbed into the air whenever he spoke then you more or less have it right.

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Wow, I can honestly say that I had no clue that Sting would show up on this particular show. :D


And victorious none the less! TNA is embarassing us!


Too bad your angles held a show with so many good matches down.


You know what, that conversation we all had about grades and what should be expected at Cult/Global as well as how much of an improvement we need to grow has caused me to relax quite a bit on grade expectations. I am thrilled with a B at cult. (Also let's face it... nobody watches the AWA for the promos...)


Has Rey Misterio Jr. had one single poor match in AWA yet btw? That man is amazing!








Now if only he could call in the ring. Because he's not touching my main event before he can.


- Speaking of the Four Horsemen deposing of their longtime leader...the WWF Fan-Nation has been up in arms...sending critical e-mails to the WWF website, calling WWF headquarters and a small group of fans took it one step further. Tuesday morning a group of WWF fans wearing Ric Flair wigs and priest outfits protested outside WWF headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut...holding up signs that read, "This is blasphemy!"


I like to believe that the women's rights protests are still happening. And there is a growing crowd outside of Titan Towers. I figure by the end of the year there'll be a small tent city surrounding WWE HQ!


Very good show...Funk v Hart would be a match I'd pay to see for sure...


All the comments you guys made bout the WWF roster in some ways are true, but keep in mind your product...outside of the main event, theres nothing here that scores higher than a C on RAW because of the "Rated much more on popularity" product...


It's true, pretty much only my main event would be of use to you. Terry Funk, Bret Hart, Scott Hall and Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow. Simmons and Gordy in some regions...


having said that...More Terry v Bret!!


Well, after two unsuccessful attempts to win the title, Terry Funk is going to have to start is way from the bottom! The AWA does not believe in giving the fans what they want... apparently...


...as for Rey Mysterio Jr...keep watching the WWF...I got a suprise :p


Is Terrified.

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Man, I wouldn't want to book 2 A shows with my current talent pool... I feel I'm stretched enough as is.


Ditto. But a B Show would serve us nicely... actually scratch that. Coming up with match ups would become damn near impossible after a while with a thirty man roster...


I gotta get to national.


Good show! Man, Simmons and Hart are awesome. Also a big fan of the angle where Nash sways drunkenly in the background!

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Uhm... is WCW Main Event an A show? Do they have 2 A shows already? :eek:


Man, I wouldn't want to book 2 A shows with my current talent pool... I feel I'm stretched enough as is.



I was wondering the same thing...he had some high scores if it's B show...I didn't know we could do a second A show, per "house rules"...I agree though, it's hard to get 4 RAWs and a PPV per month to a B or B+ :mad:


I like having WWF Superstars as a B show...I got alot of young talent that needs the exposure without tanking my overall popularity

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I gotta get to national.




Good show! Man, Simmons and Hart are awesome.


Yeah they did well. I would actually had them open their mouths a bit as well, but I got tired and lazy during my write-up... also: Hart made me remove him from one of my planned angles, as he helt he was in enough already. Blasted be creative control. :p


Also a big fan of the angle where Nash sways drunkenly in the background!


I know...he must have an A* for acting...his drunkeness seems so real :p


Yeah uhm... like I said: totally a part of the angle and not just a result of Nash's poor work ethics! :eek:


To be honest, I kinda regret signing Nash. He blows up most angles due to his addictions. And I bet you guys must feel the same about Hall and Roberts... or rather, I regret not having scaled down drug usages soon enough for this game.


EDIT: About having a B show, I too very much look forward to be able to get one. As it is now, I'm having a hard time showcasing all aspects of TNA to the extent I would prefer; and right now, that means having to neglect the X Division somewhat. And that's a huge shame. :(

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Btw, I noticed that AWA's North Star Colosseum is built in some magical Twillight Zone region where every spoken language in the entire world is understood. That's pretty impressive. :p


I was thinking that we should perhaps agree to a language limit of, say, 2 when creating a new arena? Not to bash Rick's head or anything, but it makes using foreign talent a bit too easy when removing language barriers... or is it just me? :)

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Btw, I noticed that AWA's North Star Colosseum is built in some magical Twillight Zone region where every spoken language in the entire world is understood. That's pretty impressive. :p


I was thinking that we should perhaps agree to a language limit of, say, 2 when creating a new arena? Not to bash Rick's head or anything, but it makes using foreign talent a bit too easy when removing language barriers... or is it just me? :)


Ha. Yeah I'm totally cool with that. I just made it that way because that's what I assumed everyone would do... but how about this:


For Spoken Languages of the arena. Only what languages would actually be there.


For Style preference, let's agree on a formula! Maybe 1 Style at Huge, 2 a the next step down and at least one style at none? Something along those lines?


Then whenever we make an arena we post it on here to make sure everyone's cool with our language choices. And obviously we can edit the NSC to meet these new standards.

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Ha. Yeah I'm totally cool with that. I just made it that way because that's what I assumed everyone would do... but how about this:


For Spoken Languages of the arena. Only what languages would actually be there.


For Style preference, let's agree on a formula! Maybe 1 Style at Huge, 2 a the next step down and at least one style at none? Something along those lines?


Then whenever we make an arena we post it on here to make sure everyone's cool with our language choices. And obviously we can edit the NSC to meet these new standards.


I actually think 2 languages is fair enough. It's not too far fetched to imagine a center often visited by a French enclave in New Orleans, for example.


For styles, I think you are a bit too strict as well. It's fairly common to see locations that are huge in two things. So how about this: 2 huge, 2 medium and 1 low - OR 1 huge, 2 good, 1 medium and 1 low?


Having been thinking about creating my own arena for a while now, I was wondering: if I create an arena, can other promotions use it? And if so, will I get money from it? Do you guys know?


Also: very cool that it's at Big Al for Nitro again already. Looking forward to my next Impact!. :)

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Well, my languages proposition would only limit things by how we percieve a region.


So New Orleans to me would have English - Lots, French - Lots, Spanish - some (or whatever). Where-as Minnesota would only have English - Lots only and New York might be English/Spanish - Lots with every other language spoken a little bit.


But we'd all have to agree on the settings.


The advantages to making your own arena are already so big (financially) that there doesn't need to be too much of a benefit in terms of styles appreciated there. So with that said I support your second proposition of 1 huge, 2 good, 1 medium and 1 low. But think we should consider having the medium or low switched to none to give each building a bit more individual character.

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Well, my languages proposition would only limit things by how we percieve a region.


So New Orleans to me would have English - Lots, French - Lots, Spanish - some (or whatever). Where-as Minnesota would only have English - Lots only and New York might be English/Spanish - Lots with every other language spoken a little bit.


Yeah. I'd say: you can add languages as long as it makes sense.


The advantages to making your own arena are already so big (financially) that there doesn't need to be too much of a benefit in terms of styles appreciated there. So with that said I support your second proposition of 1 huge, 2 good, 1 medium and 1 low. But think we should consider having the medium or low switched to none to give each building a bit more individual character.


Okay then how about this: 2 huge, 1 medium 1 low and 1 none - OR 1 huge, 2 good, 1 medium and 1 none?

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That's fine...I doubt the WWF will open it's own arena anyway... I was under the impression that for languages Lots would mean the primary language spoken in the area....while Some would be for a large minority population and Few would be just a small amount...


Quebec = English - Lots, French - Lots (from what I understand a fairly 50/50 split)


SoCal, Texas, Florida = English - Lots, Spanish - Some (large Spanish speaking populations but still a majority are English speaking)


N.Y. City = English - Lots, all others - Few (the sheer size of the metropolis means you'll have a small amount of immigrant/visitors from all over the world)


not that it matters but that's how I thought it went



...Raw should be up in an hour or two...

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