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Four Corners of Chaos

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To recap: It was decided we could make a change to our product. TNA was going to lower their risque. WWF was going to change their match ration, bu no word yet from WCW, to my knowledge.


I've decided on my product change: I will be raising Lucha Libre to Medium.


Verne and I went to war on this on turn one. He won the battle, but clearly not the war. I got a lot of luchadores...


In a perfect world I would dump my Strong face/heel divide for a medium one. So if that's considered minor enough I'd love to sneak it in there. But not the end of the world if it's asking too much.

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Hey, I got a C+ as well!


I was definately aiming for a B- though, and the result dissapointed me. But I was in a hurry, so I guess it's acceptable. At least I'm positive that I'll improve for next week.

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In a perfect world I would dump my Strong face/heel divide for a medium one. So if that's considered minor enough I'd love to sneak it in there. But not the end of the world if it's asking too much.


That's fine by me, if you'd prefer that to more lucha. Let me know, and I'll do the changes next time I get the same. I assume Big Al has it atm.

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That's fine by me, if you'd prefer that to more lucha. Let me know, and I'll do the changes next time I get the same. I assume Big Al has it atm.


Lucha at Medium please.


And yeah, Al has it.


btw (this really belongs in small questions, but I'm practically a spammer over there already) what causes an owner to not let you make any changes what-so-ever? Is it personality? I like having to make changes slowly in game, but no being able to at all makes me boo.



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btw (this really belongs in small questions, but I'm practically a spammer over there already) what causes an owner to not let you make any changes what-so-ever? Is it personality? I like having to make changes slowly in game, but no being able to at all makes me boo.




Yeah I think it's personality. Jeff is the same, very annoying.

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Sorry guys got held up, have just sent Sunday to Rick,

Just started back at work after holidays and was having to do lots of catch up. No excuses from now.


Don't worry about it man! Hope you had a good holidays and hope the catch up isn't too harsh.


Sent the file to Jack.

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Sorry guys got held up, have just sent Sunday to Rick,

Just started back at work after holidays and was having to do lots of catch up. No excuses from now.


No worries, real life happens from time to time. :)

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WCW Nitro week 2

Pre Match

Dean Malenko defeated Tully Blanchard

Bobby Heenan interviewed an angry Big Bubba who is disapponted with his lack of opportunities.

Billy Gunn defeated Johnny B Badd


Main Show

The show started with the Machoman Randy Savage entering the ring and accusing the WCW hierachy of favourtism giving Shawn Michaels and Jerry Lawler last weeks heavyweight fight. He was then confronted by Shawn who scoffed at his ridiculous comments. He accepted a title fight at any time. As Shawn went to walk back to prepare for the fight Savage jumped from the top rope down to the floor delivering a double axe handle and the two of them brawled until separated by the referees. B


In a disappointing match Jushin Liger defeated Junkyard Dog. Junkyard was too slow for Jushins speed, and Jushin is still not known enough by the American crowd who were saddened to see the Japanese superstar win, much to the surprise of WCW bookers D


As Brian Pillman pulled up in the carpark his tyres were heard popping as they ran over hundreds of tacks. Pillman climbs out of his car and whilst looking under his car a rubbish bin bouncing off his bonnet, he looks over his shoulder to see Abdullah staring him down in his intimidating fashion. C+


The Tiger Mask retained his TV title in dominating fashion over Haku. C-


As Pillman reaches his room he opens the door to astonishment to see Paul Bearer there pointing at him screeching for his 2 menacing behomeths to attack. Both The Undertaker and Abdullah beat Pillman to a pulp. C


Jerry Lawler defeated Marty Jannetty after delivering a viscious pile driver. B-


Bobby Heenan interviewed a confident Undertaker who told of Pillman meeting the devils and having no way of returning for his match later in the night. B-


Sabu defeated Al Snow in a thrilling match for two up and coming wrestlers. C


In an exciting debut episode for Nitro, Mr T introduced his new segment called

"Pity the Fool". His opening guest was Shawn Michaels wearing his heavyweight belt with pride. Shawn discussed his ambition to hold the title for many years and told T that despite many wrestlers in the federation not having a lot of mainstream American exposure, he would still be watching his back for there are many talented threats. Just at this point Randy Savage stormed on set and attacked both Mr T and Shawn Michaels. B-


Brian Pillman then walked out to the ring on crutches, wearing bandages and looking quite weary. Most fans were expecting him to withdraw from his match with the Undertaker. Instead he placed the crutch beside the timekeepers table, crawled into the ring and began his match. After 14 minutes of surviving a brutal attack from The Undertaker, Paul Bearer instructed both Sabu and Abdullah to attack again leading to DQ victory to Pillman. B


The WCW Heavyweight title fight between Shawn Michaels and Randy Savage ended in a double count out as the two of them battled into crowd after an all out match that had the crowd very entertained. A


Post Show

Shawn climbed back into the ring and acknowledged the crowd holding his title in the air. After previous attacks Shawn looked excited, proud and maybe even relieved to maintain the title. B


Overall Show B- a big improvement from last weeks C

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Everyone's giving away PPV Main Events on TV! Well I guess that's what happens in a ratings WAR!


Indeed it is... and although my next main event will be a great matchup, it'll be damn hard to top Michaels vs. Savage.

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Good shows!


I'm pumped for Brian Armstrong's first feud! And Tiger Mask as TV Champ has me marking out.


Everyone's giving away PPV Main Events on TV! Well I guess that's what happens in a ratings WAR!


"The Road Dogg" should be a fun mid-carder to book...shame guys like Tiger Mask never really got mega-pushes in the WWF or WCW, interesting to see what you can do with him...I'm trying to hold something back but the way the draft played out as a popularity based fed I really almost have to give away some big name match ups to keep my shows from completely tanking...still it will be $34.95 on PPV to see Hogan vs Flair :D

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My big problem is I have some great wrestlers but not enough popularity. When an angle says rated on overness, does it mean popularity or momentum.


Yes and no. I believe that when a wrestler is rated on popularity that that's the base stat they are rated on. However, with that said, momentum would still effect the rating the same way a good/bad gimmick or morale would.


I'm marking a bit out for a Blue Bloods with 'Lord' William Regal and 'Earl' Hunter Hearst Helmsley, btw. May they achieve great things! :D



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@BigAl...I'm having the same problem, and from what I understand everything is atleast somewhat rated on popularity, so for example an angle where Jake Roberts interviews Vince McMahon I get this:


Roberts rated on Microphone: B or B+

McMahon rated on Entertainment: B+ or A

Overall rating: D :(


oh well, enjoy your head start guys, I can already see my lower card guys gaining popularity...when they get over I'll be handed out A rated shows like Scott Steiner gives out belly-to-belly suplexes.


As far as the Blue Bloods yeah, I like the storyline, however the segment ratings are so-so because of their popularity so it's not getting much TV time...yet

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@BigAl...I'm having the same problem, and from what I understand everything is atleast somewhat rated on popularity, so for example an angle where Jake Roberts interviews Vince McMahon I get this:


Roberts rated on Microphone: B or B+

McMahon rated on Entertainment: B+ or A

Overall rating: D :(


This is true. Everything is rated part on pop. If you put a guy your fans don't care about on TV it will bomb, no matter how talented they are.


This is why my Chavo Guerrero matches are always in the Ds even though he is a-MAzzzz-ing...


I've resent the file!


(don't forget everyone: Please resend me the file when you hit the first AWA turn.)

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