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Four Corners of Chaos

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Game is flyin right now...i got four shows to write up now as I just finished RAW...


Got a B which is good because I've been mired with B- & C+ scored lately...


now If I woulda switched my preshow match - Hogan v Tony Atlas (A rating) with my semi-main event - IRS v Ahmed Johnson © who knows what would have been the grade


...File is back to RVD for another episode of Monday Nitro!

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Just ran Nitro got a B- which is good considering the main scored a C+ on a count of a bad finish now that sounds good right except heres the post show message.......... Some of the angles definitely helped lift the show as a whole. I think this show might have hurt our popularity overall..........how in the heck does a b- show with great angles hurt your pop????
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Just ran Nitro got a B- which is good considering the main scored a C+ on a count of a bad finish now that sounds good right except heres the post show message.......... Some of the angles definitely helped lift the show as a whole. I think this show might have hurt our popularity overall..........how in the heck does a b- show with great angles hurt your pop????


If your final show grade is lower than your average popularity, where the show is run, then it will hurt your popularity


...i.e. if your pop in the US is a B...then a B- will hurt your popularity


but if your pop in the US was C- then a C grade would raise your popularity

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hmmm...just looked at your pop...i suppose you got the note because the show grade was lower than your pop in the Southeast...


Doesn't look like your Nitro grade suffered from you falling to cult, about the same I think as it's been lately...


BTW...Joey Styles resigned with the WWF @ $10,000 per month for 36 months...nice try guys...




File is forwarded to Hive for Impact



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Hive can you send me the save before thunder so i can change the ppv i have this weekend i just realized in this last booking period that i have the wrong ppv set to run this weekend so i need to chanhe it




I'm not sure I'll be able to book Impact today, as I have a lot on my plate, but I'll try. I like this current crazy pace the game has. :D

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Somehow, and I'm not quite sure exactly how, I managed to get a B for AWA as well...


In other news, negotiations broke down between TNA and one of their biggest stars... who will thusly be leaving the company shortly. The rumor mill has it that AWA is now trying to lure him over their way instead, but these rumors are still unconfirmed.


Save off to rvd for decisions and Thunder.

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just finished Thunder pulled in a B- rating for a successful show despite a C+ rated main event.


Thus it is written that the first step toward redemption has been taken.


Congrats, good for you.


But yeah I too have experienced that lately: getting a better final grade than the main event... even though I usually experience the exact opposite. Can this have something to do with changes in the ingame industry?

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Ran Shotgun...suprise a B- :eek:


seems to be the norm lately


would you guys be opposed to me trying for a B show, as TV negotions are about to begin...at Global my roster is huuuuge and my mid and lower carders are just sitting there :(


I will run it same time as Shotgun, so it doesnt hold up the file


The file is on it's way to HIVE for AWA's PPV

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would you guys be opposed to me trying for a B show, as TV negotions are about to begin...at Global my roster is huuuuge and my mid and lower carders are just sitting there :(


Well you could always just release some of your excess midcarders, I could easily name 10 to help you. Starting with Edge, Rob Van Dam, Christopher Daniels, etc... :p


Nah go ahead and do it. As long as it's on the same night as one of the others, I don't see an issue with it. B-shows rarely take a lot of time to book in my experience.


Speaking of B's, that's what I got for AWA's PPV after a few of my matches and angles did not turn out as expected. I had aimed for B+, so I'm a bit dissapointed. Main event was an A.


Save sent to Jackknifed for his PPV.

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Well you could always just release some of your excess midcarders, I could easily name 10 to help you. Starting with Edge, Rob Van Dam, Christopher Daniels, etc... :p


Nah go ahead and do it. As long as it's on the same night as one of the others, I don't see an issue with it. B-shows rarely take a lot of time to book in my experience.


Speaking of B's, that's what I got for AWA's PPV after a few of my matches and angles did not turn out as expected. I had aimed for B+, so I'm a bit dissapointed. Main event was an A.


Save sent to Jackknifed for his PPV.



Assuming I can get a B show, I will tape either the returning Superstars or the debuting Heat on Saturday...


probably not gonna be able to run the PPV for a few hours, heading out in like 15-20 minutes, I will try if not I will forward the file later tonight

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Assuming I can get a B show, I will tape either the returning Superstars or the debuting Heat on Saturday...


probably not gonna be able to run the PPV for a few hours, heading out in like 15-20 minutes, I will try if not I will forward the file later tonight


No rush, take your time.

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Ran In Your House...here's a suprise...B-


Hope these B- scores arent gonna knock me to cult...I seem to be stuck there...


Now that would be something, if WWF follows WCW to cult! :eek::D


In other news, wasn't Rick supposed to be back by now? I sure hope he turns up again soon.

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if i remember correctly rick left in December for two months so he should be back anytime now.


Yeah I believe he said February 1st. So I hope he resurfaces before the next AWA show, as the first show after a PPV will be the perfect time for him to resume the reigns. :)

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just ran spring stampede to a B- which seems to be a trend lol......i might slow down the game as i think the motherboard is on its last legs in my main pc but ill only be a bit slower Im gonna put tew on my laptop but seeing as i share it with my brother i might be a bit slower getting things done just thought id give you guys the heads up so if you don't hear from me or see the save quite as frequently.
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