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Four Corners of Chaos

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Wow. I missed alot. I need to be more vigilant on checking the thread!


Ok, well I'm of two minds on this:


If Hive and Jack were replaced wtih clones of myself I would, first of all, congradulate them on how handsome they had suddenly become. But immediately following the lenghty discussion on our mutual good looks I would go with route 1.


But Hive and Jack aren't me. Much to their girlfriends' dismay. (Pow!) And there isn't any point in continuing if Hive's not going to enjoy it.


So, I say we give this a shot. We keep on playing with RVD, since Hive said he'd give it a shot if both Jack and I were down. But if Hive finds he really can't get into the game under these circumstances... then we part ways.


But if Hive can still have fun, let's just keep going on with the way we have it now. I'm sure after this RVD will take every precaution to make sure nothing like this happens again.


We should reset the offending contracts. And for peace of mind we should all keep a couple of random old saves for comparison. All four of us check them once and a while so that poor Hive doesn't drive himself nuts thinking he has to cross reference every single save, knowing that there's four sets of eyes on them.


If you want to send me a copy of the old save you have, Hive, I'll take a look at it too and see if there's anything else that seems out of place compared to the last copy I sent off.


If for whatever reason RVD ends up leaving the game, I definately don't think we should give WCW to the AI, if for no other reason than there is no way to change my diaries name to "3 Corners of Chaos", that I know of.


Also: My card is up! (finally)


Soon to come: Graphs...


I'm of the mind set that everyone deserves a second chance...so if RVD wants to continue I'm with it

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Wow. I missed alot. I need to be more vigilant on checking the thread!


Yes, you should! Even when no important issues needs to be discussed, there are still often delicious ramblings from me that you should not miss out on!


But Hive and Jack aren't me. Much to their girlfriends' dismay. (Pow!)


I'm single, so joke's on you! Or... wait... nevermind.


So, I say we give this a shot. We keep on playing with RVD, since Hive said he'd give it a shot if both Jack and I were down. But if Hive finds he really can't get into the game under these circumstances... then we part ways.


But if Hive can still have fun, let's just keep going on with the way we have it now. I'm sure after this RVD will take every precaution to make sure nothing like this happens again.


I'm definately fine with giving option 1) another go. In spite of my huge dissapointment, it was my prefered choice (hence listing it as #1).


We should reset the offending contracts. And for peace of mind we should all keep a couple of random old saves for comparison. All four of us check them once and a while so that poor Hive doesn't drive himself nuts thinking he has to cross reference every single save, knowing that there's four sets of eyes on them.


That would be great.


If you want to send me a copy of the old save you have, Hive, I'll take a look at it too and see if there's anything else that seems out of place compared to the last copy I sent off.


Sure, I'll do that. Thanks.


Be sure to check Jackknifed as well, I have been suspecting that he has boosted Rocky Maivia's skills... he shouldn't have more than 25 star quality and 40 mic skills! :eek:


(j/k, of course)


If for whatever reason RVD ends up leaving the game, I definately don't think we should give WCW to the AI, if for no other reason than there is no way to change my diaries name to "3 Corners of Chaos", that I know of.


True that, changing it to "3 corners of chaos" might upset the delicate balance of the universe.


Also: My card is up! (finally)




Soon to come: Graphs...


More yay!


So anyway, the conclusion: show must go on. So if RVD would issue some form of statement regarding his future involvement, let's leave this behind us and move on.

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Yes, you should! Even when no important issues needs to be discussed, there are still often delicious ramblings from me that you should not miss out on!




I'm single, so joke's on you! Or... wait... nevermind.




I'm definately fine with giving option 1) another go. In spite of my huge dissapointment, it was my prefered choice (hence listing it as #1).




That would be great.




Sure, I'll do that. Thanks.


Be sure to check Jackknifed as well, I have been suspecting that he has boosted Rocky Maivia's skills... he shouldn't have more than 25 star quality and 40 mic skills! :eek:


(j/k, of course)




True that, changing it to "3 corners of chaos" might upset the delicate balance of the universe.








More yay!


So anyway, the conclusion: show must go on. So if RVD would issue some form of statement regarding his future involvement, let's leave this behind us and move on.



I would like to start by thanking you all for the opportunity to continue. It goes without saying that I will not be leaving anyone alone with the save ever again. I will continue to present the best product that I can the resetting of the contracts will throw a wrench in some major ways however it is the way it must be and I will deal with it. I will most definitely be keeping an eye on older so this never happens again and will start keeping contract stats as one of my main categories in future spreadsheets I will now be using starting on my next applicable turn. Again thank you for allowing me continue. I will do everything in my power to make sure this never happens again on my side of things. I only have one request as HIVE is the one who uncovered the deception on team WCW's part could you please pm the contracts being reset I know of Randy and Undertaker could you please let me know how long both have on their respective contracts if not lasting till my next ppv on the end of the month game time please let me know so i can push up the ppv a week and give both anyone leaving a proper game sendoff if possible assuming that is i am not able to negotiate extensions assuming i have time left to do so.


Edit: I will be away for the remainder of the weekend I do still have the save however i wont be running Nitro until i know who's leaving so i can rework my PPV to suite those need so i may not get to nitro until Monday..

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Randy Savage's contract will expire 7 days from the next time I get the save, as his contract would have expired now already. But since I doubt he'll be signing with WWF, you have a good shot at getting an extension at least on PPA basis.


I *think* The Undertaker's contract will run for 1-2 months more, but I'll go through the contracts tomorrow and report my exact findings.


Now if you gentlemen will all excuse me, I'm gonna go get my booze on now.

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As promised: Graphs to the dome! Check em out in the 4 Corners Of Chaos: AWA thread.


Quite awesome, as usual! Thanks!


And now to follow Hive's example and start boozing for ROH and Wrestlemania weekend!



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Okay, I had a look at the WCW contract situation and the following workers *should* have had their contracts expired by now and will thus be set to expire 7 days from when I next get the save:


Randy Savage


The following workers' contracts will expire within a month:

The Undertaker

Tiger Mask

Gene Goulet


The following workers will expire at a later date, but has also been tampered with:

Brian Pillman

Abdullah The Butcher

Shawn Michaels


As previously stated, I will correct these mishaps the next time I receive the save.


After that, I will go on as usual and pretend this whole situation never happened.

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And now for something completely different.


Anyone down for Wrestlemania Predictions?


I haven't really been following WWE lately and have no comprehension of the current feuds or where they are likely to go, and the only match I'm psyched for is Cena vs. The Rock - simply because it's a rather epic matchup. But eh, I'll take a swing at i t:


The Rock vs. John Cena

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see WWE not having Cena go over here - and I don't think they have the guts to pull a no-finish in the main event of Wrestlemania.


Triple H vs. The Undertaker

Goes without saying.


CM Punk © vs. Chris Jericho

Just because.


Daniel Bryan © vs. Sheamus

I think it is finally time now that they will give Sheamus another shot at the top. From what I hear though, Bryan has been an exceptional and surprisingly good heel champ. So maybe they'll let him be so a bit longer.


Cody Rhodes © vs. Big Show

I think they'll get the IC title off Rhodes and have him feud with Sheamus for the world title he'll be winning. I personally wouldn't put a belt on Show at this stage of his career, but oh well.


Randy Orton vs. Kane

I have no doubt that Orton will take this.


Team Teddy (Santino Marella (captain), R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Hornswoggle) vs. Team Johnny (David Otunga (captain), Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with Vickie Guerrero)

Tough call here, but the way they've been pushing Marella lately I see him as the victor here.


Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres

I have never followed women's wrestling, but 'celebrities' always win at Wrestlemania. Always.

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I haven't really been following WWE lately and have no comprehension of the current feuds or where they are likely to go, and the only match I'm psyched for is Cena vs. The Rock - simply because it's a rather epic matchup. But eh, I'll take a swing at i t:


This gives you an unfair advantage. The WWE hates logic with a passion. Thus if you don't know what their story line is leading into the match, you have a far better chance of not being duped into predicting the logical outcome.


The Rock vs John Cena

Because they hate me.


HIAC, Special Guest Ref: HBK

The Undertaker vs Triple H

But they don't hate me that much.


WWE Title Match

CM Punk © vs Chris Jericho

This is where WWE's randomness could screw me. But babyface champ at WM whom they want to establish as a top guy should go over in theory. Besides, Jericho likes to lose.


WCW Title Match

Daniel Bryan © vs Shaemus

There are only two ways a babyface rumble winner, historically speaking, doesn't win the title at Mania. The first is to have Triple H randomly interjected into your match to make it a multi way contest. The other is to be Edge. Neither has happened here.


Team Celebrity vs Beth Pheonix and Eve

Everybody knows celebrities are better at wrestling than professional wrestlers. This has been proven over and over again. Addiitional observation: Although I wouldn't say it would actually make me interested in this match, wouldn't this have made, like, infinitely more sense to not randomly split Beth and Natalya and have them menace the celebrity?


Intercontinental Title Match

Cody Rhodes © vs Big Show

Another chance that WWE randomness will **** me. The way it's been booked Big Show simply cannot lose. Which means I'm wrong and he probably will. But whatever. I'm gonna predict Show wins but somehow doesn't get the title.


Winner Gets Control Of Both Brands

Team Johnny vs Team Teddy

I presume Johnny L is the new shiny thing they want all over TV.


Randy Orton vs Kane

The WWE thinks they can hit 1.3 million buys. They can't. But they think they can. Orton is their number two guy. The goal, one would think, would be to have all those fresh sets of eyes, that don't watch wrestling anymore, to think: "Oh man, that Randy Orton guy is pretty awesome I should watch wrestling a little more often!" That will not happen by having him lose to Kane. In my opinion, that will not happen by having him wrestle Kane. I would have had him fight Bryan. But whatever. Putting Kane over would be insane. Nobody on earth would substitute Randy Orton's name for Kane's in the the previous thought quotation.


Braggin rights will be won!

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The Rock vs. John Cena

God love me I want Rock toi win this so bad i can taste it but there is no way oin heck that Cena does the J-o-b on the p-p-v......unless there is a surprise debut or return that happens during the match leading to Rock getting the win and having Cena move to the new angle with the other gy.


Triple H vs. The Undertaker

Really Really Really is their even a little bit of doubt in anyones mind that HHH is totally gonna win this match I mean come on The Undertaker is so passe that it needs to end now.












I really hoped i got someone with that seriously Taker gets the win here in what im sure will be a match for the ages.


CM Punk © vs. Chris Jericho

Im torn on this bout as I see it in my going either way.... Theres the Punk wins option allowing him to continue being the Best In The World and hopefully moving on to a fued with someone else perhaps Lord Tensai as Im sure that would be a great series of bouts. Then theres the Jericho wins Option forcing Punk to face the Demons in his closet and Im sure that would be an epic couple of weeks were Punk is facing the wrong of his life story forcing him to debate his own personal options and maybe we even get a Colt Cabana appearence in a promo were Punk is near his personal breaking point which would turn him around and lead to more of what Im sure willl be truely epic Wrestling Matches not sports entertainment but Wrestling. Im going With Punk to retain as I doubt the creative minds of wwe will run my angle and I doubt both of the belts will change hands this evening.


Daniel Bryan © vs. Sheamus

I think Sheamus needs the win here to re-establish the royal rumble winners chances as its been a few years now since the winner of the rumble wins at mania


Cody Rhodes © vs. Big Show

Cody needs this win to continue to establish himself as a rising star in this industry


Randy Orton vs. Kane

I could honestly care less who comes out of this match as the victor as this angle does nothing for me personally as Im not a Randy Orton fan I am however a Kane so i do hope he can win but in my heart and mind I know Orton wins


Team Teddy (Santino Marella (captain), R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Hornswoggle) vs. Team Johnny (David Otunga (captain), Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with Vickie Guerrero)

Ive got Team Johnny in this bout but reslly I dont care for the angle behind it im sure The match will provide the comedy portion of the evening but the match will do nothing for me at all especially with Christian out so for me Team Johnny and not just because we share the same name but because they three of muy personal favourite current supoerstars in Miz,McIntyre and Ziggler


Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres

Celebrity for the win always bet on the celebrity and youll never loose at Mania anyway

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As soon as I heard the pop The Rock got, I just *knew* that I was wrong and that they wouldn't have Cena win. Awesome. :cool:


Though I'm 100 % sure that it means they'll have a rematch in which Cena does win. Anything else would be dumb.


So anyway... where's the save at? The game still moving?

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As soon as I heard the pop The Rock got, I just *knew* that I was wrong and that they wouldn't have Cena win. Awesome. :cool:


Though I'm 100 % sure that it means they'll have a rematch in which Cena does win. Anything else would be dumb.


So anyway... where's the save at? The game still moving?


Must suck for Cena right now....how many years of him being 'The Man'...bustin his butt for the 'E, only to be grossly overshadowed by The Rock...then the next night booed, then forced to watch Lesnar stroll in to a ridiculous ovation...then eat an F-5 for his troubles...still if the Rock hangs around, plus Lesnar, CM Punk, Sheamus and Blandy Orton as top faces maybe they (finally) turn Cena heel, which if done properly could be a great storyline...


Oh and I still need the save back for moment before too long to make a critical roster move



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Must suck for Cena right now....how many years of him being 'The Man'...bustin his butt for the 'E, only to be grossly overshadowed by The Rock...then the next night booed, then forced to watch Lesnar stroll in to a ridiculous ovation...then eat an F-5 for his troubles...still if the Rock hangs around, plus Lesnar, CM Punk, Sheamus and Blandy Orton as top faces maybe they (finally) turn Cena heel, which if done properly could be a great storyline...


Yeah I'm beginning to feel bad for Cena. I never ever liked his character nor his in ring skills in particular, but the guy sounds very likeable behind the scenes and is a work horse and franchise player extreme for WWE. The best thing they can do for him right now is turn him heel, because he needs that heel run to re-establish himself with the fans - just like Hogan needed it in 1996 (one could argue he needed it even earlier, but eh). Sure, he moves merc... but a well-booked heel (or heel group) moves merc like hell as well! We've seen that with Hogan, nWo and D-Generation X. And if The Rock sticks around semi-regularly, he should be able to fill most of the merc-void left if Cena turns heel. They need to grow balls and go with this. If nothing else, then because Cena deserves it after all he's done for them.


Btw... Jack, you don't have to format text to the left in all your posts. It does that automatically. Just saying. :p

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Working on the RAW write up...got to head in to work, but should be posted later tonight sometime...


...so I held RAW at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena...started doing the write up and something seemed wrong. A quick wiki search and yep...the third Monday in May 1996? The Penguins were hosting the Florida Panthers in game two of the Eastern Conference Finals.




After all the liberties we have taken with history, why this minor inaccuracy bothered me I do not know...but it did.


so when you read the write up that's why it is written from the 'Hershey Park Arena' and not the Pittsburgh Civic Arena.




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Ran the first Nitro out of the brand new Center Stage Theater and got a B- sadly some angles went over poorly (thankfully one of the participants will be moving to a backstage after the next ppv) and may have hurt the overall pop didnt really check probably should have o well file is on its way to hive for Impact. quick request I know you will be editing Randy's contract in the am after your show could you please request negotiations with him immediately afterwards pleas and thank you.
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Ran the first Nitro out of the brand new Center Stage Theater and got a B- sadly some angles went over poorly (thankfully one of the participants will be moving to a backstage after the next ppv) and may have hurt the overall pop didnt really check probably should have o well file is on its way to hive for Impact. quick request I know you will be editing Randy's contract in the am after your show could you please request negotiations with him immediately afterwards pleas and thank you.


I couldn't do that, Rick had decisions before your turn. Save is off to him now.


I have now edited back the contracts that had been tampered with. Contrary to my previous assesment, it turned out (as far as I could see) that it was actually "just" two contracts that had been messed with: Randy Savage and The Undertaker.


I did, however, discover another cheat - and this time a very very strange one: WCW had been given an additional $10 million out of the blue. Which is probably the weirdest cheat I have ever seen, as WCW are already the by far richest promotion in the game with a purse of just over $20 million. Needless to say, I have removed the additional 10. Thankfully, this one doesn't really impact anything.


Now on to other news: I got a B- for Impact after gunning for a B with my super B+ main event. However, I had too much dissapointing crap on the rest of the card to pull it off... oh well, maybe next week. Already have a couple of solid matches planned there.

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Now on to other news: I got a B- for Impact after gunning for a B with my super B+ main event. However, I had too much dissapointing crap on the rest of the card to pull it off... oh well, maybe next week. Already have a couple of solid matches planned there.



It was a high B-. That's what I tell myself every time.

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