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how to get someone to retire

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Go into the IN GAME editor on your game. To do this click game options and then 'edit data'. Select the workers column and find the undertaker in there. Open his profile and then choose status: Retired. Note - Just put him in a match before you do this and make it a 'retirement' match.
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You can't push someone to retire they will retire on there own however Adam coded it into the game.


As pointed out above that's incorrect, while you can't techincally push someone into retirement you can definitely give them some strong nudges that will cut their career short.


I think once there past a certain age it's random or something like that.


Far from it fom my understanding. Several things come into play, drive/hesitation, physcial condition, age, active role settings, and maybe a few others.

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is there anyway to push someone to retire? I swear I've been trying to phase out The Undertaker for the longest and he just wont bite...i would offer less money or just release him but i fear he'll sign with TNA!!!! Is there anyone who has any ideas?


I'm going to offer you a 'productive' alternative here. As it's Taker i'm sure he is still highly over in most areas therefore, why don't you just use him to put over younger talent to increase their overness, at the same time helping them to improve their skills? Futhermore you could always just offer him the role of a road agent - his psychology is good enough.

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You can force retirement by going into the editor and setting the physical condition of any body part to 0%. They'll retire next day 'Due to injury'. Setting him as retired won't work properly.


It will if you go into his contract and set that to retired wrestler too ;) While you're there you can drop him to road agent prices too....

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It will if you go into his contract and set that to retired wrestler too ;) While you're there you can drop him to road agent prices too....


Retiring a worker by changing their physical status is the best way to do it. It ensures that all the proper retirement code is run, automatically changing a worker's active roles, triggering the Hall Of Immortals code and altering contracts as it should. Doing it any other way has more steps and will skip out the Hall Of Immortals code, so Undertaker (who is almost certainly a HOI inductee) wouldn't get in if you just use the editor to change him.


So yeah... just set his knees to 0 and everything will go the way it should, with minimal other steps. It's the best thing to do. :)

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Retiring a worker by changing their physical status is the best way to do it. It ensures that all the proper retirement code is run, automatically changing a worker's active roles, triggering the Hall Of Immortals code and altering contracts as it should. Doing it any other way has more steps and will skip out the Hall Of Immortals code, so Undertaker (who is almost certainly a HOI inductee) wouldn't get in if you just use the editor to change him.


So yeah... just set his knees to 0 and everything will go the way it should, with minimal other steps. It's the best thing to do. :)


Ahhhh, always something new to learn with TEW :D

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