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I have three shows. Two are seperate BRANDS and one is a Show where all are available. How often Do workers have to be on shows? Do they get angry if they are not on ALL of the shows. I have alot angry at being left off shows. Dont quite understand how all this works. I thought being on TV once a week would be enough. Any info would help. Thanks!
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Your Main Eventers will want to be on nearly every show they can be on. So you should have them on their Brand's show and on the show where everyone is available (Deleting the show where everyone is available might make things easier as then you would only need to put them on 1 show a week). You should treat Upper Midcarders the same way, although not to the same extreme.
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Here is what I do... alot.


If I have two shows, I break up the Main eventers into two brands, putting splitting them on the shows. This allows me to have them be on every show of their brand.


I put the lower cards on a third brand un-related to the shows, and they are thankfull to get on any show, lol.


Now, if you have a third show without brands, I would make a brand for it, and you could make it for the third brand but utilizing whichever Main eventers you want on that show from either of the other brands.


I split it up kind of like this...


Brand 1 = Half of my Main Eventers and Upper Mid-cards and "Special Cases"

Brand 2 = Half of my Main Eventers and Upper Mid-cards and "Special Cases"

Brand 3 = Lower cards.


Now... Sometimes I have it split Male Main's and Upper's along with Tag Teams, Woman Mains and Uppers along with Cruiserweights, and the third with undercards that don't belong anywhere else.


The important thing is that I have the 3rd brand with people that would just be happy to be hired, mainly... They aren' going to be complaining about being on a show anyways. The reason I add the third brand is so I can see the main people I need to make happy when I look at that brand (I make sure I use all my Main Eventer's on the show). It helps me keep track of things, especially when working on the fly.

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