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VWA- Hybridapalooza

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(Author's note: Second time I've tried to do a diary, and hopefully real life won't get in the way this time!)


I'm standing here, in my rather spacious and very expensive-looking office that Mr. Albert Thorp supplied me with. He also would have thrown in a hot secretary for free, but wisely, I turned that down. Mostly because I saw the glare Lizzie was giving me at the time.


So here I am. Six weeks after being hired by Albert Thorp. Six weeks ago, I was toiling in obscurity in America, perfectly content in my role as 'extremely talented wrestler who prefers working matches lower on the card so he can go get drinks with his girlfriend before traffic hits'. Now, I'm in the same lower-midcard gig, but this is so I can spend the rest of the night making sure the other matches go well.


My roster so far:


Moonsault Master- Yes, he has a funny name. But he also possesses the best moonsault in the promotion.

Jason Dempsey- A smaller guy, mostly a brawler.


Myself- I can do a bit of everything pretty well. I'm going to stay in the lower midcard area so I can focus on getting these other guys trained up a bit more.

Gunther Kinski- Small, tenacious brawler.

Xavi- Decent technical skills, but he'll need a huge overhaul to even THINK about moving up the card.

Night Spyder- This guy's a consummate jerk.


Landon Mallory- The South African is a natural athlete. His career is going to be a good one, I think.

Wild Child- Oh man. This kid's a nutcase. Extremely positive influence in the locker room, though, which counters Al and the Night Spyder.

Matthew Macks- Another daredevil, which makes him a great foil for the Wild Child.

Jasper January- Another high-flier. From Belgium. (No, I haven't made any jokes about his love for Belgian waffles yet.)

Acheron- Big, massive bodybuilder type. Not a great worker by ANY means, since he seems to think a powerbomb should legit knock out his opponent, but he's scary enough that he's gotten over.


Walker van Cleer- Probably the number two face behind Koller.

Griffin- He's been around. He's the oldest guy on the roster, and he's also our gatekeeper. I don't think he really expects to win a title this late in his career, but he still might get one good run before he retires.

Modern Day Warlord- Big Norwegian guy in a promotion with a couple other big guys. Good brawler, though. Naturally intimidating, but not to the extent Acheron is. Unlike Acheron, though, Warlord is a relatively safe worker.


Sebastian Koller- He's our World champion. Decent worker, the fans absolutely go nuts for the guy.

Cub Balowicz- Former kickboxer from Poland, this guy has a legit left hook that can knock anyone out. Except maybe Acheron.

Randy Haute- Like me, Randy's an American transplant. Good technical worker.



Our list of hot prospects so far based on what I've seen and what Griffin and Haute have told me.

Landon Mallory tops the list. No surprise.

Koller is close behind. Also, no surprise.

Behind Koller, we have Walker van Cleer. Not a surprise there either.

In a shocking twist, Acheron makes the list at number 4. The potential is there...but he's gotta work his ass off.

Macks and January are roughly tied at 5th place on the LIST O' PROSPECTS

Xavi is close behind them at 7th. Very, very odd. Again, he has the potential to be a good worker, but he needs to work his ass off.

Cub makes the list at 8th. I personally would have put him higher on my list, but it says a lot about the midcard guys that they're higher up than the Pole. Definitely not a knock on the kickboxer's talent.

The two openers, Moonie and Dempsey, are at the bottom of the list. They both have the potential to be good workers someday.


(Noticeably absent are Night Spyder, Wild Child, and Kinski. Gunther is too small, unfortunately, to be taken seriously. Wild Child is too much of a spot monkey, but with his positive influence backstage, his job is perfectly secure. As for Night Spyder, well, his attitude needs adjusting. Otherwise, he's going to be cannon fodder, since he either doesn't have the talent to make it far, or just doesn't care. Either way, I'm looking at letting him go when his contract expires.)


Anyway. Now, it's time for me to plan out the card for The Revolution Begins, which is going to be held on the second Saturday of January. Hope to see ALL of you loyal VWA fans there!

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(Note: I'll try to have the show posted by Sunday night, but here's the card. Booking suggestions and predictions are always welcome.)


VWA The Revolution Begins

Week 2, January 2010.


Main Event:

Griffin vs. Randy Haute: This is the main event of the night. A Number One Contendership bout to decide Sebastian Koller's first title defense at Winter Warfare, to be held Week 2 of February. The Swedish veteran Griffin has a good deal of momentum going, and the one thing that he wants is a title shot. Unfortunately, he has to go through the still-bitter former champion Randy Haute to get it.


Co-Main Event:

Cub Balowicz vs. Walker van Cleer: Cub will be looking to solidify himself as a main eventer, while Walker van Cleer wants the same thing for himself!


Landon Mallory vs. The Modern Day Warlord: The hottest prospect in the promotion takes on the third top heel in the VWA in an effort to solidify himself as a legitimate contender to the upper echelons of the card.


Xavi vs. Matthew Macks: Macks doesn't have much in the way of momentum, but he'll be looking to change that with a win over Xavi. Coming into the fight, the Spaniard has enough momentum that a win over Macks might propel him out of the undercard and into being a credible midcard worker.


Jasper January vs. Night Spyder: In an effort to solidify his presence in the midcard, the rising Belgian prospect will look to make his mark against the Spyder. Night Spyder, on the other hand, will be looking to prove himself.


Moonsault Master vs. Wild Child (With Jasmine Perlot): In what should be a fun, exciting opener, Wild Child will be looking to gain a little bit of momentum with a solid win over the always entertaining Dane. On the other hand, if Moonie can pull off the upset here, it might be just what he needs to push himself into the midcard.


Also advertised: An appearance by VWA World Champion Sebastian Koller.


Notably absent is Acheron, who has enough in the way of momentum that he must be thinking title shot in the near future. How does the big Romanian fit in to the title picture? Will he make his presence felt in one of the two main events?


As always, nothing is for sure with the VWA!

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(Note: Imagine you're reading this as a live fan report of the show. I was thinking about doing a newsletter, but this works better. I'll still do a newsletter for backstage events, new hirings/firings, et cetera.)



ATTENDANCE: 109 screaming fans.

LOCALE: Bremen Hall, Central Europe.


The lights hit, and we were treated to none other than Albert Thorp, the owner of the VWA. He welcomes us to a new beginning, a new era of wrestling history. He finishes by saying this, "With the Victory Wrestling Association under my charge, the only limit is the sky." The crowd popped huge, a sure sign that his new gimmick is going to be a good one. (ANGLE: Albert Thorp is revealed as VWA's Commissioner.)


Rating: E+


The first match of the night was awful. It saw Wild Child beat the Moonsault Master, due to terrible wrestling and the VERY vocal crowds showing their displeasure during the entire contest. Regardless, neither man let it get to them, as the bout was quick, decisive, and featured some crazy spots from the German and some entertaining dancing from Moonie on his way to the ring.


On the bright side, Perlot did well as Child's manager.




A short angle of Acheron doing a truly frightening number of press-ups was next. I do NOT want to make him angry. Still, not a fantastic angle, as the fans seemed to be rather dead for it.




The second match of the night was Jasper January and Night Spyder as advertised. It was relatively open throughout until January took full control in the final two minutes. Finish came by pinfall at 7:09 after the Leap Year. The fans hate Night Spyder, there's no secret there.




Another angle. This time we see Landon Mallory warming up for his match against the Warlord tonight, when from out of nowhere the Norwegian attacks. Mallory tries to fight him off, but the constant kicks and punches to his ribs finally leave him down and out. Impressive show of brawling from the Warlord, but again, the fans were dead for this one too. I'm starting to think maybe Albert's inauguration speech burned them out. (Hey, I marked during Acheron's show of strength, so I'm not burnt out yet.)




The third bout of the night was next. Xavi and Matthew Macks competed in a terrible match, carried largely by Macks, who came away with a quick, decisive win in just over six minutes.




Mallory and Warlord were next. Now, none of us had any idea if Landon would be able to compete tonight after the beatdown Warlord gave him. Warlord was content to stay in the ring, arms crossed with a sick grin on his face as the ref waited patiently. Fitz reached for the mic to call it a forfeit, when suddenly, Landon's music blared. He got an ovation as he limped to the ring, his ribs freshly taped.


This was a match that showed Landon's heart and fighting spirit, as every time the Warlord smashed him into the canvas, the prospect battled back. Finally, after a series of stomps to Mallory's hurt ribs, Warlord blasted him with the big boot of doom to pick up the win in around ten and a half minutes. The Norwegian looked like he was getting tired around the end of the action, though, as he spent a few moments leaning against the turnbuckle and laughing at Mallory before leaving. He got a poor reception from the crowd, which the Norwegian laughed off. Scary guy.




The co-main event of the night, Walker van Cleer and Cub Balowicz, featured a good, lively crowd. I'm not sure what it is about van Cleer, but he's a cure for narcolepsy. Also, maybe most of us were scared Balowicz would punch us if we didn't show some life.


The match was pretty open from the get-go. Unfortunately, they don't have great chemistry in the ring, which means the bout was pretty awkward. In about ten minutes or so, a crushing left hook from out of nowhere caught Walker on the jaw and he went down hard, out cold. Cub didn't even need to pin him, but he got the three count anyway.




After the match, van Cleer was helped to the back. A short time later, THE CHAMP's music blared, and the crowd went wild. He didn't cut any promos, just came down to sit at the announce booth. Guess he's doing some color commentary on the number one contender match.




The main event. Oh boy, this was a clinic in mat wrestling. For every hold, there was a counter. Every time Haute had the veteran in a submission hold, Griffin found a way to counter it or slap on one of his own. This was a back and forth match that only ended when Randy Haute got a handful of Griffin's tights during the roll-up. That burst of cheating earned him the title shot next month.




FINAL SHOW RATING: E+ This should have DEFINITELY increased VWA's popularity. For a small federation, they struck gold. Of course, an E+ would kill anyone bigger, but the VWA is going to be happy with the results of tonight's show. Now the question is, how will they build on that? Will they bring in talent like Byron or Stig Svensson to give Koller some new opponents to face? Or will they turn to England and try their luck with one of Ring of Fire's standouts such as Jonni Lowlife?


Or will they even bring in Jon Michael Sharp or Nigel Svensson, both of whom were fired by RoF as a cost cutting measure? Sharp could be a fixture in the small, athletic midcard, while Nigel could put on some great matches with Griffin, Haute, or even Xavi, whose technical skill is probably his only saving grace right now.


You'll know when I do! Keep an eye on VWA. If they can build on that show tonight, they might be able to threaten the EWA sooner rather than later!

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Thursday, Week 3, January 2010.


Wow. I'm still riding that high from Saturday night. The atmosphere in the locker room right now is positively amazing. At least for now. Thorp's not being a dick, which means he's pleasantly surprised at how things turned out. Spyder isn't being one either, which means he might just be holding off on it till he can figure out a way to piss me off without losing his job.


Anyway. I've been looking over the roster, and I think only four people have high momentum other than Koller, which is fine, because it gives me less hassle to deal with in regards to booking title shots. Meanwhile, I've brought back the European title as a belt the smaller, midcard guys can fight over while they build up their skills.


Ring of Fire got rid of Sharp and Svensson. I might bring them both in on short term deals and see how they perform. Griffin and Haute could get fantastic matches from Nigel, and Sharp would work well with anyone else. Then there's the usual. Byron, Stig, Beauchamp...huge names, but I'd prefer not paying out the ass.


Time to look over the card for Winter Warfare, make a few calls, and put out another newsletter. So long, VWA faithful.

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Word on the street is that the elusive booker of VWA has offered contracts to three new workers. It can be confirmed that one of the workers in question is currently under contract with Ring of Fire, while the other two have yet to be made known. More on this as it develops.



It can now be reported that one of the workers is Jon Michael Sharp, and has just signed a three month contract with the company. The deal is said to be short term, as the elusive booker wants to see how well the young British high-flyer does in the new environment before offering him a full PPA deal.


The other two deals HAVE been signed, but the identities of these mystery wrestlers continue to be shrouded in mystery, and will likely debut at Winter Warfare this Saturday.


The main events of the card have been released for Winter Warfare:



Sebastian Koller vs. Randy Haute ((VWA WORLD TITLE))



Cub Balowicz vs. Walker van Cleer


The rest will be posted AS SOON as we get that information.

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