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Universal Wrestling League

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Greetings Fans!


The Universal Wrestling League (UWL) is a league I started in January of this year. Another friend and I decided, on a lark, to see who could create the better fantasy wrestling promotion. What I've discovered is I really like creating this stuff and wanted to present it to a larger audience.


I've already got 14 episodes done. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be posting past shows until I can get caught up. Then, I will post one new show a week just like it's a real episodic weekly wrestling TV program.


My promotion is aimed at the older fan (35+) primarily. Most of the stars will be from the '80s. My weekly program, UWL Slam! Wrestling, is presented in a modern wrestling TV fashion. I've also given certain wrestlers moves they were never known to use in their real careers to update them into the modern era.


Hope you all will check out the UWL!

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UWL ROSTER (As of 1-25-11)




Roddy Piper

Wahoo McDaniel

Billy Graham (IWA World Champion)*


Scott Hall

Mad Maxine

Rockin' Robin

Sam Houston




Harley Race

Lex Luger

Dallas Page


Rip Oliver

Hugh Morrus

Larry Zbysko

Tina Ferrari

UWL President Vince Russo







AIRTIME: 9:30-11:00p E/P




MATCH CALL: Steve Stack & Joe Pedicino




(* In a fantasy storyline with a past league I had, I bought the IWA name and World Title from a friend's fantasy league. I had Graham win the title from Barry Windham at my fantasy league PPV SuperBash 2 in St. Louis at the Edward Jones Dome last August.)

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino (sitting ringside) welcomed viewers to the debut edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling. Discussed the new UWL and announced tonight on the program: Daniels vs. Homicide; DDP makes an appearance; Roddy Piper is here; Wahoo McDaniel will be here; a visit from the IWA World Champion Billy Graham and more on the debut edition of 'Slam!' They then sent it to the ring.)


(In-ring: In-ring i'viewer Gene Okerlund welcomed UWL fans. Okerlund: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the premiere edition of the premiere wrestling league in the world...the Universal Wrestling League!" Crowd roared. Okerlund: "Fans! I can tell you right now that you will see the best in professional wrestling here in the UWL where the wrestling will take center stage!" More cheers. Okerlund: "And now, would you please welcome the first guest here on 'Slam!' wrestling, he's a man who knows controversy very well...UWL President...Vince Russo!" Crowd exploded into loud boos. After a brief wait, Russo walked out on the entrance stage with six burly bodyguards surrounding him. Russo was wearing his trademark NY Yankees' pinstripe jersey, jeans and black tennis shoes. He had his trademark slicked back hair and beard and mustache. The boos continued as Russo made his way to the ring. Four members of Russo's security team stayed out on the floor and surrounded the ring and two got in the ring. Russo climbed into the ring as the boos continued unabated. Russo soaked in the boos for a moment. Okerlund: "Vince Russo, it's quite obvious that your controversial reputation has followed you here to the UWL! Just listen to these people!" Russo still soaked in the negative crowd reaction before speaking. Russo: "First of all, Okerlund, it's President Russo to you and all these people out here!" Russo backed away from the mic and looked at the crowd again as the booing continued. Russo: "If you people do not shut up...if you do not shut up...I'm leaving this ring right now!" A mix of cheers and boos and garbage started hitting the ring. Russo: "As far as I'm concerned...all this garbage represents these fans out here!" Booing grew angrier. Russo: "We are just North of Seattle, Washington! And ya know, Seattle is a city of losers! The Mariners! The Seahawks! The Huskies! The Sounders! All of them...LOSERS! As you can tell by looking at my jersey, I'm from New York! A city with a history of creating winners! The Yankees. The Giants. The Jets. These are winners! So, on the one hand we have Seattle, which equals city of losers! You all represent Seattle and its loser tradition! Then we have New York! I'm New York! New York equals city of winners so that, by extension makes me a winner!" Russo pointed at the crowd and said: "Seattle losers!" Russo then pointed at himself and said: "New York winner! Gene, I am here to tell everyone that I am the de facto leader of the UWL! All those people who've loathed me in the past because of my work backstage in producing wrestling TV shows...now I'm the man who has total control over the promotion! I don't answer to anyone! And everyone answers to me and me alone! So, to borrow a line from a famous World Champion: 'You'd better learn to love it!', because I, Vince Russo, hold the entire fate of he Universal Wrestling League in the palm of my hand! You fans are gonna get what I want to give you because I have the final say on everything that goes over the airwaves now! And later on in this program I'm gonna have a big announcement about the UWL World Title! And it's gonna shock the wrestling world! I can already see the 'Net geeks going crazy trying to figure out what's going to happen with the belt! They'll scream: 'Oh no! Russo's gonna de-value another World Title with one of his insane ideas!' Let me be clear! My ideas are NEVER insane! My ideas are ALWAYS insanely brilliant! The reality is many of you just don't get them! Well, you people watching better start getting my ideas because I'm a genius! Watching a Vince Russo wrestling program is guaranteed to rise your IQ by several points if you understand and get what I'm trying to accomplish! There are those out there who do get me! But most of you don't. So you'd better start getting me now. You need to study everything I do because if you don't, you're gonna fail to understand what a truly great wrestling program this is! I'll be back later in the show with my big announcement about the UWL World Title. And if any of you fans ever cross my path in the public sphere, just remember this, it's President Russo to you!" Crowd booed and more garbage hit the ring as Russo exited with his bodyguards surrounding him.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo's controversial opening remarks and wondered what he has in store ragarding a major announcement concerning the UWL World Title. Hyped appearances by Piper, Wahoo and IWA World Champion Billy Graham coming up on he program.)


Match 1

Daniels vs. Homicide

(WINNER: Daniels - Pinfall - Angel's Wings - 7:41)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Daniels beating Homicide in the first ever match on 'Slam!' Hyped the upcoming appearance of DDP; Harley Race in action; and appearances by Piper and Wahoo tonight.)


(Backstage: A limo is seen pulling up outside the Comcast Arena. After sitting for a few seconds, the limo driver got out, walked to the back, opened the back door and out stepped IWA World Champion Billy Graham. Graham was carrying a gear bag and had the IWA World Title slung over his shoulder as he made his way into the building.)


Match 2

Harley Race vs. Scott Armstrong

(WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Diving Headbutt - 3:11)


(In-ring: Post-match i'view with Harley Race. Okerlund asked Race what his plans were in the UWL. Race: "Mean Gene. First of all, just let me say that it's great to be in the state of Washington." Crowd cheered Race's remark. Race: "Oh wait! I lied! Hahaha!" Crowd now booing. Race: "Washington State is filled with nothing but birkenstock sandal and tie-dyed t-shirt wearing, latte' drinking wussies! Believe me when I tell you that the level of manhood rose quite a bit when Harley Race arrived in town. I'm here in the UWL for the same reason that everybody else is...and that's to win the UWL World Title. And I'm gonna be all ears when President Russo makes his announcement concerning the UWL World Title. Mark my words, when the World Title picture takes shape here, Harley Race will be right in the middle of that picture." Okerlund asked Race what he thought of Russo being the President of the UWL. Race: "I try not to think of Vince Russo if I can help it. But he is the President of the company and therefore he is the leader of the UWL whether any of us who lace up the boots likes it or not.")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the debut of Harley Race in the UWL. Talked more about Russo being President of the company and having total say over everything that happens in the UWL. Pedicino said he thought the UWL would be in for a 'weird and wild ride' with Russo at the helm due to his notoriously unpredictable nature. Hyped Russo's big announcement coming up later about the UWL World Title.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Wahoo McDaniel. McDaniel came out to a nice ovation from the crowd and was wearing his Indian headdress and ring gear. Wahoo slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Wahoo shook hands with Okerlund and walked around the ring and acknowledged the fans. Wahoo: "Mean Gene, unlike Harley Race, I'm more than proud to be in the great state of Washington!" Crowd cheered. Wahoo: "There's a lot of good people that live up here. But I want to say a special hello to all my Native American brothers and sisters out there. Just like everyone who enters this great sport of ours, I'm here in the UWL to win that World Title. In my career, I've been so close to being the World Champion on so many occasions that I feel like I'm due to finally break through here. I've accomplished everything else there is to accomplish in wrestling. But winning a World Title here in this league with all this great talent would really be the highlight of my career." Just then, Hugh Morrus and Rip Oliver made their way onto the entrance stage and down to the ring. McDaniel looked at them as they entered the ring. They were in their ring attire. After a brief staring down, Wahoo said: "Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus, what the hell do you want?" Morrus: "Well, I'd like to see my face on the $1 dollar bill! Hahahahaha!" Oliver: "Chief Wahoo McDaniel. The big Indian star of professional wrestling. Ya know, Chief, you and I have a mutual acquaintance. Bet you didn't know that. He's a chief, too. His name is...Chief Whack-A-Mole. Heh heh." Crowd boooed as Morrus laughed and Wahoo was getting angry. Oliver: "You're such a big star, Chief, that Hugh and I were backstage talking and decided what better way to make a name for ourselves in the UWL than by kicking your ass on national TV!" Okerlund pleaded with them not to do anything. Wahoo getting angrier. Oliver: "So, everyone watching here in the arena and on TV needs to pay close attention because we're gonna turn the beloved Chief Wahoo McDaniel into a big puddle of fire water right here in the middle of this ring!" Morrus slyly moved over and ripped off the Chief's headdress. It fell to the mat. McDaniel moved on Morrus and Oliver grabbed the Chief from behind when suddenly...bagpipe music blared over the p.a. system. Fans exploded. Roddy Piper came power walking out onto the entrance stage and made his way to the ring, mic in hand. He was wearing his kilt, t-shirt and wrestling boots. Oliver let go of McDaniel and the two backed off as Piper climbed into the ring. Piper went over and slapped the Chief on the back. Piper: "Well, boys and girls, look who it is!" Piper pointed at Oliver and Morrus. Piper: "It's tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumbass!" Crowd laughed. Piper: "You guys wanna make a name for yourselves here in the UWL by beating up my friend Wahoo McDanie on national TV, eh?! Wellllllllllllllllll, I'll tell you what! If you guys wanna chance to beat on Wahoo so bad, then why don't you do it in a tag team match against us...RIGHT NOW!" Crowd cheered as Morrus and Oliver huddled to discuss the matter. Oliver: "You're on, Piper! We're gonna smash you and the perpetual cheap smokes salesman to smithereens!" Vince Russo appeared on the JumboTron. He was sitting behind a big desk in a backstage office. Russo: "Gentlemen! Did I give the green light for this match to happen tonight?! Noooooooooooooooooo! I did not. However, since this looks like a ratings winner, I'm going to give it my blessing! We need a ref in the ring right now!" Crowd cheered as the ref came to the ring and the teams went to their respective corners.)


Match 3

Wahoo McDaniel & Roddy Piper vs. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus


(DECISION: No Contest - :21 - Morrus and McDaniel were the two legal men in the ring to start the match. Morrus got a brief advantage attacking Wahoo from behind but Wahoo quickly took control and eventually whipped Morrus into the ropes and caught Morrus coming off with a big chop to the chest. Morrus went down and Wahoo went for the cover but Oliver hit the ring and broke up the pin attempt as Piper charged in and started brawling with Oliver. The ref tried to separate Piper and Oliver as Morrus and McDaniel started brawling. Ref immediately called for the bell as the brawl between the two teams spilled out of the ring to the floor and eventually made its way back up the aisle. After some wild brawling in the aisle, the teams carried their brawl up to the entrance stage and to the backstage area.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the wild brawl between Piper & McDaniel and Morrus & Oliver. Hyped the upcoming appearance by IWA World Champion Billy Graham in just minutes and Pres. Russo's huge announcement concerning the UWL World Title coming up later in the program. They then sent it backstage where Piper & McDaniel were still brawling with Morrus & Oliver.)


(Backstage: Piper & McDaniel were still battling with Morrus & Oliver. At one point, Morrus was about to throw Piper into a stack of folded up chairs but Piper reversed it and sent Morrus into the chairs. Morrus crashed into the chairs and sent them toppling down. McDaniel was fighting with Oliver and McDaniel got the upper hand, grabbed Oliver around the waist and rammed Oliver back first through a backstage exit door and out onto the sidewalk. The two continued fighting out there before security was able to break them up and security inside broke up the fight between Piper and Morrus. Words were exchanged between Piper and Morrus as security kept them apart.)



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***(PART 2 OF EPISODE 1)***




(In-ring: Okerlund welcomed IWA World Champion Billy Graham. Graham came out in his famous tie-dyed tights and t-shirt with the IWA World Title around his waist. He was also wearing colorful earrings, sunglasses and yellow wrestling boots. Graham got a nice ovation coming to the ring. Okerlund pointed out that Graham was the International Wrestling Alliance World Champion and asked what Billy was doing in the UWL as World Champion of another promotion. Graham: "Mean Gene, the man with the power who's to sweeeeeeeet to be sour is here in the UWL! I have defended the International Wrestling Alliance World Title all over the globe! Ever since I beat Barry Windham last year to win this belt I've faced the best the wrestling world has to offer! But I'm here in the UWL for one reason, jack! This is the only place to be in wrestling right now! Just look at some of the awesome world class talent here! You got Roddy Piper! Wahoo McDaniel! Harley Race! And others too numerous to name at the moment! This is where professional wrestling is truly happening right now! The UWL isn't 'sports entertainment'! The UWL is wrestling personified! And while this belt around my waist isn't the UWL World Title, I want the ultimate tests against the ultimate talent in our sport! The UWL is the only place for that, daddy! I intend to be a fighting IWA World Champion here! There are worthy contenders galore! The UWL doesn't pretend to be a comedy show! The UWL isn't put together by people who change plans every 15 minutes! Here, things will be settled in the ring the way they should be!" President Russo then walked out onto the entrance stage, mic in hand, security in tow and was greeted by more boos. Russo: "'Superstar' Billy Graham! A World Champion! As you've said, Billy, you've defended the IWA World Title all over the globe! And you're still the champ! Well, since I'm the President of the UWL and everything I say here is gospel, I've got some good news for you and all these fans out here. Tonight, you're gonna defend that title right here on 'Slam!' Billy, you've been the IWA World Champion for what...six months now? Man! In pro wrestling today, holding a World Title for six months is like being a World Champion for six years! So you've had a good long run with the belt as far as I'm concerned, 'Superstar'! But it's time for some new blood to become the IWA World Champion! And your opponent tonight is...Diamond Dallas Page!" Crowd booed as Page came out on the entrance stage in his ring attire and he embraced Russo as the crowd became even more infuriated. DDP took the mic from Russo. DDP: "Man! Look at all these out of shape Washingtonians in this crowd! Good God! But never fear, folks, because the Diamond is here! And I can help you fans turn from being eternal lard-asses into being finely tuned machines with the great Dallas Page-like stamina! After I beat Billy Graham and take the IWA World Title, I want all of you Seattle sweathogs to visit my site: ddpbang.com, and I'll let you in on the secrets that make me a great wrestler! And the revealing of those secrets can be all yours for just three easy payments of $19.95! What you're going to witness in that ring is what makes me so damned awesome! Can you dig it?! I'm gonna show everyone of you out there why I'm such a stud in the ring with my superior conditioning and stamina! Billy Graham, you're not gonna be able to hang with the most well-oiled machiine in all of wrestling!" Russo: "'Superstar'. I forgot to mention something. The match will happen...now!" DDP made his way to the ring as a ref followed suit. Graham removed his accesories and the title and prepared for his title defense.)


Match 4 (IWA World Title Match)

Billy Graham © vs. DDP


(Graham turned away from DDP and began limbering up by pulling on the top rope. Ref called for the bell. Graham turned around and was immediately greeted with DDP's finisher, the Diamond Cutter. Graham went down near the ropes. DDP went for the cover but Graham got his foot on the bottom rope at the count of 2. DDP spent the next few minutes dominating the match and trying to put Graham away but Graham refused to let DDP close the deal. Graham eventually fought his way back into the match and it became an exciting see-saw affair. At the end of the match, DDP had regained the upper hand. DDP had Graham beaten down. DDP nailed Graham with a Russian legsweep and then, as Graham made it to his feet, DDP nailed Graham with the discus clothesline out of nowhere. Graham was floored. DDP then started jogging around the downed champ to show off his great stamina. DDP then went for the cover but Graham again kicked out at 2. DDP pulled Graham up, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a kick to the stomach. Graham doubled over and DDP went for the Diamond Cutter again but Graham powerfully shoved DDP off and DDP crashed to the mat. DDP got to his feet facing away from Graham. Graham backed up by the ropes. As DDP spun around he was greeted with a running clothesline by Graham. DDP crashed to the mat near the ropes. Crowd popped. DDP rolled out onto the apron. Graham, still in the ring, reached over the top rope and pulled DDP up by the hair. Graham hoisted DDP up in the jackhammer suplex position and walked backwards a few steps to the center of the ring. DDP wriggled his legs, shifted his weight, dropped to his feet and kicked Graham in the stomach once again. DDP then went for the Cutter again but Graham blocked the move and nailed DDP with a belly-to-back suplex. Graham once again backed into the ropes as DDP got to his feet. When DDP got up, Graham nailed DDP with another running clothesline that drove the life out of DDP. Crowd going crazy. Graham hoisted DDP up in the air and held him there for a few seconds before naling DDP with his jackhammer finisher. Graham covered DDP, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory to the delight of the crowd. As Graham had his hand raised in victory and was handed the belt, Russo again appeared on the JumboTron. Russo: "Congratulations, Billy. You're still the IWA World Champion." Russo did mock applause. Russo: "And because you successfully defended your title this week...you get to do it again next week here on 'Slam!'...against Larry Zbysko!" Crowd booed as Graham, still in the ring, just looked at Russo on the JumboTron and, showing no emotion, left the ring. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 10:33)


(Stack and Pedincino discussed Graham's victory over DDP to retain the IWA World Title. Then discussed Russo ordering Graham to defend the title again next week vs. Zbysko. Said Russo's major UWL World Title announcement is coming up next.)


(In-ring: Russo came to the ring surrounded by his bodyguards and to loud boos. Russo, mic in hand, seemed to enjoy the boos for a moment before talking. Russo: "Thank you all for that wonderful serenade as I came to the ring. Is this how you always greet greatness in the Pacific Northwest? Earlier, I promised you all a big announcement concerning the UWL World Title. But first, I have one other announcement. And no, it's not that I'm resigning my position as President here in the UWL. I don't want to let my fan down out there. You people ain't seen nothin' yet from the Russo regime! We had a match tonight that broke down into a brawl between Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel against Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus. The match went from the ring to the floor to backstage and even outdoors. So, next week on 'Slam!', as your beloved leader, I have ordered a re-match to take place. It'll be Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Hugh Morrus and Rip Oliver. But, since the match got so out of control and left the ring when it was supposed to be a standard rules tag match, to make sure no one leaves the ring, the two teams will do battle inside a steel cage!" Many in the crowd actually cheered Russo's decision. Russo: "As for the UWL World Title. Next week, the first-ever UWL World Champion will be determined right here on the program! And it's going to be done in a way that will have the entire wrestling world buzzing for a long time to come! It will truly be a President Russo production! It will be historic how the first UWL World Champion will be crowned! And as you're watching, just remember, it could've only come from the mind of one man, your President, Vince Russo! With that, I bid you all a not-so-good night because I can't stand any of ya!" Russo then left the ring with his security in tow and a garbage parade following them all the way back up the aisle.)


(Stack and Pedicino wrapped up the program discussing the major announcement concerning the crowning of the first-ever UWL World Champion on next week's 'Slam!' Stack said he shuddered to think how the champion might be determined since it's a Russo production. Also hyped for next week: Cage Match: Piper & Wahoo vs. Oliver & Morrus, IWA World Title Match: Graham © vs. Zbysko; a video from Scott Hall and more next week!)




Dark Match (4-Way Dance)

Piper vs. Race vs. McDaniel vs. Homicide

(WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Pinned Homicide with a Bulldog - 14:19)

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL SLAM! WRESTLING - EP. #2 -COMCAST ARENA - EVERETT, WA - 2-1-11 (Taped)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Show Intro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL Pres. Vince Russo has a major announcement concerning the crowning of the first UWL World Champion tonight that will send shockwaves through the wrestling world; IWA World Title Match: Billy Graham © vs. Larry Zbysko; the debut of Lex Luger; a video from Scott Hall; and to kick off the show, a steel cage match pitting Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel against Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video footage aired of last week's confrontation between Piper and McDaniel and Oliver and Morrus and the brief match they had that was declared no contest because it got out of control and the two teams fought out of the ring to the backstage area with McDaniel and Oliver taking their brawl outside the arena; and Russo announcing that a cage match would take place this week on 'Slam!' to keep the action from leaving the ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1 (Steel Cage Match)</span></p><p>

Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

(Morrus and Oliver came to the ring first to loud boos. They entered the cage. Bagpipe music then started playing and Piper and McDaniel came charging to the ring, Piper minus his kilt and t-shirt and Wahoo without his headdress. The two quickly climbed into the cage and the two teams started brawling with each other as the crowd went wild. Morrus was busted open early when he went to throw Piper head first into the cage but Piper reversed and sent Morrus smashing head first into the cage. Soon after, the match settled into a standard tag team affair in the cage. Stack and Pedicino pointed out during the match that the only way to win was by pinfall or submission in the cage and that you couldn't win by climbing out of the cage or leaving through the door. As the match progressed, Oliver and Piper were the legal men in. Oliver crushed Piper's face against the steel mesh and dragged Piper's forehead against it. Piper went down as Oliver taunted Wahoo. As Wahoo started to get in the ring the ref intercepted him and ordered him back to his corner as Oliver pulled a now bloodied Piper up by the hair. The match continued for the next few minutes as a see-saw affair. At the end of the match, Piper had gained the upper hand on Oliver. Piper whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Oliver coming off with a big backdrop. Oliver crashed to the mat. Piper circled behind Oliver and caught Oliver in a sleeper hold as Oliver got to his feet. Oliver started going out quickly in the hold but was able to drive the back of his leg into Piper's groin forcing Piper to break the hold. Piper fell back against the ropes. Piper went to try and move in the direction of tagging Wahoo, but Oliver recovered and raked Piper's eyes. Piper was still against the ropes as Oliver started biting Piper's bloody forehead. The ref counted four and Oliver broke off the illegal biting. Oliver then spat a mixture of Piper's blood and his own spittle at Wahoo. Wahoo looked to come into the ring again but once again was cut off by the ref. Oliver moved Piper to their corner and Morrus strangled Piper while Olver nailed him with body shots. The ref turned and saw what was happening and ordered a break. Oliver tagged in Morrus. Oliver held Piper from behind as Morrus quickly mounted the top turnbuckle and came off, nailing Piper in the head with a big elbow. Piper went down. Morrus put the boots to Piper. Morrus then pulled up the dazed Piper and nailed him with a gutwrench suplex. Morrus then nailed Piper with a standing legdrop and covered Piper for the pin but Piper kicked out just before the three count. Wahoo was on the apron urging Roddy to try and get over and make the tag. Morrus bodyslammed Piper in the corner preparing for a turnbuckle move. After a few quick stomps on Piper, Morrus mounted the top turnbuckle and nailed Piper with a moonsault. Morrus went for the cover and hooked the leg but Piper got a shoulder up at the count of 2-9/10. Crowd buzzing. Morrus, on his knees, had his hands on his hips and was breathing quite heavily in a seeming state of disbelief that Piper kicked out. Morrus pulled Piper up by the hair and backed him into the ropes. Morrus delivered a couple of sledgehammer blows to Piper's chest and then whipped Piper into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Piper coming off with a backdrop but Piper leapfrogged Morrus. When Morrus stood up and turned around, Piper greeted Morrus with a series of rapid-fire boxing-style rights and lefts that sent Morrus staggering into the corner. Piper then grabbed Morrus in a side headlock and nailed Morrus with a running bulldog. Crowd popped. Piper, still feeling the effects of the beating he'd just taken, was extremely slow in covering Morrus. Piper eventually covered Morrus and Oliver looked to hit the ring and save his partner but Wahoo stepped in and Oliver stopped dead in his tracks. Morrus kicked out of the pin attempt at 2. McDaniel and Oliver went back to their respective corners. Piper started crawling in the direction of Wahoo in an attempt to tag out. As Piper got closer to Wahoo, Morrus lunged at Piper from his knees and grabbed Piper's leg in an attempt to keep Piper from tagging McDaniel. After a brief, struggle, Piper was able to kick Morrus off and tag Wahoo as the crowd exploded. Morrus got to his feet as Wahoo came in. Morrus swung wildly at Wahoo and missed and Wahoo pummeled Morrus with punches. Wahoo then started mercilessly chopping Morrus in the chest as Oliver came in the ring to attack Wahoo. Wahoo then turned around and started battering Oliver with chest chops that staggered Oliver. Wahoo then grabbed both men by the back of the head and butted their heads together. Both men were now staggering in the ring. Piper flew in and tackled Oliver into the corner and started wailing away with punches on the 'Crippler'. McDaniel whipped Morrus towards the ropes with such force that Morrus wound up flying face first into the cage. Morrus staggered backwards a few steps, turned around and was greeted by a huge chop to the chest from Wahoo. Morrus went down as Piper and Oliver slugged it out in the corner. Wahoo covered Morrus, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall win as the crowd went wild. Piper got the upper hand on Oliver and beat Rip down until Oliver was sitting on his ass in the corner. The ref raised both men's hands in victory before Piper and Wahoo exited the cage to a happy crowd response. WINNER: Piper & McDaniel - Pinfall - Wahoo pinned Morrus with a Big Chop - 12:47)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the dramatic cage victory by Piper and Wahoo. Hyped Pres. Russo's big announcement where he will announce how the first-ever UWL World Champion will be crowned tonight; hyped the IWA World Title Match: Graham © vs. Zbysko; and the upcoming debut of Lex Luger on this edition of 'Slam!' They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed debuting Larry Zbysko. Nelson introduced himself to the fans and then asked Zbysko to come into the interview area. Crowd booed seeing Zbysko. <strong>Zbysko:</strong> "Hey, Nelson! Nice seein' ya! Guess this means you're back from your extended stay in the Netherlands!" Nelson rolled his eyes. <strong>Zbysko:</strong> "What a way for the real 'Living Legend' to get started in the UWL. I have a chance to make history right off the bat by beating 'Superstar' Billy Graham and taking the International Wrestling Alliance World Title. Can you believe it, Larry Nelson? Larry Zbysko becomes a World Champion his very first night in the UWL. Billy Graham likes to come out here and talk a bunch of jive talk and tell everyone he's going to be a fighting champion. He says he's in the UWL because this is where the best in professional wrestling is. And he's gonna get a helluva fight for that World Title! You see, I'm the master of ring psychology! No one is my equal in that category! And while Billy Graham may be bigger and stronger than me he's not as smart as the real 'Living Legend'! Actually, Billy Graham is nothing more than a typical dumb musclehead. He can throw the iron pile around with the best of 'em. He's super strong. But he doesn't have it up here! (Pointed at his head.) And a wrestler with brains will always beat a wrestler with nothing but brawn. That's what you're going to witness tonight! I intend not only to beat the 'Superstar' and take that title, but I also intend to expose Billy Graham as the stupid moron we all know he truly is! Graham's only hope of winning this match is snatching me up in his jackhammer suplex! But do you idiots out there watching this honestly think I'm gonna give him the opportunity to do that to me?! Hell no! So, I avoid the jackhammer, use my superior ring smarts and skills and, presto, I'm gonna be the new IWA World Champion tonight! One has to be a complete rube to think Graham has any chance of matching me move for move in our match! You people are looking at a man with MENSA-level intelligence! How on earth do you possibly think I can lose to a guy that had to take the short yellow bus to school?! I'm gonna show everybody out there that Larry Zbysko is the master ring strategist in pro wrestling today! But 'Superstar', don't feel bad when I make you look like an idiot. You'll just be another muscleman who has fallen to the supreme ring intelligence of the real 'Living Legend'.")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Zbysko's words and Pedicino said Zbysko is a master of psychological warfare in wrestling and he's clearly playing a head game with Graham heading into the match. Hyped the IWA World Title match coming up later in the program; the debut of Lex Luger; and Pres. Russo's big announcement about the crowning of the first UWL World Champion tonight on 'Slam!')</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></p><p>

Daniels vs. Reno Riggins </p><p>

(WINNER: Daniels - Pinfall - Angel's Wings - 2:52)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino intro'd a video from Scott Hall, who is coming to the UWL soon. They discussed Hall's personal problems hurting his career and have heard that Hall is now a changed man for the better. Pedicino said they'd have to see if that's true when Hall arrives in the UWL.</p><p> </p><p>

SCOTT HALL VIDEO:</p><p> </p><p>

(Hall is standing next to a building at the corner next to an alley. he's wearing street clothes. The video was filmed in B&W. Hall statement:</p><p> </p><p>

"Hello all. Remember me? Long time, no talk to. For those who don't know me the name's Scott Hall. I had a great career in wrestling at one time. My first big break in this business came when I wrestled as Razor Ramon in what was then known as the World Wrestling Federation. My career really skyrocketed. After wrestling as Razor Ramon for a few years, I moved to World Championship Wrestling and became one of the original three key players in the NWO. Man, now I was really a hot property in wrestling. I became one of the five or ten biggest stars in the business almost overnight. And my paychecks showed it. We were the hottest act in wrestling for a few years. I had it all, man. I was at the top of my profession. I was rich and famous. And with my newfound status I had everything I wanted at my disposal. I had the wild parties. I had all the drugs, alcohol and girls I wanted. I was living the life befitting a star of my standing in wrestling. But for me all those things would lead to my downfall. I took advantage of my fame to the fullest. And it cost me everything I really cared about in life. The parties never stopped when we were on the road. I became a habitual drug user and drinker. I was often so wasted I had to ask what happened the night before. I had numerous one night stands. People may think this is the life, but it destroyed my marriage. I seriously screwed up my relatonship with my kids. It got so bad that WCW even grew concerned about my wild and crazy lifestyle. But I didn't care. I was gonna live my life on my terms and do what I wanted. I was Scott Hall. I was a member of the hottest thing wrestling had ever seen in the NWO. I made my own rules and to hell with what others thought or tried to do to help me. No one was gonna tell me anything because I already knew it all. You don't question what a star does. You just let him do it. That's what I thought. Eventually, the NWO party came to a screeching halt. A bitter end. Suddenly, the money I was making dried up. The partying started to wind down. I was no longer the big, bad star in the NWO. The girls who threw themselves at me at one time were now no longer doing so. I had suddenly become just plain old Scott Hall. All the booze and drugs were now used to the numb the pain of being just another face in the crowd. I became even more of a rudderless ship and a pathetic character. People still remembered me, but now it was in the sense of being a has-been. I felt like I'd become the butt of a joke and my life spiraled further out of control. Drugs and alcohol became an even bigger part of my life. I didn't want to think about being a former star. Things gots darker. In my next video, I'm gonna talk very openly about the situation with my family and the toll all of this took on our relationships with one another.")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Hall video and whether Hall's apparent change was for real. Hyped Pres. Russo's big announcement for crowning the first UWL World Champion; and the IWA World Title match between Graham © and Zbysko coming later in the show.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></p><p>

Lex Luger vs. Steve O</p><p>

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 1:38)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Luger after the match. Okerlund asked Luger about signing with the UWL. <strong>Luger:</strong> "I can think of no better place to showcase my talents than the UWL! This is truly the major league of professional wrestling! When you're one of the best you want to be where the best are! Now, I have a hugh announcement to make. This will especially excite all the ladies in the audience. As you know, I am truly the defintion of perfection. Just look at me. I have not only the best body in all of pro sports; I also have the best face in all of sports. My face. My body. Absolute perfection. I get calls all the time from Hollywood bigshots begging me: 'Lex, please come to Hollywood and let us showcase your perfection! You would be the biggest movie star of all-time! Women swoon at your mere appearance and men want to be a symbol of perfection like you are!' But I always pass on going to Tinsel Town because I'm a professional wrestler! This is my job! It's what I'm flawless at! I know I could take Hollywood by storm! But being the World Champion sounds a lot better to me than being a perpetual Academy Award winner! Getting back to what I wanted to tell everyone out there, I have decided that since I am perfection personified I will no longer be known as the 'Total Package' Lex Luger! From here on out, I will be known was the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger! It's not that I want to be called this! It's because I have to be called this! Because I am perfection in a sea of imperfection! You can tell that just by looking at this audience! Look at the beer guts; the blemished faces; the saggy broads; the ugly kids! You in this crowd scream imperfection! Luckily, you now have the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger to make you feel better about yourselves for at least a few minutes a week of your hideously imperfect lives! And now, I will show off my perfect body by striking a few perfect poses for the crowd...especially the ladies!" Luger struck a series of poses as the crowd booed.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">***END OF PART 1 OF EP. 2. PART 2 WILL BE POSTED IN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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***PART 2 OF 3 OF EP. 2.***




(Stack and Pedicino discused the debut of Lex Luger and his demand to now be called the 'Perfect Male'. They hyped the IWA World Title match coming up in just minutes between Graham © and Zbysko; and the major announcement from Pres. Russo concerning the crowning of the first UWL World Champion later tonight. As Stack and Pedicino talked, a picture of a Presidential seal with the words: 'Official Seal of the President of the Universal Wrestling League' appeared on the JumboTron. Then, a voice that sounded a lot like that of former 'Sat. Night Live' announcer Don Pardo came blaring over the p.a. system. The voice said: "And now a message from our fearless leader, President Vince Russo." Crowd booed as Russo appeared on the big screen sitting behind a big desk in his office backstage in the arena. Russo: "Greetings you ingrates. Later tonight here on 'Slam!' I will be crowning the first-ever UWL World Champion. It will be an exciting moment for me and history making to say the least. The way the first UWL World Champion will be determined will send shockwaves all across the wrestling landscape. You will know, once all is said and done, that this was truly a President Russo production.After all, I am wrestling's insane genius, and what you're going to witness later tonight could only come from the mind of an insane genius like your President. With that said, just before the crowning of the first UWL World Champion is made, the following six wrestlers will need to come to the ring: Harley Race; current, though hopefully not for long, IWA World Champion Billy Graham; Diamond Dallas Page; Chief Wahoo McDaniel; Lex Luger and Roddy Piper. Those men must be in the ring as I make this historic announcement. Thank you all for listening even though I think you're all damned idiots." The Pres. Seal came back on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "You have been listening to a message of hope and change from your President, Vince Russo." Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo's message and the six wrestlers who will be in the ring when Russo announces how the first UWL World Champion will be crowned. They said they had no idea how Russo was going to handle this and wouldn't speculate because Russo's full of wild and sometimes wacky ideas.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed World Champion Billy Graham. Nelson asked Graham about tonight's title match with Zbysko and Zbysko's statements about being better than Graham because Zbysko thinks he's the far mentally superior wrestler. Graham: "Larry Nelson, I've been the IWA World Champion for six months now. I've taken on wrestlers that are better than Larry Zbysko when it comes to raw power and actual wrestling skill. But I must admit, Larry's track record in this business shows that he is a master at playing mind games in the ring. I'll grant him that. What Zbysko lacks in size and ring tact he more than compensates for it with his sharp wrestling mind. I've faced a lot of great contenders for this title. But Zbysko may be the toughest yet. You just never know what the guy has going on in his mind. Lose track of him for a moment and he can steal a victory from you. I've got to be on my toes this entire match. There can be no mental slip-ups for me tonight. But, Zbysko also likes to talk a lot of trash. He talks like he's already beaten me for the title. But that's just the thing. Unless Larry pins me or makes me submit, he's not getting this belt. And while Larry may be wrestling's master of mind games, he's still gotta get his hand raised in victory before he has this title put around his waist. And unless Larry does that then all his talk will mean nothing, daddy! All his head games amount to a hill of beans unless he wins the World Title from me tonight! And I got another thing to say! Vince Russo...President Russo...whatever you're callin' yourself this week, man, it's obvious that you throwing me into a title defense last week against Dallas Page with no advanced warning and then, right right after I defended the title against Page, announcing that I'd be defending the IWA World Title this week against Larry Zbysko, makes it quite obvious to the 'Superstar' that you wanna get this title off of me and you're gonna throw anyone and everyone you can in my path in an effort to take the gold! I told these fans last week that I'd be a fighting IWA World Champion and I mean it! So you just keep the challengers comin' and the 'Superstar' will do everything in his power to keep sending 'em back in your direction without this (patted the title around his waist)!" Nelson asked Graham what he thought Russo's big announcement might be concerning the crowning for the first-ever UWL World Champion later tonight. Graham: "Quite honestly, I don't have time to worry about that right now! After my match with Zbysko I'll turn my attention to that matter! And remember, the 'Superstar' is just too sweeeeeeeeeet to be sour!")


(Video: Video aired of Graham defending the IWA World Title on short notice against DDP last week and then Russo ordering the title match with challenger Zbysko this week.)


Match 4 (IWA World Title Match)

Billy Graham © vs. Larry Zbysko


(Zbysko came to the ring first in his famous black silk sweat jacket, black tights and black boots with 'LZ' in gold letters on the outside of each boot. Crowd booed his entrance. Graham came out to a nice crowd reaction. He came to the ring to the song California Dreamin' by the Mamas and the Papas. He was wearing green tie-dyed tights, yellow boots, a green tie-dyed t-shirt, colorful sunglasses and a cap with a feather sticking up on the side. Zbysko spent the first couple of minutes of the match stalling by constantly getting in and out of the ring. The fourth time Zbysko bailed the ring, he turned and started arguing with fans at ringside and Graham took immediate advantage of the situation and went out on the floor, spun Zbysko around and started peppering the challenger with punches. Graham then threw the dazed Zbysko back in the ring. Graham held the advantage for the next couple of minutes. Graham whipped Zbysko into the ropes and charged at Zbysko and nailed him with a running clothesline that sent Zbysko flying over the top rope and down to the floor. Graham went to go after Zbysko on the floor but the ref tried to stop him. Graham and the ref exchganged words as Zbysko regained his bearings on the floor. Graham bolted the ring for the floor as Zbysko, facing away from the champ, reached into the front of his tights and brandished a foreign object. Graham went to assault Zbysko with punches again but Zbysko whirled around and caught Graham flush in the jaw with his loaded right hand. Graham went to his knees and then fell on his face on the floor. Zbysko turned away from the ref and cleverly dropped the object back into the front of his tights. Fans were screaming that Zbysko used a foreign object on Graham. Zbysko then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break up the ref's 10-count. Zbysko then went and stomped on the champ's back as the champ was still lying face down. Zbysko then pulled Graham up by his chin. Graham was now on his knees. Zbysko stood behind Graham and peppered the champ with shots to the side of the head. Zbysko let go and Graham went face down once again. Zbysko again rolled quickly in and out of the ring to break up another 10-count and then went around to the side of the ring where Stack and Pedicino were sitting and broadcasting the match. Zbysko yelled for Pedicino to get out of the way and pushed Pedicino off his chair. Pedicino went down to a knee. Zbysko quickly folded up the steel chair. Graham was just getting to his feet as Zbysko came around the corner and clocked the champ flush on top of the head with the chair. Graham went down to one knee by the ring. Zbysko looked up at the ref and started briefly arguing with him. Zbysko then slammed Graham head first into the ring apron and threw the staggered Graham back in the ring. Graham rolled over on his back in the ring and was near the ropes. Zbysko leapt through the top and middle ropes and landed across Graham's chest while Zbysko's feet remained on the second rope. The ref didn't see it and started counting the pinfall. Graham kicked out at 2-1/2. Zbysko got up and started having more words with the ref. Zbysko pushed the ref and the ref retaliated by shoving Zbysko down to the mat to the delight of the fans. Zbysko got up and went over to Graham who was now on one knee by the ropes. Zbysko grabbed Graham's bald head but Graham fired away with a few punches to Zbysko's mid-section. Graham made it to his feet when Zbysko suddenly kicked the champ in the groin. Graham fell back against the ropes and Zbysko took immediate advantage. Zbysko whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a spin kick to the gut. Graham again fell against the ropes. Graham was doubled over. As the ref checked on Graham, Zbysko slyly reached into his tights and once again brandished the foreign object behind the ref's back. Graham told the ref he could continue and started to walk towards Zbysko. Zbysko spun around and...WHAM...Zbysko nailed the champ with a vicious right cross. Graham toppled over like a giant redwood. Zbysko once again dropped the illegal weapon back into his tights out of the ref's line of sight. Zbysko then dropped down and covered the champ. 1...2...2-7/8. Graham kicked out and suddenly popped to his knees. His eyes were popping out and he was puffing his cheeks in and out. Zbysko panicked. He started flailing away on Graham with a series of punches to the head and body that had no effect on the champ as he rose to his feet. Zbysko started to beg off while backing into the corner. Graham came in and nailed Zbysko with head shots that stunned Zbysko. Graham whipped Zbysko into the ropes and caught Zbysko coming off in the press slam position. Graham then slammed Zbysko. Graham backed into the ropes and waited for Zbysko to get to his feet. As the stunned Zbysko got to his feet...WHAM...Graham blasted Zbysko with a brutal running clothesline that drove the fight out of the challenger. Graham signaled it was time for the jackhammer. Crowd popped. Graham hoisted Zbysko up in the suplex position, held Zbysko in the air for a few seconds and then walloped Zbysko with his jackhammer suplex finisher. Graham covered Zbysko and scored the pinfall victory as the crowd roared its approval. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 8:26)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Graham having another successful IWA World Title defense. Pedicino said that he agreed with what Graham said in his earlier interview that Russo is clearly trying to get the IWA World Title off of Graham and that what Russo's motivations are have yet to be revealed to anyone. They announced that Russo's announcement concerning the crowning of the first UWL World Champion was coming up next.)



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<p><span style="color:#8B0000;">***PART 3 OF EP. 2***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL SLAM! WRESTLING - EP. #2 - COMCAST ARENA - EVERETT, WA - 2-1-11</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(After the break, Stack and Pedicino announced that this was the moment wrestling fans had waited all week for. President Russo was going to announce how the first-ever UWL World Champion would be crowned tonight.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund first intro'd the six wrestlers Russo had ordered to be in the ring for this historic moment in UWL history. The wrestlers were intro'd separately. Order of appearance: 1. Harley Race; 2. Billy Graham; 3. Wahoo McDaniel; 4. DDP; 5. Luger; 6. Piper. Piper had a bandage on his forehead from where he'd been sliced open during the cage match. After all six wrestlers were in the ring there was a brief pause. The UWL Presidential Seal then flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Would you all please rise and show your respect for the President of the Universal Wrestling League...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the six burly bodyguards walked out onto the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. President Russo then came out. He was wearing his gray Yankees' road jersey, jeans and tennis shoes. Russo walked into the middle of his security column and a ref came out carrying the UWL World Title belt. Russo and his security team walked to the ring with the ref following closely behind. Four of the bodyguards stayed on the floor and surrounded the ring. Two bodyguards got into the ring. Russo ordered Okerlund to come over and hold the ropes for Russo to get into the ring. The ref then climbed into the ring. Russo took the mic from Okerlund and ordered him out of the ring. Crowd was booing loudly and Russo took it all in for a moment. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Thank you. In just a few minutes history is going to be made. We are going to witness the crowning of the first UWL World Champion. But, before I get to that, 'Superstar', congratulations on another successful defense of the IWA World Title. Because you did so well...next week I'm ordering another IWA World Title match here on 'Slam!' And you will be defending that title against...Harley Race!" Race was pleasantly suprised by the news and looked over at Graham and made the gesture of having the IWA title around his waist. Graham looked over at Race and mouthed the words: "We'll see. We'll see." <strong>Russo:</strong> "We've now arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for. I can feel the anticipation in the air. As I've stated previously, the news of the crowning of the first Universal Wrestling League World Champion in history is going to send shockwaves throughout the wrestling world. And it's because the champion is going to be crowned the President Russo way. These six wrestlers standing behind me are all viable candidates to be the first UWL World Champion. When you're the first at anything it's always history making. Like the old saying goes: 'You always remember your first.' And, trust me, you're going to remember the first UWL World Champion and how he was crowned on February 1, 2011." Russo turned and looked at the six wrestlers assembled in the ring. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Chief Wahoo McDaniel. A true legend in the wrestling business. Considered by many one of the best ever. As you mentioned last week, Chief, you've accomplished basically everything you can accomplish in wrestling. But, the one thing that's always eluded you is winning the World Title. You have been so close on so many occasions to having the most coveted prize in our sport around your waist. Could tonight finally be the night it happens?" Russo approached Harley Race. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Harley Race. An eight time World Champion. Here's a man who truly knows what it's like to hold the most cherished possession in all of wrestling. And I can see it in your eyes, Harley. You'd like to be the first UWL World Champion in history to add to your already impressive World Title legacy." Race nodded in agreement. Russo came to Billy Graham. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Billy Graham! The 'Superstah'! You're already a World Champion, Billy. But wouldn't it be something if you were also the first-ever UWL World Champion? Just think, we'd have the holder of two World Titles on our program. Unprecedented!" Russo moved over to DDP. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Diamond Dallas Page. A man who once won a World Title by beating three other men in one match." DDP interrupted Russo. <strong>DDP:</strong> "It was all because of my superior conditioning and stamina, President Russo. All you fans and all of you wrestlers in this ring visit ddpbang.com for more info on how you can become a well conditioned stud like yours truly." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Thank you for that unsolicited infomercial, Dallas. Moving on." Russo came to Lex Luger. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Lex Luger. The 'Perfect Male'. Master of the torture rack submission hold. A man who knows what it's like to be a World Champion. Lex, it may truly be the perfect moment for the 'Perfect Male' to become a World Champion once again." Luger smirked and struck a few poses as the crowd booed. Russo finally made his way to Roddy Piper. The two briefly stared at each other as the fans cheered Piper. <strong>Russo:</strong> "'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. One of the truly larger than life personalities in our business. Without a doubt, the greatest talker of all-time. I could think of nothing better, Roddy, than to see you with the UWL World Title around your waist. Honestly, of all the wrestlers in this ring, I can't think of anyone I'd rather see crowned the first UWL World Champion than you. Isn't that what you people would like to see, Roddy Piper crowned the first UWL World Champion?" Fans exploded in cheers as Piper kept a leery eye on Russo. Russo then started pacing back and forth. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I have six men standing here in this ring right now...and everyone of them is truly worthy of being the first UWL World Champion. Now, we get to how this is going to happen. Gentlemen, first off, I need to tell you that no matches are going to be held to determine the first UWL World Champion!" Crowd booed and the wrestlers reacted with stunned disbelief and some were glaring at Russo. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I told you this was going to be done the President Russo way. This is the moment that the wrestling world will be talking about for a long time to come. You are all about to witness why I am pro wrestling's insane genius! I, President Russo, am going to hand pick the first UWL World Champion!" More boos and now garbage started to pelt the ring as the wrestlers couldn't believe their ears. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Wait! It gets better! That's only the half of it! I have picked the UWL World Champion based on several criteria! It was a tough decision, believe me! But, one wrestler met the one certain criteria that had to be met to become the holder of this title!" Ref held the belt in the air. <strong>Russo:</strong> "And that wrestler is..." Russo looked at the shocked group of wrestlers. After doing that for what seemed like an eternity, Russo turned facing the aisleway and pointed at the entrance stage. <strong>Russo:</strong> "...TULLY BLANCHARD!" Boos escalated as Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon came out on the entrance stage. Both men were dressed impeccably in expensive suits. After briefly pausing on the stage, both men made their way to the ring. The wrestlers in the ring and were visibly upset and were talking amongst themselves. Tully and JJ climbed into the ring and both men hugged Vince Russo and the boos got worse and so did the garbage parade. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Tully, let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming the first-ever UWL World Champion in history!" Russo took the belt from the ref and handed it to Tully. JJ rejoiced when Tully took control of the belt. Tully, with help from the ref, put the title on around his waist. Crowd and wrestlers became even more furious. JJ Dillon then reached into the breast pocket of his suit jacket and brandished what appeared to be a check. <strong>JJ:</strong> "I have here a check from <em>James J. Dillon Management, Incorporated</em> in the amount of $250,000 dollars, payable to you, President Vince Russo! This is a personal check, Mr. President, and you've earned every penny of it!" Russo looked at the check, smiled, and put the check in his right front jeans pocket, Race had to be held back by DDP and Luger. Wahoo had to be constrained by Piper and Graham. Both clearly wanted a piece of Russo for what he'd done. Russo's security was now all in the ring, forming a barrier between the wrestlers and Russo, Blanchard and Dillon. Russo then symbolically raised Tully's hand victoriously as all the wrestlers in the ring were very animated about what just transpired. Crowd heat was so high it could've burned down the building. <strong>Stack:</strong> "Joe! I...I can't believe what we just witnessed! President Russo sold the UWL World Title for a quarter of a million dollars to Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon! This is stunning to say the least!" <strong>Pedicino:</strong> "In all my years of covering wrestling I have never, ever seen anything like this! What do you say?! President Russo said that the crowning of the first UWL World Champion would be a Vince Russo production and, by god, it was!" <strong>Stack:</strong> "Fans! We are out of time! Hopefully we can make some sense of this next week! I still can't believe what I just saw!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></p><p>

Lex Luger vs. Wahoo McDaniel </p><p>

(WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chest Chop - 9:10)</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:14px;">ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">* The fallout from President Vince Russo's controversial handling of the crowning of the first UWL World Champion!</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">* For the third straight week, President Vince Russo is ordering 'Superstar' Billy Graham to defend the IWA World Title against another top caliber opponent in 8-time World Champion Harley Race! Will Graham be able to repel another serious threat?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">This and more on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;">DON'T MISS IT!!!</span></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL SLAM! WRESTLING - EP. #3 - IRVINE, CA - BREN EVENTS CENTER - 2-8-11 (Live)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Show Intro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video immediately started rolling of last week's crowning of the first-ever UWL World Champion. In the ring with Pres. Russo were six wrestlers: Race, Piper, DDP, Graham, Luger and Wahoo. Russo claimed the way the first World Champion in UWL history would be crowned was going to be a total Vince Russo production and send shockwaves throughout the wrestling world. After talking about why each wrestler in the ring deserved to be the UWL World Champion, Russo then said there would be no matches to decide who it was. Russo then announced the first UWL World Champion was Tully Blanchard. Tully came to the ring with mgr. JJ Dillon and Tully was handed the belt by Russo and JJ gave Russo a personal check for $250,000.00, which Russo pocketed. The fans and the wrestlers in the ring were furious.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers to the program. They discussed the shocker from last week where UWL Pres. Russo sold the UWL World Title to Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon making Tully the first-ever UWL World Champ. They said the entire wrestling world was still reeling from what happened last week and Pedicino said he thought the whole affair would effect wrestling for some time to come. They then ran down the program: a special interview with UWL World Champion and his manager JJ Dillon; Billy Graham defends the IWA World Title for the third week in a row, this time against Harley Race; DDP sees action; a women's match and more on this edition of 'Slam!')</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Gene Okerlund. <strong>Okerlund:</strong> "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome my guest at this time...UWL President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed loudly as the UWL Presidential Seal appeared on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Would you all please rise and show your respect for the President of the Universal Wrestling League, Vince Russo!" More boos. The six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Russo then came out. Russo was wearing a NY Mets' home jersey, blue jeans and black tennis shoes. Russo walked in between the two columns of bodyguards and they started their journey to the ring. Garbage was flung in Russo's direction as he walked down the aisle. Four of the bodyguards then took their positions outside the ring and two climbed into the ring, with one holding the ropes open for Russo to climb through. Russo stood in the ring and soaked in the boos for a minute. <strong>Russo:</strong> "If you paeans don't start showing the President of the premiere league in all of wrestling the proper respect when I come out here, I shall be forced to do something drastic! Do you all want to be punished by me bringing back the NWO?!" Crowd booed. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Or worse...the Ding Dongs, the Blaster and Oz! Because if you fans continue behaving towards me this way that's what you're gonna be watching here in the UWL! I promise you that! 90-minutes of pure torture every Tuesday night! Mean Gene..." Boos intensified as Russo backed away from the mic for a moment before speaking again. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I admit it!" <strong>Okerlund:</strong> "Just what do you admit, President Russo?!" <strong>Russo:</strong> "I admit that I sold the UWL World Title to the highest bidder! I told everyone out there that I would decide how the first UWL World Champion in history would be determined! And I also told you that the decision would have my handprints all over it and it would shock the wrestling world! And dammit, I accomplished my goal! The wrestling geek community that lives on the Internet was all abuzz about the way I handled this historic decision! They were shocked that someone would take the most coveted prize in our sport and sell it to someone who was willing to pay handsomely for it! You people boo me! But last week I became $250,000 dollars richer in a matter of minutes! The people sitting in this audience probably don't a make a quarter million dollars a year combined! I did it (snapped fingers) just like that! Some of you say I've already cheapened the value of the title! Did I?! I run this company from top to bottom! I have unlimited powers! What I say goes in the UWL! For me, this was a simple business decision! Why should I set up some damned World Title tournament when I could sell the belt and make a huge profit from it?! I don't really care if you think I de-valued the UWL World Title! You have your UWL World Champion and you should be happy with that! Over a period of several days, I contacted several wrestlers and wrestling managers about the title! And we all talked business, baby! When I contacted JJ Dillon about what I wanted to do with the belt, he was more than interested in talking turkey! No games! No bulls hit! All business! Dillon offered far more cash than anyone else I talked with about having the opportunity to become the first-ever UWL World Champion! We sealed the deal over the phone in a matter of minutes because, like me, JJ is a businessman! He knows what he wants! And in this case, JJ Dillon and the wrestler he manages, Tully Blanchard, wanted the UWL World Title more than anybody else! Tully will be on this program later tonight. JJ has managed World Champions before but Tully has never been the World Champion. I made Tully's dream come true. Nobody deserves the World Title more than Tully. Nobody! He's finally in the place he deserves to be! And that's at the top of the wrestling profession! I believe he will make a great World Champion! He's got all the..." Just then, bagpipe music exploded over the p.a. system. Crowd roared. Piper came out on the stage and the fans went wild. Piper was wearing his kilt, t-shirt and wrestling boots. Piper made his way to the ring and was staring daggers at Russo. The four bodyguards on the floor all came over to the side Piper was on and blocked Piper's entrance to the ring. Piper and the bodyguards had a brief staredown. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Let him in, boys." The bodygyards parted and Piper carefully made his way into the ring as the crowd buzzed. Piper then briefly played to the crowd. <strong>Russo:</strong> "What are you doing here during my time, Piper?" Okerlund was now standing between the two holding the mic. <strong>Piper:</strong> "Vinny boy, I am..." <strong>Russo interrupted:</strong> "That's President Russo to you, mister." <strong>Piper (sarcastic):</strong> "OK, Mr. President! Oh, you are indeed our fearless leader! How could I have been so uncouth in my behavior towards the President?! Can you forgive me, President Russo?! Please, for the love of all that is holy and true, please forgive me for calling you Vinny Boy! How about it, Mr. President?! Huh, huh, huh, huh?" <strong>Russo:</strong> "Roddy, being the President of the UWL means that my time is very valuable. Much more valuable than yours. Make your point, please." <strong>Piper:</strong> "Actually, the point I'd like to give you is the tip of a pencil right in the eye. But, I digress! I di...gress! I came out here to tell you, President Russo, that I take my job as a professional wrestler very seriously! What you did last week in selling the UWL World Title to Tully Blanchard was a slap in the face to all of us who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much for this business! You took the most prized possession, not only in professional wrestling, but in all of professional sports, and cheapened it by handing it over to the highest bidder! I know this can be a wacky and strange business! I know because I'm the king of wacky and strange! But what you did last week was unforgivable! I want you to know, President Russo, that other than myself, you've got five other wrestlers who are boiling mad at you! I never thought I'd agree with Harley Race, Lex Luger or Dallas Page on anything! But we're united on this issue, brother! None of us, and I include Wahoo and Billy Graham as well, can believe what transpired with the UWL belt! The only way for that title to gain value in the fans' eyes now will be for someone to step up and win that title from Tully Blanchard!" <strong>Russo:</strong> "Is that so? Hmmm. Well, one of you contenders will have to beat Tully. And something tells me that's gonna be easier said than done. I already like Tully as a long-term UWL World Champion. But, good luck on your quest. You, Harley, Dallas, Graham, Wahoo and Luger. Best of luck to you all. But I think you'd have a better chance of finding the ark of the covenant before someone beats Tully for the UWL World Title." <strong>Piper:</strong> "Well, Vincey Pot-Pie..." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Piper, you will show me the respect I'm owed as President of this company! It's President Russo! Got it, son?!" <strong>Piper:</strong> "Loud and clear, man. FYI, President Russo, if you wanna play games with the UWL title just know this. Presidents are often targets of people they've pissed off. And right now, President Russo, you're walking around with a big, fat bullseye on your back. You've pissed off six of the top wrestlers in the world! And if you keep up this type of behavior and de-valuing our sport, I think it's safe to say you may find yourself on the wrong end of an ass kicking, Mr. President!" <strong>Russo:</strong> "Roddy, that wasn't too smart. Threatening a President can have some very serious consequences. And you're gonna suffer the consequences of speaking to your President like that tonight in this ring. Roddy Piper, tonight, you will face Hugh Morrus...and Rip Oliver in a handicap elimination match!" Mixed crowd reaction. Piper then got in Russo's face and was staring at him as all six bodyguards were now in the ring and surrounding the pair and they were prepared to rough up Piper. After a few more seconds of the staredown, Russo spoke. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Let him leave the ring in one piece. He'll be punished enough later." Piper turned to leave the ring and was intentionally bumped by one of the bodyguards. Piper spun around and was prepared to hit the bodyguard, but he held up his punch. Piper then left the ring. <strong>Russo:</strong> "That's a good boy, Roddy. You just remember to be back in this ring later tonight and get the ass kicking you so richly deserve, you hagis eating puke!" Russo then left the ring flanked by security and to loud crowd boos.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo's remarks where he admitted to selling the UWL World Title to the highest bidder for personal gain and Russo's confrontation with Piper. Stack wondered what Russo meant by Tully being a long-term UWL World Champ. Pedicino said he thinks Russo was saying that he'll look to keep the title on Tully by any means necessary because of their business arrangement. Hyped the Handicap Elimination Match: Piper vs. Oliver & Morrus; and UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard's first interview both coming up later on the program.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></p><p>

Mad Maxine vs. Lelani Kai</p><p>

(WINNER: Maxine - Pinfall - Kick to the Face - 2:37)</p><p> </p><p>

(Before the match, Kai came out first and got on the mic. <strong>Kai:</strong> "First of all, I can't believe I'm wrestling in the arm pit of California here in Irvine! Could you get a lower class of humanity?!" Crowd booed. <strong>Kai:</strong> "And also, I'm gonna beat the man out of that gender confused freak Maxine!" Maxine came out to a fairly good repsonse and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Maxine's win over Kai and said they expect big things from Maxine here in the UWL. Hyped the IWA World Title Match: Graham © vs. Race; and Piper vs. Oliver & Morrus in a Handicap Elimination Match. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson was outside the dressing room door of contender Harley Race. <strong>Nelson:</strong> "Guys, as you can see, I am standing outside the dressing room door of Harley Race, the man who will challenge 'Superstar' Billy Graham for the IWA World Title later tonight. I'm hoping to get a few words with the challenger right now." Nelson knocked on the door. From behind the door, <strong>Harley said:</strong> "Come in." Nelson opened the door and he and the camera man were greeted by Race doing push-ups in preperation for his match with Graham. <strong>Nelson:</strong> "Harley, can I have a word with you?" Race stopped doing his push-ups and got to his feet. <strong>Race:</strong> "Make it quick, Nelson! I'm getting myself ready for my match!" <strong>Nelson:</strong> "Harley, you've been a multi-time World Champion. What do you think of your chances tonight against IWA World Champion Billy Graham?" <strong>Race:</strong> "What do I think of my chances? I think my chances are damn good at beating Graham and becoming the new IWA World Champion! I've been in World Title matches several times in my career; both as champion and challenger! When you're the challenger you've got to have a different mindset because you're the man chasing the champion! But, as history has shown, eight times I've gone into the ring as the challenger and walked out of the ring as the new World Champion! And tonight, I intend to make it nine times walking in the ring as the challenger and leaving as the World Champion! My record stands on its own, Larry Nelson! I'm not just one of the best wrestlers in the UWL! I'm one of the best wrestlers in the entire world! You don't get to be an 8-time World Champion by just being one of the pack! You get to the top by knowing what to do and when to do it against your opponent! 'Superstar', he's all muscle and might! He's not a complete package like I am! Technical wrestling, power wrestling, brawling! I can do it all! Graham can't! And that will be the deciding factor in this match! Graham looks good and is a great showman! But I'm not a showman! I'm a wrestler! Skilled in every facet of the sport! I will not deny Graham's power has to be reckoned with! But, if you avoid his power wrestling, he's in trouble! And he's in trouble tonight!" <strong>Nelson:</strong> "One more question. What did you think of President Russo selling the UWL World Title to the highest bidder last week?" <strong>Race:</strong> "Let me be clear! I don't like President Russo! And I've been angry all week thinking about him selling the UWL World Title! Titles are meant to be won in the ring in match combat! They aren't meant to be sold to someone just so you can improve your financial bottom line! As Roddy Piper, a guy I loathe, said earlier, Russo's got six very pissed off wrestlers to deal with now! So, President Russo, you'd better watch your step when you're around me! Because I'll admit I wanna ring your pencil neck!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed what Race said about his IWA World Title match tonight with Billy Graham and Race's remarks about Russo and the selling of the UWL World Title. Stack said Race better be careful in dealing with Russo because Russo's got all the power in the UWL. Hyped the Handicap Elimination Match: Piper vs. Morrus & Oliver; and UWL World Champ Tully Blanchard's first UWL interview coming up later tonight. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: A white stretch limo was seen pulling up outside the Bren Events Center. The driver got out and opened the back door and out stepped JJ Dillon, clad in an expensive gray suit, followed by UWL World Champ Tully Blanchard. Tully was wearing a black sport coat, white collar button-up shirt opened at the collar, blue jeans and cowboy boots. He had the belt slung over his shoulder. The two men then made their way into the building.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">***END OF PART 1 OF EPISODE 3. PART 2 WILL BE POSTED WITHIN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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<p><span style="color:#006400;">***PART 2 OF EPISODE 3***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #3 - IRVINE, CA - BREN EVENTS CENTER - 2-8-11 (Live)</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></p><p>

DDP vs. Steven Dane</p><p>

(WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 2:01)</p><p> </p><p>

(Before the match began, DDP got on the mic and spoke to Dane. <strong>DDP:</strong> "Jabroni, I want you to know you're about to be humiliated by the best conditioned man in pro wrestling! But the good news is you don't have to be a jabroni forever! For just three easy payments of $19.95, you can become a stamina-machine like yours truly! Visit ddpbang.com after you lose to me in a few minutes. Type in your credit card info and...BANG!...you'll get the videos you need to be on the road to changing your loser existence into that of a well-conditioned winner like Diamond Dallas Page!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the DDP win. Hyped the IWA World Title match and the Handicap Elimination match pitting Piper against Morrus & Oliver coming up later in the program. Said the interview with new UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon was coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard with mgr. JJ Dillon. The two came to the ring to loud boos. Tully got in the ring with the title slung over his shoulder. Tully and JJ soaked in the boos for a moment. <strong>Okerlund:</strong> "JJ Dillon! Tully Blanchard! Just listen to the reaction of this crowd! They are clearly unhappy with how you, Tully, became the first UWL World Champion! No one has ever bought the World Title before in wrestling history! JJ, you and your client have a lot of explaining to do!" <strong>Tully:</strong> "Mean Gene! Who gives a rip what you think, these fans think or any other wrestlers think! I AM THE UNIVERSAL WRESTLING LEAGUE WORLD CHAMPION! I have worked hard for years in this business and I have paid my dues! I've been in the opening match in those small smoke-filled arenas and been paid $5 or $10 dollars for my work! Five bucks for giving my life energy; my blood, sweat and tears! I've worked my way up the ladder in pro wrestling because you can't stop talent like mine! I've travelled the highways and backroads of this country! I've flown all around the world to wrestle! Hours and hours spent in motion to get somewhere just to wrestle for 20 or 30 minutes a night! I've gone months without a break in my schedule! I would leave my house in early winter and I wouldn't see it again until spring! I've spilled blood on canvases in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan! I've been so battered and bruised from wrestling that I would struggle just to make it out of my hotel bed just to get my day started! I've wrestled greats all over the globe! And I've been a winner my entire career! I've been a U.S. Champion; a TV Champion; a Southwest Champion; a National Champion and a World Tag Team Champion! I have earned the right to be the World Champion! I deserve this more than anyone else in this sport! I, Tully Blanchard, was given an opportunity to be the UWL World Champion and I sure as hell wasn't going to let it pass me by! And where would I be without this man, my manager, JJ Dillon!" Tully briefly put his arm around JJ's shoulder. <strong>Tully:</strong> "JJ, without your management and financial backing, I would not be standing before all these fans today as the first-ever UWL World Champion!" <strong>JJ:</strong> "First of all, let me say that, while I have been the manager of World Champions before, Tully Blanchard is the greatest wrestler I've ever managed! I've never managed anyone better at his craft than this man! He's in a class all by himself! He is preparing to defend his UWL World Title in the coming weeks! And he will be a long-term champion!" Okerlund asked JJ how he would know if Tully will be a long-term UWL World Champion. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Gene, I have just made an investment of $250 grand in Tully Blanchard being the World Champion! I certainly didn't invest that money so Tully could lose the title quickly! That will not happen because I'm going to make sure that it doesn't happen!" Okerlund said JJ and Tully seemed awfully friendly with Pres. Russo. <strong>JJ:</strong> "The only thing I can tell you is that Tully and I get along with President Russo! It's obvious that many of the wrestlers here don't repect their President! We do! President Russo is a man of high standards and integrity! And he is a great wrestling mind in his own right! You just need to look at who he made the first UWL World Champion to see that!" Okerlund thanked the men for their time and said he is still in shock over how the UWL World Champion was crowned last week.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Tully and JJ's interview. They wondered if Tully has been guaranteed a long title reign because he and JJ may be in some sort of cahoots with President Russo. They then sent if backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Oliver & Morrus. Asked them about the Handicap Elimination match coming up with Piper. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "I love this. An opportunity to smash the hell out of Piper on national TV. It's like a dream come true, isn't it, ''Laughing Man'?" <strong>Morrus:</strong> "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Hahahaha!" <strong>Oliver:</strong> "President Russo handed us a gift tonight. And we're gonna give the gift...of pain. Roddy Piper, bad things happen to those who try to show up authority. Real bad things. We don't like you. And we don't like your friend Chief Wahoo McDaniel. Unfortunately for you, Piper, your friend the Chief isn't here tonight to try and save your bacon. You've got to try and beat two men who simply like inflicting maximum punishment on their opponents for the sheer pleasure of it. You felt some of the punishment we're capable of inflicting on an opponent in our cage match last week. Now, the odds are really against you. This is one check your ass can't cash. Roddy, we're gonna enjoy beating you within an inch of your life. And we're gonna do it nice and slow." <strong>Morrus:</strong> "You tell 'em, Crippler! Pain is the name of the game tonight for Roddy Piper! Hahaha!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3 (Handicap Elimination Match)</span></p><p>

Roddy Piper vs. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

(Morrus and Oliver came to the ring first. Piper came charging to the ring and was wearing his kilt, t-shirt, boots (and yes, his tights under his kilt). As soon as Piper hit the ring, Morrus and Oliver jumped on Piper and started pounding him. Morrus and Oliver then whipped Piper into the ropes and looked to catch him coming off with a double clothesline but Piper ducked the move, hit the ropes and came back and hit a flying double clothesline on the duo that sent both crashing to the mat. Both men rolled out of the ring to opposite sides of the floor as the crowd went wild and Piper removed his kilt and t-shirt. Stack and Pedicino pointed out that only one member of the team of Morrus and Oliver could legally be in the ring at one time. Piper and Oliver started the match and Piper got the early advantage before Oliver turned the tables with a flying forearm shiver. Oliver held control for the next minute or so before tagging in Morrus. Morrus continued the assault on Piper for another minute or so. Morrus whipped Piper into the turnbuckles and tried to follow that up with a running splash into the corner but Piper moved out of the way and Morrus slammed hard into the buckles. As Morrus staggered out of the corner, Piper started his boxing-like punching assault on Morrus. Morrus was wobbly. Oliver hit the ring and Piper battered him with a right/left combo assault that stunned Oliver. Piper then whipped Oliver into the buckles and then punched Morrus a couple of times and whipped Morrus into Oliver in the corner. Morrus crashed into Oliver. Oliver went down and rolled out of the ring. Piper punched Morrus some more and and then whipped Morrus into the ropes and caught Morrus coming off with a dropkick. Morrus went down. Piper backed up and waited for Morrus to get to his feet. Once on his feet, Piper charged at Morrus but Morrus caught Piper and hot shotted Piper throat-first across the top rope. Piper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Morrus then bodyslammed Piper into position for a turnbuckle move. Morrus mounted the top turnbuckle and came off with a moonsault but Piper got his knees up and Morrus slammed into them. Morrus crumpled on the mat. Piper grabbed Morrus up and backed him into the corner. Oliver had made his way back on the apron and looked to sneak down the apron and attack Piper, but Piper stopped Oliver's sneak attack attempt with a quick poke to the eyes. Oliver crashed down to the apron and dropped to the floor. Piper weakend Morrus with a brief flurry of punches and then nailed Morrus with a bulldog and covered Morrus to score the pinfall. Crowd popping. Oliver still recovering at ringside. Piper looked at Rip and was prepared to go after him. Morrus got to his feet and nailed Piper from behind with a double sledge to the back. Piper slammed front first into the buckles. Ref trying to get Morrus out of the ring. Morrus whipped Piper into the ropes and caught Piper coming off with a brutal side slam that drove the breath out of Piper. Piper was laid out in the ring as Morrus finally left as Oliver quickly recovered and jumped in the ring. Oliver whipped Piper into the ropes and caught him coming off with a spinebuster. Oliver went for the cover but Piper kicked out at 2. Oliver then whipped Piper into the buckles and came in with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Piper's head. Piper looked out of it. Oliver went to whip Piper into the opposite buckles but Oliver reversed and sent Oliver hurtling into the buckles. Piper still wobbly. Piper moved in with a flurry of punches on Oliver and then went for the bulldog but Oliver pushed Piper off and Piper crashed to the mat. Oliver signaled it was time for his finisher the Crippler Crucifix Bomb. Oliver picked up Piper, nailed Piper with his finisher, covered Piper and scored the pinfall victory. After the match, Morrus came back to the ring and joined Oliver in an assault on Piper. The two battered Piper with kicks and punches. Morrus left the ring and grabbed an empty steel chair sitting next to the timekeeper's table. Morrus slid back in the ring with the chair. As Oliver held the now weakened Scot, Morrus bashed Piper over the head with the chair. Piper crashed to the mat face down. Morrus tossed the chair aside. Morrus and Oliver then again put the boots to Roddy as IWA World Champion Billy Graham came racing to the ring in his ring attire and the IWA belt around his waist. Graham started fighting with Morrus and Oliver. Punches flying. Graham knocked Morrus to the mat. Oliver started backing into the corner and trying to beg off. Graham moved in and started chooking Oliver as the fans went crazy. Morrus grabbed the chair and went over and slammed Graham across the back with it. Graham let go of the choke and spun around and Morrus smashed the chair over Graham's head. Graham went down. Morrus tossed the chair aside. Oliver reached down and pulled Graham's title belt off. Oliver started whipping the now bloodied Graham with the belt as Morrus cheered him on. Piper, who had been lying in the ring in his own blood, made it to his feet. He saw the chair and picked it up as Oliver and Morrus had their backs turned to him. Piper let out a gutteral yell and went to hit Morrus with the chair but Morrus bailed before Piper could do so. Oliver dropped the title belt and bailed also. Hugh and Rip seemed quite proud of themselves as they stood in the aisleway. Piper checked on Graham as Morrus and Oliver fled the scene. A bloody Piper demanded the mic from ring announcer Lee Marshall. Marshall handed the mic over. <strong>Piper:</strong> "VINCE RUSSO! You son-of-a-b itch! Since you like to talk so damn big, why don't we see if you can back up that big talk by coming down here and fighting me right now!" Crowd roared. A bloody Graham got to his feet and the ref went over and looked at the gash on his forehead. The UWL Presidential Seal appeared on the JumboTron. President Russo then appeared on the JumboTron sitting behind a big desk in his backstage office. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Roddy, even though your offer is tempting and I'd like to teach you a lesson in New York-style rough justice, I just can't accomodate you. I'm too busy being the President of the Universal Wrestling League. Maybe someday. But not right now. I'll determine when the time is right for that kind of confrontation." Piper was mumbling to himself as Russo spoke. Graham was standing next to the ropes and was a bloody mess. The ref kept checking the cut and Graham pushed him away.<strong>Russo:</strong> "And Billy Graham has an IWA World Title defense against Harley Race tonight. And that match will start...NOW!" ORDER OF ELIMINATION: Morrus - Pinfall - Bulldog by Piper - 5:44; Piper - Pinfall - Crippler Crucifix Bomb by Oliver - 7:14; WINNER: Oliver & Morrus)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (IWA World Title Match)</span></p><p>

Billy Graham © vs. Harley Race</p><p> </p><p>

(As Race came to the ring, Piper was speaking with Graham in the ring. Graham signaled for Piper to leave the ring and he would handle this situation on his own. As Piper got out on the ring apron Race got up on the apron. Piper glared at Race as Race kept his eyes on the injured Graham. Piper headed to the back as the ref once again wanted to look at the cut on Graham's forehead. Graham had a few words with the ref and the ref turned and, with some hesitation, called for the bell. Race quickly moved in on the champ and gained the advantage right away. Race, showing off his technical skills, took Graham down three times with amateur wrestling moves. Graham seemed to be in serious trouble. Race toyed with Graham a little bit more and then started beating Graham down with a series of punches to the cut on Graham's head. Stack pointed out that if the ref stops the match due to blood loss by Graham then Race would become the new IWA World Champion. Race whipped Graham into the ropes and caught the champ coming off with a backdrop. Graham crashed to the mat. Race got on top of Graham and started punching the cut area on Graham's head some more. The cut got bloodier. Graham's face was now a mask of crimson. Race dominated throughout the match. Race frequently worked over the cut with solid punches and a couple of well-placed bites. Race asked the ref on a couple of occasions to check the cut. The bleeding became worse and the ref checked on the cut a few times during the match. At one point, the ref had to separate the two combatants. He ordered Race to a neutral corner and talked to Graham to see if he was alright. Ref asked Graham if he thought he could continue and Graham shook his head 'yes'. Ref allowed the bout to continue. Graham only got sporadic flurries of offense in during the match before Race would regain control. Race went for pin attempts three times during the match but Graham kicked out each time at the count of 2. At the end of the match, Race had really worn Graham down. Graham was clearly on wobbly legs due to the beating and the blood loss. Graham was staggering and holding the ropes when the ref once again stepped in and checked the cut on Graham. Graham appeared to be losing more blood. ref held up three fingers in front of Graham's face. Graham knew how many fingers were being held up and said 'three'. The ref asked Graham if he felt he could continue and Graham weakly shook his head 'yes'. The ref was conflicted about what to do for a moment but then signaled for the match to continue. Race moved in and beat down Graham. Graham looked all but out of it. Race whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a belly-to-belly supplex. Graham was laying in the ring like he was almost dead. Race got to his feet and dragged the limp Graham into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the second turnbuckle and came off with his diving headbutt finisher but Graham rolled out of the way and Race slammed head first into the mat.Crowd buzzing. Both men now laying on the mat. Race recovered and got to his feet just as Graham had gotten to one knee. Race kicked Graham in the chest. Graham went down. Race stomped away on Graham. Race then picked Graham up and went to bodyslam him the champ but Graham suddenly found the strength to stun Race by rolling Race up in a small package and scoring the pinfall victory as the fans roared. Race got to his knees and had a look of disbelief on his face as the ref handed the belt to Graham, who then had to be helped up by the ref. Roddy Piper, now wearing a bandage on his head from the cut he received earlier, came to the ring to help Graham to the back. Graham placed his arm over Piper's shoulder for support as the two made their way back up the aisle to the cheers of the fans. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Small Package - 11:27)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino wrapped up the program.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></p><p>

Lex Luger vs. Daniels</p><p>

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 10:07</p>

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<p><span style="color:#000000;"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#006400;">* UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard has signed to wrestle his first-ever match in a UWL ring. His opponent in the non-title tilt is Daniels. Can the young lion Daniels shock the wrestling world by upsetting the best World Champion money can buy?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">* Another video from Scott Hall. Hall claims he's a changed man for the better; but a skeptical wrestling public wants to hear more from him before drawing their own conclusions about whether or not Hall is legit about the claimed changes in his life.</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* PLUS! 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper makes an appearance!</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">All this and more on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling...</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:18px;">DON'T MISS IT!!!</span></span></strong></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Stack and Pedcino welcomed viewers and then ran down the program: Tully Blanchard will have his debut match on 'Slam!' against Daniels in a non-title match; another video from Scott Hall; Homicide sees action; a women's match; Roddy Piper makes an appearance and more on this edition of 'Slam!')


(In-ring: Okerlund: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome my guest at this time...UWL President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the UWL Pres. Seal appeared on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Would you please rise and show your respect for the President of the Universal Wrestling League...Vince Russo!" The bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and assembled into two colums. Russo then came out on the stage and the boos escalated. Russo was wearing a blue Knicks' road jersey over a t-shirt. He was also wearing jeans and black tennis shoes. Russo came to the ring between the two columns of bodyguards as fans booed and threw garbage in his direction. Four bodyguards took their places outside the ring and two got inside the ring, one holding the ropes open for Russo to step through. Russo took in the booing before speaking. Russo: "You people are getting really close to the Ding Dongs, the Blaster, Oz and the Bushwhackers dominating UWL television! Now show me some damned respect!" Booing got worse as Russo paused again. Russo: "I'm not kidding! The Bushwhackers vs. the Ding Dongs in the main event every week! You want that?! Mean Gene, I am out here to make a few announcements as the President of the UWL! First, for the past three weeks, 'Superstar' Billy Graham has been defending the International Wrestling Alliance World Title here on 'Slam!' Give him credit, he's successfully defended that title every time out! But it's just a matter of time before he loses that belt! This week, I've decided to give the 'Superstar' a rest from his title defenses! Instead, Graham will be involved in a six man tag team match! It will be Billy Graham, Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Harley Race, Dallas Page and the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger!" Crowd actually cheered the announcement. Russo: "And whoever wins the fall of the match, if it's not Billy Graham, will get a shot at Graham's IWA World Title next week here on 'Slam!' And it will be a no disqualification match! That's right! Anything goes! Wonder how good Billy's chances to retain will be then?! I also want to announce that coming soon, we are actually going to have a tournament for a title! I thought it would be fitting that a title should be created in my honor! So, the tournament will be for the new UWL President's Title! You talk about an honor for one of these men! To be able to win a title that's an homage to yours truly has got to have all the wrestlers here in the UWL tingly with excitement! And..." Just then, without any fanfare, Roddy Piper came out on the entrance stage and started power-walking to the ring. Piper was in his kilt, t-shirt and wrestling boots. Crowd cheered Piper. Russo: "Not again! Boys, don't let him in the ring this time! I don't want that piece of crap in here with me tonight!" Piper was yelling at Russo from ringside about fighting him as the four bodyguards on the floor moved in on Piper. Russo: "Roddy, I already told you! I'll decide when and where I'll fight you! When it happens, you'll be the first to know! And the fight will be completely on MY terms!" Security surrounded Piper and he tried to fight through them but they were able to grab Piper and forcefully remove him from the ringside area as the crowd booed. Russo: "That's a top-notch security team for a President right there! I bet that Obama doesn't even have crack security like that! Now that the trash has been taken out...let me continue! As your President, I made a major signing this week for the UWL! He's a huge name in wrestling! And I bet you're all dying to know who he is! You'll know when I feel like letting you nimrods know! And that's all your President has to say right now!" The four bodyguards returned from the backstage area and the full team formed two columns as Russo exited the ring and they made their way back up the aisle to more boos and garbage.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo's announcement of tonight's six-man tag main event with the winner of the fall getting a NO DQ World Title match with IWA World Champ Billy Graham next week unless Graham is the winner of the fall. Also discussed the announcement of the creation of a new title, the UWL President's Title, and that there would be a tournamemt to decide the first holder of that belt in the future. They also wondered who Russo's big signing was. Hyped UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard wrestling in a non-title match tonight vs. Daniels coming up later in the program. Pedicino: "Steve, we're gonna be seeing a match with two contrasting styles tonight when Tully Blanchard faces Daniels. Daniels is known for his quick, innovative, high flying style while Blanchard is more of a ground oriented wrestler. This match certainly won't be a gimme for the UWL World Champion. Blanchard may be in for quite a suprise when he steps in the ring with Daniels.")


Match 1

Homicide vs. Jerry Lynn

(WINNER: Homicide - Pinfall - Gringo Killer - 6:12)


(Stack and Pedicino discused the exciting match they just witnessed between Homicide and Jerry Lynn and how the fans were wowed by the big moves, especially Homicide's finisher. Hyped the non-title match between UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and Daniels; and the six-man tag with the winner of the fall getting an IWA World Title shot againt Billy Graham next week in a No DQ match unless Graham is the winner of the fall coming up later tonight. They then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Daniels. Nelson asked Daniels about his match tonight against UWL Champ Tully Blanchard. Daniels: "First of all, it's great to be here with these great fans in Irvine, California!" Crowd cheered. Daniels: "Larry, I'm excited about this opportunity tonight. Tully Blanchard is a wrestler I've admired for quite some time. He's one of the best. No matter what one thinks of how Tully Blanchard obtained the UWL World Title, there's no doubt he's a World Championship-caliber wrestler. I've got my work cut out for me. But, I also know that Tully Blanchard has never been in the ring with someone like me before. The different styles each of us brings to the match is gonna make for an interesting battle. And I think, if I wrestle at the top of my game, I can beat Tully Blanchard. But I know it's gonna take everything I've got to beat him." JJ Dillon then walked into the interview area as the crowd booed his appearance on the JumboTron. JJ: "Excuse me...what's your name again?" Daniels: "Daniels, sir." JJ: "Daniels. Um-hmm. So Daniels, did I just hear what I think I heard? That you think that you can beat the UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard tonight? Is that what I heard?" Daniels: "Yes, sir. I mean no disrespect to Tully Blanchard in any way. As I said he's one of the best. But I think I can win if things break my way." JJ: "Really? (Chuckled.) You think you can beat the UWL World Champion? Daniels, let me be perfectly clear with you. We had no idea who you were until we signed for this match. The reason Mr. Blanchard and I took the match was because this is Mr. Blanchard's first match in the UWL and we're just looking at it as a tune-up match. From our perspective, this is simply one of those matches where Tully basically puts on a wrestling clinic for these people and finishes you off in three or four minutes. We're certainly not expecting some guy we never heard of giving the UWL World Champion some sort of great battle. And it's not going to happen. I don't care if you can fly around the ring like some sort of circus monkey. The gall to think that you're on the same level with Tully Blanchard is preposterous. You should be ashamed for even thiking you have a chance. It seems to me that you need to be taught a lesson in humility." JJ started to walk out of the interview area as Daniels spoke. Daniels: "I never said I was at Tully Blanchard's level. I just said..." Nelson: "Look out!" Tully came charging into the interview area in his wrestling attire and a t-shirt. He bashed Daniels across the back of the head with the UWL World Title. Daniels went down. Tully tossed the belt aside and started stomping on Daniels. Tully then got on top of Daniels and started pummeling him with punches to the head. Tully then grabbed a folded up steel chair and, as Daniels got to his feet...WHAM...Tully clocked Daniels over the head with it. Daniels staggered. Tully rammed Daniels head first into the concrete wall. Daniels slid down the wall and was lying in a heap. Tully put the boots to Daniels a few more times. Tully then grabbed the mic from Nelson and stood over the hurting Daniels. Tully: "Daniels! Daniels! Don't you ever insult me by thinking you have even a remote chance of beating me! You just got a hard lesson in respect, mister! And you'd better remember this lesson when you step in the ring with me later tonight!" Tully tossed the mic down and left the interview area as the camera got a close-up shot of Daniels lying in a heap on the ground holding his head as security came in to check on him.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed that they'd just witnessed between Tully, JJ and Daniels backstage. Stack said that it looks like Tully's reign might be a "reign of great arrogance." Hyped the non-title affair between Tully and Daniels later tonight as well as the six man tag match pitting: Graham/Piper/Wahoo vs. DDP/Luger/Race in which the winner of the fall will face Graham for the IWA World Title in a NO DQ match next week unless Graham wins the fall. Hyped the ladies' match coming up next.)


Match 2

Rockin' Robin vs. Judy Martin

(WINNER: Robin - Pinfall - Flying Bodypress - 3:21)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Robin's win over Judy Martin and stressed that women's wrestling will be a factor in the UWL. The then intro'd the second video from Scott Hall. They discussed Hall claiming to be a changed man and said in his first video a couple of week's ago he seemed to be genuine in talking about some of the mistakes he'd made during his years in wrestling and in this video Hall will be talking about the situation with his family.)




Video was in black & white again. This time, Hall was sitting at a picnic table at an undisclosed public park on a sunny day. He was wearing a t-shirt with writing on it, blue jeans, tennis shoes and sunglasses.




("Well, here we are again. In the last video I made, I told you all that I would talk about my family and the effects my behaviors had on my relationship with my then-wife and kids. The wild party lifestyle took its toll on everyone around me. My relationship with my wife completely disintegrated because of my drinking and drug use and fooling around with other women. The trust factor was gone. When I was living large as Scott Hall of the NWO, I didn't care how my behavior was affecting my marriage. I was a star, man. And I was gonna live the life of a star. We were like rock stars. We had every single thing we wanted. As part of the NWO, wrestling's hottest act at the time, I was like royalty. People catered to me. I was surrounded by a lot of wanna-be, hanger-on types who did whatever I wanted them to. They carried my bags. They scored me party favors. They hooked me up with girls I was interested in. In my mind, I didn't have time for a wife and kids. They were secondary in my life. They didn't mean much to me when I was riding high and making tons of money and busy being a superstar. My wife tired of my act. We fought like crazy when I was off the road and at home. It wasn't a good situation. Whenever I was home I would count down the hours until I was back on the road living big as Scott Hall the big-time wrestler rather than Scott Hall the failure as a husband and father. You could say I hated being home. I dreaded opening that front door after a road trip every time. Eventually, my wife had enough and separated from me. We tried to make a go of it a couple of more times, mainly because of the kids, but it never worked out because of me. I just wouldn't put my ego on the backburner for the sake of saving my family. As for my kids, man, this really cuts. I don't know how many times I put my kids through hell. I really let 'em down. My kids often saw me drunk, high or hung over. They saw their father frequently bitter. They heard the loud arguments between their mother and father. Sometimes they would hear things break in the heat of battle between us. I supported my kids financially. They had the best things money could buy. They never wanted for anything materially. But, because I was more interested in being Scott Hall the wrestler, I wasn't there for them emotionally. When they needed help with something in their life, they had to turn to their mom for guidance because I just wasn't there in that capacity. And I regret it now. It weighs heavily on my mind. I love my kids dearly. But I let my selfishness get in the way of the relationship with my children. Today, my relationship with my ex-wife and kids is a work in progress. We've still got our rough patches. But things are getting better. I've got a lot of making up to do. I wish I could go back and re-do the past but I can't. I just have to look at the present and future and work to continue making things better with my family. The next time I talk to you, I'll tell you what I'm hoping to accomplish in what could be my last chance in the wrestling business in the UWL.")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Hall video. Pedicino: "I know we've only seen two videos from Scott Hall saying he's a changed man who understands the problems his lifestyle brought on. I'm sure most people are still skeptical about whether or not Hall has changed. But, just from what I've seen in those videos, I'm gonna give Hall the benefit of the doubt until I see otherwise." Hyped the non-title match between UWL Champ Blanchard and Daniels; and the six man tag pitting Wahoo/Graham/Piper against Luger/DDP/Race with the winner of the fall getting an IWA World Title shot against Graham in a No DQ match next week unless Graham is the winner of the fall.)



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<p><span style="color:#006400;">***PART 2 OF EP. #4.***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #4 - IRVINE, CA - BREN EVENTS CENTER - 2-15-11 (Taped)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Luger, DDP & Race. He asked them about the tag team match tonight and the winner of the fall getting a shot at Billy Graham's IWA World Title in a No DQ match next week. <strong>DDP:</strong> "Ya know, I look at the team we've assembled here and I really like our chances of winning this match. I'm the best conditioned athlete in all of wrestling. For proof of that and how you can become well conditioned like the 'Diamond', just visit ddpbang.com and have your credit card at the ready. Man, Harley Race and 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger as partners. Whew! You're lookin' at three men who have been World Champions. We all know what it takes to win the big matches. Harley's a 60-minute man. Lex has the best physique in all of wrestling and can go toe-to-toe with the best of 'em. This may be the most 'perfect' team ever assembled. Think of it, fellas. Lex with his power. Harley with his outstanding wrestling skill and the 'Diamond' with his great stamina and conditioning...those are going to be tough odds for Wahoo McDaniel, Roddy Piper and Billy Graham to overcome. I want another crack at the IWA World Title. And Harley, Lex, just know this. When it comes time to finish the match, let DDP handle it. Because, of the three of us, no one is more deserving of a title shot than me." <strong>Luger:</strong> "Larry Nelson, it's not easy being perfect like I am. I have to work at my perfection. And while I agree with Dallas that you're looking at a helluva team here, there's no question the 'perfect' one of us should be the man to do the honors tonight and face 'Superstar' Billy Graham for the IWA World Title next week! So, gentlemen, while we need to work as a team during the match, just step aside and let the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger finish the job!" <strong>Race:</strong> "What the hell are you guys talking about?! I'm the ring technician on this team! I gave Billy Graham the fight of his life last week and I should be the one who faces Graham in that No Disqualification IWA World Title match next week! If I have the chance to score the win for our team, you can bet I'm going to take it! And neither one of you better screw me out of this opportunity! So, Luger and Page, when the time comes to put away Piper, Wahoo or Graham, you two just better get the hell out of the way and let the 8-time World Champion of the group have what he deserves! You two got it?!" The three then started arguing amongst themselves and Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the obvious friction between teammates Luger, Race and DDP. Said it could make things very interesting in the six man tag coming up later in the program. Hyped the non-title match between UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and Daniels coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Edited video aired of the Daniels interview earlier in the program where he was confronted by JJ and laid out by Tully.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3 (Non-Title Match)</span></p><p>

Tully Blanchard © vs. Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

(Daniels came to the ring first, slapping hands with cheering fans along the way. Tully and JJ then came down the aisle. Tully as wearing a red and black ring robe with the name 'Tully' in red capital letters on the back with a red star with silver trim underneath the name. Crowd booed their entrance. In the ring, Tully took off his robe to reveal the UWL Title around his waist. Before the match, JJ took the ring mic from ring announcer Lee Marshall and walked over to Daniels. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Daniels! What you got backstage was just a little taste of what you're about to get in this ring from the UWL World Champion! A lower level guy like you NEVER insults a star like Tully Blanchard by openly declaring you think you have a chance to beat him! How galling it is for someone like you to think that's even possible!" JJ poked Daniels in the chest while he spoke the last sentence. Daniels then punched JJ in the jaw as Tully jumped in and attacked Daniels as a wobbly JJ left the ring. Ref called for the bell. Tully dominated the first few minutes of the match. The UWL Champ worked over Daniels and came close to pinning Daniels on a couple of occasions. Three minutes into the bout, Tully nailed Daniels with a gut wrench suplex. Tully then did a quick series of elbow drops across Daniels' chest. Tully then pulled Daniels up, hoisted Daniels in the air in the suplex position and was preparing to finish off Daniels with his slingshot suplex but Daniels wriggled his legs while in the air, dropped down to his feet and instead nailed Tully with a snap suplex. Daniels snapped Tully up and whipped Tully into the ropes. Tully caught the top rope as Daniels nailed him with a running clothesline that sent the champ over the top rope and down to the floor. Crowd cheering. JJ went over to check on Tully and help Tully to his feet. Just as Tully got to his feet, both he and JJ were greeted with a plancha from Daniels. Both men hit the floor. Daniels grabbed Tully and threw him back into the ring. Daniels whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a lariat. Tully crashed to the mat. Daniels went for the cover but Tully kicked out at 2. Daniels held serve for a couple of more minutes. Daniels caught Tully with an enzuigiri. Tully went down again. JJ then jumped on the apron and distracted Daniels. Daniels went over and grabbed JJ by the lapels of his suit jacket and started shaking JJ as the ref moved in to try and separate the two. Tully recovered and snuck up behind Daniels, dropped to a knee and drove a forearm into Daniels' groin. Daniels went down. Tully went back on the offensive momentarily before the bout turned into a see-saw affair down the stretch. At the end of the roller coaster ride of a match, Tully had the advantage. Tully had Daniels' down on the mat and began working over Daniels' left leg with a series of stomps to the knee, elbow drops to the knee and yanking of the leg. Tully slapped Daniels in the figure four. Crowd buzzing. Daniels in great pain. After a brief struggle, Daniels successfully reversed the figure four. The two men separated. Daniels got to his feet and was limping. Tully went over and the two started exchanging punches and wearing each other down in the process. Daniels got the better of Tully in the punch-fest and then whipped Tully into the ropes and caught the champ coming off with a punch to the stomach that doubled Tully over. Daniels then nailed Tully with an axe kick that drove Tully face first into the mat. Tully looked all but beaten. Unfortunately, right after delivering the move, Daniels' left leg gave out and he fell to the mat. Crowd roaring hoping that Daniels can come back and pull off the upset. Daniels made it to his feet and was favoring his left leg. Tully was still down. JJ ultra concerned at ringside. Daniels pulled Tully up to his knees and stuck Tully's head between his legs signaling it was time for Daniels' Angel's Wings finisher. Daniels caught Tully in the double underhook position and started hoisting Tully up, but Daniels' left leg gave out on him and he dropped Tully to the mat and Daniels went down to the canvas holding his left leg. Daniels writhing in pain. Tully made it to his feet. Tully immediately re-applied the figure four. Daniels was in the hold for only a few seconds before tapping out. Ref called for the bell. Tully got up and the ref handed the UWL belt to Tully and raised Tully's hand in victory as JJ got in the ring and briefly celebrated Tully's victory. Daniels slowly slid over to the apron and gingerly dropped down to the floor. JJ grabbed the mic from ring announcer Marshall. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Daniels! You messed with the bull and you got the horns! Haha!" JJ and Tully left the ring to boos. After they had gone, Daniels painfully made his way back up the aisle on his own to a strong ovation from the crowd. WINNER: Tully - Submission - Figure Four - 11:16)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the great match they just witnessed between UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and Daniels and how Daniels suprised Tully by pushing him to the absolute limit. Hyped the six man tag coming up on the program. As Stack and Pedicino were talking, Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus came to the ring unannounced. They were wearing street clothes. The duo got in the ring and were greeted with boos. Oliver went over to the ropes and demanded the ring mic from ring announcer Lee Marshall. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "This message is directed at President Russo." <strong>Morrus:</strong> "Russo! Yeah! Russo! Hahaha!" <strong>Oliver:</strong> "It would appear that the only true tag team in the UWL right now are 'Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus and 'Crippler' Rip Oliver. Fighting Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel, man, that's great. We love beating on those guys. But we also need to expand our horizons beyond them and have some other challenges here in the UWL. What I'm sayin' is...we want some fresh tag team meat to feast on." <strong>Morrus:</strong> "Feast on! Feast on! Yummy! Hahaha!" The UWL Pres. Seal then appeared on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now a word from your fearless leader...UWL President Vince Russo!" Russo appeared on the screen and was once again sitting behind a big desk in his backstage office. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus. So, you want some tag team competition from a pure tag team, do ya? Well guess what? It looks like we're on the same wavelength because I just signed a new tag team earlier today and next week you guys will get your wish. It'll be Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus vs. the new guys in the UWL. Good luck, gentlemen." Russo then vanished from the screen as Oliver and Morrus appeared baffled. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Just who the hell is this new tag team, man?!" Oliver and Morrus then started having an animated private conversation in the ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the news just dropped on them by President Russo about the signing of a new mystery tag team here in the UWL and that they would debut next week against Morrus and Oliver next week on 'Slam!' Hyped the six man tag coming up.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Piper, Wahoo and Graham. Nelson first asked IWA Champ Graham about possibly facing Wahoo or Piper for the title in a No DQ match next week. <strong>Graham:</strong> "Larry, I look at the two men I'm teaming with tonight and, even though we're friends, if Roddy or Wahoo takes the fall tonight, then I'd consider it an honor to step in the ring with either of them next week with the title on the line in that no disqualification match. Now, last week, Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus did a number on me and Piper. I was busted up pretty good before my World Title defense against Harley Race. And President Russo clearly thought he could get the IWA World Title off of me by starting the match right after Oliver and Morrus beat me down. But, as you all saw, I survived, daddy! I hung tough against a great opponent and, even with the deck stacked against me, pulled out the victory! Harley's a tough one! And I harbor no illusions! I will square off against Harley again one day; maybe even next week! But I'm getting ahead of myself. We've got a great team right here. And Luger, Race and Page had better pack a lunch if they want to have a chance at beating us! And, Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus, I've also got a little score to settle with you two! I won't forget!" <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "Billy, if I score the win for our team this week, just let me say that I would definitely be most honored as well to step into the ring with you next week. And while we are good friends, you know the unwritten rule. When a title is on the line between friends the friendship gets put on the back burner. And, mark my words, I will be going all out to beat you for that title. It's nothing personal, just business." <strong>Graham:</strong> "I known that, brother." The two shook hands. <strong>Piper:</strong> "Vince Russo! Brother! You keep running your trap about how one day we'll meet in the ring on your terms! That's just fine, man! You see, Vinny, I'm not gonna call you the President, one thing I've got right now is t-i-m-e...time! So you go ahead and pick the date, location and terms of the match! I will be waiting to get ahold of your sorry ass! We've got a huge six man tag team match coming up here in just minutes! And, 'Superstar' Billy Graham, just like the Chief, if I score the winning fall tonight, then I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to win that IWA World Title from you next week! Friendship takes a backseat to the gold! And it's all business, brother!" Graham shook Piper's hand and nodded in agreement. <strong>Piper:</strong> "One more thing! Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus! You two had better be on the lookout for me! I am on the warpath! I'm tired of dealing with you two! Last week, you laid me and Billy out! I'm not through with you SOB's just yet! Billy's hot on your tail, too!" Piper then sniffed the air. <strong>Piper:</strong> "Billy, do you smell that?!" <strong>Graham:</strong> "Smell what, Hot Rod?" <strong>Piper:</strong> "It's the smell of an ass-kicking comin' for Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus real soon!" <strong>Graham:</strong> "I smell it now, brother! It's the smell of freshly kicked ass!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the interview with Piper, Graham and Wahoo. Hyped the tag team match next week between Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus and a mystery team just signed by Russo; and the No DQ IWA World Title Match pitting Graham © against the winner of the fall in the upcoming six man tag unless Graham wins the fall.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (6 Man Tag - Winner of the fall receives a title shot against IWA Champ Billy Graham next week in a No DQ match unless Graham scores the fall)</span></p><p>

Piper, Wahoo & Graham (IWA WC) vs. Luger, Race & DDP</p><p> </p><p>

(Race, DDP and Luger made their way to the ring first to loud boos. As the trio were coming to the ring, Stack announced that they'd just gotten word that President Russo thought the non-title match between UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and Daniels was so good, he's ordering a re-match next week with the UWL World Title on the line! Piper, Wahoo and Graham came to the ring to a big ovation. The match was fought under standard tag team rules. Both teams fought each other furiously and each team had pin attempts during the bout. At the end of the match, Race and Graham were the legal men in the ring. Graham had just gotten the upper hand when he whipped Race into the ropes. Race came off the ropes and both men wound up clotheslining each other. Both went down. As both men made their way to their feet, Race went to punch Graham but Billy blocked it, nailed Race with a punch and then caught Race with a belly-to-back suplex. Graham then picked Race up and nailed him with a standard suplex. Graham went for the cover but Race kicked out at 1. Graham then picked Race up and bodyslammed Race into positon for a turnbuckle move. Graham mounted the second buckle and came off with a knee to Race's chest. Graham again went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... DDP hit the ring and dragged Graham off of Race. Wahoo hit the ring and started blasting DDP with punches sending DDP staggering back against the ropes. Wahoo blasted DDP with a couple of chest chops and then nailed DDP with a monster chop to the chest that sent DDP over the top rope and down to the floor. Wahoo followed DDP to the floor and continued the fight there. Ref was distracted by Wahoo and DDP. Graham looked on at the chaos as Race had just enough time to reach into his tights and grab a foreign object. Graham bent down to pick Race up when Race nailed Graham in the jaw with the object. Graham fell on his arse in the ring. Race got to his feet and prepared to nail Graham with more punches with the object hidden in his hand. As Race reared back to hit Graham again, Piper hit the ring and grabbed Race's right arm. The ref turned and saw Piper struggling with Race. Ref ordered Piper back to his corner. Race continued the foreign object assualt on Graham behind the ref's back as Piper and the ref had words. Graham looked out of it. Just then, DDP had gotten the upper hand on Wahoo on the floor and climbed back up on the apron. DDP was about to get in the ring. Ref saw DDP. Piper flew across the ring and blasted DDP with a big punch, DDP hit the apron and fell back to the floor as Piper followed him out and continued the fight there. Luger still in his corner. Race whipped the battered Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race then got up and placed Graham's head between his legs and prepared to piledrive Graham. Piper got the better of DDP and now Wahoo was back in the fray fighting on the floor with DDP again. Piper climbed up on the apron and Luger hit the ring and nailed Piper with a running clothesline that knocked Piper off the apron and down to the floor. Ref ordered Luger back to his corner and had his back turned to Race and Graham as Race nailed Graham with a piledriver. Race went for the cover but no ref. Ref still concentrating on the fight at ringside and trying to restore order. Race still pinning Graham. Luger got in the ring behind the ref's back, grabbed Race and pulled him off of Graham and threw Race over the top rope and down to the floor. Luger then quickly grabbed Graham up and placed him in the torture rack. Ref turned and saw Graham in the submission hold. Ref asked Graham if he submitted and Graham, still suffering the effects of the beating with the foreign object and piledriver, weakly shook his head 'Yes'. Ref called for the bell. DDP and Wahoo fought back up the aisle. Piper recovered. Luger dropped Graham to the mat and threw his arms victoriously in the air before the ref raised Luger's hand to make it official. As ring ann. Lee Marshall went to hand the IWA World Title to the ref, Luger snatched the belt out of Marshall's hands and walked around with the title held high over his head as the crowd booed. Piper helped Graham to his feet as Luger threw the belt at Graham's feet. Piper and Graham left the ring, each under his own power and Graham had the title. Luger started striking bodybuilder poses for the booing crowd. A clearly pissed off Race got back in the ring, walked up behind Luger and shoved the 'Perfect Male' in the back. Luger spun around and jumped back upon seeing it was Race. Race angrily poked his finger in Luger's chest and then stuck a finger in Luger's face and had harsh words for Luger. Luger pointed back at Race and a heated verbal exchange ensued. Pedicino pointed out that Race, not Luger, was the legal man in the ring and Luger had stolen the win from Race. Race and Luger were still arguing in the ring as the program went off the air. WINNER: Luger, DDP & Race - Submission - Torture Rack - Luger made Graham submit after tossing the legal man Harley Race out of the ring - 13:07)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match (Rip Oliver Challenge)</span></span></p><p>

Oliver challenged any wrestler in the back to come out and face him. Wahoo came back out and took on Oliver.</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Oliver (w/o Morrus) vs. Wahoo McDaniel</p><p>

(WINNER: McDaniel - Pinfall - Big Chest Chop - 6:18)</p>

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<p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">* The 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger scored a controversial victory in last week's 6-man tag team main event to earn an IWA World Title shot against the champion 'Superstar' Billy Graham in a No Disqualification match. Can Graham survive his fourth defense of the IWA Title in five weeks against another serious threat; this time in a match where anything goes?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">* Luger stole what should have been Harley Race's title shot. Will Race be looking for revenge against Luger for the theft?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808080;">* President Russo was so enthralled by the awesome non-title match between UWL Champion Tully Blanchard and Daniels that he's ordered a re-match this week with the UWL Title on the line. Can Daniels, who came close to upsetting Tully in their first encounter, do the unthinkable and beat Tully and walk out of the ring the UWL World Champion this time around?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">* Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus demanded a match with a real tag team. President Russo granted the pair's request for a match with an unnamed tag team he just signed. Who is the mystery team Oliver and Morrus will be facing? Have Oliver and Morrus bitten off more than they can chew?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">This and more on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DON'T MISS IT!!!</strong></span></p>

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Week 1 - 1-25-11: 1.5 (Debut Episode)


Week 2 - 2-1-11: 1.8 (President Russo sells the UWL World Title to Tully Blanchard)


Week 3 - 2-8-11: 1.6 (Billy Graham successfully defends the IWA World Title against Harley Race)


Week 4 - 2-15-11: 1.6 (Tully Blanchard debuts in a non-title match vs. Daniels)


"We are very happy with the ratings for the first four episodes 'Slam!' wrestling," said UWL VP of Talent Chris McHugh. "When we started out, we were hoping to garner ratings in the 1.5 to 1.7 range and we've met expectations. We feel the shows have been solid wrestling programs so far. If we can continue to produce quality shows we believe we could see our ratings go higher in the near future."

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #5 - LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 2-22-11 (Live)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Show Intro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and then ran down the program: UWL World Title Match: Tully Blanchard © vs. Daniels; No DQ IWA World Title Match: Billy Graham © vs. Lex Luger; Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus vs. ???; Women's Match: Rockin' Robin vs. Lelani Kai and more on this edition of 'Slam!')</p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Video aired of the end of last week's 6-man tag with the winner of the fall getting an IWA World Title shot at Billy Graham in a No DQ match this week. Video showed Race, the legal man in the ring for his team, piledriving Graham and going for the pin, but with the ref distracted and unable to count the fall, Luger snuck in the ring, threw his partner Race out of the ring and stole the vicotry for himself by forcing the beaten down Graham to submit to the torture rack. The video then showed the confrontation between Race and Luger after the match.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Next, the UWL Pres. Seal appeared on the Jumbo-Tron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now a word from your fearless leader, UWL President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as Russo appeared on the screen. He was sitting behind a big desk in his backstage office. Russo was wearing a blue Yankees' spring training jersey. Crowd boos escalated. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I swear, you people are one week closer to the Ding Dongs appearing on 'Slam!' Just keep disrespecting me and that will become an unpleasant reality for you! Now, on to more important things this evening. Due to the controversial finish of the 6-man tag team match last week where the winner is supposed to get an IWA World Title shot tonight against champion Billy Graham in a no disqualification match, since Lex Luger was not the legal man in the ring for his team at the time and Harley Race was, but since Luger was one who was awarded the victory in all the chaos, I have decided that tonight, Harley Race and Lex Luger will face each other in a match to determine who will get the shot at the IWA World Title. Also, I told all you humanoids about the major coup I recently scored for the UWL by signing one of the biggest stars in wrestling. I know you're all just dying to know who this wrestler is. But, you'll just have to wait until I decide to unveil him to you. President Russo works on his schedule...not yours. Finally, a few words for my best friend and biggest fan, Roddy Piper. Roddy, you keep running your mouth about me. I can't wait to whip your kilt-wearing ass. Since everything in this company runs on Russo time, I'm gonna let this build up a whole lot more between us. I want our audience to continue to grow so when the time is right, I can make sure the maximum number of people are watching me humiliate the loudmouth Scotsman. I hate loudmouths, Pipes! Can't stand 'em! And to all the fans out there, know that this match isn't going to take place on regular cable TV. No! When the time comes for this brawl it will ONLY be on pay-per-view! You're gonna have to pay if you wanna see me take Piper apart brick-by-brick! That's all for now! Remember, you people start showing me respect...or the Ding Dongs take over 'Slam!' real soon!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo ordering a match between Race and Luger with the winner facing IWA World Champ Graham in a No DQ match later in the program. <strong>Pedicino:</strong> "Steve, I actually agree with President Russo's call here. Luger was not the legal man in the ring and in all likelihood took that victory away from Harley Race. This is the only fair way to settle this issue. And it's scary that I agree with the President." Also hyped the UWL World Title match pitting Tully Blanchard © against Daniels.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1 (Women's Match)</span></p><p>

Rockin' Robin vs. Lelani Kai</p><p>

(WINNER: Robin - Pinfall - Flying Bodypress - 2:29)</p><p> </p><p>

(Robin slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Okerlund i'viewed Robin after the match. <strong>Robin:</strong> "Las Vegassssssssss! Yeah!" Crowd cheered. <strong>Robin:</strong> "Mean Gene, I am in the UWL because this is where it's happening today for women's wrestling! The female talent here is already good and I know that more great ladies' talent will be on the way in the coming months! And I want to start lobbying our President right now! President Russo, please create a Women's World Title! I think I speak for all the female talent that's already here when I say that the goal of a woman wrestler, just like that of her male counterparts, is to be the best and be the World Champion!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Robin's win over Kai and talked about the possibilty of Russo creating a World Title for women. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Luger and Race. Nelson intro'd Race first and Race made his way into the interview area. Nelson then intro'd Luger and he came into the interview area. Both men were booed. Luger and Race stared at each other as Nelson first asked Race about his match with Luger tonight. <strong>Race:</strong> "Larry Nelson! First of all, this match between Luger and myself shouldn't even be taking place! I was the one who had Billy Graham pinned when you (pointed at Luger), you son-of-a-b itch, decided to cheat me out of that victory and steal it for yourself! I don't give a tinker's damn what these fans think of me! They can take a flying leap for all I care! I was the legal man in the ring! And now I have to go out there and unnecessarily prove myself again because this man, the so-called 'Perfect Male', took away what was rightfully mine! You may call yourself the 'Perfect Male', Lex! But when we get in that ring in a few minutes, I'm going to show you who the 'toughest male' is between us!" <strong>Luger:</strong> "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way! Harley, I just want to let you know that what went down last week was just business. I have nothing personal against you. You are one of the all-time greats without a doubt. I've always admired your great wrestling skill. But, the bottom line is that last week, when the ref called for the bell to end our match, I was the man who forced Billy Graham to submit. Therefore, I don't think this match is fair at all. Legal. Not legal. It's all an argument of semantics. But now that we're in this position, I'm gonna tell you that the 'Perfect Male' is gonna once again do whatever it takes to get that IWA World Title shot. This is just business." <strong>Race:</strong> "Business?! I'm gonna give you the business when we step in that ring! You haven't seen me at my meanest! But you're about to!" Race then pushed Luger and Luger then pushed Race. Nelson quickly stepped in between the two and security moved in as Race and Luger angrily glared at one another and both had a fist raised prepared to go at it right there as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino talked about the heated interview and confrontation between Luger and Race and announced their match was coming up next!)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2 (Winner gets an IWA World Title shot against Billy Graham in a No DQ match later in the program</span></p><p>

Lex Luger vs. Harley Race</p><p> </p><p>

(Both men were mainly booed coming to the ring. Race dominated the first half of the match, beating the hell out of Luger. Race seemed mainly concerned with inflicting punishment early on rather than winning the bout. The match then turned into a see-saw affair. At the end of the match, Race had regained the advantage. Luger then got a brief upper hand and whipped Race into the ropes. Luger went to nail Race with a clothesline but Race ducked the move and came back off the ropes and looked to catch Luger with a flying crossbody but Luger caught Race in mid-air. Luger staggered backwards with Race in his arms and toppled backwards over the top rope and he and Race tumbled to the floor. As the two got to their feet, Race started blasting Luger with punches. Luger was stunned. Ref counting. Race then slammed Luger's head into the ringside barricade and then threw Luger back in the ring. As Race got on the apron and started to step back in the ring the ref called for the bell. Luger was in the sit-up position in the ring, still feeling the effects of the beating he took during the match, when the ref raised Luger's hand in victory. Race was irate that he'd lost out to Luger again. Race put the boots to Luger and then dropped down on top of Luger and pummeled him with several head shots. Luger was laid out in the ring as a violently shaking Race got up and stood over Luger. The ref tried to calmly push Harley away from Luger but Race spun around and nailed the ref with a vicious headbutt. The ref crashed to the mat holding his head. Race glared down at Luger once more before angrily leaving the ring. WINNER: Luger - Countout - 6:36)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Luger winning the bout over Race and earning the IWA World Title shot against Graham later tonight.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Video aired from last week of Oliver and Morrus demanding more tag team competition in the UWL so they could 'expand their horizons' and Russo telling them that he'd just signed a new tag team earlier in the day last Tuesday and that Oliver and Morrus would face the new team this week on 'Slam!' Russo didn't tell Oliver and Morrus who the team was.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></p><p>

Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus vs. ?????</p><p> </p><p>

(Oliver and Morrus came to the ring first and were greeted by boos. Once in the ring, Oliver took the mic from ring announcer Lee Marshall. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Let me just tell ya all this. It doesn't matter who President Russo signed to face us this week. We're still gonna beat the holy hell out of 'em." After a brief pause, the song 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns 'N' Roses played over the p.a. system. After several seconds, one of the new wrestlers walked out on the entrance stage. The crowd popped big-time for him. The wrestler then gestured for his partner to come out. He did. And the crowd loved it. The two men made their way to the ring. <strong>Stack:</strong> "I don't believe it! It's the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner and 'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer!" The two acknowledged the fans as they made their way down the aisle. As they got next to the front row, Sawyer climbed over the barricade and stood on a chair and started barking and the fans barked back in return. Both men were wearing dog collars. Oliver and Morrus were having a rather animated conversation in the ring. Once in the ring, Steiner and Sawyer started barking and running around the ring as the crowd roared. The two then charged at Oliver and Morrus and Oliver and Morrus bailed to the floor. The match was a back and forth affair. At the end of the match, Sawyer and Morrus were the legal men in the ring. Morrus went to whip Sawyer into the ropes but Sawyer reversed it and caught Morrus coming off with a powerslam. Sawyer jumped up and started barking and the crowd barked back. Oliver hit th ring and Sawyer caught him with a spinning powerslam. Crowd going crazy. Oliver laid out by the ropes. Sawyer tagged in Steiner. Steiner came in and nailed Morrus with a double underhook sitout powerslam. Steiner then signaled it was time to go up. Sawyer jumped back in the ring and hoisted Morrus up on his shoulders as Steiner mounted the top turnbuckle. Steiner nailed Morrus with a diving bulldog, covered Morrus, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory for his team. The two left the ring and celebrated their win with the fans at ringside. WINNER: Steiner & Sawyer - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Morrus with a Diving Bulldog - 7:05)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the debut of the mystery tag team which turned out to be Steiner and Sawyer and the rousing victory they scored over Morrus and Oliver. Hyped the UWL World Title Match: Tully Blanchard © vs. Daniels and the No DQ IWA World Title Match: Graham © vs. Luger still to come. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon. Nelson asked about tonight's World Title match against Daniels after Daniels gave the champ all he could handle last week. <strong>Tully:</strong> "Daniels! I've got to admit, brother, that last week when I went into our match, I didn't think you'd be able to give me much of a battle! I was wrong! You put up a helluva fight! You pushed me and I didn't expect it! It was like when an underdog team in the BCS National Championship Game or in the Super Bowl goes out and stuns the heavily favored team! It shocks the world! People are stunned! But, in the end, there was no happy ending for you! I perservered and took everything you had to offer and in the end, I, like the favored football team, pulled out the victory! Now I've seen how you operate in the ring! There won't be any suprises tonight! None! I know what I'm facing now! I won't get caught off-guard and be almost upset by you this week! I come into this match again the heavy favorite between us! And this time I'm gonna play it like the heavy favorite and win this match like the favored wrestler should! And with this on the line (held up belt), my game is gonna be so stepped up that it's basically an impossible situation you're walking into!" <strong>JJ:</strong> "What we witnessed last week was a young man in Mr. Daniels, does he have a first name, take the UWL World Champion to the limit! I begrudgingly tip my hat to you for your gallant effort last week, Daniels! But, during the course of the last week, Tully and I have been secluded away watching videos of hundreds of your matches, including the match from last week! We've studied you inside and out! We now know what you'll do and when you'll most likely do it! There will be no suprises! No near defeat of Tully Blanchard this week! Once again, you'll be on the losing end! And then, Daniels, you can go back to being the stellar performer you are...at your level! Which is still a bit below the UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">***END OF PART 1 OF EP. #5. PART 2 WILL BE POSTED WITHIN THE NEXT 24-72 HOURS.***</span></p>

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<p><span style="color:#8B0000;">***PART 2 OF EP. #5***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 2-22-11 (Live)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Video Re-cap: Video aired from last week of the interview with Daniels and the confrontation with JJ Dillon and the attack on Daniels by Tully Blanchard and highlights from the match showing Daniels pushing Tully and almost scoring he upset victory before Tully scored the submission win and the ovation Daniels' received from the fans after the match.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Daniels. Asked about giving Tully a battle for his life last week and facing Tully tonight with the UWL World Title on the line. <strong>Daniels:</strong> "Mr. Nelson, I said last week that I thought if things went my way I could beat Tully Blanchard. I came oh-so-close to pulling out the win. I had things going my way until the end of the match. But, because of Mr. Blanchard's savvy ring skill in working over my leg during the course of the match, my leg didn't hold up and I couldn't hit my Angel's Wings finisher on him and win the bout. Being the pro he is, Tully immediately pounced on my injury and locked me back up in the figure four and there was no way I going to be able to hold out without the possibility of suffering real long-term damage to my leg, especially my knee. I had no choice but to tap out in the end. But my left leg is fine now. I'm feeling great and I know I can give Tully another run for his money. Plus, tonight I have the added incentive of trying to win the UWL World Title. I know I can do it. These fans know I can do it. And I truly believe that, deep down, Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon know I have a very real chance at winning this match and walking out of the ring as the new UWL World Champion.")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (UWL World Title Match)</span></p><p>

Tully Blanchard © (w/ JJ) vs. Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

(Daniels came out on fire early, further revving up the hot crowd. The match eventually settled into a back-and-forth World Title match that featured a few near falls for each man. As the match progressed, Daniels had gained the upper hand and stunned Tully by catching him in the Gannosuke Clutch. Daniels went for the pin but Tully kicked out at 2. As Daniels was starting to get to his feet near the ropes, JJ reached through the ropes and took a poke at Daniels. Daniels got to his feet and looked down at JJ. JJ was taunting Daniels from ringside as Tully came up behind Daniels, dropped to a knee and drove a shoulder into the back of Daniels' left knee. Daniels crumpled to the mat. Tully stomped on Daniels' knee a few times and then dragged Daniels over and placed his left leg on the bottom rope. Tully then grabbed the top rope, jumped into the air and landed ass-first on Daniels' knee four times. Daniels was in great pain as Stack and Pedicino wondered if Daniels' left leg, especially the knee, would once again be Daniels' undoing. Tully dragged Daniels to the center of the ring, yanked on Daniels' left leg a few times and then slapped Daniels in the figure four. Daniels was in great pain as the crowd urged Daniels not to submit to the hold. While Daniels was in the hold, Tully was able to scoot near the ropes and grab hands with JJ behind the ref's back, giving Tully extra leverage to apply even more pressure to Daniels' leg. As the ref turned to look at Tully, JJ let his hands go. As soon as the ref turned back to look at Daniels, Tully and JJ again clasped hands to give Tully extra leverage. Daniels seemed close to passing out from the pain and twice his shoulders touched the mat and the ref counted. Each time, Daniels got his shoulders up at 2. The next time the ref turned to look at Tully, he caught the champ holding JJ's hands. The ref immediately ordered a break in the hold. Tully got to his feet and Daniels struggled to make it to his. Tully then kicked Daniels in the back of the upper left thigh and Daniels went down. Tully took complete control of the match, dominating Daniels. At the end of the match, Tully was still in control when he placed Daniels on the top turnbuckle. Tully mounted the middle turnbuckle and prepared to superplex Daniels but Daniels nailed Tully with a couple of punches to the ribs and then shoved Tully off the middle buckle and down to the mat. Daniels recovered and mounted the top rope. As Tully got to his feet, he was greeted by a Daniels' lariat from the top rope. Tully crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Daniels reached down and slapped his hands on the mat three times further firing up the crowd. Daniels was still hobbling. As Tully got to his feet, Daniels moved in and nailed Tully with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd really popping now. JJ concerned at ringside. Daniels snapped up Tully in the suplex position and plopped Tully on the top buckle. Daniels then mounted the top buckle and nailed Tully with the Iconoclasm. Momentum had totally shifted. Daniels then yelled out: "Angel's Wings!!!" Crowd buzzing. As Daniels snapped Tully up and placed Tully's head between his legs and grabbed Tully in the double underhook position, JJ charged into the ring and swung wildly at Daniels. Daniels ducked JJ's errant punch attempt, let Tully go, grabbed JJ, whipped JJ into the ropes and caught JJ coming off with a sidewalk slam. Crowd blew the roof off the building. JJ rolled over by the ropes and Daniels went over and kicked JJ off the apron and down to the floor. Tully recovered, came up behind Daniels and nailed Daniels across the upper back with a forearm smash. Tully then whipped Daniels into the ropes and bent over looking to catch Daniels with a backdrop, but Daniels dropped down in front of Tully and stunned the champ with a jaw-breaker. Tully flew backwards and slammed into the mat. Daniels gutted through the pain in his left leg and once again called out that it was time for the Angel's Wings. This time, Daniels set Tully up for the move and, after a brief pause, nailed Tully with the Wings. Crowd now really going nuts. Daniels turned Tully over, covered him and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Tully got a shoulder up just before the three count. Crowd groaned. Daniels clearly frustrated. Daniels pulled Tully up and whipped him into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a dropkick but Tully grabbed the ropes and Daniels crashed to the mat. Tully moved in and immediately started stomping on Daniels' left knee. Tully then wasted no time going for the figure four, but as Tully was applying it, Daniels grabbed Tully and rolled him up into a small package. Tully kicked out at 2. Both men made it to their feet at the same time. Daniels tried to nail Tully with a spinning back heel kick to the head, but Tully ducked the move, dropped down and headbutted Daniels in the groin. Daniels slumped back against the ropes. JJ, now recovered, looked confident as Tully prepared to finish off Daniels. Tully snapped Daniels up in the suplex position and nailed Daniels with the slingshot suplex, covered Daniels, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory. It was yet another stellar performance from Daniels against Tully even though Daniels lost. After the match, an exhausted Tully, on his knees, had his hand raised in victory by the ref. Tully then rolled out of the ring as JJ grabbed the belt from ring announcer Lee Marshall and handed it to Tully at ringside. JJ raised Tully's hand victoriously as Tully raised the belt in the air with his other hand before the two made it back up the aisle to boos. Daniels recovered on his own and as he stood leaned against the ropes, clearly disappointed, the crowd gave him another strong ovation for his solid effort before he made his way to the back. WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - Slingshot Suplex - 12:39)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Tully being pushed to the edge of defeat again by Daniels before pulling out the victory. Hyped the No DQ IWA World Title match between Graham © and Luger coming up in just minutes. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Lex Luger was seen admiring himself while he was posing in front of a full-length mirror in the dressing room. Interviewer Larry Nelson walked in. <strong>Nelson:</strong> "Lex Luger, if I may have a word with you." <strong>Luger:</strong> "Larry, look at me, does it get any more perfect than this?" Nelson asked Luger about his victory over Harley Race earlier tonight to earn his upcoming No DQ IWA World Title match with the champion Billy Graham. <strong>Luger:</strong> "I knew I would beat Harley Race. You know why I knew? Because it's my manifest destiny to go in that ring tonight and win the IWA World Title! Harley Race can be as angry at me as he wants to be! But you can't stop fate! No matter what Harley tried to do to beat me tonight, it just wasn't going to work! I'm right where I'm supposed to be! And that's standing on the doorstep of history! And I'm gonna walk through that door and claim my rightful place in the pantheon of World Champions! Billy Graham has fought off all challengers to his title so far! But the others didn't win because they weren't supposed to! It wasn't meant to be for them! And the fact that President Russo decreed that this is going to be a no disqualification match where anything and everything goes further justifies my belief that this is going to be the 'Prefect Male's' perfect moment! Everything in the universe is in perfect alignment for me as we speak! There's no stopping what's going to happen in a few minutes! The 'Superstar' has had his time as champion! But his time is up! Unstoppable super-forces that no man can hold back have decreed it!" Luger then struck a couple of brief poses in front of the mirror before walking off as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Luger's remarks and then hyped the No DQ IWA World Title match that was coming up next. Stack then said they'd also gotten word that next week for 'Slam!', President Russo has already signed two matches: Roddy Piper vs. Larry Zbysko and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Rip Oliver. Plus, another video from Scott Hall. They then sent it backstage one more time to Larry Nelson.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson caught up with IWA World Champ Billy Graham just as he was walking out of his dressing room. Nelson asked Graham if he could have a word with him. <strong>Graham:</strong> "Make it fast, Larry! I've got a 'perfect' butt to kick!" Nelson asked about the upcoming title match with Luger. <strong>Graham:</strong> "Lex Luger is a man who's shown that he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants! And he obviously wants the IWA World Title! But, if Luger's gonna beat me and take this title, he's gonna have a lot of work to do to accomplish his goal! We're both raw power wrestlers! And Luger's gonna have to overpower me to get this belt! This is a no disqualification match, meaning it promises to be brutal! In a match like this only the strong survive! Luger talks like it's his pre-ordained destiny to win the championship! He can think whatever he likes! I don't believe in pre-ordained anything! If I did, why jeopardize my health by wrestling in a match of this nature where there are no rules and you can maim your opponent?! I should just walk in the ring and hand him the title! Luger, you wanna be a World Champion?! Then you take your best shot and try to pry the IWA World Title from my possession! That's all you gotta do, big Lex!" Graham went on his way as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5 (No DQ IWA World Title Match)</span></p><p>

Billy Graham © vs. Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

(It was a brawl from the outset. Both men battered each other with fists, feet and weapons. They fought in and around the ring and up the aisle. Weapons used were chairs, the ring mic, one of the tag ropes to choke out Graham and the hammer that was used to ring the bell. Graham was bloodied by the hammer shot from Luger. At the end of the match, Luger had the advantage. Luger whipped the champ into the ropes and caught the Graham coming off with a powerslam. Normally, Luger would use that move to set up his torture rack finisher. But instead, Luger left the ring, grabbed one of the previously used chairs off the floor and slid it back in the ring and then reached down under the ring apron and brandished a sledge hammer. Luger held it up for all the crowd to see just before he got back in the ring. Graham was still laid out feeling the effects of the punishment Luger had just inflicted on him. Luger put the boots to the downed Graham, laid the hammer in the corner and then went over, unfolded the steel chair and sat it up in the center of the ring. Luger then pulled Graham up and sat the champ upright in the chair. Luger further weakened Graham with three big punches to Graham's head. Graham was wobbly in the chair. Luger grabbed the sledge, ran at Graham and drove the head of the sledge into Graham's upper chest area. Graham and the chair went toppling over and Graham was grasping at his upper chest. Luger then signaled it was time for the rack. Luger hoisted Graham up, but just as Luger was prepared to firmly lock Graham in the hold and finish him off, Graham was able to escape and land on his feet behind Luger. Luger spun around and punched Graham in the face. Graham started shaking. Crowd feeling Billy. A look of disbelief spread across Luger's face as he then moved in and punched Graham again. The punch again had no effect. Luger then ran into the ropes and came off looking to nail Graham with a huge punch, but Graham blocked it and started wailing away on Luger with punches to the head and body that staggered the challenger. Graham then bodyslammed Luger. Graham then set the chair back up in the center of the ring. He pulled the dazed Luger up and sat Luger upright on the chair. Graham briefly played to the crowd before he hit the ropes and came off and nailed Luger with a running clothesline. Luger and the chair went flying. Crowd popped. Graham grabbed Luger, hoisted him up in the suplex position and nailed Luger with the jackhammer. Graham covered Luger and scored the pinfall victory as the fans roared. Graham had his hand raised and had the IWA World Title handed to him by the ref. Ref then helped Graham put the title on. As the program went off the air, Graham was playing to the crowd and striking poses for fans on each side of the ring. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 9:28)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></p><p>

Wahoo McDaniel vs. DDP</p><p>

(WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Small Package - 10:56)</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard successfully defended his title last week against Daniels; but Daniels once again pushed Tully to the brink before falling just short in the end. What does the immediate future now hold for these two men?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* It's obvious that Roddy Piper and President Vince Russo have a strong dislike for each other bordering on a volatile hatred. Russo has ordered Piper to wrestle self-proclaimed 'Living Legend' Larry Zbysko this week. Does Russo just want Zbysko to beat Piper or does the UWL President have a more sinister plan in mind for this match?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* Rip Oliver has insulted Chief Wahoo McDaniel's proud Indian heritage in the past. The two meet one-on-one this week. Will Oliver play more race-baiting mind games with the Chief heading into their match?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#696969;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* Another video from Scott Hall. Hall's previous two videos that have aired on 'Slam!' show a man who claims he has changed for the better. This week, Hall continues in his effort to show the fans that he is indeed a different man.</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">This and more on the next UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DON'T MISS IT!!!</strong></span></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #6 -LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 3-1-11 (Taped)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Show Intro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and then ran down the program: Roddy Piper vs. Larry Zbysko; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Rip Oliver; another video from Scott Hall; UWL World Champ Tully Blanchard makes an appearance; DDP sees action and more on this edition of 'Slam!')</p><p> </p><p>

(The UWL Presidential Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise and show respect for the President of the UWL...Vince Russo!" Crowd booing as the six bodyguards made their way onto the entrance stage and divided into two columns. Russo then came out on the stage. Russo was wearing a NY Jets' white away jersey, blue jeans and black tennis shoes. He was carrying a clipboard. Russo made his way to the ring surrounded by his bodyguards. Four bodyguards surrounded the ring out on the floor as two bodyguards made their way into the ring. One bodyguard opened the ropes for Russo to enter the ring. More booing. Okerlund asked Russo what he had to say. Russo soaked in some more boos before speaking. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I just want all of you to know that I'm really close to picking up the phone and calling the agent of the Ding Dongs to inquire about bringing them in to the UWL!" More boos. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Since the disrespect of your President continues, you're this close (held thumb and forefinger about a 1/2 inch apart) to a Ding Dong marathon! Is that what you people want?! Ding Dongs in your face all the time here on 'Slam!'?! You fans will drown in a sea of Ding Dongs! I don't know if some of you have ever seen them, but the Ding Dongs are pretty big! I'm not kidding when I say I will make the Ding Dongs the centerpiece of the show!" Okerlund asked Russo what else he had to say. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Mean Gene, Larry Zbysko's back! And I could think of nothing better than having that yapping adrenal gland Roddy Piper face him tonight! I'm looking forward to that match because I have great confidence Larry can get the job done against that skirt wearing nincompoop! And Roddy, man, we are moving closer and closer to the day you and me will meet in this ring! Each passing week draws us closer and closer together! And I've got news for you, Roddy. When we collide, only on pay-per-view of course, I'm not only gonna beat ya, I'm gonna humiliate you New York-style! You won't be able to show your ugly Scottish face anywhere in the world after you've been manhandled by your President! People will point and laugh at you and say: 'Isn't that the guy who got his ass whooped by Vince Russo?!' You'll become the punchline to a joke, mister, courtesy of yours truly! Now, putting aside the coming decimation of 'Rowdy' Roddy, I want to tell all you ingrates out here that I'm feeling very benevolent as your President. The huge name I signed a few weeks ago is going to be unveiled in just a few short weeks! And when you see who it is...your jaws will drop! Even I've got to admit I love the guy I'm bringin' in and I think he'll run roughshod over much of the talent here in the UWL! Some of you in the back deserve a good thrashing! And this is the guy who'll give it to you! Last week, you all saw the great battle that Daniels gave the UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard! That was an awesome match, man! And here on this clipboard, I have a piece of paper. It shows the rating for the Blanchard-Daniels World Title match was the highest rated segment we've ever had on 'Slam!'. And since we all know this is a ratings obsessed business, I've decided to pop a big number again next week by ordering a re-match for the UWL World Title between Tully Blanchard and Daniels...in a tables match!" Crowd actually cheered Russo's announcement. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Oh! You cheer me now! You like that! But I know you all loathe me and that's why you're gonna have the Ding Dongs shoved down every one of your orifices real soon unless you damned fans shape up and learn to respect your President, Vince Russo!" Each of the bodyguards on the floor had taken a position on different sides of the ring. Just then, the bodyguard who was standing on the side of the ring opposite the aisleway the wrestlers came down, suddenly fell flat on his face for no apparent reason. None of the other bodyguards noticed it because they were looking in other directions. <strong>Russo:</strong> "I also have..." The crowd roared as out from under the ring emerged Roddy Piper. Piper was in his kilt, t-shirt and wrestling boots. Piper quickly climbed into the ring and pointed right at Russo. Okerlund bailed. The two in-ring bodyguards moved in on Piper and looked to beat him down but Piper fought back and blasted away on the two bodyguards with boxing-style punches. Russo looked on anxiously. Piper KO'd one of the bodyguards and he was out flat on the canvas. Piper then pummeled the other bodyguard and sent him staggering into the ropes. Piper then blasted him with a big uppercut that sent him flying over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Crowd going nuts. It was just Piper and Russo in the ring. Russo's jaw dropped and he looked around and started to back up. Just then, the three remaining bodyguards who were out on the floor jumped up on the apron. They all three climbed in the ring and surrounded Piper. Piper started throwing punches but was overpowered by the three bodyguards who started working Piper over. Crowd popped as Billy Graham and Wahoo McDaniel came rushing to the ring. Wahoo and Graham hit the ring and a melee' broke out between the three bodyguards and Graham, Wahoo and Piper. Russo bailed from the ring and was standing in the aisleway entrance. Graham, Piper and Wahoo cleaned house and sent the bodyguards scurrying from the ring. All the bodyguards moved around Russo on the floor, licking their wounds. Piper, Graham and Wahoo stood in the ring and dared of any of the bodyguards to get back in the ring. Some wanted to go back in but Russo kept them from doing so. Russo was furious. He sent one of his bodyguards to grab the ring announcer's mic and bring it to him. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Piper! Piper! What a coward you are! You can't just face me like a man?! You gotta sneak up on me and have your buddies help you?! I'm gonna enjoy tearing you apart when the time comes! You've just upped the stakes, pal, big time!" Piper was signaling for Russo to get in the ring but Russo wasn't biting. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Billy Graham! I was gonna give you the night off! But not now! Hell no! I'm ordering an IWA World Title match tonight! And you're gonna be defending against...him!" Russo pointed at and then slapped one of his big, burly bodyguards in the chest. The bodyguard seemed stunned by the sudden turn of events. <strong>Bodyguard (in a stunned voice):</strong> "Wha...I'm not a wrestler." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Dammit! You are tonight! And you're gonna go in that ring and rip Graham's head from his body and bring that IWA World Title to me!" <strong>Bodyguard:</strong> "Yes, sir." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Yes what?!" <strong>Bodyguard (meekly):</strong> "Yes, President Russo." <strong>Russo:</strong> "And Wahoo! If I didn't give you a job here in the UWL, you'd probably be running an illegal fireworks stand on some reservation somewhere! You ungrateful son-of-a-b itch! I've got payback in mind for you, Wahoo! And you're not gonna like it!" Russo angrily stalked back up the aisle with his security in tow as Piper, Graham and Wahoo looked on. As a frustrated Russo and his security made their way to the back, the trio in the ring played to cheering fans.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed what they just witnessed between Russo and Piper and Russo's bodyguards and Graham and Wahoo getting involved and an angry Russo 'punishing' Graham by making him defend the IWA World Title tonight against one of his bodyguards and Russo threatening Wahoo. They said they had no idea what the bodyguard's name is who will be facing Graham tonight. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson caught up to JJ Dillon and Tully Blanchard just as they entered the building. Tully had the UWL Title slung over his shoulder. Nelson asked the pair what they thought of Russo ordering a UWL World Title re-match next week against Daniels in a tables match. The pair were taken aback by Nelson's remarks. <strong>JJ:</strong> "What? Re-match for the UWL World Title next week?! Why haven't we heard anything about this?!" <strong>Tully:</strong> "What the hell is going on?! We came here tonight to do an interview and we have this thrown into our laps from out of nowhere!" Nelson pointed out that Russo has ordered this match because last week's World Title match between Daniels and Tully popped the biggest rating so far in UWL history. <strong>JJ:</strong> "President Russo's ordered this re-match because of ratings! Tully Blanchard has proven, twice now I might add, that no matter what Daniels can throw at him, he can take it and will always emerge the winner! So now the President wants a third match between them because of some viewing numbers?! And he wants to make it a tables match?! What is Russo trying to do to the UWL World Champion?!" <strong>Tully:</strong> "JJ, it's obvious that we need to talk to President Russo! Where is he, Nelson?!" Nelson said he didn't know. <strong>Tully:</strong> "Let's go find him and get to the bottom of this!" JJ and Tully then stormed off in search of Russo.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></p><p>

DDP vs. Sam Houston</p><p>

(WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 4:19)</p><p> </p><p>

(Houston put up a fight but DDP prevailed in the end.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed DDP after the match. <strong>DDP:</strong> "In the end, Sam Houston had nothing left in the tank because of his poor conditioning! Sam just needs to go to ddpbang.com and order my life-changing DVD box set for just three easy payments of $19.95 and he'll develop the stamina he needs to become a great wrestler like the 'Diamond'! Sam, if you're listening, make sure you have your credit card at the ready when you visit my site! Once again, that's ddpbang.com! Mean Gene, you know one guy who makes me sick here in the UWL?" Okerlund said he didn't. <strong>DDP:</strong> "It's Chief Wahoo McDaniel! Man, I wanna toss my lunch whenever I see that guy! I've asked the production crew to set up a video I want people to see. This is from the six-man tag team match two weeks ago where the winner of the match got a shot at 'Superstar' Graham's IWA World Title. Roll that footage, gents!" Footage aired of DDP and Wahoo fighting on the floor and back up the aisle during the conclusion of the match. <strong>DDP:</strong> "Wahoo, you cost me the opportunity to face Graham for the IWA gold! And man, that's not cool. That doesn't set well with the 'Diamond, daddy-o. I am not pleased. So, the Chief is now in my sights. I owe him for costing me my chance to become World Champion." Okerlund asked DDP what he intended to do. <strong>DDP:</strong> "Geno! I'm not gonna tip my hand to some little bald headed announcer! Puh-lease! Just know, Wahoo, that you're on my radar now and you've got a real bumpy road ahead of you!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed JJ and Tully's shocked reaction to the news that Tully has to defend the UWL Title in a re-match next week with Daniels in a tables match. Then discussed DDP's harsh words for Wahoo. Hyped Piper vs. Zbysko and Wahoo vs. Oliver coming up later in the program as well as an IWA World Title match pitting Graham © against one of Russo's bodyguards. Pedicino said they still don't know the name of the bodyguard tabbed to face Graham tonight.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer. Both came to the ring in their ring attire, which included dog collars. When they got in the ring they started barking and the crowd barked back in kind. Okerlund welcomed the pair to the UWL and then talked with Steiner. <strong>Rick:</strong> "Woof! Woof! Woof! Mean Gene! It's great to be here in the UWL! All these great fans...just listen to 'em!" Crowd barking. <strong>Rick:</strong> "Because I'm the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' and Buzz is the 'Mad Dog' and because of the great support we have from all these fans...me and Buzz have decided to call ourselves the Dog Pound! Woof! Woof! Woof! We're looking forward to facing great competition here like we did last week! This is the place to be! Me and Buzz are gonna earn a lot of dog biscuits working here!" <strong>Buzz:</strong> "Let the Dog Pound in here hear from the Dog Pound out there!" Crowd were led in more barking by Steiner and Sawyer. Buzz and Rick then started running around the ring and barking some more as Okerlund tried to get them back to the mic. <strong>Buzz:</strong> "They say every dog has his day! And the Dog Pound is gonna have its day in the UWL! We're the best at what we do and we know it! So, to all of those top teams out there...if you think you've got what it takes...come to the UWL and step in the ring with the Dog Pound! Woof! Woof! Woof!" <strong>Rick:</strong> "Yeah! We know we can match up with anybody in wrestling! And when we get in the ring with our opponents they'll know they've been in...a dog fight! Woof! Woof! Woof! The 'Mad Dog' and the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' say...come and get it!" <strong>Buzz:</strong> "And when we finish with our opponents...they'll know they've been done doggie style! Haha! Woof! Woof! Woof!" Crowd barked in back as Rick and Buzz bolted the ring, jumped over the ringside barricade and celebrated with the fans at ringside amidst loud barks from the audience before they left the area.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Dog Pound in the UWL. Talked about the tag team scene growing gradually here in the UWL and think the Dog Pound will be impact players in the tag team division. Hyped Piper vs. Zbysko; Oliver vs. Wahoo; and an IWA World Title match pitting Graham © against a still unnamed bodyguard of Russo's all coming up in the program.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Larry Zbysko. Asked Zbysko about his match tonight with Piper. <strong>Zbysko:</strong> "Let me just congratulate President Russo for recognizing the REAL 'Living Legend's' great talent! You see, he obviously knows that with my vast ring skills and my superior psychology that I'm the man to beat Roddy Piper! Piper has indeed met his match tonight! One thing I can't stand about Roddy is that he's loud and obnoxious! I can't stand people like that at all!" Nelson rolled his eyes. <strong>Zbysko:</strong> "He yaps and yaps and yaps! It's sickening! SHUT UP, PIPER! But hey, that's what President Russo brought me in for! To close the trap of Piper! He's like that loudmouth at the bar who won't close his piehole and sucks up all the oxygen in the place! Well, you're looking at the man who's gonna end that tonight! I'm gonna go out there and silence the silence-challenged Scotsman! I've had people tell me that Piper is one tough SOB! But how tough can he be?! This is a man who wears a skirt! Haha! He must have that gender identity disorder or something! After tonight, maybe he should call himself 'Rowdy' Roddette! Because what little masculinity that skirt wearing male has...I'm gonna rip it from him and expose him for the 'I sit down when I pee' thing he really is! And Larry Nelson, change your first name! You're not worthy of the name 'Larry'!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Zbysko interview. Pedicino thought it ironic that Zbysko said he couldn't stand loudmouths. They hyped Piper vs. Zbysko and Wahoo vs. Oliver as well as another video from Scott Hall and an interview with UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and his mgr. JJ Dillon coming up later. Said the IWA World Title match between Graham and one of Russo's bodyguards was coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">***END PART 1 OF 3 OF EP. #6. PART 2 WILL BE POSTED IN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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<p><span style="color:#006400;">***PART 2 OF 3 OF EP. #6***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #6 - LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 3-1-11 (Taped)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Footage aired from earlier in the program when an angry Russo announced that Graham was defending the IWA World Title against one of his bodyguards.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Match 2 (IWA World Title Match)</strong></span></p><p>

Billy Graham © vs. The Bodyguard</p><p> </p><p>

(Just before the participants were introduced, Stack and Pedicino said they still had no name for the bodyguard and Stack said he noticed that the bodyguards all had different numbers on their left breast pocket, so they're gonna call the bodyguard by his number. Pedicino then said they had a close-up photo of the bodyguard's number. The photo came up for all at home to see. They asked the production crew to get a close-up of the number on the bodyguard's shirt. The number was '69'. Stack said that during this match, the bodyguard would be known as 'Bodyguard 69'. The bodyguard came to the ring first to boos from the crowd. He was a big muscleman. He was wearing his bodyguard attire; a yellow polo shirt that had 'SECURITY' in all black caps on the back and the number '69' on the breast pocket. He was also wearing black docker-like pants and black tennis shoes. Graham was then announced and got a nice ovation coming to the ring. He was in his usual tie-dyed wrestling attire, feather earrings, flamboyant sunglasses and had the title around his waist. At the start of the match, the two musclemen circled each other in the ring before engaging in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, BG69 threw Graham down to the mat. Graham looked up at BG69 who had a ****y smirk on his face. The two circled each other once again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. BG69 was able to get loose and smash Graham across the upper back with a big forearm. Graham down to a knee. BG69 then quickly maneuvered around Graham and nailed the champ with a two-fisted backsmash. Graham crashed to the mat. As Graham was getting to his feet, BG69 moved in and nailed the champ with a couple of big rights to the side of the head. Graham was staggered by the sheer power of the blows. BG69 then whipped Graham into the buckles. BG69 moved in, leaned Graham back against the buckles and nailed him with a big forearm smash to the upper chest. BG69 then repeated the move. BG69 then went to nail Graham with a big punch but Graham blocked it and started firing back on BG69 with a series of head shots that staggered the challenger. Graham then whipped BG69 into the ropes and caught BG69 coming off with a big press slam. BG69 on the mat and in pain. Graham then whipped BG69 into the buckles and and came in looking to nail BG69 but BG69 came out of the corner and tried to nail Graham with a clothesline but Graham ducked. BG69's momentum carried him out to the middle of the ring. Graham spun around in the corner, flew out and lit BG69 up with a spear that sent the crowd into orbit. BG69 in a bad way. Graham then backed up against the ropes and waited for BG69 to get to this feet. BG69 got to his feet, spun around and was blasted with a big running clothesline from Graham that decked BG69. Graham covered BG69 and scored the pinfall victory. Graham got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory by the ref and then had the title handed to him. Graham put the belt back on around his waist and started playing to the crowd when... WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Running Clothesline - 2:09)</p><p> </p><p>

(<strong>After the match:</strong> ...the UWL Presidential Seal appeared on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now a message from your fearless leader...President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed. Graham stopped his post-match playing to the crowd and looked on from the ring as Russo, standing in front of a big desk in his backstage office, spoke. <strong>Russo:</strong> "'Superstar'! Looks like you win again, my man. I've got to hand it to you. And for beating my bodyguard and retaining the IWA World Title...I've got a reward for you. You're gonna defend your title against the 'Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus...RIGHT NOW!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3 (IWA World Title Match)</span></p><p>

Billy Graham © vs. Hugh Morrus</p><p> </p><p>

(Morrus came charging to the ring and imediately went after Graham. The two brawled early on until Graham got the upper hand and sent Morrus scurrying to the floor. Morrus got back in the ring and the two went back and forth. At the end of the match, Graham had the upper hand. He went to whip Morrus into the buckles but Morrus reversed and sent Graham crashing into the buckles. Morrus quickly moved in with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Graham's head. Graham was stunned. Morrus backed off and Graham walked out of the corner as Morrus hit the ropes behind Graham and came off, grabbed the back Graham's head and nailed the champ with a running facebuster. Morrus got up and started laughing loudly as the crowd booed. Morrus then bodyslammed Graham into position for a turnbuckle move. Morrus mounted the top turnbuckle and came off and nailed Graham with his moonsault finisher. Morrus went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Graham kicked out so hard he threw Morrus off of him. Graham got to his feet and was shaking. Morrus was shocked. Morrus went to punch Graham, but Graham blocked the punch attempt and wailed away on Morrus with a series of punches. Morrus was left staggered in the middle of the ring. Graham hit the ropes and came off and nailed Morrus with a running clothesline. Morrus slammed to the mat. Graham hoisted Morrus up, held him in the air in the suplex position for a few seconds before blasting Morrus with the jackhammer. Crowd popped. Graham covered Morrus, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory. After the match, Graham again played to the crowd before leaving the ring. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 3:39)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Graham successfully defending the IWA World Title twice on the program. <strong>Stack:</strong> "President Russo obviously wants the IWA World Title off of Graham. For what reason, I don't have any idea. But it's clear that Russo wants that title." <strong>Pedicino:</strong> "Maybe Russo wants to sell it to the highest bidder like he did the UWL World Title." They hyped Piper vs. Zbysko; Wahoo vs. Oliver and another Scott Hall video coming up later in the program. Hyped the interview with UWL World Champ Tully Blanchard coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Russo's announcement from earlier in the evening that, due to drawing the highest segment rating in UWL history, he's ordering a World Title re-match between UWL Champ Blanchard and Daniels in a tables match next week and footage also aired of the shocked repsonse of JJ and Tully when they arrived in the building and Nelson asked them about the match.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard and his mgr. JJ Dillon. Both men were dressed in suits. Tully had the UWL strap slung over his left shoulder. Crowd booed their entrance. Okerlund asked the pair about the title re-match with Daniels next week in a tables match. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Gene, we arrived late to the building tonight and Larry Nelson dropped the bombshell on us about the re-match next week. This was something completely out of left field for us. Tully has beaten Daniels twice now. He has nothing left to prove here. President Russo apparently decided to make this match for next week because it's sure to be a boon to the ratings. To me, ratings are not the reason you order title matches. You have World Title matches between the champion and a deserving contender. Now, Daniels has acquitted himself quite well. But he's shown on two occasions that he just can't beat the UWL World Champion. Why roll this match out a third time?" <strong>Tully:</strong> "Of course last week's match between me and Daniels got big ratings! Why?! Because I was in the match, that's why! You think Daniels had anything to do with that record rating?! Ha! He had zero to do with it! People wanted to see Tully Blanchard defend the World Title so they tuned in in record breaking numbers! I am the ratings draw here in the UWL for one reason! It's because I'm Tully Blanchard! People know greatness when they see it! And they want to see greatness over and over again! There's no mystery here! If the match last week would've been Daniels vs. anybody else, there's no way the rating for that segment would have been as high as it was! Daniels is a strong competitor, I'll grant him that! But I've beaten him twice now! Twice! I've shown everyone out there that when push comes to shove, Daniels can't finish the job! And President Russo just goes off and makes this a tables match with the title on the line! Based on what?! What right did our President have to make this a tables match?! He just pulled it out of he air! I guess he thinks making it some sort of gimmick match will draw another record number! But President Russo doesn't seem to get it! I don't need to be in a gimmick match of this nature when there's no good reason for it because my mere appearance on the TV screen will send the ratings skyrocketing! I've never been in a tables match in my life! This is something completely Greek to me! But Daniels, with his flip, flop, fly act, has probably been in matches like this on the independent circuit in smelly high school gyms somewhere in front of 50 people! So, on short notice, I've got to prepare for a type of match I've never been in before! It appears I've given President Russo way too much credit in the common sense department! The decision to make this match is just ridiculous! I have proven myself on two occasions against Daniels already! This match is uncalled for and I'm not happy about it at all!" <strong>JJ:</strong> "I agree with the UWL World Champion! This match is competely unnecessary because there is nothing left for Mr. Blanchard to prove against Daniels!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the remarks of JJ and Tully and pointed out the pair seems quite upset that Russo has ordered this UWL World Title tables match match next week. Hyped Wahoo vs. Oliver and the Scott Hall video coming up later and Piper vs. Zbysko was next!)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Piper. Asked Piper about tonight's match with Zbysko. <strong>Piper:</strong> "Larry Zbysko! A name like no other! Why?! Because Larry Whistler doesn't sound as good as Larry Zbysko, right LZ?! I heard Zbysko out here earlier questioning my masculinity because I wear a 'skirt'! The proper name for my 'skirt' is a kilt! Get that right next time...Larry Whistler! And there are those of us who've had the unfortunate privilege of seeing Zbysko sans clothes in the locker room! And I can tell you, there are lots of eyewitnesses who would say Mr. Zbysko is the one lacking in manhood! And we all know what I'm talking about, right, Larry!" (Piper wiggled his pinky finger.) <strong>Piper:</strong> "You claim that our President, Il Duce Russo, has made this match because he thinks you can do some damage to me! Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, it's clear that Russo is gonna throw everything at the wall against me because he wants to try and have me seriously beaten down by the time we have our showdown in the ring! Vincey-baby! We could've had our fight earlier tonight! But, being the brave man you are, you decided to bail and hide behind your wall of security! What's the matter, Vince?! You claim to be the man who's gonna humiliate me so bad that I'll become a perpetual laughing stock; so why not get it over with and just finish me off once and for all?! Because Russo can't beat me, that's why! That's why he's delaying our meeting until some as yet to be determined pay-per-view! Russo's only chance to beat me is if I'm sent to the ring in a wheel chair, on crutches or in the back of a Hearse! And even then his chances wouldn't be that good! But tonight, I am officially declaring this the first match of the 'Roddy Piper Road To Russo Tour'! Mr. President, pay close attention! Because what I'm gonna do to your boy Zbysko tonight is just a little taste of what I'm gonna do to you when we finally meet!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4</span></p><p>

Roddy Piper vs. Larry Zbysko</p><p>

(WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Bulldog - 8:35)</p><p> </p><p>

(Zbysko gave Piper a battle and tried to injure Piper on a couple of occasions but Piper was just too much for him to handle at the end.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Piper's victory over Zbysko and Piper calling this the beginning of the 'Road To Russo Tour' as he prepares to face the acerbic UWL Pres. in the future. Hyped Oliver vs. Wahoo still to come and another Scott Hall video coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">***END OF PT. 2 OF 3 OF EP. #6. PART 3 WILL BE POSTED IN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;">***PART 3 OF 3 OF EP. #6***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #6 - LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 3-1-11 (Taped)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(SCOTT HALL VIDEO</p><p> </p><p>

The video is again in b&w. Hall is standing on an undisclosed beach under partly sunny skies. He's wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes and sunglasses.</p><p> </p><p>


"Well, the last time I talked to you all, I talked about how my reckless living on the road during my wrestling career almost cost me the most important things in my life: my relationship with my kids and my now ex-wife. My ex-wife and I have never gotten along better. My relationship with my kids improves each passing day. Today, I want to talk about my return to wrestling in the Universal Wrestling League. President Russo doesn't seem to have too many friends and supporters in the UWL. But, I have to give him credit for having the balls to take a risk and sign me to a contract. I may be Russo's ultimate gamble because of my past behavior when active in the wrestling business. No one else was willing to take a chance on me. I contacted the other leagues and was basically told to get lost. I understand where those other promotions are coming from. 'Scott Hall: Troubled Troublemaker. Can't have that.' I'm sure that's what they're thinking. But, Vince Russo, man, when I contacted the UWL, he didn't hesitate in saying he'd like to see me come into the company. And Russo's a guy who knows my past. We worked out a fair deal. Russo didn't try to punish me in any way. The only thing he said was that I'm going to have to keep my nose clean, stay out of trouble and act like a professional at all times. And there were times in the past that I acted totally unprofessional in the ring. I'm ashamed of it now. But in the past, I was surrounded by people who enabled me and allowed me to get away with anything and everything I wanted to do. I was Scott Hall, man. Unless I blew up the building we were performing in, there was no way they were going to discipline me. But, for all the knocks against Vince Russo, and some of those knocks are well deserved, the fact is he's the one who's decided to take a chance on me. I know the risks. I know that if I let my guard down for just one minute, I could slip back into my old ways. One crazy night out with the boys could wreck everything I'm trying to do now in my life. I'm slowly re-building my pro wrestling career which is something I really want to do. My goal in the UWL is to be the best wrestler I can be. I want to win, and I intend to do it the right way. No shortcuts like in the past. And, like all wrestlers, one day I want to win the World Title. I've never been the World Champion. For me, it would be a great accomplishment to finally win the gold. And it would highlight a comeback that, just a few months ago. I thought would never happen. I'll talk to you again soon.")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino briefly discussed the Hall video. <strong>Stack:</strong> "The more I see of Scott Hall in these videos, the more I'm convinced we're looking at a man who is definitely changing for the better." <strong>Pedicino:</strong> "I agree. Scott Hall now does seem to be a man who is looking to get his life in order. It's refreshing to see." Stack then said they were now going to show a video shot earlier tonight. It was shot before Tully and JJ came out for their interview on the program. It's a video of what was obviously a private conversation between Tully, JJ and Russo having a discussion somewhere backstage far away from other people, but one of the backstage cameramen caught the three men conversing on video from several feet away as he secretly recorded from behind a stack of boxes.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video: Tully, JJ and Russo are standing and talking in a far off corner in the backstage area. Russo was holding a clipboard. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Vince, what's going on here? What the hell is this all about? Tully having a re-match with Daniels in a tables match for the UWL World Title next week." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Yeah. It's true. I'm ordering a re-match between Tully and Daniels for the title in a tables match. I did it because of the ratings for last week's World Title match between the two. I decided to throw the tables in the match to tweak it and create even more fan interest." <strong>Tully:</strong> "Vince, why would you do this? I mean, a tables match? I've never been in a tables match in my life. C'mon, man. I've beaten this guy twice already. What else is there for me to prove against him? And then you throw in tables because they add some sort of entertainment value to you? What the hell..." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Relax, Tully. Everything is under control. Like you just said, you've beaten him twice already. I don't think he should be much of a problem next week." <strong>Tully:</strong> "I don't think you're getting this, Vince. Daniels is suprisingly good. He's taken me to the edge in both of our matches. And while I've beaten him twice, he's come close to beating me in both of those matches. I know I'm better than him. But, one slip up on my part and this guy could pull an upset." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Guys, guys. Remember who you're talking to here. I'm the President of the company. I know exactly what I'm doing. This is a ratings driven business now. JJ, take a look at the rating for the Daniels-Blanchard World Title match last week." Russo turned the clipboard for JJ to see the rating but JJ angrily slapped the clipboard out of Russo's hand. <strong>JJ:</strong> "Dammit, Vince! We don't care about some damned rating!" <strong>Tully:</strong> "JJ. JJ. Quiet down, man. Others may hear us. I don't like this, Vince, not one bit." <strong>JJ:</strong> "Vince, I paid you $250,000 dollars so this man could be the UWL World Champion. But a match like the one next week, that wasn't part of the agreement we made when I bought the title." Tully was looking around and spotted the cameraman behind the boxes. <strong>Tully:</strong> "Crap. Are we being filmed? Hey, buddy." Tully charged at the cameraman and put his hand over the lens. <strong>Tully:</strong> "You been filming us this whole time? Get outta here!" <strong>JJ:</strong> "We need to get that film." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Which cameraman was that filming? He won't have a job with us much longer!" The cameraman was being shoved by Tully and then started running away as Tully swatted the camera and the camera swung wildly around. <strong>Cameraman (heard saying as the picture went black):</strong> "I'm going! I'm going, man!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino were in disbelief. They pointed out that it's obvious that Tully and JJ are worried about Tully's World Title re-match with Daniels next week. They also wondered what kind of agreement Tully and JJ have with Russo besides the purchase of the belt. Hyped Wahoo vs. Oliver coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Oliver. Oliver walked into the interview area wearing an Indian headband with a single feather sticking up out of the back. Nelson was appalled at the sight. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "How! Ugh! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hasqua Doo-da! Me Rip 7-11 of the Convenience Store Tribe. Greetings...Kimosabe! Me cry when I see litter on highway. I love gambling at friendly Injun casino, smoking cheap cigarettes bought on the reservation and selling peyote out of the back of my '76 Ford Pinto." Nelson told Oliver to cut it out or he was gonna make Wahoo real mad. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Me, Rip 7-11, married to fine squaw named Henrietta AM/PM. She read walls of teepee last night and tell me that I will prevail over my Indian brother Chief Wahoo McDaniel. My wife's brother is leader of the Kamasutra Tribe. OW! Ugh! Wo! Chief Wahoo one tough brave. Heard he's from Atlanta. That's why he's a brave. OW! Ugh! Wo! Larry White Man, after match tonight, you and me go to great hunting ground known as strip club and fool around with nude squaws while we down the fire water. OW! Ugh! Wo! Wahoo, you need to be prepared, bruddah. Great fireworks god in sky say it's not going to be your night against Rip 7-11. Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino were shocked by Oliver's ripping on Wahoo's Indian heritage. They said it was a big mistake on Oliver's part and there's no telling how Wahoo will react to it. Sent it again to the back.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Wahoo was pissed. Nelson asked Wahoo about what we just witnessed with Rip Oliver and problems DDP and Russo seem to have with the Chief. <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "Larry! If I knew I didn't have a match coming up with Rip Oliver in just a minute, you can be damn sure that I'd have been out here and forcibly removed that headband from Oliver's skull and stuffed it down his throat! Rip, nothing makes me madder than someone mocking my heritage! We're a brave and proud people! I try to respect the heritages of others! You crossed a line, buster! The ante has just been upped quite a bit in this match now! I don't just want to beat you! I wanna bash your skull in! I don't know why you did it and now, quite frankly, I don't care! What's done is done! And you're gonna pay for it, Rip! As for President Russo and Dallas Page, who the hell knows what they've got against me! Russo says he's gonna make life tough for me! Guess it's because I came to Piper's aid earlier tonight instead of letting his goons tear Roddy apart! And Page, you say I cost you your chance at the IWA World Title shot a couple of weeks ago and now you've got your sights set on me! Well, it took two to tango that night! And using your logic, you cost me a shot at the World Title as well! Page, if you wanna fight, you know where the Chief is! I'm not hard to find!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5</span></p><p>

Rip (7-11) Oliver vs. Wahoo McDaniel</p><p> </p><p>

(Oliver came to the ring with the Indian headband on and was doing mock Indian dance moves in the ring when Wahoo came charging in before he was announced, spun Oliver around and started battering Rip with punches that backed Rip into the corner. Wahoo ripped the headband off Oliver and shoved it down Oliver's throat as the crowd roared. Wahoo then started blasting Rip mercilessly with chops to the chest. Rip staggered out of the corner and fell flat on his face in the center of the ring. Wahoo dominated the match as Oliver got little offense in. About mid-way through the match, Wahoo busted Oliver open by slamming him head first into the ring post. Oliver was getting destroyed. At the end of the match, Oliver had been obliterated. Wahoo pulled Rip up twice at the count of 2 during pin attempts in the match just to inflict more punishment on Rip. Wahoo was blasting Oliver with more chest chops and Oliver staggered around the ring as Wahoo went to nail Rip with another big chest chop but Oliver yanked the ref in the way and Wahoo accidentally blasted the ref with the big chop. The ref, knocked senseless, crashed to the mat holding his chest. Ref rolled over near the ropes and was facing the crowd while still clutching at his chest. Oliver swung wildly at Wahoo and missed and Wahoo whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a monster chop to the chest. Oliver went down and was clearly done. Wahoo covered Oliver for the pin but the ref was still down. Crowd buzzing. Wahoo symbolically made his own three count in frustration and then got up and went over to check on the injured ref. As Wahoo was doing that, DDP snuck down to the ring and crouched down by the apron. Wahoo was still checking on the ref when DDP slyly made his way into the ring. As Wahoo turned away from the ref and back towards Oliver...WHAM...DDP nailed the Chief with the Diamond Cutter. Wahoo down. DDP dragged the out of it Oliver over and placed his arm across Wahoo's chest. DDP then dragged the groggy ref over. DDP left the ring as the ref slowly and painfully made the three count. Oliver was just laying on McDaniel and was completely motionless. The ref raised the out of it Oliver's hand in victory as garbage pelted the ring and boos cascaded down. Wahoo regained his senses pretty quickly and got to his feet. He was filled with rage when he looked down the aisle and saw DDP standing in the middle of the aisle with a big smile on his face. DDP then made the Diamond sign and started laughing at Wahoo. Wahoo bolted the ring and chased DDP to the back. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - DDP Diamond Cutter on Wahoo - 10:26)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino wrapped up the program talking about DDP's interference in the last match. Wondered what the fallout could be. Hyped the UWL World Title Tables match next week between Tully © and Daniels.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></span></p><p>

The Dog Pound vs. Lex Luger & DDP</p><p>

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned DDP with the Diving Bulldog - 14:51)</p>

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<p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* President Russo has ordered a re-match for the UWL World Title between champion Tully Blanchard and Daniels, this time in a tables match. Tully and JJ are clearly not too pleased with this development. Can Daniels score the victory and become the new UWL World Champion in a match that's more suited to his style than Tully's?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* What will be the fate of the cameraman who secretly filmed what was supposed to be a private conversation between Tully, JJ and President Russo last week?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* Will there be fallout from Rip Oliver scoring a controversial victory over Wahoo McDaniel after Oliver had race-baited Wahoo in an interview before their encounter last week?</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#696969;"><span style="font-size:12px;">* The women see action as Mad Maxine & Rockin' Robin tangle with the debuting Tina Ferrari & Debbie Combs.</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Find out on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DON'T MISS IT!!!</strong></span></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM! WRESTLING - EP. # 7 - RIO RANCHO, NM - SANTA ANA STAR CENTER - 3-8-11 (Live)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

(Show Intro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL World Title Tables Match: Tully Blanchard © vs. Daniels; Women's Tag Team Match: Mad Maxine & Rockin' Robin vs. Tina Ferrari & Debbie Combs; President Russo makes an appearance; an interview with Rip Oliver; a replay of the 'private' conversation between Tully, JJ & Russo about Tully and JJ's concern going into tonight's match and more on this edition of 'Slam!' They then sent it to the ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></p><p>

Homicide vs. Crash Holly</p><p>

(WINNER: Homicide - Pinfall - Gringo Killer - 7:47)</p><p> </p><p>

(Exciting see-saw match with breathtaking moves. Homicide rallied late to win the match. After the bout, Homicide reached under the ring and produced a big sign that said in black caps: "I WANT INTERVIEW TIME! I'M BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST! VIVA LA RAZA!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the exciting bout between Holly and Homicide and Hom's demand for interview time. Hyped the UWL World Title Tables Match between Tully © and Daniels and an appearance by Pres. Russo coming up later in the program.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Video re-cap: Video aired from last week of Rip Oliver mocking Wahoo's Indian heritage and Wahoo destroying Oliver during their match before DDP interfered and cost Wahoo the bout.)</p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Rip Oliver. Oliver came to the ring alone and in street clothes. Oliver was booed. Okerlund asked Oliver about his crude mockery of Wahoo's heritage last week. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Not only did I make fun of Wahoo last week...I also pinned him. Wahoo came into our match vowing revenge for my award winning impression of an American Indian. But I showed him. You don't mess with the 'Crippler'. The 'Crippler' messes with you." Okerlund then asked about DDP interfering in the match last week and costing Wahoo an apparent victory after the Chief had dominated Oliver during the entire match. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "He dominated me, huh? Well, I won. And that's all there is to it. I never said Wahoo's not one of the toughest men in this business. He is. But I proved to everyone last week that I could rile him up by mocking his people and still walk in that ring and beat the Chief. As for Dallas Page...I didn't have anything to do with him getting involved in the match. Dallas made that decision on his own. But Page getting involved didn't affect the outcome one way or the other." <strong>Okerlund:</strong> "Rip Oliver! Whoa! Are you kidding me?! If not for Page's attack on Wahoo, you'd have lost the match!" <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Gene, look here, son. I'm not gonna..." Crowd roared as Wahoo, dressed in his ring attire and headdress and carrying a mic, walked out onto the entrance stage. <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "Rip Oliver. Everyone saw how you beat me last week. If not for Dallas Page sticking his nose where it didn't belong I would've won. For almost 12 minutes, Rip, I beat the living hell out of you as payback for your making a mockery of my proud Indian heritage. Now, I didn't come out here to talk to you. I came out here to whip your ass!" Crowd cheered. <strong>Oliver:</strong> "Chief, you wanna re-match? Why? You'll just lose to me again. Save yourself the embarrassment, Geronimo, and just walk away." <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "And if I don't walk away, Ripper?" <strong>Oliver:</strong> "I'll beat you like a tom-tom." <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "Alright. I'm coming down there and taking your head off right now!" Wahoo started down the rampway when the UWL Presidential Seal flashed on the JumboTron. Wahoo stopped dead in his tracks. The Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now a word from your fearless leader...President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as Russo appeared on the JumboTron sitting behind a big desk in his backstage office. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Wahoo, let me tell you something right now. If you lay a hand on Rip Oliver tonight, I'm suspending you and fining you $50,000 dollars! You'd better not go anywhere near the 'Crippler'! Instead, I came up with another great Russo-ian idea! Chief, you can face Rip Oliver on the program next week...if you beat Harley Race tonight!" Oliver laughed in the ring as Wahoo was clearly angry while standing in the aisleway. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Harley Race, Chief! An 8-time World Champion! Tough as they come! Good luck, Wahoo! Something tells me you're gonna need lots of it tonight!" A pissed Wahoo made his way back up the ramp as Oliver stood chuckling in the ring at the news.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Oliver-Wahoo situation and the announcement from President Russo that if Wahoo wants to face Oliver next week, he'll have to beat Race tonight. Hyped the UWL World Title Tables match coming up later in the program as well as an in-ring appearance by Pres. Russo.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Tina Ferrari & Debbie Combs. Combs was dressed in a red satin ring jacket with her name on the back, red wrestling tights and red boots. Ferrari was decked out in a full-length fur coat, an expensive diamond necklace, a couple of diamond rings and a diamond tiara. Nelson welcomed the ladies to the UWL. Nelson asked Combs about her goals in the UWL. <strong>Combs:</strong> "Nelson! I'm only thinking about tonight, you idiot! Tina Ferrari and I are facing two real pieces of work in Mad Maxine and Rockin' Robin! I saw Robin give an interview on this program a couple of weeks ago and she's such a suck-up to the fans! (In a high-pitched, squeaky voice mocking Robin.) 'Oh! Love me! Love me! Love me! I just wanna be loved!' God, it was pathetic! Debbie Combs don't need no stinking fans behind her! I do things my way! So you people had just better accept that and get used to it because Ms. Deb is gonna slap down dog faces like Maxine and Robin! About Mad Maxine! I didn't know they allowed men to wrestle in the women's division! I bet she's larger than my man! What a horse! I bet she/he lives on a diet of oats and sugar cubes! Still, no problems! Just let me get ahold of Maxine and maybe I can beat some womanhood into her!" Nelson turned to Ferrari. he asked her what her goals were in the UWL. <strong>Tina:</strong> "Larry, outside the ring, I'm a proper lady who likes being treated like I deserve; which is like a queen. I love the beautiful and finer things in life as you can see. (Tina spun around in her fur coat.) I like men who are good looking, cultured and rrrrrrrrrrrrrich. I love to be wined and dined and run with the jetset crowd. But when I get in the ring, I'm all wrestler. I'm all business. This business is what's allowing me to live large. Larry, if I can be totally up front with you and the viewers, what you are looking at in Tina Ferrari is the re-birth of the greatest woman wrestler of all-time...Mildred Burke." Nelson was stunned by what Tina just said. <strong>Nelson:</strong> "What do you mean, re-birth of Mildred Burke?" <strong>Tina:</strong> "What I mean is that I'm the living embodiment of the legend. Her spirit dwells throughout every cell in my body. I am her. And because of that, I will go down as the greatest female wrestler in the modern era of women's wrestling." <strong>Combs:</strong> "Yeah, yeah. Mildred Burke. Great. Just get those two skanks in the ring so we can smack those sweathogs around!")</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Ferrari/Combs interview. Talked about how different they were. Combs the rough-hewn street fighter and Ferrari a more refined type who is double tough inside the ring. Wondered what Tina meant stating that she was Mildred Burke. Hyped the women's match coming up next.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></p><p>

Mad Maxine & Rockin' Robin vs. Tina Ferrari & Debbie Combs</p><p>

(WINNER: Robin & Maxine - Pinfall - Robin pinned Combs with a Flying Bodypress - 5:16)</p><p> </p><p>

(Before the match, Ferrari took off her diamonds and fur coat to reveal a sleeveless, leg-length white singlet with a unique gold and black design going up the left side. On her back was a gold tiara with the words 'Queen of the Ring' in gold with black trim surrounding the tiara. Her boots were white with 'TF' in gold cursive lettering on the outside of each boot.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Maxine and Robin's win over Ferrari and Combs. Hyped the UWL World Title Tables match and Race vs. Wahoo with the stip that if Wahoo wins he faces Oliver in a re-match next week coming up tonight. They then sent it backstage.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Daniels. Nelson asked about the World Title Tables match happening tonight. <strong>Daniels:</strong> "Larry, I really have to keep my emotions in check here. I have never been so pumped up about a match in my life. I'm ready to go. Wrestling is a sport of great passion. But I know I've got to keep a level head because if I don't, getting too excited could backfire on me in the match. We all saw the footage last week of Tully and JJ backstage with President Russo voicing their concern over this match when they didn't know they were being filmed. What that tells me is, even though they put on a display of great confidence for the public, deep down, Tully knows I can beat him and take the UWL World Title. I know I can defeat Tully Blanchard. I've almost done it twice now in the last month. And to answer you, Tully, I have wrestled in tables matches before. And some of those tables matches have been wrestled on the independent circuit in front of small crowds in high school gyms. These matches are tough on the body. Tables matches always end quite painfully for someone. But I'm not overconfident because I've wrestled in a match like this and Tully hasn't. Tully is one of the sharpest wrestlers in the world. He always seems to find a way to pull his chestnuts out of the fire when things look their bleakest for him. But we've met twice now and I know what I'm up against. This match promises to be violent, brutal and possibly bloody. But with the fans behind me I know I can pull this feat off. The fans have been great and appreciated my effort in our previous two battles. And make no mistake, those matches were battles. Now with tables involved, things will really be amped up and this match promises to be epic. I want to give those fans something more to cheer about tonight than just making a good showing. I want to give the fans a World Championship." Fans in the arena cheered.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Daniels' chances for the upcoming UWL World Title Tables match. Both thought his chances were good because of his previous two showings against Tully. Hyped Wahoo vs. Race with the stip that if Wahoo wins, he faces Oliver in a re-match next week. Said Pres. Russo was coming up in just minutes.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino intro'd a complete video replay of the 'private' backstage conversation between Tully, JJ and Russo from last week. Video aired.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">***END OF PART 1 OF 3 OF EPISODE #7. PART 2 WILL BE POSTED WITHIN 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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<p><span style="color:#8B0000;">***PART 2 OF 3 OF EP. #7.***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #7 - RIO RANCHO, NM - SANTA ANA STAR CENTER - 3-8-11 (Live)</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Pres. Russo. The UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron as the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Would you all please rise and show your respect for the President of the UWL...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed. Usual drill. The six bodyguards came out first on the entrance stage and formed two columns. Russo came out and stood in between the two columns and they began their march to the ring. Boos and garbage were in the air. Russo was wearing a Yankees' home pinstripe jersey, black jeans and tennis shoes. Two bodyguards entered the ring. Russo was picked up on a ringisde mic ordering the four bodyguards on the floor to check under the ring on their respective sides to make sure Roddy Piper wasn't hiding under the ring again. All was clear. One of the in-ring bodyguards held the ropes open for Russo. Russo soaked in the boos for a moment before speaking. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Guess who I was on the phone with this week? That's right...the agent for the Ding Dongs! We talked turkey, baby! I only have to give the green light and here come the Dongs into the UWL! So, start showing me some respect as your humble and exalted President...or else it's Dong City for you fans! Also, everyone watching here in the arena and on TV need to stay tuned. Because tonight, I've given the green light to go ahead and air the first video to introduce the huge star I signed a few weeks ago. You've waited for this moment and now it is here. You ask yourselves: 'Who is this mystery man President Russo talks about so much?' You'll start to find out tonight. But, I'm not gonna make it easy on you paeans. Not on your life. You're gonna have to put a puzzle together to solve the mystery of who it is that's being so touted by your fearless leader. By the way, that fearless leader is me! Moving on, the next item on the agenda...Roddy Piper! Last week, big mouth Piper said he was starting a 'Road To Russo Tour'! He said he's gonna tune up for the day, as yet to be determined, but it will only be on pay-per-view, that me and the Hagis King eventually meet in this ring in a match! Now, I could be upset about this. I could say that Roddy is threatening me with his 'Tour'. I could've suspended him...or worse. But you know what? Instead, I'm gonna give 'Hot Rod' his 'Road To Russo Tour'! I've got special plans for you, Roddy! Real special plans! And next week, right here on 'Slam!', Roddy Piper can continue on his road to facing your President! And he'll do it in a match against...Diamond Dallas Page! Hope you like that, oh great skirt wearing one! And this is just the start! Let's put Piper aside for right now. Wahoo McDaniel, I told you there was trouble brewing for you after our little run-in last week! You stuck your tomahawk where it didn't belong and it looks like the spirits bit you in the ass when you lost to Rip Oliver! But I'm a fair man, Chief! You beat Harley Race tonight and, like I promised earlier in the program, you get a re-match against Rip Oliver next week! One more thing, Wahoo! Tell your bretheren that they really need to increase the payouts on the video poker machines at Indian casinos! What a gyp! And finally, you all saw the video of what was supposed to be a private meeting between Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon and myself last week. We purposely went to an area in the back that was way out of the way of any other life form to have what was supposed to be our private conversation. But, one of our cameramen thought he'd turn into a pseudo-investigative journalist and secretly record our meeting. As you saw, his cover was blown. I decided to let a replay of that supposed private meeting air for two reasons. 1) I'm the President of the company. I control everything that goes on in the UWL. My word is the be-all, end-all. 2) I did it because I'm now gonna teach every single employee in this company a lesson! From the top stars in the UWL to the janitors that clean the offices...pay attention, because this could happen to you if you're not careful! Would cameraman Trey Jenkins come to the ring, pronto! C'mon, Trey! Where are you?! We haven't got all damn day!" Cameraman Trey Jenkins quickly made his way to the ring. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Well, Trey, I think you know why you're here. For those out there too dense to figure it out, Trey is the cameraman who was caught filming Tully, JJ and myself having a private meeting last week. Trey here obviously thought he was gonna make a name for himself by filming that meeting and leaking it to the world. But, alas, poor Trey was caught in the act of filming what he wasn't supposed to film. There went the fame, the fortune, the job as an investigative reporter for a major cable news network that Trey clearly wanted to come out of all this. Trey was gonna expose some sort of sinister cabal at work in Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon and President Russo. But, he failed. Instead, it's looking, Trey, like your career as a cameraman may very well be coming to an end in the UWL. And not only in the UWL, but in television in general. You see, Trey, I wield a great amount of clout in the television industry because I'm the President of something that's on TV. I could make sure you never work in this business again." <strong>Trey (desperation in his voice):</strong> "Please...President Russo...please! I beg you not to ruin my career working in television! I...I need this job here in the UWL! I just got married and I have a baby on the way..." <strong>Russo:</strong> "Hmmm. You're starting a new family, eh? Well, that certainly complicates things quite a bit. I'd hate to absolutely destroy a man's career when he's got more than his own mouth to feed. Gosh, who'd have thunk it. Trey Jenkins, family guy. Are you sorry, Trey, that you filmed a private discussion between Tully, JJ and myself last week?" <strong>Trey (more desperation in his voice):</strong> "Yes, yes! Oh God! I'm sorry I did it! Please, just give me one more chance and it will never happen again! I am so sorry! It was a stupid thing for me to do!" <strong>Russo:</strong> "Do you mean it, Trey? Are you truly sorry for what you did last week? Or are you just sorry you got caught? Because, as your President, Trey, I'm just not feeling the sincerity in your apology." <strong>Trey (now almost apoplectic):</strong> "I am genuinely sorry, sir! I truly regret what I did now that I've had time to reflect on it! An apology is all I can offer..." <strong>Russo:</strong> "An apology is all you can offer, huh? I don't think so. You're gonna have to do more than apologize for what you did last week. Let me see. What could you do to make up for what you did? I've got it! Trey, right now, I want you to get on your knees!" Trey hesitated. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Now, Trey. You're running out of options to continue your employment here in the UWL." Trey slowly dropped to his knees. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Now...bow down at my feet five times!" Trey did as he was told and then started to get to his feet. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Trey, I didn't tell you to get up." Trey dropped back down to his knees and was shaking and almost in tears. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Trey...lick my shoes!" Trey was shaking as he bent down and kissed the tops of Russo's shoes. Trey looked up at Russo. <strong>Russo:</strong> "That's not what I told you to do, Trey. I said LICK my shoes, not KISS my shoes! I had better see tongue on my shoes!" Trey hesitated. <strong>Russo:</strong> "C'mon, Trey! Your future is on the line here! Start lickin'!" Trey then slowly bowed down to Russo's shoes but was still hesitating when one of Russo's bodyguards came and stood next to Trey. Trey, clearly scared, slowly, with a look of disgust on his face, licked Russo's tennis shoes. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Wow! What a maroon! I didn't think you'd do it! Now, I need your spit cleaned off of my shoes. You're gonna do it with your t-shirt. Let's go!" Trey removed his shirt and wiped the spit off of Russo's shoes. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Good boy, Trey. Now, put the shirt on your head and stand up." Trey did as he was told and slowly made his way to his feet. Russo started pacing back and forth. He then stopped and looked at the shaken and humiliated Trey. <strong>Russo:</strong> "Trey, I have to admit that you've done everything I've asked you to do here tonight. You seem genuinely sorry for what you did last week. I think you've learned your lesson. But, even with all the penance you've done...it's not enough. Trey Jenkins...YOU'RE FIRED!" Trey dropped to his knees and was clearly crying. <strong>Russo (to his bodyguards):</strong> "Men! Help Mr. Jenkins out of the ring and out of the building! Get that piece of trash out of here! What all UWL employees just witnessed is a lesson they'd better never forget!" Russo tossed the mic down and the four remaining bodyguards surrounded Russo as he walked back up the aisle to loud boos and a garbage fest.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Vince Russo's humiliation and firing of cameraman Trey Jenkins and Russo's general threatening of all UWL employees with a similar type of fate if they should engage in activities that Russo doesn't like. Talked about Russo ordering Piper vs. DDP for next week. Pedicino pointed out that Russo's hatred of Piper seems to grow with each passing day. Hyped Wahoo vs. Race coming up in just minutes with the stip that if Wahoo wins, he gets a re-match with Oliver next week.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked about his upcoming match with Race. <strong>Wahoo:</strong> "Larry, I've got a point to prove in this match tonight with Harley Race. President Russo is clearly trying to make me jump through hoops to get another match with Rip Oliver. I'll admit wrestling Harley is gonna be a tough road to go down to get that re-match. But I want Oliver real, real bad next week. My heritage has been insulted and degraded by the 'Crippler' and I can't let that slide and go unpunished." Nelson then yelled 'Look out!' as Race charged into the interview area and nailed Wahoo from behind. Race started punching the Chief. Harley then slammed Wahoo's head into a nearby table and then returned to smashing Wahoo with punches. Wahoo then blocked one of the punches and started firing back on Race with shots of his own. Race was staggered. Wahoo grabbed a folded up steel chair that was sitting next to the wall and slammed Harley across the back with it. Race was on wobbly legs and staggered and stumbled towards the entrance stage. Wahoo slammed Harley twice more across the back with the chair. Race hobbled out onto the stage, spun around and was greeted with a chair shot to the head. Crowd cheering as Race went down. Wahoo grabbed Race and pulled him up by the hair. Wahoo nailed Race with a couple of big chops to the head. Race staggered down the ramp and into the aisle. Wahoo continued the assault with more punches. Race then stopped Wahoo's momentum by ducking down, grabbing Wahoo by the waist and driving the Chief back first into the aisleway barricade. Race then nailed Wahoo with a couple of punches, grabbed Wahoo by the back of the head and slammed the Chief head first into the aisleway barricade. Wahoo went down to a knee. Race then pulled Wahoo up and whipped Wahoo back first into the ring apron. Chief's back hurting. Race then moved in with a series of chops to Wahoo's chest but then Wahoo reversed the tide and started blasting Race back with chops of his own. Now Race was again on the defensive. Wahoo reared back and nailed Race with a monster chop that had Harley hanging on by a thread and standing on one foot about to topple over. Wahoo grabbed Harley and tossed him into the ring.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3 (If Wahoo wins, he gets a re-match with Rip Oliver next week)</span> </p><p>

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Harley Race</p><p> </p><p>

(The ref called for the bell when the two men were finally in the ring. Wahoo had control early, but Race fought back and the match became a see-saw affair. At the end of the match, Race had the advantage. Race whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race popped to his feet and raised his fist in that air in a state of pre-mature victory. Race then snapped Wahoo up and placed him in the piledriver position. Race tried to lift Wahoo in the air twice but Wahoo blocked the attempts and instead backdropped Race. Both men got to their feet. Wahoo and Race moved in on each other and started exchanging chest chops in the center of the ring. Race got the upper hand and nailed the Chief with three straight brutal knife-edge chops to the chest. Wahoo was wobbly. Race then went for another big chop but Wahoo ducked it and came back with a series of brutal chops to Race's chest. Crowd buzzing. Race staggering in the ring. Wahoo grabbed Race and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Race crashed to the mat. As Race got to his feet, Wahoo moved in and nailed Race with another series of chest chops that drove Race into the ropes. Wahoo then whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a big chop to the chest that sent Race down to the mat. Wahoo covered Race and scored the pinfall victory. WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop to the Chest - 7:44)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Wahoo's win over Race and announced that next week, Wahoo will face Rip Oliver in a re-match from last week. Hyped the UWL World Title match between Tully © and Daniels coming up in just minutes.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">***END OF PART 2 OF 3 OF EP. #7. PART 3 WILL BE POSTED WITHIN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS.***</span></p>

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