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<p><span style="color:#006400;">***PART 3 OF 3 OF EP. #7***</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. #7 - RIO RANCHO, NM - SANTA FE STAR CENTER - 3-8-11 (Live)</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

(Video: Stack and Pedicino intro'd the first video of the mystery mega-star Russo had signed. Video opened with the silhouette of a burly man walking into the picture. The silhouette was on a blue wall. The silhouette then stuck a big cigar in his mouth, lit it, inhaled deeply and then blew a big puff of smoke. The video faded to black as a gravel-throated laugh echoed in the background as the words 'HE'S COMING!' appeared in red lettering on the screen.)</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL Champ Tully Blanchard with mgr. JJ Dillon. Nelson asked the pair about the title match tonight. <strong>Tully:</strong> "I don't have a lot to say right now! I've never been in a tables match in my entire career! But I'm confident that, no matter what you might have heard me say last week, I'm gonna beat Daniels again and retain this title! And Daniels! When all is said and done tonight, I want you to know that I wash my hands of you!" <strong>JJ:</strong> "I want everyone out there to know that Mr. Blanchard has been training hard all week learning the ins and outs of the tables match! He's more than prepared for this fight now! Daniels may have wrestled in matches like these before! But, he's still not the cagey, crafty veteran the reigning UWL World Champion is! At the end of this match it will boil down to one thing...experience! And Mr. Blanchard is still head and shoulders above Daniels in the experience department! I feel really good that I will still be managing the UWL World Champion at the end of the night!")</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (UWL World Title Match - Tables Match)</span></p><p>

Tully Blanchard © (w/ JJ) vs. Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

(Before the match, ring announcer Lee Marshall announced that to win the bout, a wrestler must be put through a table in the ring and then pinned or forced to submit right after being put through the table. Daniels came out to a loud ovation. Tully and JJ were booed coming to the ring. This dramatic affair saw Daniels put Tully through a table out on the floor with a diving splash from the top tunbuckle. At one point, Tully tried to KO Daniels with a foreign object he'd had hidden in his tights but Daniels repelled Tully, blasted Tully with a move and Tully dropped the foreign object. Daniels tossed the object out of the ring down to the floor. Both men fought tooth and nail and JJ's interference at one point in the bout prevented Daniels from moonsaulting Tully through a table in the ring. Daniels hit the Angel's Wings during the match. But since it wasn't a move that drove Tully through a table, Daniels could not go for the pin. At the end of the match, Tully had gained the upper hand on Daniels and took the table that Daniels had brought into the ring earlier, folded it up and sat it upright in the corner. Tully went to whip Daniels into the table but Daniels reversed and sent Tully crashing into the table. Tully down in the wreckage of the table. Daniels went for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out and the crowd groaned. Daniels then whipped Tully into the ropes and caught the champ coming off with a side slam that drove the breath out of the champ. Daniels quickly left the ring and grabbed another table and slid it into the ring. Daniels set up the table. As Tully got to his feet, Daniels blasted Tully with a dropkick that drove Tully back down. Daniels pulled Tully up and blasted Tully with some head shots and then placed Tully on the table. JJ again jumped up on the ring apron but this time was blasted with a big right hand from Daniels that sent JJ crashing to the apron and down to the floor. Daniels then mounted the top turnbuckle and blasted Tully with a moonsault that drove the champ through the table to the mat. Crowd roaring. Daniels went for the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Tully kicked out and the crowd gasped. Daniels pulled Tully up and whipped Tully into the buckles. Daniels then backed up and charged at Tully looking to nail Tully with a running shoulder block but Tully moved and Daniels crashed hard shoulder first into the post. Daniels was hanging half-way out of the ring in an almost dangling position. Tully went over and blasted Daniels in the ribs with some punches as the ref came over and ordered Tully to back off because Daniels' upper body was hanging out of the ring. The ref got distracted having an argument with Tully. JJ noticed the foreign object Tully tried to use earlier on Daniels laying on the floor and scooped it up. JJ went over to where Daniels was and blasted Daniels with in the head with the object. Daniels went limp. JJ pushed Daniels back into the ring. Daniels was now lying in a heap in the corner and bleeding. Tully went over and snapped Daniels up and blasted him with a slingshot suplex. Daniels laid out in the ring. Tully bolted the ring, grabbed a table and slid it in the ring and quickly set it up. Tully grabbed Daniels, hoisted Daniels up in the suplex position and put Daniels through the table with a modified gourdbuster. Tully covered Daniels in the ruins of the table and scored the pinfall win. Fans not happy. Tully grabbed the belt from the ref and left the ring and grabbed the ring announcer's mic from Lee Marshall. <strong>Tully:</strong> "Daniels...Daniels! You put up a good fight once again! But you didn't get it done, son! I'm through with you as of right now!" Tully and JJ left ringside. When they got on the entrance stage, JJ raised Tully's hand victoriously to boos and then the winning pair headed to the back. Ref checked on Daniels in the ring. WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - Modified Gourdbuster through a table - 12:09)</p><p> </p><p>

(Stack and Pedicino discussed Tully's win over Daniels in the tables match and Tully's words that he's now through with Daniels. Hyped next week on the program: Re-match: Wahoo vs. Oliver; Piper vs. DDP; Lex Luger in action; Tina Ferrari in singles action; another video from Scott Hall in which he says he's got a big announcement...</p><p>

Just then, Stack asked why Homicide was coming to the ring, The ref had just helped Daniels up when Homicide hit the ring, blasted the ref with a punch that sent the ref down and then laid out Daniels with the Gringo Killer. Stack and Pedicino wondered what was going on as Homicide stood over Daniels as the program went off the air.)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">END PROGRAM</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Dark Match</strong></span></span></p><p>

DDP & Luger vs. The Dog Pound </p><p>

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Sawyer pinned Luger after a Missle Dropkick - 10:17)</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING...</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">* Wahoo McDaniel defeated Harley Race and earned a re-match with Rip Oliver. Can Wahoo get revenge after being screwed out of a victory in their last meeting?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">* President Russo has ordered a match between Dallas Page and Roddy Piper. Does Pres. Russo have something planned for Piper other than just a match with DDP?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">* Another video on the mystery mega-star signed by Pres. Russo who's coming to the UWL. Who is this man?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#696969;">* Scott Hall appears in another video with what he says will be major news.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">* Tina Ferrari sees singles' action this week. Is she really the living embodiment of women's ring legend Mildred Burke as she claims or is she just playing mind games with the other lady wrestlers?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">This and more on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>DON'T MISS IT!!!</strong></span></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and than ran down the program: Re-Match: Wahoo vs. Oliver; Piper vs. DDP; another video from Scott Hall in which he has a big announcement; Lex Luger makes and appearance; Tina Ferrari sees action; The Dog Pound in action; another video of the mystery mega-star Russo has signed; a look back at the unprovoked attack on Daniels by Homicide last week and more on this edition of 'Slam!')


Match 1

Lex Luger vs. Sam Houston

(WINNER: Luger - Submission _ Torture Rack - 3:14)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Luger after the match. Asked where Luger had been since losing to IWA World Champ Billy Graham three weeks ago. Luger: "Gene, before I go into that, I want to give these fans the thrill of a lifetime by striking a few 'perfect' poses!" Luger then started posing as most of the crowd booed. Luger: "Three weeks ago, I faced Billy Graham for the IWA World Title. I didn't win the belt. There's a good reason for why that happened. You see, for the last two weeks, I've been up on a high mountain top. I've been alone. I needed to process why I didn't win the title. As I meditated on the mountain top the answer came to me. I was spoken to by the forces." Okerlund asked what forces Luger was talking about. Luger: "Forces that no one can see or understand unless they already carry the seeds of the forces within them. I thought there may have been an unforseen disruption in those forces three weeks ago. But there weren't. The forces spoke to me and said that I didn't beat 'Superstar' Graham to win the IWA World Title because the time wasn't right. Now is not the right time for me to lay claim to the IWA Title. The forces are in control of these matters. In due time, I will be the IWA World Champion! While Billy Graham may have won the last time we met, the fact is I'm still destined to become the champion! It's totally up to the forces as to where and when that will happen! I trust the forces completely! Their will will be done when the time is right according to them!" Luger then struck a few more poses before leaving the ring to boos.)


(Stack and Pedicino wondered what these forces were and just what was Luger talking about. Hyped DDP vs. Piper and a re-match: Wahoo vs. Oliver coming up later.)


Match 2

The Dog Pound vs. Badd Company

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Sawyer pinned Tanaka with a Missle Dropkick - 4:19)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed the Dog Pound after the match. Both ran around the ring barking and the crowd barked back in return before they spoke. Steiner: "The Dog Pound is in the Dog House! Woof! Woof! Woof!" Crowd barked back. Steiner: "Mean Gene, hehe, we've heard some big tag teams are headed to the UWL! And me and Buzz...we can't wait until they arrive! The Dog pound is ready pounce on our opponents and let 'em have it doggie style! Woof! Woof! Woof!" Buzz: "We've heard some good teams are comin' into the UWL! Teams like the Irwins and the Grapplers! I hope they're ready for a dog fight..." Steiner: "Buzz! Buzz! Shhhhh! I don't think we're supposed to let the fans know who might be headed this way! I think that might be a violation of company policy or somethin'! It's up to our favorite hydrant, President Russo, to let the fans know who's comin' in! Don't you remember that meeting a couple of weeks ago backstage where Russo told us that?!" Buzz looked confused and shook his head 'no'. Steiner: "C'mon, you remember, Buzz! It's the meeting where we turned his pants yellow!" Buzz (eyes lit up): "Oh yeah! Now I remember!" Steiner: "That's why we call him our favorite hydrant!" Both raised their right leg like a dog using a hydrant. Buzz: "President Russo didn't like that, did he?! Hahaha!" The two then ran around the ring barking as the crowd barked back before they left the area.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Steiner and Sawyer talking about some other teams possibly coming into the UWL. Stack said they hadn't heard the news about new teams and usually announcers find out before the wrestlers. Pedicino said he'll believe them when he sees them and added Buzz is prone to flights of fancy. They also discussed the backstage incident where Buzz and Rick had disrespected Russo and it was supposed to remain hush-hush but now is out in the open. Hyped Piper vs. DDP and the re-match: Oliver vs. Wahoo coming up in the program.)


(Stack and Pedicino intro'd the latest Scott Hall video. Said that Hall is supposed to have a major announcement for the UWL fans.)




The video is again in b&w and Hall is at an outdoor car show at an unnamed location. Hall was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes and sunglasses. In the background, you could see people milling around the classic cars. Hall was standing.




"Hello once again. I am really excited to talk to you this week. I recently got the call from President Russo that, on the March 29th edition of 'Slam!', I'm making a live appearance. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to stepping back in the ring in front of all you great fans. I don't know if I'm gonna be wrestling that night. But, wrestling or not, I'm getting chills just thinking about returning to the sport I love. I am a man who's changed for the better. I'm clean. My relationships are good. And I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. I want to get back in the ring and lock up with the best wrestling has to offer. All this work is paying off for me. I'm being rewarded in ways I never thought could happen. There's not much else to say right now...except I'll see you in person on March 29th."


Video then showed clips of Hall walking around the car show, looking at some of the cars and talking with, signing autographs and posing for pics with fans.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the Hall debut in two weeks on 'Slam!' Both said they really think he's a changed man and hope they're proven right. Hyped the second vid of the mystery mega-star signed by Russo and headed to the UWL; and a look back at Homicide's unprovoked attack on Daniels coming up later. Said Tina Ferrari was up next!)


Match 3

Tina Ferrari vs. Roxy

(WINNER: Ferrari - Submission - Recliner - 3:01)


(Roxy slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. During the match, Stack and Pedicino discussed Ferrari saying last week that she was the 're-birth' of wrestling legend Mildred Burke and were hoping she would clarify what she meant. Ferrari came to the ring in a fancy, almost Flair-like, pink and silver full length robe that had diamonds studded on it; 'Queen of the Ring' written in silver cursive letters on the back; the words surrounding a diamond studded silver tiara. Tina also wore two diamond rings and her tiara. She took off her robe and jewelry to reveal a full length pink singlet that opened out into a tank top. On the left side of the tights was a silver design with black trim going all the way up the side. Tina wore pink wrestling boots with white trim and the initials 'TF' in white block letters on the outside of each boot.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Ferrari after the match. Okerlund asked her about her interview last week in which she claimed to be the 're-birth' of legendary female wrestler Mildred Burke in the modern era. Tina: "If you couldn't tell what I meant by watching this match then you have no clue. I just showed everyone out there why I'm going to be the greatest lady grappler in the modern era of pro wrestling. Roxy's a tough bird. But, she wasn't able to beat me because I am Mildred Burke!" Okerlund asked what she meant by that. Tina: "I guess I'm going to have to spell it out for you and everyone else. I am the re-incarnation of Mildred Burke!" Okerlund was shocked. Tina: "Mildred Burke never lost! And I...the modern day incarnation of her, will never lose! Just like Mildred Burke was the 'Queen of the Ring' during her time, I will be the 'Queen of the Ring' now! Since no one could beat Mildred back in her day, no one will be able to pin me or force me to submit today! Mildred Burke never died! She has come back as Tina Ferrari! Mildred has just taken on an updated look, persona and name! To all the naysayers out there, you just watch me in the weeks and months to come! I will rule women's wrestling in the UWL! It will become evident that I am truly Mildred Burke! You could say that I'm Mildred Burke 2.0! No one in women's wrestling has ever been as dominant as Mildred until now! And the only way that could happen is if the great Ms. Burke came back herself! And she has! In me!" Crowd booed as the interview wrapped up.)


(Stack and Pedicino were almost speechless regarding Ferrari's remarks about being the re-incarnation of Mildred Burke. Hyped Piper vs. DDP; the re-match between Oliver and Wahoo; and the second video of the mystery mega-star coming to the UWL all later in the program.)


(Stack and Pedicino intro'd video last week of Homicide holding up a sign saying he wanted interview time and he was being discriminated against and his unprovoked attack and laying out of Daniels. Video aired.)



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***PART 2 OF 3 OF EP. #8***




(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed DDP. Asked DDP about his match with Piper. DDP: "Larry Nelson, my life is going so good right now...there needs to be two of me just to handle it! Roddy Piper! Look up the word 'Icon' in the dictionary and there's a picture of Hot Rod! Let me tell you man, Roddy is not only larger than wrestling, he's larger than life itself! The perpetual fan favorite if there ever was one! But tonight, the Rowdy One has met his match in the 'Diamond'! And we all know that diamonds are forever! I'm gonna feel a little tinge of sadness in my heart tonight when I have to lay out Piper with the Diamond Cutter! It will be a sad sight to witness! The 'Icon' laid out in the middle of the ring for all to see! But, I've got some good news for ya, Roddy! It's too late for you to change tonight! But, starting tomorrow, you can start back on the road to reclaiming your 'Icon' status just by making three easy payments of $19.95 for my DVD box set that will change your life for the better, bro! Rod, my man, just have that cedit card ready after I beat you tonight, go to ddpbang.com and prepare yourself for the greatest awakening of your life!")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the DDP interview and wondered if he's really doing interviews for his upcoming matches or mainly just using his interview time to hawk his merchandise. They then intro'd the second video of the mystery mega-star that Russo has signed for the UWL.)


(Video: Video opened with a shot of a wooden beer barrel keg with a tap on it atop a bar stool and a big beer mug on top of the keg. Then the left arm of the mystery man entered the picture and grabbed the beer mug. Then you see the right arm come into the picture as the mystery man places the mug under the tap and pours beer into it. You see the left arm raise the mug and hear the sound of the mystery man chugging the beer. A few seconds later, the empty mug is placed back on top of the keg and the mystery man lets out an 'Ahhhhh!' The mystery man then brandishes a big cigar and lights it. He raises the cigar up out of the picture, takes a big drag on it and exhales a big puff of smoke. The video fades to black as the words 'He's Coming' appeared on the screen in red lettering while a gravel-voiced laugh echoed in the background.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Piper. Nelson asked about his match with DDP. Piper: "You notice who's not here tonight? None other than President Russo! A day without Vince Russo is like a day with eternal sunshine! But, Vince left a calling card like a dog leaves his calling card on the neighbor's lawn! Russo declared that my match tonight with Dallas Page will be the start of my 'Road To Russo Tour'! President Russo seems to think that he'll throw all these suprises at me in the hopes that, when I finally meet him in the ring, I'll be so beaten up that I'll be easy pickins' for him! But, Vince, guess what?! You should know by now that I'm a little bit off. Combine that with the fact that I'm a tough SOB and no matter what roadblocks you attempt to put in my path I will fight through them! I don't care if I'm down to my last few breaths when Russo vs. Piper rolls around; I'll crawl on my belly with a 100-pound oxygen tank on my back to sustain me just so I can get my hands around your scrawny New York neck! Like a pitbull who latches onto the gonads of a burglar, I'm a determined son of a gun! There may even be a setback here and there on my 'Road To Russo Tour'! But know this! Russo, we are gonna face each other! The day of reckoning will come for you and me! As for Dallas Page! Dallas claims to be the best conditioned wrestler and that's the secret of his success! But let me tell you one thing, brother! I don't care if this match lasts 10 minutes, 20 minutes, an hour, whatever! I'm willing to take more than my fair share of lumps just to get to President Russo! And Vince, when the day comes, I'm gonna hurt you real, real bad. And I'm going to enjoy every single second of it. It's hard to stop a man with a will!")


Match 4

DDP vs. Roddy Piper


(DDP attacked Piper as the Scot was removing his kilt and was pounding Piper but Piper fought back and laid into DDP with punches. The two fought in and out of the ring during the match. DDP nailed Piper with the Diamond Cutter out on the floor during the bout. Late in the match, DDP was on the offensive and had laid out Piper in the ring. DDP left the ring and brandished a steel chair from under the apron. DDP got back in the ring as Piper was getting to his feet and went to bash Piper with the chair but Piper grabbed the chair and the two struggled over it. Piper kicked DDP in the gut and gained possession of the chair. Piper raised the chair high over his head and the crowd urged Piper to bash DDP with it but Piper instead tossed it aside. At the end of the match, Piper had the upper hand and went to whip DDP into the ropes but DDP reversed and sent Piper into the ropes and looked to catch Piper coming off with a clothesline but Piper ducked the moved and came back and speared DDP. Crowd roared as DDP slammed to the mat. Piper then grabbed the folded up chair off the apron and placed it in the middle of the ring. DDP was still feeling the effects of the spear when Piper snapped DDP up, grabbed DDP in a side headlock, backed DDP into the corner and nailed DDP with a running bulldog onto the chair. Piper covered DDP, hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory to the delight of the crowd. WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Bulldog onto a chair - 9:46)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Piper's big win over DDP. Also discussed the mystery mega-star Russo has signed and said they had no idea who it is. Hyped the re-match between Wahoo and Oliver still to come.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed JJ Dillon. Dillon came to the ring in a suit and to loud boos from the crowd. Okerlund asked where UWL Champ Tully Blanchard was. JJ: "Gene, the UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard is taking a well-deserved rest this week! He certainly deserves a little r-n-r after the three tough matches he had in the last month with Daniels! He'll be back next week prepared for new challenges!" Okerlund said he thought it odd that neither Tully nor Russo were there. JJ: "Just what are you implying, Gene?" Okerlund said he thinks there's something a lot deeper between Russo, JJ and Tully than just Russo selling the belt to Tully and JJ. JJ: "Gene, our relationship with President Russo is just like the relationships he has with the other wrestlers here in the UWL. It's strictly business. Wherever Tully is tonight, I'm sure he's having a great time and is the life of whatever party he's at! As for President Russo, neither Mr. Blanchard nor myself fraternize with the man away from wrestling! Moving on to other matters, the UWL World Champion is more than excited to see who the new challengers will be for his title! As for Daniels! Daniels, you gave it your all, son! In a few years, I truly believe you will be World Champion material! But, you had three matches with Tully; two of those for the title! And you couldn't get the job done! So, and it does pain me to say this, Daniels, you've had all the chances you're gonna get against Tully Blanchard! You've shown you're a good wrestler...but not good enough to become the World Champion! It's like this! Daniels - good! Tully Blanchard - GREAT! That's all there is to it! Greatness always manifests itself when it has to! And Daniels may one day be great! But not right now! Daniels, I say this to you in all sincerity! Since your days as a World Title contender are kaput, be the great wrestler you can be at your level! But don't overstep your boundaries! Because things will just end in disappointment for you, Daniels! Tully's back next week and I can already smell the big ratings upon his return!")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed JJ speaking about Tully and claiming Tully is done with Daniels. Hyped the re-match between Oliver and Wahoo coming up in just minutes.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Oliver about tonight's re-match with Wahoo. Oliver: "Wahoo McDaniel. The last time we faced each other I thought I'd wage a little psychological warfare against you by making fun of your Indian heritage. My plan worked to perfection. I got you so worked up that you lost sight of your goal of beating me and I won the match." Nelson pointed out that Wahoo dominated the match and it was only because of the interference of DDP that Oliver won the bout. Oliver: "One's perception is their reality. If that's what you believe, fine. But the bottom line is I won. And wins and losses are what pro wrestling is all about. The fans think it's about giving people some sort of a good show. But this isn't just entertainment. It's the most grueling sport out there. If you don't win in this business then you don't work your way to the top. And at the top, that's where the big money is. Wahoo, I'm not going to mock you tonight. I don't need to. I've shown that I can beat you and expect the same result tonight. And I'm gonna do it the 'Crippler' way. I intend to lay a beating on you that you'll never forget. And if I can...I'm gonna make you bleed like a stuck pig. Wahoo's a tough man. But I'm tougher. This fight promises to get very graphic for the people watching. If you like your wrestling good and violent, then this will be your kind of match. But if you like your wrestling family friendly, you might want to turn the channel right now. If there's any blood tonight, we aren't going to have some silly-ass stoppage so some doctor can come out and check on whether or not a wrestler has an owie and then only re-start the match when a cut has been patched up so the fans can't see any blood. That kind of crap isn't done here. This is pro wrestling. And if someone can't take the heat, they should stay the hell out of the kitchen. There's gonna be no cute high spots in this battle. It's gonna be a fight to the finish. And it's a fight I intend to win.")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the words of Oliver and honed in on his statement about the match possibly turning into a bloodbath.)



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***PART 3 OF 3 OF EP. #8***




(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked Wahoo about the match tonight and Oliver's remarks just moments ago. Wahoo: "Larry, last week I had to beat one of the best ring warriors of all-time in Harley Race to earn this re-match. Rip, you didn't have to add any fuel to the fire for this match. I'm already hot! I haven't forgotten your insults against my Indian people! I haven't forgotten Dallas Page interfering in our match and taking a win away from me! Rip, you say tonight's match could be bloody! Well I say if this match turns into a bloodbath then so be it! I wanna bust you open real bad! If the blood flows it flows! You say this match is gonna get violent! I agree! I wanna clean you clock, Oliver! I haven't been this outraged in a long time! You've really brought the anger out of me! And I intend to unload that anger on you in that ring! And Dallas Page! Brother, you've got my attention now! You think I'm gonna let what you did to me slide?! Guess again! We'll meet one day, Dallas! And when we do, I've got a nice big can of whoop ass waiting to open up on you! But tonight, Ripper, you'd better bring everything you've got! Because I'm one pissed off Native American! And no one is tougher than us when we get mad!")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the words of Wahoo leading into the match. They said this sounds like it's going to be one hell of a fight.)


(Video: Video aired of highlights of the first Wahoo-Oliver meeting two weeks ago. Footage showed Wahoo dominating Oliver and then DDP interfering and costing Wahoo the match.)


(Before the wrestlers were introduced, the ref for the match made his way to the ring. As the ref got in the ring, the UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron. The Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! A message from UWL President Vince Russo...live via satellite!" Crowd booed when Russo came on the screen. Russo was standing in a hotel room and behind him the door to the room was slightly ajar. Russo was wearing a blue Yankees' spring training jersey. Russo: "I know you fans were thinking that this show just wouldn't be complete without an appearance by President Vince Russo. I hold here in my hand the ratings for last week's edition of 'Slam!' Once again, UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard vs. Daniels drew boffo numbers! What this goes to show everyone out there is that I'm a man who knows what he's doing! For all my detractors out there, these ratings speak volumes about why I'm the President of the UWL! You armchair internet geeks who think you could put together better TV than me...hahaha! You dorky bastards couldn't come close to producing wrestling TV like Vinny Ru! I've got this promotion on the right track whether you all like it or not! A lot of people out there, they say: 'Russo produces nothing but train wreck wrestling TV shows!' But, if what I'm producing is a 'train wreck', how do you explain that our audience is growing?! It's because people know that I...your fearless and handsome leader...is the best mind in all of wrestling today! I'm not the king of the mountain, oh no! I'm the king of the wrestling universe! None of you out there will ever be a brilliant wrestling mind like me! Onto the next order of business! Tonight, Chief Wahoo McDaniel has earned the right to a re-match with Rip Oliver! And I've decided to add a twist to the match! This bout will have two referees! The ref who is currently in the ring will be the ref on the floor! And the ref in the ring will be...HUGH MORRUS!" Crowd booed. Just as Russo was about to speak again, a knock came on Russo's slightly ajar hotel room door. A voice could be heard outside. Voice: "Hey Vinny! My man, (door opened), let's go hit the tables and soak in the Vegas nightlife! Haha!" It was Tully Blanchard, who was now standing in the room just inside the door. The color drained from Russo's face and his shoulders slumped. Tully stopped dead in his tracks when he realized something was going on. Tully: "Vinny, are you filming something for TV?" Cameraman said they were live. Russo turned and faced Tully. Russo: "LEAVE!" Tully, suprised and embarrassed, quickly walked back out of the room. Russo turned back to face the camera. His eyes were shifting back and forth and then he spoke. Russo: "You people did not see what you just saw!" Russo then quickly ordered a cutting off of the sattelite feed.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo and Tully hanging out together in Vegas, clearly contradicting what JJ said earlier about the three men just having a business relationship. They wondered just how deep this business relationship went if Russo and Tully are partying together. Morrus made his way to the ring. He was wearing a sleeveless ref's shirt.)


Match 4 (Re-Match)

Rip Oliver vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(Oliver came to the ring first. Crowd booed his appearance. When he got in the ring, he shook hands with his tag team partner Morrus and the two were talking and laughing. Wahoo then came out to cheers. Stack and Pedicino wondered how Morrus could call this match fairly. Both men were busted open during the bout. Wahoo busted open Oliver about 5 minutes in with a series of punches to Oliver's head. Oliver reurned the favor at the 8 minute mark by slamming Wahoo's head into the ring post. Unlike their last bout, which was lopsided in favor of Wahoo, Rip came to fight and it was a back and forth battle. Morrus slow counted two pin attempts by Wahoo during the match allowing Rip to escape defeat. Rip went to pin Wahoo and Morrus fast-counted but Wahoo still escaped before the three count. Wahoo and Morrus exchanged words and shoves during the match. Late in the match, Wahoo whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Oliver coming off with a big chop to the chest. Oliver crashed to the mat. Wahoo went for the cover but ref Morrus mounted the second buckle behind Wahoo and came off with a boot to Wahoo's back. Wahoo rolled off of Oliver. Floor ref got up on the apron and had words for Morrus. Morrus repsponded by slugging the ref and knocking him to the floor. Oliver gained the upper hand and went out to the floor, grabbed the hurt floor ref and threw him into the ring. Oliver signaled for Morrus to pull Wahoo up and hold him from behind. Oliver stomped on the floor ref and picked him up, holding the ref by the collar and the belt. Oliver then went to ram the ref missle-like into Wahoo, but Wahoo moved and the ref crashed into Morrus. Crowd popped. Morrus stunned. Wahoo alternated chops on Oliver and Morrus. Morrus staggered back against the ropes and Wahoo sent Morrus flying over the top rope with a big chop to the chest. Morrus crashed to the floor. Wahoo then moved in on Oliver, staggered Oliver with a series of chops, whipped Oliver into the ropes and nailed Oliver coming off with a big chest chop that floored Oliver. Wahoo covered Oliver and hooked the leg and the floor ref was now recovered enough to make the 3 count for Wahoo. WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chest Chop - 12:13)


(Stack and Pedicino wrapped up the program. Announced that next week: an interview with Homicide; and Tully Blanchard returns. Stack said maybe next week they can get some concrete answers as to why Tully was partying with Russo in Vegas.)




Dark Match

Daniels vs. Homicide

(WINNER: Homicide - Pinfall - Gringo Killer - 8:42)

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* A special interview with Homicide regarding Homicide's recent attack on Daniels.


* President Vince Russo and UWL World Champ Tully Blanchard are scheduled to appear on the program. Will either man divulge why they were partying together last week in Las Vegas?


* Another video of the mystery mega-star that Russo has signed and is coming soon to the UWL.


* 8-Time World Champion Harley Race sees action.


* Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus are in tag team action.


This and more on the next edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!



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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: a special interview with Homicide; UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard and mgr. JJ Dillon make an appearance; the return of IWA World Champ Billy Graham; Pres. Russo is here; Harley Race in action; another video of the mystery mega-star coming into the UWL; and more on this edition of 'Slam!')


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed IWA Champion Billy Graham. Okerlund announced the return of Graham to 'Slam!' Graham came out to a nice ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Graham saluted the fans when he got in the ring. Okerlund asked Graham where he's been the last three weeks. Graham: "Gene, before I get to that, let me just say it's great to be back in the UWL! Denver, what's up, baby?!" Crowd cheered. Graham: "Where have I been?! Daddy, I've been travelin' all over the world defending the IWA World Title! That's where I've been! As the representative of the IWA, I am obligated to defend this title against opponents that the IWA deems worthy contenders! And sometimes that takes me out of the UWL! But this is where I really want to be, jack! While I faced a lot of great opposition in Japan and Australia, the UWL is where it's at in terms of the best overall competition in wrestling!" The UWL Pres. Seal came on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "And now a message from your fearless leader...UWL President Vince Russo!" Crowd booed when Russo appeared on the screen sitting behind the desk in his backstage office. Russo: "'Superstah'! It's good to see you back here in the UWL lookin' as only you can look! You know what, 'Superstah', you're right, this is where the best talent is in all of wrestling today! So, to welcome you back to the UWL after being away for almost a month...I've decided that tonight, you'll be wrestling in a tag team match! It will be Billy Graham and Chief Wahoo McDaniel vs. UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard and the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger!" Graham: "President Russo! Bring it on! With Chief Wahoo McDaniel as my partner, whoo, I feel really good about our chances of winning tonight!" Russo: "You may like your chances of winning tonight, 'Superstah', but sometimes people better be careful of what they wish for!" Russo disappeared from the screen. Graham: "I don't know what Russo meant by that, but I do know he clearly wants the IWA Title off of me desperately and he may have some sort of trick up his sleeve for this match; so the 'Superstar' and the Chief are gonna really have to watch our backs tonight and keep our eyes open for any potential suprises from President Dickhea...I mean President Russo!" Crowd cheered as Graham played to them before heading to he back.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed the tag team match just made pitting Graham & Wahoo against Tully & Lex and wondered if Russo had a suprise in store for Graham during the match. Hyped the appearance of UWL Champ Tully Blanchard & mgr. JJ Dillon as well as a special interview with Homicide coming up later.)


Match 1

Harley Race vs. Tony Garea

(WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Diving Headbutt - 2:59)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Race after the match. Race: "I have a question to ask. Why the hell wasn't I put in the tag team match with Tully Blanchard against Billy Graham and Wahoo McDaniel?! Why was Luger given that spot?! Did Luger somehow convince President Russo that the special forces that supposedly guide him tell him he should be Tully's tag team partner?! I mean, what the hell gives here?! If you ask me, Luger's nothing but a muscular, loudmouth blow-hard! Some imaginary forces apparently decreed to him that he lost to Billy Graham in an IWA World Title match three weeks ago because it wasn't his time to win the title! Please! That means, to the logical thinker out there, which means a lot of these fans are excluded, that Luger took that slot in that title match away from a wrestler who would've had a real good chance to take the IWA World Title from Billy Graham! And that would have been me! Luger, I don't like you, you don't like me; these fans don't like us...and I don't give a damn! They say it violates wrestling's code, the 'time-honored traditions of the business' to have two unpopular wrestlers face each other in a match! We're told, having two 'bad boys' wrestle each other turns off the fans! Well, I don't give a crap! Luger, you and me are gonna cross paths in the squared circle again! And no matter what these hocus-pocus special forces that supposedly guide your life dictate to you...ol' Harley can guarantee you one thing...I'm gonna beat your ass black and blue! And no special army of spooks in the sky can protect you from that! Mark my words, Lex! Mark my words!")


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Race's harsh words for Luger after the problems they've had with each other in the past. Hyped the tag match pitting Tully & Luger against Wahoo & Graham and a special interview with Homicide coming up later in the program.)


Match 2

Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus vs. Sam Houston & DJ Petersen

(WINNER: Oliver & Morrus - Pinfall - Morrus pinned Petersen with a moonsault - 5:17)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Morrus and Oliver after the match. Oliver: "Have you all heard the rumors? Have you heard 'em? Looks like we've got a new tag team headed to the UWL. They're called the Powers of Pain." Fans cheered mildly. Oliver: "Individually, these clowns are known as the Warlord and the Barbarian. People get off on 'em because they're a couple of muscleheads who walk around dressed in black and wearing face paint. We've got a picture of 'em in full make-up for all the fans to see." A picture of headshots of Warlord and Barbarian appeared on the screen that had been photo-shopped and showed them wearing chick make-up. Oliver and Morrus were laughing at the pic. Morrus: "Hahaha! What a couple of chicks! In my old neighborhood, you know what we'd do to ladies like that?!" Oliver: "Do I really want to know?" Morrus: "We'd nail 'em..." Oliver interrupted with a sickened look on his face. Oliver: "Hugh, man, we've known each other for years. If you're into that just keep it to yourself." Morrus: "Oh! No, no, no! Not nail 'em like that, Rip! Hahahaha!' A look of relief came over Oliver's face and he let out a chuckle. Oliver: "Whew! That's good to hear. Honestly, I was getting a little worried there." Morrus: "Noooooooooooooo! When I say 'nail 'em' I mean we'd hump 'em! Hahahaha!" Oliver just looked at Morrus for a moment and then looked at an imaginary watch on his wrist. Oliver: "Wow! Look at the time. Gene, I must be going. Hugh, please walk several paces behind me back to the dressing room. And I'll shower first." Morrus looked confused as the two left the ring. Oliver made sure Morrus was several steps behind him.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed and laughed about the interaction between Oliver and Morrus. Pedicino: "I think Hugh may have just inadvertently shown Rip Oliver a side of himself that no one wants to see!" Stack: "Joe, if I ever have an interview with Hugh Morrus I'll make sure I'm standing behind him!" Hyped the tag team match coming up later in the program and the special interview with Homicide coming up in just minutes.)


(Stack and Pedicino then intro'd video of Scott Hall preparing for his big comeback to wrestling next week. Video aired in b&w showing Hall pumping iron, running along a beach, doing exercises and chatting with and signing autographs for fans on the beach. The video faded to black and the words: "Scott Hall returns to wrestling next week! 3-29-11!" appeared on the screen.)


(Stack and Pedicino intro'd video of Homicide attacking and laying out Daniels after Daniels finished wrestling Tully Blanchard two weeks ago. Video aired.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Homicide. Homicide came out on the entrance stage in his wrestling gear and carrying a sign. Hom held up the sign and it read: 'VIVA LA RAZA!' Hom then came to the ring minus the sign and to mainly boos from the crowd. Okerlund asked Hom what motivated him to attack Daniels two weeks ago. Hom: "It's like this, gringo Okerlund! I've been with the UWL since it started nine weeks ago! And while I've been good enough to wrestle on the show, I've never been given one second of interview time! And it was obvious, gringo, that I wasn't ever going to get any interview time! And you know why I wasn't getting interview time? Because I was being racially discriminated against! Homicide wasn't getting any interview time because he's a Mexican! Because I'm a brown man I was being held down! So, I realized that the only way I could get interview time and speak my piece was to lay out a stinkin' gringo! And that's what I did! I trashed the gringo known as Daniels with my patented Gringo Killer! Now I'm the talk of the UWL and the wrestling world! You gringos can't ignore Homicide now! I broke through your wall of racial discrimination in a stunning way! I loved seeing the gringo Daniels laying at my feet! To me, Daniels represented every white wrestler out there who seeks to oppress the brown people in this business! And I'll gladly lay out more gringos until I get the respect I feel is coming for wrestlers who have brown skin! VIVA LA RAZA! As for Daniels! Here's a white guy who was given two shots at the UWL World Title based on what?! Had he done something amazing to merit those shots?! Hell no! Daniels was chosen for those World Title shots because he's white! I heard Daniels is still feeling the effects of that Gringo Killer I put on him two weeks ago! That's music to my ears! All white wrestlers should feel the same pain that Daniels feels to this day! VIVA LA RAZA!" Just then, there was movement underneath the ring. Out came Daniels as most fans cheered. Daniels came into the ring behind Hom. Daniels tapped Hom on the shoulder. Hom turned around and was greeted by a series of head and body pucnhes that stunned him. Daniels whipped Hom into the ropes and caught Hom coming off with a side slam. Crowd going crazy. Daniels then yelled it was time for the Angel's Wings. Daniels started setting up Hom for the move but Hom escaped and bailed out of the ring. Hom looked up from the floor at Daniels, who was now standing on the middle buckle looking down at Hom. The UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen...the President of the UWL...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as Russo came out on the entrance stage with two of his bodyguards. Russo was wearing a blue home NY Islanders' hockey jersey, black jeans and black tennis shoes. Both men looked at Russo. Russo: "Well, well, well! Look at this! The bitter Homicide and the revenge-seeking Daniels! I smell a match here...and it will take place later tonight!" Fans cheered the news as Russo exited the stage and the staredown continued between Hom and Daniels.)


(Stack and Pedicino hyped the just made match between Daniels and Homicide coming up later in the program. Hyped the tag match: Lex & Tully vs. Wahoo & Graham; an appearance by Vince Russo; and Tully and JJ will be doing an interview all coming up in the program.)



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***PART 2 OF 2 OF EP. #9***




(Stack and Pedicino intro'd a new video of the mystery mega-star coming to the UWL.)


(Video: Video opened with a shot of a red and white University of Wisconsin football helmet sitting on a table. An arm comes into the picture and picks up the helmet. You then see a shot of the man's upper body from the neck down as he puts on the football helmet. The camera moves up to the back of the man's head with the helmet on. Still shooting from behind, the man then rears his helmet-laden head back and crashes it into the wall leaving a big hole. The man tilts the helmet up and back on his head. He then extends his right arm and someone off camera pops open a can of beer and hands it to him. The man tilts his head back and guzzles the beer. 'Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!' the man says as he hands the can to someone off camera. The man is then handed a big cigar and a lighter. With the camera still behind him, the man lights the cigar, takes a big drag on it and lets out a monster puff of smoke. The screen then fades to black as the words 'He's Coming!' appeared on the screen in red lettering as a gravel-throated laugh echoed in the background.)


(Stack and Pedicino were still wondering who the mystery man was. Hyped Daniels vs. Homicide and an appearance by Pres. Russo still to come.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed UWL Champ Tully Blanchard and his mgr. JJ Dillon. Crowd booed their appearance. Tully had the belt slung over his shoulder. Okerlund asked the pair about what we saw last week when Tully was down in Vegas partying with Russo after Dillon had said the relationship he and Tully had with Russo was just business. Tully: "Look at this! Look...at...this! (Held up title.) This is what this sport is all about! Being the World Champion! And I'm the UWL World Champion because I deserve to be! I've proven my worth as the flagbearer of the UWL and I will continue to be the centerpiece of the UWL as their World Champion for a long time to come! As for what I was doing in Vegas last week with President Russo, well, that's my business and the President's business! Like JJ told you all last week, the relationship between us and the President of this company is strictly business! We were on a business trip last week and that's all you need to know! But tonight, awww, the UWL World Champion and the 'Perfect Male' Lex Luger team up to tangle with Chief Wahoo McDaniel and IWA World Champion Billy Graham! So we've got a match-up feturing two World Champions here! And, Mean Gene, I'll say it right now! I would love to face Billy Graham in a World Title unification match one day!" Okerlund's jaw dropped. Tully: "You heard that right! 'Superstar', how about it?! One match! You and me! Winner takes home ALL the gold!" JJ: "Billy Graham, you heard the UWL World Champion! You man enough to step up to the plate and put the IWA World Title up against the UWL World Title?! I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for us to get the green light from President Russo and the funding for this extremely rare type of match! Tully Blanchard the Unified World Champion! Sounds good, doesn't it?! As for what happend last week! Gene, as Tully pointed out, President Russo and the UWL World Champion were on a business trip to Vegas and that's all there is to it!" Okerlund pointed out that last week, Dillon said that neither he nor Tully fraternized with Russo. JJ: "I don't recall that." Okerlund: "That's okay, JJ. We have the footage right here." Video aired on the JumboTron from last week where JJ said that he and Tully don't socialize privately with President Russo. Dillon swallowed hard. JJ: "Well...uh...hmmm... It is obvious that I said that, isn't it." Tully: "Gene, what part of 'business trip' do you not understand?! This line of questioning is terminated right now!" Tully and JJ left the ring without giving a clear answer as to the true nature of their relationship with Pres. Russo.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Tully challenging Graham to a World Title unification match. They wondered if it could materialize. Said Daniels vs. Homicide was up next.)


Match 3

Homicide vs. Daniels


(Hom came to the ring first and was waving a Mexican flag. Hom got in the ring and continued to wave the flag as most booed but some cheered. Daniels was then intro'd and came charging to the ring. Daniels hit the ring and Hom went to hit Daniels with the flag pole but Daniels ducked the pole shot, hit the ropes and came back and nailed Hom with a flying shoulder tackle. Hom dropped the flag. Daniels then picked up the flag and started beating Hom across the back with it. Hom bailed as Daniels tossed the flag out on the other side of the ring. Back and forth battle with great action. At the end of the match, Hom was in control when Daniels blasted Hom with the Iconoclasm. Hom crashed to the mat. Crowd cheering. Just then, a blur ran down to ringside. The man was wearing street clothes, a black baseball cap, sunglasses and a blue bandana over his mouth and nose. Daniels briefly played to the crowd as the ref checked on Hom. Daniels ran to hit the ropes just as the mystery man picked up the flag off the ground. As Daniels hit the ropes, the man drove the butt end of the flag pole into Daniels' lower back. Daniels went down next to the ropes just as the ref turned around. The masked man was now standing at ringside holding the Mexican flag. Hom recovered, dragged Daniels away from the ropes and and slapped Daniels in the STF. Daniels struggled to escape the hold but the pain was just too much and Daniels tapped out. Hom stood up and saluted the man holding the Mexican flag. The man then started waving the flag as the fans booed. Hom left the ring and the mystery man raised Hom's hand in victory and the two then made their way back up the aisle. The man shouted: 'VIVA LA RAZA!' as they headed to the back and angry fans booed the pair. Daniels made it to the back on his own power. WINNER: Hom - Submission - STF - 7:37)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Hom's win over Daniels and wondered who the disguised mystery man was who helped Hom win the match. Hyped the tag team match still to come and Vince Russo makes an appearance next.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Pres. Russo. UWL Pres. Seal came on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Please rise and show your respect for the President of the UWL...Vince Russo!" The six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Russo then walked out on the stage and the crowd booed loudly. Russo was carrying something in a cloth bag. Four bodyguards took their positions on the floor around the ring as the other two bodyguards got in the ring and one held the ropes open for Russo. Russo soaked in the boos briefly before pulling a hand bell out of the bag. Russo started obnoxiously ringing the bell loudly while walking around the ring. Okerlund covered his ears. Russo finally stopped ringing the bell. Russo: "Hear that?! That's the sound of ding dong, ding dong! And you people don't realize how close you are to hearing that irritating sound every week here on 'Slam! if I pull the trigger and bring the Ding Dongs in! Think of it! Ding Dong Mania runnin' wild! That's what you're gonna get if you people don't start showing me some respect when I come out here before you!" More boos. Russo: "The first item on the agenda tonight is...Roddy Piper! Let's take a look back at Piper's win last week over Diamond Dallas Page." Footage aired of the end of last week's DDP-Piper match where Piper pinned DDP after bulldogging DDP onto a steel chair. Russo: "Due to the fact that Piper used a chair to defeat Dallas Page, I am stripping Piper of that victory and ordering a re-match next week! Now, to make sure nothing like what Piper pulled last week happens in the re-match, I think we're gonna need a referee who can control the action and make sure Piper doesn't get away with using a weapon to win! And there's only one man who can officiate this match and make sure it's fought fairly! He is a man of great integrity and the fairest man I know! And I know he will call this match right down the middle! That man is...ME! Hahaha! You fans have my word! As President of the UWL, I will call this match in an absolutely impartial fashion! And may the best man win, because he certainly didn't win the last time Piper and Page wrestled each other! So never fear, the ultimate in fairness is here! I know you fans want to see a clean winner in the re-match as much as I do! Second on the agenda tonight...Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon! I think Tully and JJ summed it up when they said that I was in Vegas with Tully on business that's none of your business! So that's that! Nothing else needs to be said about the matter! And you fans don't need to know anything else because you're the fans and your job is just to buy those tickets and watch the TV program and enjoy what I present to you weekly! Third and last order of business...the Dog Pound! Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer, I was gonna let that little thing slide that you did to me a few weeks ago! You know what I'm talkin' about as you guys mentioned it in an interview last week! You guys thought it was cute to make it public! Well I don't think being treated like a fire hydrant by you two backstage is very funny! And because you decided to braodcast your actions to the world in an attempt to make me a laughing stock, let me let you in on a little secret! You'll be punished for what you did! You're gonna pay in a way you two could've never imagined! Payback...she can be such a bitch! And you fans, you'd better start showing me some damned gratitude!" Russo then walked around the ring obnoxiously ringing the bell again to remind fans that the Ding Dongs could be coming if they don't start respecting President Russo.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Russo making a re-match for next week pitting Piper against DDP with Russo as ref. Said this might not bode well for Piper. They pointed out that DDP brought the chair into the ring with the intent to use it on Piper. Also noted that Russo, like Tully and JJ, gave no clear reason for why Tully and Russo were obviously partying together in Vegas when they supposedly just have a business relationship. Pedicino said that he believes that one day the complete true nature of the relationship will come out in the open. Also discussed Russo threatening payback against the Dog Pound for them using Russo as a human hydrant backstage a few weeks back.)


(Stack and Pedicino then intro'd a video package of Tina Ferrari talking about being the re-incarnation of ring legend Mildred Burke and also showed footage of Ferrari wrestling. Video aired.)


(Stack and Pedicino announced that next week on 'Slam!': Re-Match: Piper vs. DDP w/ Russo as ref; the debut of Scott Hall; more on the situation involving the mystery man who attacked Daniels on behalf of Hom; and more on the mystery mega-star signed by Russo. Said the tag team main event was coming up next.)



(Video: Video aired from earlier in the program of Russo telling Graham he'd better be careful of what he wished for in the tag match tonight.)


Match 4

Tully Blanchard (UWL C) (w/ JJ) & Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham (IWA C) & Wahoo McDaniel


(Match was a see-saw battle from the start. Each team had opportunities to put the other away but failed to do so. At the end of the match, Graham and Luger were the legal men in the ring. Graham caught Luger in a roll-up from behind and went for the pin. Tully hit the ring and nailed Graham with a wild right cross. Graham let go of Luger and staggered backwards. Wahoo hit the ring and started blasting Tully with chops that drove Tully against the ropes. Wahoo backed up and came running at Tully but Tully dropped down and pulled down the top rope and Wahoo hurtled down to the floor. Tully went out to the floor and worked over Wahoo. Luger had the adavantage on Graham in the ring. On the floor, Wahoo fought back and he and Tully were dueling evenly. Luger whipped Graham into the buckles and charged in but Graham got a foot up and caught Luger in the face. Luger staggered backwards and Graham blasted Luger with a running clothesline. Luger crashed to the mat. Graham went to hoist Luger up for his jackhammer finisher. JJ Dillon jumped up on the apron. Graham dropped Luger and went over, had words with Dillon and then started choking the manager. As the ref struggled to separate Graham from Dillon, JJ reached into his jacket pocket and pulled something out as the ref was entangled with JJ and Graham. Luger was getting to his feet behind the fracas. JJ tossed Luger the foreign object behind the ref's back. Luger placed the object in his right hand and went to hit Graham just as the ref separated the two. Graham moved and Luger blasted Dillon instead. JJ crashed to the floor. Crowd going wild. Luger tried to hit Graham with the object again but Graham ducked and came back and blasted Luger with an atomic drop. Luger went down as Graham backed against the ropes and waited for Luger to get up. When Luger got up, he was greeted with another running clothesline that sent him crashing back to the mat.Graham went to finish Luger with his jackhammer finisher. Just as that was happening, Tully had gotten a brief advantage on Wahoo on the floor and tried to climb into the ring. As Tully got to his knees on the apron, Wahoo grabbed Tully around the waist to prevent him from getting back in the ring. The ref came over and tried to get Tully off the apron just as Graham hoisted up Luger. Tully grabbed the ref by the neck and was holding onto him as Wahoo held on to Tully and a giant struggle ensued. Graham blasted Luger with the jackhammer and covered Luger. As the ref tried to free himself from Tully and Tully tried to free himself from Wahoo, a man in street clothes came running to the ring. Stack: "That's Ken Patera! What's Ken Patera doing here?!" As the ref was still tied up and couldn't see what was going on, Patera pulled Graham up off of Luger, grabbed him in a full nelson and laid Graham out with a full nelson slam. Graham was flattened. Patera left the ring and stood in the aisle as the groggy Luger slowly made his way over and covered Graham. The ref finally managed to free himself from Tully's grasp as Wahoo pulled Tully back down to the floor and started blasting Tully with chops as the ref turned, saw Luger covering Graham, and made the three count. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory. On the floor, JJ was just coming out of his foreign object-induced coma and Patera, after the bell, stopped Wahoo's offensive on Tully dead in its tracks with a two-fisted backsmash. Tully backed off when he saw Patera. Patera then picked Wahoo up and dropped him throat-first across the ringside barricade. Wahoo crumpled to the floor grabbing at his throat. Luger left the ring and he and Tully went to help JJ as Patera got back in the ring. The ref tried to get Patera to leave but Patera glared at the ref and then made an intimidating move toward the ref and the ref bailed. Graham had gotten to a knee and Patera, standing behind him, grabbed Graham in the full nelson once again, held Graham in it for a few seconds and then laid out Graham with another full nelson slam. Tully, Luger and JJ looked on in awe from the rampway. Wahoo was laid out on the floor. Patera stood calmly over the prone body of Graham as the program went off the air. WINNER: Luger & Tully - Pinfall - Luger pinned Graham after Patera interfered and full nelson slammed Graham - 15:28)




Dark match

The Dog Pound & Roddy Piper vs. Oliver & Morrus & Race

(WINNER: DP & Piper - Pinfall - Piper pinned Oliver after a Bulldog - 18:01)

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* President Russo has ordered a re-match between Roddy Piper and Diamond Dallas Page with Russo acting as the special ref. Can Russo be fair and impartial calling a match with his #1 nemesis Piper as one of the combatants?


* Scott Hall makes his debut on 'Slam!'


* More on the situation involving the mystery man who attacked Daniels on behalf of Homicide.


* More on the mystery mega-star coming to the UWL!


* Rockin' Robin sees action.


This and more on the next UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling!



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  • 2 weeks later...



(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Re-Match: Roddy Piper vs. DDP w/ Russo as ref; JUST SIGNED THIS WEEK: Lex Luger vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Rockin' Robin sees action; more on the attack on Graham by Ken Patera last week; more on the mystery man who helped Homicide beat Daniels last week; the UWL debut of Scott Hall; another video of the mystery mega-star signed by Russo and more on this edition of 'Slam!')


Match 1

Rockin' Robin vs. Velvet McIntyre

(WINNER: Robin - Pinfall - Flying Bodypress - 5:09)


(Okerlund i'viewed Robin after the match. Robin: "Mean Gene, it's great to be here in Denver!" Fans cheered. Robin: "That Velvet McIntyre is one tough bird! She gave me a great match and fortunately I was able to prevail! I'd love to wrestle her again some time! All the lady wrestlers are talking about one woman wrestler here in the UWL! And that woman is Tina Ferrari! Gene, Ferrari's a solid wrestler! We all know that! She's a major star! But, what I don't understand is this Mildred Burke fetish she seems to have! She claims she's the reincarnation of Burke! I don't get it! Is this some sort of psychological ploy she uses to try and intimidate her opponents? All the women know who Mildred Burke is, and we respect her legacy and what she did for women's wrestling! But for Ferrari to claim that she's Burke in another body is a little bit out there! In fact, it seems kind of kooky! Tina certainly doesn't need to do this! It demeans Burke's memory and her accomplishments in our sport! And Ferrari is putting herself in a position of trying to live up to a legacy that she possibly won't be able to in this day and age. Tina will have a hard time going undefeated against the female talent arrayed here in the UWL!" The song 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar blared over the p.a. system and out on the entrance stage walked Ferrari. She was wearing an expensive and tasteful conservative-style dress, heels, expensive rings and her trademark tiara. She had a mic in hand. Tina was booed coming to the ring. Robin: "What are you doing out..." Tina: "Quiet! Don't interrupt the Queen of the Ring as she speaks! So I'm kooky huh, Robin?! You think I'm claiming that I'm the modern-day reincarnation of ring goddess Mildred Burke as some sort of psychological ploy?! What right do you have to question my claim?! Where's your proof, Robin, that I'm not Mildred Burke 2.0?!" Robin: "Hey! I'm just say..." Tina: "QUIET! I know I'm the reincarnation of Mildred Burke because I can feel her spirit within every fiber of my being! There is not one female wrestler out there today who has the talent that I have! As a matter of fact, there's not a female wrestler out there that has the talent that I have since Mildred Burke! How dare you question my integrity, you bitch!" Robin: "Whoa. I'm not lookin' for any trouble. I'm gone." Robin turned to leave the ring and Tina came up behind Robin and nailed Robin in the back of the head with her mic. Robin went down. Ferrari then clamped Robin in the recliner. Robin was struggling and trying to escape the hold as Tina tightened her grip on it. Robin in great pain. Mad Maxine then came running to the ring to mild cheers. As soon as Maxine hit the ring, Tina let go of the hold and bailed out of the ring to the floor. Tina and Maxine had a brief stare down and Tina had words for a silent Maxine and Tina then left the area as Maxine checked on Robin.)


(Stack and Pedicino discussed Ferrari viciously attacking Robin and Maxine making the save. Hyped Luger vs. Wahoo; and the Re-Match: Piper vs. DDP w/ Russo as ref coming up later in the program.)


Match 2

The Dog Pound vs. Steve Blackman & Steve Gatorwolf

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Blackman after a series of three German suplexes - 4:14)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed the Pound after the match. Asked them about Russo threatening payback against them for apparently using the UWL Pres. as a human hydrant. Steiner: "Woof! Woof! Woof!" Crowd barked back. Steiner then licked the side of Okerlund's face and Okerlund was not amused. Steiner: "Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! We heard that President Russo wasn't too happy with us bringing to light our using him as a human hydrant! Hehe! Now the President is threatening to get back at us for what we did! But it was all in fun, wasn't it, Buzz!" Buzz: "Yeah! All in fun! Woof! Woof! Woof!" Crowd barked back. Steiner: "I wonder what kind of retaliation President Russo might have in store for us?!" Buzz: "Maybe he's gonna give us a big cake! With lots of candles and icing! I love lots of icing, Dog Face!" Steiner: "No, no! Mad Dog, I don't think he's gonna give us a cake! Even one without icing! I think he may be planning something bad for us! He's already shown he can be pretty mean sometimes! Some people just can't take an innocent urination on their pants by outside parties!" Buzz: "Planning something bad?! You don't think he's gonna try to pee on us, do you?!" Steiner: "Hmmm.... That might be something he plans to do! But I don't think it's real befitting of a man of President Russo's stature to whizz on us!" Okerlund asked the two if they could please stop talking about urination. Buzz: "By jove, I've got it! One night when we're asleep, he's gonna sneak into our hotel room and dip our fingers in warm water!" Steiner: "Hey! You might be on to something there, Mad Dog! But it could also be something worse than that!" Buzz: "What's worse than dangling someone's fingers in warm water while they're asleep?!" Steiner: "Gosh! I don't know. But I'm sure something is!" The two giggled and then started barking and the crowd barked back at them.)


(Stack and Pedicnio discussed the Dog Pound seemingly not taking Russo's threat seriously. Pedicino said knowing the DP, he thinks they really may not understand the serious danger of Russo's threat. Pointed out that while they're a great team, the DP are not known to be the sharpest knives in the drawer. Stack agreed and pointed out that the DP could be walking into a very bad situation if they're not careful. Hyped the Re-Match: Piper vs. DDP w/ Russo as ref and Luger vs. Wahoo both coming up later in the program.)


(Video: Video aired of the end of last week's match between Homicide and Daniels where a disguised mystery man interfered and cost Daniels the match.)


(In-ring: Okerlund i'viewed Homicide. Homicide came to the ring in street clothes and was once again waving a Mexican flag. Hom soaked in the boos and some cheers as he walked around the ring waving the flag. Okerlund asked Hom about the mystery man who interfered on his behalf last week against Daniels. Hom: "VIVA LA RAZA! Last week, that gringo bastard Daniels got it barrio-style! We Mexicans are always thinking! We are some of the most clever and crafty people on the planet! A planet that will one day be all ours! I don't care how I win as long as I win! And Daniels learned that first hand last week! And just who was that masked man that came to the aid of his fellow Mestizo! I'm gonna introduce him to you right now! The Mestizo brother who helped me last week, because we all gotta stick together in our struggle against the white gringo is...my manager...the 'Ragin' Bull' Manny Fernandez! LA RAZA!" Most of the crowd booed as Manny made his way to the ring. He was dressed in an expensive suit. Once in the ring, Manny hugged Hom and then took the Mexican flag and walked around waving it and some in the crowd were getting pissed. A white fan then jumped over the barricade and was climbing up on the ring apron when arena security tackled him and took him away. Manny: "Take that pice of white trash and throw him where he belongs...in the garbage! VIVA LA RAZA! How are you gringos beginning to feel as we take over your ccountry! Have you people looked at how much states like California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico have changed in the last 10 years or so?! They're becoming beautiful brown states! Whatcha gonna do about it, white gringo?! Hmmm? Hahaha! You're losing and you know it! You're crapping your pants at the thought of a brown future for the good old U.S. of A.! And I'd be lying if I said we don't have payback on our minds! Not only in society! But in wrestling as well! Daniels got just a little taste of what will eventually befall his white bretheren in the wrestling world! Man, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, Billy Graham, Roddy Piper...all white guys! And they've had their day in the sun in this business! It's time for American wrestling to become Mestizo-ized beyond repair. This is just the start, gringo! I had a good career! But it should have been a great career! And you all know the story! The gringos held me down! In a true and just society, I would've been the World Champion at one time! But it wasn't to be because of gringo racial politics! They couldn't have some damn beaner as the champ! No way! It was always the white boys holding the World Title and the white boys getting the World Title shots while more deserving brown talent like me had to wrestle in the middle of the card! Those days are coming to an end! I felt the sting of discrimination during my career! And now as a manager, I'm gonna assemble a stable of Mestizo wrestlers that's gonna take over the wrestling business! And you gringos will then have to get used to watching Mestizo World Champions wrestle Mestizo challengers while the white boys languish on the undercard! You could say you're gonna witness wrestling's version of the Mexican-American war in the months and years to come here in the UWL! But this time, the good guys are gonna win! I'm standing in the ring next to one of the best wrestlers in the world today in Homicide! But he couldn't get the attention he deserved here in the UWL until he resorted to drastic measures! And neither one of us makes any apology for what's happened to Daniels on two occasions now! No doubt things are gonna get ugly here in the UWL as we begin our long march to controlling the wrestling business on the North American continent! You gringo scum-suckers just think of that day when you turn on 'Slam!' and see nothing but Mestizo wrestlers and Mestizo wrestling! You'll think you've died and gone to hell before you all actually go there for real because of what you've done to the brown people of this continent! But I don't care! And the Mestizo people don't care because we know our cause is right and just! And this is only the beginning! And you gringos just remember this! We didn't cross the border...the border crossed us! VIVA LA RAZA!" Hom had the flag and was waving it in the ring as Manny soaked in the cheers from some in the crowd and boos from others.)


(Stack and Pedicino were stunned by the words of Manny Fernandez. They wondered where all this could be headed if all-out war breaks out in the UWL between different factions. Hyped the debut of Scott Hall; and Piper vs. DDP in a re-match with Russo as ref coming up later. Said Wahoo vs. Luger was coming up in just minutes.)



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