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TNA - A first ever!

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Thanks and yep, next show it is indeed ^^ ... As for the Battle Royal (and other matches I think about atm), I plan on making them recurring events for special occasions. Next Impact will be up soon so let's see just who that mysterious guy is, hm? ^^
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(Aaaand - I rrrr back after a short-medium break. I think taking some time off here and there is rather healthy because it prevents burn-out, at least for me. With that being said, welcome back to TNA - ingame, things have gone rather quickly and at this point in November, I was edging in on global already. w00t! Enough of the backstage stuff for now though, let's get the show underway...)


Monday Week 2, November 2011




It’s once again time to reach fever pitch in the Impact zone as another edition of TNA’s weekly show is kicked off by massive pyros. We immediately head to the ring as Mick Foley’s music hits to cut off the opening theme. He is walking down the aisle looking confident yet aggravated and stops in center ring, microphone primed...




Foley: (clears throat) Hello and welcome to Impact everybody. You guys have most likely noticed me saying some cryptic things over the past couple of weeks and also that I was a little hectic here and there. You didn’t and couldn’t understand why, after that huge victory over Layfield, Inc., everything should have been fine, right? Well it sort of is, but then again it didn’t seem so to everyone else and I realize this is even more cryptic than anything I said before. But I’m here to inform everybody of what has been going on so bear with me.


He halts for a moment, the crowd hanging on to his every word ... he has the fans in a vice right now.


Foley: Right, enough of dodging the bullet, okay? So in order to be able to fight JBL on even terms, I needed dough ... green ... cash! Remember when I said a few months back that Bradshaw suspending me was a blessing in disguise? It was for one reason – it gave me ample time to find someone willing and trusting to invest in my little endeavor. This man is someone special and on top of it all, someone you all know. This someone decided to leave the business a while back and chose a different career path but it’s just as it is – once you were in this, our business, you’re in it for life! So when I talked to him and we came up with a plan for TNA over the days and weeks he got the itch again, trust me on that. He just had to clean up somewhere else before he could join us but tonight’s the night of his return to professional wrestling. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to welcome ... wait a second...


Mick Foley points at the speakers ... and a drumroll is being played.


Foley: Introducing – no one but SHANE MCMAHON!


The crowd is stunned. Shane McMahon is in TNA? Kidding, right? Shane indeed appears on the ramp, with the fans not quite sure how to react. He uses a rather basic rock theme without lyrics as he is striding down the aisle, a huge smile on his face. McMahon even pauses here and there to share a private moment with a lucky fan or two until he reaches the ring to get inside.






The fans have yet to warm up to him, but a portion of them begins to cheer as it doesn’t seem he’s on Impact with bad intentions after all...


Shane: I know what you’re going to say. Hey, that guy belongs to that dysfunctional family in Connecticut. Hey, that guy has actually left his father’s company and wrestling entirely a while back. Hey, that guy started doing MMA stuff. Yeah, I realize you all know that. But MMA got old, my father would rather leave his company to my brother in law and sister and my wrestling senses are tingling because you know what? Good, good stuff is going on here on Impact.


Now he has the crowd and they’re cheering him on...


Shane: I’ve come here with the best intentions possible. I believe in TNA. I believe in Mick Foley. And I enjoy the hell out of Impact week after week and you know what? It got to the point where I thought – ‘hey, you gotta be a part of that’. So here I am and Mick, trust me, we’ll be doing great together. I’m full of ideas you know ... boss!


Foley: I’m sure you are... (smiles)


McMahon has a very cheerful expression on his face...


Shane: Great! You know ever since we got our little deal started, I've been pulling a few strings...


Foley: Right...


Shane: Yep! I’ve done that and umm ... can I have that drumroll please too?




Shane: Cool. Well, starting December 2011, you guys will be treated to TWO weekly TNA shows. Woohoo!


McMahon looks at Foley who smiles from ear to ear...


Foley: Nah-ah, you got the floor, Shane. Tell the guys in the back something good, too!


Shane: Oh yeah. You know, amount of work, travel and all that comes with TV shows tends to do a number on people’s private lives and their families. I realize that and it’s why Mick and I had another idea!


McMahon pauses and looks again at Foley, but the TNA owner just keeps on smiling and nods to his ‘partner’...


Shane: No one will have to work overtime. No single one because we’re gonna split the roster up! It’s ace! Two shows, two separate entities, united under the TNA banner, one being run by you and the other by me. That's what Mick and I have come up with and oh, thank you for allowing me to announce it!


Foley raises his eyebrows...


Foley: I believe there’s more?


Shane: Correct, Mick. I’ve pulled some more strings...


Foley: They ever tear? (smiles some more...)


Shane: What? Umm no, well the second set of strings I pulled (grins) is something else entirely. You realize my dad likes to burn bridges, right? You also realize my brother in law loves doing that too although he doesn’t even realize, right? Same for my sister but okay, enough of that or I might not get anything for my birthday. Anyways, Paul is here now, right? Paul Wight, the largest athlete in pro wrestling is in TNA now. How healthy that is for his TNA opponents remains to be seen but ...that was my first ‘gift’ for TNA. It’s not my last, however.


Foley: Umm ... I promised the fans to stop being cryptic and you’re doing exactly that now, Shane.


Shane: Sorry but I have to be cryptic for now or I’ll spoil it and I won’t. You guys here in the arena and everybody watching at home ... you better damn well stick with us because good things are to come over the next couple of weeks. Mick and I ... we’re gonna bring TNA to the next level. A second show, new, equally exciting guys like those who are already here and I promise you’ll know them the second you see them, all that is going to happen very soon. Mick, THAT’s how we get TNA on the map. That’s how we’ll...


Brock Lesnar’s music interrupts him as the big man approaches the ring, accompanied by his manager JBL. Lesnar looks furious as he walks up the steps to join McMahon and Foley...




JBL: And now ... everyone join in ... (soccer chant style) FOLEY SOLD OUT! (claps his hands rhythmically, repeating this a few times)


Lesnar: Whoever it is I don’t care, but one of you two better make sure I get a match with Chris Jericho once he returns and after I beat him, I demand a title shot. You better make this happen, Mick or Shane, one of you, or I’ll smash your damn skulls in.


JBL: You heard him!


Foley: You’re in no goddamn position to demand anything from me, Bradshaw. You should be happy to have a job!


JBL: Blah, blah, blah, whatever. Go ahead, fire me and I’ll sue you out of the industry! Brock is well within his rights to demand this from you and you KNOW that.


Shane: If I may intervene here ... JBL, this ain’t the time or place to discuss this and that is something YOU should know as a guy who has been in the business for most of his life!


Lesnar and JBL, who so far more or less ignored him, now stare viciously at Shane after reprimanding Bradshaw like that. But it gets better! Kurt Angle comes out to the ring and even before he can speak once his music has died down, MVP’s theme hits and he comes to the ring. Chaos is about to turn into outright violence as Angle and Lesnar are almost at each other’s throats with MVP about to join in on the fun...




Foley: Stop! Stop, halt, pause, goddamnit! What’s wrong with you guys? Can’t you see what’s going on here is slightly ... significant for TNA? You know what that means? It is also slightly significant for your CAREERS for crying out loud.


All eyes are on him...


Shane: Well said, Mick...


Foley: What you guys, what everybody now needs to understand is that there’s a shakeup of epic proportions coming our way. It’s the next level that you JBL only ever dreamed of. It’s happening and it’s happening NOW! So you all will now, one after the other, leave MY ring, get back to your locker rooms and relax. I will discuss this with Shane and before you go, there’s one thing that you all must know – I really believe in this. So don’t come to me crying havoc because it won’t work. I’ve had enough, absolutely enough, of this issue and that issue getting in the way of everything. And for you, the fans – tonight is the start of something great. Something awesome is starting right here, right now, an opportunity I will not allow to go to waste.


Angle: Just make sure not to cast everyone aside who helped you get to where you are now, Mick. Just make sure you don’t is all I’m saying...


Foley: Kurt! You of all people should know me. You of all people should know that I’m NOT like Shane’s dead, that I’m NOT like his brother in law or his sister, and that I’m surely nothing like Bradshaw! All I am asking for here is a bit of trust from everyone in TNA. Do you think you could allow yourself to do so?


Angle looks to be deep in thoughts ... and when Foley offers a handshake, Angle accepts before leaving the ring, the gaze of the other men following him on his way up the aisle.


JBL: Brock and I will have your head if he doesn’t get what he deserves, Foley, and that’s a damn promise.


Even before Mick Foley or Shane McMahon can reply, JBL and Lesnar leave.


MVP: While I will prove without a shadow of a doubt that I am what my initials suggest – TNA’s MVP!


Foley: Are you, huh? That must be why you keep using your brass knuckles ... Well MVP, I’ve got something for ya this week. Something where you’re FREE to use that set of brass knuckles...


MVP looks on, interested...


Foley: Since you used them last week to lay out Christopher Daniels and ruined an otherwise great match, we’ll do something ‘special’ and unusual tonight ... MVP, Mr. Anderson and Carlito Colon will team up AGAIN, just like last week, to take on Steve Corino, Rob Van Dam and Christopher Daniels AGAIN ... but this time it’s going to be a no DQ and no countout match! Enjoy it, MVP...


MVP looks at Foley in horror but knows better than to argue with his boss at this point. Instead he just turns and leaves the ring as well...


Shane: Looks like the hornet’s nest is stirred.


Foley: It’s never not been, Shane. Welcome to TNA!


With that, Foley and McMahon shake hands accompanied with a massive chorus of cheers from the crowd as we go to the announce booth...


Tenay: Shane McMahon has come to TNA! What a night this already is, folks.


Bischoff: Yeah. It’s horrible! You remove JBL from a position of power and get Shane-o-Mac instead and all you do is celebrate it? Are you kidding me? Shane McMahon is a guy who left his own father’s company and wrestling altogether! How can you trust him not to do that in a company where he does not have family ties? What if he pulls out and sells his share and ...


Taz: Calm down, Eric! He has JUST arrived, invested HIS money and so it’s rather unlikely he’ll bail on us tomorrow. He actually appears to be here to stay if anything...


Bischoff: And that is even worse!


Taz: Just because you still have sour grapes from over a decade ago you won’t even give him a chance?


Bischoff: As if! But you just can’t trust people who go by his last name, period!


Tenay: We will see about it all and will be right back with you after the break.


Impact cuts to commercial break...



AJ Styles vs. Robert Roode

A decent opener and both guys went balls to the wall right from the get go. Lots of back and forth action followed, then Roode took control and kept it for some time. With Ric Flair and the fans firing AJ Styles up however, Styles reversed his fortunes, escaped from a nearfall and landed his Styles Clash out of nowhere for the victory.


AJ Styles defeated Robert Roode in 9:48 by pinfall with the Styles Clash.


While Styles celebrates his win and Roode leaves in frustration about the slump he and James Storm have found themselves in, the music of The World’s Greatest Tag Team hits and Benjamin and Haas come walking down to the ring. Flair and Styles tense as they get into the ring...




Benjamin: Oh good job, AJ, good job. I just wonder if you can repeat that sort of stuff...


Styles and Flair give him a curious look...


Benjamin: You know I can beat you, AJ. It’s not a matter of if but WHEN, that’s all there is to it. Because of that, I was really wondering if YOU, together with a guy of YOUR choosing, could beat US, the World’s Greatest Tag Team.


Haas: Although I already know the answer to that...


Styles: So you are challenging me to a tag team match...


Benjamin: You’re not as dumb as I thought, AJ...


Styles: You’re on, buddy. You guys against me and a partner of my choice – next week right here on Impact!


Haas and Benjamin smile wickedly, then turn and leave while AJ continues to celebrate as we’re headed to the announcers.


Tenay: That’s a huge match for next week. But who will AJ Styles pick as his partner?


Bischoff: It won’t matter! Haas and Benjamin are the experts in tag team wrestling and no matter who you pick as your partner, when you’re not a regular in tag team wrestling you won’t stand a chance!


Taz: There are so many flaws in your train of thought I can’t even begin to correct them. All I can say is – you’re wrong!


The camera cuts back to the ring for the next match of the night...


TNA World Tag Team Championship



The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Douglas Williams and Jay Lethal

Williams and Lethal took the fight right to the champions, overwhelming them with their complimenting styles. The King of Wrestling had their sweet problems with the quick tags, and only when Castagnoli landed a cheap shot on Jay Lethal did the tides turn. A comeback by Lethal and a hot tag led to Williams cleaning house when Lethal was tagged back in just for Chris Hero to intercept him with the Hero’s Welcome and the win for the champions.


The Kings of Wrestling defeated Douglas Williams and Jay Lethal in 9:37 when Chris Hero defeated Jay Lethal by pinfall with the Hero’s Welcome. The Kings of Wrestling make defense number 1 of their TNA World Tag Team titles.


After their win, Castagnoli and Hero take to the microphone...


Castagnoli: You know, Chris and I ... we’ve had to come to terms with the fact we’re being challenged by inepts like Paul London and Brian Kendrick. But okay, the challenge is in the open since a week now and we’re down with it.


Hero: Yeah, after beating Foley and Angle, which was tough trust me, we deserve to get a bit of ... time off, which is something that a match against Kendrick and London will ultimately be for us. But here’s the deal ... we’d really like to know what you’re made of, guys.


Castagnoli: Totally! If you’d please get your miserable hides out of here so we can talk face to face?


Londrick’s music hits indeed and they come running down the aisle, being massively cheered on by the fans...




Hero: Good boys, good boys...


London: Shut up and get to the point! We’re already planning our victory party you know and it sucks to get interrupted in mid-planning.


Hero and Double C give him a puzzled look...


Kendrick: He’s right! You have no idea, guys ... we had to fizzle through facebook, twitter and our cellphones to not forget anyone we’d invite. It’s tough, really is.


Castagnoli: You’re planning YOUR victory party? Are you like ... crazy? Do you even realize who you’re facing?


Hero: We are the KINGS OF WRESTLING! The REAL world’s greatest tag team! And YOU dare to come down here and mock us? All that has done for you is to get us pissed off, guys, and that has effective immediately made things worse for you.


London: We’re...


Kendrick: ... afraid...


The Kings of Wrestling smile...


London: ... NOT! (smiles back)


The Kings of Wrestling no longer smile...


Hero: We got something for you boys. You gotta work your ass off here in TNA to get your shots at belts, right? I did and do, Double C here did and does ... but you? All you got to show for is a win over Beer Money. So how about ... work, guys? Are you up to a challenge?


Castagnoli: Come on ... you wanna be players, you guys gotta play!


Kendrick: A challenge, okay? You have us intrigued...


London: Yep. Go ahead and tell...


Hero: You’re very eager. That’s good, that’s great ... might even be able to become true competitors once Claudio and I retire. Anyhow, here’s our challenge for you...




The music of Paul Wight hits and the largest man in wrestling comes walking down the aisle. He walks up the ringsteps and gets inside to shake hands with Hero and Castagnoli before staring viciously at Londrick...


Castagnoli: Do you accept? Next week on Impact it’s gonna be Londrick versus Paul Wight ... show us you belong, guys!


Kendrick: You’ll notice we do at Turning Point, Claudio. But Paul against us next week? Why not ... you’re on, Paul!


London: Sure, Brian, it’s not like we got anything else to do next week, right?


Wight: I’m looking forward to it myself...


He leaves the ring again and walks out of the arena, the Kings of Wrestling and Londrick staring hard at another as Impact cuts to commercial ...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everyone! Just before the break, another huge match was made for next week. The Kings of Wrestling want their challengers Londrick to ‘prove’ themselves in a match with Paul Wight and it’s going to happen at next week’s Impact, six days before Turning Point. What do you make of it, Taz?


Taz: Hero and Double C clearly suckered them into this. There was no way they had to accept the match yet they did anyways and why? ...


Bischoff: Oh let me answer, Taz. Why you ask? Because Londrick indeed have to prove themselves here in TNA. They haven’t done a whole lot yet except defeat Beer Money to become top contenders and...


Taz: Done nothing except that? Eric, Beer Money is one of the finest teams we’ve ever had in TNA and you don’t beat them just so. Paul Wight may think his size will be his advantage but to be honest here, he is fighting two men after all whose speed and agility may work to their advantage.


Tenay: It’s surely going to be interesting next week on Impact but we are not done here tonight. A man who we already saw earlier tonight, Shelton Benjamin, will be fighting an up and comer here in TNA who is unbeaten to this day – Davey Richards – next!



Shelton Benjamin vs. Davey Richards

These two had a match that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. None of the two could keep control for very long, so this was an affair of countless momentum shifts and a struggle for control. Charlie Haas had this obviously scouted and interfered, grabbing Richards’ boot from the outside which enabled Benjamin to land the Paydirt and the victory, marking Davey Richards’ first defeat in TNA to a massive chorus of boos!


Shelton Benjamin defeated Davey Richards in 9:25 by pinfall with the Paydirt following interference from Charlie Haas.


Richards is furious at his first loss in TNA courtesy of Charlie Haas! Benjamin bails from the ring in time but Charlie Haas doesn’t make it – Davey Richards catches him dead on with a superkick that leaves his target flat on the mat and out. Benjamin mocks Richards but doesn’t bother to enter the ring and instead, leaves up the aisle ... as AJ Styles’ music hits!




Styles heads on down the ramp followed by Ric Flair and Shelton freaks out! Benjamin darts across the guardrail and hightails it out of the arena. Styles meets up with Davey Richards in the ring where they nod at each other while Charlie Haas rolls out of the ring, having a hard time to regain his wits. We cut to commercial break...



Brock Lesnar vs. Austin Aries

Aries began with dodging Lesnar and landing some glancing shots at the bigger man but once Brock caught Aries it was murder she wrote. Lesnar methodically wore Aries down, preparing the Verdict which a short while later connected and ended this rather one sided affair.


Brock Lesnar defeated Austin Aries in 7:29 by pinfall with the Verdict.


JBL renews Lesnar's intentions for a title shot as we cut backstage where Mick Foley is standing by with Hulk Hogan...




Hogan: You have a lot of explaining to do, brother. I can’t understand why you would let Shane on the show and take decisions out of your hand. You even seem to welcome it, Mick. Tell me what the hell is wrong with you?


Foley: Wrong with me? I have no idea what you’re getting at, Hulk, but I think I know quite well what I’m doing. Shane is on the show because I WANT him to be here. I am not sure if you’re fully aware of it or not, but he backed me up! If it hadn’t been for him helping me when I really needed the help, JBL would be owner of TNA now. Shane’s eager and dead serious about TNA.


Hogan: I’m just not sure if you’re aware of the price that we all might end up paying, Mick.


Foley: As in?


Hogan: He wants control. It’s what’s in his genes and he can’t help it. Where a McMahon is involved, he or she has to be at the very top of the foodchain. That’s how the McMahon mindset works. I know you’re the boss now okay, and I realize that’s how it is and how it will be. But he wants a piece of the cake, and a rather big one at that. Are you sure you can deal with that?


Foley: Hulk, don’t think I’m stupid. What if this is the one moment it took for us to finally, after years and years of struggling, be on the map? And no doubt about it Hulk, we now are. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I won’t let it go to waste and besides - I'm STILL in full control!




Batista walks in on them suddenly, the fans audibly roaring...


Batista: Opportunity, hm? Well how about some opportunity for ME? Quit dodging the subject because I won’t leave here until...


Foley: (sigh) Dave! Really, what the hell...


Batista: You know what I want. Paul Wight and then ... the world title.


Foley: A lot of people these days seem to think I am wholesaling world title belts. But Dave ... that match you want against Paul Wight ... yes, you can very well have that match. Here, it’s official – at Turning Point, you go one on one with Paul Wight. Now get the hell out of my sight...


Hogan: So all it takes is to be persistent and you give people anything they want? Don’t turn too soft, Mick ... and keep both eyes open!


Hogan turns and leaves, Foley’s stare following him until he turns a corner. It’s back to the announcers...


Bischoff: I think that was sound advice by the Hulkster but knowing Mick Foley, he isn’t going to listen. Hell, Foley perhaps has some of the greatest talent wrestling has ever seen at his disposal yet he doesn’t listen to them one bit. JBL told him to keep away from this, Hulk Hogan just gave him a piece of his mind yet nothing. This is insane! You can’t trust Shane McMahon for crying out loud!


Taz: Would you please cut Mick Foley and Shane McMahon some slack? This is Shane’s first night here on Impact and I think so far, he hasn’t done anything to catch your or anybody else’s ire. So calm down, will you!


Tenay: Besides, Shane knows full well he doesn’t have majority ownership and so far has perfectly stayed within the rules. If anything, his eagerness to do whatever is possible to elevate TNA matches that of Mick Foley, so this is like a dream come true for TNA fans. Another dream come true for our fans might very well be our next match as X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe takes on Kurt Angle in a non-title match. Let’s go to ringside ...


Non-Title Match


Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle

It was a back and forth affair between two absolutely great technical wrestlers and it had the fans cheering even Wolfe on as he gave it his everything. They matched each other pound for pound and both Angle and Wolfe were solid gold out in the ring. Unfortunately it didn’t last when both were on the outside trading fists – Angle sent Wolfe into the ringsteps and followed, but a kick to the groin by Wolfe had Angle drop to his knees. If this didn’t get Brian Hebner to DQ Wolfe already, Wolfe’s next move did the trick when he grabbed the chair from the time keeper and slammed it right across Angle’s head.


Kurt Angle defeated Desmond Wolfe in 13:44 by disqualification after Desmond Wolfe hit Kurt Angle with a chair.


Angle is declared the winner but is laid out, with Desmond Wolfe staring defiantly at the Olympic gold medalist. The X-Division belt is handed to Wolfe who poses above Angle with it, mocking him by raising the belt into the air. The fans boo him tremendously as Impact cuts to commercials...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everyone! Just before the break, Desmond Wolfe resorted to using a chair to take down Kurt Angle to end their match. What a despicable way to end their encounter on a DQ when he couldn’t get it otherwise done. Angle will be non-too-pleased about this...


Bischoff: He’ll have to leave dream street for that and I have a feeling that won’t happen tonight anymore. Angle was knocked out by the chair shot and if you ask me, Wolfe could have well won their match even without the weapon. It was more like he felt like really laying into Kurt Angle with the chair for emphasis...


Taz: You should perhaps leave dream street as well...


Tenay: I hate to cut you off, but I’m being informed something is going on backstage so we should perhaps switch over...


Samoa Joe stands with Shane McMahon and they’re obviously talking since a few...




Shane: ...Listen there is nothing you have to worry about. No one will be stealing anybody’s spotlight, trust me. Hell Joe, I’ve watched you perform since a while now and I’ve gotta say...


Joe: No amount of flattery is going to convince me, Shane. You said ‘trust me’ ... well you see, that’s exactly the part I have a problem with. It’s not the first time you come out on another company’s turf to take it over, so tell me how this time is going to be any different?


Shane: Because this time I’m PART of this company and NOT part of that other company anymore...


Walking in on both men, a thin smile on his face, is no one else but the top contender to Samoa Joe’s World Heavyweight title, The Rock...




The Rock: The Rock didn’t mean to interrupt you two candy-asses from making a date for later, but he couldn’t overhear your conversation. The Rock has also watched you earlier Shane and all that The Rock has to say is – JUST BRING IT! Bring whoever it is you want to bring, it’s all the same to The Rock who will soon, very soon, be wearing gold around his waist again and defend it against whoever has the guts to step up and make a challenge. So bring Superman, Batman, Iron Man, other men it doesn’t matter, The Rock will send them all down know-your-role boulevard!


Joe: Funny you should run your mouth, Rocky. I’m the goddamn champ, not you, and it won’t change come Turning Point.


Shane: But guys, guys ... this intensity is exactly why I’m even here! TNA has the most talent-ridden roster in wrestling today, and come next week it’ll be even better I promise! You guys, everyone watching, the entire world will be in uproar!


The Rock: More jabronys the Rock will check into the smackdown hotel...


Joe: You should worry about our match first, Rocky! This title is going nowhere.


Rock and Joe go up close and personal but Shane wastes no time to get in between and manages to break them up. We cut to commercials...


No DQ, No Countout


Christopher Daniels, Steve Corino and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP, Mr. Anderson and Carlito Colon

The match had a lot of twists and turns, illegal interferences and senior referee Earl Hebner had his problems containing the six men right from the beginning of the match. No one could take control for very long because pinfall were broken up, hot tags happened, it was mayhem the fans were watching. When most of the action happened outside of the ring and chairs began to be used, Mr. Anderson tossed RVD into the ringpost and slid into the ring to take Daniels out from behind. He used this to drag the Fallen Angel (literally in this sense...) back up for MVP to finish him off with his trusty brass knuckles. Daniels however had some life left and slipped out of Anderson’s hold in the last second, and MVP’s strike hit Mr. Anderson right on the forehead. Anderson collapsed, Daniels sent MVP to the outside where Corino and Carlito were trading punches and Daniels used this for the easy pinfall on a knocked out opponent.


Christopher Daniels, Steve Corino and Rob Van Dam defeated MVP, Mr. Anderson and Carlito Colon in 13:35 when Christopher Daniels defeated Mr. Anderson by pinfall after MVP accidentally hit Mr. Anderson with a set of brass knuckles.


MVP is in shock and retreats from the ring where Carlito Colon yells after him for costing his side the match. Daniels, Corino and RVD celebrate around ringside while Mr. Anderson has a hard time regaining his wits. MVP and Carlito get into a huge argument in the aisle, but MVP shrugs him off and leaves. The three winners depart as well and we cut to the announcers...


Tenay: So MVP puts Mr. Anderson out of commission – but was it really by accident? Mr. Anderson ended their union because of the upcoming Chamber of Champions match at Turning Point, and this might very well be MVP trying to show him that in the Chamber, it’s every man for himself.


Bischoff: Unlike other people in TNA, MVP isn’t as treacherous as you would have everybody believe. It was an unfortunate accident and also it’s what it took for Daniels, Corino and RVD to even stand a chance of winning. Furthermore, do you think MVP would willfully give a match away like this?


Taz: That is something I would argue right now but I think we’re running out of time – aren’t we, Mike?


Tenay: We are indeed. Thank you for joining us everyone and make sure to tune in next week. Two matches are already announced and others will be in the upcoming days on tna.com while Shane McMahon more or less promised us that next week, he’d bring in a bunch of people. Who those people are is anybody’s guess, but you’re of course invited to follow us on twitter and facebook for the latest developments. For Eric Bischoff and Taz, I am Mike Tenay saying goodbye until next week.


Impact cuts to credits...


Final Show Rating: 87

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  • 3 weeks later...

Monday Week 3, November 2011



Robert Roode defeated Josh Raymond in 6:10 by pinfall with a Northern Lariat.




Impact opens with the usual fireworks as the fans in the Energy Solutions arena in Salt Lake City are anxious to know just who it will be Shane McMahon is bringing in. The announcers are as well as Shane McMahon’s theme hits! He is being cheered on while he comes down the aisle, impressively so since he managed to ruffle some feathers during his debut. He gets into the ring...




Shane: Hello TNA!


More cheers...


Shane: Tonight, as promised, I will show you that I’m not just empty words. I will show you that my promise for Mick Foley is legit, and I will show you that I am here for the fans! But to begin with ... Mick ... would you please join me?




Foley walks down the aisle and gets an equally warm welcome by the fans. He joins Shane McMahon in the ring...


Foley: Welcome to Impact, Salt Lake City!


Massive ‘yays’...


Foley: Okay, okay, now for the two of us, Shane. Tell us ... who is coming to join us...


Shane: Call them disgruntled employees ... call them insanely talented people who want to be able to prove just HOW talented they are. And you could call them people who don’t shy away from joining the wrestling revolution instead of staying in their cozy, yet slightly uncomfortable home. What everyone needs to understand is that my family ... doesn’t sleep in the bed they make. I understand though Mick that you ... well, we in TNA ... we do, right?


Foley: All I understand right now is that you’re indeed not looking for Christmas or birthday presents from your family this year...


Shane: Mick ... I want to build TNA with YOU. I want us to bring TNA to the next level. That can only work with expansion however. Change is good for the industry, before things become stale. I understand that, Mick. You do, too. So without further a due ... I bring you the most talked about man in wrestling today – from Chicago, Illinois – this is CM PUNK!


Foley’s jaw drops ... and the crowd erupts! ‘Self Bias Resistor’ by Fear Factory kicks in and Punk walks through the curtain. He stands on the ramp for a moment and is perhaps getting the biggest reception anyone joining TNA so far had, including even The Rock!




Confidently, he marches towards the ring, extending his arms in order to high five the fans during his stride. In the ring, he shakes hands with Foley and McMahon while his music dies down. He tries to talk but it takes some time for the volume in the arena to reach microphone level...


Punk: Thank you guys for having me!


The volume goes up again...


Punk: Hey, hey ... I appreciate it but let us continue, okay? I haven’t come to TNA with an agenda. I haven’t come to TNA to steal anybody’s spotlight. I have come to TNA to work my way up just like everybody else should. This isn’t like that other place I wasted years of my career in only to be a transitional guy. This is the place where I can show what I can do for real, this is the place where WRESTLING still matters – and this is the place that I can hopefully help evolve.


Foley: Punk ... you are very, very welcome here in TNA. I think the fans have more than made up their mind, haven’t they? I...


Suddenly, a familiar music hits ... its Christian Cage!? Sure is, right another guy, in his case back in TNA, who was apparently convinced by Shane McMahon to rejoin. Foley has a smile on his face as Cage walks down the aisle and gets into the ring...




Cage:Hello TNA and all that bull. Yes, I’m back too ... but other than Punk, I DO have an agenda...


The three men in the ring give him a puzzled look...


Cage: This place used to appreciate me, right? TNA used to love me, well hate me at times too, but TNA liked what I did. I was a great TNA champion, and now we’re at the point of my agenda – I will be again. Be humble if you like, Punk, but I’m obviously more ambitious than you. Who is the champion right now - Samoa Joe? Give me a damn break ... I’ll put him in his place and if need be, I’ll do it tonight!


Joe doesn’t waste a second as his entrance theme blasts over the speakers. Title belt shouldered, he arrives in the ring, purpose on his features...




Joe: So ... you’ll put ME in my place, right? Hi Punk by the way...


Punk and Joe shake hands, looking happy to be on one show...


Punk: Man I’ve been following you in TNA and I gotta say good stuff! I...


Cage:SHUSH IT! This stopped being about you guys since the second I came to the ring. This is about Christian Cage! I haven’t departed from up north just to take a backseat to others again. It won’t happen so you guys better just shut the hell up!


IF YA SMELLLLA-LA-LA ... The Rock is making his way to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd…




The Rock: You jabrony ... know your role and SHUT YOUR MOUTH!


Cheers ... Cage’s eyes shoot fire...


The Rock: Let The Rock make it perfectly clear to you – The Rock is the top contender to Samoa Joe’s title and nothing that you say will change a damn thing about that. You’ll also not change the fact that The Rock will take that belt from Samoa Joe at Turning Point, and...


Joe: You ... and which army? Rock, I haven’t won this belt a mere three weeks ago just to give it up again in two. There isn’t a doubt about that I will leave Turning Point ... STILL the TNA World Heavyweight champion, period!


Punk: I tell ya what, guys. Your match will be electrifying! Your match will be intense. It’ll be brutal, catch-as-catch-can, tough and then some and you guys DESERVE to have a very special referee for it – ME! Yep, you heard that right. I volunteer to be the special referee for Joe versus Rock at Turning Point!


Cage: And what about goddamn me? I should be in the spotlight because I am a two time former champion in this company. I’ve held multiple belts in my career, more than you guys can show for combined and...


The Rock: Oh really? You wanna drop your pants so we can compare the size, Captain Charisma? You’re gonna lose, buddy, because The Rock has the biggest...


Foley: Uhm, with sugar on top, would you please NOT go there?


The Rock: ...The biggest collection of belts to show for ... Remember to let The Rock finish talking, Foley.


Shane: Right guys, it would appear we’ve reached a bit of a turning point before the actual Pay Per View.


Foley: Tell ya what, guys. I really like Punk’s idea to be special ref in the Turning Point main event, so consider that booked. As for you, Christian ... I’ve an idea for you tonight!


Cage has a demanding look on his face...


Foley: Tonight, seeing you both are debuting, more or less in your case Christian, and seeing how you have nothing else to do tonight anyhow, Christian Cage is going to fight CM Punk!


The booking gets a huge crowd reaction. Cage looks ready to throttle his boss...


Joe: Gotta prove yourself all over again, buddy!


Cage: You...


Punk: Now get the hell outta here, will you? You’re annoying everybody...


Christian Cage looks ready for murder but the five other men in the ring show him the door. With the odds stacked against him, Cage leaves the ring to a massive chorus of boos...


Foley: And now ... let’s get this show started, shall we?


Foley’s music blasts over the speakers and one after the other they depart as we switch to the announce booth...


Tenay: Holy hell! CM Punk debuts on Impact and Christian Cage is back ... this is HUGE, guys. No wait – this is BEYOND huge!


Taz: Shane McMahon really showed us tonight that he is 100 % pro TNA for sure. What a night and it has only just begun...


Bischoff: Oh come on guys! There’s a reason why Punk was only ever a transitional guy – Christian Cage however, yeah, I highly appreciate him being back. He also made a good point – he IS a two time former champion here in TNA and should be treated with respect!


Taz: Respect is earned, not given, you should always remember that.


Tenay: With that being said guys, let’s go to ringside for our first match of the night. Two men who are on the fence for the Chamber of Champions match at Turning Point are facing off to figure out just who of the two will join Steve Corino, Christopher Daniels, MVP, Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Shelton Benjamin and AJ Styles who so far are confirmed for the match.



Carlito Colon vs. Douglas Williams

Both gave everything they had and went all out, unsurprisingly so with what was at stakes in this match. As matches like that go, the momentum kept changing constantly and the fans were on fire throughout. Carlito and Williams were both relentless and Carlito began to resort to shady tactics which had referee Mark Johnson step in a few time with Christy Hemme complaining on the outside. One such moment was costly for Carlito however – he was boot-choking Williams in the corner when Johnson intervened. Instead of going right back at his opponent, Carlito began arguing with the official and Douglas Williams used this for the Revolution DDT and the pinfall victory!


Douglas Williams defeated Carlito Colon in 9:08 by pinfall with the Revolution DDT.


A huge win for Williams who makes it into the Chamber of Champions at Turning Point! He celebrates it with Christy Hemme and the fans as we return to the announce booth...


Tenay: Douglas Williams enters the Chamber of Champions at Turning Point! What a match we just witnessed and the resourceful Englishman gets a chance to compete for two titles in one huge match!


Taz: Carlito is in a bit of a downward spiral right now and this could have been his personal turning point. As it’s not meant to be, we can only be curious as to where his career is headed next.


Tenay: One of many questions right now on Impact. For a little break, we’ll be right back with you after some brief messages from our sponsors...


The return from the break brings us backstage where AJ Styles and Ric Flair are standing by...




Styles: Last week I was challenged to find a partner for tonight to fight Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. I realize that in order to defeat The World’s Greatest Tag Team, it takes a team of really skilled individuals - highly skilled, in fact. Now ... I won’t brag or anything but I think I can hang with them. But two on one, now that is a bit off, right? However, my partner basically was selected for myself last week. Shelton Benjamin won a match last week he had no right of winning thanks to Charlie Haas. Now let me introduce a man who is holding a little bit of a grudge ever since – my partner for tonight – Davey Richards!




Richards walks in front of the camera, Ric Flair patting him on the back, and shakes hands with AJ Styles.


Richards: If what you did last week is anything to go by, you are more along the lines of the World’s Greatest Pushovers. Tonight, AJ and I will separate men from boys.


Flair, Styles and Richards are bristling with confidence as we return to the arena for the next match of the night...


Tenay: Christopher Daniels goes one on one against the big man, Gallows, in a non-title match tonight! Daniels, who will be defending his title in the Chamber of Champions match at Turning Point will surely not slack just because this is non-title.


Taz: He can't, Mike. If you give your opponent just a quarter here in TNA it's murder she wrote, and as a veteran performer of our company, Daniels knows that best.


Bischoff: But it's Gallows - not only is he about twice the size of Christopher Daniels, he is also a former stand out member of Layfield, Inc...


Taz: Let's just cut to the ring...


Non Title Match


Christopher Daniels vs. Gallows

Daniels had his dear problems with the size of Gallows, who especially in the opening of the match tossed the champion around like a ragdoll. The fallen Angel fought back hard but found himself in an uphill battle again once his initial comeback momentum was crushed by the brute power of the former tag team champion. But experience was on the side of the multiple-time champion Daniels, who dodged a big boot attempt to nail Gallows with the Angel’s Wings right from out of nowhere for the one, two and three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Gallows in 10:37 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings.


Tenay: Christopher Daniels stays sharp despite the fact his title wasn’t on the line tonight. He surely is one of the odds on favorites for the Chamber of Champions who after Turning Point may return home with both the US and TV title!


Taz: Well Mike, there’s nine others in that match and everyone in it has ... oh boy...


Down to the ring amidst Daniels’ victory celebration comes MVP...




MVP: Oh my, how ridiculous is that! Are you afraid to put your title on the line or what? Non title match on Impact ... You realize perhaps that if you lost it before Turning Point, you’d have no chance in hell to get into the chamber, right?


Daniels gives him a puzzled look...


Daniels: Well, I think putting your own teammate down with a chair like you did last week is just slightly more ridiculous. But hey, that’s your problem and not mines, right? You’re just a little error prone, correct? How does that even give you any right to BE in the chamber I ask...?


MVP: You want me to show you why?


MVP gets into the ring but both men are cut off by Mr. Anderson’s music. He comes out wielding a steel chair...




Anderson: I think Chris has a point you know. Splitting all ties with you is perhaps one of the best career moves I ever made, but I think I have to get even with ya regardless...


Anderson rushes down the aisle and MVP is caught between Daniels and the attacker. MVP slides out of the ring but Daniels baseball-slides him right into Anderson’s path and he lands a shot that’s straight on the head! MVP collapses and Anderson jumps on the apron, weapon in hands, and gets into the ring through the ropes. Daniels manages to dodge the swing and delivers a series of punches, Anderson reeling and dropping the chair. Trading punishing shots, they are oblivious to Rob Van Dam coming through the crowd!




RVD jumps up on the top rope and Daniels and Anderson realize way too late what’s coming their way – flying body splash takes out both men! RVD is standing tall in the ring and celebrates with the fans – MVP is up again and rolls inside though! Staggering still from Anderson’s chairshot, he picks the weapon up and lays out RVD with a loud ‘clang’ just as the whole f’n show turns around! Daniels and Anderson roll out of the ring and MVP is the last one standing when Steve Corino comes out from the curtain and stops on the ramp.




With his music blasting, MVP and Corino stare each other down over the distance, with Corino raising his title belt and the fans cheer him on massively as we return to the booth...


Bischoff: MVP somehow manages to be standing tall once the smoke has cleared. When we’re talking odds on favorites, I think he can’t be ignored!


Taz: As much as I hate to say it, you have a point there. MVP is perhaps the sneakiest man on the entire roster and that might very well play into his hands at Turning Point. But Corino let it be known here that he won’t back down.


Bischoff: Oh yeah? Then why didn’t he come down to the ring to oppose MVP, hm? Action will always speak louder than words, trust me on that Taz.


Tenay: Whatever the case guys, this is one hell of an explosive mix and it’s going to erupt at Turning Point. Ten men locked inside a steel chamber with NO escape and without rules except that pinfalls or submissions have you eliminated from the match. Two titles are on the line, winner takes it all, and all I know to say is – this is HUGE! Stay tuned as we’ll be right back after a short commercial break.


Returning from commercials, we’re in the arena with Austin Aries making his way down the aisle for his match. Once inside the ring, he waits for his opponent as an unknown music plays ... and out comes – William Regal!




Tenay: William Regal! He is another wrestler who came to join TNA and it’s his debut tonight. Damn, that’s right another brilliant performer, with years of experience under his belt and a big title history to show for! I’ve got to say, I’m impressed with what Shane McMahon has to offer.


Bischoff: Backstage is a crowded place these days...


Taz: You can never have enough talented performers ... I know Regal very well and his skills are almost second to none. He can do it all and he has a microphone so let’s hear from him...


Tenay: Tonight's show will go down in history as the 'debut' event, no doubt. What a night this has been so far for TNA! But let's hear what Mr. Regal has to say...


Regal positions himself in center ring, Aries looking mildly annoyed at the delay. But apparently the time on the mic is given and once the cheering dies down, Regal is able to talk...


Regal: (snotty tone...) So ... this is TNA, then!


Fans: TNA! TNA! TNA!


Regal: WHATEVER! I’m here and that’s all that should matter to you. Finally, some class and dignity has arrived to this God-forsaken hellhole and it was about time. I’ve signed this deal under the illusion that I’d be performing in front of intelligent and insightful people and hell am I ever disillusioned right now. Look who I have to face for my debut! A guy who is a mere kid, nothing but a child inside this ring. Hello, Foley! Hello, Shane! Give me some competition!


The crowd turns on him massively and is now trying to boo him out of the building ... Aries however has heard enough and he charges to start the match!



William Regal vs. Austin Aries

Aries manhandled Regal early on thanks to the surprise charge to start the match. Regal eventually squirmed free and fled to the outside, just to be caught by an enraged Aries who slammed him into the guardrail and back into the ring. There however, things took a turn as Regal used his vast experience to lock Aries into a submission hold on Aries’ next attempt of offense and the tides turned. Now, Regal could work to his strengths, commanding Aries with fine, mat based wrestling. This led to Aries tapping to the Regal Stretch and William Regal’s debut win on Impact!


William Regal defeated Austin Aries in 8:38 by submission with the Regal Stretch.


Right after the bell, Regal rolls out of the ring and grabs another microphone...




He throws the mic down and walks away from the ring and out of the arena, accompanied by thunderous booing...


Taz: He demands dignity and class? Well how about he’ll show that to start with in order to, you know, set an example? Some respect for others could be mixed in for good measure, too!


Bischoff: He is oozing dignity and class, Taz. And as we have seen in his debut match, his performance and skills simply DEMAND respect, period. It’s great to have a man like William Regal in TNA now.


Taz: I do not doubt his skills Eric, hell I’ve faced him in the ring in my time and know what he can do! The attitude he’s showing however, that’s the thing I really have a problem with.


Tenay: Well, the fans have surely made up their mind about him very quickly but let’s now go backstage as I’m informed of a development there...


21st century video magic teleports us into a backstage area where Brock Lesnar, his manager JBL, TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe, top contender The Rock and Kurt Angle are in an ongoing, heated argument...




JBL: ... Absolutely NOT! You think you can bully your way into whatever the hell you want just because you helped that no-good piece of trailer park trash Foley? Tell you what Kurt, once Brock is done with Jericho, who may or may not return next week, Brock’s targeting the World title next and there ain’t no damn way for you to change it.


Angle: Oh yeah? It has nothing to do with Foley. You need to get your Layfield, Inc. mindset out of your thick skull, Bradshaw. It’s YOU who can’t bully your way into whatever the hell you want anymore.


Joe: You want a piece of me, Brock? I’m here, I’m goddamn here...


The Rock: You should rather concentrate on your match with The Rock instead of caring for whatever the hell Lesnar and Bradshaw have to say, Joe! The Rock would rather send a fully focused champion down know-your-role boulevard.


Joe: Trust me Rocky you will get what you wish for. You WILL!


He goes up close and personal with the Great One, who gives him the people’s eyebrow without backing down...


Lesnar: The less you worry about me, the harder your realization will be that I’m going to be TNA World Heavyweight champion very, very soon.


Angle: Not if I there’s anything I can do about it...


JBL: Last time you ran your mouth like that, you lost to Brock if you might wanna remember so what exactly do you wanna do about it, huh?


Angle: How about I snap your goddamn ankle right here?


Before the first punch can be thrown, Mick Foley and Shane McMahon walk into the scene...




Foley: Guys, guys, calm the hell down allright? No one touches anyone, okay?


The TNA owner is overheard as everyone begins to shove everybody...


McMahon and Foley get involved, step in between the knot and struggle to contain the four men...


Foley: I said CALM DOWN! We are no damn riot squad. You WILL stand down and stop this NOW!


Shane: You better listen, guys...


JBL and Lesnar stare at him menacingly...


Foley: I will say this for the last time – for now and until Turning Point, THE ROCK is the top contender to Samoa Joe’s belt and unfortunately not you, Kurt. Brock is also NOT the top contender so I would really like if you’d leave them to take care of their match on their own. But here’s what we’ll do if you’re so eager to hack at each other’s shins ... next week, Samoa Joe will team up with Kurt Angle and The Rock ... against Brock Lesnar and two men JBL may choose himself. The roster is big enough I believe so you shouldn’t have a problem to find suitable partners.


JBL and Lesnar smile wickedly...


JBL: That won’t be a problem indeed!


Bradshaw walks off camera, followed by his client...


The Rock: Team up with Joe next week? I hope you realize that Turning Point is a mere six days after next week’s Impact! How is this even going to work?


Angle: I would like to know myself...


Joe: You have had better ideas, Mick...


Foley: I know our schedule, thank you. You’d like to know why I just made this match? Because it means you’ll be focused on teaming up instead of beating the hell out of each other backstage.


Rock, Joe and Angle give him an odd look and walk off camera, one after the other...


Shane: That, in all honesty, was a damn good decision if you ask me.


Foley: I have my moments...


We return to ringside...


Taz: Whoa! Now that is one hell of a main event next week! Samoa Joe, The Rock and Kurt Angle against Lesnar and two as of yet unknown men – that’s huge!


Bischoff: As a match, yes. But I can’t for the life of me figure out how Joe, Angle and Rock are going to co-exist next week. Ever since the end of Bound for Glory, the already fragile alliance Foley held together has crumbled into nothing as everybody follows his own agenda once again.


Tenay: As they should, Eric. They are just too ambitious to take a backseat to anybody! Speaking of ambitions, a tag team has made quite some waves over the recent weeks and I’m sure you all know who I’m talking about – Brian Kendrick and Paul London, collectively known as Londrick. Tonight, they are entering the ring in a handicap match with the largest athlete in professional wrestling, Paul “The Great” Wight, as part of a challenge laid out by TNA World Tag Team champions Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli last week. Let’s get the match started, shall we?



Paul “The Great” Wight vs. Londrick

Paul London started out and dodged and avoided Paul Wight as good as he could while landing stinging shots at every opening he managed to get. The towering giant was outpaced but made up for his lack of speed with wits when he had scouted London’s pattern to lay him out with a massive forearm smash. Now Londrick were in severe danger because Wight turned Paul London into his personal punching ball, not allowing a tag. Being worn down, Paul London was goozled up for a Chokeslam but he squirmed free, dropped to the mat, rolled under a big boot and managed the hot tag! Now Brian Kendrick came in, right off the top turnbuckle, hitting a flying dropkick smack in the big man’s face. Wight staggered but didn’t fall and it was at this point when suddenly, Batista came running down the aisle. The animal slid into the ring and instantly began laying into Paul Wight, making Brian Hebner signal for the DQ…


Paul "The Great" Wight defeated Londrick in 7:47 when Brian Kendrick was disqualified when Batista ran in and attacked Paul "The Great" Wight.




While Batista is busy laying into Paul Wight in the corner of the ring, the Kings of Wrestling suddenly make their way to the ring through the crowd!




Hero and Castagnoli are busy with Londrick as closed fists are fired off back and fro, while Batista and Wight now exchange punches. Wight gains the upper hand and drives Batista into a corner of the ring, but at this point, security is already at ringside and after some initial problems to contain the six men, they manage and the situation is finally under control. Impact cuts to commercial break...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact, folks. Just before the break, Batista got involved in Paul Wight’s match against Londrick and I believe Paul Wight will now be more than happy to get his hands on Batista at Turning Point. But as we move on, AJ Styles was challenged to find a tag team partner to fight The World’s Greatest Tag Team tonight. And he sure did find a man more than willing to team with him and fight Benjamin and Haas – Davey Richards! Let’s go to ringside...



The World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. AJ Styles and Davey Richards

The match was a great display of all four men’s skills as they got plenty of ring-time in this semi-main event. The fight was intense as no love was lost between the two teams and as such, referee Mark Johnson found himself struggling to contain order. Even Styles and Richards were reluctant to go by the rules tonight, the desire to win being much higher than the willingness to go by letter of the law. But it all turned upside down when X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe suddenly appeared at ringside. Richards lost focus and turned to face the newcomer just for a second, but it’s something you don’t do when fighting Shelton Benjamin! Benjamin rolled him up and that was it – one, two and three!


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated AJ Styles and Davey Richards in 15:47 when Shelton Benjamin defeated Davey Richards by pinfall following interference from Desmond Wolfe.




Taz: You gotta be kidding me! Desmond Wolfe cost Styles and Richards the match...


Haas and Benjamin leave the ring quickly before Styles and Richards can get a hand on them. Highly aggravated, Flair, Styles and Richards are nearly rioting inside the ring as Desmond Wolfe grabs a microphone...


Wolfe: Hey Davey - second week in a row that you lose a match, eh? And you wanna challenge me? ME? See, this is what separates us, Davey – I don’t lose matches no matter the circumstances, and that’s why I have this belt and you just lost the match for your team.


Desmond Wolfe has a smug grin on his face...


Richards: Accept my challenge and I’ll show you, Des. I’ll damn well show you!


Styles: Excuse me when I interrupt you boys, but I usually don’t really like when people get involved in my business. So Desmond, you better get your ass into the ring with me next week or your next title defense will be your last because I will personally see to it that you lose your belt, get it?


Benjamin: You better don’t forget my challenge, Styles! Are you afraid of me after we beat you tonight? Just say it, AJ!


Wolfe: Listen to Shelton, AJ. You want a piece of me? Fine then, I’ll wrestle circles around you next week on Impact oh and before you ask, I don’t have to defend this until Turning Point so it’ll be non title. I hope you get that!


Richards: You got the guts to defend it at Turning Point? Why not against me, sissy?


Wolfe says nothing and leaves, the fans showering him in boos. Benjamin and Haas taunt Styles and Richards who turn to talk to each other as we cut to commercials.


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everybody. We have ourselves a great match next week as AJ Styles takes on X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe in a non title match! That is going to bring the roof down...


Taz: Shelton Benjamin and Davey Richards are somewhere in that equation too, though. Richards has made his ambitions to go after Wolfe’s title known once again and Benjamin is hell bent on proving that he can beat AJ Styles in a singles match. All of this, I believe, will culminate at Turning Point and I can’t wait, Mike.


Tenay: Likewise, Taz. But let’s now get ready for our main event of the night which puts debuting CM Punk in the ring with returning Christian Cage!



CM Punk vs. Christian Cage

Lots of bragging rights were at stake here, and the fans were backing CM Punk up like a tag team partner. Hence, he began fired up and Cage found himself more on the mat than on his two feet. However, Punk couldn’t seal the deal because Cage’s resilience saw him fight back and eventually take control. With the crowd in a frenzy, CM Punk was now in problems and a few nearfalls for Christian Cage underlined this. But Punk got clear and mounted a massive comeback until Cage raked his eyes and readied him for the Unprettier – blocked! Cage was whirled around and lifted up in one swift motion – Go to Sleep from out of nowhere! Cage lay spread eagled and this was the pinfall victory for CM Punk!


CM Punk defeated Christian Cage in 16:30 by pinfall with the Go to Sleep.


Tenay: Punk wins! Punk wins!


Bischoff and Taz give him an odd look…


Tenay: Sorry guys...


The crowd roars in approval of the match and CM Punk’s victory. He raises both arms in victory and then sinks to his knees with his arms still up in the air. Cage leaves, frustrated and yelling profanities, the fans ignoring him for the most part though. Punk gets up and celebrates further as he goes to the second rope in all four corners of the ring, and these are the last images as Impact cuts to credits...


Final Show Rating: 95

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Hehe, thanks :D ... Yeah, the game is surely okay (now, again!) after some help from Scott. My Windows decided to bork and I had to do format:c\ >_<, and it was borked in a way that prevented me from unlicensing TEW properly before formatting. How very lovely ... long story short though, everything works again. Oh and in case you miss me on MSN, that's thanks to the crash as well - the pos won't let me sign in and says my username/passw. is in use. NO KIDDING cause that is MINE ... oh well, I tried to make a password reset and all I got was a 'Sorry, the website is experiencing an error' ... since a WEEK. LOL! So I sent them a hatemail today, let's see about their response ^^. Oh yeah and ... rant over, let's get back to what this forum was intended to ;)
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Hehe, thanks :D ... Yeah, the game is surely okay (now, again!) after some help from Scott. My Windows decided to bork and I had to do format:c\ >_<, and it was borked in a way that prevented me from unlicensing TEW properly before formatting. How very lovely ... long story short though, everything works again. Oh and in case you miss me on MSN, that's thanks to the crash as well - the pos won't let me sign in and says my username/passw. is in use. NO KIDDING cause that is MINE ... oh well, I tried to make a password reset and all I got was a 'Sorry, the website is experiencing an error' ... since a WEEK. LOL! So I sent them a hatemail today, let's see about their response ^^. Oh yeah and ... rant over, let's get back to what this forum was intended to ;)


Ah, I was wondering why you hadn't gone online for quite some time :p Nice to see that (most) things are back to normal, hopefully the updates pick up, as well :D

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Monday Week 4, November 2011



Carlito Colon, Low-Ki and KENTA defeated D'Angelo Dinero, Amazing Red and Austin Aries in 8:29 when Low-Ki defeated Austin Aries by pinfall with the Ghetto Stomp.




Impact opens and the fans have surely adjusted to this ‘new age’ in TNA – signs are being held up that read ‘TNA is Punk’ among many others that are highly in favor of Shane McMahon and the new signees. We are headed to the announce booth after the camera ride...


Tenay: Good evening to the last Impact of November as we’re less than a week from Turning Point. What a show it was last week, right guys? CM Punk has arrived in TNA, Christian Cage has returned, and you could say they absolutely stole the show in their main event match! I guess you could say that Shane McMahon has been nothing but positive for TNA. And a HUGE main event was made for tonight on top of all it as Samoa Joe, The Rock and Kurt Angle will take on a team led by Brock Lesnar, with two contestants still unnamed.


Taz: That’s going to be a HUGE encounter no doubt, Mike. During the week, and everybody who follows us on twitter, facebook and on TNA.com has most likely read the news that a second show is coming to your TV very soon, Shane has certainly convinced Mick Foley that this is the way to go.


Tenay: And I think he was absolutely right. However, how this is all going to be handled is yet still unknown, and it has started speculations in the locker rooms as well as all around the world. At any rate, it is going to be huge, there is no doubt about it.


Taz: Eric, you are a bit too quiet ... do you have anything to add?


Bischoff: Ab-so-lu-tely nothing!


Taz: Nothing to rant about, then. I feel sorry for you, Bisch!


Before he can hand Bischoff a happy-pill, the music of Christian Cage hits and the crowd bursts out in a chorus of boos...






‘You suck, you suck, you suck...’


Cage: I said SHUT UP! Last week was an accident. I wasn’t ready, okay? Mick Foley, that damn no good weasel, dumped me into a match when I wasn’t even aware I would HAVE a match that night. I was JUST back, hell, I had JUST arrived at the arena and didn’t even know Punk was here. How else do you think Punk managed to defeat me? Using his skills? PLEASE ... I am leaps and bounds better than him and you know that. Even PUNK knows that! So, Foley ... come down here because I demand a damn apology!


Taz: He is out of his mind...




Foley has basically no other choice than to come out and answer Cage’s challenge and so he does. The crowd obligingly erupts...


Foley: Right, let me try and understand you correctly. You ... demand an apology?


Cage: You’ve got good ears, Mick.


Foley: Tell me ... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You were in the main event last week as a guy who ABANDONED TNA a while back no less. On your damn return you get to wrestle in the main event and you want an apology for it? You have three seconds to leave my ring before this guy here, Mick Foley, goes Cactus Jack on you!


Cage gives him a puzzled look...




Foley: One ... two...


CM Punk’s music hits ... The fans are at fever pitch! Punk walks down the aisle with a smile on his face, gets into the ring and halts opposing Cage...




Punk: Wait, Mick, don’t send him away. I think it’s quite hilarious how he’s making a complete ass out of himself.


Cage: I am doing what? You’re kidding, obviously. If you think what the idiots in the arena say matters then you’re a bigger doofus than I thought you were. I’m legit, Punk! Since years and years I have been producing main event quality matches and what have you done? Bouncing up and down the card, being the internet phenom and nothing but the internet phenom for all of your career. Now you beat me once under circumstances that highly benefitted you and you dare say it’s ME who is making an ass out of himself? Gimme a break!


Punk: Let me ask you one question, Christian – are you perhaps drunk or under some sorta other influence? Because otherwise, what you just said would have you sanctioned under the mental health act in any sane world.


Cage: Drunk? Under the influence? What are you implying, Pepsi-addict? I’m of course as sober as possible, and my claim is as legit as possible. I was cheated out of an otherwise surefire win over you last week by Foley’s outlandish booking. Like, if we fought tonight, I’d wrestle circles around you Punk and it would take me less than five minutes to beat you one, two and three.


Punk: You wanna have another go tonight?


A huge cheer comes from the crowd...


Cage: At least you’ve got some manners left and know to ask but no, not tonight Punk. I’m sure you’re absolutely content with doing the same over and over again, but seeing how I’m not only better than you in the ring but also much more entertaining, other than you I understand that you CAN’T always do the same thing week after week. I’ll make a mockery out of you another time.


CM Punk smiles ... and attacks! But Christian Cage somehow manages to escape and quickly gets out of the ring. Foley gets in between and stops Punk from following Cage to the outside as the arena bursts in another round of cheers. We cut backstage out of a sudden ... Samoa Joe is standing by with Shane McMahon, watching the show on a monitor...




Shane: Quite some stuff going on, eh?


Joe: No kidding Shane but ... I gotta tell ya, you’ve brought some seriously talented people here allright but you know, it might be too many on the same show. Did it ever cross your mind that the sheer amount of guys now on Impact could cause an implosion?


Shane: It has and since you’re the TNA World champ I think you should know that there’s going to be a huge revelation at Turning Point. It’s been mentioned when I came in okay, but nothing was set in stone just yet. I CAN confirm however that together, Mick and I have set something in stone over the past week.


Joe: You have me intrigued...


In on them marches no other than the top contender to Joe’s belt, The Rock...




The Rock: The Rock couldn’t but overhear your conversation, and has one question for Joe ... are you worried?


Joe: Worried...?


The Rock: About all these people now in TNA and those that will probably follow their lead. You’re probably worried because you start to realize you can’t handle this. You realize you’re not the type of champion it takes to weather this storm. Let The Rock tell you one thing, Joe...


Joe: No, Rocky let ME tell you something! To answer your question, yes I AM worried. Worried about the fact that if this keeps up, we’re gonna share one locker room between four people. I’m worried about the fact that TNA will crumble under its own weight and you know why I do? Because TNA has been my professional home since years and years now, Rock. And as reigning TNA champion it is my responsibility to address these things. Don’t you think just for one minute that this means I’ll be giving any less than one hundred percent in our match. Don’t you think just for one minute that I will give even as much as an inch of a breather for you. Bring your five star A game into our match at Turning Point or you won’t stand a chance, Rock, and that is a goddamn promise. Stop patronizing me or you’ll be facing one pissed off Samoan on top of it all. Don’t...


Shane: Guys, guys, be patient allright. I promise you – at Turning Point, this will become a non issue. Mick Foley and I will fill everyone including the fans in on what is going to happen. For tonight, just be patient and that’s all I’m asking, okay? And please, stop getting at each other’s throat until the match allright?


Joe just looks at Shane and pats him on the shoulder before leaving. The Rock gives McMahon his trademark eyebrow before departing in the opposite direction. Shane is left standing alone thinking to himself as Impact cuts to commercial break...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everybody! Just before the break, we had a rather interesting exchange of words between Shane McMahon, Samoa Joe and The Rock. It seems Rock tried to play mindgames with Joe but it didn’t quite work out, but the most important bit we gathered is that what beforehand was just mentioned and not really confirmed, a bit of guesswork has us believe that TNA will very soon have two TV shows a week. How exactly it’s going to go down is as of yet unknown but like Shane said, we’ll hear more of it at Turning Point.


Taz: I’m really, really curious about it folks. But what about CM Punk and Christian Cage? A mere match between them last week has turned very, very personal it would seem as Cage isn’t quite down with the result, the booking, with anything, basically. This is a very interesting development between these two men for sure.


Bischoff: Christian Cage has a point though – Foley just put him into the match without consent or anything. Cage wasn’t ready, hell he had just returned to Impact!


Taz: It was CM Punk’s debut for crying out loud and he didn’t complain, right?


Tenay: While it remains to be seen what will come out of this, we should get ready for our first match of the night. Robert Roode is in singles competition tonight, and his opponent ... well look for yourself, folks.


Roode is in the ring awaiting his opponent as an energetic theme hits – its REY MYSTERIO! Rey Mysterio has jumped ship too and this is his debut match! The fans are going crazy...



Robert Roode vs. Rey Mysterio

Roode, with quite the size advantage, made good use of his physical superiority to begin the match with. Rey took a beating and the fans, behind him 100%, booed Robert Roode out of the building. He didn’t care a whole lot however and kept manhandling Mysterio, but the masked fan favorite kept denying him the win. When Roode attempted a Superplex, Rey caught him with a Huracanrana from the top rope that had the crowd in awe. Mysterio went back to the top rope to hit home with a 450 Splash. That didn’t get him the win though, but a few moments later, just when Roode attempted a comeback, he was dropkicked into the ropes and Rey followed quickly with the 619 for the pinfall victory.


Rey Mysterio defeated Robert Roode in 9:45 by pinfall with the 619.


The crowd erupts as Rey goes over the top in celebrating his debut win. Mysterio leaves the ring and hugs fans at random all around ringside. Back to the announce desk we go...


Bischoff: Just what we needed! A tiny Mexican jumping bean in TNA who makes the end of a normal, forgettable match he was in seem like he just won the World title. Roode was caught by surprise, otherwise he would have broken Mysterio in half.


Taz: Leaving your racial slurs out, you’ve got to understand that Rey Mysterio is a highly decorated veteran with almost twenty years of experience under his belt. You give him one inch and he’s gonna make use of it. It’s how he is able to defeat much larger opponents on a regular basis.


Tenay: It is absolutely great to have him here on Impact, no doubt. Another man we can be proud to have is AJ Styles and he’s standing by backstage with Ric Flair so let’s see and hear what they have to say...




Styles: So ... less than a week from now there’s going to be a huge match at Turning Point and I’ll be part of it, the Chamber of Champions! Ten men go in and only one of them will stand victorious once it’s all said and done and hold two title belts at the same time. And I ... I am in that match. I’ve been in all these title matches that were held under special conditions and I tell ya, I have a nice track record to show for.


Flair: That’s why I’m absolutely confident that my man AJ Styles will win those two belts on Sunday. Woo! It’s going to be great, like a ride on Space Mountain, and in the end when the Chamber is raised – I will lift AJ Styles’ hand in the air to celebrate his win. Woo!


Shelton Benjamin walks in on the scene, a smug grin on his face...




Benjamin: I don’t quite think you will, Flair. I am in that match too and it is going to be ME who takes those belts. You know, when Charlie and I defeated you and Richards last week it hit me – AJ Styles ain’t all too great after all. Sure and I’ll admit he beat me but hell, that’s a while ago now. It’s ME who’ll be crowned US AND TV champion at Turning Point, and it’s ME, Shelton Benjamin, who will steal the show in the Chamber of Champions match. Who else? This is MY time.


Styles: Your time ... well the way I see it Shelton, you should perhaps look at the big picture on Sunday. It’s not only me in that match you'll be fighting...


MVP confidently marches in front of the camera...




MVP: Indeed, because the one everybody in that match is worried about is ME. I’m the odds on favorite for the match and you know why? Because I have the wits, the skills and the passion to make it happen. Ten men go in and one man stands victorious and that man is going to be ME! Who else? You, AJ? Come on, you’ve absolutely overstayed your welcome here in TNA. You, Shelton? Hell, you’d be the most boring US and TV champion in like – EVER. But I ... I’m the total package. I have everything it takes to go even further and challenge for the World title but hey, one step at a time right? You two guys ... keep arguing about yourself and yourself only while I will take care of winning the match. Deal?


He grins at them arrogantly but his mood turns sour the second he sees Mr. Anderson advancing on them...




Anderson: YOU are the total package? Oh my God are you ever delusional. Had it not been for me you would have been made a mockery out of by Hogan and RVD.


Now RVD walks in ... it’s getting crowded...




RVD: Oh really, Anderson? Last I checked I put you out of your misery when...




Steve Corino now ... holy hell ... and he is followed by Christopher Daniels and shortly thereafter, it’s Douglas Williams. Now we’ve got eight out of the ten contestants in the Chamber of Champions match arguing and glaring at one another menacingly, with Ric Flair trying to moderate between them. Voices are raised and everyone is talking over the other, yelling abuse back and forth as we’re about to lose coherence. Just as it is about to turn to hell however, Mick Foley walks in...




Foley: Stop it right there! Turning Point is less than a week from now and I won’t have you guys beating each other senseless so close to the biggest match of your TNA career. No, no, no, Mrs. Foley’s baby boy won’t have that.


RVD: How about ... just a little bit, Mick?


Foley smiles...


Foley: Okay then, Rob. A little bit (broad grin on his face...).


MVP: RVD you are one hell of a doofus if ya think I’m going to...


Foley: MVP, you just volunteered for a four on four match tonight. Consider yourself lucky to be in the Chamber match so you may as well show what you can do tonight as well.


MVP gives him an angry look while Mr. Anderson has a gleeful expression on his face...


Foley: I have no idea why you’re so happy Anderson, unless you’re looking forward to tonight’s match as well because you’re sure as hell in it. And you’re even teaming up with your buddy here...


Anderson is now outraged but Foley raises a hand to shut him up...


Foley: I have a very special task for you, AJ and Ric. AJ, I want you to be the special referee in the match tonight and you Ric, will be standing by at ringside to make sure there’s absolutely NO outside stuff going on at freaking all. Could you guys do me that favor?


Styles and Flair nod eagerly...


Foley: Shelton, MVP and Ken here will be teaming up with an as of yet unknown man who'll enter the Chamber of Champions as well. That means you'll learn of the guy a week prior to the big match - tonight! Are you guys happy yet?


Benjamin: Happy about what? How can we prepare for this match if we don’t know who that guy we’re teaming with IS? Plus what the hell kinda team is it going to be with MVP and Anderson? They’re going to ruin things for us all!


Foley: Don’t be such a whiny b... *cough* ... You’ll find out tonight. Oh and ALSO tonight ... the OTHER still missing man of the Chamber match will be revealed in our next match. You guys better go and find yourself a monitor to watch quickly because that match will be on right after the commercial break, where we’re headed now folks. See ya all later.


Foley leaves the group of people who until a few moments ago were ready to unleash hellfire and brimstone on one another. Now, after Foley setting them straight, they walk off camera one after the other, their purpose for tonight set in stone. Impact cuts to commercial break...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everyone. What a match we’re going to witness later on, I can’t wait - a four on four between RVD, Corino, Daniels and Douglas William on one side against MVP, Mr. Anderson, Shelton Benjamin and a yet not known partner who’ll be revealed once we’re at the match. The suspense is killing me!


Taz: Foley has made the Chamber of Champions match quite a mystery over the month but I have to agree with him – it has kept everybody on his toes.


Bischoff: Yeah, but I don’t get the purpose of the four on four matchup tonight. At Turning Point they’ll all be at each other’s throats regardless, so if anything, tonight’s match is only going to add sour grapes to it. I’m sure of it!


Tenay: Speaking of sour grapes – two men have yet to join the Chamber of Champions match at Turning Point. Confirmed are Steve Corino and Christopher Daniels as holders of the titles that are on the line of course, and they are joined by AJ Styles, Shelton Benjamin, Douglas Williams, MVP, Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam. Two slots are open, but one will be filled in this next match - Shelton Benjamin’s tag team partner Charlie Haas goes one on one with one half of the Motor City Machine Guns, Alex Shelley, who is forced into singles competition ever since a while now that Chris Sabin is out with an injury, to determine the ninth competitor for Sunday. I'm not too sure how Shelton Benjamin thinks about this but ... let’s go to ringside...



Charlie Haas vs. Alex Shelley

Shelley started out agile and convincing, but Haas’ methodically wore him down and begun to shred Shelley’s confidence away with every move and every hold. A comeback by Shelley was short lived when Haas countered a swinging neckbreaker attempt into the Haas of the Pain, forcing Alex Shelley to tap out!


Charlie Haas defeated Alex Shelley in 7:15 by submission with the Haas of Pain.


Charlie Haas comes up with a very nice victory over one half of his old adversaries Motor City Machine Guns. He goes over the top in celebrating his entry in the Chamber of Champions match but the fans sure don’t see it that way, booing him out of the building. Haas couldn’t care less however and with a stern look on his face, walks up the aisle and leaves.


Tenay: Oh boy, now that’ll be tremendously interesting come Turning Point. Shelton Benjamin’s tag team partner makes it into the Chamber as well and how is this going to work out? Heck, they might even end up being the last two men in the match fighting directly for both title belts – will this create a rift between them?


Bischoff: Nah ... they’re both professionals to the core, Mike. Once that match is over and if either of them should win it, and if they cooperate until the last moment their chances aren’t exactly slim to be honest, I think they’ll be right back on the same page. That’s why they are the World’s Greatest Tag Team after all.


Taz: That remains to be seen, Eric. Singles titles and tag teams rarely work all too well together, on the other hand though they’ve worked together well enough so far and we’ll see if they can keep it up during and after the match. One of them will definitely end up losing the opportunity to win TWO titles, and if that isn't cause for concern for a team then what is?


With Haas and Shelley out of the arena, the music of no other than Brock Lesnar blasts over the speakers and he comes out to a massive chorus of boos, being accompanied by his manager John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield.




JBL: So ... it has been a couple weeks since Brock Lesnar rightfully took Chris Jericho out of commission. Brock avenged ME. Chris Jericho was the high profile in-ring leader of Layfield, Inc. I trusted him to be MY champion for months and what does he do? When it’s all at stakes he FAILS me. Jericho, wherever you are right now and I KNOW you can hear me – STAY where you are! Don’t return to TNA because when you do, my man here will be ready for you. Brock is eager to show you that HE should have been the man to lead Layfield, Inc., not you. Brock is eager to not only fight you, Chris ... he wants to DESTROY you.


Lesnar: Don’t be such a pussy, Chris. I know you’re now afraid of me because I hurt you bad, didn’t I? But come on ... be a big boy, Chris. Come out here and face me like a man. Let us have a match at Turning Point ... it’s not too late, Chris. If you come out here now, we can seal the deal.


JBL and Lesnar let a few moments pass ... but nothing. The crowd has started to rally behind Jericho, forgetting his antics during his Layfield, Inc. stint for the most part, and a ‘Y2J’ chant goes up. Still no Jericho anywhere in sight...


JBL: Okay, Chris ... you have until the end of tonight’s show to appear and face Brock in the ring at Turning Point.


Lesnar: And if you don’t, we’ll just consider you’ve admitted defeat and move on, sissy.


Lesnar’s music hits once again and he leaves the ring showered in boos, JBL at his heels. We cut to commercials...



William Regal vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Regal took control right from the bell and except for a short outburst by Jacobs, stuck with his gameplan of wearing down his opponent. Regal had an answer to everything and soon enough, put Jimmy Jacobs into the Regal Stretch!


William Regal defeated Jimmy Jacobs in 5:53 by submission with the Regal Stretch.


Regal has an annoyed look on his face as he goes on the mic...


Regal: Last week I said ... GIVE ME SOME COMPETITION! Was this guy competition? NO! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!


He drops the microphone and walks off, disgust on his face just like last week.


Taz: Unbelievable! This ... guy? That’s Jimmy Jacobs if you care to know Regal and he’s a fine...


Bischoff: Calm down, Taz.


Taz: I won’t stand for this sort of disrespect, Eric. I just won’t!


Bischoff: Whatever, Taz. It’s not that you can change his train of thought, which I think is quite on the spot if you ask me. I know you won’t ask me however so it’s academic anyhow.


Tenay: We’ll see if he should be careful what he wishes for eventually but let’s now get to the ring for our next match of the night. The top contenders to the tag team titles, Londrick, are in action against Generation Me. Let us go to the ring...



Londrick vs. Generation Me

This match, albeit short, was a spotfest that had all four in the ring for most of the time and it seemed Mark Johnson had given up on controlling the bout. Because of this, the fans were treated to quite some high flying and dangerous maneuvers by both teams that culminated in Kendrick getting the win for his team by rolling out of harm’s way on a Jeremy Buck senton attempt to nail him with the Sliced Bread for the one, two and three!


Londrick defeated Generation Me in 7:54 when Brian Kendrick defeated Jeremy Buck with the Sliced Bread #2.




Just as London and Kendrick start celebrating, TNA World Tag Team champions Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli jump the guardrail and roll into the ring, their title belts in hands. Using their belts as weapons against their unsuspecting victims, Double C slams his across London’s head while Hero takes out Brian Kendrick. The booing is deafening as the Kings of Wrestling stand tall over their fallen adversary while Impact cuts to another commercial break...


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact folks. Last week, AJ Styles promised Desmond Wolfe to get involved in his title match after Wolfe caused him and Richards the match against the World’s Greatest Tag Team. In response, not only was Desmond Wolfe booked to defend his X-Division title against Davey Richards at Turning Point, but AJ Styles got what he asked for as he is taking on Desmond Wolfe in a non title match next so let's not waste anymore time and get to the ring for what is surely going to be a hell of a match!


Non Title Match


Desmond Wolfe vs. AJ Styles

The fans got their money’s worth by this match alone as both competitors gave their everything and then some. At first both men were methodical but soon enough, every little mistake was handsomely exploited and as such, momentum shifted back and forth. Styles and Wolfe didn’t shy away from going to the outside either and the fans sitting at ringside witnessed stiff shots from point blank range. However, during one such trip to the arena floor, both men lost it and just kept laying into each other, oblivious to Brian Hebner’s count. Brawling their way up the aisle, Shelton Benjamin suddenly ran down from the ramp just to be intercepted by Davey Richards. As all four met midway in the aisle, Styles and Wolfe began trading punches with the newcomers just as Brian Hebner had counted to 10 and called the double count out!


Desmond Wolfe drew with AJ Styles in 9:43 following a double count out.




The end of the match is the start of a wild brawl that has Richards and Wolfe trading punches while Benjamin and Styles lay into each other as well. They brawl up the aisle and out of the arena and we go back to the announce desk...


Taz: A very nice encounter ruined by outside interference but I got to say a word here about Shelton Benjamin – Hello dude, AJ isn’t your only opponent on Sunday! There are eight others who’ll be more than happy to take advantage if all you do is care for Styles!


Tenay: His eagerness to prove he can beat AJ Styles has turned into an obsession, and you’re absolutely right it could be a huge disadvantage for Shelton in the Chamber. Let’s not forget – AJ Styles will be back in this ring soon for his special referee duties in the huge four on four match that Shelton Benjamin is in. This assault right here could turn out to be a bad idea considering that predicament.


Bischoff: Don’t worry too much about Shelton, guys. Charlie Haas will have his back as usual...


Taz: With TWO titles on the line in one match? Charlie Haas is a loyal friend of Shelton Benjamin, but he isn’t dumb!


Tenay: We’ll see who the man to fill the last remaining Chamber of Champions spot is right after the break and our huge Impact main event between Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Rock on one side against Brock Lesnar and two partners of his choice is still to come as well so stay tuned as Impact will be back after this...


Impact returns and the ring fills with the competitors for the four on four match between the Chamber of Champions contestants. Seven are in, with one man missing still – some music hits no one is accustomed to and out comes...




JOHN HENNIGAN! The crowd goes wild! It’s John Hennigan, debuting in a high profile match tonight on Impact and this most likely means he is IN the Chamber of Champions match at Turning Point! He gets inside the ring where he waits for the cheers to die down...


Hennigan: Damn, was about time you shut the hell up. I hate nothing else than second rate fans in a second rate company cheering up A list competitors as if I was some fan’s own doofus. Newsflash – I’m NOT! I’m here in TNA to win gold, not to impress you dorks! Now ... I know why your girlfriends cheer me on, don’t get me wrong. They do it because they’re thinking of me when you ... let’s not go there. But you ugly nerds can really shut up with your cheering of me because I couldn’t care less. I haven't come here to make friends with all you smarks, get that into your thick skulls. On a sidenote ... most of your girlfriends are ugly too...


Taz: Holy effin' hell for a debut promo! Way to go to piss every single TNA fan off, John!


The newcomer doesn’t get further however as Steve Corino has heard enough and starts the match on his own by attacking Hennigan...


http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/SteveCorino.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/CDaniels.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/DougWilliams.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/RobVanDam.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/MVP2.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/KenAnderson.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpghttp://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/JohnMorrison2.jpg /http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/AJStyles.jpg

Steve Corino, Christopher Daniels, Douglas Williams and Rob Van Dam vs. MVP, Mr. Anderson, Shelton Benjamin and John Hennigan w/Special Referee AJ Styles

Hennigan’s first moments spent inside a TNA ring saw him get pummeled by Steve Corino, whose patience had run out during Hennigan’s rant. The newcomer’s elusiveness however helped Hennigan avoid a more serious beat down as he rolled under a clothesline towards his own corner to tag MVP in. Corino then simply continued his demolition derby by taking out MVP before tagging Daniels in. Daniels and teammates dominated with quick tags but at some point, MVP managed to sneak a low blow past the referee’s eyes to lay Daniels out and his side took advantage from there. Several times, Daniels came close to a hot tag but was denied while the others fired him up. When he finally managed the tag, Van Dam raced in and laid out MVP, Anderson and Benjamin in rapid succession who all came running to help out Hennigan who was the official man for his team at this time. Corino, Daniels and Williams jumped to the outside to prevent them from returning to the ring so that RVD could secure the win, but when Van Dam came flying for the Five Star Frog Splash, John Hennigan raised both knees up. RVD managed to get back up but was in obvious pain, and Hennigan simply rolled him up from behind for the pinfall, giving Styles no other option than to count to three!


MVP, Mr. Anderson, Shelton Benjamin and John Hennigan defeated Steve Corino, Christopher Daniels, Douglas Williams and Rob Van Dam in 12:12 when John Hennigan defeated Rob Van Dam by pinfall with a quick roll up.


Hennigan darts from the ring and mockingly smiles at the fans standing behind the guardrail, celebrating that he one-upped Rob Van Dam. The faces stand together in the ring as Hennigan, MVP, Anderson and Benjamin see to it to get away. Styles shrugs to RVD and holds three fingers up, Van Dam being furious. Flair gets in between to calm the situation down as we go to the announcers...


Tenay: What a debut for Hennigan! He has secured an impressive pinfall win for his team over no one else but veteran Rob Van Dam just moments ago. AJ Styles rightfully counted the pin as it was an absolutely legit ending to the match.


Taz: I remember John to be a down to earth, fan friendly young man – what has happened to him ever since? Within two minutes before the match, he managed to get on the bad side of, assuming, almost everybody in this arena.


Bischoff: But you can’t deny his abilities, which he has by the truckloads. If he uses the momentum he built up tonight intelligently, he has a very good chance in the Chamber of Champions if you ask me.


Tenay: That’s correct, Eric. And now ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome a very special guest at our humble desk – CM Punk joins us for commentary in the main event.




Punk comes down the aisle with his music blasting, the fans screaming, shouting and cheering. Walking around the ring once to shake some hands, camera flashes going off by the dozens every second, he finally sits down between Eric Bischoff and Taz.


Tenay: Thank you for taking the time to join us, Punk and of course, since we didn’t get the chance to say it yet, welcome to TNA.


Punk: Thank you Mike. It’s been interesting over the week, let me tell ya.


Taz: Did you get a new number yet?


Punk: Man, phone kept ringing like you wouldn’t believe it but no, no new number. Tell ya though none of it, not even Christian (laughs) can make me regret my decision. I’m glad to be here ya know.


Tenay: We’ve surely noticed. So what’s your take on our upcoming match?


Punk: Most of these guys I have only ever seen on TV or DVD, Mike. The Rock, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe ... that’s the very crème of the crop in this company. Its steep competition and they’re all great at what they do, and honestly it’ll be absolutely awesome to one day get into the ring with them.


Taz: Would be great to see and call of course. We’re now ready for the match, aren’t we?


Tenay: Indeed we are – by the way ... Eric?


Bischoff: Yes?


Taz: Don’t mind him, Mike. He is star struck I think...




They get no further as Brock Lesnar’s music hits and he comes out to the ring accompanied by JBL. Inside the squared circle, JBL gets on the microphone...


JBL: We were asked to find partners for tonight to team up with Brock and face Joe, Rock and Angle ... well, thanks to my infinite resourcefulness, finding two partners was easy ... in fact, the hardest part was to turn down ten others who applied for the task tonight. So without further a due let me introduce Brock Lesnar’s partners for tonight’s main event – Abyss and no other than Paul ‘The Great’ Wight!




Saying nothing else, he lets first Abyss with James Mitchell and then Paul Wight walk down to the ring to meet up with Lesnar to wait for their opponents in tonight’s main event...



Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, Abyss and Paul ‘The Great’ Wight

Paul Wight started out against TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe, and Joe was struggling to do as much as move Wight one step. Paul Wight used his power and size to outgun Joe in that department and seize control. With a vicious headbutt he sent the champion to the mat, grabbed the right arm and dropped a leg on it, letting Joe visibly wince in pain. Lesnar came in and continued the domination over Joe until, with the backing of the crowd, Joe powered out and laid Lesnar out with a counter that sent Lesnar over Joe’s shoulder to the mat. Hot tag was made and Angle came in to rain down punches on Brock Lesnar. Both teams now traded momentum back and forth until Batista came down to the ring to stand in front of Paul Wight who immediately got down from the apron. They yelled at each other while Abyss was busy choking The Rock at the announce table while Joe and Lesnar were the official men for their teams. Angle came in and send Lesnar over the top rope to follow him instantly! Joe intercepted Abyss with quick powerbomb after the monster had come charging but no pinfall was counted. Batista and Wight still trading insults, Angle and Lesnar started to brawl up the aisle while The Rock came into the ring to lay waste to Abyss with the Rock Bottom. Suddenly the bell rang and the announcement was made – Brock Lesnar had been counted out!


Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and The Rock defeated Brock Lesnar, Abyss and Paul "The Great" Wight in 14:16 when Brock Lesnar was counted out while fighting Samoa Joe. During the match we also had Batista run in and distract Wight.


As the result is announced, Angle and Lesnar stop fighting, as if returning from some other world as they turn to stare at the ring side by side. Batista and Wight however are trading punches near the exit while Rock and Joe stare down Lesnar, Angle and Abyss from inside the ring. Security arrives to contain them all as CM Punk gets up from his ringside seat and then – Mick Foley’s music kicks in and it’s enough to stop everybody dead in his tracks... the TNA owner stops on the ramp with a mic in his hand...




Foley: Stop it, goddamnit. Just end this RIGHT now! Dave ... you want Paul Wight so bad you get involved in the main event? Turning Point isn’t even a week away for Christ’s sake! Next up you guys in the ring ... Brock, I have no clue where Chris Jericho is or if he’ll be back anytime soon but you know what? Here, this is what we’ll do ... you’ll be at Turning Point, Brock. I want you in the ring, wearing your gear ... and if you’re watching Chris ... I want you to show your hide at the Pay Per View, you hear me? Either fight Brock or get to the ring and explain why you can’t fight him but you WILL be there, okay? And you, Punk ... good work at the announce booth on a sidenote ... I have a match for you as well!


Punk stands a few feet from the ring facing Foley who is still statured on the ramp...


Foley: You are eager to compete and I respect that. You will go one on one with no one else but Abyss!


The fans roar, the monster and James Mitchell tensing ... Christian Cage’s music hits ... He comes out with a smug grin and stops right next to Mick Foley...




Cage: Wait a second, Mick. CM Punk gets to do guest commentary in the main event tonight, he gets a match on the Pay Per View and I ... I don’t? I get none of that?


Punk rolls his eyes...


Foley: You want a match at Turning Point? You’ll get it!


Cage smiles broadly...


Foley: And your opponent ... is going to be Rey Mysterio!




Mysterio’s music hits and the fans go wild. As he comes out, Christian Cage instantly retreats, jumping down the ramp and running to leap across the guardrail to hightail it out of the arena through the crowd. Foley has a huge smile on his face at this sight and shakes hands with Mysterio. Punk smiles as well then walks up the aisle and welcomes Rey Mysterio. TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe joins them alongside The Rock, with Lesnar, JBL, Abyss and James Mitchell staring at them from inside the ring. Batista and Paul Wight stand on opposite ends of the ramp meanwhile, their stares firmly fixed on each other as Impact cuts to a hype video for Turning Point before the show fades to credits.


Final Show Rating: 85

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I hope you enjoyed Impact and now it's PPV time once again - Turning Point is just around the corner and this is the card:




Christian Cage vs. Rey Mysterio


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick


TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards


CM Punk vs. Abyss


Chamber of Champions for the TV and US Titles

Steve Corino (TV Champion) vs. Christopher Daniels (US Champion) vs. AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas vs. MVP vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan


Batista vs. Paul Wight


Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho (Question remains: Will Jericho show up?)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. The Rock

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Damn, that was a huge (literally) Main Event :D

And BOO at turning JoMo (JoHen?) heel...


Christian Cage vs. Rey Mysterio

Not a Mysterio fan


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick

Psh Londrick gonna get Knocked the F Out :D


TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

I doubt Davey's ready


CM Punk vs. Abyss

Just to keep the story going


Chamber of Champions for the TV and US Titles

Steve Corino (TV Champion) vs. Christopher Daniels (US Champion) vs. AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas vs. MVP vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan

This is hard. Wanted to go with JoMo (JoHen?) but AJ Styles deserves it


Batista vs. Paul Wight

The legend of the Animal grows


Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho (Question remains: Will Jericho show up?)

If he does, he's gonna get the sh*t beat out of him


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. The Rock

I like Joe with the belt

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Christian Cage vs. Rey Mysterio


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick


TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards


CM Punk vs. Abyss


Chamber of Champions for the TV and US Titles

Steve Corino (TV Champion) vs. Christopher Daniels (US Champion) vs. AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas vs. MVP vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan


Batista vs. Paul Wight


Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho (Question remains: Will Jericho show up?)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. The Rock

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Sunday Week 4, November 2011



William Regal defeated Brain Damage in 6:42 by submission with the Regal Stretch.

Kurt Angle defeated Eric Young in 7:54 by submission with the Ankle Lock.



Turning Point goes live in front of 60000 fans in the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota. TNA has surely gone places over the past year, so much is for sure, and the roar of so many fans in the arena is deafening as the camera takes us on a wild ride across the arena. The card is run down on the screen for the fans viewing at home as we go to the announce booth...




Tenay: Good evening and welcome everybody to Turning Point! Just look at this crowd, guys ... I’m getting goosebumps. What a stacked card it is for tonight, with our main event being the wildly anticipated match between champion Samoa Joe and The Rock for the TNA World title, but one question mark remains...


Taz: Indeed and it is a huge one Mike as it is as of yet unknown if, and in what physical shape, Chris Jericho will appear. Brock Lesnar took him out in brutal fashion on Impact following Bound for Glory and we haven’t heard a word from the former TNA World Heavyweight champion since.


Bischoff: And it is maybe wise for Jericho to keep low profile in order to no be hurt by Brock Lesnar again. Jericho disappointed Layfield, Inc. and caused JBL to lose everything he worked for here in TNA, and Bradshaw’s response was a harsh one.


Tenay: And the events got even more hectic over the past month when CM Punk and Christian Cage came to TNA. Speaking of the two, ever since Punk defeated Cage two weeks ago, Christian has been crying foul play and it lead to Mick Foley booking him in a match against another debuting great, no one but Rey Mysterio. It’ll be interesting to witness these two going one on one in TNA and their match is – next!



Christian Cage vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio let Cage have it to start the match, outpacing him and sending Christian to the outside several times. Cage showed frustration and rage and stayed outside, which made Rey-Rey leap across the top rope and come crashing down hard on him. The fans ate this all up and a nearfall followed, Mark Johnson raising two fingers for the booing crowd. The match turned around when Cage was sat on the top turnbuckle and Mysterio attempted a huracanrana only to be shoved down and felled with a flying clothesline. Christian now forced his style upon Mysterio and began to wear him down until Rey countered the Unprettier, dropkicking Cage into the ring ropes. The 6-1-9 was to follow but in the last second, Christian was gone and Rey kicked dead air! Cage then proceeded to head-kick Mysterio out of the ropes, an action that had the crowd and the announcers wince for its sheer brutality, and Cage went for the pin, putting his feet on the ropes for good measure – one, two and three!


Christian Cage defeated Rey Mysterio in 10:36 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage


Cage instantly rolls out of the ring as he is announced the winner, with Rey very loudly arguing referee Mark Johnson's decision. Christian Cage mocks the Mexican and walks off, content with his victory. 60000 fans boo him at the top of their voices, but Christian isn’t all too interested in what they have to say and leaves, taunting Mysterio from the ramp one last time before disappearing.


Tenay: I’ve got to say, Christian is quickly becoming the most hated man on the entire roster and he sure as hell doesn’t do anything to prevent that. But Rey Mysterio won’t take kindly to this type of loss on his TNA Pay Per View debut, and I’m already curious how many more enemies Cage will make.


Taz: He now certainly has another one after Cage and Punk are already off to a bad start.


Bischoff: The truth is, you guys just can’t accept that people have different ideas about how to win their matches. They’re all valid because the end will always justify the means. If anything, blame Rey for not finding a way to get out of that pinfall predicament.


Tenay: This ain’t the time to argue with you, unfortunately I must say, as our next match has the Kings of Wrestling defend their TNA World Tag Team titles against the high flying duo of Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Hero and Castagnoli hadn’t taken Londrick’s challenge all too seriously at first, but when they attacked the challengers last week on Impact to send a message, it appeared to me as if they had finally found a measure of respect for Londrick. We’ll see how this all transpires because it is our next match of the night.


TNA World Tag Team Championship




The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick

London and Kendrick began strong, matching Hero and Castagnoli with a valiant effort. It seemed the Kings had not yet realized just how dangerous Londrick really are and they paid for it, being taken down multiple times by innovative offensive maneuvers. However, Hero’s and Castagnoli’s strengths came to bear when London misjudged a moonsault finding no one home and the Kings took over. Paul London managed to hot tag Brian Kendrick in after taking some abuse and Kendrick cleaned house, sending first Hero and then Double C to the outside. Chris Hero, being the official man for the champions, slid right back into the ring however and caught Kendrick unaware with the Hero’s Welcome! At the same time, Double C pulled London off the apron and the referee made the three count for the title defense!


The Kings of Wrestling defeated Londrick in 12:54 when Chris Hero defeated Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Hero’s Welcome. The Kings of Wrestling make defense number 2 of their TNA World Tag Team titles.


London and Kendrick are frustrated, but the fans cheer them on for their performance as it took Hero and Castagnoli to go all out to keep their titles. The Kings of Wrestling stay in the ring and taunt Londrick by raising their titles up in the air in a shower of boos as we return to the announcing trio...


Tenay: Paul London and Brian Kendrick with one hell of a performance were defeated by what is, truth be told, perhaps one of the top three tag teams in this industry today. There is no shame in this loss at all and if anything, they can be proud of pushing Hero and Castagnoli to the limits.


Taz: That they should be! On another night perhaps, but tonight it just wasn’t to be. I understand our next match is another title match, right Mike?


Tenay: It is going to be one hell of a battle as Desmond Wolfe defends his TNA X-Division title against up and comer Davey Richards. Let’s go to ringside...


TNA X-Division Championship




Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

Richards went all out right from the get go and left the champion absolutely zero breathing room and it took its toll as Desmond Wolfe didn’t seem prepared for the barrage Richards brought. Davey Richards was all business, ice cold and focused and Wolfe was in trouble. Realizing the danger, Wolfe went to the outside to regain his wits but Richards followed right away – just to be slammed into the ringpost. Wolfe tapped his temple, smiling, and began to dismantle his challenger piece by piece. But Richards wasn’t done – he mounted a comeback that eventually saw Wolfe caught in a sleeperhold. Richards looked to be choking Wolfe out as the champion began to appear slacking in the hold when Wolfe hit Richards with his heel where it really hurts. Releasing the grip and groaning in pain, Richards stumbled across the ring when Wolfe went for a cradle – one, two, three – title defense!


Desmond Wolfe defeated Davey Richards in 15:15 by pinfall with a quick cradle following a cheapshot. Desmond Wolfe makes defense number 6 of his TNA X-Division championship.


Richards is left in center ring on his knees, still in pain and furious about the outcome while Wolfe has retreated to the outside where he accepts the title belt. There, he poses to get the fans worked up against him in the process, the booing almost taking the roof down. Davey Richards gets up, grabs the top rope and elevates himself across for a flying body splash that hits Wolfe dead on. Both collapse in a heap but Richards gets back to his feet, the crowd cheering him on massively. While this was some measure of revenge, Desmond Wolfe remains the X-Division champion and we’re headed back to Mike Tenay, Taz and Eric Bischoff...


Bischoff: Let me hazard a guess ... Davey Richards is hacked off!


Taz: Now that’s an original thought that hit you there. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that a man who was cheated out of a title could be hacked off. In all seriousness, you can’t ignore that Richards could probably have become X-Division champion here tonight had it not been for that cheapshot!


Tenay: Coulda, shoulda and woulda are not what wrestling is all about however. Wolfe has adopted a ruthlessness ever since he won his title that works for him as it adds quite some unpredictability to his arsenal. Another HIGHLY unpredictable man here in TNA is the monster Abyss. Tonight, a man who made huge waves when he came to TNA a short while ago, CM Punk, will get to test out just how unpredictable James Mitchell’s client can be as both men will go one on one in our next match...



CM Punk vs. Abyss

Punk was welcomed with a standing ovation but Abyss somewhat ruined Punk’s first few TNA PPV minutes by using his incredible strength to keep Punk at bay. Punk however came back, using his tremendous in-ring skills to nullify Abyss’ strength advantage. A fine match developed in which both stuck to their gameplan, with Mitchell trying to distract the referee and CM Punk whenever he could, and as it became increasingly physical, the action took its toll on both competitors. Abyss eventually took command and fired Punk into the ropes for the Blackhole Slam, but CM Punk slid underneath the attempt and Abyss caught nothing but hot air. While getting up, Punk managed to lift Abyss and execute the Go to Sleep almost out of nowhere! The crowd was stunned and three seconds later erupted as Punk was announced the winner!


CM Punk defeated Abyss in 15:23 by pinfall with the Go To Sleep.


Tenay: CM Punk does nothing but impress ever since he has come to TNA. He laid out the monster with his patented finisher and it would seem the sky is the limit for Punk.


Taz: Yeah, he’s riding on a high since his debut that is second to none. Punk must be thinking about gold already...


Bischoff: Not so fast, not so fast. Competition is steep in TNA, and this was just an upset win for him. In order to get even remotely CLOSE to upper echelons, Punk will have to prove himself over and over again.


Tenay: Whatever the case, Punk is one hell of an addition to the roster. But let us go on to the next match of the night, and it’s a huge one...


We get a video package highlighting the Chamber of Champions match for both the TNA US and TV titles. Mick Foley had ordered this match to unite both belts on Impact, and a lot of controversy surrounded it until all ten competitors were set on Impact a few days ago. Those competitors are TNA TV champion Steve Corino, US champion Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, MVP, Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Douglas Williams and newest signee John Hennigan, who had an impressive debut when he secured the win for his team in a huge four on four encounter on Impact. Voiceover during the video explains the rules, or lack thereof, as the only way to win in this elimination encounter is by pinfall or submissions, with no additional rules whatsoever. The package stops and we’re in the arena again as the steel chamber is being lowered so the match may begin...


Chamber of Champions for the TV and US Championships





Steve Corino (TV champion) vs. Christopher Daniels (US champion) vs. AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas vs. MVP vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan

The match started in chaos as a wild brawl erupted in the steel chamber that saw the defending champions Daniels and Corino stand tall when the smoke had cleared. Others scrambled back up and it went down to individual battles. It went back and forth when at around the ten minute mark, Douglas Williams nailed RVD with a DDT from the top turnbuckle just to be dropped by John Hennigan who came flying from the side wall to crash on Williams, a move that had the fans in awe. Hennigan pinned the Englishman while Charlie Haas hooked the leg on RVD opportunistically and BOTH Williams and RVD were eliminated! AJ Styles meanwhile had the ball in his court as he laid out MVP when Mr. Anderson delivered some stiff strikes that had Styles reeling. Corino decided to help AJ and together, they did a number on Mr. Anderson. MVP got back up when Anderson had struggled free and delivered the Playmaker from out of nowhere! Anderson was down and MVP eliminated him from the match! Haas and Benjamin then teamed up against Steve Corino and laid him out when Charlie Haas used the moment to roll up Shelton Benjamin! Nearfall only as Benjamin kicked out and Haas went to use the momentum but Benjamin blocked the next move to execute the Paydirt! One, two and three and Charlie Haas was eliminated! MVP then grabbed Benjamin and threw him into the chamber wall just to get pummeled by Corino and Daniels while Hennigan and AJ Styles went at it. No result there but Corino and Daniels joined forces to do a number on MVP who fled outside the ring to rest against the chamber wall where Shelton Benjamin continued the beatdown. Styles and Hennigan were laid out by Daniels and Corino and MVP took the upper hand and wasted Benjamin with a Playmaker on the concrete floor. Rolling Shelton back into the ring, MVP won himself the second elimination of the night when he pinned Shelton Benjamin! AJ Styles was attacked by Christopher Daniels while Hennigan and MVP did a number on Steve Corino, setting him up on the top turnbuckle for a double DDT! The TV champion was absolutely flattened and John Hennigan took his second elimination in a crowd shocking moment to take the TV champion out of the match! MVP was then clotheslined over the top rope by AJ Styles who hit the Styles Clash on John Hennigan to eliminate the shaman of sexy! We were down to three men now – US champion Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles and MVP and Daniels and Styles went at it. Going balls to the wall, they had the crowd on their feet with a few nearfalls while MVP was prone between ring and chamber wall. Styles then countered an Angel’s Wings attempt, dodged another grapple and hit home with the Styles Clash! One, two and three and we would definitely have a new champion crowned now after the second titleholder was eliminated. AJ Styles instantly went outside and dragged MVP up but was crashed face first into the chamber wall. MVP smiled and rolled Styles into the ring – one, two, and thr… kickout! MVP was shocked to see Styles getting back to his feet and tried to contain the TNA veteran but it was for naught as Styles mounted a massive comeback! MVP was in huge trouble and only the bottom rope helped him stay alive. Styles complained to the referee, then turned to prepare MVP for the Styles Clash but MVP, unseen by anyone, had produced his trusty brass knuckles and delivered a sickening shot straight to the forehead! Styles collapsed and referee Earl Hebner was unable to do anything but count the pinfall – one, two and three, MVP has won the Chamber of Champions match!


MVP wins the Chamber of Champions in 25:31 when he defeated AJ Styles by pinfall after hitting him with a pair of brass knuckles. The order of elimination was Douglas Williams first, then Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Steve Corino, John Hennigan, Christopher Daniels and finally, AJ Styles. MVP wins both the TNA US and TNA TV title.


Tenay: What a match! What a match but what a finish to it - MVP uses his brass knuckles yet AGAIN and it secures him both the US and TV titles! You’ve got to be kidding me! Hell is going to freeze over before AJ Styles will let this go by...


Meanwhile, it seems like MVP still can’t believe it, but the same could be said about AJ Styles and his manager Ric Flair, who are furious about the outcome of the match. Deciding however there’d be another day to argue all of tonight’s shenanigans, they depart and leave MVP behind who is showered in boos during his celebration. MVP lifts both belts up and smiles arrogantly and it riles the fans up even more...


Taz: Or let's talk about Corino or Daniels or anybody else involved in this match! While this was one hell of an entertaining rollercoaster ride, the outcome tainted everything. What a low point in MVP’s TNA career to win these belts like that!


Bischoff: Low point? You guys might wanna remember that all of this was legal! No DQ or countout in this match, remember? As such, MVP was well within his rights to use whatever he thought fit to get the win. Don’t blame him, blame the others for not considering that option! Or even better yet – blame Mick Foley for putting them all into this predicament in the first place.


As the smoke has cleared (and the chamber is raised up to hang from the rafters again), the broadcast returns to ringside for the next encounter...



Batista vs. Paul Wight

After both men went at it following a minute of measuring each other, a decent big man match began in which Batista, unusually for him, wasn’t the physically dominating man. Wight employed his size advantage to huge effect but Dave Batista wasn’t just going to give the match away. Struggling back, he laid some massive punches into Paul Wight and took control of the match until referee Mark Johnson was caught between the combatants and squashed. The official collapsed but Batista and Wight were oblivious to Johnson’s issues and continued fighting. Batista tried to take Wight off his feet with a series of clotheslines and the largest wrestler in the world tried to counter with a big boot that was sidestepped by Batista. Turning to face him, Wight’s clothesline went wild and Batista seized the opportunity to lift Paul Wight up in a tremendous effort – powerslam! The impact rocked the ring and shook Paul Wight down to his core. Pinfall – but no referee there to count! Batista went back up in frustration and dragged Johnson to his feet, making sure the referee shook off the cobwebs, and then turned – just to eat a monumental Knockout Punch courtesy of Paul Wight who had gotten back up in the process! Batista’s eyes rolled back in the skull and he dropped on the spot – Paul Wight made for the pin and brought this match home!


Paul ‘The Great’ Wight defeated Batista in 13:29 by pinfall with the Knockout Punch.


Tenay: Batista had the match won but without a referee to count the pin it’s…


Bischoff: Come on Mike – you know as well as I do that Paul Wight was only taking a breather and just waited for the perfect moment!


Taz: Well, I’m inclined to agree with Mike as usual – Batista’s beastly strength nearly saw the giant brought on his knees but with no referee to make it official, you’re not going to win the match. An unfortunate ending for Dave Batista but he can claim the moral victory here tonight…


Bischoff: Which is still a loss in the record book…


Tenay: Batista's frustration must be at an all time high right now. It seems that whenever he takes one step forward, something or someone sets him back two steps. I think he might become even more dangerous because of this down the line and I wouldn't want to stand in his way in all honesty.


Batista is out cold from that overwhelming hit, and Paul Wight raises one arm in victory. For all the world, it looks as if Wight is unstoppable after taking out Batista neat as you please. Batista gets back up once Wight is already gone, staggers, and stumbles up the aisle, still rocked by the force of 480 lbs hitting him straight in the face. As he is gone, the music of Mick Foley hits who comes out and stops on the ramp with a cheerful expression on his face, shortly followed by Shane McMahon's music blasting over the speakers. They stand together for a moment and shake hands, then walk down to the ring in unison, the cheering of 60000 fans following in their wake...




Foley: I’m glad to see everyone is enjoying Turning Point! Shane and I don’t intend to hold up the show for too long but something needs to be addressed.


Shane: Very true, Mick. Everyone has probably noticed over the past couple of weeks that things have turned a little ... hectic in TNA. One could say – Impact was well crowded last month.


Foley: And while that is normally a good thing, it has the potential to leave very talented people stranded and we don’t want that, do we?


Shane: Nope! But Mick and I have come to a solution I started working on a couple weeks ago already. I have made mention of it on Impact before when nothing was set in stone and I couldn’t comment on it any further, but tonight ... Mick, this is your baby so if you’d please continue?


Foley: Thank you Shane. Tonight, Shane and I have the honor to introduce to you a brand new second weekly television show starting NEXT week – MAYHEM!


Shane: It’ll be on TV starting next Saturday, and you’ll catch the details on TNA.com later tonight, but there’s more to it...


Foley: In order to get Impact and Mayhem the same amount of attention and importance and in order for everyone in TNA to properly show his abilities ... tomorrow night on Impact, there’ll be a roster wide draft!


Shane: Yes Sir! Those drafted over to Mayhem will be exclusive to that show while everyone on Impact will be exclusive to that one.


Foley: Shane here will oversee Mayhem as the brand’s General Manager while I will stay on Impact to rule with my iron fists as usual (smiles broadly and winks)... but there’s more. Mayhem ... needs announcers, doesn’t it?


Shane: It sure does, and while at first we considered our trusty Impact trio to tackle Mayhem as well, Mick and I figured they’d perhaps feel a little worked so we looked elsewhere...


Foley: So let me introduce to you ... the Mayhem announce crew of Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette!




They come out wearing suits, and Cornette gets a warm welcome because he is being well recognized. Prazak is being cheered on to a lesser degree, but no less enthusiastically by those fans who do recognize him as ROH announcer and owner of Shimmer. As they get into the ring and shake hands with both Foley and McMahon, the crowd roars in approval...


Foley: Would you please give a warm round of applause to our Mayhem announce team of Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette?


The fans go bonkers as the four men in the ring look pleased and shake hands...


Prazak: Well first of all, thank you to everyone in the arena and to those watching at home, and of course thank you to Mick and Shane for giving Jim and me the opportunity to call the action on TNA's brandnew show. I realize it's a HUGE for this company to have another weekly two hour show and I think I speak for Jim when I say that we're not going to let you down!


Cornette: Absolutely! It's great to be back and it's going to be even greater to call the action on Mayhem. With the great talent here in TNA, it's going to be off the chain!


Foley: So make sure to not only tune in to Impact tomorrow but Mayhem next Saturday as well as TNA takes its next step forward. And now ... back to you, Mike, because if you guys here in the arena and at home want to know more about our brand split ... hey, you better switch to Spike TV tomorrow night and watch Impact!


Foley’s music hits again and the four men inside the ring depart ... Back to the announce desk we go.


Tenay: A brand split! A new show with new announcers! Holy hell this is HUGE, guys. This is absolutely mega-huge as...


Bischoff: Huge, allright. Why hire those two, hm? We could be doing Mayhem too for only a small amount of money and...


Taz: Yeah, and on the first show you’d whine about the workload, Eric. I’m happy to have Dave and Jim and every fan of TNA will too because these two are absolutely great at the announce desk.


Tenay: Let us wait for how this will all be handled on Impact as there’s more we weren’t told yet to be revealed tomorrow it would seem. But we’re at our semi main event now ... well, are we? Is Chris Jericho here to fight Brock Lesnar? Jericho hasn’t been spotted since a month now after Lesnar took him out with that vicious top rope Verdict through the table on Impact, and Foley booked Jericho to be on the show tonight and fight Brock Lesnar. Is he even able to? We will find out as Brock Lesnar versus ... well, hopefully Chris Jericho, is next.



Lesnar and JBL come out in the arena and receive tremendous booing as Brock Lesnar gets into the ring accompanied by JBL, and they’re waiting, with growing impatience, for the arrival of Chris Jericho ... JBL gets on the microphone...


JBL: Chris you coward ... I understand you’re probably not going to fight Brock, but at least get your carcass out on the ramp to forfeit the match. You’re stealing everybody’s time...


He gets no further because in that very moment, Chris Jericho’s music hits! The fans have either forgotten his tenure with Layfield, Inc. rather quickly or just like the fact he is now opposing JBL as the cheering is deafening once Jericho steps out on the ramp...




Jericho: You ... you took out an unsuspecting man and dare call ME a coward? But hey ... HEY ... my ribs are healed up! I was put back together. Even if I weren't - I wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste and you know what? I’m going to smash Brock’s stupid skull in now!


He drops the microphone and runs down to the ring. As he slides inside, the bell rings for the match to officially start...



Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho used the leverage from his entrance to do a number on Lesnar who couldn’t do anything except retreat to the outside. Y2J followed, ignoring JBL who tried to distract him, and slammed Lesnar headfirst against the ringsteps. Jericho was on fire and stalked Lesnar’s every move, not giving the bigger man a second to regain his wits. This kept up for a while but Lesnar was determined and furious, and this helped him get back on track when he caught Jericho with a sidewalk slam. With the momentum shift underway, Lesnar went into a mounted position and hammerfists were raining down on Y2J until referee Brian Hebner broke it up. JBL complained and got into an argument with the official, enabling Lesnar to choke Jericho against the ropes. Lesnar then began mat wrestling, but Jericho met his skills and a back and forth started. After the tides of the match changed several times, Jericho even avoiding the Verdict with a crucial block, Lesnar had Jericho in the corner, driving his shoulder into Y2J’s guts and landing an elbow smash that left Jericho hanging in the corner of the ring, dazed. Brock Lesnar took several steps back and went for a running clothesline but Jericho had been waiting for this - he exploded and caught Lesnar with the Codebreaker out of nowhere! JBL had his eyes wide open in shock as Brian Hebner did the count - one, two and three!


Chris Jericho defeated Brock Lesnar in 18:54 by pinfall with the Codebreaker.


The crowd erupts as Chris Jericho is announced the winner, while JBL goes nuts! Bradshaw gets in the face of referee Mark Johnson and yells at him, with Lesnar getting up, frustration visible on his face. Jericho stops his celebration and looks at Lesnar and JBL in disgust as he leaves them to their own misery.


Tenay: Chris Jericho gets some sweet revenge on Brock Lesnar with a pinfall victory here tonight at Turning Point! Lesnar took him out of commission for a month but Jericho came back with a vengeance! What a match and what a return to action for Y2J!


Bischoff: Well he had a clearly unfair advantage though. He is rested after a month’s break, Lesnar didn’t even know until today if Jericho would even show up – truth is, all of this worked massively in Jericho’s favor. And that is why I think Brock and JBL won’t just go back to normal tomorrow, trust me.


Taz: Maybe not but tonight, Chris Jericho is the winner and while I have had my share of problems with him over the past couple of months, I’m happy for him. What a return!


Tenay: And we’re ready for the big one, folks! We’ve arrived at our last match of the night and it’s for the TNA World Heavyweight title, Samoa Joe defending against The Rock.


The feed cuts to a video package for the main event. Samoa Joe is shown, TNA World Heavyweight title over his right shoulder...




Joe: A lot was said about tonight's main event between The Rock and me for this belt going into the show, but the time for talk is over. Tonight, I will not be undone. I will not be losing the title I was chasing for almost an entire year to The Rock tonight, no matter how electrifying and great he is. Turning Point will be MY event, MY Pay per View! Very few can claim to even have a match with The Rock one on one in the main event on a show of this magnitude to their credits, and even fewer can claim a victory but after tonight, I'll be one of those few. This title Rock, it was held by the very best in TNA and I ... I, Samoa Joe, I AM TNA!


A spinning Turning Point logo ends Joe's segment and we get a view of The Rock...




The Rock: Turning Point ... it'll go down in history as the most electrifying night in TNA history when The Rock finally ... finally becomes TNA champion! The Rock hasn't returned to professional wrestling to pass on knowledge or tell people like Samoa Joe how to get some putang - The Rock has returned to this business because there are things The Rock has not yet done, and one of those things is to win the TNA World Heavyweight title. Samoa Joe, you're just simply in the way - you have what The Rock wants, and The Rock doesn't ask for what he wants - he takes it! Tonight, Joe, after The Rock makes you check into the smackdown hotel, there'll be a NEW TNA World Heavyweight champion and you're looking at him right now!


The feed returns to the ring where after a camera ride over the enthusiastic fans, The Rock’s music hits and the main event may begin...


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




Samoa Joe © vs. The Rock

The second both men started circling each other it was clear to everybody watching that something special was about to happen. Champion and challenger invited the fans to a wild ride, packed with emotions and intensity and the crowd was on their feet throughout, realizing this was one for the ages. The opening of the match belonged to Samoa Joe, but he handed control to The Rock eventually but Joe came back strong, and it continued like this – momentum changes filled the arena with an intensity that nearly tore the house down. They matched each other in every possible way and the crowd was split, with ‘JOE! JOE! JOE!’ and ‘Let’s go Rocky!’ chants that tried to outdo each other in volume. At the twenty minute mark, both combatants looked winded but no man showed any sign of giving up, despite fatigue being near total. But this was now the time where one tiny mistake could prove to be fatal – Joe tried to Chokeslam Rocky but the great one slipped out of the goozled and executed the Rock Bottom from out of nowhere! 60000 fans held their breath – one, two and thre…NO! In the last possible moment, Joe got one shoulder up and The Rock slammed his hand on the mat in frustration. Too seasoned to argue with Earl Hebner for long, The Rock dragged Joe to a vertical base and threw him into the corner of the ring. Rocky went on the second rope and began to hammer away at the unprotected head of the champion with the crowd counting along when after the fifth blow, Joe looked up, suddenly no longer appearing dazed, and furiously grabbed Rock’s neck with both hands to whirl him around! Now seated on the top turnbuckle, Rock couldn’t fight Joe’s attempt to get on the second rope to fire away himself. Joe set The Rock up who looked out of it – MUSCLE BUSTER! On his knees, Joe just fell onto Rocky for the pin – one, two and TH-SHOULDER UP! The Rock got out of Joe’s vicious finisher, the first to do so in what appears like years, and Joe was now in disbelief. He picked The Rock up who fired a shot to the ribs, Joe answering with an elbow to the head. Both were firing shots and The Rock seemed to get the upper hand at around the 23 minute mark, went into the ropes and landed a huge lariat that put Joe flat on his back. The Rock signaled for the people’s elbow! He began the motion, came out of the ropes and – no one home! Joe rolled out of the way and got back to his feet, The Rock following him – KICK TO THE GUTS – MUSCLE BUSTER NUMBER TWO! Right from out of nowhere, Samoa Joe delivered his dangerous finisher for the second time in five minutes and this time … one, two and three … there was no more escaping it!


Samoa Joe defeated The Rock in 24:46 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster. Samoa Joe makes defense number 1 of his TNA World Heavyweight title.


The crowd erupts as Samoa Joe has defended his belt against The Rock! Rock pulls himself up on the ropes after the second Muscle Buster of the night had done him in while Joe gets his belt handed over. Back to his feet, Rock shakes off the cobwebs and heads over to the champion who slings his belt over the left shoulder. An intense moment follows as they stare hard at one another – followed by a handshake! The fans cheer this display of mutual respect massively and Rock even raises Joe’s arm, in what is a rather uncommon thing to do for the electrifying one. They get a standing ovation from the capacity crowd as we head back to the announcers...


Tenay: What a match and what a show of respect! Two men, two absolute equals, fought and battled it out here tonight and this could have gone either way! I’m still in awe over their performances guys … what a way to end Turning Point!


Taz: Yeah you gotta give credit to both Joe and The Rock for this valiant performance. There are few people in today’s world of wrestling who can pull such performances off on a regular basis, and these two surely provide each and every time they are in the ring!


Bischoff: Oh will you stop already? Your brown-nosing is making me sick…


Taz: Finally you get a sense of how we feel about you on a weekly basis!


Tenay: Guys, no arguing after a night like this please. Samoa Joe is STILL the champion after the smoke has cleared and we’ve reached the end of tonight’s show. Tune in to Impact tomorrow for all the fallout of Turning Point plus the draft and surely more info on TNA’s upcoming second weekly two hour show Mayhem. Good night everyone!


Turning Point cuts to credits…

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Notes: The PPV only received an 83 overall show rating which quite upset me as it was the worst show I held up to that point PLUS, and that's the big thing, no segment was lower than 85 and I didn't even get any notes telling me what was wrong. A minor setback only but it caught me totally by surprise, lemme tell ya that. Anyways, I hope you liked the show and feel free to comment/rate/hate as usual :)


The predictions went as follows:


BHK1978: 5/9

michgcs: 4/9


I have no prize atm, unfortunately, but predictions will continue to be held before every PPV. I'll think of something eventually ... :o

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Hey, what matters is that I liked the show and the 60,000+ fans in attendance liked the show, too :p (or were they exactly 60,000?)


Sad to see BHK beat me by one, but it's still nice to see the stories progress. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to do with Mayhem :)

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Monday Week 1, December 2011



Abyss defeated Josh Raymond in 3:10 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam. 72

Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino defeated La Familia in 7:50 when Christopher Daniels defeated Salvatore Thomaselli by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings. 74




Impact kicks off from the sold out Wells Fargo (formerly known as Wachovia Center) Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, home of the Flyers and 76ers. Near 20000 fans are at fever pitch after last night’s huge Turning Point Pay Per View, obviously intrigued on how exactly Shane McMahon and Mick Foley are going to go about the new show ... and they are about to get answers as both these men walk out right after the opening pyros to Foley’s entrance theme. The cheering is deafening and they get inside the ring...




Foley: Hello and welcome to TNA Impact! Tonight, Shane and I will announce to you the details of our upcoming new show Mayhem this Saturday.


Shane: Yes Mick. What I need to tell you in advance is that Mick here, as he said last night at Turning Point, has entrusted me with GM duties for Mayhem and I will run it to the best of my abilities and I promise, I will call things as I see them. But I am getting ahead of myself ... you see, a company ... a BRAND needs titles, allright? And it needs ... an identity, don’t you think? Both of that has been settled as Mick and I have agreed that some tradition, some values, should return on that show.


Foley: And that is why Shane and I struck a deal with the oldest wrestling organization in the world that is still very alive and kicking today, for a revival of its most prestigious title belt on national television.


He nods to no one in particular and out comes a stage hand carrying a big leather suitcase down to the ring…


Foley: If you would open it please, Shane...


McMahon snaps the case open and reveals a shiny and rather familiar title belt...


Foley: This is, and I believe every TNA fan will recognize it on the spot ... the NWA World Heavyweight title...




The crowd cheers this massively...


Shane: The NWA World Heavyweight title is BACK in TNA and will be the main title on our new show Mayhem!


Another round of cheers comes from the capacity crowd…


Foley: And at this time ... we’re going to need the TNA US and TV champion out here! MVP, if you’d please join us!




MVP’s theme hits and he comes striding down the aisle, both titles over one shoulder each, booing and profanity in his wake.


Foley: That’s quite some gold, isn’t it? Congratulations, MVP, although the ending of your match was ... well, shady at best. But hey, it was all legal in the Chamber so right now I won’t argue with you about what happened last night. No MVP ... what we need to discuss are those two titles.


MVP: Well what about them?


Shane: That’s rather simple to explain. You see, you won the Chamber of Champions match and now hold both the TV and US title. The match was supposed to lay the foundation for TNA’s move to two weekly shows with tonight’s draft in mind. That's why both titles were on the line, right? So now you get to pick which one you keep and which one gets handed over to yours truly because...


MVP: You’re kidding, right? Why give up a title? I’m going to keep BOTH of course...


Shane: You should let me finish. One of these two titles is moved over to Mayhem and the other stays right here on Impact, and since you’re an Impact guy … for now…


MVP looks seriously unhappy...


Foley: Wait, Shane. MVP, you sure you wanna keep both titles?


MVP: Absolutely sure...


Foley: Okay then, why not! Hell, I won’t be stripping anybody off a title because he has two and one of the belts is traded to another brand. You gotta be on both shows then, though.


MVP thoughtfully smiles...


MVP: I beat nine men for these titles last night, Foley. Ya don’t honestly think I would give one of them up, do you?


Shane: So it’s official then ... MVP will, until he loses one of these titles, be defending the US title on Impact and the TV title on Mayhem.


Foley: And you better show up on both shows on a weekly basis or I'll...


MVP: What do you think I am? A pushover like the other nine guys I beat? Give me a damn break - I'm MVP! If there's one man in TNA who can pull this off it's very obviously me!


As the words are spoken, AJ Styles’ music hits. Together with Ric Flair, he comes down the aisle to confront MVP who tenses instantly...




Styles: MVP, I have just one thing to say to you ... no matter on which brand I end up, I’ll be coming after you. Don’t think you’re clever with your brass knuckles – they’re not always legal in a match. I’ll be hunting you down and I WILL...


Foley: Hold it AJ, hold it ... For starters, you’ve kind of managed to spoil my draft party because ... you’ll be staying on Impact, okay?


Styles and Flair smile to each other...


Foley: But you surely have a good enough reason to go after MVP. After all, you were the last one eliminated last night under circumstances that ... let’s just say don’t exactly put our dual champion into a good light. So here you go, AJ ... you’re the official top contender to the TNA US championship!


MVP freaks out...


MVP: Are you kidding me? I beat him for crying out loud! Right in the center of the ring, inside your damn steel chamber, I beat AJ Styles one, two, three, just like that. And now I gotta do it all over again? Mick, I...


Foley: Don’t ‘Mick’ me, buddy. If you refuse to fight AJ, you can join Shane on Mayhem, hand me the US belt and we’ll forget this awkward situation ever happened. How about that?


MVP goes through the ropes and leaps off the apron down to the floor...


MVP: You, Styles, will regret you challenged me! You’ll be owned! OWNED!


He tosses the mic down with a thud and leaves, McMahon, Foley, Styles and Flair watching his departure.


Tenay: MVP keeps BOTH titles and we've just witnessed the return of the NWA World Heavyweight title to TNA - what a hell of a night this already is!


Taz: And Mick and Shane are obviously not quite done yet...


Bischoff: They surely talk a damn lot...


Foley: Now that was rather easy, wasn’t it? And now ... if Samoa Joe, The Rock, CM Punk and Kurt Angle would please join us!


Joe’s music hits first, the fans in the arena collectively on their feet. He walks down the aisle with heavy steps, purpose and vigor showing visibly on his features. As he arrives in the ring, The Rock follows, then Punk and finally, Kurt Angle. They stand in a circle around Foley and McMahon, waiting for the things to come...




Shane: Thank you for joining us at this time, guys. Now ... without further a due ... let us start the draft at the very top of the foodchain!


Foley produces an iPad and messes awkwardly with it for a moment until finally, the face of Samoa Joe appears on the video screen with the Impact logo in the back.


Foley: (clears throat) Gotta love all these new toys ... Anyhow - TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe ... STAYS on Impact!


The crowd approves massively of this news. Shane McMahon has an iPad of his own and he seems to know his way around it as a moment later, Kurt Angle is shown on the screen in front of the Mayhem logo...


Shane: Kurt Angle ... moves to Mayhem!


Angle tenses, but says nothing about the pick...


Foley: Let’s see here ... oh yeah ... CM Punk is picked by Impact!


Another huge roar...


Shane: And last but not least ... The Rock ... moves to Mayhem!


Rock appears shocked...


The Rock: Let The Rock make one thing clear here. Joe was the winner last night, but The Rock demands another shot at...


Shane: Look at this ... (lifts up the NWA World Heavyweight title) ... It’s one of the oldest world title belts in professional wrestling history. It has been held by the absolute best, it has been held by Hall of Fame level wrestlers over the decades. Just ask Ric here ... I believe he knows this title very well. Don’t you, Ric?


Flair nods and smiles, his client AJ Styles patting him on the shoulder ... The Rock gives Flair and Styles his patented eyebrow but says nothing further...


Foley: So here we have it! The first four wrestlers have been drafted to their new rosters. Samoa Joe and CM Punk stay on Impact while The Rock and Kurt Angle have been drafted to Mayhem. Further picks will be made throughout the night and now ... now, sit back or even better, stand up and cheer AND ENJOY OUR SHOW TONIGHT!


Foley’s music hits and all men in the ring leave as Impact cuts to a quick commercial break ... 100


Tenay: A warm welcome back to Impact to everyone watching from us at the announce booth! Before the break, the first four picks were made for tonight’s huge draft! Will this ever shake up TNA!


Taz: The Rock and Kurt Angle have been drafted to Mayhem on Saturday! That show is already going to be off to a wild start with those two men on the roster, but what about CM Punk staying on Impact along with TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe? What a shakeup indeed, Mike. And MVP ... would you have ever expected him to go forward to become a free agent to keep those two titles?


Bischoff: Of course I would have, what do you think? MVP has the guts and the skills to pull it off!


Tenay: He seemed a little shocked to learn that AJ Styles would be his top contender here on Impact but okay, that could only be me. And now it’s our first match of the night and it should be a good one...



The World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Londrick

Londrick, coming off a loss against tag team champions Hero and Double C started in all out fashion, sending both Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas to the outside. Keeping the pressure up, London and Kendrick followed suit and it took referee Mark Johnson to talk some sense into the four men in order not to throw the match out. Back in the ring, Benjamin took control eventually and WGTT seemed on track until Haas was flattened by Kendrick who tagged Paul London in. Charlie Haas however had played possum and used the surprise to one-up Paul London, sending him into WGTT’s corner. The tag was made to Shelton Benjamin who came in and together with Haas, sat London onto the top turnbuckle. Then, Charlie Haas measured Shelton … and out of absolute nowhere, delivered a stiff kick straight to the head. Benjamin, caught completely by surprise, collapsed while London had regained his senses. Seeing Benjamin on the mat and Haas sliding out of the ring, London came down on Shelton with a Shooting Star Press, securing the pinfall win for Londrick!


Londrick defeated The World’s Greatest Tag Team in 8:02 when Paul London defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. During the match we also had Charlie Haas turn on Benjamin. 76


Taz: What the hell? Charlie Haas laid out Shelton Benjamin to cost his team the match and this was NOT by accident...


Indeed not as Haas returns into the ring and keeps laying into Benjamin. Londrick, actually ready to leave and celebrate their victory, turn and run back to the ring – Haas sees them in time and bails. London and Kendrick tend to Shelton Benjamin, watching Charlie Haas depart through the crowd. Londrick help Benjamin back up as suddenly, the theme of the Kings of Wrestling hits! They come out with the tag team belts around their waists and stop on the ramp...




Castagnoli: Big win tonight ... but unfortunately, you would have probably lost had it not been for Charlie attacking Shelton. Hey, we don’t care for their issues okay but you guys ... are still the most pathetic excuses for challengers we’ve ever seen.


Hero: Oh and how very noble of you to help Shelton. Good stuff guys, just that being nice doesn’t make either of you a champion. I realized that a while back and look where it got me. Back with a belt around my waist, that’s where. But you ... Brian, Paul ... tell us guys, after last night, you most likely know your place in the tag ranks here in TNA now, right?


Kendrick: Actually we do, yep. It’s picture perfectly clear to us.


The Kings of Wrestling smile...


London: We should totally challenge you again...


Hero and Castagnoli blink...


Kendrick: You know ... yeah, we lost to you guys. Fair and square, I’ll admit. But we pushed you to the very limits of your abilities and you full well know that.


London: And you know, the fans seemed to like the match...


Hero: Since when does it matter what the fans like? You know what matters? It matters that two absolutely brilliant performers like Double C and I have gold around our waists.


Castagnoli: People like Chris and I ... we ELEVATE this company. We are the KINGS of wrestling, just like our name suggests, and when we hold a title here, it adds not only massive prestige to the titles themselves, but to the entire company while you ... you’d pull everything down into the crapper, boys. Plus, you're wasting OUR time!


Shelton Benjamin, back to a vertical base, had been listening the whole time...


Benjamin: Hey ... boys! Yeah, Chris, Double C ... would you PLEASE, with sugar on top, just SHUT THE HELL UP?


The fans cheer and the Kings of Wrestling are taken aback.


Benjamin: I have absolutely no clue yet where we’re all going to end up once this whole draft is finished but let me just say this ... tonight, I was let down by someone I considered a friend. Charlie attacked me, and I’m sure of this, because he had sour grapes about me eliminating him in the Chamber of Champions. We had even discussed it before – in the Chamber, it would be everyone for himself. Is that so hard a concept to understand? I don’t think it is ... but anyways, he did what he had to. But I’ll now do what I have to as well ... these two guys here, Paul and Brian bailed me out of getting my ass kicked silly after Charlie’s sneak attack. And I think they did a pretty damn good job in the match as well so you know, I can’t stand you guys coming down here to belittle them. So I’m challenging you and I’m challenging Charlie ... let us meet this Saturday on Mayhem where the Queens of Wrestling and Charlie Haas will take on Londrick and me!


Ignoring the insult, Hero and Castagnoli smile...


Hero: If Charlie was here with us right now, he’d most likely like your idea, Shelton. So you guys are on...


Castagnoli: See ya’ll on Saturday!


Their music hits and the Kings of Wrestling leave the ramp back through the curtain. Then, Shelton Benjamin’s tune hits and he shakes hands with London and Kendrick as the camera goes back to the announcers... 87


Taz: What the hell is wrong with Charlie Haas? He attacked his long time partner Shelton Benjamin because of what happened in the Chamber of Champions, but Shelton was absolutely right – in that environment, especially with two titles on the line, it’s every man for himself. So Shelton eliminated Charlie Haas – so be it for crying out loud. They could have been back on the same page tonight!


Bischoff: Taz, you know as well as I do that it just ain’t that easy. People in TNA tend to hold grudges and let me tell you, if my partner eliminated me from a match in which two titles are on the line, yeah I’d be pissed as well.


Tenay: And it has lead to the first announced match for Mayhem on Saturday when Benjamin teams up with Londrick to take on TNA World Tag Team champions The Kings of Wrestling and Charlie Haas. It’s going to be one hell of a fight because as you guys just said it, people in TNA tend to hold grudges and that will most likely be the main theme of that encounter.


Taz: Let me tell you Mike, I’d really love to call that match...


Tenay: Same here, but I’m sure Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette will do a great job over on Mayhem. Speaking of people who are good at what they do, a newcomer to TNA who shocked everyone when he showed up on Impact a week ago in the big four on four match including Chamber of Champions contenders and won it for his team. I’m speaking of no one but John Hennigan, who came short in the Chamber itself but who, in his short time here, has managed to impress. He is in action – next!



John Hennigan vs. Brain Damage

Brain Damage, unpredictable and uncontrollable, went to town on Hennigan to start the match and the fans (the male ones, mostly) appreciated the ass kicking Hennigan received. However, Hennigan proved to be resilient when he got himself out of the hole and once he got on the offense it was murder she wrote – Brain Damage tried to get back into the match by reversing an Irish whip in, but Hennigan used the top rope to elevate himself over his charging opponent on the return. This had the crowd in awe and as Brain Damage turned in confusion, Hennigan laid him out with a fine superkick. Standing Shooting Star Press followed and this was the end of it!


John Hennigan defeated Brain Damage in 7:15 by pinfall with a Standing Shooting Star Press. 74


Tenay: Brain Damage is deranged and psychotic but was no match for Hennigan who once again showed us why TNA was wise to sign him when the opportunity came up. But uh ... he is probably going to tell us himself...




Hennigan: Oh my God – this was AWESOME. Listen ... do you guys even know what you just witnessed? Does anybody in this arena realize that John Hennigan is the total package? Just do a comparison and this I’m asking the ladies ... look at your boyfriend or husband. No, I meant a REAL close look ... okay, and now check me out. Yeah ... spot the difference? Thought so! See and my awesomeness in this ring ... and my Triple-A looks ... those things combined will bring me to the very top of TNA. It’s like inevitable. You sign John Hennigan he’ll capture everyone’s attention, everybody’s girlfriend and titles – that’s just how it is.


The music of Douglas Williams hits and he comes out accompanied by Christy Hemme...




Williams: John ... just a reminder, allright – I have a match and your time on the mic is now officially over!


Hennigan: Says who?


Christy: The clock, more or less...


Williams and Hemme enter the ring...


Hennigan: Such a nice lady like you, Christy ... tell me, why do you hang with Doug? I mean he’s old, ugly, run down ... tell me Christy, why?


Williams is about to punch him straight in the face but Hemme holds him back...


Christy: Because we ... care for one another and because...


Hennigan: You ... care for one another?


He breaks out in laughter...


Hennigan: You ... care for one another? Yeah I’m sure ... Anyways Christy, got any plans for after the show?


Douglas Williams goes up close and personal with him...


Williams: You better get lost now, pal.


Hennigan takes a few steps back and rolls out of the ring, smiling smugly at Williams from the outside ... Finally, Williams’ match can begin ... 79



Douglas Williams vs. KENTA

Williams was still angered from the encounter with John Hennigan, instantly going on the offense and taking control. In the process, a short but decent match developed in which Williams faced some difficulties with KENTA’S puroresu style, but he came back strong and didn’t let the match slip out of his hands anymore. The Revolution DDT sealed the deal – one, two and three!


Douglas Williams defeated KENTA in 6:48 by pinfall with the Revolution DDT. 74


With Douglas Williams celebrating his win together with Christy Hemme, Impact cuts to commercials...


We’re back in the arena and once again, Mick Foley’s music hits ... He once again comes out together with Shane McMahon and they get another very enthusiastic reception.




Foley: Right you guys ... we’re back for more! This is the draft round number two for tonight and on a sidenote, you can view the entire draft on TNAwrestling.com.


Shane: This is one fascinating show tonight isn't it?


Foley: Indeed so let’s start. You first, Shane...


Shane: Paul ‘The Great’ Wight moves to Mayhem!


Foley’s eyes widen...


Foley: Awesome choice, Shane ... I...


Before he gets any further, Batista’s music hits ... He steps into the ring opposing Foley and McMahon...




Batista: Then I go to Mayhem as well...


Foley: Dave...?


Batista: Ya think I’m going to let last night’s match go by just so? Accept defeat after I had Wight beat and move on? I won’t ... I’m joining Mayhem and I want a damn rematch with Paul Wight!


This brings out Paul Wight, and the largest athlete in the world marches towards the ring, looking angry as usual...




Wight: We can settle it tonight, Dave...


Foley: Stop it! No one settles anything tonight, especially not when I’m currently busy doing these DAMN PICKS! Right? Great, we’re clear I suppose. So you wanna bash your skulls in - Batista versus Paul Wight round two? You’re on ... Batista joins Mayhem!


McMahon stares at Foley...


Shane: Umm ... do I get another pick?


Foley: Now Impact picks ... two, because I just picked one for you...


Shane: This is hardly fair...


Foley: I ... hardly care ... Listen Shane, we don’t have all night. In fact, Dave and Paul ... get outta my ring, damn it!


Both stare at him, yet in the end shrug and oblige, making sure to keep a distance from another.


Shane: You pick?


Foley: Abyss and Rob Van Dam ... and STAY IN THE BACK PLEASE ... join Impact.


McMahon has a grin on his face at Foley’s aggravation...


Shane: You gotta relax, Mick ... I know that administrative duties are tedious ... Oh and ... Mayhem picks Rey Mysterio!


Foley: And Impact picks Mr. Anderson...


Anderson’s music hits ... Foley looks ready to riot.




Foley: What the...


Anderson: You know exactly why I’m here, Foley. Why does AJ Styles get to challenge MVP, hm? I’m staying on Impact, right? So you know ... I should be going after the US title. I have been helping MVP to even GET where he is, hell without me he would have most likely not even been considered as a contender in that match. So why is AJ challenging him?


Foley: Because he was eliminated last and because one could say ... MVP’s win over Styles came under rather shady circumstances, as you will most likely admit. That’s why AJ ‘gets’ to challenge him...


Anderson: And the fact I wasted several months hanging with MVP, bringing him up to where he is now all by my own, all of that don’t matter? Okay then, how about this. Tonight, I’m going to challenge your good buddy AJ Styles and it’s going to be for his contendership. How about that, Foley?


McMahon seems to enjoy this ... and Foley nods.


Foley: Go and challenge him, then. If you defeat AJ Styles tonight, you’re the new top contender to the TNA US title. If you lose ... don’t you DARE come to me and whine. Are we clear now finally?


Anderson says nothing and leaves with a firm and confident expression on his face.


Foley: And now ... what do you say we continue on with the show!


The fans cheer massively and we go back to the announcers ... 93


Tenay: Some huge announcements and a hell of a match were just made! AJ Styles versus Mr. Anderson with US title top contender implications tonight...


Bischoff: Well, Styles has yet to agree to the match of course...


Taz: I have never known AJ to say no to a challenge and this won’t be any different.


Tenay: Stay tuned with us as we’re going for a short commercial break. Once we are back, the X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe is in tag team action tonight as he teams up with TNA newcomer, veteran William Regal, to take on two former challengers to his X-Division title Jay Lethal and Davey Richards in a two on two match that may very well have X-Division title implications on the line should Lethal and Richards win. We’ll be right back with you.


As Impact returns, Christian Cage is standing in front of an Impact backdrop with a smug grin on his face...




Cage: So last night at Turning Point, I made it pretty damn clear who the real deal is. I beat little jumping bean Rey and I proved that when I’m properly ready to go out and roll, I can beat everybody here in TNA. This is the time of Christian Cage and no one, NO single one will...


In on him walks no one but Rey Mysterio. Cage instantly looks uneasy...




Rey: Oh you’re proud, huh, proud that you beat me, proud that you cheated to get the win!? Brilliant return to Pay Per View man, but since my debut wasn’t so brilliant thanks to you ... how about a rematch? We got a bit to settle, you and me.


Cage: Do you think for one second you still matter to me, Rey? It’s you and ONLY you who has something to settle with yourself if you think I’m giving you another match. I myself ... don’t. I beat you and that’s that, buddy. Also, you’re moving to Mayhem last I checked...


Rey: Ain’t as easy as that, man. And maybe you’re moving over to Mayhem as well, who knows?


Chris Jericho walks in and now Cage has a look of terror on his face ... a roar is heard from the fans in the arena.




Jericho: Easy, easy. Don’t worry Rey, you’re probably going to get a rematch of sorts with Christian ... tonight!


Cage’s eyes open wide...


Jericho: I just spoke with Mick. Guess what we talked about?


Mysterio smiles...


A firm look on his face, Christian mutters something under his breath...


Jericho: Mick has made a bit of a farewell match for tonight, guys who are off to Mayhem like say for example Rey and I will team up and face Brock Lesnar and, say for example, you Christian, tonight in the main event!


Cage: What? Team up with that freak and ... why does Foley not tell ME this? This is outrageous for crying out loud. Every goddamn decision here in TNA goes right over my head! I still don’t know if I’m going over to Mayhem or staying here on Impact! That damn farewell match my goddamn ass – Mick Foley my goddamn ass! This ain’t the place I was in once no more!


Rey: No ... it seems a better place now...


Jericho: And you better get ready, dude ... we’re on in a few! Let’s go Rey ... we got a main event to be in!


Y2J and Rey walk off, leaving Cage behind who is red hot with anger. We cut back to the arena for the next match of the night ... 100



Desmond Wolfe (X-Division champion) and William Regal vs. Jay Lethal and Davey Richards

It was a great match, with both sides giving their all to turn the tides in their favor. As it was, they were hard to contain for referee Mark Johnson who had his work cut out for him, and Richards dominated Wolfe for a few minutes with his no nonsense style of wrestling. Wolfe managed to tag Regal in, but Richards also took care of him. Lethal came in and continued the barrage, and they went on to double team William Regal until Wolfe came in to interrupt. The X-Division champion sent Jay Lethal out of the ring with a huge Jawbreaker Lariat across the top rope and the momentum carried Wolfe to the outside as well. Momentarily distracted, Richards was caught in the Regal Stretch and after some struggling he got close to the ropes where Desmond Wolfe slapped his outreached hand away! This was the breaking point and a little later, Richards was forced to tap out!


Desmond Wolfe and William Regal defeated Jay Lethal and Davey Richards in 9:15 when William Regal defeated Davey Richards by submission with the Regal Stretch. 72


Tenay: You’ve got to be kidding me! William Regal doesn’t need that sort of help ... wonder if that’s Desmond Wolfe’s influence?


Bischoff: Would you please stop berating our X-Division champion?


Taz: Actually I'd like him to continue when it gets you so riled up Eric...


Tenay: Folks, I'm being informed by our trusty, unseen helpers in the back...


Bischoff: You mean ... office drones...


Tenay: ...HELPERS... that AJ Styles has indeed accepted Mr. Anderson's challenge and will put his US title top contendership on the line against him tonight.


Bischoff: What a fool Styles is!


Taz: AJ Styles knows exactly what he's doing Eric.


Tenay: That and our main event still to come after the break so stay tuned with us as Impact will be right back with you after this...





AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson

There was no feeling-out phase to open the match at all as both wrestlers reached deep into their arsenals as soon as the bell rang. With the US title top contendership hanging in the balance, Styles and Anderson were in peak condition and it showed – Styles was using his agility while Anderson went a more old school, control-based style. As such, they traded momentum back and forth and had the fans on their feet, with Ric Flair shouting and yelling on the outside in support of AJ Styles. When AJ went for the Styles Clash, Anderson countered with a take down and put him in a sleeperhold, but Styles prevailed, got to his feet eventually and delivered a stunner. The cover was only good for two as Anderson kicked out. Then, MVP came down to the ring unnoticed by the two men inside the ring who were far too busy trying to win the match, and he had brought a steel chair with him. Flair tried to deny MVP but the US and TV champion just shoved him aside. In the ring, Styles and Anderson were back to a vertical base and struggling for the edge in an elbow and collar tie up when MVP joined them, referee Brian Hebner turning to face the newcomer. Styles and Anderson finally realized MVP’s presence – MVP ignored the official and charged before the other two could react and with a wild swing, connected with his chair to both men’s heads. Hebner signaled for the bell…


AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson ended in a no contest after MVP ran in and attacked both men in 13:23. 86


MVP celebrates his attack that effectively put the two men out for the time being. Satisfied with himself, he leaves in a chorus of boos as Styles and Anderson slowly attempt to get back to a vertical base, Flair trying everything in his power to help his client AJ Styles.


Tenay: Now what – no decisive result between AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson in what was supposed to be the match to determine the US title top contendership and all thanks to US champion MVP!


Bischoff: Well, the way I see it is that there’s no top contender for now. Smart thinking by MVP...


Taz: Only if you think that Mick Foley will let this go unanswered, which I highly doubt ... let us see how he’ll react to this!


The last image is one of fury on Flair’s face as the feed returns to the ring for the main event of the night...



Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio vs. Christian Cage and Brock Lesnar

After an initial outburst of chaos which Earl Hebner had a tough time monitoring, Mysterio was fighting an uphill battle against Brock Lesnar, these two being the official men in the ring for their teams. Rey tried his best to stay in the match but Lesnar had an answer to everything Mysterio threw at him and began to wear the smaller man down. This lasted until Lesnar went for the Verdict and Mysterio slipped out, rolled under a clothesline and managed the hot tag to Jericho! Y2J came out on fire and threw closed fists at Lesnar whose every attempt at getting out of the predicament just wasn’t working. Once Jericho had firm control, Cage came in for a sneak attack and was successful, accepted the reprimand from Hebner and left Lesnar in charge. The tag was made and Cage was now official, punishing Jericho some more before attempting the Unprettier – which completely backfired for him as Jericho escaped and nailed Cage with neckbreaker. Jericho, beaten and battered, made it over to his team’s corner and tagged Mysterio in who went to town on Cage. JBL then went up on the apron and Earl Hebner was distracted, which in all likelihood was the reason for JBL going there in the first place. Bradshaw yelled at the official and this enabled Lesnar to team up with Cage inside the ring, laying waste to Mysterio. Jericho came in to help Rey but Hebner sent him out, thinking Lesnar and Cage had made the tag. JBL’s smug grin turned into a blank stare as Rey escaped the Verdict once again and managed to kick the much bigger Lesnar into the ropes. Mysterio signaled for the 6-1-9 and the crowd went wild as Cage came into the ring just to be opposed by the referee. This enabled JBL to intercept Mysterio’s finisher when he let Rey crash straight into a waiting chair. Jericho went into the ring, furious, pointing to Mysterio’s prone body. Hebner was having none of it however and threatened to DQ Jericho as Lesnar went for the pin – one, two and three!


Christian Cage and Brock Lesnar defeated Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio in 19:35 when Brock Lesnar defeated Rey Mysterio by pinfall after JBL attacked Rey Mysterio with a chair. 87

Mysterio is laid out after the chairshot and now, Cage and Lesnar go after Jericho. They close in on him but before any shot can be fired, it’s Samoa Joe coming out on the ramp! CM Punk follows ... and Kurt Angle ... and RVD!




They’re coming to help Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio and charge, running down to the ring! Lesnar and Cage decide to bail, each to one side of the ring, and jump the guardrail, JBL following his client. Joe helps Rey back to his feet and together, they pose for the fans with Angle, CM Punk and RVD as Impact returns to the booth... 95


Tenay: Thankfully, Joe, Punk, Angle and RVD saved Jericho and Rey. Brock Lesnar and Christian Cage had evil intentions here tonight and really, you've got to be kidding me...


Bischoff: The intelligence and mindset of John 'Bradshaw' Layfield are nothing short of amazing, folks. He single handedly saw to his client's success - he's like the new Bobby 'The Brain'! The new Paul Ellering! The...


Taz: One of these days I'll be getting a new broadcast partner ... I know this ... deep inside my mind!


Tenay: Folks, Impact has come to an end for tonight and what a show it was! Don't miss Mayhem next Saturday as the debut of our second weekly TV show is going to be off the charts. Until then, for Taz and Eric Bischoff this is Mike Tenay, saying good night everybody!


Impact cuts to credits...


Final Show Rating: 91


Post Show:

Carlito Colon defeated Kazarian, Amazing Red and Austin Aries in 8:01 when Carlito Colon defeated Austin Aries by pinfall with the Back Cracker. 52

Low-Ki defeated Brother Ray in 6:29 by pinfall with the Ghetto Stomp. 53

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Hmm, enjoyable show, lots of action going on, and the brand split's shaping up nicely.


It's a shame what Charlie Haas did to Shelton, though... methinks he's about to get the boot :D


Thanks man, and as for Charlie Haas ... things'll happen soon ^^ (cough)


Anyhow, with the brand split and second show now official, I think it's time I posted a roster update as of December 2011 so here we go; This is ofc and obviously straight from TNAwrestling.com, the draft in it's entirety:



Main Eventers:

AJ Styles

Christian Cage

CM Punk

Mr. Anderson


Samoa Joe

Shelton Benjamin (:eek:)


Upper Midcarder:


John Hennigan

Matt Morgan (currently out on vacation)

Rob Van Dam



Alex Shelley

Austin Aries

Carlito Colon

Charlie Haas

Chris Sabin (out injured)

Colt Cabana

D'Angelo Dinero (vacation)

Douglas Williams

James Storm

Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy (vacation)


Robert Roode

William Regal


Lower Midcarders:

Eddie Edwards

Jimmy Jacobs




Josh Raymond


Salvatore Thomaselli

Vito Thomaselli


Enhancement Talent:

Mario (Brandon) Thomaselli




Main Eventers:


Brock Lesnar

Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle

Paul Wight

Steve Corino

The Rock


Upper Midcarder:

Brian Kendrick

Chris Hero

Christopher Daniels

Desmond Wolfe

Gallows (vacation)

Jeff Jarrett (vacation)

Rey Mysterio

Tomko (vacation)



Brother Devon

Brother Ray

Claudio Castagnoli

Davey Richards

Kazarian (vacation)

Paul London

Rhino (vacation)

Roderick Strong

Tyler Black


Lower Midcarder:

Amazing Red

Eric Young

Jeremy Buck


Max Buck

Shark Boy (yes, he is STILL around :D)



Brain Damage (who wouldn't sign a guy with that name ^^)

Eddie Kingston



Enhancement Talent:

Super Dragon


That's the rosters for Impact and Mayhem in December ... and I might need to make an update at the end of January already :eek:


Those guys on vacation, well, they had run their course storyline-wise but I didn't want half the roster do nothing and become jobbers, hence I sent them home. They're due to return soonish but overall, with a few other signings who'll appear (also) soonish I'm looking at 5-6 guys I may let go down the line, but unsure about just who right now. As always, you'll be informed of course.

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This is ofc and obviously straight from TNAwrestling.com, the draft in it's entirety:



Main Eventers:

Shelton Benjamin (:eek:)


LOL "obviously" straight from TNAwrestling.com :p Anyway, for whatever reason, mod makers seem to love them some Shelton Benjamin. He gets over pretty quick, really.

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@ mich: I've surely noticed that with Shelton - I certainly don't rate him on microphone or entertainment in segments (even when he speaks I don't - 'If you ain't cheating you ain't trying...') but he DID get over and the only title I had him hold so far is the tag belt for a FULL WEEK :p


Anyhow, as an update, I've had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday and it's delaying the next post a little (looking at a Saturday or so update) because the only coherent thought I have right now is 'I need painkillers!'. Well the second thought is 'Ow!', so yah ^^

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Saturday Week 1, December 2011




Huge fireworks start the very first edition of the second weekly TNA A-show as the fans in the Madison Square Garden are fired up and ready to celebrate TNA’s growth and all the new faces that have come with it. We’re headed straight to the announce booth, where Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette are seated and ready to roll...




Prazak: Hello and welcome to Mayhem! My name is Dave Prazak and I’ll be your host alongside Jim Cornette. I notice one thing’s missing Jim ... where’s your tennis racket?


Cornette: Back home, Dave. I came here hoping I wouldn’t need it to be honest.


Prazak: Right ... well fans, we’ve a stacked card for you tonight but to begin with and as it should be, Mayhem GM Shane McMahon will be out in just a few seconds to properly introduce you to TNA Mayhem! Let’s head on over to ringside...


On cue, Shane McMahon’s music hits and he comes out, the ovation almost bringing the house down.




Shane: I welcome everybody to the first edition of TNA MAYHEM!


A huge roar goes through the arena...


Shane: Tonight is the beginning of a new time, a new era, in professional wrestling. TNA Mayhem is on national television, broadcast overseas, and we’re here, at the end of 2011, to prove every doubter wrong. I...


Kurt Angle’s music interrupts him! The Olympic gold medalist emerges from teh curtain, the cheering going even louder, and he joins Shane McMahon in the ring...




Shane: Kurt isn’t this absolutely...


Angle: Shane, I don’t mean to screw this up for you, but there’s something I think that needs to be discussed.


Shane: Don’t you think there’s plenty of time to discuss whatever it is down the line? Mayhem isn’t a one shot you know, we’ll be back next week and...


Angle: I know that and still ... listen Shane. You’ve brought the NWA title back alright ... it was used in TNA already a few years ago. And if I’m any judge, it should be the focal point of our discussion right here and right now. This title ... it’s one that LEGENDS of this industry have held. Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Lou Thesz ... but do you realize there’s a name missing in the title history? The lineage is missing MY name, Shane, ‘cause when I came to TNA this belt was no longer with the company.


Shane: The NWA World Heavyweight title...


Angle: There you go. I want a shot at that belt, Shane. I want to be on the list of title holders because, and NO goddamnit this phrase will never get old ... because I am Kurt Angle!


IF YA SMEEELLLLL... The Rock marches purposefully down the aisle, not even bothering to do one of his trademark motions for the fans as he arrives in the ring…




The Rock: Because you are Kurt Angle ... because you are Kurt Angle ... IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOU ARE!




Angle: What do you want here now? The second a belt is mentioned, you show your hide in front of the camera ... you then get your title shot and LOSE, Rocky! This leads me to wonder … does The Rock still have it? Doesn’t look like it I think...


The Rock: It also doesn’t matter what you THINK!


Angle: Do you have anything constructive to say?


The Rock: The Rock damn well has! If you can come out here and demand a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight title, so can The Rock. It’s not like you were very successful in hunting Jericho either, is it? Let’s face it – Jericho was lucky he escaped The Rock’s challenge with his belt still in hands, and ran out of luck against Joe. But that’s behind us now, isn’t it? What matters, what REALLY matters, is the NWA World Heavyweight title and this is where The Rock agrees with Kurt Angle ... just that The Rock’s name should be in that lineage, because The Rock is THE most electrifying man who has ever been in this business. You in turn, Angle...


Angle closes in on the great one...


Angle: Me in turn what, Rocky? Me in turn goddamn what? I’m ON Mayhem now and that means I will be the figurehead of this brand, NOT you...


Cutting Angle off, Batista’s music is blasting over the speakers ... some fans cheer him, some boo him ... He joins the trio inside the ring...




Batista: You’re both wrong, very, very wrong! This is MY time, Dave Batista time! I’ve been held back on Impact for too long and now that I am rid of Foley, I’m starting over. I’m starting fresh and I WILL grab this goddamn belt and...


The Rock: You? YOU? Last time you were in the ring you were knocked out by Paul Wight and you DARE come out here and even BE in the same ring with The Rock?


Batista: I’m not done with that oversized doofus, not at all. But how is that YOUR concern, Rocky? You’ve lost to Samoa Joe as well, last I checked! How come YOUR claim is more valid than mine, hm?


Angle: Neither of you guys should challenge for this belt! I’m the only one between the three of us who...


Shane: For crying out loud, STOP IT! All of you just SHUSH! I won’t have ANYBODY bully his way into getting what he wants on MY show, period. I have no clue why you guys decided to turn my Mayhem address which was SOLELY for the fans of TNA into a challenge for the NWA title, but since you did I may as well reveal my plans to you. And you better listen...


Next thing we actually get to listen to is Brock Lesnar’s music who comes out of the curtain followed by his manage, John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield ... Everyone in the ring rolls his eyes...




JBL: Wait, Shane. How can there be a ... state address without Brock and me? We have listened to the ravings of these has beens backstage and it got to the point where it was almost hilarious. You guys ... Rock, Kurt, Dave ... you’re ridiculous! If anybody should be getting a shot at this very prestigious belt it’s my client, Brock Lesnar!


Lesnar and JBL move down the ramp and walk towards the ring. As they are halfway down the aisle, the music of no one else but Chris Jericho hits and the crowd erupts! Lesnar and JBL turn on the spot and tense very visibly because with the men inside the ring and Y2J approaching from the ramp, they are effectively caught between a rock and a hard place ... Jericho comes out through the curtain, microphone ready, smiling from ear to ear.




Jericho: Will you guys give Shane a break? Damn ... and especially YOU, Brock. Wasn’t it enough that I shut you up at Turning Point? We’re not a week removed from me beating you right in the center of the ring and JBL and you want a shot at the NWA belt? You’re kidding, right? And you, Angle! What have you done over the past few months that would even warrant a shot? Ah right, you were tag champ together with Mick for about a month ... Anyways let’s move to Rocky ... besides losing to Samoa Joe, and ME, why should you challenge for this belt? And Dave ... (smiling) ... why are you even OUT here? So here is the conclusion to the NWA World title picture ... the top challenger, without a doubt, is no one but yours truly, me, Chris Jericho, PERIOD!


The fans acknowledge his claim and cheer massively ... a far cry from a mere two months prior. The Rock is about to speak but Shane McMahon intervenes...


Shane: Everybody ... SHUT ... THE HELL ... UP! I’ll tell you who the person with the most legit claim to this title is and ONLY I! This will NOT go past ME, it damn well won’t so you guys – don’t even bother trying. And here – here’s what we’re going to do. You will ALL meet at Final Resolution. But not only in any regular match, guys. See, since you’re so ready to put each other out of commission to get the NWA World title, let’s up the stakes a bit. Since I came to TNA, an idea has been floating around in my mind and you guys might wanna listen – at Final Resolution, because the prize is such a great one with the NWA title on the line, you guys will meet – in an Escape from Hell match!


He receives puzzled looks (and one people's eyebrow) ... the name of that match doesn’t really sound reassuring now, does it?


Shane: Escape from Hell … that has a ring to it, doesn’t it? It is a match held inside a 20 foot high steel cell. The only means to escape the cell is to climb up a ladder, get out of the cell through its ceiling and climb all the way down to the arena floor. Obviously, the first of you to leave the cell is the winner and new NWA World Heavyweight champion. That's how we are going to solve this little issue here!


The fans collectively gasp...


Shane: But so far, there are only five contenders and you know what? Six ... six men in the cell, that sounds a lot better, doesn’t it? So introducing – the sixth men to enter Escape from Hell at Final Resolution for a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight title – Paul ‘The Great’ Wight!




Everybody turns to face the towering brute. Wight stares at Jericho next to him on the ramp, who counters the gaze, and Wight then focuses on the men in the ring first before staring down Lesnar and JBL. Jericho, standing next to Wight, has a thoughtful look on his face, while JBL has serious concerns on his features. With no further word being said and the fans red hot at the prospect of this high caliber match, we’re headed back to the announce desk ... 100


Prazak: What a match was just made! Final Resolution will see a six way Escape from Hell match for the NWA World Heavyweight title, which on its very own makes that Pay Per View a must see.


Cornette: Oh I absolutely agree! Who is your pick for the win, Dave?


Prazak: Honestly, I wouldn’t know to be honest. This type of steel cage or well, cell match inside that structure is new to all six of them and actually new to TNA, and I’m not quite sure who it will be to best cope with that yet untested predicament.


Cornette: Well said, Dave. I’ll ... just not pick right now. I think everyone has an equal chance of winning and as such, I’ll rather sit back and enjoy their battle.


Prazak: Oh, a battle it will be, Jim, so much is for sure. Sitting back and enjoying ... yeah, I think that is easy enough to do here on Mayhem and you’ll be able to do right that when we return after a few messages.


Commercial time...



The Kings of Wrestling and Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin and Londrick

The fans were backing up Shelton Benjamin massively, letting Charlie Haas know their feelings of his ‘betrayal’ with a huge chorus of boos. Haas didn’t let that irritate him for long however and his team took control with frequent tags to wear Benjamin down. Nothing lasts forever though and Benjamin made the hot tag to Brian Kendrick, and Londrick was on their opponents now with tags of their own and a few nearfalls. Benjamin came in to oppose Haas and they showed tremendous action. Benjamin seized control until Haas ducked a scissor kick and met turning Benjamin with a cheap shot! Brian Hebner saw it and immediately called for the bell…


Shelton Benjamin and Londrick defeated The Kings of Wrestling and Charlie Haas in 8:05 when Charlie Haas was disqualified while fighting Shelton Benjamin. 80


After a few moments of shouting and profanity with the official barely staying on top of things, Benjamin gets to his feet, staggering as his former partner Charlie Haas jumps him for another assault! Caught unaware, Haas lands some huge hits as The Kings of Wrestling and Londrick go at it too. Unable to retain the fighters, Hebner gets out of the ring and yells for support while the six men keep laying into each other, Benjamin now able to mount a comeback and get back on level playground with Haas. In the end, security arrive to escort all six out of the arena and we’re headed back to Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette... 78


Prazak: I guess you can say there is no love lost between Haas and Benjamin, who formed a brilliant tag team not long ago but – something inside Charlie Haas’ mindset altered dramatically after Shelton Benjamin eliminated him in the Chamber of Champions match. More than just sour grapes I’d say. And furthermore, what about the Kings of Wrestling and Londrick? It seems to me that Hero and Castagnoli DO take London and Kendrick seriously now, what do you think, Jim?


Cornette: That they do indeed, Dave. I think it can be safely said that these two teams are a fix to go at it again and I can’t wait. Their first match was absolutely great and their second, I’m sure, can even top it. And Londrick has a legit shot, mark my words, Dave. As for Haas and Benjamin, well ... it’s an unfortunate fact that when tag team members both follow their own personal goals, neither of the two will stand down for the other. I think Benjamin eliminating Haas in the Chamber of Champions at Turning Point was just that last step over the line it took.


Prazak: You’re probably right with that, Jim. As we continue on, a man will be in a match up next who has rocked the TNA TV title scene over the past couple of months and he is Steve Corino. With the title in MVP’s hands now after the Chamber of Champions and it’s move here on Mayhem, not only was it rechristened the NWA TV title – Steve Corino is looking to get it back and as the former champion, he has every right to a rematch. Steve Corino will go one on one tonight against former five time X-Division champion Kazarian who recently has been on a bit of a cold spell, but with TNA split into two brands now, this high profile match might be what it takes for him to get back on track. Let us go to ringside...



Steve Corino vs. Kazarian

Kaz jumped Corino at the bell and had the match in his hands as the king of old school was caught by surprise. When he eventually managed to mount some offense of his own, this turned into a fast paced affair with momentum shifting frequently. With some chain wrestling mixed in for good measure, Corino managed to turn a long sequence of holds and counters into his finisher the Island Plex and indeed managed to capture the win!


Steve Corino defeated Kazarian in 7:12 by pinfall with the Island Plex. 80


It is in fact NOT meant to be for Kazarian tonight as Corino secures himself the clean win, much to the joy of the capacity crowd. As Kaz leaves, Corino takes to the microphone, struggling to keep the pumped up crowd at bay so that he may speak...




Corino: Right, right ... (smiles)


Another round of cheers for the King of old school who smiles at being interrupted by the crowd...


Corino: Ok let’s try this again ... thanks, guys. TNA has two shows now and that’s ace, isn’t it? We’ve got the NWA back on board and that’s ace too, right? I welcome this in all honesty and to let you in on my feelings, I believe this brand split will lead to tougher competition with more guys being featured on both shows. This is GREAT. But you can’t mention competition without ME, so much is for sure. No bragging intended, or maybe only a little (pauses for emphasis and smiles) ... but I’m a damn good competitor. I want to compete and give my best and hardest at every show that I am on.


The fans acknowledge this...


Corino: So I went into the Chamber of Champions match looking forward to face nine guys at the same time. It was absolutely awesome, wasn’t it? The outcome however, man now that sucked, right? MVP is dual champion now? Please! But that’s where I come into the picture. MY TV title was drafted to this very show, and since I am the former champ, I’m entitled to a rematch. And I am calling YOU out, MVP, to right now come down here and...


Christopher Daniels doesn't let him finish and the former US champion walks down the aisle, gets into the ring and opposes Corino...




Daniels: Wait a second, Steve. I realize you lost your title but hey, so did I. Yep, it sure sucks to acknowledge it but we’re BOTH no longer champions. It’s even worse when a guy like MVP holds our titles now. BUT ... I am entitled to a rematch as well and just because I got drafted to Mayhem doesn’t change a damn thing. I won’t be going after the US title cause that now happens to be on Impact, but I’m sure as hell going to go after the TV title now. Before you counter this, think about it Steve – both our rematch clauses are equally legit.


Corino: I wasn’t about to argue that point, man. But you’re absolutely correct when you say your former title isn’t even on this brand, so I think my challenge comes first, no? I’m the former TV champ after all...


Daniels: Don’t blame me but blame the draft, Steve. I’m here, the US title ain’t, but the guy who HAS it is on Mayhem with YOUR TV title. So with MY former title out of reach, I’m also going for YOURS, it’s that simple. Besides ... I’m a former TV champion myself...


Corino: Yeah, until I took it from you...


Daniels: Stole it you mean...


Tension builds and they’re going face to face ... until MVP’s theme hits. Not even bothering to get anywhere close to the two men he stops on the ramp, US and TV title over his shoulders, and begins to speak...




MVP: You? You guys claim you have a legit shot at MY TV belt? Come on now, are you trying to be funny? Are you trying to imply you could take this one (pats his TV title) from me again? Please ... first of all, your delusions of grandeur are absolutely unwarranted. I’m a dual champion, a damn fine one at that and the ONLY man in TNA who can pull this off. Secondly, you guys are an absolute afterthought for me and point three is – you’re totally not on my level. You could hide your flaws among eight other men in the Chamber, but going one on one with me, you’re gonna be so exposed it’ll be ridiculous and cause me to work overtime to build the belt’s reputation back up. It’s a very tedious job I tell ya that, one that I’d really, really like to avoid. So if you would please, both of you, yes, just go back to your locker rooms and...


Daniels: Oh my God you are absolutely crazy! The ONLY thing you want to avoid is a proper challenge, that’s all. AJ over on Impact is already casting a huge shadow over you, isn’t he? His challenge makes you doubt you can keep the belt against him and now with me ... and oh yah, Steve calling you out, you’re simply afraid that when all is said and done you’ll be left with nothing. Am I not right?


Corino: You better start considering me as a future opponent, MVP, because I WILL invoke my rematch clause very, very soon. And just like Chris here said – you’re afraid, buddy. You’re afraid you’ll be eating your words when you told Mick you’d have no problem defending those two titles across two brands. You ain’t the guy to do that, not you MVP, and I’ll be more than happy to be the man to shove those big words back down your throat!


Although far from his two challengers, MVP backs away until Shane McMahon comes out from the curtain behind MVP, his music making the dual champion jump ... Shane comes out to a huge ovation and positions himself right next to MVP. The US and TV champion looks visibly tense...




Shane: Okay, okay ... calm down MVP, I won’t hurt you (smirk) ... Anyhow, it would appear we’re having a bit of a situation here, don’t ya think? It’s not a very hard one for me to make the right call on though.


MVP now smiles at him ... McMahon looks at him in turn, bemused...


Shane: I have no idea what it is I said that makes you so happy but hey, a happy employee is always welcome, Mick told me. I guess he’s right. Anyways guys, let’s get this mess over with okay? I’ve listened to your ramblings and in my humble opinion, Steve and Christopher ... well, they’re right!


Cheers from the crowd and MVP’s smile has utterly deserted him as he stares at McMahon in terror ... Corino and Daniels both however have a huge grin on their faces now.


Shane: I would like to let it be known that legit ... and ONLY legit ... claims of people here in TNA are absolutely not lost in the shuffle and by this I mean Christopher Daniels’ guaranteed rematch as a former champion. It’s absolutely unfortunate your actual title is not on Mayhem but hey, that’s the nature of the beast. But this doesn’t mean your rematch clause is void and null because of a technicality, Chris. It means that at Final Resolution, with Steve’s rematch clause being also absolutely valid, MVP will be defending his TV title against Steve Corino AND Christopher Daniels in a three way match.


MVP has a look of absolute horror on his face now...




Shane: Last I checked you said you didn’t want to forfeit either belt ... you wanna do it now? I’ll have it vacated and...


MVP: Nonononononono... that won’t be necessary, Shane. (fake smile) If you say their claims to a rematch are legit, then ... I’ll be defending against them.


Corino and Daniels now smile broadly while McMahon keeps a straight face...


Shane: So here you have it everybody – at Final Resolution, MVP will be defending his TV title against Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino ... although...


Puzzled looks...


Shane: It could also be ... someone else defending that TV title at Final Resolution against these two top contenders...


MVP: What are you implying?


Shane: It’s not named TV title for nothing, MVP. This happens to be a TV show and that’s where the type of title you have is defended on ... you got a match later tonight, man. Be happy!


MVP looks close to rioting while Daniels and Corino highly enjoy this. But before MVP can add anything to the conversation, Shane McMahon cuts him off with a gesture, showing him that he won’t hear one more word. With the fans cheering him on, we head for a commercial break ... 97


Prazak: Welcome back to Mayhem! What a match was just made before the break – Steve Corino and Christopher Daniels are going to challenge MVP for the TV title and boy did the champ ever look unhappy about it.


Cornette: Shane McMahon isn’t a pushover-GM. He knows Mick Foley has a lot of trust in him and so far, I think Shane has done well. But it’s only his first show so we’ll see how everything will settle over the upcoming weeks.


Prazak: You’re right. Next up, former TNA World Tag Team champions are in action as Gallows takes on Hernandez. Let’s go to the ring...



Gallows vs. Hernandez

A decent enough big man match for what it was worth, but Gallows was poised, ready and focused – he dominated most of the match with only a brief and unsuccessful comeback by Hernandez and the Chokebomb sealed the deal!


Gallows defeated Hernandez in 5:16 by pinfall with the Chokebomb. 73


Gallows put his strength on display by chokebombing Hernandez for the victory, but the fans don’t quite care for it and let Gallows know how much they despise him. Leaving Gallows who leaves up the aisle, we head backstage where Davey Richards is in front of a TNA backdrop and ready for an interview...




Richards: At Turning Point, I was robbed. I was cheated out of a win by a man who claims to be the best at what he does – well I learned that! I learned that Desmond Wolfe is the world’s best cheat, second to none at what he does. All in the while I had thought that the X-Division belt was something to be proud of, a title that only those with the highest skills could aspire to win. Damn was I ever wrong! I manhandled you, Wolfe, and I took you beyond your limits yet you weaseled your way out of the night with that title still around your waist. But your days are numbered, Des...


Walking in comes the addressed champion Desmond Wolfe...




Wolfe: Wait, Davey, wait, wait, wait! First of all, who are you to talk about me and my title like that, huh? I beat you at Turning Point just like that, and sorry to let you know but – you’re an afterthought now, Davey. I’ve already moved on and won’t bother with you anymore. I know our match will stay in your mind but hey, if I gotta be honest I’ve forgotten about it for the most part.


Richards: Oh yeah? Then you’ve also probably forgotten that you needed a cheapshot for the win or else I would have taken that belt from you.


Wolfe: If I remember correctly, I was sick and tired of dragging you through our match and looked to make it end as soon as possible. The way I ended it was the fastest so it got the job done, that’s all.


Richards: Oh really? Then how about another go tonight? You and me, one on one, rematch for that belt ...


Wolfe: Don’t you listen, Davey? I’m sick and tired of you – you’re nothing but a nuisance. An annoyance! I don’t even know why I’m still talking to you...


Before more niceties can be said, Rey Mysterio walks in front of the camera...




Rey: Actually, that’s something I can’t tell you either, Des. There’s something I WILL tell you though...


Rey edges in on the X-Division champ and taps the belt on Wolfe's shoulder...


Rey: That’s a nice belt you got there. And Davey’s quite right ... you stole the win from him, Des. Ain’t a nice thing to do honestly ... And you ain’t doing this belt a whole lot of good, Des. Davey would ... or I! Care to have a go, man?


Wolfe backs off...


Richards: Yeah man ... anytime, anyplace, like Rey said I’d do a hell of a lot of good for this belt. Wanna prove you’re a proper champ? Fight me...


Mysterio smiles...


Rey: Or me!


Wolfe is almost off cam now...


Wolfe: Neither of you stands a chance against me and you know that, but I won’t be bullied into a title match tonight. I beat you already Davey and you Rey ... hell, you’re only in TNA since a week or two so you might as well not even bother challenging me. So if you excuse me now, I’ve got more interesting things to do than to waste my time with you.


He turns on the spot and walks out, Rey and Richards looking after him as another switch to commercials follows. 75


As Impact returns, the next match of the night is ready to begin...



Batista vs. Eric Young

Batista came into this match oozing purpose and determination which proved to be the downfall of Young from the very get-go. Wearing his opponent down, Batista’s size and strength were far too much for Eric Young and Batista ended this one sided affair with the Batista Bomb, which in this match proved to be the mercy kill!


Batista defeated Eric Young in 6:11 by pinfall with the Batista Bomb. 73


Cornette: Batista wins the match in commanding fashion. You can’t look past him as a man who could definitely take the NWA World title home as the winner of the Escape from Hell match at Final Resolution.


Prazak: That is very true, but the same can be said about everybody else involved. One of those is in a match that was made just before we returned from the break when we were informed that Brock Lesnar would go one on one in our semi main event against the high flying Mexican Rey Mysterio. Now, this match may or may not have been booked thanks to Desmond Wolfe's scheming after Mysterio surely made his intentions known earlier in the show, but that is academic now and the only question is can he defeat JBL’s client? We’re going to find out next!



Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio

Lesnar didn’t seem to take Mysterio all too seriously but he soon paid for it – Rey showed some fine maneuvers to land stinging hits while at the same time avoiding Brock Lesnar’s offense. JBL on the outside became increasingly annoyed by the Mexican not falling for Lesnar’s tricks and the crowd was behind Rey Mysterio all the way. Eventually however, Lesnar got hold of his smaller opponent and mounted a punishing offense, but Rey found a way to get out of every predicament. However, Mysterio seemed winded from the proceedings and the longer the match went on, the more dominant Lesnar’s performance was. Then came another turn of events though when Mysterio dodged a spear by Lesnar, tripping the big man in the process and making him fall against the ropes. 6-1-9? No, because Desmond Wolfe came down to the ring! When Rey went to the opposite cables, Wolfe held on to his boot! Mysterio began yelling at the X-Division champion with the referee not noticing the interference, and when he turned to face his opponent, Lesnar was back up and landed a huge powerslam followed by the Verdict to do away with Rey Mysterio!


Brock Lesnar defeated Rey Mysterio in 15:19 by pinfall with a Verdict following interference from Desmond Wolfe. 90


Lesnar celebrates his win as Rey scrambles back to his feet, disappointment and anger mixed in his expression as his performance against the much bigger opponent was stellar for no gain. Wolfe however isn’t done with Mysterio, very obviously annoyed at Mysterio’s promo interference from earlier in the night. The X-Division champion waits for the perfect moment and lays out Mysterio with the Jawbreaker Lariat. Mysterio is flipped over from the impact and ends up on his belly as Lesnar moves in as per order of JBL to drag Mysterio up .. and there’s Kurt Angle alongside Davey Richards!




Angle and Richards run down to the ring but can’t catch the attackers who already retreated across the guardrail, JBL following Brock Lesnar closely. All that Kurt Angle and Davey Richards can do is tend to Mysterio as we’re off to the announcers ... 85


Prazak: Thankfully, Angle and Richards made it in time because it looked to me that Rey was in for a severe beating. Wolfe obviously didn’t take all too kindly to Rey’s involvement earlier on, while Kurt Angle and Lesnar are both competitors in the Escape from Hell match at Final Resolution and they NEVER met eye to eye. This was just as good as any opportunity to get one in on Lesnar, but he and JBL managed to bail in time. What’s your take on all of this, Jim?


Cornette: Well, Brock defeated Angle a few months ago in very controversial fashion, and I think Kurt Angle not only hasn’t forgotten but is enjoying the prospect of another go at Lesnar, be it against four others at Final Resolution or alone and let’s not forget – the NWA World Heavyweight title is on the line. So without a doubt, we’re going to see more of these things over the next weeks because everybody involved is looking to get that extra bit of momentum.


Prazak: Absolutely. Another man who is actually oozing momentum right now is TNA US and TV champion MVP who is scheduled for a title defense tonight against a yet undefined challenger. It won’t be Steve Corino or Christopher Daniels tonight as their guaranteed title shots come at Final Resolution, so let’s go to ringside to find out just who that mysterious challenger might be...


MVP’s theme hits and he comes walking down the aisle, looking aggravated and edgy. Once he is inside the ring, he takes to the microphone...




MVP: This is an absolute travesty. Shane McMahon isn’t even the damn boss yet he gets to do what he sees fit here on Mayhem. How is this right? I don’t deserve this kind of treatment! I’m a dual champion and I...


The music of Chris Jericho hits and the audience is going absolutely bananas...




MVP’s eyes open wide and he is about to leave through the crowd, but Jericho follows promptly, drags him back towards the ring (with the fans leaving huge gaps for Jericho and not so huge ones for MVP in Jericho’s pursuit) and once they’re over the guardrail on the floor around the ring, the bell finally rings to start the match properly...


NWA TV Championship



MVP © vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho rolled MVP into the ring and for the first few minutes of the match, MVP was turned into Y2J’s personal ragdoll. The fans sensed a title change and Jericho gave them ample reason to hope for it as MVP’s total offense amounted to zero in the early goings of the match. Then however, MVP raked Jericho’s eyes and used this to his advantage. Following a slight reprimand from the referee, MVP was in control and used it to wear Jericho down neat as you please. The match went on with several momentum changes at various points, a few pinfall attempts that went nowhere and the action went to the outside. There, MVP tried to pound Jericho against the ringsteps but Y2J countered this and MVP was faceplanted against the steel. MVP staggered away from Jericho towards the time keeper where his TV title lay on a table, Jericho following him. When Y2J grabbed him by the shoulder, MVP threw an elbow that Jericho never saw coming, getting rid of the challenger for the time being. MVP grabbed his belt … and senior referee Earl Hebner left the ring, stood in front of the dual champion and tore the belt out of his grip! Upset, MVP yelled at him, took the belt back in his possession and … left! Jericho rolled back into the ring followed by Hebner and indeed, MVP didn’t return to the ring. A torrent of boos erupted as Hebner started the ten count, finishing it with MVP not returning to the ring…


Chris Jericho defeated MVP in 18:07 by count out. 99


All that Jericho can do is watch MVP walk up the aisle, all in the while taunting the luckless challenger. As Jericho shakes his head in disgust with MVP being booed out of the building, we return to the announcers...


Prazak: I can’t fathom that MVP would take the countout loss! I’m at a loss for words for this indecency. MVP is a dual champion for crying out loud!


Cornette: It IS outrageous, I agree. While action won’t be taken tonight anymore, I wouldn’t want to be MVP when Shane McMahon confronts him about this next week.


Prazak: That will surely happen and it’s going to be interesting to see what Shane will do. Plus, as we were just informed, a tag team match has been made for next week teaming up Rey Mysterio and Davey Richards against Brock Lesnar and X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe. I hope you enjoyed TNA Mayhem as we’ve reached the end of the first ever show. Make sure to tune in to Impact next week as we’ll be back with you for more Mayhem next week on Saturday. Good night everyone!


With that, the inaugural show comes to an end...


Final Show Rating: 87

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