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GREAT showing for a first-ever show, buddy! A 90 match AND a 99 main event? How did you not get a higher overall? :eek:


Anyway, as I said, the feuds are shaping up nicely, and with two brands instead of one, guys will be featured more :D


Well thanks ;) and secondly - I have NO idea why this show got rated so low (comperatively). I am hereby officially petitioning for a post show dirt sheet to explain this kinda stuff to me in the next TEW ^^

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<p></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>Monday Week 2, December 2011</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Preshow:</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Robert Roode, Vito Thomaselli, Salvatore Thomaselli and Mario Thomaselli defeated Josh Raymond, Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley in 8:07 when Mario Thomaselli defeated Josh Raymond by pinfall with the SAT Bomb. </strong><strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">70</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW%20PPV%20and%20Show%20Logos/tnahdp.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Impact is on and the capacity crowd is ready to go for tonight’s action as MVP’s music hits ... The fans aren’t thrilled and let him know, but he ignores it and walks to the ring with an air of confidence about him, his titles slung over a shoulder each...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/MVP2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">He rolls his eyes at the booing and takes some time to be able to talk thanks to the fans' ire...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>MVP:</strong> I knew you ignorant fools would welcome me like that but you know, I really couldn’t care less. Did you watch Mayhem? Did you see me steal the show and watch me carry the entire match? That’s ME for ya, MVP, true to my name. So I’m back here on Impact, and damn would this brand ever miss me if I was exclusive to Mayhem! But here’s some intriguing trivia for you that’ll fill you in on my mindset and is probably gonna end up on my Wikipedia entry – the former TNA World Heavyweight champion FAILED to capture my TV title. I had ENOUGH of manhandling Jericho towards the end of our match and because I got sick and tired of him, I walked out. It was the best answer a man of my status could give to a guy like him after he fled from me inside the ring like a scalded dog. If this was boxing, he would have been disqualified for inactivity. And STILL, somehow, I managed to make it an instant classic match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">The arrogance has the crowd riled up and garbage is being thrown into the ring...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>MVP:</strong> You guys shouldn't be throwing all that stuff away - most of you eat worse than what you're throwing so you should perhaps stuff it and take it back home with ya. But enough of that. Also, enough of Jericho and Mayhem ... tonight is IMPACT. And because I’m here, oozing star quality left and right, this show has instantly become a historical event. Thanks to me, people will remember tonight’s show and say – ‘Wow ... I remember, yeah buddy ... Impact ten years ago in December 2011? MVP WAS THERE!’ – That, folks, is the reality of ME being TNA's dual champion.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">He pauses for emphasis and the booing gets louder yet, but as he raises his microphone to make people hate him even more, AJ Styles’ music hits! Flair and his client come out to a huge pop while MVP rolls his eyes ... Flair and Styles get into the ring with him...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/AJStyles.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/RicFlair.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Flair:</strong> MVP, I gotta ask you if you know this little saying I used to use over the years.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Yeah ... do you?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MVP:</strong> In order to know it I’d have to care...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Flair:</strong> To be the man – you’ve got to BEAT the man! It’s THAT simple, MVP, that damn simple.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MVP:</strong> As if, as if! Are you implying Jericho is THE man?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> We never said a word about Chris...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Flair:</strong> AJ Styles is THE man in TNA! He has been busting his ass off over the years here, and he has won it ALL. He won the TNA World title ... he is a six time X-Division champion, a former TNA World Tag Team champion ... a former THREE time NWA World Heavyweight champion – you want me to continue? The list just goes on and on and on, and in turn, what is it that YOU have to show for?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Enough of this pissing contest though. Man, I’ve seen you and Chris on Mayhem. Yep, it was one hell of a match, I’ll agree ... but in the end ... you RAN! You bailed when you realized you were about to lose your precious title but you know what? I’ve talked to Mick about that issue... </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">MVP looks at AJ with a strange expression on his face ... Foley’s music hits! The TNA owner comes walking down to the ring, shaking hands left and right and he is apparently in a cheerful mood. He gets into the ring...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/MickFoley.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> You know ... AJ’s right, I thought that match was quite brilliant. I thought you and Chris did a wonderful job on Mayhem ... and I also think that YOU, MVP, are the world’s biggest COWARD!</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">The crowd cheers massively...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> And your cowardice got even rewarded because by bailing from the match, you managed to keep your title. I believe Jericho is one hacked off man right now, but you know who else is hacked off? Make a wild guess...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MVP:</strong> Beats me...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> ME! I’m hacked off because you screwed Chris Jericho out of the match and possibly the title. But that ain’t happening again, trust me, at least not tonight with the US title because you know what? You’ll be defending it against AJ Styles tonight – in a no countout, no disqualification match!</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">MVP has sheer terror on his face now...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Styles:</strong> Welcome back to Impact, MVP – I hope you enjoy your stay!</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Foley’s music hits as Styles and Flair taunt MVP, who in turn stares at all three of them as if they’re ghosts. As Foley leaves, we head over to the announcers...</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Well, good evening from the announce table first and foremost and damn, that’s a hell of a match that Mick Foley just made for tonight!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Oh the injustice! Mick Foley just can’t stand when some other guy than his few chosen ones hold a belt here on Impact, and he is clearly trying to screw MVP out of his US title. I just hope MVP finds a way to keep his belt when it’s all said and done...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> As long as what he does is legit I have no problem with it. At least tonight, he won’t be able to run and get away with it. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Another man who is in the hunt for the US title is Mr. Anderson, and I bet he’ll be watching MVP take on AJ Styles very closely because Anderson has that belt in his scope. But tonight, he has other work to do as he takes on Shelton Benjamin ... let’s go to the ring!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mr. Anderson vs. Shelton Benjamin</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Benjamin began with fury and unleashed a barrage that had Anderson flee from the ring. Following him, Benjamin continued the onslaught by slamming Anderson face first on the ring steps before rolling him back into the ring. Anderson was dazed and shaken and Shelton looked to capitalize on it, but when he went to do just that, Anderson pulled him by the tights, surprising Benjamin enough to make him smash against the top turnbuckle. This turned the tides and Anderson took control. A few pinfall attempts went only for two until Benjamin mounted a comeback. It was at this point in the match that Charlie Haas made his way down to the ring, circling the action and gaining Benjamin’s attention. Haas tried to get into the ring but Brian Hebner stopped him every time, but this was enough for Mr. Anderson to get back on track – he kicked Benjamin in the gut before planting him with a power bomb! Anderson went up top – Kenton Bomb and one, two and three!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mr. Anderson defeated Shelton Benjamin in 10:57 by pinfall with the Kenton Bomb following interference from Charlie Haas. </strong><strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">87</span></strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Benjamin is livid after his former partner Charlie Haas cost him the match and scrambles back to his feet to go after him. Anderson however charges from behind and takes Benjamin down with a huge lariat to the back of the head in what is a completely uncalled for and rather random attack. Haas then gets into the ring and lays the boots into Shelton Benjamin, who is now helpless. Anderson and Haas are being showered in boos as Impact cuts to commercials…</span></strong><strong> </strong><strong><span style="color:#00BFFF;">97</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Welcome back to Impact! Just before the break, a despicable assault on Shelton Benjamin courtesy of Charlie Haas left Benjamin down and out and if I’m any judge, Charlie Haas will have hell to pay for this. Not only did he cost Shelton the match, he also…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Mike, calm down! We’ve seen these things so many times now I mean … Charlie Haas most likely has a very good reason not only to go solo but also why he went after Shelton tonight. There are two sides to every story you know!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> Yeah, just that Charlie Haas’ side of the story is soon going to meet Paydirt! Shelton Benjamin will respond to this next week for sure.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> One can only hope, Taz. A man who made quite some waves ever since his debut here on Impact is no other than John Hennigan, and he is in action in our next match of the night!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/JohnMorrison2.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/AustinAries-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>John Hennigan vs. Austin Aries</strong></p></div><p></p><p> The prince of parkour, true to his nickname, unleashed a flurry of innovative offense and Aries was struggling. But Aries isn’t one to stay down for long and he came back at Hennigan with renewed vigor. This went on for some time but Hennigan proved to be the better man on the night when he caught Aries mid-air for a powerslam! JoHen let the Standing Shooting Star Press follow for the pinfall victory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>John Hennigan defeated Austin Aries in 8:46 by pinfall with a Standing Shooting Star Press. </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">81</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Hennigan celebrates his win briefly, but has his music cut as he takes to the mic…</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> Did you see me in action? Did you see the fluidity of my motions ... the absolute LACK of a chance for my opponent ... that’s me, John Hennigan, awing audiences wherever I go. Now ... I gotta get something off my chest that has been nagging me ever since I came to TNA. A guy like me who is oozing sex appeal, who is the SHAMAN of sexy, shouldn’t go alone. And I ain’t looking at you ugly broads in the arena so don’t get your hopes up.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Massive boos...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> No, I’m looking at a certain female here in TNA who has been accompanying a certain dude to the ring for some time now, all the way supporting him as he keeps on doing exactly NOTHING! Well he does ONE thing and that’s losing matches and titles, okay. But that’s IT! But now that I am here, you no longer have to hang with an ugly loser ... instead, you should hang with ME. SHUT UP!</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">More booing ensues...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> As I was saying ... I need me some female acquaintance. I feel ... incomplete without. And it’s absolutely annoying me that a nobody like Douglas Williams...</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">He doesn’t get further as Williams’ music hits and he makes his way down the aisle followed by Christy Hemme...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/DougWilliams.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/ChristyHemme2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Williams:</strong> What the hell is wrong with you? This ain’t some dating network but a wrestling company, you get that, right? </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Christy:</strong> And what in the hell makes you think I would...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> Hold it right there you two. First of all Doug, I know very well where we are, thank you. And Christy ... what it is that makes me think you would ... Girl, if that ain’t obvious enough meet me in my locker room. Look at me and then look at Doug ... who do you think is the guy in this ring that better suits YOUR own looks? You’re gorgeous, Christy, absolutely adorable ... so basically you’re just like me! Together, we’d be the perfect couple while you and Doug ... it’s more along the lines of beauty and the beast.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Christy Hemme looks shocked at Hennigan’s aggressiveness...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Williams:</strong> You have three seconds to apologize to Christy before I bash your skull in...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> Come on now, not in front of such a beautiful lady. But that’s totally you ... ignorant of a lady’s needs and feelings. Hey Christy, you should really...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Williams:</strong> YOU should really get the hell out of this ring now before I do something no lady should be standing near to. Get it, buddy?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hennigan:</strong> I’m not your buddy and I will never be your buddy. I also don’t want to know what it is you’d like to do to me that no lady should be watching! Anyhow, I know guys like you though ... guys like you are hangers-on to girls like Christy and people like me. You’re the guy who loves to hang around people like us because it elevates your own miserable hide to levels you can’t reach on your own. You’re the class doofus trying to befriend the high school quarterback. I’ve known my fair share of those, and I’m sure Christy does too. But hey, Christy ... you wanna meet eye to eye with a man? A REAL man? I’m right here, babe.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Williams snaps and attacks Hennigan but he somehow saw it coming and escapes Doug’s wrath and rolls out of the ring. Taunting Williams, Hennigan quickly moves around the ring until he reaches the aisle where he walks up towards the exit as Williams and Hemme stare after him in disgust...</span></strong><strong> </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">76</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> John Hennigan is completely out of his mind! He has the NERVE to tell Christy Hemme to stop managing Douglas Williams just because ... well, because of whatever. I’m a little sad that Williams missed Hennigan in the end, truth be told.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Don’t you be picking sides like that, Mike. Plus ... John Hennigan IS right after all!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> Eric ... do you think John Hennigan is a sexy man?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Of cou ... what the hell, Taz! That’s not what I meant goddamnit. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> We’re probably never going to find out what Eric Bischoff meant and it’s most likely for the better. We’ll be right back with you after a few messages from our sponsors.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/ChristianCage2.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/ColtCabana.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Christian Cage vs. Colt Cabana</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Cage tried to take the slow approach but Cabana took the fight right to him and pummeled Christian Cage quite well. Cage even fled the ring but Cabana followed and slammed him face first against the apron before disposing of him by tossing Cage over the guardrail into the fans. When Cabana went to follow and drag Cage back up, Christian surprised him with a Stunner that had Cabana faceplanting onto the guardrail, dropping on the spot. Cage had the upper hand now and worked Cabana well until Colt mounted a comeback that culminated into setting Cage up for the Colt 45 – but before Cabana could start the motion, Cage had somehow found the wits to deliver a low blow without the official noticing. Following this, Cage instantly went and executed the Unprettier and it was the end of this match!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Christian Cage defeated Colt Cabana in 9:22 by pinfall with the Unprettier after blatantly cheating.</strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">83</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Cage wins a massively contested match and slides out of the ring. He fumbles for something underneath the squared circle and produces a chair, much to the ire of Mike Tenay and Taz, less so to Eric Bischoff, naturally. Christian Cage shoves it into the ring and follows suit, waiting for Cabana who is busy dragging himself up by the ropes. In the second Colt is back up and turns, Cage let’s rip and blasts Cabana with the chair straight over the head. Cabana collapses and within seconds, CM Punk’s music hits!</span></strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/CMPunk.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Punk comes charging down the aisle but Cage is long gone, darting across the guardrail and hightailing it through the crowd. Unable to avenge Colt, all Punk can do is take care of his unconscious friend until members of the medical staff arrive...</span></strong><strong> </strong><strong><span style="color:#00BFFF;">100</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> What in the hell did he do that for? Just tell me because I’m at a loss for words...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> I think I understand – Colt Cabana and CM Punk are best friends, and that is a known fact not only backstage for years but the world over. And Cage has a score to settle with Punk so...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> You settle a score with someone by beating up someone else? That’s a rather original logic, Eric.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> A twisted and slightly cowardish one, but I somehow can make sense of it now. There’ll be hell to pay for Christian Cage, trust me on that! At any rate, we'll be right back with you following these short messages from our sponsors...</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Upon returning to the broadcast, we’re backstage just in time to see Mr. Anderson walk up to Samoa Joe...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/KenAnderson.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/SamoaJoe.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Anderson:</strong> Hey Joe... </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joe:</strong> If you’re here to brag about how you and your newest best buddy beat up a single guy, I won’t listen man. I got good advice for you though – get the hell lost.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Anderson:</strong> Don’t be so hostile, champ. It’s not that I attacked you or anything...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joe:</strong> I’d like to see you try...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Anderson:</strong> That’s why I came here though. See, with me soundly defeating Shelton Benjamin tonight and you obviously without challengers, I thought of something. Right now, MVP and AJ Styles seem to be a little preoccupied with the US title, right? I know I’ve said I’d go after them but hey, let them sort their stuff out. I’m not one to mess with people’s affairs, am I?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joe:</strong> Oh yeah? Get to the goddamn point!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Anderson:</strong> Isn’t that obvious enough for you? Here, I’ll say it loud and clear ... I’m calling you out, Joe. I’m challenging you for your TNA World Heavyweight title. Point taken?</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Before Joe can answer, Mick Foley appears...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/MickFoley.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> You know, not only am I getting increasingly sick of people more or less making their own title matches, I’m also quite sick of people assaulting others after matches. You know what that means, Anderson? It means I’m sick of people like YOU! But you’re right, there isn’t a challenger for Joe right now ... but you gotta WORK to become a contender. So here, let me throw you a bone ... next week on Impact, Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin will team up against Charlie Haas ... and Mr. Anderson! If you and Haas can defeat Joe and Shelton, then and ONLY then will you become the top challenger to Joe’s title.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Anderson:</strong> Wait a damn minute, Foley! You make my challenge depend on a damn tag team match? How freaking random is that? Are you kidding? Come on, that was funny, but now tell everyone that...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> Do I look like I’m joking?</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Foley shoots Anderson a menacing glare, and the would-be challenger backs off.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Joe:</strong> I’ll take him on any day of the week, Mick.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Foley:</strong> I don’t doubt that. But I won’t have people make their own matches and challenges any longer.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Foley walks off and Joe looks after him, his expression unreadable as we return to the arena.</span></strong><strong> </strong><strong><span style="color:#00BFFF;">100</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Is Foley out of his mind? He lets a TAG TEAM match decide the TNA World Heavyweight title top contender? Anderson was right, this IS random and Foley is just throwing his weight around - he doesn't WANT Mr. Anderson to be the top contender because he knows his friend Samoa Joe will be out of the title after they face off. This is insane favoritism, pure and simple!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> I would think Mick Foley knows what he is doing - like he said, he won't stand for people making themselves top contenders and the match he just booked is prove enough that he isn't gonna allow anybody to bully his way up to the top. I like this!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Of course you do because you never were at the top of a promotion that mattered! Mr. Anderson on the other hand...</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Taz shoots him an icy glare and it's perhaps for the best that Mike Tenay is sitting in the middle, unable to say a word at this point as he looks back and forth between the two with eyes wide open - Impact cuts to commercial break.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/Abyss2.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/KazuchikaOkada.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Abyss vs. Okada</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Okada jumped Abyss before the bell and it was this premature start that saw him flat on the mat after Abyss let him topple over his raised knee. A few boots to the head followed before Abyss dragged him up – Blackhole Slam! Abyss went for the pin and got the three-count within less than a minute of the match!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Abyss defeated Okada in 0:43 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam. </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">82</span></strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">After the match, Mitchell drags Abyss away from Okada by the hair and we head back to the announcers...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Abyss just being way too much for Okada here tonight. He seems right back on track with that strong performance, but let us move forward because there's not much else to report about this slaughter!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> Yes Mike. Next up, Desmond Wolfe is defending his X-Division title here on Impact against Rob Van Dam and I think we have ourselves another instant classic in the making with this one.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> Desmond Wolfe has been the most constantly dominating titleholder in TNA for months now, and I can’t see that changing tonight. He’s a treat to watch...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> I just wish he would cut out on all those cheap moves during his matches that he employs as of late. He really doesn’t need it...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> And we’ll see how this one goes so let’s head on over to the ring...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TNA X-Division Championship</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/tnax2.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/DesmondWolfe.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/RobVanDam.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Desmond Wolfe © vs. Rob Van Dam</strong></p></div><p></p><p> RVD and Wolfe had a fantastic match, using their contrasting styles for a fine back and forth encounter. Both had an even amount of offense to show for as the momentum changed fast and often in this all out affair, and it wasn’t until William Regal came down to the ring that things took a dramatic turn – Regal went up on the apron when Van Dam was in control, and RVD indeed let himself be distracted and he walked over to have a ‘chat’ with William Regal. They started yelling at each other until referee Brian Hebner had seen enough and sent Regal away from the ring for the match to continue. That it did but not in any fashion the fans in the arena would have liked to see – when RVD turned to face Wolfe, the X-Division champion was back up, charged and connected with his Jawbreaker Lariat that hit so hard it flipped RVD over. The pinfall was academic afterwards…</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Desmond Wolfe defeated Rob Van Dam in 9:48 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat following interference from William Regal. Desmond Wolfe makes defence number 7 of his TNA X Division title. </strong><strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">85</span></strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">What’s going on with William Regal interfering in this match? The fans boo him at the top of their voices for it and Wolfe rolls out of the ring where he accepts his title belt. RVD is riled up and argues with referee Mark Johnson while outside – Wolfe and Regal shake hands! What is this now? Wolfe and Regal unite and this has the crowd in a booing-frenzy. Commercials follow...</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Welcome back to Impact folks! I am once again at a loss for words over what we witnessed before the break. Desmond Wolfe and William Regal shaking hands after Regal helped Wolfe retain his belt? Something’s fishy there and I’d really like to find out what it is. What is your take on this, Taz?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Taz:</strong> Right now, your guess is as good as mine, Mike. I haven’t the faintest idea what has brought these two together, but I’m sure we’ll learn of it soon enough.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bischoff:</strong> I think them bonding makes sense though. They’re both British, both use a mat based, very technical style and both are among the very best wrestlers in TNA. They have a lot in common and in joining forces, they can go places they perhaps couldn’t go to on their own.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> Whatever it is, it’s a development I’m very intrigued about. Now it’s time for our main event though as MVP defends his US title against AJ Styles in a no DQ, no countout match. Let’s see if MVP will get out of that predicament with his title still in possession!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TNA US Championship</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/TNAUnitedStates.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/MVP2.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/VsLogo1.jpg</span><span>http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq267/Harmor666/TEW/AJStyles.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MVP © vs. AJ Styles</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Well Mike, MVP tried to make the most of the rules (or lack thereof) in this match and his first course of action was an attempted low-blow. It failed as Styles had this scouted and AJ went to town on MVP. As the match went to the outside MVP tried to get away but Styles caught him in the aisle, dragging the dual champion back to the ring. All in the while slamming him against the guardrail on the left and right, MVP was turned into Styles’ personal ragdoll and the announcers wondered at this brawl based attack of the Phenomenal One. After some more punishment as we were back in the ring, Styles was subsequently laid out after a poke to the eyes and a follow-up elbow smash to the jaw but the pinfall went only for two. MVP had taken control though and brought in a chair which he used to trap Styles’ leg in, then went up to the second rope and jumped down, landing on the chair and causing Styles tremendous pain. MVP pounded the chair onto the mat, waiting for Styles to get back up to finish the deal. Flair went to the apron and this made MVP rethink – he turned and before Ric Flair could react, smashed the chair smack against his head. Flair awkwardly collapsed to the arena floor and MVP turned around to meet a superkick! The result of this was however that AJ Styles winced, having stood on his bad leg for the move, and both men collapsed. Styles crawled over painfully slow to make the cover – one, two, thr … KICKOUT! MVP dragged himself up by the ring ropes as Styles was back up, looking ready to execute the Styles Clash. MVP, back to a vertical base, was spun around by Styles – and MVP nailed him with brass knuckles he had obviously produced from his tights! Styles now finally laid low and MVP fell on top of him … one, two and three, the title defence!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MVP defeated AJ Styles in 16:26 by pinfall after hitting AJ Styles with a set of brass knuckles. MVP makes defence number 1 of his TNA US title. </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">80</span></strong></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Tenay:</strong> You gotta be kidding me! MVP once again escapes yet another high profile title defense by the skin of his teeth and this time it was all legal within the confines of this match. You still got to question his methods however, but he just keeps getting away with it.</p><p> </p><p> Styles is laid out, blood dripping from his forehead as Ric Flair, also leaking red liquid, takes care of his client. MVP is on the outside and taunts them, raising his belt for everybody to see and to boo. He leaves up the aisle with his music blasting as a video plays to hype up Joe/Benjamin vs. Mr. Anderson/Haas next week on Impact. After this, Impact cuts to credits.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Final Show Rating:</span></strong> <strong><span style="color:#00FF00;">86</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Post Show:</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jay Lethal and D’Angelo Dinero defeated Low-Ki and Carlito Colon in 8:31 by pinfall when Jay Lethal defeated Low-Ki with the Diving Dynamite Headbutt. </strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">78</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Trivia:</strong> Totalextremewrestling.com revealed during the week leading up to TNA Mayhem that Beth Phoenix and Cody Rhodes had split up ... (OOC: Hmmm ... <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="michgcs" data-cite="michgcs" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31310" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have to say, the Hennigan-Christy-Douglas Williams triangle sounds interesting <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> For someone who doesn't like writing for females, you sure can put them in compelling storylines <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well thanks ... >_< ... I think it has more to do with women wrestling, actually <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Saturday Week 2, December 2011



Ryan Reeves and KENTA defeated Shark Boy and Amazing Red in 3:22 when Ryan Reeves defeated Shark Boy by pinfall with the Haymaker. 46


Generation Me and Kazarian defeated Brother Ray, Brother Devon and Hernandez in 6:15 when Kazarian defeated Brother Ray by pinfall with the Wave Of The Future. 67


Tyler Black defeated Kiyoshi in 3:49 by pinfall with the God’s Last Gift. 66




The sold out Boardwalk Hall in New Jersey hosts this second edition of TNA Mayhem, with the crowd in wild anticipation of the night. We’re going to the announcers…




Prazak: Hello and welcome to Mayhem, your Saturday evening wrestling fix courtesy of TNA. Our inaugural show last week made huge waves, and the main reason for that was surely the announcement of the Escape from Hell match at Final Resolution.


Cornette: Yes, Dave. Six men will enter an enormous 20 foot high steel cell and the first one to leave by using a ladder to go through the open panel in the ceiling and all the way down the cell to the arena floor.


Prazak: It will be hell with these six men trapped inside the unforgiving steel, and only the one who is willing to go beyond his own abilities can hope to leave the cell first and win the oldest still active title in wrestling today, the NWA World Heavyweight title.


Cornette: But before that, I believe we have ourselves a stacked show tonight, right Dave?


Prazak: We certainly have. Tonight, Brock Lesnar and Desmond Wolfe team up to face Rey Mysterio and Davey Richards while The Rock, Kurt Angle, Batista and Paul Wight all are in action tonight as well but here’s the initiator of that highly dangerous match, Shane McMahon!




McMahon walks down the aisle with his music blasting, and the fans cheer him on all the way. He soaks the praise in for a moment as he stands in center ring before speaking…


Shane: Before anything else, let me welcome you to TNA Mayhem! Thanks for being here and I sure hope you enjoyed our first show last week. I’m positive you did but anyhow, let us move forward, shall we? In less than two weeks, we’ve got ourselves a nifty Pay Per View called Final Resolution where a HUGE match will take place … granted, among other huge matches but hey, gotta hype up your own creation, right? Escape from Hell will be shaking the very foundation of the arena we’re in, trust me on that. The NWA World Heavyweight title is on the line, and six of the best wrestlers in TNA will be going after that huge prize. I…


Brock Lesnar's music kicks in and he comes down the aisle with his manager John 'Bradshaw' Layfield. They look anything but pleased…




JBL: Shane, Shane, Shane … you’re really celebrating your dumb little invention, aren’t ya? Trying to shove it down everybody’s throat and all … Well, let me tell ya something, pal. Not only is this man here DESERVING of a singles shot at that title, no, there are a bunch of guys in that cell who couldn’t even lace his boots, try as they might. But by sheer dumb luck they could make it and snatch that belt but let’s face it – Brock Lesnar is THE most deserving champion TNA has ever had and you damn well know that. Yet once again he has to take a backseat and this time it’s because you’re trying to kiss other people’s asses who shouldn’t even be in the same ring with him. Care to explain yourself, Shane?


McMahon has a smirk on his face…


Shane: I … care to explain myself, Bradshaw. Not that I have to though but okay... First of all … I am NOT your pal, okay. Get that into your brain because on Mayhem … I’m your damn BOSS!


JBL and Lesnar look taken aback and the fans cheer the GM on…


Shane: And because I’m your damn boss, you guys have two choices … Brock can ENTER the Escape from Hell match at Final Resolution or … he can forfeit his chance at the NWA title and I’ll replace him, and trust me I’d get twenty guys before the night is over who’d merrily take his spot.


JBL: I didn’t mean to say…


Shane: I know what you meant to say, Bradshaw. You meant to weasel and plot so that Brock would get a match as easy as humanly possible for the title. It don’t work that way, though.


JBL: That’s BS and you know it! Brock will take on anybody, anytime, anyplace!


Shane: Oh really?


IF YA SMELLLLA-LA-LA-LA … what The Rock is cooking…!




JBL and Lesnar look at each other uneasy as Rock strides down the aisle, bristling with confidence…


The Rock: You two jabronys need to get your heads examined and The Rock advices you to get that done BEFORE Final Resolution because in that damn cell, The Rock will rearrange Lesnar’s face and it'll be all too late BECAUSE THE DOC'S GONNA TELL YOU THERE'S NO HOPE FOR SOMEONE WHO CHECKED INTO THE SMACKDOWN HOTEL! But it would appear we won’t have to wait that long, does it Shane?


Shane: No we won’t, Rock. Next week – Brock Lesnar will go one on one with THE ROCK! You wanna fight anybody, anytime? Fine, then … Lesnar’s busy tonight but has nothing to do next week, correct? So there ya go, JBL … happy yet?


The crowd explodes … Lesnar and Bradshaw leave the ring, sending abuse back at McMahon and Rock. 100


Prazak: Holy hell folks! Shane McMahon just came down hard on Lesnar and JBL. Our night hasn’t even really begun and we have a HUGE main event for NEXT week already!


Cornette: Yeah, Mayhem’s firing on all cylinders! To be fair however though, everybody involved in the NWA World title match at Final Resolution will be kept busy before the Pay Per View. And right in our opening match of the night, Kurt Angle will be in action.


Prazak: Right after the break, Kurt Angle takes on one half of the TNA World Tag Team champions The Kings of Wrestling, Chris Hero! Stay tuned for that huge opener as we’ll be right back with you…


Cut to commercials and once we’re back, the announced match is on…



Kurt Angle vs. Chris Hero

Both men showed a stunning display of scientific wrestling. Whenever the fans thought one had the upper hand the other would somehow get out of the predicament and go on the offense. These constant momentum shifts gave us several nearfall attempts for both Angle and Hero that had the audience on their feet. Angle went for the Angle Slam which Chris Hero managed to counter with a Stunner – nearfall. Hero then tried to hit home with the Hero’s Welcome but Angle got out of it, toppled Chris Hero over and caught him in the Ankle Lock! Hero wouldn’t tap and after a short while managed to roll around, kick Angle off and roll him up, but Angle got out of that one as well when he kicked out at two and a half and grabbed the arm for a takedown and another submission attempt. Hero however reached the ropes and Angle AGAIN went for the Ankle Lock on the already hurting foot! This looked like a certain tap out until Claudio Castagnoli came racing down the aisle. He reached into the ring in an attempt to pull his tag team partner to the ropes but Angle dragged Chris Hero towards center ring when Paul Wight came to the ring as well. The giant stopped next to Castagnoli and they were watching Hero in agony, seconds from tapping – Wight and Castagnoli nodded to each other and entered the ring! Angle didn’t release Hero and waited for the tapping but his opponent hung in there for the few seconds it took until Wight and Castagnoli had gone past Johnson. Wight clotheslined Angle off Hero and the referee called for the bell...


Kurt Angle defeated Chris Hero in 11:24 by disqualification when Paul ‘The Great’ Wight and Claudio Castagnoli ran in and attacked Kurt Angle. 88




Double C and Paul Wight team up and stomp Angle into oblivion in what is a massive mismatch now! Chris Hero gets back up, limping, while Angle tries to fight back but is too severely outnumbered to get free and gets punished in the corner of the ring. There’s Londrick!




Paul London and Brian Kendrick are rushing down the aisle and into the ring, avoid Wight’s wild swing and topple Hero and Castagnoli over the top rope. Wight goes after them again but they duck and meet him with a double dropkick. While the giant isn’t falling, he retreats which allows Londrick to take care of Angle. The Kings of Wrestling taunt Angle and Londrick from the outside, while Wight shoots menacing glances at the three men in the ring. We head back to the announcers... 99


Prazak: Paul London and Brian Kendrick are surely not afraid of imposing and menacing Paul Wight and good thing they aren’t because it could have been really bad for Kurt Angle in that situation.


Cornette: It surely looked that way but they made their stand to bail him out of that nasty predicament. Hero and Castagnoli might wanna take their challengers a little more serious by the way, don’t you think? Whoever goes after Wight like Londrick and Kendrick did are contenders, so much is clear.


Prazak: I would think so too. The Kings of Wrestling will defend their TNA World Tag Team titles against Londrick once more at Final Resolution in a rematch of their huge Turning Point encounter, and trust me with the resolve that London and Kendrick are showing both these teams will meet eye to eye on our upcoming Pay Per View. Another man who’ll be on that Pay Per View is Steve Corino when MVP will have to fight TWICE on the same show to defend both his titles, first against AJ Styles for the US title and later on when Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino challenge for MVP’s TV title. Steve Corino is in action next!



Steve Corino vs. Eric Young

Young started strong, surprising Corino who had tried to begin slowly as usual. This required Steve Corino to slightly alter his gameplan and once he did after a few minutes, he took control and didn’t let go. He methodically wore Eric Young down, now able to live up to the ‘King of old school’ moniker, and soon enough, the Island Plex secured the win for Corino.


Steve Corino defeated Eric Young in 8:05 by pinfall with the Island Plex. 76


While Corino celebrates, MVP’s music hits and the dual champ walks down the aisle with a smug grin on his face...




MVP: Man ... that all you can do? I’m supposed to be impressed, right? Come on dude...


Corino: Tell me why I wanna see your ugly face right now?


MVP: Uhm, I guess because you need to know that your challenge for my belt is ridiculous, ya know. Hell, I should perhaps make an open challenge for anybody in the audience to have the guts and take me on because you ... Steve, dude, you just don’t cut it!


Corino: Well then buddy, let us get into the ring and find out...


MVP: Easy there, easy. Tonight ain’t the night ... I understand title clauses cause as a dual champ, it’s the kinda tedium I have to go through. I don’t have to defend tonight because ... I had a title defense last week...


Corino: Which you actually lost if I remember correctly ... by countout cause you RAN from Jericho.


MVP: I didn’t RUN, moron ... I just used the entire arena for the match. If Jericho doesn’t wanna follow me and continue fighting, it’s HIS bad, not mine, right?


Corino shakes his head and then – Christopher Daniels’ music hits! Daniels comes down to the ring, stern-faced, and MVP sees to it to get away from where he stands and moves towards the announce table...




Daniels: Okay, MVP ... I had been listening up to this point, right. I was backstage in front of a monitor and I just couldn’t believe what was going on so I called over Shane. Shane told me he wasn’t impressed about what happened last week, to put it mildly, but said he unfortunately had no time to join us right now.


MVP: Because he knows that it was all legit...


Daniels: Cause he would have had your head for what you did last week had he had time, but the show was over, lucky you. But unlucky you because he couldn’t tell you then what he told me just a few moments ago, actually...


MVP looks at him, bemused, while Corino listens intently, curiosity on his face...


Daniels: Our match at Final Resolution will be held under one special rule, MVP ... it’s a one-pinfall only affair normally right, but if YOU get counted out you will be ELIMINATED from the match. This means you’d thereby forfeit your TV title and Steve and I will get to fight for it until one of us ... most likely me ... wins it. You can go to Shane and double check if you wish of course!


MVP is horrified now while Corino has a huge smile on his face...


Corino: Most likely ME, you mean. I beat you for this belt before, Chris, don’t you forget that. Twice if memory serves me right...


Daniels: That’s history, buried and forgotten, Steve. You won’t get this belt in a match that I am in this time...


The dual champ has regained his composure and stares at both men in anger...


MVP: NEITHER of you will because I AM in the match, damn it! You can go and kiss Shane’s ass to get exactly the type of match you think will get you this belt all you want and hey Steve, how about you do some ass kissing of your own too so we get another little stipulation added. It won’t make a damn difference. One way or the other, I WILL come out on top because not only is my NAME MVP ... no ... I AM the damn MVP of TNA. You’ll see, boys ... you’ll damn well see.


Says it and walks off past Christopher Daniels and they scoff at one another in passing. Corino has an amused look for them as he stands in the ring, MVP not looking back at Daniels whose gaze follows the champ all the way up the aisle. We cut to commercials... 94


We return from commercials and are ready for the next match of the night - Brain Damage is already in the ring, somehow managing to look the worse for wear even before the bell rings...



Paul ‘The Great’ Wight vs. Brain Damage

Brain Damage didn’t waste a second but went for Wight right after the bell. He tried to topple the giant with speed, and while Brain Damage isn’t anywhere near Wight’s size, he’s a 250-pounder who can surely put some meat behind his actions. However, his flurry was short lived as Wight eventually got hold of Brain Damage and it was murder she wrote from here on out. Headbutts, slams, kicks, Brain Damage ate the entire arsenal of Paul Wight but he kept on coming for more, refusing to stay down. He apparently enjoyed this brawl but it had become a one sided affair which ended when Wight took Brain Damage out of commission with a HUGE KO Punch. Wight stood over his fallen opponent, staring angrily at the out cold wrestler and put a boot on the chest – one, two and three.


Paul ‘The Great’ Wight defeated Brain Damage in 5:36 by pinfall with the Knockout punch. 67


Prazak: Damn, that Brain Damage guy ... we’ve seen him a few times now and while he so far came up short in his matches, he got something about him I think.


Cornette: He is surely not afraid to take the fight to the opponent no matter the size Dave, and that’s something to admire. He lacks strategy a little though ... but that can be learned eventually and learning he will, but most likely the hard way it would seem. But what about Paul Wight folks? That was another absolutely dominating performance.


Prazak: Paul Wight takes out another man and it’ll be hell to pay indeed for everybody else in the Escape from Hell match with this no nonsense giant of a man in the cell at Final Resolution. I'm being informed there's something going on in the back though so let us head on over...


We’re in a backstage area with Davey Richards and Hulk Hogan, who are just standing there privately chatting as Desmond Wolfe walks up to them...




Wolfe: Getting advice, Davey? Good idea but lemme tell ya, not good enough. The Hulkster will prolly tell ya to eat your vitamins and say your prayers and train and blah ... well the only thing that is true here is for you to pray because you WILL need divine intervention to get the X-title from me! Just remember Turning Point...


Richards: In the main event tonight, I’ll merrily make you eat those words, Des. You gotta know that I ain’t messing around ... and you gotta know that I have not forgotten Turning Point, Des. It’s why I am really looking forward to team up with Rey tonight to face you and Lesnar. It’s a match in which I can show just how valid a challenger I am...


Hogan: I’ve got an idea! Listen boys...


Wolfe: An idea? Yeah, I got one too, Hogan ... how about you get lost?


Richards: How about you show some damn respect! Go on Hulk...


Hogan: Let’s make it so that you dudes can have your match at Final Resolution without any further distraction. Let’s see who REALLY is the better man between the two of you – when I am the special referee!


Wolfe looks at him intensely ... Richards smiles...


Richards: I think it’s a pretty good idea actually. Got the guts for a straight up fight, Des?


Wolfe: Guts? Davey, all I need is the ring and a damn ref to call the match and then, the rest is academic. If you wanna be special ref Hulk, go for it. If you act funny though, I’ll take you out along with Davey. Get it?


Hogan: Don’t make me want to have a go at your title too, brother.


Richards: Calling the match right down the middle will be enough, Hulk. See ya around, Des.


Richards walks off and Desmond Wolfe scoffs at the Hulkster as we head back to the announce desk... 81


Prazak: Wow! Wolfe versus Richards just had Hulkamania added to the match. I guess we’ll finally find out who the better man is when Hogan will be referee at Final Resolution. This is huge, folks!


Cornette: I’d agree, Dave. And I think Desmond Wolfe will be in for a ride, so much is sure. And what about Rey Mysterio? He’ll be watching that match very closely, and I’ll be damned if he won’t go after whoever wins the belt at Final Resolution in the new year.


Prazak: This is very exciting for sure. We’ll be right back with you folks, so stay tuned.



Batista vs. Super Dragon

Super Dragon went all or nothing once the bell rang but ran straight into a sidewalk slam. Batista was focused and utterly determined, dragging Dragon back up, lifting him and dropping the smaller man onto the top turnbuckle. Now chops followed out of the Nature Boy’s playbook, the fans chanting ‘woo’ every time the open hand connected. Batista grabbed Dragon by the neck and threw him towards center ring, waiting for Super Dragon to return to a vertical base – SPEAR! He nearly snapped Dragon in half but wasn’t finished … he pulled him back to the feet – Batista Bomb! The pinfall was academic…


Batista defeated Super Dragon in 5:48 by pinfall with the Batista Bomb. 76


Batista walks away from the ring victorious, not looking back at his fallen opponent. Even while his music is still playing, a video cuts in overlaid with heavy guitar riffs. A voice is heard ... ‘At Final Resolution, six men will enter hell. The Rock, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Paul Wight, Batista and Chris Jericho will step into a 20 foot high steel cell, and only one man will leave this hell with the highest prize on Mayhem on the line – the NWA World Heavyweight title! It will be a first for any of the six man to hold the oldest still active title in wrestling history, and history will be made at Final Resolution in the first ever Escape from Hell match!’ ... The pictures of the six men are spread across the screen and in the back, the image of an enormous steel structure fades in. Its four walls almost meet the guardrail around the ring it engulfs, and inside the empty cell is a huge ladder right in the center of the ring. Then, words pop up ... ‘Escape from Hell – Final Resolution’. We head for a commercial break... 100


As we return to the broadcast, Chris Jericho is standing backstage in front of a TNA banner...




Jericho: Final Resolution ... Final Resolution ... that’s a pretty damn good name for what is coming up next week on Sunday. I’ve had a wild year ... I became TNA champion not even a month after I came to the company. Then this huge thing with Mick Foley and JBL happened, and I was an integral part of it. And it’s what brought us right here to Mayhem. At Turning Point, I showed the world that no matter what is thrown in my way, I overcome it. Injury, sneak attacks, plotting, scheming ... I have weathered it all and defeated Brock Lesnar fair and square. And now, Brock, we’ll meet again ... Escape from Hell, with you, me and four others fighting for the NWA World Heavyweight title.


He smiles...


Jericho: And at Final Resolution, I will come full circle. Within a year, I will take two world titles here in TNA...


Another smile...


Jericho: And then ... I will have held EVERY single title in the entire world that matters! That’ll be Final Resolution for me when after I beat five others, including Brock Lesnar yet again, I will be NWA World Heavyweight champion!


We return to the arena for the co-main event of the night...



The Rock vs. Gallows

The Rock started strong, not allowing anything and sending Gallows right out of the ring. Gallows’ initial plan of taking the fight right to The Rock had clearly failed and he took a different approach that eventually saw the big man in control. Spurts of a comeback were denied as Gallows, though lacking years of experience, made up for it by utilizing his brute strength. This kept up for a while until Gallows landed some vicious shots and forced the great one into the corner of the ring for a series of shoulder blocks that winded Rocky. Gallows raised his arms in triumph before charging for a big splash but The Rock had scouted this, moving out of the way. Gallows ran chest first into the corner of the ring and staggered back out and The Rock had just been waiting for this – Rock Bottom and one, two and three!


The Rock defeated Gallows in 13:19 by pinfall with the Rock Bottom. 82


Instead of celebrating his victory for long, The Rock demands a microphone...


The Rock: The Rock has only one thing on his mind right now, and that is the NWA World Heavyweight championship! Let The Rock tell you this – five jabronys will enter the cell alongside the great one at Final Resolution and try their hardest to get the belt, but when it comes to escaping hell, The Rock is one step ahead of all of them. At Final Resolution, The Rock will layeth the smacketh down on those five others walking them straight down know your role boulevard and then be the first to leave the cell and win the title, if ya smeeeelllll...


Crowd: ‘What the Rock is cooking’...


His music blasts and we return to the announcers... 100


Prazak: The Rock is more than ready for Escape from Hell! Actually let's redo that - everyone involved in that huge match at Final Resolution is more than ready. It's going to be a showdown of epic proportions!


Cornette: Let's see ... a 20 foot high steel cell with a panel in the ceiling you've got to go through and then climb down the cell ... not an environment I'd be all too comfortable in.


Prazak: How can you prepare for the match? The only thing you can do is rely on your skills and experience and try to make the most of the environment. It'll be dangerous and I just hope they all get out of it in one piece. Folks, we're ready for the main event of the night where another Escape from Hell contender will be in action - Brock Lesnar teams up with X-Division champion Desmond Wolfe to take on Rey Mysterio and Davey Richards. Let's go to the ring!



Brock Lesnar and Desmond Wolfe vs. Rey Mysterio and Davey Richards

Rey Mysterio stood out as the only one willing to take to the air in this match as the other three employed a rather technical approach to the match. But as contrasting as Richards and Mysterio were as partners, they geld well as a team and gave Lesnar and Wolfe some food for thought. Wolfe was in control of Richards when Rey Mysterio was tagged in unnoticed to dropkick Wolfe off his partner straight from the top turnbuckle. Mysterio then mounted a hell of an offense that was only interrupted when JBL tripped the Mexican without referee Rudy Charles noticing. This allowed Wolfe to tag Lesnar in and the towering brute went to town on Mysterio, but the much smaller man showed incredible resilience. Lesnar went for a clothesline that Mysterio avoided and Rey jumped on his back. Choking the giant, Lesnar was staggering about gasping for air when he tried to get Mysterio off by crashing him into the turnbuckles – unfortunately for Lesnar, in Mysterio’s corner. Richards used it to tag himself in, went for the top rope and bulldogged Lesnar with Mysterio still on his back for added woes. The pinfall attempt however was broken up by Desmond Wolfe who threw punches at Richards when Rudy Charles sent Wolfe back to his corner. This had enabled Lesnar to get back up though and the ensuing lariat flipped Richards over. Tag was made to Wolfe and the X-Division champion scouted Richards for the Jawbreaker Lariat – Richards was back up, sensed it coming and let Wolfe run straight into the corner of the ring. Richards rolled him up but Wolfe somehow turned him over and had brought himself into a pinning position of his own, putting his boots on the bottom rope without the referee noticing – one, two and three!


Brock Lesnar and Desmond Wolfe defeated Rey Mysterio and Davey Richards in 20:34 when Desmond Wolfe defeated Davey Richards by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. 83


Once again, Desmond Wolfe has managed to one-up Davey Richards, and Richards scrambles up furiously to go after the X-Division champion but Wolfe has retreated already, taunting Richards. Mysterio is in the ring to clap Richards’ shoulder and at the same time hold him back but there’s nothing much to console Richards with at this point, while Lesnar and JBL simply walk up the aisle and stop on the ramp. There, Lesnar draws an imaginary belt around his waist with his hands, and we all know what he means with this of course ... With the announcers giving us their farewells, this second edition of Mayhem cuts to credits.


Final Show Rating: 87

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Monday Week 3, December 2011



Low-Ki defeated Jushin 'Thunder' Liger in 5:05 by pinfall with the Ghetto Stomp. 72


William Regal defeated Josh Raymond in 3:50 by submission with the Regal Stretch. 70


John Hennigan defeated Okada in 5:29 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Neckbreaker. 59





Impact opens with its usual fanfare and 17000 people in the home of the LA Kings, the Staples Center, go crazy for tonight’s show.




Tenay: Good evening and welcome to the last Impact before Final Resolution. Tonight, we have ourselves a huge main event in which Mr. Anderson, with the help of Charlie Haas, will team up against the team of TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin. If Anderson and Haas win and ONLY then, Mr. Anderson will be eligible to challenge Joe for the title on Sunday.


Bischoff: Yes and how unjust is it! Anderson is a former TNA champ and should be the rightful challenger. Let me tell you, Joe is just afraid and will try to hide behind Benjamin tonight. His only hope is they may somehow steal a win so that he won’t have to defend his belt against Anderson. And Foley, in his unending wisdom, even lets this injustice happen. You have no idea how much I wish JBL to be back at the helm...


Taz: JBL would have set up this match for his champion and made sure HIS champion would win so that he wouldn’t have to defend his title. That’s what JBL used to do, but Foley? No he won’t...


Tenay: Well, I guess we’re about to learn more about this...


Mr. Anderson’s music hits and he comes out of the curtain accompanied by Charlie Haas, boos raining down on them as they stride towards the ring...




Anderson: SHUT THE HELL UP! How dare you boo ME? Boo Foley and Joe for their absolutely GREAT idea for a match tonight! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt for a second that Charlie and I can beat Joe and Shelton, absolutely not. But come on, why the hassle? Why do I ... I, Mr. Anderson, a former TNA world champion, have to even QUALIFY like this?


Haas: But hey ... we get to defeat my former, absolutely worthless tag team partner and the TNA champ tonight man. That’s pretty huge I think.


Anderson: Oh it is Charlie, I agree. Should open some eyes here in TNA as to who the REAL deal is, or well, are or whatever. And the thing is, it’ll get ME to where I should be – into the main event at Final Resolution.


Haas: What do I get for helping ya out, pal?


Anderson looks at him quizzically...


Anderson: Umm ... well Charlie, can’t we work that out down the line?


Haas shakes his head...


Haas: How about this ... I help you to get your title match with Joe tonight and in return, if you beat him...


Anderson: WHEN ... I beat him...


Haas: ... I’ll be the first to challenge for the title. Deal?


Before we learn if they have a deal or not, Samoa Joe’s music blasts over the speakers and he comes out followed by Shelton Benjamin ... They get a standing ovation and arrive to confront their opponents for tonight...




Joe: Whatever it is you’ve been drinking, hand me some of it cause it oughta be good. Tonight Anderson, your dreams will end buddy and those of Charlie along with it. Shelton and I will beat you one, two, three, that’ll be the end of it and you’ll understand why you’re nowhere near my level!


Shelton: You’ll regret breaking up our team Charlie. You wanted out of my shadow? You felt put down ... well, you know why all that is? Because you on your own are NOT good enough buddy, that’s why. You want answers? This is the one and only answer.


Haas edges closer to Benjamin...


Haas: And your bunny hopping is gonna impress anyone, yeah? Shelton, your major problem is that you can’t work in a team. You aren’t a teamplayer but an egotistical, self centered wannabe, that’s what YOU are. And that’s why I broke up our team because YOU ... YOU are not good enough to be on the same team with me.


Joe and Anderson stare at both men then back at each other...


Anderson: Joe, you’re meanwhile so full of yourself its making me sick. The whole JBL versus Foley affair didn’t do you any good. It over inflated your ego to proportions which are nothing but ridiculous, Joe. Winning the whole thing for Foley ... yeah, you can now do whatever you want here on Impact, even turn down legit challenges. Mick has your back because he is oh so thankful for your help, isn’t that true?


Joe: You are out of your mind, Anderson. Ever since I won this title at Bound for Glory, I have been saying, stating, hell I’ll write this on my locker room door ... I’ll be defending this belt, no questions asked. It’s what I do, Anderson ... I wrestle. It’s not only my job but my dream come true. I am a damn wrestler, and I think I’m pretty good at what I do. This here ... (pats his belt) is solid proof. But I will NOT go out of my way to make a challenge happen. Why would I do that? To give people like you a rub? When Mick says you gotta WORK to get your title shot, then do it, but don’t go whining about how I am denying you. It’s just a crock of BS and you know it. Or are you scared of Foley? Scared to face him like a man and tell him exactly what you are up to?


Anderson is riled up and ready to go as Mick Foley’s music hits ... It eases the situation in the ring for the time being...




Foley: I don’t even understand why you are out here, Anderson. You got your match tonight and by that, you get your chance at a title shot next Sunday. We were CLEAR, you and I - weren’t we? Charlie Haas and Mr. Anderson versus Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin tonight and if Haas and Anderson win, Mr. Anderson gets a title shot at Final Resolution. It’s an easy enough concept to understand I think.


Anderson: I ... I just don’t think it’s fair, that’s all Mick. See, it’s a tag team match for starters ... if, say for example, Shelton beats Charlie ... then my chance at the belt is gone. Do you think it’s fair? Tell me you think it is with a straight face, Foley!


Mick Foley thinks for a moment...


Foley: I will throw you ONE last bone, Anderson, and you better fetch it quickly before I’ll pick it back up. Listen ... in your match tonight, the ONLY men whose pinfall or submission attempts will count towards a win are either Mr. Anderson or Samoa Joe. And you know ... thank you for turning this into a cluster*beep*, Anderson ... I think there can only be one guy to oversee the action now ... I will be special guest referee in your match tonight!


Joe: No objections...


Anderson and Haas talk to one another briefly in private, microphones lowered...


Anderson: It’s not ideal but better than nothing. See you later, guys.


Anderson and Haas disappear, leaving the TNA champ, Shelton Benjamin and Mick Foley behind who get another huge ovation before we turn to commercials... 100


Returning to the ring, we’re just in time to see Douglas Williams come walking to the ring with Christy Hemme accompanying him for the opening contest of the night...




An unfamiliar music blasts once they're in the ring and it’s ... CODY RHODES!




Tenay: Unbelievable! The son of the American dream Dusty Rhodes has come to join TNA as well!


Taz: Who wouldn't want to be a part of TNA these days? You're basically looking at the future of professional wrestling - hell we've struck a deal that has TNA shows broadcasted in Australia at prime time Mike! TNA has come into being thanks to Mick Foley and Shane McMahon and people like Cody Rhodes coming in are living proof!


Cody Rhodes is facing a steep challenge in his debut match which is underway as the bell rings ... 100



Douglas Williams vs. Cody Rhodes

Williams took the initiative after a slow start and bid Rhodes welcome to TNA in his very own way. Rhodes was in trouble but squirmed free eventually, mounting an offense that had Christy Hemme worried for Williams’ success and slam her hands on the apron repeatedly. With the help of the fans this rallied the Englishman and he started a comeback until John Hennigan came walking down to the ring. Hennigan instantly went for Hemme and started addressing her as he approached, Christy moving backwards and away from him. For a moment, Williams was looking at the scene in anger, clearly torn between assaulting Hennigan and keeping the match going. Rhodes used this! He was back up out of sight from Douglas Williams and slapped on a sleeperhold which he quickly turned into an inverted DDT! The pinfall swiftly followed and Williams was not able to get out in time…


Cody Rhodes defeated Douglas Williams in 8:42 by pinfall with an Inverted DDT after a distraction from John Hennigan. 82




Rhodes escapes from the ring and celebrates a huge debut win, thanks to John Hennigan of course who is laughing hard at ringside. Christy Hemme confronts him, and Hennigan instantly turns serious, with a white-tooth smile for Christy. She ignores this and also Hennigan’s measuring of her features from head to toe, and yells at him. Williams is back up and takes a microphone from a stage hand…


Williams: We’ve had enough of you piece of trash. Fight me at Final Resolution if you got the guts, damn you! I’m going to punch your goddamn teeth right down your throat…


Hennigan: Easy there, buddy. You should have just continued on with the match … why do you care if I show up to have a bit of a private chat with Christy…


Hemme: I don’t WANT to chat with you in private or in public…


Hennigan: Aw come on Christy, don’t be so shy. I can see it in your eyes … the desire to give yourself up to me…


Williams gets out of the ring and right in Hennigan’s face…


Williams: One more word and it’ll be your last, punk! Meet me at Final Resolution and I…


Hennigan: Hey, fine okay, you wanna fight me? You WILL fight me. Final Resolution, you and I in the ring … you’ll regret it, oldtimer.


Hennigan throws a kiss to Christy Hemme who is more than just upset as he walks off to his theme playing, leaving the duo behind at ringside. We go back to the announcers … 73


Bischoff: What a great debut for Cody Rhodes on Impact tonight! He took the opportunity Williams gave him with gratifying results...


Tenay: That he did and I won't blame him. We’ve got ourselves a VERY personal match at Final Resolution now though between Douglas Williams and John Hennigan…


Taz: And I sure as hell hope Douglas Williams is going to teach him some manners. What a despicable way to approach a lady like Christy Hemme!


Bischoff: Well, it is quite unclear if Christy and Doug are a couple or only a business affair as they haven’t been very forthcoming in letting us know. So you can’t blame John Hennigan for trying, can you?


Taz: He is getting involved in their private LIVES in a way, Eric. This is going way, way too far! Besides, Doug and Christy are by no means obliged to let us know of their personal lives...


Bischoff: We’re on national TV, Taz. How much more can your life be drawn into the public as it is? Doug needs a chill pill…


Tenay: Let’s not suggest to Doug Williams what he needs or not and instead get ready for our next match, shall we? Carlito Colon meets Colt Cabana…



Carlito Colon vs. Colt Cabana

A decent enough match with a lot of momentum changes throughout as both men put their hearts and souls into it. However, the real kicker happened down the line when Christian Cage appeared at ringside to the anger of the crowd. He scouted the match for a while and showed his intentions when an opportunity opened – when referee Rudy Charles was distracted by Carlito, Cage reached into the ring and tripped Cabana who instantly turned to yell at Cage. He should really not have done this – Back Cracker and one, two, three!


Carlito Colon defeated Colt Cabana in 8:29 by pinfall with the Back Cracker following interference from Christian Cage. 65


Taz: Are you kidding me? Cage messes with Cabana yet again!




And Christian Cage celebrates it as if he just won a world title. Carlito enjoys his win while Cabana goes after Cage who instantly darts up the aisle as CM Punk comes out of the curtain and Cage is trapped between the two! With terror on his face, Cage looks for a way out while Cabana and Punk slowly edge towards him … and he sees an opening and jumps over the guardrail, runs through the crowd and is gone. Cabana and Punk head to the ring…




Punk: Christian, I’ve officially had enough of you and this is getting absolutely ridiculous. You keep going after Colt because you have beef with ME? That’s why you keep ruining his matches? Okay, I take it you really, really wanted my attention and you got it now. Let’s forget I beat you already and start over. But at Final Resolution … we’re gonna change things around a bit. Colt here … he is as eager to get into the ring with you as I am. Last week you stole a win from Colt and tonight you ruined another match for him.


Cabana: Yep! Can’t have that going on forever, no, no, no. You see Christian, when you attack one of us, you attack the other automatically. Punk and I … we go WAY back. Oh and Punk, I ever say thanks for dropping my name on national tele a while back?


Punk: You shot me a message I think…


Cabana: Cool. Well Christian, you’ve crossed the line now. I’m an easy going dude allright, but enough’s enough. In fact, so ‘enough’ actually the word stops to be adequate. It’s super-enough and mega-enough. Hyper-Giga-Uber-enough…


Punk: Umm … what Colt is trying to say is that we’ve had enough…


Cabana gives him a puzzled look … Punk blinks…


Punk: We’re calling you out, Cage. Final Resolution – go find yourself a partner because THIS Sunday, TNA will witness the return of the SECOND CITY SAINTS!


The crowd erupts…


Cabana: And you better accept this challenge, or Punk and I will turn things around a little for YOU this time. Accept our challenge or you will never EVER be save anymore in whatever match you’re in.


Punk: You got sour grapes cause you lost a match against me? Hell, your sour grapes ain’t nothing against our sour grapes…


Cabana: Sour grapes stops to be adequate. We got super sour grapes. Mega sour grapes. Hyper-Giga…


Punk: Colt?


Cabana: Got a little carried away there, sorry bro.


Punk: Final Resolution – The Second City Saints versus Christian Cage and WHOEVER he chooses as his partner. Don’t let us down, Christian…


CM Punk’s music hits and he and Colt leave to a huge ovation from the crowd as Impact cuts to commercial. 100


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact and another great match is in coming…


Taz: If Cage accepts that is…


Bischoff: Why should he not? You think he’s a coward? He’ll find a great partner and the Second City Saints had better kept their tag team name untarnished as it was until now because on Sunday, they will suffer humiliating defeat!


Tenay: The return of the Second City Saints – this Sunday at Final Resolution, plus of course a lot more. We’re ready for the next match of the night so let’s head back to ringside…



AJ Styles vs. Gunner

Taller and heavier than Styles, Gunner had a strong start to the match but very quickly found himself dumbstruck by Styles’ elusiveness and speed. Once Styles had the match under control he didn’t let go anymore and the Styles Clash was the natural conclusion to an overall rather one-sided affair!


AJ Styles defeated Gunner in 6:50 by pinfall with the Styles Clash. 78


After a short celebration, Flair and Styles receive microphones...




Styles: MVP ... everybody here is getting sick and tired of you...


The fans cheer him on...


Styles: But that ain’t a very original thing to say. Everyone knows this ... but I ... I’m more than just sick and tired of you. Last week you beat me in a no DQ, no countout match and you once again got away with bending the rules. Not breaking them ... I wanna make it clear here that I ain’t debating the outcome. It was all fine and well played, MVP ... but I ain’t done with you partner. You know, the way you act here in TNA, the way you goddamn make a mockery out of the titles you hold here, that’s ... it’s pissing me off, man. It really is. That brings us to Final Resolution this Sunday night ... I’m challenging you to put your title on the line against me once again.


Flair: But this time ... things will be a tad different. We spoke to Mick over the last week and he is just sick and tired of being sick and tired. And you know what? Mick thinks AJ should get another shot at your belt after all...


This brings out MVP, who is furiously marching down the aisle with both his titles over the shoulders ... He steps into the ring to confront Flair and Styles...




MVP: Oh right Flair, you’re pretty good at brown nosing people in charge, aren’t ya? But okay, I’ll have to beat AJ again ... big deal, hm?


Flair: Mick was rather ... intrigued by the stipulation for your match against Daniels and Corino. He thought it was a pretty good idea to get you to defend your belt properly for once. That’s why there’ll be a stipulation in your match against AJ this Sunday too...


MVP rolls his eyes...


Styles: It’ll be held under the special condition that a DQ OR countout ... will make you LOSE the title!


MVP can’t believe what he heard and has shock on his face...


Flair: Of course, DQ and countout will normally apply for AJ as well, we want no trickery right? Just that if you try anything funny, like say for example run away or use your trusty brass knuckles, if the ref sees it your US title is gone!


MVP: How the hell come that I am the ONLY goddamn champion in TNA who has to defend his titles under all these weird conditions? How is this fair? First Shane pulls this little ‘let’s eliminate MVP from the match’ stunt then you tell me this garbage. Tell me ... how is this fair? How? Why only me? Why is Samoa Joe not forced to defend his title under such conditions? Oh yeah I know ... cause’s he’s buddy-buddy with Foley! This is all just...


Styles: Shut up and stop whining, damn it! You wanna know why you have to defend your belt under these oh so harsh conditions? I’ll tell ya ... because Mick and Shane both allowed you to keep both titles despite the fact one is on Mayhem and only the US title is an Impact title. That however brings responsibility, and you’re just not up to it! The only way you know to defend your titles is by cheating and weaseling your way out of the match. You said you were up to doing this, MVP ... then, for crying out loud, PROVE IT! So far you haven’t proved anything...


MVP: It’s not like I can do anything about this outrageous booking anyhow, but trust me AJ, don’t think it’ll be any easier for you now. I won’t be DQ’ed ... hey, you can even set up a metal detector in front of the ring. I promise, you won’t find any brass knuckles on me on Sunday. You know what you’ll find, though? You’ll find that despite your stupid little scheme here, you won’t be able to get that title from me. When the smoke has cleared, I will STILL be the TNA US champion!


They stare each other down hard and the broadcast shifts to commercials ... 97


Tenay: Welcome back to Impact everybody! What a match was just made for Final Resolution! AJ Styles gets another chance at MVP's US title and will win it even when MVP gets counted out or disqualified. Foley's bringing down the law folks!


Bischoff: You most likely even like this, don't you? What MVP has to put up with is insane, plain and simple. It's like Mick Foley has chosen him to be his personal whipping boy - which makes it just that much better that MVP stands in the face of the crapstorm courtesy of Foley's decision making!


Taz: You should perhaps calm down, Eric. Mick's our boss after all...


Bischoff: Yeah, yeah, yeah...


Tenay: Before Eric gets himself into trouble here let's just move forward to our next match of the night, shall we?



Beer Money, Inc. vs. Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs

Beer Money took control from the get go against two good wrestlers who unfortunately lack experience in tagging together. This was what separated the two teams and what enabled Robert Roode and James Storm to make short work of their opponents tonight with a pinfall following a Fisherman’s Suplex.


Beer Money, Inc. defeated Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs in 5:52 when Robert Roode defeated Jimmy Jacobs by pinfall with a Fisherman’s Suplex. 71


Tenay: A good win for Beer Money! With the current, very strong tag team division in TNA, you got to do this week in, week out if you’re going to have any hope of getting a shot at the World titles.


Taz: Yes Mike and no matter if you like the Kings of Wrestling or not, they are one hell of a team. But that can be said about all the teams here in TNA and honestly, if Londrick don’t make it on Sunday, I wouldn’t even know which other team to pick first to go after Hero and Castagnoli. That’s how tight the ranks are.


Bischoff: But we’re talking about the Kings of Wrestling! They will always be ahead of the pack!


Tenay: Let’s see if MVP can do that as well! Earlier we learned he’ll be defending his title against AJ Styles on Sunday, but tonight, he is going one on one against Rob Van Dam in a non title match. This should be a good one…



Non Title match

MVP vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD enjoyed going all out from the bell, giving MVP all sorts of problems. MVP had perhaps not anticipated this offensive flurry and fled to the outside to regroup. Van Dam followed and slammed MVP into the ringpost before sending him back into the ring where he worked over the dual champion some more. MVP then bagged off in the corner of the ring, hoping against hope that RVD would show mercy – and pulled Van Dam by his tights into the turnbuckles! MVP got up and stood RVD up in the corner of the ring for a spear – and he missed as RVD spread his legs across the ropes. MVP ended up smashing against the ringpost yet again and fell on his back. Rob Van Dam went to the top instantly and he went airborne for the Five Star Frog Splash – NO ONE HOME! RVD went to crash and burn and MVP got up, tapping his temple to show he never even banged into the ringpost! With Bischoff praising MVP for the ruse, MVP waited for RVD to stagger back up – Playmaker and one, two, three!


MVP defeated Rob Van Dam in 9:41 by pinfall with the Playmaker. 81


A legit victory for the dual champion and he celebrates it accordingly, but the fans let him know exactly what they think of him.


Bischoff: You hear this ignorance? How can the fans boo a man who keeps performing like this week after week after week? A man who holds TWO titles at the same time and does a fine job as dual champ! Honestly, MVP is ripe for a shot at a third, even more prestigious belt if you ask me!

MVP lifts up both his titles to taunt the crowd with and the booing gets louder.


Tenay: You wanna know why the fans can’t stand him? Just look at the way he conducts himself as a champ for the answer, Eric.


Taz: Yes, Mike. That and the way he defends his titles make him, in my book, one of the most unlikeable men ever in TNA.


Bischoff: How about some professionalism, please? We’re supposed to be neutral observers, and that means you DON’T go on a rant about a guy everytime you see him like you do.


Taz: Oh boy how I will remind you of what you just said, Bisch. I ... what the hell...


An as of yet unknown music hits and smoke engulfs the entrance ramp with the arena lights dimming. MVP looks left and right for a way out as the smoke on the entrance ramp clears. A man steps out of the mist as the lights come back on in full – Bryan Danielson!




Taz: Oh my God! BRYAN DANIELSON! Are you kidding me? The American Dragon Bryan Danielson is in TNA!


Danielson is welcomed with a huge ovation from the crowd. ‘Let’s go Dragon’ chants arise and MVP stares at him from the ring as if he just saw a ghost. Danielson does nothing but stare back at MVP ... then, he draws a belt around his waist with his hands, points at MVP and walks out again. The fans are red hot now while the dual champion looks mortified. 92


Tenay: Bryan Danielson is in TNA and he just made his intentions known. MVP has his work cut out for him already with Styles, Corino and Daniels all going after his titles, and now the American Dragon is after him too.


Taz: The second new man debuting on our show tonight! Wow, just wow … TNA has become the place to be in guys!


Tenay: Absolutely! Had you told me this, say, two years ago I would have called you a nutcase.


Bischoff: But, but … This is what MVP is going through here in TNA! Not a second of a break for our dual champion, no quarter, nothing. MVP is right ... this is not fair. And why does Foley allow Danielson to, what else was it, go out and challenge MVP here tonight? Danielson is a new guy and that means he is at the back of the pecking order by default!


Tenay: Fair or not fair, the competition is steep in TNA and with Bryan Danielson now on Impact it has gotten even steeper and MVP thanks to those two belts simply is the center of attention for a lot of people. We’ll be right back with you as YOUR center of attention after these few short messages from our sponsors.


As the broadcast returns, we cut to a video hyping up tonight’s main event between TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe who teams up with Shelton Benjamin to take on Mr. Anderson and Charlie Haas. The predicament was made known to open the show – if Anderson and Haas win, Mr. Anderson gets a title shot against Samoa Joe next Sunday at Final Resolution. The video fades out and the bell rings to start the main event…



Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin vs. Mr. Anderson and Charlie Haas

Joe started for his team against Charlie Haas who was turned into Joe’s personal ragdoll to open the match. Anderson had his eyes wide open in shock as Joe just wasn’t to be denied by anything Haas tried to defend himself and within minutes, Anderson had to break a pinfall up. This went on for some more minutes, with Shelton Benjamin tagging in and back out in the process without any change to the match progression. Anderson was forced to frantically interrupt another pinfall attempt and as Samoa Joe complained about it to Brian Hebner, Charlie Haas mustered some strength and rammed his shoulder into the side of Joe’s knee, bringing the big man down. Haas tagged in Anderson and the potential top contender began his work on Joe. The champion was facing an irate and desperate opponent who put everything on the line and laid into Joe relentlessly with stiff kicks and strikes to force him into the corner of the ring. While Joe was still busy shaking off the cobwebs, Anderson went to the second rope for a neckbreaker and Joe was down. Anderson ignored Haas’ cries for a tag and began to work over Joe’s right leg before the champion tried to get back up. Not wanting to allow this, Mr. Anderson kicked Joe in the gut and forced his throat against the rope, releasing before the count of five. Samoa Joe got back up slowly and Anderson took aim from a few paces back – and charged – but Joe exploded with a lariat that nearly took Anderson out of his boots. Joe tagged Shelton Benjamin in! They double-teamed Anderson when Charlie Haas came to interfere but he was caught by Joe’s Spinebuster! The official ordered Samoa Joe out of the ring and it was the moment Mr. Anderson needed – Benjamin was going to drag him up but found himself rolled up for his troubles, and Anderson grabbed the tights for good measure – one, two and three, a win out of nowhere!


Mr. Anderson and Charlie Haas defeated Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin in 17:38 when Mr. Anderson defeated Shelton Benjamin by pinfall with a handful of tights. 82


Joe angrily stares at Anderson who is on both knees in the ring, shaken yet victorious. Shelton Benjamin rolls out and joins Samoa Joe, apologizing as it seems, but Joe pats him on the shoulder and says nothing. While Charlie Haas is still feeling the effects of the Spinebuster, Anderson is back to his feet and draws a belt around his waist with his arms and hands, grinning viciously at Samoa Joe. The champion in turn raises his belt in the air to massive approval of the crowd as we head back to the announcers…


Tenay: There we have it guys – Samoa Joe versus Mr. Anderson is official!


Bischoff: There is only one man in TNA who could have pulled this off and we all know who that man is – Mr. Anderson! Over the months since his loss of the title in the beginning of 2011, Anderson has had to face great challenges and those have all seen him become the top contender for the TNA World Heavyweight title next Sunday at Final Resolution!


Taz: I would love to argue that he used the tights for the pinfall but I’m sure you’d rather not talk about it, right?


Tenay: It is official no matter what we have to say about the outcome of the match. Mr. Anderson goes on to challenge Samoa Joe for the TNA World title next Sunday and I’m sure it’ll be one for the ages. We’ve arrived at the end of tonight’s show guys! Make sure to tune in to Mayhem on Saturday where you’ll learn everything you have yet to learn about the huge Escape from Hell match and you’ll see and hear us again next Sunday at Final Resolution. Good night everybody!


Impact cuts to credits…


Final Show Rating: 86


Post Show:

Jay Lethal and D'Angelo Dinero defeated La Familia in 7:25 when Vito Thomaselli was disqualified when Mario Thomaselli ran in and attacked D'Angelo Dinero. 52

Abyss defeated Alex Shelley in 6:59 by pinfall with the Black Hole Slam. 63

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Once again, rate, hate and lemme know what you thought as Final Resolution is just around the corner. The following matches from the Impact brand have been confirmed:


TNA US Championship

MVP © vs. AJ Styles

(If MVP gets DQ'ed or counted out he loses the title)


The Second City Saints vs. Christian Cage and ???


Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan


Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Mr. Anderson


The Mayhem matches will be posted after I uploaded Mayhem, should be within the next couple of days.


OOC: You're probably wondering - dang all those signings. Well, I managed to get TNA to global in the meantime and I'm actually #1 in the world (prestige is through the roof). As it is, there are a few WWE guys I will not sign: Triple H, Cena, Undertaker, Kane, Orton, HBK, Austin (he is in FCW doing ... whatever) for example, but the rest is fair game. Main reason - I requested to end the war with WWE twice now and they told me to get lost both times, and this made me go 'Well screw you then' ^^ ... Second reason being: I just won't pass on opportunities to bolster my roster when they come up. Now if WWE would finally start losing money - meh, not likely to happen, but one can dream, right?

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WOW can't disagree with you on the signings, buddy-- you gotta take advantage of 'em while they're there :D you've got a great big roster full of talented people, now, and it's going to be very interesting to see how you handle them :p
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Saturday Week 3, December 2011



Tyler Black defeated Super Dragon in 3:49 by pinfall with the God's Last Gift. 57


Roderick Strong defeated Hernandez in 2:47 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. 67


Davey Richards defeated Ryan Reeves in 6:48 when Ryan Reeves was disqualified when Desmond Wolfe ran in and attacked Davey Richards. 81




Mayhem kicks off and 24000 people are going crazy as TNA is one night away from 2011’s last Pay Per View as we head to Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette.




Prazak: Hello and welcome to Mayhem! This is the final weekly show before Final Resolution which will be available for you tomorrow night this time on Pay Per View, and tonight you’ll learn everything you need to know before tomorrow’s huge show.


Cornette: Indeed! And I believe we have ourselves a rather special show tonight as well. Tell us about it, Dave...


Prazak: Yes Jim we have. Tonight, every competitor in tomorrow’s Escape from Hell match will be in action. Remember it’s for the NWA World Heavyweight title, and because Brock Lesnar and The Rock will be in our main event tonight, Shane McMahon thought it only fair to not let the other four men take a rest while those two fight tonight.


Cornette: And let’s get started right away with our first match of the night. Chris Jericho takes on former X-Division champion Kazarian in a match where I think Y2J will have his work cut out for him.


Prazak: A perfect opportunity for Kaz to impress the office, that’s for sure. Let’s go to ringside!



Chris Jericho vs. Kazarian

Once the match had started it soon became obvious that we had ourselves a hell of an opener. Kaz relished the chance of going one on one with one of the top stars in TNA and showed his abilities which, matched by Jericho’s skills, made for a great bout that had the audience on their feet. Kazarian was on offense and staggered Y2J with a knee straight to the face before going for the Irish whip – Jericho leapt onto the second rope and went airborne, elevating himself to a Lionsault and Kaz was completely caught off guard – pinfall and one, two, three!


Chris Jericho defeated Kazarian in 12:39 by pinfall with the Lionsault. 91


Jericho celebrates shortly with the fans cheering him on, but the mood soon changes as JBL’s music hits and he comes out with his client Brock Lesnar. Jericho instantly goes back into a fighting stance and awaits his arch-rivals...




JBL: Well done, Chris. Just don’t get too used to this kinda stuff ... tomorrow night, all you’ll be looking at is Brock celebrating his title win. You think you could stop him? No one can, neither you nor any of the other four in Escape from Hell, trust me. You won’t win the NWA World Heavyweight title, oh no.


Jericho: If you think for just one second that you could somehow get into my head you might as well stop wasting precious air time now. I know what I can and can’t do, JBL. Know what I can do? I’m pretty damn good at beating Brock, Bradshaw. That’s what I do rather well, don’t you think?


Lesnar: That’s what you did by sheer dumb luck, Jericho, and it’s something that won’t happen again! You had the advantage of me not even knowing if you’d be able to show up – that is gone now. I know you’ll be at Final Resolution, and that’s why you have no chance this time.


JBL: And neither has anybody else in that match. Batista – hah, he is just an overrated has been, and Paul Wight an oversized nobody. Then we got The Rock, who hasn’t done a damn thing in TNA since he is here and Angle ... who has long overstayed his welcome. That leaves you, Jericho, a failure, and Brock Lesnar, the damn big thing here in TNA. That’s why he will escape hell tomorrow night and win the NWA World Heavyweight championship!


Jericho laughs suddenly ... This is by far the most unexpected reaction JBL and Lesnar had thought of, and as such they give him a puzzled look...


Jericho: You guys talk about winning the title tomorrow while it’s quite likely that tonight, Brock’s going to get his ... candy ass kicked by The Rock. Get off that high horse, it really doesn’t work for you. And tell me ... what exactly have YOU done here except not winning any title in TNA so far and oh, how about you JBL, losing the company to Mick?


JBL: And who was responsible for that? YOU! You cost ME ownership of TNA because you’re a damn failure, Jericho! And that’s why you’ll fail tomorrow night as well. Brock Lesnar IS the future of TNA and especially, the future of Mayhem, and he WILL be NWA World Heavyweight champion when the night is over. Mark my words!


Jericho: Hey Brock ... if JBL’s history in TNA is anything to go by, you just can’t trust him. I learned that the hard way...


Lesnar: I am not like you, Chris ... not at all. I don’t fail like you...


Jericho: You’re also NOT in any title lineage in TNA last I checked...


JBL: Which will change tomorrow!


Jericho: Not if I can prevent it...


They all drop their microphones and JBL holds Lesnar back as they stare menacingly at each other with the crowd at fever pitch. Impact cuts to commercials ... 100


Prazak: Welcome back to Mayhem! Just before the break, Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar nearly were at each other’s throats, but they might not want to ignore the fact that there are four other competitors in their Escape from Hell match tomorrow.


Cornette: It’ll be vital to get over personal problems with another man in the cell and look at the big picture – the one who is able to do just that has, in my book, the best chance of escaping hell with the NWA World Heavyweight title in possession.


Prazak: And while we’re at it, another contestant is Batista, who is looking to leave his mark in TNA history tomorrow by winning the coveted NWA World Heavyweight belt for the first time in his life. Tonight, he is going one on one against a new man on the roster, Eddie Kingston, who is of course looking to debut with an upset win here tonight. Let’s go to ringside...



Batista vs. Eddie Kingston

Eddie Kingston tried to impress alright but Batista didn’t allow for much. Poised and ready for Final Resolution, the animal was pumped up and Kingston suffered for it. Spinebuster, spear, Kingston ate the signature moves as they came until the Batista Bomb sealed the deal.


Batista defeated Eddie Kingston in 6:02 by pinfall with the Batista Bomb. 76


Batista doesn’t celebrate his win for long but marches off, an all business like attitude on his features. We cut backstage where Desmond Wolfe stands in front of a camera, X-Division title slung over his shoulder...




Wolfe: So tomorrow, it’s Davey Richards challenging me once again for my title. You would think people would at one point understand who their betters are and stop trying to achieve the impossible, but Davey’s tenacious. He sure is ... but let me tell you that’s by far not enough. Davey, you have your second chance at me. Be happy because it’s also your last. You lose tomorrow and you walk all the way to the back of the line, and that’s what is going to happen. That little trick you pulled with Hogan being special referee in our match ain’t going to cut it for you. I will beat you, and should Hogan refuse to do the count, I’ll personally slam his hands on the mat three times. Just don’t get in my way Hulkster or you’ll be very sorry for it!


He walks off and we’re headed back to the announcers ... 86


Prazak: Wolfe doesn’t seem too worried about Hogan’s role as special guest referee in his match against Davey Richards, but a more ... humble approach would suit him better I think.


Cornette: Yes, but at the same time, Wolfe has so far beat all comers and it might just have gotten to him. He has the X-Division in a firm grip and right now, across all titles, he is the longest reigning champion.


Prazak: Another man who is no stranger to championships is Rey Mysterio and he is in action next against KENTA, and this should be a good one!



Rey Mysterio vs. KENTA

Right at the bell KENTA caught Mysterio with a stiff kick, taking the Mexican off balance and gaining control. KENTA went to town on Rey with more kicks and shots straight to the head and body and it looked bad for Mysterio. After a comeback from Rey that amounted to a pinfall for two, KENTA put him in a rear naked choke but Mysterio managed to use the ropes to catapult the two of them towards center ring, getting free in the process. KENTA immediately came at him again with a spear to tackle Rey down but Mysterio sidestepped and KENTA landed in the ropes – the 619 followed from out of nowhere! One, two and three!


Rey Mysterio defeated KENTA in 10:17 by pinfall with the 619. 74


Prazak: Possibly the next challenger for the X-Division title, Rey Mysterio scores another win in a hard fought battle. Wolfe or Richards, both men will have to be on the lookout for Rey who has years of experience under his belt and a vast selection of titles he won to show for.


Cornette: As long as he lets tomorrow’s match run its course without getting involved, I’m happy.


Prazak: Well, why would he get involved. Rey Mysterio will monitor tomorrow’s X-Division title match closely, so much is sure, but I don’t think he’ll be selective about who he is going to challenge when he does. Mysterio’s a fighter, that’s for sure. But I’m being informed about the TNA World Tag Team champions standing by for an interview backstage so let’s switch over...


Indeed, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli are in front of a TNA banner, their title belts around the waists.




Hero: I can’t but feel we’re wasting our time tomorrow, Claudio…


Castagnoli: Totally, Chris. Londrick ... pff...


Hero: See, they are just another of those teams that over the years have stood up to the KINGS for a challenge. Kendrick, London ... you guys are really nothing special. Double C and I on the other hand ... hell, we’re as special as it’ll get. We got the looks ... we got the skills ... we’re the total package and that’s why we ARE the Kings of Wrestling, the best damn team in this company and in this business.


Castagnoli: So why you think you could beat us is beyond me, beyond us. You’ve tried and failed once, and I wonder how much more of a beatdown it takes for you guys to come to terms with the fact that you’re just glorified stuntmen.


Hero: While Double C and I ... we’re old school and new school, we’re high flying with the best of them, we’re catch as catch can neat as you please, we’re all that and much more and THAT’S ... why we are the KINGS of wrestling. We can do it all! That’s why we are TNA World Tag Team champions and that’s why you, Londrick, shouldn’t even be in the same ring with us.


Castagnoli: But thankfully, tomorrow’s the day on which we will finally dispose of you so we can move on. You guys are boring us, don’t you get it. You are just NOT on our level. So roll along, Final Resolution ... roll along so that the KINGS can once again show...


Hero: ... that we are monarch!


Both smugly grin into the camera and head off. Mayhem cuts to commercials ... 84


As we return, the next of the Escape from Hell contestants is in action as Paul ‘The Great’ Wight takes on Brother Ray of Team 3D...



Paul ‘The Great’ Wight vs. Brother Ray

Ray charged Wight once the bell had rang and it was as if he ran into a brick wall, staggering back and being leveled with a big boot. Wight dragged him up, choking him in the process, and threw Ray, who is anything but a small guy, across the ring. Wight followed, slowly and methodically, and walked over Ray’s chest before picking him up for a body slam. The towering brute crashed him into the corner of the ring and Wight landed a big splash – Ray dropped to his knees and fell on his face. Wight pulled him up and took aim for the Knockout punch, but apparently had second thoughts, goozled him and – Chokeslam! With a boot on the chest, the pinfall was academic…


Paul ‘The Great’ Wight defeated Brother Ray in 4:05 by pinfall with the Chokeslam. 71


Wight stands in the ring with a menacing expression and makes his intentions to become NWA World Heavyweight champion known. Ray slowly scrambles back up and tries to shake off the cobwebs as Wight turns to face him once again – takes aim – and lays Brother Ray out completely with his Knockout punch. Brother Ray drops on the spot, convulses, and lays immobile on his back. The fans boo Wight at the top of their lungs as he walks off, content with the carnage he has left behind ... Members of the medical staff run down the aisle past Wight…


Prazak: Yes Paul, we know you’re a really tough guy but come on, there’s no need to be a bully on top of it. Wight could have seriously hurt Ray here, because Ray had no chance to even see that punch coming.


Cornette: And with almost 500 pounds behind that punch, it’s such a commanding force I don’t think anybody has a chance to get up afterwards.


Prazak: But he had the match won already! There’s no need for this kind of stuff. Look ... Brother Ray needs a stretcher – he might very well have suffered a concussion from that hit. This is just not right ... we’ll update you on Brother Ray if news come our way but I’m being informed that Christopher Daniels is standing by backstage...


21st century video magic brings us to Daniels in front of a TNA backdrop...




Daniels: Tomorrow night, I have a chance to right the wrongs that were done to me. I have the chance to get my TV title back that was STOLEN from me. Corino, I respect you as a competitor. You’re a hell of a wrestler and your abilities are unquestionable. And MVP – don’t get me wrong folks, I hate the guy just like everybody else, but he can wrestle (boos from the crowd from the off). It’ll be a hell of a match tomorrow night but you know what? I’m the Fallen Angel! I’m Christopher Daniels, damn it, and I’m one of the few left in TNA who helped make the company what it is today. That’s why I HAVE to and WILL win the title back...




He doesn’t get any further than that because as soon as the words have left his lips, MVP jumps him from off camera. Daniels is caught completely by surprise and the dual champion has brought his brass knuckles! He lands a shot on Daniels’ forehead with his weapon of choice and the challenger collapses, but suddenly ... Steve Corino is there!




Corino runs in and tackles the dual champion! They’re rolling around on the floor and knock over the stand with the TNA flag in the process. MVP tries to bring his brass knuckles to bear again but Corino catches the arm and twists it, then shoves MVP face first against the wall. Before they can get back at each other though, security interferes to separate them. Corino and MVP shout abuse back and forth while Daniels very slowly tries to get back to a vertical base. Blood is dripping from his forehead thanks to the brass knuckles hit, and he looks ready for murder. MVP is escorted out of the area and we cut to the announce desk ... 94


Prazak: You’ve got to be kidding me! Christopher Daniels was just injured one night before the big three way match between him, MVP and Corino for the TNA TV title, and all courtesy of MVP. We’ve got to be thankful that Steve Corino avoided that fate, but in what shape will the Fallen Angel show up for the match tomorrow?


Cornette: We can only hope his injury is only superficial, but a hit with brass knuckles is never to be taken lightly. But MVP has clearly tried to put one challenger out of commission so let’s hope he wasn’t successful.


Prazak: Yes indeed, Jim. Mayhem will be right back with you folks after some short messages from our sponsors. Stay tuned everyone...


As Mayhem returns, we get another backstage segment, this time with The Rock...




The Rock: Tomorrow night, the most electrifying era in TNA will begin when The Rock defeats five other jabronys for the NWA World Heavyweight title. It’s true, The Rock is pumped up for that match because The Rock has NEVER competed for this title. The oldest still active World title in our business today! The Rock will win a title that was held by LEGENDS of wrestling ... Ric Flair, Masahiro Chono, The Great Muta, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Terry Funk ...the list goes on and on. Now The Rock gets the chance to be on the list of NWA World Heavyweight champions, and trust The Rock to walk five others down know your role boulevard to get the title! The most prestigious title in wrestling history and the most electrifying champion of ALL time – works, don’t ya think? Tomorrow night, The Rock WILL become the next NWA World Heavyweight champion!


The Rock receives praise from the audience in the arena as he walks out with purpose on his features ... 100


We cut back to the ring, the bell rings and the next match starts...



Kurt Angle vs. Gallows

Gallows tried to make his superior strength count and it worked to start the match, but Angle’s superior abilities soon saw him mount a comeback. Being no stranger to fighting stronger men, Angle capitalized on the inexperience of the bigger man by having an answer to almost everything Gallows tried. However, this didn’t mean Angle was getting it entirely his way either as he took quite a beating mid-match, but eventually managed to overcome the predicament of a Powerbomb by squirming free, taking Gallows down and applying the Ankle Lock! With a crazed scream, Angle dragged his opponent towards center ring, keeping the submission applied, and Gallows was forced to tap out!


Kurt Angle defeated Gallows in 13:28 by submission with the Ankle Lock. 85


Angle celebrates a great win over the former World Tag Team champion but is cut off as Batista’s music hits who comes down to the ring. He stops just before the apron and claps his hands...




Batista: Wasn’t that great? Kurt Angle was using his superior submission skills to get another win! But hey, I got a newsflash for you, Kurt ... that’s not going to help you one bit tomorrow night.


Angle: What do you want?


Batista: Just scouting an opponent. You didn’t exactly bother with that tonight so I guess you’re all confident, huh?


Angle: What will happen will happen, right Dave? But are you willing to do what needs to be done tomorrow? Do you even realize what that match is all about and what lengths you’ve got to go to if you’re going to be NWA World champion? Are you READY for that challenge?


Batista: You’re making it sound like you’re in need of confirmation, Kurt. As if you need ME to say I’m ready so you can say the same. Hey, that’s a little too easy, isn’t it? I KNOW I’m ready for tomorrow. But are you, Olympic gold medalist? Deep down inside, do you still have what it takes to win a match of this caliber?


Angle: Escape from Hell, Batista ... Six men who all individually could be great NWA World Heavyweight champions enter the cell, but only one will leave with the title. A twenty foot high steel cell structure ... and the goal is to escape it. Can you, Dave? Can you be the first to get out, or are you just whistling in the dark? The competition will be fierce, Dave ... Are you arrogant enough to claim you’re bigger than the competition in TNA? Are you? I’m not saying you can’t be first to leave the cell but ... can you claim to be better than any of us other five? Can you do that?


Batista’s mouth flaps open but he says nothing. He clearly didn’t expect this kind of reply from Angle and instead of saying anything further, Batista walks off. Angle’s music hits one more time as we cut to commercials ... 100


We return to the broadcast and it’s time for the main event as the hype video tells us! Brock Lesnar versus The Rock for bragging rights and a ton of momentum for tomorrow night’s huge Escape from Hell match as they meet a second time in singles competition in TNA. The last time was in August when Brock Lesnar ended up the winner. But we’re in December now, one night removed from Final Resolution where both these men will meet again in the Escape from Hell match to determine the new NWA World Heavyweight champion! A graphic to compare them is shown, weight, height and all the other info you’d need before we head back to ringside for the match to start...



Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock

They began in the collar and elbow position and Lesnar gained the upper hand, forcing The Rock into the corner of the ring where the official ordered him to break up – just to deliver a chop to a loud ‘Woo’ from the audience. The Rock replied in kind and they traded chops back and forth until the fans were in a ‘wooing’ frenzy. Lesnar then landed an elbow, staggering The Rock back into the corner and took control after a series of shoulder blocks. The crowd was fired up for the great one, urging him on to get back into the match but Lesnar employed his mixed martial arts experience to stay on top of things. This lasted until The Rock mounted a comeback in earnest, JBL looking on in horror as Rock executed move after move with Lesnar unable to counter. When he finally was, the match became very open with the momentum changing frequently with pinfall attempts going for two and a bit. At this point it seemed the match had the potential to go on for much longer, but it changed drastically when Chris Jericho arrived at ringside. JBL wanted no part of Y2J and ran across the ring to put as much distance between him and Jericho as possible, and Jericho went inside. Only now did the two combatants notice him and Lesnar got away from The Rock to face Y2J, Jericho taunting him. While The Rock monitored the two, referee Mark Johnson tried to get in between them but Lesnar pushed him aside and Jericho used this to his advantage with a high kick straight to the head! Johnson had no choice but to call for the bell…


Brock Lesnar defeated The Rock in 17:51 by disqualification when Chris Jericho ran in and attacked Brock Lesnar. 94


Jericho just keeps on laying closed fists into Lesnar while The Rock looks furious about the DQ loss. Then, all hell breaks loose...




Batista runs down the aisle and gets into the ring and immediately goes after The Rock and they start trading punches.




Then it’s Paul Wight, slowly walking down the aisle but Kurt Angle follows close behind and clobbers the big man from behind.




Wight isn’t down but shaken as Angle relentlessly throws punch after punch. Wight tries to lay him out with the dreaded KO punch but Angle ducks and tries a takedown, but Paul Wight just shoves him off. In the ring, Lesnar has managed to squirm free and now has the advantage over Jericho, having forced him into a corner of the ring while The Rock is mounted over Batista, firing down a volley of fists. Then, Shane McMahon’s music hits!




The Mayhem GM comes out from the curtain, a microphone in his right hand, and he surely doesn’t look impressed as he rushes down the aisle, followed by a host of security.


McMahon: Stop this! STOP THIS! NOW!


The security begins to try and separate the men ... Slowly, their superior numbers take their toll on the six brawling men and the fighting dies down.


McMahon: We’re one damn night away from Final Resolution and if I see ANYMORE attempts at another brawl before tomorrow’s match, whoever starts it will forfeit his spot in Escape from Hell. I’m not kidding! Tomorrow night you guys will be kept separate – one attack, one fist raised in anger, and whoever did so will be replaced, even if it's five minutes before Escape from Hell. I won’t allow the Mayhem's main event to be fought over by cripples, okay? Get that into your heads for crying out loud! And now, you all will head backstage and start no more of this. NOW! Get outta the arena, get some rest and I don’t want to see or hear from anyone of you before tomorrow’ match!


This worked! The security detail begins to escort the combatants out of the arena as McMahon observes it, a serious, angry look on his face. We go back to the announce table...


Prazak: That’s a side of Shane McMahon we haven’t yet seen, but it was needed truth be told. There’s no telling what injuries could have happened here just one night before Final Resolution.


Cornette: Yes Dave, McMahon brought the hammer down to protect Mayhem’s main event tomorrow night and rightfully so. No matter who, all these six men know to dish out punishment and with only 24 hours, give or take, left before they enter the unforgiving steel cell, you want to keep the competitors healthy.


Prazak: At least no serious damage was done, that’s to say none that we could see but who can tell about tomorrow? Escape from Hell has the dangerous potential to shorten or outright end careers, period! Whoever leaves the unforgiving steel first wins the NWA World Heavyweight title for the first time ever as none of these six men have held it before, and he will enter a lineage of wrestling legends who made this title belt what it is today. Legends like Ric Flair, Harley Race, Lou Thesz, Giant Baba, Sting, the list goes on and on all the way back to 1948. But we’ve reached the end of tonight’s show so make sure to join us tomorrow night for Final Resolution, live on Pay per View for Escape from Hell, the epic showdown between Samoa Joe and Mr. Anderson for Impact’s TNA World Heavyweight title and much more. Good night everyone.


Mayhem cuts to a short highlight clip of the night and then we’re at the credits.


Final Show Rating: 90

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I hope you enjoyed the show, and next up it's PPV time: Final Resolution has arrived and this is the card for TNA's last PPV of 2011:


TNA US Championship

MVP © vs. AJ Styles

(If MVP gets DQ'ed or counted out he loses the title)


TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

(Special Referee Hulk Hogan)


The Second City Saints vs. Christian Cage and ???


Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick


Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin


NWA TV Championship

MVP © vs. Steve Corino vs. Christopher Daniels


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Mr. Anderson


Escape from Hell: NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock vs. Batista vs. Paul Wight vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho

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TNA US Championship

MVP © vs. AJ Styles

(If MVP gets DQ'ed or counted out he loses the title)

These sort of stipulations never work out for the challenger... except when that challenger is Christian :D


TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

(Special Referee Hulk Hogan)

The champions go 2 for 2 after Hogan does the honorable thing and makes the count


The Second City Saints vs. Christian Cage and ???

If this is a debut, and I think it is, can't waste it with a loss



Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan

He can't NOT back things up... right?


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick

KoW >>> Londrick


Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin

Guy with more promise wins


NWA TV Championship

MVP © vs. Steve Corino vs. Christopher Daniels

Dark horse gets the win


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Mr. Anderson

Was going to go for Mr Anderson, but I think I'd prefer a run of dominance from Joe


Escape from Hell: NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock vs. Batista vs. Paul Wight vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho

The hardest match to call... It was between Rock, Angle, and Jericho, for me

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TNA US Championship

MVP © vs. AJ Styles

(If MVP gets DQ'ed or counted out he loses the title)



TNA X-Division Championship

Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

(Special Referee Hulk Hogan)


Fire Hogan...


The Second City Saints vs. Christian Cage and ???


Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan


There is no doubt in my mind that John is going to pick up the win here, but I have to pick Doug for the victory.



TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick


Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin


NWA TV Championship

MVP © vs. Steve Corino vs. Christopher Daniels


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Mr. Anderson


Escape from Hell: NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock vs. Batista vs. Paul Wight vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho


I agree with Michgcs, I could see anyone of these guys walking out with the victory here.

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And we’ve arrived – the last Pay Per View of the year, Final Resolution, kicks off and thousands of fans are on their feet and ready for tonight. Hanging from the ceiling above ringside is the huge steel cell which will be needed later on for the Escape from Hell match. It hangs on four massive steel chains, and steel cables hold it in place additionally. Also, both weekly TV show announce crews are present and welcome us to the show as the live feed cuts to a quick rundown of the card with images of the people involved in the respective matches. We go back to the arena and the first match of the night is an Impact pairing…


TNA US Championship



MVP © vs. AJ Styles

Ric Flair fired up his client as Styles went balls to the walls right at the start of the match and the fans were behind him like a tag team partner. MVP looked to escape but Styles caught him outside of the ring, manhandling the dual champion with stiff shots and a throw into the ringsteps for good measure. Styles went back inside before the count of ten and right back to the outside, continuing the onslaught. MVP seemed near helpless when he finally found his composure, pulling Styles by the tights to crash him against the apron. The referee’s reprimand was ignored and MVP controlled the proceedings now. MVP tried a slow approach to wear Styles down with holds and it did the trick for some time as AJ seemed winded. Flair slammed the apron in support of Styles with the fans clapping along and it brought the challenger back to life, surprising MVP with a roll up out of nowhere for two and a half! Both got up simultaneously and MVP found himself in the set up for the Styles Clash – but he squirmed free somehow and managed to roll Styles up! Montel grabbed the tights and Flair yelled at the referee at the top of his lungs but the official never noticed a thing – one, two and three!


MVP defeated AJ Styles in 16:31 by pinfall with a handful of tights. MVP makes defence number 3 of his TNA US title. 89


MVP has done it again! Another title defense for the dual champion and he celebrates it accordingly while Flair and Styles are furious, arguing with referee Jim Korderas. The official however tells them he didn’t notice anything illegal and has them back off as we cut to the announcers...


Tenay: Somehow, MVP has found means to one-up AJ Styles once again! He keeps the US championship around his waist because the referee saw nothing.


Taz: The decision stands, although I’ll argue it ‘til the cows come home but it won’t matter – MVP is still US champion! Now we can only hope Steve Corino or Christopher Daniels will manage to get the TV title off him.


Bischoff: Don’t be so hostile, Taz! Look, MVP is insanely stressed defending these two titles so you got to cut him some slack. Overall, he’s doing a stellar job.


Prazak: It’s Mayhem’s turn to try and dethrone him later on and honestly, in a three way match, the odds are high for that to happen.

Bischoff: MVP is THE most resourceful man in TNA, Dave, don’t you forget that.


Cornette: Yeah, but the kind of resources he likes to use could lead him to lose his NWA TV title later on because the predicament is steep – the ONLY man who can be eliminated from that match is MVP, and only if he gets disqualified or counted out. He better stick to the letter of the law in that match!


Bischoff: He always does!


Taz has an annoyed look for Easy E...


Tenay: The next match of the night is from Impact as well and was made a few weeks ago if you so will. CM Punk defeated Christian Cage and Cage called it a fluke and has been going after Punk, and his friend Colt Cabana, ever since. Punk and Cabana reformed the Second City Saints and challenged Cage to find a partner for tonight for a tag team match ... so let’s see just who Christian Cage has found! Let’s go to ringside...


The Saints are in the ring, waiting while they are being cheered on by the fans. Christian Cage’s music hits and he comes down to the ring alone, then steps inside.




Cage: So you challenged me to find a partner for tonight? You challenged me to a tag team match! Don’t you guys know I used to be a MASTER of the tag team match? Sure, it was a different partner I had back in those days, but I carried that team and I’ll carry tonight’s team and match as well. So without further ado ... introducing my tag team partner for tonight – the monster – ABYSS!


Abyss is accompanied by James Mitchell as usual and Mitchell and Cage shake hands as the match is about to start. Punk and Cabana seem indifferent as the bell rings...



The Second City Saints vs. Christian Cage and Abyss

Abyss started out against Punk and took the upper hand thanks to his size and strength, and he became sicker and more twisted in his offense the longer he had control. Punk managed a few short-lived comebacks but dodgy tactics by Christian Cage kept him out of balance – until Colt Cabana had seen enough! Cabana got into the ring, ran straight for Cage and elbowed him off the apron, following to the outside. Abyss reached out for Cabana and CM Punk took charge, grabbing the monster by the hair and tights and threw him to the outside. There, the Saints were in control as they interchanged between Cage and Abyss who were on the back heels – until James Mitchell got involved! Mitchell had grabbed the time keeper’s chair and slammed it right into Punk’s back and the bell rang a second later for the DQ!


The Second City Saints defeated Christian Cage and Abyss in 14:33 when Christian Cage was disqualified when James Mitchell attacked CM Punk. 90


Punk staggers after the vicious shot, and despite the bell ringing, Abyss continues to attack. Christian Cage meanwhile tackles Cabana to prevent him from interfering, and Abyss lays out CM Punk with a huge Blackhole Slam. It is as if Cage and Abyss had worked entirely towards this moment, because Cage doesn’t look too angry about the loss via DQ. Instead, he cracks a wicked grin at his fallen opponent. Cabana gets back up – and takes a Blackhole Slam for his troubles as well. The Second City Saints are laid out and amidst thunderous booing, Abyss, Mitchell and Cage leave ringside. Punk stirs and draws himself up by the ropes slowly as we cut back to the announcers ... 94


Taz: Tell me, why would you do this? It seems as if they didn’t quite care about losing this match but instead just tried to hurt Punk and Cabana. What the hell is wrong with Christian Cage?


Bischoff: Let me tell you Taz, there’s nothing wrong with him. He just delivered a message tonight – stay out of my way. And I think he was rather successful in doing so...


Taz: The only one who kept being in somebody’s way was Christian Cage, Eric. Ever since he lost that match against CM Punk he had been after him, not able to accept a clean and legit win for his opponent. This is just seven shades of wrong!


Tenay: I don’t think Punk or Cabana will stand back now! There’ll be hell to pay for this, trust me on that. And now ladies and gentlemen, it’s our first match from Mayhem for the night so we hand over announcing duties for the upcoming match to our colleagues Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette. The floor’s all yours!


Prazak: Thank you Mike. A month ago at Turning Point, The Kings of Wrestling got away with their belts by the skin of their teeth in a match against Londrick, and when Paul London and Brian Kendrick were traded to Mayhem and stayed top contenders, the Kings were more or less bound to be on our show over the month of December. It all culminated in a second match for the TNA World Tag Team titles between the two teams here tonight, and going by their match last month, this should be a good one.


Cornette: Yeah, Londrick in my book has an absolutely legit shot at becoming new Tag champs here tonight and just like you said, this’ll be a good one. Let’s head to the ring!


TNA World Tag Team Championship



The Kings of Wrestling © vs. Londrick

Londrick showed why they were top contenders and took the fight straight to the champions, going all out from the opening bell. Hero and Castagnoli had no answer for this and Kendrick took control over Double C. Londrick tagged in and out smartly at key moments and kept the Kings at bay until Hero snuck in when the referee was distracted with a kick to the guts of Paul London. Castagnoli used this for a vicious running knee and the Kings were back in the match. Now the champions proved why their name is the Kings of Wrestling as they nullified the aerial danger posed by Londrick with stiffness and fine honed mat skills. Tagging in and out, they wore Kendrick down and Paul London had to break up the odd pinfall attempt. But with superb athletics, Brian Kendrick somehow managed the hot tag and London came out of the corner guns blazing, sending Claudio Castagnoli out of the ring in the process. He tagged in his partner and they tossed Chris Hero into a corner of the ring for two consecutive springboard elbows! Chris Hero was staggering about when Claudio Castagnoli came back in, leveling Brian Kendrick with an inverted DDT! Momentarily distracted, Paul London turned from Hero to Double C and back and this proved to be costly – Hero’s Welcome and one, two, three!


The Kings of Wrestling defeated Londrick in 13:47 when Chris Hero defeated Paul London by pinfall with the Hero’s Welcome. The Kings of Wrestling make defense number 3 of their TNA World Tag Team titles. 85


The Kings have done it! Despite Londrick fighting with all they have, Hero and Castagnoli have kept their titles. London and Kendrick however are uninterested about how well they did and frustrated as they are, shake their heads and leave. They don’t even seem to notice the fans who applaud them for their efforts while the Kings of Wrestling celebrate their title defense. We head back to the announcers…


Prazak: A close call for the Kings, but just that. Hero and Castagnoli were pushed to their limits but ultimately, it wasn’t meant to be for Londrick. They can go home tonight with their heads held high though.


Cornette: Yes Dave, I absolutely agree. That’s not going to be any consolation for London and Kendrick though, at least not tonight.


Prazak: True Jim, with the level of competitiveness people in TNA have, it’s not going to be easy for them to come to terms with the loss. But they will … eventually. The match for the X-Division title between champion Desmond Wolfe and challenger Davey Richards is next and Hulk Hogan is going to be the special guest referee in this one! The very likely top contender for whoever wins tonight is Rey Mysterio and no matter the outcome of tonight's match, the winner will have to be on the lookout for Rey!


Cornette: Don’t underestimate Rey Mysterio! He is a perfect case of ‘what matters is the size of the fight in the dog’.


Prazak: Absolutely. But next up - Desmond Wolfe versus Davey Richards for the TNA X-Division championship with special referee Hulk Hogan. Let's go to the ring!


TNA X-Division Championship



Desmond Wolfe © vs. Davey Richards

Richards started furiously and unleashed all his frustrations on the defending champion who got himself a stern talking to from Hogan after attempting foul play which seemed like the only vein of hope for him to get back into the match at this point. Richards got in between and continued the beating until Wolfe wrestled free and took control. Posing arrogantly in front of the Hulkster, the Englishman made complete use of his control much to the ire of the fans. The arrogance almost cost him dearly when Richards clawed his way to a comeback, but Wolfe kicked out of the inside cradle just to be flattened by a spinning heel kick. Davey Richards looked to put the match out of reach but every time he attempted a pin, Hogan’s hand only slammed the mat twice. Frustrated, Richards got face to face with Hogan to complain about slow counting but the Hulkster wasn’t having any of it, intent on calling the match right down the middle. After a series of vicious kicks that left Wolfe hanging in the corner of the ring, Richards went for a flying body splash into the corner but only met turnbuckles as Wolfe avoided the impact. Staggering about, Wolfe somehow managed to scout Richards’ momentary confusion – Jawbreaker Lariat from out of nowhere! Richards was down and out and Desmond Wolfe fell on top of him with Hulk Hogan doing the count – one, two and three, title defense!


Desmond Wolfe defeated Davey Richards in 17:42 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. Desmond Wolfe makes defense number 8 of his TNA X-Division title. 89


Richards is absolutely frustrated, but doesn’t attack Wolfe to let it out. Instead, he furiously marches out and up the aisle, ignoring the fans to the left and right who try to cheer him up. Wolfe looks after him in amusement, but then shrugs and rather sucks in the booing of the crowd who he taunts further by walking up the turnbuckles to raise his title belt. Hulk Hogan gets a nice ovation as well but next up we head backstage ... Mr. Anderson is ready with a microphone...




Anderson: I’ve got to say – I’m excited. I’m excited because tonight, I finally have the chance of getting the title back that I lost months and months ago. The TNA World title, which I should have never lost in the first place had it not been for Chris Jericho stealing it from me! But I will correct it tonight and Samoa Joe will pay for it. Joe, you’re not going to have a very long title reign. Enjoy these last moments of being the World champion while they last, because I’m taking my belt back. It is going to be like coming full circle ... I won the belt last January, and I will take it back today near the end of December. Wow, huh? Don’t cry, Joe, because you’ll lose against the better man. There’s no shame in that.


He walks off and we return to ringside...


Tenay: Mr. Anderson is determined to take the belt from Joe tonight, folks. Anderson is very capable of giving Joe a run for his money, that's for sure, but is he able to get the title off the champion?


Bischoff: More than just 'able', Mike. Mr. Anderson is one of the finest examples of 'wrestling still matters' here in TNA and Samoa Joe in my book has overstayed his welcome!


Taz: I for one can't wait for Joe to shove those big words back down Anderson's throat.


Tenay: But next up, Douglas Williams goes face to face with John Hennigan. An intense rivalry has spawned between the two over the service of Christy Hemme, but both men seem to have different ideas of what those services actually are. Doug Williams versus John Hennigan - off to the ring please!



Douglas Williams vs. John Hennigan

Contrasting styles met in this match as both men tried to enforce their way of wrestling upon the other. This caused frequent momentum changes when Hennigan, known as the Prince of parkour, lived up to that moniker with his flashiness only to have Williams counter it with fine honed mat skills and vice versa. When Hennigan had the upper hand he went for the corkscrew moonsault otherwise known as Starship Pain but stayed up when Williams rolled out to the apron. Hennigan was confused and Williams clotheslined him back into the ring. Williams now went for the top rope, which is rare for him these days, measuring his grounded opponent. The Englishman took to the air but leapt straight into the exposed boot, jaw first! Doug Williams fell like a tree! Hennigan scrambled back to his feet and up on the top turnbuckle – Starship Pain connected! He went for the pin and grabbed the tights for good measure, the official being oblivious to it – one, two, three!


John Hennigan defeated Douglas Williams in 12:24 by pinfall with a Starship Pain. 86


Hennigan celebrates and walks towards Christy Hemme, smiling broadly. She heads up the ringsteps and joins Doug Williams in the ring who gets back up and is highly annoyed. Christy attempts to cheer Williams up but it’s to no avail. John Hennigan in turn waves to her, which riles Williams up even more and tries to go after him. Christy Hemme manages to hold him back and we return to the announcers...


Tenay: John Hennigan escapes with the win tonight, with a handful of tights to seal the deal, yet a win nonetheless as Hennigan isn’t very picky with how he defeats his opponents.


Bischoff: And why would he be? On a sidenote, I just hope, for her sake, that Christy will soon come to senses and make a decision.


Taz: What decision?


Bischoff: To join up with John Hennigan of course.


Taz: I didn’t realize there was a decision to be made here, Bisch. She’s with Douglas Williams and they work together rather well...


Bischoff: That’s prolly why Williams lost tonight, then...


Tenay: Guys, we’ll see how things between these two men develop as I’m sure they will both be on Impact tomorrow. For tonight however, we’re moving forward – Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas for the longest time had been on the same page, teaming as the World’s Greatest Tag Team and despite their slight attitude problems, they were a great team to watch. Then however it all fell apart when Charlie Haas turned away from his partner, and ever since they’ve been at each other’s throats. Tonight, we will find out who the better man is as Shelton Benjamin takes on Charlie Haas – next!



Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin

This was right another match pitting a flashy and athletic man against someone with a rather old school approach and the results were fantastic to watch. With a lot of sour grapes, the match eventually became a gritty affair as there is no love lost between the two former partners. Haas had taken the wind out of Benjamin with a stomach breaker and controlled the match to the ire of the fans, putting a rest to the aerial assault Benjamin had shown earlier. Shelton tried to mount a comeback but it wasn’t to be as Haas employed his superior mat skills to keep him at bay. This kept going for some time and Haas even tried to put Benjamin away with a sleeperhold but the arm stayed up and Haas let go. Stiff kicks to the back and head followed as Haas dragged Benjamin up and Irish-whipped him – Benjamin ducked the clothesline, went into the opposite ropes and came flying out of them with renewed vigor – elbow smash to the head! Charlie Haas was taken off his game – PAYDIRT! The Paydirt out of nowhere and Benjamin hooked the leg – one, two, three!


Shelton Benjamin defeated Charlie Haas in 15:54 by pinfall with the Paydirt. 87


A great win for Shelton Benjamin over his former tag team partner and he celebrates it accordingly with the fans at ringside as we return to the announcers…


Taz: I guess that clearly showed us who the better man of the two is! Shelton Benjamin cleanly defeats Charlie Haas in convincing fashion and it’s going to be interesting to see where both men go from here.


Tenay: Yes absolutely. Shelton Benjamin leaves Final Destination with a ton of momentum after a solid win over his former partner and as for Charlie Haas - I guess he'll have to do a reboot of sorts. I know where WE go now though and that’s over to Dave and Jim for the next Mayhem match of the night.


Prazak: Thank you Mike. Earlier on, Mike, Eric and Taz had the pleasure of calling MVP’s match against AJ Styles and now it’s our turn to call an MVP match as he is in action again tonight for his second title defense.


Cornette: The three way dance for the NWA TV title...


Prazak: Champion MVP against Steve Corino and Christopher Daniels is next!


NWA TV Championship



MVP © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Steve Corino

As could be expected, Daniels and Corino teamed up and beat MVP right down as the bell had sounded. They double teamed him neat as you please and MVP looked for salvation outside of the ring, but soon enough the official began to count him out! MVP had no chance but to get back inside and was leveled instantly. Daniels went for the pin but Corino dragged him off and they started arguing before engaging in a fight with each other. This helped MVP and he regained composure, watching Daniels and Corino slug it out. Montel measured them and charged, nailing his challengers with a double clothesline! The booing was tremendous as MVP taunted the fans who he was going to pin, before attempting the three count on Christopher Daniels. No such luck as Daniels kicked out when Corino was back up, dropping MVP with a spear! Corino went for the pin but Daniels broke it up. Arguing for a moment, Corino and Daniels raised MVP, nodded to each other, and sent him out to the arena floor much to the joy of the crowd. Daniels and Corino went back at each other and MVP was down on the arena floor with the official beginning another ten-count. Daniels had Corino ready for the Angel’s Wings but was back body dropped for his troubles and Corino attempted the Island Plex next and was back body dropped himself! The count on MVP meanwhile was at five but the referee was distracted by a pinfall attempt by Daniels that only went for two. Corino got back up and Daniels attempted another Angel’s Wings, but once again Corino got out of it, whirled him around and nailed Daniels with a superkick! Corino went for the cover but MVP put Daniels’ boot on the rope from the outside. Corino got up in confusion and MVP stood behind him – quick cradle! One … Daniels was still out … Two … Daniels reached for the ropes but far too late – Three!


MVP defeated Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino in 17:31 when MVP defeated Christopher Daniels by pinfall with a quick cradle. MVP makes defence number 1 of his NWA Television title. 90


Prazak: MVP does it again! It's unbelievable but he does it again and he stays the dual champion after defending his second title on the same night!


MVP stole another win! He one-ups both challengers here tonight and instantly retreats to the outside in an attempt to avoid Corino and Daniels. There is some shoving between Corino and Daniels as MVP walks up the aisle to raise his TV title which nets him a chorus of boos. Daniels and Corino finally ignore each other and focus on MVP who is walking backwards so he can keep taunting them. As MVP is about to head on out through the curtain, Bryan Danielson’s music plays! MVP looks around on the ramp, shocked, and the American Dragon comes out indeed.




Corino and Daniels frown, very obviously unhappy about the Dragon getting involved in this affair. MVP has none of this however and jumps down from the ramp, running to the back using an alternative route. Danielson says nothing and just looks after him with the fans at fever pitch. We go back to the announcers ... 90


Prazak: MVP stays dual champion, but clearly, Bryan Danielson is after him.


Cornette: The American Dragon is an Impact wrestler though, Dave. And on Impact last week, he made his intentions known – he obviously wants a shot at the US title. Then why did he do this? The NWA TV title is on Mayhem!


Prazak: I think he is trying to show MVP that nowhere is save, and it seems to be working. Once again, MVP ran from him instead of confronting Danielson ... Someone who is surely not going to be running is TNA World Heavyweight champion Samoa Joe who is about to defend his title against Mr. Anderson, so let’s switch over to the Impact crew...


Tenay: Thank you Dave. We’ve arrived at the co-main event of the night folks – Samoa Joe defends his TNA World Heavyweight championship against Mr. Anderson, a match that wasn’t fix until last week’s Impact, where Anderson needed a tag team win alongside Charlie Haas against Samoa Joe and Shelton Benjamin in order to be top contender in the first place.


Bischoff: And just so, winning they did! Okay, Charlie Haas lost earlier on but hey, this is Mr. Anderson allright ... My money is on him to dethrone Joe tonight.


Taz: Your ability of clairvoyance has proved to be less than stellar so far and let’s hope it stays that way.


Tenay: Samoa Joe versus Mr. Anderson ladies and gents ... let’s go to ringside...


TNA World Heavyweight Championship



Samoa Joe © vs. Mr. Anderson

Samoa Joe wasn’t taking anything for granted and with commanding force took on his challenger who in the first minutes became Joe’s ragdoll. ‘JOE WILL KILL YOU’ chants erupted as the fans sensed a squash but Anderson, too seasoned a campaigner, managed to get back into the match and took control over Joe. Anderson tried to keep Joe down where his superior strength was out of the picture and he kneed behind the champion and delivered stiff elbows to the neck. The champion was in quite some discomfort as Anderson got up and buried a knee in Joe’s neck for the first pinfall attempt of the night that went for two. Joe tried to scramble up but Anderson put a leg on Joe’s back and dropped, planting Joe face first into the mat. Another two fall ensued and Anderson was annoyed by what he figured was a slow count. He went to the top rope for the Kenton Bomb but it all took a little too long and Joe was in the corner just when Anderson was up top – Joe threw him into the ring and Anderson landed hard on his back. Samoa Joe went into a three point stance that netted him a ‘Hooooooooooooooo’ chant from the crowd as if Hacksaw Jim Duggan had come to TNA and charged when Anderson returned to his feet. But the challenger somehow saw it coming, side stepped, and Joe applied the brakes! Turning around, Joe was swiftly kicked in the gut before Anderson sent a knee straight to the face. The champion staggered and was downed by a superkick. Anderson went to the top rope and finally, the Kenton Bomb hit home! Cover – one, two, thr … KICKOUT! Joe escaped Anderson’s finisher and the challenger was in shock, beginning to argue with the referee in earnest now. Joe went back to a vertical base slowly and Anderson returned his attention to the match and charged, and Joe did the same in the exact same moment! Double clothesline! Anderson was down and Joe fell into the corner of the ring. ‘JOE … JOE … JOE’, the fans tried to support their champ all the way and it seemed to work. Samoa Joe looked up and was furious, the cobwebs gone. Anderson scrambled to his feet and was absolutely flattened with a lariat, and Joe wasn’t finished! He dragged him up and threw him into the corner of the ring – running clothesline connected! Joe then sat Anderson onto the top rope, and it looked like the challenger was out of it for good – until Anderson kicked him off and in a last, final effort took to the air – and was caught by Joe, who carried Anderson for a moment before crashing him with a running Powerbomb. Joe grabbed him by the neck and signaled to the fans before applying and executing the Muscle Buster! This was it – one, two and three, the title defense!


Samoa Joe defeated Mr. Anderson in 22:53 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster. Samoa Joe makes defense number 2 of his TNA World Heavyweight title. 90


Anderson is out as Joe accepts his belt! The fans go crazy for this win and Joe climbs the second turnbuckle in each corner to raise the title high up in the air. Meanwhile, Anderson rolls out, staggering and trying to regain his composure after the vicious Muscle Buster as Joe continues to celebrate with the fans. We cut to the announcers...


Tenay: What a hard fought match! Samoa Joe defends his title in a wrestling clinic here at Final Resolution. Props to Mr. Anderson for giving his everything of course, but Joe ... he’s just on a roll.


Taz: Whatever he does is simply working and that since months! You’ve got to look way, way back in the record book for a registered singles loss, and he just keeps adding numbers to the W column. Look at the guy over there with that shirt ... ‘TNA is Samoa Joe’ ... folks, that may very well be.


Bischoff: Yeah well whatever. He won okay but there’s no need for all the ass kissing. Geez, you guys sound like absolute nerds out here, you know that?


Taz: Don’t be annoyed because we copied you. That’s called a tribute, Eric.


Tenay and Taz smile and we are treated to a video of Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Paul Wight and Batista to hype up their upcoming Escape from Hell match. Huge emphasis is put on the fact that none of the six men was ever NWA World Heavyweight champion before and of course the massive steel cell itself, where once inside the only way to win is to be the first to leave it. Once it has played out we return to the Mayhem broadcast booth and are welcomed back by Dave Prazak and Jim Cornette...


Prazak: We’re ready for Escape from Hell, fellas. The NWA World Heavyweight title is on the line and if you ask me, all six have an equal chance here. I just couldn’t name an odds on favorite even at gunpoint.


Cornette: Correct Dave, the competition in all of TNA is so strong it’s usually impossible to say who will go out the winner, especially in conditions as they will be facing tonight – the first ever Escape from Hell match!


On cue, Batista’s music hits and he walks down the aisle. Then Chris Jericho comes to the ring, Brock Lesnar with JBL, Paul Wight, The Rock and Kurt Angle. They’re in the ring together, some of them looking up the huge ladder standing in center ring, then staring menacingly back and forth at each other while JBL tries to shout some last orders at Lesnar before the cell is lowered. It engulfs the ring and fills almost the entirety of the ringside area as the bell rings for the match to start...


ESCAPE FROM HELL - NWA World Heavyweight Championship



Batista vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Paul Wight vs. The Rock vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle

The start was slow and methodical, this environment not being the usual one for any of the six men, and it took some time before Paul Wight brought his size to bear and smashed Jericho into the steel on the outside. Batista went straight for the giant and managed to rake Wight’s face across the side of the cell. Meanwhile, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar were in a stand up fight while The Rock took care of Batista on the outside. Paul Wight was back in the ring and took both Lesnar and Angle out with the ladder. Jericho got in, avoided the cumbersome weapon, and repeatedly kicked Wight in the legs before Batista appeared in the back of Wight, using the ladder to throttle the giant. Lesnar took aim and kicked Batista in the back, and Angle finally wrestled Brock Lesnar down, applying a rear naked choke. The Rock took care of Chris Jericho while Paul Wight had control over Batista. It went on like this, the unforgiving steel playing its part in draining everyone of strength, and eventually people stayed down for longer after taking hits. The first to try and set up the ladder was The Rock and he climbed up it and even managed to open the top panel before Chris Jericho was up as well, trading punches with the most electrifying man in wrestling. Brock Lesnar toppled the ladder over and Rock and Y2J crashed hard to the mat. Kurt Angle went for Lesnar again and they wrestled catch-as-catch-can style until Batista took them both out with a double clothesline. He then set up the ladder and climbed up but Jericho was back, climbing up behind Batista and getting a hold of a boot. Paul Wight attempted to climb up now but was pulled down by Kurt Angle – Wight attempted a Knockout Punch that only met air as Angle ducked and used Wight’s momentum for an armbar takedown! Wight squirmed in pain as Angle kept the submission applied until The Rock appeared to kick Angle off Wight. Angle staggered up – Rock Bottom! With Wight in severe discomfort and Angle completely out of it, The Rock attempted to escape yet again and was intercepted by Batista on top of the ladder and the two exchanged stiff fists. Chris Jericho kicked at the ladder and pulled it away, Batista dropping down hard. The Rock however held on to the ceiling of the cell and looked down on Batista – and with the panel out of reach, dropped on him with the People’s Elbow from several feet up! The fans were in awe about this as Batista was completely taken care of for the time being. The Rock had his difficulties returning to a vertical base himself as Lesnar had him measured – Verdict! The Rock was taken out of the equation as well as Lesnar began to climb the ladder. Angle executed the Angle Slam on Chris Jericho in the meantime and noticed Lesnar climbing up, and he followed. Lesnar was halfway through the top hatch when Angle grabbed his boot. Paul Wight kicked the ladder off! Lesnar was hanging halfway out of the cell and Angle held on to him, his feet dangling in the air. Paul Wight reached up but was mere inches from Angle’s boots when Lesnar found the strength to pull out of the cell. Angle followed and both scrambled about on the roof. Wight looked up and left the ring with everybody else trying to get back up, and Paul Wight crashed his weight into the side wall! The steel shook but held as up on top, Lesnar and Angle were standing and trading fists. The Rock approached Wight from behind and slammed him face first into the steel, just to receive the same treatment by Batista. Jericho and Batista were now battling it out on the arena floor as Kurt Angle attempted the Angle Slam but had it countered and was planted with a DDT straight onto the solid steel! Lesnar stood in triumph, watching a brawl erupt down in the cell. Angle clawed for Lesnar’s foot as Lesnar approached the rim of the structure and Lesnar kicked free, going on his knees to climb down the 20 foot high steel cell. JBL was screaming and yelling in triumph as Paul Wight took aim, crashing the other three men into the side wall which buckled noticeably now. Batista, Jericho and The Rock were dazed, and Paul Wight took charge once again … Lesnar was halfway down the cell, slowly climbing down the steel … and Angle had shaken off the cobwebs. Taking less than a second to realize Lesnar was almost down, Angle knew he had only one chance left and was more or less functioning on auto here – he leapt off the cell! JBL looked up in horror at the airborne Angle and Paul Wight crashed into the three men again and the damaged section of the wall finally gave way! Angle crashed through the Mayhem announce desk with both announcers fleeing from the impact just when Brock Lesnar dropped to the mat and a second later, if that, Paul Wight, The Rock, Chris Jericho and Batista burst out of the cell, landing in a heap on the outside. The bell rang and it seemed everyone had hit the arena floor at the same time when the winner was announced – ‘The winner by touching the arena floor first and NEW NWA World Heavyweight champion – KURT ANGLE!’


Kurt Angle defeated Brock Lesnar, Paul "The Great" Wight, Batista, Chris Jericho and The Rock in an Escape from Hell match in 25:31 when Kurt Angle escaped the cell. Kurt Angle wins the NWA World Heavyweight title. 92


JBL instantly goes face to face with the ring announcer, but knows better than to argue with him and yells at the referee instead. Kurt Angle lies in the broken remains of the announce desk, immobile, while Paul Wight staggers back to his feet, shortly followed by The Rock, Chris Jericho and Batista. Brock Lesnar in in absolute shock at the result of this match, and JBL gives arguing with the official up in frustration. Slowly, one after the other, Lesnar and the others leave ringside as Angle receive a monumental chorus of cheers. But the new champion is still immobile and unable to accept his title belt, a very distant look in his eyes. Paramedics appear with a stretcher and the announcers as well as ringside officials and the referee stand around him, worried for his well-being. ‘ANGLE … ANGLE … ANGLE’, the chanting is deafening as the NWA World Heavyweight champion is put on the stretcher. Dave Prazak walks to the EMTs with the title belt in his hands and actually puts it on Angle’s chest. ‘ANGLE … ANGLE … ANGLE’, the volume is enough to shake the very foundation of the arena. The paramedics arrive on the ramp as Angle suddenly grabs the title belt and raises his arm, and the cheering goes ever louder at this turn of events! They bring him backstage and with several replays of his leap of faith during which we are reminded of tomorrow night's Impact, Final Resolution comes to an end…


Final Show Rating: 91

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DAMN Angle's got some balls lol good thing he isn't as crazy (nuts) in-game as he is in real life. I didn't expect MVP to retain both titles, but with Danielson here to challenge for the TV title, things should get interesting. Abyss being Christian's mystery partner... eh. Good thing they lost lol :D For a show where every title was retained (except the Heavyweight title, obviously), this was still quite an enjoyable, unpredictable show :D Onto the next year!
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DAMN Angle's got some balls lol good thing he isn't as crazy (nuts) in-game as he is in real life. I didn't expect MVP to retain both titles, but with Danielson here to challenge for the TV title, things should get interesting. Abyss being Christian's mystery partner... eh. Good thing they lost lol :D For a show where every title was retained (except the Heavyweight title, obviously), this was still quite an enjoyable, unpredictable show :D Onto the next year!


Thanks man. Gotta say I wasn't entirely happy with Abyss as the mystery partner either but I a) needed something for him to do and b) everybody else was busy. Not that Abyss is a bad choice to push in this data though...


Anyhow, the predictions ended as this:


michgcs: 6/9

BHK1978: 5/9


Onwards to the new year indeed - although two more shows will come in 2011. I'm absolutely changing the schedule to have every PPV be on the last Sunday of the month though :D

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Thanks man. Gotta say I wasn't entirely happy with Abyss as the mystery partner either but I a) needed something for him to do and b) everybody else was busy. Not that Abyss is a bad choice to push in this data though...


Anyhow, the predictions ended as this:


michgcs: 7/9

BHK1978: 5/9


Onwards to the new year indeed - although two more shows will come in 2011. I'm absolutely changing the schedule to have every PPV be on the last Sunday of the month though :D


Actually I think I got just 6 out of 9. I got the tag match wrong, the TV title match wrong, and the Heavyweight title match wrong :p

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Actually I think I got just 6 out of 9. I got the tag match wrong, the TV title match wrong, and the Heavyweight title match wrong :p


Bah, me again >_< ... It's 5:39 am as of the posting of this so I'll use that as an excuse :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday Week 4, December 2011



Jay Lethal defeated Salvatore Thomaselli in 2:59 by pinfall. 74


Rob Van Dam defeated Gunner in 6:11 by pinfall with the Five Star Frog Splash. 68


AJ Styles defeated Vito Thomaselli in 5:05 by pinfall with the Spiral Tap. 81




Impact is back in the Palace of Auburn Hills in front of 23000+ people who are almost bringing the roof down to welcome this last Impact of 2011. After a wild ride across the arena, the camera stops at the announce booth...




Tenay: Good evening and welcome to Impact everybody! What a show it was last night, hm? Final Resolution saw the return of the Second City Saints, Samoa Joe defending his TNA World title in an instant classic against Mr. Anderson and what about that Escape from Hell match folks! Kurt Angle is the new NWA World Heavyweight champion after jumping off the top of the cell!


Bischoff: He should be sued not only for breaking that nice desk but also for endangering all of us at ringside! Damn but it was close!

Taz: Quit whining, Eric. We could see him take off right? That was more than enough for us to get out of the way in time...

Bischoff: Kurt Angle is a damn maniac! Who jumps off a twenty foot high steel cell?


Taz: Someone whose only chance to win a title is to take that jump.


Tenay: While Mr. Anderson had his chance at the TNA World title and came up short in a glorious encounter with the old and new champion Samoa Joe ... oh...


Taz: Speak of the devil...


Samoa Joe’s music hits and he comes out on the ramp, the fans at fever pitch for him as he raises his title up in the air. He pauses for effect while the fans’ volume almost drowns out his theme before finally marching down the aisle to get into the ring...




Joe: Right ... well, you know there’s one thing I’m kinda ... not good at, and that’s showing emotions. Not publically at least...


Crowd:JOE! JOE! JOE! ... Rinse repeat ...’


Joe: Guys ... guys ... this ... this is just amazing. What a ride it has been this year in TNA, huh? Last year was dominated by the rise and fall of JBL (boos). Mick Foley became owner of TNA (cheers). A second brand and a new show in TNA and the NWA WORLD TITLE BACK WHERE IT BELONGS! TNA is at an all time high and it’s ALL because of you! For that, and this goes out to every fan of TNA worldwide ... thank you, in the name of everybody backstage, thank you!


Taz: This is indeed amazing...


Bischoff: Bah...


Joe: So 2012 can roll along. This is the last Impact of the old year so let’s have it be a memorable one, allright? I said it before and I’ll say it again, I will NOT ignore anybody’s challenge. I always was and always will be a fighting champion. Whoever has the guts ... step out! Face to face, I dare you ... challenge me for this title, for the title I worked harder than ever to get, step out and challenge me.


The crowd is red hot for this, and a few moments pass with Joe standing with arms crossed and the title on his shoulder in center ring, waiting. Then ... the crowd absolutely explodes as Sting’s music hits!




Tenay: Holy hell! Sting is back!? Sting has returned to Impact?!


Indeed! Sting steps out of the curtain to a thunderous ovation, and Joe smiles briefly and nods, more to himself than anything, and watches Sting walking down the aisle. Sting is wearing a black leather coat, his trademark ‘The Crow’ facepaint and a white, richly decorated shirt underneath of course with a black scorpion on the chest. The Stinger receives a microphone before entering the ring...


Sting: It is good ... to be back!


The fans erupt once more...


Joe: Well Stinger, it’s good to have you back. But I’m sure you haven’t come down here at this point so we can trade niceties, have you?


Sting: Yes and no, Joe. First of all, let me make one thing perfectly clear to you. I have to thank you for getting TNA rid of JBL’s influence.




Sting: I needed … to recharge my batteries. After all that happened over the past six to eight months, I needed to answer myself one question – do I still have it in me? Do I still want to do this? Is ... is all of this still worth it?


Joe raises his eyebrows in an unspoken question...


Sting: The answer is yes! Absolutely, totally, yes! Joe, I think you’re a great champion. What you went through to get this belt is nothing short of amazing, something only very few men would have the tenacity and will you showed in order to make this happen. You’re special in every possible way. But I was going to make my return tonight and when you laid out your open challenge ... (smiles) ... I couldn’t pass on it. It has always been my desire to test my abilities by going one on one with the absolute best in this industry, and right now Joe, you ARE one of, if not THE absolute best. So when it comes to your open challenge, Joe ... I accept!


Joe is about to offer a handshake to seal the deal as Mr. Anderson’s music hits ... Both Joe and Sting look a little puzzled and turn their view up at the ramp. Anderson steps out and is welcomed with profanity and boos, then marches down the aisle, microphone already in his hand.




Anderson: Oh how very cute of you guys. Done with your circle jerk yet? Sting, you fall off the face of the planet for months and come back when Joe makes an open challenge for his title, right? How very convenient for you, isn’t it? But that’s not how it’s gonna work, buddy, nah-ah.


Joe: But ... you surely know how this ... works, right?


Anderson: Absolutely! You see yesterday was a fluke. You won pff, yeah you did but you know what? It wasn’t very convincing. In fact you could say ... you escaped by the skin of your teeth. So if there’s anybody on Impact who should accept your open challenge, it’s ME, not that face painted freak.


Joe: And that is obviously up to you to decide I take it?


Anderson: Who else? Otherwise, you’d be handpicking your opponents so that you can pick the easiest challengers and we can’t have that, no?


Sting: Actually ... since he beat you just last night, don’t you think if Joe picked you it would be ... picking the easiest challenger?


Anderson’s face turns into a mask of anger and he edges closer to Sting...


Anderson: Look you washed up piece of trash, we can settle this in the ring and afterwards, you’ll be happy enough if you can walk out of the arena. So hold your tongue you...


Joe: Anderson, just shut the hell up! You lost last night, and I think it WAS a rather convincing win because you stayed down, ONE, TWO and THREE! That’s the reality of it, pal. So you have no goddamn argument on your side...


Anderson: You’re afraid to face me again! That’s it, you’re AFRAID, Joe. Here, everyone listen, JOE IS AFRAID OF MR. ANDERSON! Isn’t that true champ?


Now Joe goes from casual to intense as he goes face to face with Anderson, a menacing figure in front of the challenger...


Joe: You say that one more time and I’ll break your goddamn neck! I am not afraid of anybody and especially not of you.


Anderson takes a few steps back but makes sure to appear unimpressed ... He begins to pace around Sting and the champion...


Anderson: Whatever you say, Joe. But let me make one thing perfectly clear, guys. If you ignore my challenge, trust me you’ll regret it.


Sting: Are you implying something?


Anderson: (smug grin) Have I said something?


Joe: If you think you can just show up here and bully your way into another match for my title one night after I beat you, you’re sorely mistaken. Go whine to Mick, maybe he’ll throw you a bone. As far as I’m concerned though ... I’m done with you.


Joe’s music hits and he leaves, the fans absolutely behind him. He clearly cut off a retort of Anderson who looks after him aggravated. As Joe is gone, Anderson raises his mic to talk to Sting some more, but Sting’ music then hits! Anderson throws his microphone down in anger as Sting departs, massively cheered on by the crowd. We cut to the announcers ... 93


Bischoff: What disrespect! And you wonder why Anderson is so riled up? What Joe and Sting just did is absolutely inexcusable, no more and no less. And everyone claims that Joe is such a great champion? I can only laugh at that.


Taz: Myah, you always had a weird sense of humor, Bisch.


Tenay: Weirder things are happening on a weekly basis in TNA these days, Christian Cage turning to the services of James Mitchell and the monster Abyss for example. It didn’t work out for them last night in their match against CM Punk and Colt Cabana, but it was Cage and Abyss who had the last laugh. CM Punk is back in action tonight, and we’ll see if he is still shaken after that vicious attack from twenty four hours ago. Let’s go to ringside...



CM Punk w/Colt Cabana vs. Carlito Colon

Punk manhandled Carlito to start the match off, still riding on a high from Final Resolution and Cabana firing him up. It didn’t last though as Carlito used his elusiveness and some rather blatant cheating to get back on track and Punk was in trouble, fending off a few pinfall attempts in the process. Carlito sensed something was in this for him and began to get CM Punk ready for the Back Cracker when Punk squirmed free and stood in front of Carlito. Punk went with the motion of an elbow smash, hoisted Carlito up quickly and a second later sent him to sleep! One, two and three.


CM Punk defeated Carlito Colon in 9:16 by pinfall with the Go To Sleep. 83


Punk raises one arm in victory as Carlito is laid out. Colt Cabana gets into the ring where they high five each other when Christian Cage’s music hits and he comes out, Abyss and James Mitchell alongside him. The trio walk down the aisle, thunderous boos in their wake, then get into the ring to oppose the Second City Saints.




Cage: Feeling better yet? Geez but that was a match last night, wasn’t it? Sure, you guys got wasted in the end allright, but hey, stuff happens and...


Punk: What do you want?


Cage: Get what I deserve of course. First of all, down the line, I want the World title back. Okay, that’s none of your concern but just saying. But you asked what I want, I’ma answer. See Punk, when I first came to TNA this was MY place. I was accepted as a top star, as a guy who once he had the company’s top belt, he’d run with it and take it places. Then I left for some other place where it was ... well, not so. If anything they figured me to be a transitional dude ... ME, imagine that! And now I get another chance in TNA and who is here? YOU! You and a few other rejects from up north who shouldn’t even be here, but you get this huge debut and what have you, and what do I get? I am mistreated and mishandled. And then I get put into a match with you on that same show I ain’t even prepared for and lose and everyone has a laugh at my expense. So what I want you ask? JUSTICE, Punk ... I want justice be done. This brand ... Impact ... isn’t big enough for both of us.


Punk: Oh really. And what do you want to do about it, Christian? Whine and moan some more?


Cabana: Or attack others at random some more, go on your whiny rants and eventually be carried out of the arena with a straight jacket on? Hey Christian, this is a newsflash ... Punk and I ... we’re best friends ya know. That means you attack him, you attack me and vice versa.


Cage: Guess why I secured the services of these fine two men, Colt. I know neither of you can handle your problems on your own...


Abyss stares menacingly at the Second City Saints...


Punk: Yeah, two really fine gentlemen, absolutely. Anyways, so you say this brand ain’t big enough for both of us?


Cabana hums the melody of ‘This town ain’t big enough for both of us’ by the Sparks...


Cabana: But we ain’t gonna leave, Cage!


Cage: We’ll see about that, boys, we’ll see.


Cabana: Hey Punker, shouldn’t we use that song as entrance theme? It’s quite catchy and stuff...


Punk: Why not I mean ... it’d fit right now...


Cage: Oh you’re very funny, very clever. But this’ll end very soon, trust me on that. With Abyss on my side, both you clowns won’t be laughing for much longer, and that’s a damn promise!


Cage drops the microphone and Mitchell mockingly bows his head to the Saints as they leave. Punk and Cabana look after them as we cut to commercials ... Returning to the broadcast, the camera takes us to the announcers ... 94


Taz: This is a picture perfect example of what happens when you blow things completely out of proportion. Christian Cage, instead of accepting defeat, and there is no shame in losing to CM Punk, went on what you can only call a crusade ever since and he is in the process of making this ugly, very ugly. It could have been settled already but no ... this’ll go on until one or more guys get hurt thanks to no one but Christian Cage.


Bischoff: Taz, as a former wrestler yourself you should know that people in this business tend to hold grudges. And a man so full of ambition like Christian Cage, well, he’ll never forget the wrongs that were done to him.


Tenay: Wrongs, Eric?


Bischoff: Like when Christian had to fight Punk and wasn’t prepared for it and lost to start this mess. Mick Foley isn’t sole owner of TNA for even three months and already has a lot to answer for.


Taz: Now you even blame Foley? You’re crazy, Eric.


Bischoff: Just think of it for a moment and it’ll make sense. Foley made that match and...


Tenay: Thankfully we’re going into a short break. Stay tuned because we’ll be right back with you and ... never mind Eric, he just missed an appointment with his therapist couple days ago.


Bischoff: WHAT? How...


Commercial time...



Douglas Williams vs. Charlie Haas

The match started with both competitors trying to size each other up and a lock up followed, ultimately won by Haas. Both then used their mat skills to perfection to go on an endless stream of action and reaction, chain wrestling the crowd into frenzy. Haas rolled Williams up but the Englishman countered it into a roll up of his own, both stood up at the same time after the kickout and a double clothesline sent both to the canvas. Christy Hemme slammed her hands onto the apron in support of her client when John Hennigan made his way towards the ring! He instantly went to stalk Christy, who tried to get clear of him. Williams must have sensed the change in the crowd reaction and rolled to the outside, shaking off the cobwebs and going after Hennigan. All in the while, referee Brian Hebner began to count as Charlie Haas was back on his feet. Knowing better than to leave the ring, Haas leaned against the top rope, watching Williams and Hennigan yell at each other. Eight, nine … ten – the bell rang and Williams was counted out!


Charlie Haas defeated Douglas Williams in 10:43 when Douglas Williams was counted out after being distracted by John Hennigan. 82


Taz: John Hennigan is seriously beginning to piss me off now...




Haas retreats as soon as the bell rings while Williams stands in front of Christy Hemme. She is holding him back at the same time while Hennigan shrugs to Doug, mockingly trying to tell him nothing even happened. The fans boo wildly as Hennigan celebrates the fact he cost Williams the match and the Englishman yells insults at his younger rival. Williams goes closer, but Christy tries to prevent a brawl between the two and stands in between them, arms extended. Hennigan uses this to kiss Hemme’s hand and Williams snaps, causing Hennigan to run and jump over the guardrail to retreat through the crowd. Douglas Williams is irate and frustrated, yelling profanity at ringside as Christy Hemme tries to cool him. Back to the announcers we go … 78


Taz: This is outright harassment! Hennigan should get a cease and desist order so we can all move on here. Damn but he just won’t stop.


Tenay: And you would think his win last night would be enough for him. It surely isn’t … but Mr. Hennigan should perhaps get a lesson or two about how to actually get a woman to LIKE you.


Taz: Well how about … not doing what he does for a start?


Bischoff: Well, how about…


Tenay: How about we move on to our next match of the night, that's what you were gonna say, right? Bryan Danielson has made quite some waves ever since coming to TNA when his first course of action was to challenge MVP, and tonight he is in his first match! Let’s go to ringside…



Bryan Danielson vs. James Storm

Slow, methodical, Danielson’s approach to his debut match in TNA was a testament to his experience. But Storm, seasoned veteran that he is, matched Danielson for the most part and a fine encounter ensued. Going back and forth, the momentum changed often as Storm tried to bring his size advantage to bear, but Danielson’s innovative offense saw him mounting a comeback towards the end that ultimately ended in Dragon applying his vicious submission hold – Cattle Mutilation for the win!


Bryan Danielson defeated James Storm in 12:47 by submission with the Cattle Mutilation. 78


Danielson celebrates his win but is cut off when William Regal’s music blasts across the speakers. The American Dragon stands in front of the rope and watches as the English veteran walks down the aisle with a smirk on the face. Regal stops in front of the ring and ignores the booing as he takes the steps to oppose Danielson. Regal has a microphone...




Regal: So you are the best technical wrestler there supposedly is? YOU? You see Bryan, I am taking offense here. It was I ... I alone who brought this fine style of methodically dissecting opponents to the US. It was I ... who made it famous. You’re a cardboard cut-out, no more, no less.


Taz: That’s a stretch...


Bischoff: Shush I wanna hear this...


Regal: But ever since you’re here I’ve heard people mutter under their breath what a dangerous competitor you are, what a glorious performer you are, how bad-*beep* that Cattle Mutilation is. You know what, Bryan? I don’t believe a word of it!


Danielson rolls his eyes and is about to turn and leave. Regal grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around to face him again...


Regal: I WASN’T finished ... Dragon! How dare you come here without any prove of your abilities in matches against TRUE wrestling greats and challenge for a title right away? That’s ... that’s sickening - disgusting, even. You think ‘cause you’ve come here from that dump up north you can do that? Huh? I’ve been there too, chap. What may work where you’ve come from won’t work that way in a REAL wrestling promotion like TNA. Here you pay your dues. You pay RESPECT, especially to champions the caliber of MVP (massive boos). And you toss the notion of being the best damn technical wrestler into the bin out of respect for someone … someone like ME!


Danielson shakes his head, wanting no more of this, and turns to leave again. Regal grabs him by the arm this time and Dragon explodes! Within mere seconds, Regal is face down on the mat and Danielson has the Cattle Mutilation applied! The Englishman is crying in terror and pain, but there’s no mercy. Suddenly there’s a commotion in the crowd…




MVP jumps the guardrail! He has the US belt with him and slides into the ring. Danielson doesn’t notice although the fans around ringside try to make him aware of the danger … MVP clocks Danielson from behind with a chairshot to the back of the head. Dragon slackens and sinks to the mat. MVP leaves the ring again and heads up the aisle, the fans soaking him in profanity. Regal is back up and quite obviously in a world of hurt as a security detail comes down to the ring to prevent anything further. Danielson stirs but is unable to get back up. MVP apparently took good aim … Danielson has rolled out of the ring and leans against the apron, unable to shake off the cobwebs. He staggers and sinks down on one knee, and this seems enough for the medical staff to finally rush down the aisle and take care of the American Dragon. They help him go backstage… 90.


Tenay: One can only hope that this isn’t a concussion or worse but Danielson surely doesn’t look good there.


Taz: Will stuff like this ever stop? It’s sickening!


Bischoff: Err ... nope!


Tenay and Taz look at him annoyed before Impact cuts to commercial break…



Abyss vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Jacobs tried his best, no doubt, but against the strength and psychotic rage of Abyss there was little to be done tonight. As such, the monster dismantled Jacobs with relentless power moves to mute Jacobs’ high octane offense. The Blackhole Slam was the inevitable outcome – one, two and three.


Abyss defeated Jimmy Jacobs in 7:21 by pinfall with the Blackhole Slam. 76


As Abyss and Mitchell leave ringside without any kind of celebration, we’re headed backstage ... Charlie Haas is in front of the camera...




Haas: A lot of stuff has happened lately ... I mean, can you blame me? CAN YOU? Shelton used our team as a platform and he used ME for his own personal gain. He NEVER cared for our team, NEVER!


Haas looks slightly unnerved, which gives him a maddened expression...


Haas: I was the one carrying the TEAM! I was the one who did whatever it took for us to go places. I even helped him, yes I did. It was all in the name of the TEAM, the World’s Greatest Tag Team and THAT is what Shelton betrayed with his ego. He betrayed ME and gave up the best team in wrestling history. But Shelton ... I’m over the split and I can live with last night’s loss. It was your lucky star shining down on you. But hey ... there’s something YOU can’t do. There’s something that you’ll never, ever be able to return to ... great tag team wrestling. You’ll NEVER again find a partner as good as me but I ... I went and scouted, Shelton. I looked around and I damn well found a partner...


Charlie smiles now, and it looks even weirder...


Haas: A man who is young and hungry, a man who is new here in TNA, a man who I am SURE I can form a team with that’ll go down in TNA history as the greatest EVER. He is a second generation star making his TNA debut tonight known the world over as the son of the American Dream ... would you please welcome CODY RHODES!


After his lengthy introduction, Rhodes marches in front of the camera...




Rhodes: Well Charlie, it’s an honor to be your partner now in TNA. It’s an honor to BE in TNA. Shelton Benjamin – damn but he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He used you Charles and let’s be frank here, you did the right thing. You were only good for Shelton until he could start his singles career and that’s that. But hey ... I got me some tag experience too allright and together, Charlie Haas and I ... we are ... The World’s Greatest...


Haas: ... Mk II...


Rhodes: Right dude, and...


He doesn’t get any further because Shelton Benjamin walks in on them...




Benjamin: Charlie Haas and Cody Rhodes okay ... but that name boys, kidding? There is only ONE World’s Greatest Tag Team and YOU Charlie, you alone broke it up!


Haas: I? I broke it up? Your selfishness broke it up but now Shelton, now it’s MY turn. Here’s a promise bro ... in 2012, Cody and I WILL be tag team champions, and not only for a week. We’ll capture the belts and start a dynasty in TNA while you ... oh yeah, last I checked you lost against AJ and then...


Benjamin: Then I beat YOU, Charlie, last night actually. Have you forgotten already?


Rhodes: Yesterday no longer matters, Shelton. On a sidenote ... you noticed Sting came back, right? Guess who’s fighting him tonight ... ME! So you might wanna take a close look and watch me beat Sting and cut his comeback short, and THEN you’ll see just how great the World’s Greatest ...


Haas: Mk II...


Rhodes: ... Really is!


Benjamin: You know Charles I shouldn’t care about your team. No, I shouldn’t but you know what? I do because I was somehow expecting this. Not your team with Cody, no, but I fully realized last night’s defeat wouldn’t open your eyes and that’s why ... I’ve found a teammate on my own. A teammate I have come to respect, a teammate who has come to respect ME, and a teammate with who I will go for the tag team gold in TNA!


Rhodes and Haas look at him curiously ... Then, Ric Flair and AJ Styles walk in and in the background, the crowd erupts in cheers. Flair is strutting and cutting like he owns the place while Styles and Benjamin shake hands...




Styles: The World’s Greatest ... M ... k ... II? Guys, that’s not original, it’s a damn rip off. You know, Shelton and I ... yeah, we’ve had our differences but let bygones be bygones. Shelton is a great performer and it was HIM who carried your team, Charlie. And when MVP last night stole his victory over me, I started to think I perhaps needed to alter my course in TNA right now and for the time being. Go find something that’s for REAL unlike that dual belt wielding jerk. Then along came Shelton, who I shook hands with after he defeated you. We started talking ... and in the end, here we are, Shelton Benjamin and AJ Styles teaming up! What a coincidence hm?


Haas: Coincidence? No, you’ve all planned this, Shelton! You want to outdo me, you want to outdo the success WE had! And you want to outdo me while I present my new partner by presenting YOURS! It’s not going to work, nah-ah, it won’t! If any one team is going to outdo the World’s Greatest Tag Team it’s gonna be the World’s Greatest Mk II and no one else! Care to have a go? Wanna fight us?


Benjamin: We ain’t hard to find...


Rhodes: Just watch the beating I will hand Sting guys ... you’ll prolly get different thoughts.


Haas and Rhodes walk off, leaving Styles, Flair and Benjamin behind who look after them as we cut to commercials ... 86


As we return, we’re right back at ringside for the co main event...



Sting vs. Cody Rhodes w/Charlie Haas

Sting went into the match as if he had never taken a break, but the newcomer hadn’t come to TNA to take a backseat to anyone, and as such control of the match changed back and forth. Young and agile Rhodes used his quickness while Sting reached deep into his pockets of his vast experience and both came close to the win at times until Mr. Anderson ran down the aisle. He rushed into the ring and didn’t care for the referee, shoving the official aside. With Mark Johnson sitting on his rear, Anderson ran into Sting with a high knee and laid the legend out. Rhodes retreated to join up with Haas on the outside when the bell sounded and the match was called off…


Sting defeated Cody Rhodes in 11:13 by disqualification when Mr. Anderson ran in and attacked Sting. 79


Rhodes and Haas retreat from the ring as this is none of their business. Anderson stares at Sting who is picking himself back up when Mick Foley’s music hits! The TNA owner comes out of the curtain and boy is he pissed! Foley marches down the aisle and wastes no time to get into the ring...




Foley: What do you think you’re doing here, Anderson?


Mr. Anderson actually is about to turn and leave. Foley doesn’t shy away from physicality though and grabs him by the shoulder to spin him around...


Foley: Anderson, what the hell was this about? TELL ME NOW!


Anderson: What’s wrong with you Foley? Did you think I’d be happy about being excluded? Sting is back and instantly gets to fight Joe?


Foley: You LOST last night!


Anderson: See how I care! I demand a match with Sting damn it, and then I’ll show you who the real contender is!


Foley: Anderson don’t you ... don’t go testing my limits here. I’m at breaking point right now...


Anderson: What are you gonna do? Fire me? Shane over on Mayhem is gonna be glad to have me...


Foley looks ready to throttle him...


Anderson: I will...




He doesn’t get further as Sting is back up. Sensing him, Anderson turns and freaks out! Sting grabs him but Anderson squirms free and rolls out of the ring in a hurry. Both men are shouting at each other and Foley holds Sting back as Impact cuts to commercial break ... 100


Tenay: Thing are heating up! Sting is back and on his first show since the hiatus, Mr. Anderson attacks him during a match. This is sickening ... Anderson lost last night and has no right to demand anything...


Bischoff: Stop it right there Mike ... why would Mr. Anderson have no right to make demands? He is a former TNA World Heavyweight champion, don’t forget that!


Taz: Because ... he lost fair and square against Samoa Joe around ... twenty-four hours ago!


Tenay: It is going to be interesting to see where this leads to in the upcoming couple of weeks that’s for sure. Another very interesting development is happening between Christian Cage and CM Punk, who both have found themselves partners and in Punk’s case, he even reunited with Colt Cabana to bring back the Second City Saints. Tonight, Christian Cage is in the main event of Impact where he’ll face no other than TNA World champion Samoa Joe – let us head to ringside!


Non-Title Match


Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage

Joe started strongly, the momentum from his title defense at Final Resolution high. With utter confidence, he gave Cage a beating in the opening minutes of the contest until Cage escaped a spear by evading the corner of the ring, letting the champion crash into the ring post. This turned the tides of the match dramatically as Christian Cage was at the steering wheel now and he used it to control the bigger man for some time. Cage had Joe in a corner of the ring and was going to Irish-Whip the TNA World champion into the opposite corner when Joe stood steadfast, reversing the Whip-in. However, referee Earl Hebner was in the way and was crushed by Cage, collapsing against the turnbuckles. Joe grabbed Cage but took a back heel to the most private parts, sinking to his knees. Cage grinned menacingly and leapt to the outside, producing a steel chair from under the ring. Back inside, Joe reached for the top rope to get back up while Cage slammed the chair onto the mat, getting ready to lay the champion out. It was in this moment that CM Punk’s music hit! Both he and his partner Colt Cabana came rushing to the ring and Cage let go of his weapon to roll out of the ring. With Cage hightailing it out of the arena through the crowd, the Second City Saints could only stand and watch his departure as the referee slowly regained his wits. Joe helped Hebner whose first sight was Cage being almost gone and the official wasted no time to call for the bell…


Samoa Joe defeated Christian Cage in 13:12 when Christian Cage was counted out after being distracted by Colt Cabana. During the match we also had CM Punk run in and distract Cage. 90


Joe, still uncomfortable from the cheap shot, pats Cabana’s and Punk’s shoulders, thanking them for their interference with a nod for each man. Together, the trio tends to the crowd with Joe’s music blasting as we’re headed off to the announcers…


Tenay: Thanks to the Saints nothing worse happened than that cheap shot that nearly turned this match upside down, but Christian Cage, geez, he’s a man possessed. He absolutely didn’t care for the fact that Joe might have been seriously injured by a chair shot in order to win the match here tonight – CM Punk and Colt Cabana better be on the lookout.


Taz: There’s a lot going on here on Impact and most of it is as controversial as it’s possible to get. Christian Cage is a man possessed, yes – possessed by his very own belief that he is better than CM Punk. At the same time, Mr. Anderson cannot accept defeat while Sting has accepted Joe’s open challenge – the potential for more controversy is just waiting around the corner.


Bischoff: Controversy creates cash guys, which incidentally is the title of a…


Taz: …Of a book that as far as I understand it is out of print…


Tenay: Before even more things are shamelessly plugged here tonight, I have to sadly inform you that we’ve come to the end of tonight’s show. Make sure to watch Mayhem next Saturday where Kurt Angle will surely be addressing his gigantic leap of faith at Final Resolution. In the meantime, for Taz and Eric Bischoff I’m Mike Tenay saying good night until next week!


Impact cuts to credits…


Post Show:

Robert Roode defeated Josh Raymond in 4:09 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. 52


Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, Colt Cabana, Eddie Edwards and D'Angelo Dinero defeated Low-Ki, Mario Thomaselli, Murphy and La Familia in 9:13 when Colt Cabana defeated Salvatore Thomaselli by pinfall with the Colt 45. 54


Final Show Rating: 90

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Amazing show-- was this your highest ever?


I have to admit I'm a bit lost on the World's Greatest MK II bit, though :o


Nice to see some new faces as well as some old ones, but too bad Cody has to get stuck with that piece of dead weight in Charlie Haas. But then again, with a picture like that, Cody doesn't exactly look like a future Main Eventer, does he? LOL Good to see an update, buddy, bring on 2012!

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Amazing show-- was this your highest ever?


I have to admit I'm a bit lost on the World's Greatest MK II bit, though :o


Nice to see some new faces as well as some old ones, but too bad Cody has to get stuck with that piece of dead weight in Charlie Haas. But then again, with a picture like that, Cody doesn't exactly look like a future Main Eventer, does he? LOL Good to see an update, buddy, bring on 2012!


Well first things first - thanks bro. So far it's one of the best rated shows indeed (there was an Impact in November rated 95) but come 2012 in this game, ratings regularly top the 90s. I somewhat managed to keep about everybody who was at least semi important at decent momentum etc, and this is incidentally one of the games in TEW that I got the best ratings out of. How come you ask? No idea I answer ^^


As for World's Greatest MkII - It's one of those feuds I sometimes slap together in any game of TEW I play to give ppl who otherwise would be idling something to do until I have more serious plans for them. Sticking Cody with Charlie was done for helping the segment ratings (this ain't a long term thing, no worries) while AJ and Shelton is a combination to solidify Shelton's face turn for the ... >_< ... millions and millions of TNA fans out there :D


WWE in this game manages to kill itself quite nicely - I admit if this was a non diary game I woulda signed Cena etc too (when AI in any game is giving me crap, said AI has to die ^^) but that wouldn't even be needed to make them lose popularity - none of their shows rates higher than 82 for whatever reason.


Granted, I have another great excuse for signing all these guys - Ron Simmons is WWE owner (ok, he ain't THAT bad) and PSYCHO SID is head booker (the man who said: 'KEVIN NASH - I'M TWICE THE MAN THAT YOU ARE ... AND I HAVE HALF THE BRAIN' on national tele during a WCW show in the 90s, and whose other promos were overall solid gold too, making Warrior promos appear as utterly coherent and understandable in comparison). Hence, with Vince retired ingame, things look rather bad for the E in this diary game. I'll be posting some world info soon.


Okay, enough with killing kayfabe ^^ ... last show of 2011, Mayhem, will be up at the weekend.

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Might as well do it now - as a bit of world info, here are the WWE champions as of Week 4, December 2011:


WWE Heavyweight

The Miz (Week 3, November 2010-current)


WWE World Heavyweight

Wade Barrett (Week 3, November 2011-current)

Big Show (Week 3, September 2011-Week 1, November 2011)

Edge (Week 3, December 2010-Week 2, September 2011)


WWE Intercontinental

Tyler Reks (Week 3, November 2011-current)

Kofi Kingston (Week 1, January 2011-Week 3, November 2011)


WWE United States

Primo (Week 3, November 2011-current)

Daniel Bryan (Week 3, September 2010-Week 3, November 2011)


WWE World Tag Team

Ted DiBiase & David Hart Smith (Week 4, March 2011-current)

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (Week 1, December 2010-Week 4, March) 2011)


WWE Divas

Melina (Week 3, September 2011-current)

Eve Torres (Week 4, January 2011-Week 3, September 2011)


As you can see, some of my signings directly shook up the title scene in WWE. w00t ... Change is good, no? :D

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WHOA. No one's been able to beat the Miz? Sounds a lot like my game LOL except in my game, I control the WWE :rolleyes:


It's weird to see so few title changes, so let me just echo what the new WWE owner has to say about that... DAMN! :cool:

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Granted, I have another great excuse for signing all these guys - Ron Simmons is WWE owner (ok, he ain't THAT bad) and PSYCHO SID is head booker.




I wonder how the heck that happened.:D What happened to Vince, Steph, and Shane?

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I wonder how the heck that happened.:D What happened to Vince, Steph, and Shane?


Seriously! :D ... Well, Vince is retired (he retired a month after turning 65 >_<), Shane wasn't with WWE when it happened (it's why I signed him ^^) and Stephanie is booked as an authority figure on Smackdown and that's that. It's all a little weird alright but since I NEVER play as booker only I can't explain the game mechanics that are responsible for owner changes. Maybe someone else can though?


WHOA. No one's been able to beat the Miz? Sounds a lot like my game LOL except in my game, I control the WWE :rolleyes:


It's weird to see so few title changes, so let me just echo what the new WWE owner has to say about that... DAMN! :cool:


:D ... The Miz has made 7 title defenses so far, four of those against John Cena and essentially making Superman his byatch. Three of the matches were straight wins and one was a double DQ. All three clean finishes were rated above 90 on a sidenote. The lowest rated title defense was The Miz def. Sheamus with a 70 rating, followed by Randy Orton with 76 and Ted Dibiase with 78. Either Miz has bad chemistry with half the main event roster or Cena has developed into a guy who can get a good match out of a mannequin. Since I doubt the latter and double checked on my first assumption, I'll take a wild guess and will say - The Miz r zeh suckz0r. DAMN! But Psycho Sid ofc knows what he's doing... ^^

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