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Davey Richards won a battle royal in 15:04. The final four competitors also included Gallows, Roderick Strong and Eric Young, with Gallows being the final elimination. 70




Mayhem goes on the air and images are on the screen. We are shown Kurt Angle leaping off the Escape from Hell structure to go crashing and burning 20 feet down through the announce table. This jump made him champion, but what did it take out of him? The last picture shows Angle lying prone as ringside workers try to help him while the title is draped onto Angle. As we go to the arena, we hear the fans chant ‘WE WANT ANGLE!’ rhythmically. As his music indeed kicks off, the place goes wild!




Prazak: Welcome to Mayhem everyone! Listen to the ovation that Kurt Angle is getting, this is absolutely incredible. The man took a 20 foot jump off the cell to win the NWA World Heavyweight title. This just goes to show how hard competition in TNA really is, folks. People will have to walk the extra ... TEN miles in order to be successful here, and Angle did just that.


Cornette: But he looks pretty much the worse for wear still...




Angle limps down the aisle, his title belt over the left shoulder. Almost a week removed from his leap of faith, he is still nowhere near 100%. He gets into the ring...


Angle: I read a lot of comments and received mails and messages all questioning my sanity. Everyone has asked me if what I did was really needed, if I didn’t perhaps go a little overboard last Sunday.


ANGLE, ANGLE, ANGLE…’ ... the crowd is red hot.


Angle: And my reply is this...


He raises the NWA Heavyweight belt to another huge round of cheers...


Angle: I will do whatever it takes, whatever is needed and necessary to win. That crash through the announce table may have taken a few years off my career but you know what? I AM NWA World Heavyweight champion and for that, I would jump down the cell AGAIN!


The fans go nuts...


Angle: And I have a word for whoever will be challenging me for this belt – be prepared. Be well prepared because I WILL do whatever it takes to defend this belt. I...


He doesn’t get further because Brock Lesnar’s music hits. He walks out on the ramp accompanied by his manager JBL, and both are booed furiously as they stride towards the ring...




Lesnar: Well done, Kurt. You outsmarted me last Sunday ... I admit I didn’t expect you to jump off that cell, so well played and ... deserved, for now.


JBL: There’s a thing that must be bothering you though Kurt, competitor that you are. And that’s the fact you’re NWA World champion yet the last time you faced Brock Lesnar, you lost. In TNA, you’ve lost every singles match against Brock Lesnar and with this knowledge, how can you really celebrate your title? Tell me Kurt.


Angle looks at the duo, anger on his face...


JBL: It’s tainting your title reign, Kurt, and deep down inside you can’t deny that. You’re too much of a competitive man to do so. But hey ... we offer you salvation. You CAN sleep well again ... if you beat Brock Lesnar.


Angle: How well you think I sleep is absolutely irrelevant, Bradshaw. I’m the champion and I’ve earned this belt last Sunday, and among the five who didn’t get the belt was Brock ... so I BEAT him, period.


Lesnar: Did you make me submit? Did you pin my shoulders one, two and three? You didn’t Kurt ... you just jumped off the cell.


JBL: Let’s not belittle that, Brock. Sure you had him beat up on the roof, but he won regardless. You’ve got to admire that.


Lesnar: But he CAN’T beat me in a regular match. Everyone knows that including Kurt...


Prazak: They’re trying to sucker Angle into accepting a challenge for the title...


Cornette: Look at Angle ... seems like it is working.


Kurt Angle is furious and stares hard at Brock Lesnar...


Angle: So you want a match with me, Brock ... one on one, NWA World title on the line? You’re on buddy ... and this time, there’ll be no trickery. I will take you on and I will beat you, and I will *BEEP*-ing shut you up for good!


Angle tries to walk properly with JBL and Lesnar around but it doesn’t work long as he is back to limping once he is close to the ramp. He turns and looks rather uncomfortable as he raises the belt one last time before leaving the arena ... 100


Prazak: And it did work just like we figured it would! Lesnar’s challenge was accepted by Kurt Angle. This is not only a chance for Angle to right his record against Lesnar in TNA but also something every fan in TNA can look out for.


Cornette: If and only if this whole affair stays within the rulebook, Dave. Angle is in a weakened state right now and that could easily be exploited.


Prazak: Right, but as always, no one knows what is going to happen next here in TNA. Folks, stay tuned with us as we’ll be right back with you for our first match of the night after these brief messages from our sponsors!


Mayhem returns and we're treated to an X-Division title defense...


TNA X-Division Championship



Desmond Wolfe © vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick had tons of support from the capacity crowd and this made him go all out on champion Wolfe who went for the outside to catch a breather several times during the early goings of the match. He ignored a warning from the referee which he promptly ignored just to be downed when Kendrick went airborne across the rope, scoring a body splash on Wolfe that had both men almost counted out. Almost because Kendrick made it back into the ring in time and dragged Wolfe after him but the pinfall was denied when Wolfe got a boot on the bottom rope. Desmond Wolfe clawed his way back into the match and it was him now delivering abuse to his challenger. Wolfe tried to deny him the ability of anything aerial by targeting the legs and Kendrick was clearly impressed, limping on his comeback. Kendrick attempted a standing moonsault but met knee only when Wolfe got his legs up, and the champion staggered back up to measure his challenger … Jawbreaker Lariat to welcome Kendrick’s return to a vertical base! One, two and three.


Desmond Wolfe defeated Brian Kendrick in 11:19 by pinfall with the Jawbreaker Lariat. Desmond Wolfe makes defence number 9 of his TNA X Division title. 83


Cornette: Not even a week after his PPV title defense, Wolfe does it again! Is there anybody who can take the X-Division title off him?


Prazak: I think we’re about to find out...


As Kendrick clears the ring and returns to his locker room, Rey Mysterio’s music blasts over the speakers. He comes down to the ring as Wolfe had just accepted his title belt...




Wolfe: You again ... Haven’t you watched, Rey? What makes you even consider you got a chance?


Rey: You wanna find out, Des? How about a match next week – you and I, one on one...


The crowd is into the thought of that...


Wolfe: You’re wasting no time, right Rey? Been here a few weeks and you’re already challenging for the X-title. Let me tell you it doesn’t work that way, especially when I JUST defended my belt again not even a week after taking out Richards. You...


Shane McMahon’s music hits ... Wolfe and Rey now stare intently at Mayhem’s GM as he comes down to the ring...




Shane: Desmond, let ME tell you something. On Mayhem, there’s NO one who has a say on what works and what doesn’t – but me! You defeated Davey Richards last Sunday – good for you, Desmond, but if you thought I would now give you a break or anything, you’re sorely mistaken. Just because we got New Year’s Eve coming up don’t mean you get a pause because there is none in TNA. Instead, I’ll now tell you who your top contender is – he’s standing right here!


Mysterio smiles at the X-Division champion ... Wolfe isn’t happy.


Shane: So you better get to grips with it, Des. Oh and on a sidenote ... next week, Desmond Wolfe will team up with TNA TV champion MVP (boos...) to take on Rey Mysterio and the NEW top contender to the TV title...


Rey and Wolfe look at him, as eager to know the name as the fans...


Shane: (smiles) ...Whose name will be revealed next week on Mayhem!


Wolfe looks annoyed while Mysterio seems happy. McMahon’s music hits once again and we’re headed for commercial break ... 94


Non Title Match


The Kings of Wrestling vs. Brain Damage and Tyler Black

An odd pairing to challenge the World Tag Team champions, Brain Damage and Tyler Black showed some poise early on but Hero and Castagnoli’s tag team work enabled them to dominate the match right as they pleased. Brain Damage ran in to break up a pinfall attempt by kicking Double C off Black and Chris Hero jumped to the gun, laying Brain Damage out with the Hero’s Welcome! The Kings officially tagged for Hero to wait for Tyler Black to get back up – Hero’s Welcome number two while Brain Damage was out on dream street – one, two and three!


The Kings of Wrestling defeated Brain Damage and Tyler Black in 7:18 when Chris Hero defeated Tyler Black by pinfall with the Hero’s Welcome. The Kings of Wrestling make defence number 4 of their TNA World Tag Team titles. 72


Hero and Castagnoli raise their arms in victory, the fans reacting absolutely hostile to their arrogance … After a few more moments, the broadcast switches to a backstage area where Christopher Daniel and Steve Corino are standing by…




Corino: After last Sunday, Christopher here and I … we had a talk…


Daniels: And we’ve come to the conclusion that great wrestlers like we are can’t allow people like MVP to get away with all the stuff they pull. This’ll end starting tonight…


Corino: Because we have formed as a team bend on bringing back decency…


Daniels: …And integrity to this business. Starting tonight, look out for the Angels…


Corino: …of Old School!


Both stare intensively at the camera for a few seconds until we go to another commercial break … 97


Prazak: Welcome back to Mayhem everyone and whoa guys, what a team has just formed! Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino join forces as the Angels of Old School - every other team in TNA PLUS the Kings of Wrestling better take notice.


Cornette: Oh absolutely. Men like Daniels and Corino will shake up the tag team division in TNA, that's for sure. You can't look past these guys when it comes to title contention.


Prazak: Which goes for Paul Wight as well who is in our next match of the night. I don't envy Shark Boy who is his opponent tonight. Let's go to the ring...



Paul Wight vs. Shark Boy

There couldn’t have been a mismatch worse than this one and it showed right from the opening bell. Shark Boy landed a kick to the gut and to his credit he tried again when Wight showed indifference but the largest athlete in the world caught the leg and smashed his elbow on Sharkies knee. Following this, with Shark Boy visibly in pain, Paul Wight just simply ran him over with a clothesline, flipping his opponent over in the process. Wight dragged him up and took aim for the Knockout Punch but had different thoughts apparently – goozle and Chokeslam! Wight put a boot on the chest for the pin while raising his arms – one, two, three!


Paul Wight defeated Shark Boy in 3:17 by pinfall with the Chokeslam. 64


Another overwhelmingly dominant singles performance by Wight who leaves his spread eagled opponent behind in the ring as he walks back through the curtain…


Prazak: I don’t think Paul Wight will be sitting back to watch others go for the NWA World title for very long. Seriously, who can hope to stand in the face of this giant? Batista couldn’t on his attempt…


Cornette: Wight is a no nonsense type of guy, and everyone who so far had the misfortune to step into the ring with him found out the hard way, the very hard way. You gotta watch out for him, that’s for sure as he’ll remain a constant threat here on Mayhem.


Prazak: But there’s right another man who is a constant threat on Mayhem and that’s Chris Jericho. Y2J is standing by backstage so let’s switch over and hear what he has to say…


Jericho stands leaning against a wall backstage, looking relaxed.




Jericho: Looks like I was beaten to the punch. Lesnar … well he was quick, eh? Right when Kurt came into the arena he was ready for his little challenge. Doesn’t matter … the thing is, Kurt is the rightful champion, no questions asked. If Brock or JBL pull anything funny, I’ll come down on them, trust me. But there’s of course a little twist here … Kurt, while I respect the hell out of you, I won’t sit back and watch somebody else wear that belt. It’s a shiny nice title, NWA World Heavyweight championship … who wouldn’t aspire to win that belt? You’re right guys, no one. Where I differ however is … I have a win over Brock and he is now obviously, somehow, top contender. Or so it seems at least. Whatever the case though guys, I’m after that belt. No cell, no five others … just the champ and me, one on one, for the NWA title. But as it seems I gotta wait and I’ll do just that but trust me guys, once the smoke clears I’ll be right there. What I did on Impact I’ll repeat here and win the NWA World Heavyweight championship, no matter who holds it, Brock or Angle. As I beat Lesnar, so I can beat Kurt Angle … and in 2012, I WILL be world champion again … Chris Jericho, NWA World Heavyweight champion … will soon be reality! 100


He walks off camera and we hear the sound of his boots from the off as Mayhem cuts back to the arena and right to the ring for the next match of the night...



Rey Mysterio vs. KENTA

KENTA caught Mysterio’s high flying opening offense with stiff kicks and took control right from the get go. His stiff offense continued to wear Mysterio down, puroresu dominating Lucha Libre neat as you please. But Mysterio kept coming back, at first to no avail, but his tenacity was incredible and he wouldn’t stay down no matter what KENTA tried. When Rey ducked a high kick from the Japanese, KENTA’s momentum carried him forward which Mysterio used for a stiff kick of his own that hit his opponent smack to the back of the head. KENTA staggered and fell into the ropes and Rey went through the motions – 619 and the pinfall followed, with Rey hooking both legs – one, two and three!


Rey Mysterio defeated KENTA in 10:21 by pinfall with the 619. 83


Mysterio celebrates his win with the fans as we switch to the announcers...


Prazak: Week after week, Rey Mysterio impresses us and if you ask me, Desmond Wolfe is impressed, too. Now I know he won’t ever admit it but still, he will definitely know that he is in for a wild right against the Mexican veteran.


Cornette: Yeah I think so much is obvious. Mysterio’s going after the X-Division title and Wolfe will have his work cut out for him. Honestly, if I had to bet on the outcome I’d perhaps flip a coin for my decision.


Prazak: We can only keep repeating ourselves here but competition in TNA is insanely strong, be it on Impact or Mayhem. Speaking of competition, I am told two men who were involved in the Escape from Hell match are backstage so let’s switch over.


Indeed, the camera is backstage and we see Batista and Paul Wight, obviously arguing...




Wight: ...No matter what you tell me Dave, your days are damn well over. I beat you, then you ran your mouth about how you would win the NWA title and once again, nothing but hot air. Tell me Dave – what exactly is the point of you even being here in TNA?


Batista: You didn’t win anything at Final Resolution either, hm? Escape from hell – you lost just like I did. Paul, there’s something you fail to understand about me and that bit is called tenacity. I will NEVER stop chasing glory, Paul. Never, you hear me? I will keep hunting for titles, I will keep chasing champions, and I will keep being a thorn in the side of whoever holds a title. I don’t give up, Paul, I just don’t.


Wight: Well Dave, I am done with you here. You’ll be interesting again once you have a belt that I can take from you...


Batista: It’ll be my pleasure to even our score, Paul. I will be waiting for you!


Both walk off in different directions as we head back to the announcers. 100


Prazak: Welcome back everybody! Batista and Paul Wight I guess you could say are far from over their personal issues and both their ambitions WILL lead them to clash eventually again, I'm sure of it.


Cornette: They're gonna bring the roof down should they meet in the ring again, Dave, especially in a singles match should a title be on the line. Dave Batista and Paul Wight are not done with each other, period.


Prazak: While we've heard from another very ambitious man earlier already and he is in action next - Chris Jericho goes one on one with former TNA World Tag Team champion Gallows!



Chris Jericho vs. Gallows

Gallows came out with guns blazing as he tried to impress Jericho with his power and surprising agility for a man of his size. Jericho weathered the opening storm reasonably well however and proved to be too formidable an opponent to be kept down for very long. Gallows can’t be called out for not trying but as the match progressed, Jericho’s superior stamina began to take its toll. Using speed and wits, Jericho mounted an offense that culminated in the Lionsault which was Gallows’ undoing – one, two and three!


Chris Jericho defeated Gallows in 13:14 by pinfall with the Lionsault. 87


After the match, Jericho walks right out of the arena instead of celebrating, oozing intensity as we cut to a short clip to hype the upcoming main event between The Rock and MVP before the last commercial break of the night … 100


Non Title Match


MVP vs. The Rock

The Rock utterly dominated the opening minutes of the match, turning MVP into his personal ragdoll as the great one landed a ton of shots and moves right on target. MVP looked to find some breathing room on the outside but The Rock followed and the onslaught continued in front of the first row fans. The Rock took aim to clothesline MVP over the guardrail but the dual champion surprised him with a back body drop and Rock ended up between the cheering fans. MVP went back into the ring to avoid a count out and right back out, sending a few people scattering as he threw The Rock into a row of chairs. MVP tossed the most electrifying man in the industry back over the guardrail to the concrete floor and dragged him up for a toss into the ringsteps before the match returned back into the ring. A cover attempt went for two and a bit only when The Rock got a shoulder up and MVP began to argue with the referee to no avail. MVP was in control now however and made good use of it, wearing Rock down for another near fall a couple of minutes later. Once again, MVP complained about a slow count but was met with the same disregard from the official as earlier and as such, the match continued. MVP went to slam The Rock’s head into the turnbuckles but the great one got a foot on the middle one, grabbed MVP by the neck and with the crowd counting along, MVP now ate turnbuckle. With ten being the magic number, MVP staggered back and The Rock measured him for the Rock Bottom when the dual champion suddenly sank to his knees and begged off. The Rock frowned the way only he can and walked over to his opponent to drag him up again – and MVP, audacious as only he is, raised his knee in the process – cheap shot! With the official failing to notice the cheating, MVP executed the Playmaker! The crowd was furious and exploded in cheers mere seconds later when The Rock shocked MVP with a kickout on 2,9! With MVP red hot in anger he went face to face with Earl Hebner, ignoring The Rock for too long – the great one stood back up and aimed a lariat at MVP but in the last possible moment, the dual champion stepped aside and Hebner caught the full force of Rock’s charge! ANOTHER Playmaker! The Rock was down and out now but there was no one to count the pinfall now that the referee was laid out. MVP got up in frustration and fumbled in his tights, producing his trusty brass knuckles. The crowd hated on him tremendously as The Rock slowly dragged himself up by the ropes, winded yet still full of resolve and he turned – brass knuckles shot straight to the forehead! Rock staggered backwards and fell through the ropes to the outside while MVP returned the weapon back to its hiding place before going through the painful process of bringing Earl Hebner back to life. The Rock was down and out on the concrete floor, blood leaking from a gash in his forehead but Hebner, staggering and far from sure-footed, began to count … and indeed reached the count of ten! MVP was awarded the win by countout…


MVP defeated The Rock in 19:53 by count out. 99


MVP celebrates, although he would probably have liked a pinfall win better, but he’ll take this any day as a win over The Rock isn’t something a lot of men have to their credits. The ringing of the bell and the crowd’s fury however bring the great one back to life and he slams the apron in anger, his crimson colored features giving him a dangerous look as he shoots murderous glares at the dual champion. Finally, highly pissed off, he rushes back into the ring. MVP of course has it scouted in advance and he runs, first to the time keeper’s table to collect his belts and then right across the guardrail to flee from The Rock. The great one is back in center ring, furious and frustrated, but can only watch as MVP is already far gone. We return to the announcers...


Prazak: What an intense match it was and what a main event, guys! MVP somehow pulled this one off and it makes us wonder just who it could be to take any of his two belts from him.


Cornette: Let us not forget, he is dual champion for a while now and in all honesty, despite his means of winning matches and despite the way he scored the win tonight, this win over The Rock could even give him the right to challenge Kurt Angle!


Prazak: Triple-champion? Oh please no – MVP’s attitude is already unbearable as it is – I dread to think how even more horrible it would get with a third belt. No, just no!


Cornette: I’m somewhat inclined to agree, but MVP surely is one of the most talked about men in TNA these days. All you gotta do is a search on Google…


Prazak: Well I’ll skip Jim. We’ve reached the end of Mayhem tonight everybody, and with this show ending so does the year so we here in TNA wish everyone a happy new year and we’ll see you again next week on the first Saturday in 2012. Meanwhile, make sure to tune in to Impact on Monday as I'm sure our colleagues are more than just eager to open up the new year with all of you. Until then, for Jim Cornette I'm Dave Prazak saying good night and once again, happy new year everybody!


We're getting fireworks in the arena and the fans cheer tremendously as Mayhem cuts to credits and comes to an end.


Final Show Rating: 94

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We've arrived at the annual Top 100 and Year end awards courtesy of Totalextremewrestling.com. After a lot of punditry and arguments that nearly went physical, the website posted their thoughts on the year gone by on January 1st, 2012, and these are the results as follows:


Year end awards 2011:

Wrestler of the year

Triple H


Young Wrestler of the year

Nick Jackson


Veteran Wrestler of the year

Kurt Angle


Female Wrestler of the year

Amazing Kong


Promotion of the year



Most Improved Promotion of the year



Match of the year

Triple H defeated CM Punk at RAW


Card of the year



Totalextremewrestling.com Power 100:

(TNA wrestlers in red)


1. Triple H

2. Mike Mizanin

3. Randy Orton

4. CM Punk

5. John Cena

6. Sheamus O’Shaunessy

7. Dwayne ‚The Rock‘ Johnson

8. Chris Jericho

9. Brock Lesnar

10. Kurt Angle

11. AJ Styles

12. Samoa Joe

13. Adam Copeland

14. Kevin Kiley

15. MVP

16. Rey Mysterio

17. The Undertaker

18. Hiroshi Tanahashi

19. Booker T

20. Yuji Nagata

21. Christian Cage

22. Takeshi Morishima

23. Abyss

24. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

25. Kensuke Sasaki


26. Kane

27. Paul Wight

28. Shinsuke Nakamura

29. Kevin Nash

30. Nigel McGuinness

31. Jushin ‚Thunder‘ Lyger

32. Minoru Suzuki

33. Shelton Benjamin

34. Ken Anderson

35. Mick Foley

36. Christopher Daniels

37. Takeshi Rikio

38. Naomichi Marufuji

39. Steve Corino

40. Carlito Colon

41. Ray Gonzales

42. Go Shiosaki

43. Riki Choshu

44. Thunder

45. Charlie Haas

46. Jeff Hardy

47. Doug Williams

48. Susume Yokosuka

49. Yoshihiro Takayama

50. Kazarian


51. Hulk Hogan

52. Yoshinari Ogawa

53. Luke Gallows

54. Lightning

55. Ted DiBiase Jr.

56. Chris Hero

57. Drew Galloway

58. Jun Akiyama

59. Dragon Kid

60. Rob Van Dam

61. Akitoshi Saito

62. Stu Sanders

63. Kenta Kobashi

64. Noriega

65. Mistico

66. Tatsumi Fujinami

67. Takashi Iizuka

68. Masato Tanaka

69. Ricky Marvin

70. Wataru Inoue

71. Claudio Castagnoli

72. Chris Sabin

73. CIMA

74. Ryo Saito

75. Abbad


76. Bryan Danielson

77. Togi Makabe

78. El Bronco #1

79. Tomko

80. Matt Hardy

81. Makoto Hashi

82. Jimmy Yang

83. Davey Richard

84. Junji Hirata

85. Ultimo Guerrero

86. Sting

87. Masato Yoshino

88. Koji Kanemoto

89. Takashi Suigiura

90. Matt Morgan

91. Tajiri

92. Brian Kendrick

93. Paul London

94. Kotaro Suzuki

95. Alex Shelley

96. Batista

97. Colt Cabana

98. Giant Bernard

99. James Storm

100. Rico Suave


So, that's the year 2011 for ya - I hope those who read have enjoyed what I put up here and, cough, see you soon in '2012' ^^.

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