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TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. D'Angelo Dinero



Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

(No contest)


Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer



TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team



TNA X-Division Championship: Ladder Match

Hero © vs. Douglas Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kazarian



Samoa Joe vs. Abyss



Steel Cage Match

The Rock vs. MVP

(Just to keep things interesting)


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

(I think by DQ)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle

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TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. D'Angelo Dinero




Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy



Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer




TNA World Tag Team Championship


The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team




TNA X-Division Championship: Ladder Match

Hero © vs. Douglas Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kazarian




Samoa Joe vs. Abyss




Steel Cage Match

The Rock vs. MVP




AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle

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TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. D'Angelo Dinero



Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy



Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer



TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team


TNA X-Division Championship: Ladder Match

Hero © vs. Douglas Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kazarian



Samoa Joe vs. Abyss



Steel Cage Match

The Rock vs. MVP



AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle

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TNA TV Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. D'Angelo Dinero

I think we get a new champion here.


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy


I don't think this feud is over, so I'm going with a double DQ.


Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer


The big man wins here.


TNA World Tag Team Championship

The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team


No idea on this one, but I'm gonna say that MCMG and Beer Money are so busy going at each other, that TWGTT sneak in and steal the win.


TNA X-Division Championship: Ladder Match

Hero © vs. Douglas Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kazarian


Should be an awesome match, but since I've picked two titles to change already, Hero keeps this one.


Samoa Joe vs. Abyss


Joe is being built up strong so I'm going with him.


Steel Cage Match

The Rock vs. MVP


Hogan will play a role here, and MVP could certainly get over huge with the win.....but I'll stick with Rock.


AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar


Just think Brock wins.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle


Have a feeling there will be some interference on both sides, but Jericho retains in a great match.

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Sunday Week 4, June 2011




Slammiversary kicks off with massive pyros in front of over 23000 fans as we are once again in the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. We go to a view from high above the crowd as the camera takes in the lightshow down below while tonight’s card is rundown for the viewers at home. Then, we go straight to the announce booth...




Tenay: Good evening everybody as we welcome you live to Slammiversary!


Taz: What a night it promises to be. Chris Jericho going one on one with Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Title! AJ Styles versus Brock Lesnar, The Rock versus MVP in a steel cage and so much more ... tonight, here at Slammiversary.


Bischoff: Yes I agree, Taz. Tonight will be huge, so much is certain. But let’s not forget who it is who makes this broadcast booth the most exciting and funny in all of wrestling. I think credit should be given to m...


Tenay: You’re right. Taz, you truly deserve to be mentioned here, thank you Eric. Eric?


Bischoff: Bah!


The bell rings and the opening matchup of the night is announced...


Taz: This is Dinero’s final chance at the TV Title. This’ll decide his fate for quite some time to come.


Bischoff: I don’t want to take away from D’Angelo Dinero, but this Christopher Daniels has been a sight to behold. He beat Dinero before, in fact, he beat everyone quite convincingly so far, and I doubt it’ll be any different tonight.


Taz: We’ll see, we’ll see...


TNA TV Championship




Christopher Daniels © vs. D’Angelo Dinero


As this is supposed to be the final encounter of the two, Dinero is pulling all the stops and Daniels retreats to the outside early on. He slams the apron in frustration and gets up on it, Dinero having just waited for this moment. He grabs Daniels and with a Back Suplex, gets Daniels back into the ring. Dinero tries the early pin but Daniels kicks out after the first count. Both get up and hit each other with a Clothesline. At the count of five, Dinero begins to regain his footing as he gets to a vertical base and drags Daniels up. Irish Whip In – Back Body Drop... no! Daniels catches Dinero and goes for his finisher but Dinero wrestles out of it and is now attempting a Backslide pinfall ... one, two and Daniels kicks out. Daniels is aggravated and charges but Dinero puts him back on the mat with a Hiptoss. Legdrop and the pin – again only for two. Daniels is thrown into the corner of the ring and goes in a mounted position, hammering away on Daniels with the crowd counting along. At the count of five, Daniels however grabs Dinero’s legs, gets out of the corner carrying D’Angelo and plants him face first into the top turnbuckle behind him. Dinero is staggering now and Daniels uses this – Angel’s Wings! The cover – one, two and three and Daniels wins once again!


Christopher Daniels defeated D’Angelo Dinero in 8:54 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings. Christopher Daniels makes defense number 4 of his TNA TV Title. [B]


As Dinero leaves the ring in frustration, Christopher Daniels holds up his TV Championship in a shower of boos. The fans DO respect his abilities, they just hate his arrogance as he takes to the microphone.


Daniels: As you have once again witnessed ... I can’t be beat. Everyone who has tried has not even gotten close to it. I am ... the best damn wrestler in this entire company. And I am without a shadow of a doubt the best ever TNA TV Champion. But I am a very competitive man. A VERY competitive man. And while we’re here at Slammiversary and I’m still in the ring, I am hereby calling out the entire roster. This is an open challenge to everybody who feels inclined to give his best shot at taking me on. I dare you! Step out. Have some guts. I am putting this title on the line AGAIN tonight. No one? Okay, let me do a ten count then ... you have ten seconds ... Ten .. Nine .. Eight .. Seven .. Six .. Five .. Four ..


An unfamiliar music hits and out comes ...




Tenay: I ... just can’t believe it! That is ... that is the King of Old School, Steve Corino! What’s he doing in TNA?


Taz: Well I don’t know about you, but I would think he’s challenging Christopher Daniels!


Bischoff: What the ... since when can you just come walking into a company and get a title match?


Taz: Since ... someone came up with the concept of open challenges I suppose.


Steve Corino walks down to ringside, the fans who recognize him cheering him on. He gets onto the apron and into the ring, Daniels frowning at his sight.


Daniels: What in the living hell are you doing here?


Corino rips the microphone away from him...


Corino: Accepting your challenge! [C+]


The bell rings and the fans are on their feet, supporting Corino like a tag team partner...


TNA TV Championship




Christopher Daniels © vs. Steve Corino


Corino immediately attacks with fists to the head and Daniels is driven backwards into the ropes. The referee gets in between as they both touch the cables, and once they are good to go, Daniels misses with an Elbow. Corino catches him and bends Daniels over after a kick to the midsection – and executes his Island Plex! One ... two ... three! This is unbelievable. TNA has a NEW TV Champion and it’s Steve Corino!


Steve Corino defeated Christopher Daniels in 2:38 by pinfall with the Island Plex. Steve Corino wins the TNA TV Title. [B-]


The arena erupts! Corino rolls out of the ring and receives the title belt. Daniels is sitting on the mat, staring a hole through the ring in disbelief as Corino runs around the ring to celebrate with the fans.


Bischoff: You have got to be freaking kidding me! This is unsanctioned! It has to be. No one can come out and ... this is first rate bs!


Taz: This is a first rate, instant classic Slammiversary moment, don’t you think? Just look around - the fans love it! Steve Corino, the King of Old School, just made Christopher Daniels eat his own words and in the process, handed Daniels his first defeat in a singles match since his return to TNA. Wow! Well done, Steve, well done!


Bischoff: Whatever, Taz. We’ll see how long he’ll last. Do you think Daniels will let this go by unnoticed? Give me a break.


Taz: I never said that, but I am truly enjoying the moment and nothing you say can ruin that now (chuckles).



Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy


Both men realize what is at stakes, and so they try the methodical approach in the beginning. It slowly turns into a faster paced encounter but the Hardy brothers know each other too well, and so we witness a lot of counters. Jeff has Matt laid out in center ring after a nicely executed Reverse Neckbreaker and goes to the apron where he grabs the top rope. He jumps up and takes to the air and it’s a Big Splash on his brother. Pinfall but two count only as Matt gets his shoulder up. Jeff drags him up and follows in after a Whip In into the corner of the ring. Matt dodges though. Jeff however manages to avoid running into the turnbuckles and, using his momentum, leaps up. Once up there he immediately jumps off in the opposite direction to try and take Matt down with a Moonsault. Matt moves out of the way and Jeff finds only mat. Now it’s Matt up on the top turnbuckle as his brother slowly regains his senses. Flying Clothesline! Matt attempts the pinfall but another two count only. He shakes his head and pulls Jeff to his feet, who just waited for this moment. Stunner! Jeff seems to have put Matt out of commission and now goes on top of the ring corner again. Swanton Bomb! No! Matt gets away and Jeff hits the canvas hard. Matt Hardy shakes off the remaining cobwebs and this time when dragging up his brother, there is no resistance – Twist of Fate! Out of nowhere, Matt Hardy nails his brother with his finisher and the pinfall follows ... one, two and three! Matt Hardy is the winner.


Matt Hardy defeated Jeff Hardy in 12:22 by pinfall with the Twist of Fate. [B]


Taz: Matt Hardy has done it! He proved without a shadow of doubt, at least on the night, who the better Hardy is! Well done Matt, after all your brother put you through.


Bischoff: He got lucky tonight, okay. But Matt still can’t show an equal selection of titles and...


Tenay: Just shut the hell up, Eric!


Taz: (laughing) Thank you, Mike.


Jeff Hardy gets up, frustration showing on his face. Matt stands before him and is not celebrating, yet still the fans are cheering his name. Matt offers a hand to Jeff ... and Jeff accepts it and Matt pulls him up. They stare at one another ... and Jeff embraces his brother! Matt then raises Jeff’s arm and points at him as they now BOTH celebrate in the ring.


Taz: That ... that just made the show for me. What a great moment here tonight at Slammiversary. I ...


Bischoff: Don’t tell me you’re crying, Taz.


Taz: Are you kidding me? Something just got into my eyes. Did you ever see Taz crying? Hell Eric, what’s wrong with you.


With the Hardy Boyz leaving through the curtain, we get ready for the next match of the evening... [C]



Matt Morgan vs. Tommy Dreamer


Morgan tries to overpower his former tag team partner, but Dreamer outsmarts him a few times and lands strikes of his own. They begin an exchange of fists to the head, which referee Mark Johnson tries to stop to no avail. Morgan shoots Dreamer into the ropes and goes for a Shoulder Block but Tommy Dreamer goes for a Spear and connects. Cover for two only as Matt Morgan kicks out. Dreamer then mounts him and starts hammering away as Morgan is getting into trouble. Dreamer pulls him up but Irish Whip is reversed and Dreamer runs straight into a Lariat that almost flips him over. Cover but nothing but a nearfall. Dragging Dreamer up, Morgan executes a Backbreaker, not dropping his opponent so he is able to stand back up for the second Backbreaker. A third one and Morgan tosses Tommy away like a ragdoll. He whips Dreamer into the corner of the ring. Matt sets him facing the crowd onto the top turnbuckle and sets up for a Jackknife out of the ring corner. He stems Tommy up in the air ... Dreamer slips out! He slides down Morgan’s back and uses all his strength to shoot the big man into the corner of the ring now. Dreamer is unloading with punches and kicks, and this looks like he is trying to stomp Matt Morgan into oblivion. He moves a little away, plays to the crowd and charges for a Clothesline into the corner but Morgan is quick enough to dodge it. Dreamer crashes chest first into the corner of the ring. As he is staggering back out, Morgan takes the chance, seizes him up – and executes the F5. One, two, three ... this did it.


Matt Morgan defeated Tommy Dreamer in 10:31 by pinfall with the F-5. [C+]


Matt Morgan doesn’t spare a second look for Tommy Dreamer and leaves, the fans cheering on Tommy. It wasn’t meant to be, Dreamer gave his everything but Morgan’s brute strength was just simply too much to overcome tonight. Yet still, as Dreamer gets up, the fans appreciate his efforts and show tons of respect for the innovator of violence. As he leaves the ring we get a still image announcing the next match, which subsequently starts...


TNA World Tag Team Championship




The Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team


Shelley, Roode and Haas start the match and it’s all out from the bell onwards. There are a lot of tags being made, back and forth action and especially Beer Money are gaining notoriety for illegally getting in and out of the action. Storm is in now for Beer Money and he goes into the corner to aid Benjamin with boot choking Sabin. Shelley comes in but referee Earl Hebner intercepts him, sending him back to his team’s corner. As Benjamin starts to pick Sabin up, he is attacked from behind by James Storm and thrown over the top rope to the outside. Storm drags Sabin to his corner and tag is made to Roode. DWI! Beer Money execute their finisher and Roode goes for the pin ... one, two ... broken up by Shelley. Charlie Haas is on the outside to pick up his partner as Sabin is being picked up for a Bodyslam. More boot choking follows and Shelley tries to get in between again, only to get his second talking to by Hebner. Haas and Benjamin are meanwhile back in the ring and with the referee’s attention elsewhere, nail Roode and Storm with German Suplexes. Chris Sabin uses this to his advantage and tags Alex Shelley in. He goes to the top rope immediately and takes to the air, crashing on both members of The World’s Greatest Tag Team. Five men are down in the ring now, but Beer Money slowly get back to their feet. Chris Sabin won’t have that. He goes airborne and takes James Storm out with a Flying Clothesline. Robert Roode then returns the favor and clotheslines Sabin over the top rope to the outside. Benjamin and Haas are back up and go to do the same to him, but Roode ducks and sends both men over the top rope that way. There is Alex Shelley! He waits for Robert Roode to turn around and – Shellshock! With everybody else on the outside of the ring, here is the pinfall attempt ... one, two, three! Shelley wins this one for his team!


The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money, Inc. and The World’s Greatest Tag Team in 15:46 by pinfall when Alex Shelley defeated Robert Roode with the Shellshock. The Motor City Machine Guns make defense number 3 of their TNA Tag Team Titles. [B]


Taz: Shelley and Sabin just overcame the odds once more and defeated the two most resilient and persistent challengers to their titles, Beer Money and WGTT! There is no doubting the champions anymore after tonight!


Bischoff: Of course I beg to differ but I won’t be arguing with you about this ...


Taz: Yeah, because you have no more arguments on your side. MCMG proved just moments ago who the best team in TNA is. You can’t take that away from them, try as you might!


We get ready for the next match of the night...


TNA X-Division Championship: Ladder Match




Hero © vs. Douglas Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kazarian


With the match underway, all four men had a common goal – take the other three out by any means necessary. Early on it looked almost like a tornado tag team match, Hero and Williams teaming up against Castagnoli and Kazarian, but they eventually realize this was every man for himself and so it turns into a heated, all out affair. Hero sets former champion Kazarian up on the top turnbuckle and back suplexes him back on the mat while Castagnoli clotheslines Williams over the top rope. Hero and his former tag team partner go one on one, throwing wild punches at each other. Kazarian gets up and uses the ladder lying in the ring to assault them with, knocking them flat as he runs into them with the ladder as a weapon. He sets it up and begins to climb up to get the belt, but Douglas Williams is back into the ring to pull him down. He throws Kaz against the ladder and he collapses, the ladder falling over in the process. Hero gets up and kick to the midsection – Gutwrench Suplex and he crashes Williams onto the ladder. Castagnoli goes to the outside to retrieve a second ladder and shoves it into the ring. He pounds it right into Hero’s face who drops down, then sets it up. The Swiss native climbs it up but is followed by Kazarian. Up on top, they begin trading punches, but neither man can get clear enough to make an attempt at the belt hanging above them. There is Douglas Williams! He walks up to the ladder and begins to topple it over – and it finally does! Double C and Kazarian go crashing and burning to the outside of the ring. This puts the audience on the edge, chanting “holy ****” repeatedly. Williams sets the ladder up to climb it, but X-Division Champion Hero is back in action and ascends the ladder, too. They are trading blows now at the top of the ladder, neither man willing to back down. Castagnoli arrives to break it up as he pushes the ladder over. But Hero and Williams land on their feet, yet Kazarian ensures them to go down as he takes to the air from the corner of the ring, landing on both men with a Flying Cross Body from the top turnbuckle. Double C notices the opening and uses a ladder like a spear to pound it into Kazarian. Double C walks up the ladder and as he is just where he could retrieve the belt, Hero kicks the ladder over and Castagnoli again goes crashing and burning to the outside. Kazarian charges him with a ladder in hands but Hero ducks this time. Kaz’ momentum carries him a little further, and as he turns, Williams is there to grab his ladder. By doing so, he pushes Kaz back towards the ropes. Hero comes charging and Williams somehow must have noticed as he moves away in the last second before Hero crashes into the ladder, taking the wind out of Kaz. Williams waits for Hero to turn around and Revolution DDT! Hero is spread eagled on the canvas and Williams sets the ladder up again ... gets halfway up ... three quarters of the way ... Castagnoli gets back in and looks to stop Williams ... too late! It’s all too late as Douglas Williams takes the belt!


Douglas Williams defeated Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Kazarian in 11:40 when he retrieved the Title Belt. Douglas Williams wins the TNA X-Division Title. [B-]


Doug Williams has finally done it! After months of hunting, chasing and coming so close but not quite getting there, Douglas Williams has won the X-Division Title for the third time now. Christy Hemme storms the ring and gives him a huge hug. Kazarian leaves ringside in defeat, while Castagnoli is yelling at Hero, who pretends not to hear him. Instead, Hero walks over to Williams with the belt ... and hands it over to him! Williams accepts it and pats Hero on the shoulder in acknowledgement. Hero rolls out of the ring and Castagnoli attacks him! Double C comes from behind and manages to execute the Ricola Bomb on the hard concrete floor! Williams instantly drops his title belt and slides to the outside to help Hero. Castagnoli is retreating through the crowd while Williams and Hemme tend to Hero on the arena floor.


A short clip airs replaying the highlights of the fued between our next two men in the ring ...



Samoa Joe vs. Abyss


The two big men start out brawling furiously. The momentum changes frequently, and neither man will allow himself to be denied for too long. After some time, Joe is leaking blood out of a cut in his forehead when Abyss threw some violent punches in the corner of the ring. Abyss picks him up and carries Joe around the ring – Powerslam. This took the wind out of Joe and the pinfall ... for two. Abyss picks him up for an Irish Whip In. Reversed! Abyss comes back out of the ropes and they collide when both attempt a Clothesline. Joe and Abyss are staggering and try to regain their footing. Samoa Joe is first to be back to cohesion and charges, but Abyss steps out of the way and Joe runs straight into referee Mark Johnson who is knocked flat by the impact. Joe turns around and Abyss clotheslines him over the top rope. With the referee down, James Mitchell now yells at his client to hurt Joe. Abyss looks under the ring and finds a steel chair, and he pounds it across Joe’s back. Joe is on his knees as Abyss drags him up and smashes his head against the announcer’s table. Joe’s cut is now turned into a massive gash as he is leaking blood. Abyss tries to send him into the guardrail but is reversed as Joe shoots Abyss into the ringsteps. James Mitchell sets up a table as he sees the momentum change. Joe disassembles the ringsteps and with a sickening “clang” slams one half of the steps against Abyss’ head. Abyss is down on his knees now, busted wide open and both men now sport crimson masks. Joe chases Mitchell off as he drags Abyss after himself ... the goozle ... and Joe manages to Chokeslam Abyss through the table! What an incredible display of strength. As the referee begins to stir and the crowd erupts in a massive “Joe, Joe, Joe” chant, Samoa Joe rolls back into the ring. Johnson regains his vertical base and notices Abyss lying in a heap, his manager James Mitchell trying to make him get back up. Mark Johnson begins to count ... seven, eight, nine ... ten! Abyss is still immobilized and Joe has won this brutal encounter.


Samoa Joe defeated Abyss in 13:21 by countout. [B+]


Taz: Not a pinfall victory, but probably even more decisive. Joe put Abyss through a table outside of the ring and Abyss simply didn’t make it back into the ring in time. Both men wear crimson masks here and it speaks volumes of the intensity of their match. Now however, Joe has a pretty good argument on his side to ... take the next step.


Bischoff: What would that next step be in your opinion?


Taz: A title match, what else? With his poise, determination and intensity, Joe would make one hell of a TNA World Heavyweight Champion.


Bischoff: We have ourselves one hell of a TNA World Heavyweight Champion if you cared to remember.


Taz: Oh ... oh yeah!


Before the next match can start, the cage that was hovering over the ring is lowered and the crowd is going crazy in anticipation. Finally, the competitors are announced...


Taz: This cage match is held under classic rules – it means that the only way to win the match is by pinfall or submission. Escaping the cage will, however, NOT end it. Let’s see if The Rock can do it tonight, or if Hogan finds a way to help his partner MVP despite the steel cage surrounding Rock and MVP.


Bischoff: No need to! MVP has The Rock exactly where he wants him. Hogan will just have to stand by and watch...


Steel Cage Match



The Rock vs. MVP


The opening phase of the match belongs entirely to The Rock who is doing as he pleases with MVP. Salvos of punches and slams, whip ins into the cage wall and MVP looks totally out of it. But no successful pinfalls as MVP always gets his shoulder up. The Rock unleashes his frustration and anger by shooting MVP into the corner of the ring and he charges after him. MVP moves out of the way in a last effort attempt and Rock crashes into the turnbuckles. MVP uses this for a Clothesline and he gets some breathing room. He drags The Rock back up and now it’s Rock who is crashed against the cage. MVP tries to lay him out with the Playmaker – blocked and reversed into a Hiptoss. MVP gets right back up and is leveled with a Big Boot. Cover for two! The Rock drops his elbow pad and this looks to become the People’s Elbow! And The Rock connects but ... Hogan is messing with the cage door! Instead of going for the pin, Rock walks over and MVP gets up behind his back. PLAYMAKER! And Hogan opens the cage door! He must have somehow obtained or more likely stolen a key! Officials on the outside cannot stop him as he gets into the ring. He fumbles in his tights and produces brass knuckles! The fans boo at the top of their voices at this turn of events. MVP smiles wickedly and picks The Rock up to hold him for a brass knuckles shot. There is no DQ or countout in this match ... Hogan takes aim ... and The Rock ducks! MVP eats the brass knuckles with the full force of the 24 inch pythons and is knocked out cold! Hogan stares on in disbelief ... and Rock levels him with the Rock Bottom! The Rock picks MVP up ... for the second Rock Bottom. Pinfall ... one, two and three!


The Rock defeated MVP in 18:17 by pinfall with the Rock Bottom when Hulk Hogan accidentally hit MVP with a set of brass knuckles. [A]


Taz: (laughing maniacally) This is poetic justice at its best and hilarious to boot! Hogan turned to the brass knuckles to help MVP out once again and it hurt them big time!


Bischoff: I can’t believe Hulk Hogan ruined it for MVP! Poetic justice my color commentator’s *beep*! Look ... MVP is STILL not up to a vertical base. That hit would have taken everybody out. Unbelievable.


Taz: At least it means that The Rock finally managed to overcome MVP AND Hogan and has probably seen the last of them now. It was about damn time.


The cage is lifted and The Rock is celebrating in the ring. MVP is slowly getting back up, Hulk Hogan following suit. The Rock is leaving ringside, ignoring Hogan and MVP. MVP is shaking off the cobwebs and is suddenly yelling at Hogan. The Hulkster goes a few steps back, and seems to say “Calm down, brother” but MVP won’t ... HE ATTACKS! PLAYMAKER! Hogan is laid out by the sudden assault and MVP spits on him to add insult to injury! He is yelling some more as security arrive to contain him. [A]


Taz: Oh boy ... I think we just witnessed the end of their partnership!


Bischoff: I ... wow!


Taz: Erm Bisch ... do you have anything constructive to add by chance?


Bischoff: Allow me to be shocked, ok?


Taz: Permission to be shocked granted!


A short video now plays highlighting the events between AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar...



AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar


Styles furiously starts the match against his much bigger opponent, forcing Lesnar on the defense. Flair on the outside of the ring fires him up additionally, and Styles keeps throwing punches like a maniac, overwhelming Brock Lesnar with his speed and tenacity. Lesnar finally gets out of the ring and Styles follows right behind him, and it proves to be a rather unfortunate move as Lesnar catches a punch, twists the arm and crashes Styles against the apron. He lifts AJ up and lets him fall down on the guardrail as Lesnar goes back into the ring, raising one arm to a massive chorus of boos. Referee Brian Hebner’s count is stopped at four as Lesnar goes back to the outside. He threatens Flair before he turns to Styles, and AJ uses the momentary distraction to drag Lesnar by his tights and into the guardrail. Styles is throwing punches now and Flair has to remind him of Hebner counting both men out ... AJ makes it back into the ring at the count of eight. He climbs the corner of the ring and as Lesnar is back on his feet, jumps off and comes down on him with fury – Double Axe Handle and Lesnar is reeling on the outside. AJ tries a Whip In but Lesnar reverses it and shoots Styles into the ringsteps. AJ goes crashing over the steps and stays down on the arena floor. Lesnar is now back inside the ring as Flair drags his client up and helps him onto the apron at the count of seven. Now Brock Lesnar has the clear advantage. He lifts AJ up for a Backbreaker and throws him off like a ragdoll. Lesnar goes in a mounted position and is raining down punches with his fists closed, but Brian Hebner interferes and breaks it up. Lesnar is towering over AJ as he picks him up and shoves him into the corner of the ring. A series of Elbow Smashes is followed with a boot choke and Hebner is there again, now warning Lesnar to stop these kind of things. Brock grabs AJ by the throat and lifts him up with both hands, turns around and then drops him in center ring. The cover – pinfall for two and maybe a half. AJ rolls and tries to get back up but a boot to the back of his head puts him back down. Styles is taking severe punishment now and Flair turns to the fans to help AJ out of this predicament. Rhythmic stomping of thousands of feet accompanied by clapping hands thunder through the arena as Lesnar tries one vicious attack after another to keep the momentum in his favor. He drags AJ into center ring and sends him on his knees with a Headbutt. Styles uses Lesnar to draw himself back up, exhaustion and pain very visible on his face, but most of all, defiance. Lesnar is amused at AJ’s attempt to get to his feet, and “helps” him by grabbing his throat with one hand. This is most likely going to be a Chokeslam ... he goozles Styles but it’s a trap by AJ! He reverses and uses the elevation to nail Lesnar with a massive DDT! Now both men are down and being counted on. AJ gets up at six and his face is a mask of rage and scorn. Flair frowns as Styles gets out of the ring and produces a steel chair from underneath it. Ric Flair is yelling at Styles to drop it, but he won’t listen. AJ stands before Lesnar who is shaking off the cobwebs, wielding his steel chair. Brian Hebner tries to step in between, but AJ’s hateful look convinces him to keep his distance. Lesnar is back on one knee ... Ric Flair is still trying to get his client to drop the weapon ... and AJ swings and with a nasty “clank”, puts Lesnar on dream street with one of the most brutal chair shots ever witnessed. Brian Hebner instantly calls for the bell...


Brock Lesnar defeated AJ Styles in 19:16 by Disqualification after AJ Styles hit Brock Lesnar with a chair. [A]


Lesnar is down after the chairshot straight to the head and is busted wide open. Styles is acting like a raging animal and Ric Flair has to hold him back. Flair drags Styles out of the ring as Lesnar slowly gets up, his face soaked with his own blood. Dripping down his chest as well, Lesnar still seems out of it as he leans against the top rope after tumbling about in the ring. Paramedics are rushing down to the ring and start tending to Lesnar who is back down on his knees, trying to stop the blood loss. Flair drags Styles up the aisle and out of the arena. Some fans look shocked and in fact seem to worry about Brock Lesnar’s health.


Taz: AJ let his emotions get the upper hand here. I think I have never seen Styles so furious in his entire TNA career. This is pure hatred and far, far from over as I am very sure that Brock Lesnar will not let this go by just so. Hell, Lesnar is even now probably not sure where he is and wondering where the freight train went that just ran him over.


Bischoff: He shouldn’t let this go by. That was a despicable and an absolutely uncalled for assault! Action should be taken against Styles if you ask me, the office can’t let this go by without penalty. Styles ruined a perfectly fine match because he can obviously not control himself! I wonder if he had planned this actually.


Taz: Well, I don’t condone this either, but Lesnar had this coming. It all started when he merrily accepted going into a match with Styles’ manager Ric Flair, and it spawned something in AJ Styles that lead to this brutal attack during the match. Wow just wow, like I said I have never seen AJ Styles like this before.


After a highlight replay with scenes from AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar we go straight to another short clip for a last minute hype of the upcoming Main Event between Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle. Afterwards, it’s straight down to ringside for the last match of the evening ... [A]


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




Chris Jericho © vs. Kurt Angle


Before the opening bell, Angle hands his gold medals to an official at ringside. The start of the match has Jericho instantly on the defense, Angle outgunning the champion in any possible way. After a great display of mat wrestling skills, Jericho breaks free and retreats from the ring. He slams his hands on the apron in anger and Angle follows him to the outside. Jericho makes for the squared circle again and as Kurt Angle follows, meets him with boots to the head. Y2J has been waiting for this opening and drags Angle up. Irish Whip In but it’s reversed. A Powerslam is in store for Jericho and he finds himself back on the mat. Armbar submission follows and Jericho is wincing in the hold, desperately trying to get out. Angle is pulling all the stops here and the champion is in danger. The fans are into this match like mad and no one is left seated. Knife Edge Chops in the corner are followed by Angle setting Jericho up on the top turnbuckle and he goes to the second and hammers away at the champion. He hooks him up and executes a Back Suplex off the top rope and lands right on top of Jericho for the pin – two and a half as Jericho gets a shoulder up. Knee Drop. Angle drags Jericho up who is looking dazed and shoots him into the ropes. Clothesline – no! Jericho ducks and leaps up in Angle’s back – Crucifix! One, two, thr.. Angle kicks out. That’s a reminder to not underestimate Chris Jericho at any time! Kurt Angle gets right back up but meets boot. Jericho puts staggering Angle down with a Side Russian Legsweep. He rakes Angle’s forehead with his boot and Earl Hebner warns Y2J to cut it out. Jericho argues with the referee for a moment too long and is rolled up by Angle for a two count. Both get up and start trading punches. Angle once again gains the upper hand in this encounter and shoots Jericho into the ropes. Upon bouncing back, Angle catches Y2J for the Angle Slam! The pin ... one, two and th... no way! Jericho gets a shoulder up! Frustrated, Angle argues with Earl Hebner now as a roar goes through the crowd. The reason is no one else but Matt Morgan who is confidently striding down the aisle. Angle’s gaze is fixed on the massive brute as he walks past the ring towards the timekeeper’s table – and Morgan grabs Angle’s medals! The crowd is confused, as is Angle who doesn’t notice Jericho getting up behind him ... CODEBREAKER! One, two and three – the title defense!


Chris Jericho defeated Kurt Angle in 22:03 by pinfall with the Codebreaker after a distraction from Matt Morgan. Chris Jericho makes defense number 6 of his TNA World Heavyweight title. Chris Jericho wins Kurt Angle’s Olympic gold medals. [A]


Taz: This is just seven shades of wrong! What in the living hell is Matt Morgan’s business in this match?


Bischoff: I don’t know exactly but it might have to do with the Olympic gold medals of Kurt Angle.




Jericho leaves the ring and accepts his title belt and Angle’s medals to an absolutely massive chorus of boos. Jericho turns to face the deciding factor in this match ... AND SHAKES HANDS WITH MATT MORGAN! They leave ringside quickly as Kurt Angle gets to his knees, staring hateful after the two men. Emotions run wild on his face as realization kicks in what he has actually lost tonight...


Taz: What is this treachery? How deep is this conspiracy in TNA? We’re going to need someone to put an end to this very, very soon or this will turn TNA into a rotten cesspool of mistrust and hatred ... wait, it already has.


Bischoff: You are right now indirectly blaming Mr. Layfield for this...


Taz: Indirectly? He is behind all of this! And because of this, Kurt Angle not only lost his chance of winning the TNA World Heavyweight Title tonight ... he also lost his Olympic gold medals!


Tenay: We’re running out of time, folks, but rest assured this will continue tomorrow night on Impact. Have a good night everyone and thank you for tuning in.


With that, we go to a highlight video of the show before the broadcast ends on the usual "All rights reserved", ending Slammiversary 2011.


Final Show Rating: B+

Buyrate: 3.20

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Awesome, awesome show man! I loved the start to the show with Corino winning the TV Title, as I thought that was a great way to get the crowd heated up right from the beginning. I was surprised that MCMG retained, and glad to see Matt and Jeff on the same page again. Good stuff!
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Thanks man, really appreciate that. While we're at it, here are the prediction results:


BHK1978: 9/9 (perfect result, muchas gracias Senór ^^)

michgcs: 5/9

TheBlake: 5/9

Kijar: 4/9


Thanks to you guys for predicting. Now for the next night's show on Monday Week 1, July 2011...




MVP vs. Hero

TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Desmond Wolfe

Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Morgan


The Alpha Legion vs. Team 3D


Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Hardy Boyz


Sting vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin

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MVP vs. Hero


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Desmond Wolfe


Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Morgan


The Alpha Legion vs. Team 3D


Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Hardy Boyz


Sting vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin-Draw

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LOL I was reading along and turns out I did better than I thought :p And DAMMIT at getting the AJ Styles-Brock Lesnar winner via DQ mixed up :rolleyes: Good show, love the new storylines you're setting up :p


MVP vs. Hero

(Hogan and Claudio with the double interference?)


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Desmond Wolfe

(Doubt he's gonna lose it this quickly)


Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Morgan

(Dreamer attacks?)


The Alpha Legion vs. Team 3D


Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Hardy Boyz


Sting vs. Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin

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Monday Week 1, July 2011




Jimmy Jacobs defeated Jeremy Buck in 5:23 by pinfall. [C]

Douglas Williams defeated Max Buck in 6:11 by pinfall with the Revolution DDT. [C+]

Jeff Jarrett defeated Eric Young in 3:27 by pinfall with the Stroke. [C]




Impact opens with a vast pyrotechnical display as the camera pans across the arena, those fans who see themselves being filmed waving and yelling enthusiastically. After some more crowd shots from different angles, we go to the announce booth...




Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA Impact! What a night it was yesterday at Slammiversary! A new TNA TV Champion was crowned, The Rock defeated MVP in a fantastic steel cage match, AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar beating each other senseless and in one of the most controversial matches in recent history, Chris Jericho defended his title against Kurt Angle.


Taz: Yeah you’ve got to say, Matt Morgan getting involved just ruined the night for Kurt Angle. And knowing him, Angle will be hell bend on revenge, trust me.


Bischoff: He needs to be careful ... Matt Morgan is like a beast. Don’t bite off more than you can chew...


Taz: And you would obviously have learned that lesson well enough, right Bisch?


JBL’s music hits and cuts the announcers off. He comes striding down to the ring, followed by TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and The Alpha Legion. The fans absolutely despise them and the people at the guardrail yell a healthy dose of profanity their way. Layfield, Inc. gets into the ring and microphones are handed to JBL and Jericho...




JBL: Slammiversary was ... a glorious night, am I right?


Thunderous booing ensues...


JBL: You are looking at the most dominant assembly of gentlemen who have EVER graced the ring combined by a mutual cause. And now, let me introduce to you the final piece of the puzzle ... come on out, Mr. Matt Morgan!




The roar of the crowd is now deafening as Morgan comes out of the curtain. He walks down to the ring and has Kurt Angle’s Olympic gold medals in his hands. He gets up the ringsteps and steps over the top rope, also receiving a microphone. Chris Jericho gives him a nod with a grin from ear to ear.


Morgan: I have secured these for you ...


He is about to give the medals to Chris Jericho as JBL cuts him off ...


JBL: Don’t be so shy, Matt! They’re yours.


Morgan looks at him curiously, then looks at Jericho.


Jericho: Just believe it, Matt. I won them, allright. They’re mine to do whatever the hell I please with. And my decision is to reward you for your service at Slammiversary ... and the rewards are Kurt Angle’s medals. You earned them, Matt.


The crowd is about to riot.


JBL: There are two ways for everyone here in TNA ... one is to oppose Layfield, Inc. and be crushed ... or accept the new era of prosperity in TNA with open arms and experience that prosperity himself! You, Matt, made a wise choice, unlike the previous owner of these precious little medals. Only at Slammiversary did Kurt Angle realize the mistake he made by confronting us. And Angle will forever remember the day he lost his most prized possession ...


Kurt Angle’s music hits and he comes out of the curtain to a massive ovation from the crowd. He looks red hot with anger and marches down the aisle with a purpose, a microphone in his hand ...




JBL: Kurt! Kurt! You better stop ... you better stop in your tracks! One more step towards us and I will order Matt to fire these medals into the crowd. You think you’ll EVER see them again then?


Angle indeed stops halfway down the aisle. Portions of the crowd however seem to dig the possibility of catching a gold medal or two out of the air ...


Angle: Morgan was never part of our agreement! And it was never part of our agreement to have some no good piece of trailer park trash like him to be allowed at ringside during the match. So the deal is off, JBL. I will come and get the medals back!


Jericho: The agreement was for the winner to take it all, title and medals. We never spoke about how to win or who else would be at ringside. Kurt, get to terms with it ... these medals are lost to you.


Angle: I will get them back you piece of trash. Trust me, I will ... and if it’s the last thing I do in my career or my life. Morgan will pay for this ... pay dearly.


Morgan: You are always welcome to try, Kurt.


JBL: You, Kurt, are just a sore loser. That is all. Accept it like a man!


Angle: I will snap your goddamn ankle in two, Layfield! That’s a promise!


JBL: You should perhaps be careful who you’re threatening, Kurt! I’m your boss and ...






The fans cheer like crazy as The Rock comes out of the curtain. Angle turns in confusion and Layfield, Inc. are grimacing collectively ...


The Rock: The Rock realizes you have yourselves a little gold medal problem, but The Rock doesn’t give a damn about it. The Rock however DOES give a damn about you, Jericho. You want to know why? You have something that I am going to take from you ... the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!


JBL is about to say something but The Rock cuts him off...


The Rock: KNOW YOUR ROLE ... and shut your mouth! The Rock has come to TNA with a title match clause written in the contract. And The Rock has had obstacles thrown in his way left and right and you know what ... The Rock sent them all down know your role boulevard! And now ... The Rock is standing here ... and tells you jabronys in the ring as well as the millions and millions of The Rock fans in the arena and on the TV screens that he is challenging Chris Jericho for the TNA World Heavyweight Title!


JBL’s mouth flaps open ...


Jericho: Who do you think you are, Rocky? You leave the business and ignore your "millions and millions" of fans for your own selfish reasons and then come back only a short while ago and dare to challenge me? Who are you to do that, Hollywood darling? You haven't done anything in TNA worth a damn and yet have the gall to call me out? Challenge me for this belt?


Voice: Not only The Rock does that...




The Rock whirls around and scouts for the source of the voice as suddenly, Samoa Joe’s music hits and he comes out to the ramp!


Joe: See Chris, I have been beating your errand boy Abyss silly, I have in fact beaten everyone silly I stepped into the ring with. I think that this means it is well within my rights to challenge you for your title! I am, in fact, the top contender to your belt, believe it or not.


Joe stops to stand right next to The Rock, who frowns at Joe the way only Rock can ...


The Rock: Know your role ...


Joe: Shut your mouth, Rocky! I will no longer sit back and watch those rundown smocks with an attitude ruin TNA, the company I helped to build up for years and years. This is 2011 and it’s the year of Samoa Joe! I don’t care how many more people are going to go after the title ... you’re welcome on the ride, Rock. But rest assured I will not stand down for you or anybody else. This is MY time.


Angle: This isn’t over, JBL. This isn’t over at all. And Morgan ... watch your back. I’m coming for you!


Angle, apparently thinking anything else is none of his concern, drops his mic in the aisle and walks past Samoa Joe and The Rock and to the back again.


JBL: Who in the living hell are YOU to come on out here and DEMAND a title match? You can demand NOTHING, you hear me? I’m your boss, Mr. Layfield, and I will not stand for any insubordinance by my employees. As far as Rocky and Joe are concerned, you’re ..


The Rock: JBL, you absolutely SUCK! The Rock should come down there and send your miserable hide straight down ...


Joe: Hold on, Rock! Don’t make him wet his pants ... yet.


Joe turns and leaves through the curtain. The Rock smiles from ear to ear and turns to leave as well. Layfield, Inc. are standing in center ring, furious. With no one left to yell at, JBL tells his men to leave the ring as well as we go back to the announce table. [A]


Taz: Things just became very, very interesting. It would seem that the list of people who oppose JBL is growing with every passing week, despite his best efforts against exactly that. Layfield, Inc. I think are in for a rude awakening.


Bischoff: So far, everyone who thought he was smarter than Mr. Layfield experienced that rude awakening himself, Taz. What makes you think this will be any different? Just because it’s The Rock, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle now? Bah!


Taz: Well, yeah, because it’s The Rock, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle now!


Tenay: Let’s just move on to the first match of the evening, okay?



MVP vs. Hero


MVP starts with his usually well concealed illegal things to keep Hero off balance, poking the eyes, choking and most of all, complaining to referee Brian Hebner. Eventually, Hero snaps and a fusillade of punches sends MVP reeling. Corkscrew Armdrag sends MVP to the mat and he gets right back up just to find his closed fist dodged as Hero lifts him for a Fireman’s Carry which ends into a Slam. Legdrop ensues and Hero tries for the pinfall but it’s only good for two. Then, Claudio Castagnoli comes down to the ring, apparently trying to scout Hero. He walks around the ring and has his gaze locked on Hero. His erstwhile tag team partner isn’t so easily distracted however and keeps the pressure on MVP up with an Atomic Drop. Clothesline to follow and MVP is down again. Castagnoli now yells at Hero, who shrugs him off and goes to continue working on MVP who is just trying to get back up. Castagnoli gets on the apron and Hebner turns around as MVP welcomes Hero with a low blow. He follows with a high knee and Hero is down now. MVP tries an arrogant cover with his foot on Hero’s chest which Hero ends after one count. Hero gets up, angry, but is caught with Jawbreaker. MVP goes to the second rope now and it’s a Flying Kneedrop. A proper pinfall follows but only for two. MVP raises his arms and yells at the crowd, which nets him a loud chorus of profanity in return. He drags Hero up and Hero played possum – roll up for two! Furious, MVP charges and is countered with a Back Body Drop. Hero waits for him and Castagnoli quickly grabs his ankle, Hebner not realizing it. Hero turns around to face Double C, and MVP uses this to his advantage and throws Hero over the top rope. MVP wants to follow, or pretends to as it seems, Hebner holds him back and Castagnoli is now able to lay the boots into Hero. This brings out Hulk Hogan now! He rushes down the aisle, gets into the ring and immediately attacks MVP! Hebner has nothing left to do than to call for the bell here...


MVP defeated Hero in 9:35 by DQ after Hulk Hogan ran in and attacked MVP. During the match, we also had Claudio Castagnoli run in and attack Hero. [B+]




Brian Hebner keeps calling for the bell, but the four men won’t end it. Hero is trading punches with Claudio Castagnoli and MVP is busy pounding on Hogan. Hogan then points at MVP, the crowd yelling “YOU!”, and returns the favor. MVP is being punched silly and sees to it to retreat. Hero gets the upper hand as well and Double C darts from the ring. Hero gets into the ring next to Hogan and together they watch MVP and Castagnoli leave ringside, but still taunting the two men in the ring. With the segment all but over, we go to the first commercial break. [B+]


TNA TV Championship




Steve Corino © vs. Desmond Wolfe


Corino, methodical obviously being his second name, begins strong and starts clinically dismantling Wolfe. Yet Desmond Wolfe is surely not a pushover and fights back. Chainwrestling galore from these two men in the opening half of the match, one move following the next and the crowd is watching in awe, even applauding halfway through as if we were in Japan. Wolfe fells Corino with a Northern Lights Suplex, runs to the ropes, then onward to the apron and uses the top rope to catapult himself off, hitting home with a Flying Legdrop off the ropes. The cover ... one, two ... denied as Corino gets a shoulder up. Corino gets back up and is met with two Armdrags. Wolfe has his third attempt blocked and finds himself leveled by a Sitdown Faceslam. Cover now by Corino but also only for two. He drags Wolfe up and readies him for a Back Suplex but it’s blocked and reversed. Wolfe goes to the top rope and comes flying with an Elbow Drop but Corino goes out of the way and Desmond Wolfe goes crashing and burning. Corino drags Wolfe to his feet and shoot him into the turnbuckles, then follows in ... Corner Enzuigiri! Wolfe is staggering around in the ring and Corino catches him for the Island Plex! One, two and three – the crowd erupts!


Steve Corino defeated Desmond Wolfe in 9:17 by pinfall with the Island Plex. Steve Corino makes defense number 1 of his TNA TV Title. [B-]


Corino receives his title from an official and lifts it up for the fans who cheer him on, but show quite some respect to Wolfe too for his performance tonight. He goes to the second rope and just in that moment, Christopher Daniels’ music hits and he comes out of the curtain.




Daniels: Okay, Steve, we get it. You’re a tough guy, you just won a match, you stole the title from me ... I hope you enjoyed the hours since your theft at Slammiversary so you can now give it back. Come on ... hand it over and we’ll forget it ever happened, ok?


Corino: Did anybody ever tell you that you’re a funny guy, Daniels? If I remember correctly, you ran your mouth last night and told everyone who wanted and who didn’t want to hear it how great you are. And to further refresh your memory ... you made an invitation for anybody on the roster to challenge you for this belt. I was the only one to answer it and oops ... here I am, the NEW TNA TV Champion. I wish I could feel sorry for you, Chris, but ...


Daniels: Cut the crap, Corino! I made an open challenge, yes. But I wasn’t even aware you were a part of the roster, let alone be at the show. How could I possibly prepare to face someone I can’t know is on the roster? It’s a travesty! It’s indecent! You will now hand the belt over or ...


Corino: Or what? I have two words for you ...


The crowd chants “SUCK IT!”


Corino: Guys, guys ... that’s so nineties! The words are ... MAKE ME!


Daniels: Two words, eh? I can do that too ... I WILL!


Corino: Okay then. I’ll give you a rematch, Daniels ... do you perhaps want to try your luck ... now?


The crowd goes wild...


Daniels: Oh, time is on my side, Steve. I’ll be watching you, scouting you ... and when we go one on one, I’ll be a two time TV Champion when the smoke has cleared. Enjoy your run with the title in the meantime ... it’ll be brief enough.


Daniels drops his microphone with a thud, turns around and leaves through the curtain. Corino stares after him for a moment, then goes back to celebrating with the fans. We shift to the announcers... [B-]


Bischoff: Corino surely has a big mouth for someone who has JUST arrived in TNA. I can’t wait for Christopher Daniels to shut him up.


Taz: Let’s see ... he took the TV Title in his first match in TNA, he just defended it and the fans love him. That’s a lot Steve Corino has going for him, no?


Bischoff: No! Christopher Daniels is ... was the best damn TV Champion I have ever seen and Corino stole the belt, plain and simple. And it will come back to haunt him. Corino knows he will have to prove himself against Daniels, and soon, or his title reign will forever be tainted. That means Daniels will get his belt back and we can go on as if nothing happened.


Taz: I .. beg to differ. Let’s just move on to our next match, shall we?



Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Morgan


RVD starts out lightning-fast, trying to stay out of reach of the big man. Morgan gets increasingly frustrated at the dodgy tactics of RVD, but it seems a valid way as Van Dam lands a Spinning Heel Kick that has Morgan staggering. RVD rushes up the turnbuckles and leaps off for a Flying Dropkick. Still, Morgan is on his feet. RVD goes into the ropes again but it’s Morgan who laughs last with a Powerslam. He drags RVD up with one hand and tosses him into the corner of the ring. Morgan charges with an elbow and RVD sinks down. Morgan pulls him to the feet and sits him up on the top turnbuckle. Morgan goes to the second rope himself and ... Superplex! RVD is spread eagled. The pin ... one, two, th.. RVD get a shoulder up! Morgan with a stomp, then drags Van Dam up and goes for a Lariat but RVD ducks it. Superkick! Morgan is reeling. Yakuza Kick! Van Dam is unleashing fury now. He runs into the ropes and ducks a Clothesline. Again into the ropes and Big Boot by Morgan! RVD is laid low and ... Kurt Angle is storming through the crowd towards the ring! Morgan stares at him like he just saw a ghost and darts from the squared circle.


Rob Van Dam defeated Matt Morgan in 8:23 by countout after Kurt Angle got involved in the match. [B]




Matt Morgan rushes towards the timekeeper’s table where he left Angle’s gold medals, picks them up and retreats through the crowd, leaving Angle to drag up RVD in the ring. Angle yells after him to come back but Morgan is making for one of the exits up in the stands and is gone. Angle pats RVD’s shoulder as he too leaves the ring and walks back up the aisle.


Bischoff: That was smart by Morgan not to allow Angle to steal the medals to get them back. I just hope Angle will now stop doing this however, it is already quite tiresome. It also could be considered attempted theft if Morgan ever considered pressing charges!


Taz: You’re kidding, right? Layfield, Inc. spawned something in Kurt Angle that is eventually going to hurt them, trust me. How far can you push someone before he fights back? And Kurt Angle ... has just started to fight back and Morgan escaped by the skin of his teeth.


We cut to commercials ...


After the sponsor messages, we cut backstage where TNA World Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns turn a corner and run into ... The Alpha Legion. Shelley and Sabin stop dead in their tracks and stand before the towering members of Layfield, Inc.




Tomko: Hey ... champs.


Gallows and Tomko have smug grins on their faces.


Gallows: Good job last night. You fought two teams and beat them. Well done, boys.


Shelley: You guys ... didn’t hang around here to tell us that, right?


Tomko: You’re a thinker, Alex. We were going to ... inform you of something.


Gallows: Yeah ... inform you of our challenge. We are the top contenders to your belts now.


Tomko: And if you care ... we have a match in just a few moments. Check it out boys ...


Gallows: Yeah ... don’t be missing out, ok?


The Alpha Legion walk off camera, Shelley and Sabin looking after them in vague confusion, unsure of what to make of all this. [B]



The Alpha Legion vs. Team 3D


Gallows and Tomko stare menacingly at their opponents to begin the match, referee Earl Hebner having a hard time to get one of them on the outside. Brother Ray starts for his team and finally it’s Gallows for The Alpha Legion. Ray throws punches at Gallows, who is retreating from the flurry of offense, but as Ray tries to clothesline him over the ropes, Gallows lifts his leg and Brother Ray runs straight into the boot. Tomko is tagged in and they work over Ray with kicks as Gallows is sent to the outside. Irish Whip and they collide as both attempt a Shoulderblock. Ray goes into the ropes and another Shoulderblock for nothing. Now it’s Tomko’s turn but Ray outsmarts him and catches him for a Powerbomb. Pinfall but only for two. Tomko lifts Ray up and sends him into the turnbuckles. Tomko follows in but runs into the boot. He is staggering and Ray smashes him to the mat with a Bulldog. Tag is applied and Brother Devon is in who works over Tomko. He picks him up and goes for an Irish Whip, which is reversed, and Devon is caught and nailed with a Sidewalk Slam. Tomko throws him into his team’s corner and tags Gallows in. Together they take a few steps back and Tomko shoots his partner into the corner, crushing Devon with a Big Splash. Ray comes in but against the two brutes there is not really any chance as they clothesline him out of the ring. Devon staggers back to his feet and gets his face planted into the mat with a Double Team DDT. Tomko lifts him up for a Backbreaker and holds him for Gallows to get to the second rope – he comes down with an elbow on Devon for the Alpha Strike! Tomko covers ... one, two and three!


The Alpha Legion defeated Team 3D in 4:51 by pinfall with the Alpha Strike. [C+]


Taz: I hate to say it, but that was a very convincing victory for Gallows and Tomko. Shelley and Sabin will have their work cut out for them.


Bischoff: I for one am looking forward to Gallows and Tomko teaching them a lesson. The Alpha Legion just proved their dominance and that Mr. Layfield has very valuable assets at his disposal with them.


Taz: I find it quite amazing how fast you dismiss the chances of someone, whoever it is, who goes up against anyone from Layfield, Inc. You really like to judge a little prematurely, Eric. Just you wait..


Bischoff: It’s because I know how this business works, Taz. After all, I ...


Taz: Well, you certainly know how to ruin a company in this industry, Bisch, let’s just leave it at that, okay?


We cut back into the ring where MVP has arrived with a microphone. The fans have apparently had enough of him for one night and boo him out of the building...






This of course is rather counterproductive...


MVP: Last night ... it should have been ME winning! It should have been ME rising up and fighting for the TNA World Heavyweight Title! Me, me, me! Instead, some old, rundown smock ruins it for me in the center of the goddamn cage. Yes Hogan, YOU goddamn ruined it! And I will hold you to account for it. Get on out here and explain yourself! Don’t make me drag your carcass to the ring!




Indeed, Hulk Hogan’s music blasts and he is coming out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He walks down the aisle, and more fans seem to welcome him than not during his stride towards the ring. He walks up the steps and goes through the ropes and immediately is face to face with MVP. Hogan has a microphone...


Hogan: Will you stop with your whining? Here, I’ll say it ... I hit you by accident. *Beep* happens. But you know what, brother? What you did afterwards and your words now ... I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. In fact, give me a chair now and I’d crack your stupid skull open with it. I was foolish to think you could go one on one with The Rock in a steel cage. You have failed, MVP. Failed, failed, failed. All you ever did was rely on me to get the job done for you, brother. But it doesn’t work that way. Never did and never will. And so I am standing here and the only thing I regret is that I didn’t hit you a second time!


Suddenly, Mr. Anderson’s music hits and he comes down to ringside. The fans are not sure what to make of this, and Hogan looks equally confused. MVP reveals nothing on his face as Anderson gets into the ring.




Anderson: You all now probably wonder what the hell I am doing out here. I’m about to tell you so don’t worry. See, a while ago there was a great TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He was THE perfect champion for TNA but then ... things went a little out of control. And that champion suddenly was no more champion and pushed to the side. That champion ... is me!


The fans yet don’t know what to make of it...


Anderson: So I was brooding and thinking ... what had gone wrong? What had I done to be so unceremoniously dropped and forgotten? I tell you what ... NOTHING. I had done nothing wrong. Then however I realized ... people like YOU, Hogan, are responsible. People like you, The Rock, Kurt Angle ... who hog the top spots wherever you go, pushing the real talent out of your way with your politics, cheating and a lot of other dirty tricks you have up your sleeves.


Hogan: I really don’t know what you’re getting at, Anderson. What is your business here?


Anderson: I’m getting to that, don’t be so impatient. Then I saw what happened yesterday and it suddenly hit me. People like you, Hogan, would even dump their own allies and throw them to the wolves if they became too dangerous. Did you fear MVP here would surpass you? You did Hogan, and that is why you cost him the match. You couldn’t allow MVP to do what you couldn’t and beat The Rock. Isn’t that right? All your anger at The Rock wasn't enough for you to allow MVP a win in the end, correct, you lousy, manipulative bastard?


Hogan: You’re out of your mind, brother.


Anderson: I don’t care for what you say, Hogan. And sure as hell I am NOT your brother. I loved every second of MVP’s attack on you. MVP did something that I should have done a long time ago ... stop turning the other cheek. I talked to him earlier and we both agree that you must be removed from TNA, Hogan. Ain’t that right, man?


MVP: Absolutely!


With that, Anderson and MVP suddenly explode and start laying into Hulk Hogan with punches. He is trying to fight back but it’s a two on one and he is getting overwhelmed and forced into the corner of the ring where they work on him with boots to the body and head. Rob Van Dam’s music hits!




RVD comes running down the aisle and is cheered on by the fans. He slides into the ring and instantly charges! MVP is clotheslined over the top rope. Mr. Anderson attacks him, RVD blocks and grabs him by the neck and tights, then throws him to the outside. Van Dam instantly walks over to Hogan, offers a hand and drags him back to his feet. They now dare the attackers to get back into the ring, but Anderson and MVP just mock them as they retreat to the back. RVD and Hogan are being cheered on by the crowd as we go to the announcers... [A]


Taz: Going into Slammiversary, MVP and Hogan seemed like the best of friends and now this! Seriously however, what the hell is wrong with Mr. Anderson? It seems to me as if he is just jealous of other men in TNA and wants to vent his frustration.


Bischoff: Actually, I don’t think so. He has brought up some valid points and...


Taz: Don’t even go there Bisch, it’s not like you know anything about friendship. Having you as a friend means you really need no more enemies to top it off.


Bischoff: That was uncalled for, Taz!


Taz: You want to be held in high regard, I know that. Also, you want to be known as the best thing that happened to this business since sliced bread, right?


Bischoff: Well you see it’s ...


Taz: Then go read your own book. I rather read books by people who are a little more ... objective, you know.


We cut to commercials and returning to the show, the next match is on...



The Hardy Boyz vs. Beer Money, Inc.


James Storm and Jeff Hardy start out and Storm takes the advantage in the early goings of the match. Beer Money don’t allow Jeff to tag as they keep him contained. Storm and Roode lay the boots into Jeff Hardy in the corner and referee Mark Johnson has to stop it, yet the damage is done. Roode then picks him up for a Scoop slam followed by several kicks to the head as Matt is raging in his corner. Jeff is dragged up again and eats a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. James Storm comes in and it seems as if Beer Money are about to end the match. James Storm seizes Jeff up for the DWI but before Beer Money can end the sequence, Jeff slips out and drops Robert Roode with a Superkick. Storm turns and gets dropkicked. Jeff makes it to his corner and Matt Hardy is now in, punching Robert Roode, then James Storm, and rinse repeat. They however overwhelm him and whip him into the ropes. Double Clothesline misses as Matt rolls and gets up behind them. Double Clothesline of his own! Both Storm and Roode are down as finally referee Brian Hebner interferes so that one member of Beer Money, Storm in this case, has to leave the ring. Matt drags Roode towards his team’s corner where he tags in Jeff. Matt puts Roode onto the top turnbuckle, paces backwards, charges and runs up the ropes to hit Roode with an Enzuigiri. Roode falls down into the ring and Jeff Hardy now leaps up to the top. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin suddenly come jumping over the guardrail! Jeff Hardy turns to check out what is going on as Haas is already there and pushes Hardy off the top rope, causing him to crash in the ring. Mark Johnson calls for the bell...


The Hardy Boyz defeated Beer Money, Inc. in 7:22 by DQ when Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas ran in and attacked Jeff Hardy. [B-]


Benjamin and Haas dart from the ring to avoid the retaliation by Matt, who is in the ring and pulls his brother back up. Beer Money, Inc. decide not to mess with this interaction and leave as Haas and Benjamin receive a microphone each...


Benjamin: Congratulations on your reunion, Hardy Boyz!


Haas: Absolutely. Well done!


Benjamin: So The Hardy Boyz are back in action. And obviously, The Hardy Boyz should go ahead and get a shot at the World Tag Team Titles, right? RIGHT?


Haas: Wrong, Shelton. If there is a team in TNA that should, it’s us. We are not done with Shelley and Sabin. That three way match last night was a travesty. It should have been us getting another match with The Motor City Machine Guns for the belts, and we’d be the champions once again. But ok, that wasn’t meant to be.


Benjamin: But what we absolutely won’t stand for is for The Hardy Boyz to return and immediately hug the top spot in TNA. Boys, that ain’t going to happen.


Jeff and Matt accept microphones now too...


Matt: What the hell is your problem? We’re not stealing anybody’s spot. We’re back in action, oh yeah, but that is all there is to it. What’s wrong with you?


Jeff: You must understand one thing ... from now on, attack Matt and you attack me, and vice versa. We’re back indeed, and trust me, we’re going to try our hardest to get to the very top. But we’re going to work for it, week in and week out, and not cry like you guys do. You have a problem with us? We’re not hard to find.


Matt: Interfering in our match was not necessary, guys. All you had to do is ask.


Haas: We’re not good at asking, Matt. We’re good at taking matters into our own hands though. And like we said, we won’t let you guys get anywhere.


Benjamin: We won’t allow you two punks to bypass us, you see. It’s us, The World’s Greatest Tag Team, who will soon be back to the number one spot in this company, and there is nothing you can do about it! You hear me? Nothing!


Jeff: Oh, I think we do have some means to ... do something about you guys. Shelton, Charlie ... you’ll soon realize you made a mistake today. You wanted us? You sure as hell got us now!


Shelton: I urge you to find a screen backstage and watch me beat the living *beep* out of AJ Styles tonight. It’ll show you punks, trust me on that. I’m in the main event tonight as I should be, as both of us in The World’s Greatest Tag Team should be each and every week ... while we will show you guys your place in TNA. Just watch and behold in awe, Hardys!


With that, The Hardy Boyz leave ringside and are escorted past The World’s Greatest Tag Team by some officials in order to avoid any brawling to take place after this verbal collision. After this, we go to a commercial break... [B-]


As we come back, a video plays of Sting getting kicked out of Layfield, Inc. and subsequently helping AJ Styles against his former stable. His return match ever since his fall from grace is set to be against former TV Champion Christopher Daniels...



Sting vs. Christopher Daniels


Sting starts furiously and hammers away at Daniels. Sting forces him into the corner and continues the assault. Knife Edge Chops – “Woo!”. Hiptoss and Daniels lands on his back. Sting gets up to the second rope and lands on Daniels with a Knee Drop. Cover – two only as Daniels gets a shoulder up. Sting drags him up and Daniels is sent into the ropes. Sting back body drops him with high elevation and Daniels is flat on his back. Sting grabs Daniels’ legs and the fans cheer massively ... Daniels kicks him off just before Sting can apply the Scorpion Deathlock! Christopher Daniels gets up, dodges Sting’s Lariat and as Sting turns around, leaps and lands a kick straight to the face that has Sting reeling. Daniels follows but is kicked in the gut – DDT! Sting shakes off the cobwebs and climbs the top rope ... as Abyss comes down to the ring, accompanied by James Mitchell. Sting stares at the duo as they make their way down the aisle. Daniels has gotten up in the meantime ... and throws Sting off balance! Sting lands hard in center ring. Daniels drags him up ... Angel’s Wings! One, two and three!


Christopher Daniels defeated Sting in 12:32 by pinfall with the Angel’s Wings after Abyss distracted Sting. [B]




Sting gets up and looks on in frustration as Christopher Daniels rolls to the outside to celebrate. Abyss and James Mitchell are still at ringside. Mitchell is yelling insults at Sting and Sting’s lips are forming unspoken words, his anger at his former alleys very visible. It was, after all, Abyss who seemed to take personal pleasure in beating Sting up, and Sting has murder on his face.


Taz: I have a feeling that Abyss will regret messing with Sting when it’s all said and done. Sting is furious, just look at him! Monster or not, Abyss will find the next couple of weeks to be incredibly demanding with Sting hell bend on revenge.


Bischoff: Well you just said it though ... Abyss is a monster. A force of nature. Remember how he manhandled Sting not too long ago? Sting is just getting himself ready for another beating by Abyss.


Taz: What you’re talking about wasn’t even a match but bloody assault by Layfield, Inc. Abyss just happens to be a part of. Trust me Bisch, Sting will retaliate and it’ll be hell to pay for Abyss.


Bischoff: I’ll believe it when I see it.


Taz: Bisch, it wouldn’t be the first time you’re wrong about something. Let’s just wait and see, shall we?


Tenay: As we move on to the main event of the night. Last night at Slammiversary, AJ Styles snapped during his match against Brock Lesnar and let his emotions get the best of him ... this is what happened...


Images are shown from the fight, and especially highlighted is of course Styles’ vicious chairshot straight to Lesnar’s head that got AJ Styles disqualified. He just wanted to spill Lesnar’s blood and succeeded as we go back to the arena for the main event ...



AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin


AJ and Shelton begin the match at full throttle, neither man willing to give an inch. Some back and forth for a while until a moment in which Shelton Benjamin counters a Moonsault by AJ with a Dropkick. Shelton instantly seizes the opportunity with a Flying Senton – one, two and shoulder up. Shelton picks AJ from the mat and into the corner of the ring we go where Benjamin sets him onto the top turnbuckle. Then, leaping up and on top of the turnbuckle, Benjamin kicks Styles in the back of the head! Styles falls into the ring, apparently lifeless, while Shelton backflips acrobatically and lands on his feet. Shelton instantly returns to the top rope. AJ is motionless and Benjamin takes to the air again with an Elbow Drop, but this time AJ gets out of the impact zone. Shelton lands hard. Both men are down and counted on by referee Earl Hebner, yet start to stir and get back up at the count of seven. No twenty four hours after Slammiversary, Styles is in yet another, viciously physical encounter and it is beginning to tell as Benjamin takes control again with an Irish Whip into the corner of the ring. Benjamin follows suit and crushes Styles in the corner with a Clothesline. AJ is staggering about and Shelton measures him – Huracanrana and ... AJ stands tall ... STYLES CLASH! Almost at zero energy left, Styles somehow finds the strength to defy Shelton Benjamin and goes for the pin ... one, two and three!


AJ Styles defeated Shelton Benjamin in 16:40 by pinfall with the Styles Clash. [A]




AJ Styles made Shelton Benjamin eat his words from earlier in the night. AJ celebrates with Ric Flair as they slowly walk back up the aisle, shaking hands with fans at the guardrail. They arrive on the ramp and turn around one last time to face the audience ... and Brock Lesnar comes charging from out of the curtain, grabs AJ Styles and nails him with a massive Bulldog on the entrance ramp.




Flair is shocked but takes action, yet Lesnar just grabs him too and tosses him away like a ragdoll. Lesnar wears a bandage around his forehead and this is all about retaliation for Slammiversary! He picks Styles up ... THE VERDICT! Lesnar executes his finisher on AJ Styles on the entrance ramp and Styles is completely out of it. Brock Lesnar raises his arms to a huge chorus of boos and profanity as the footage slowly fades out and Impact ends with the credits, all three announcers staring on in horror of the brutal assault ... [A*]


Final Show Rating: B+


Post Show:


Austin Aries and Colt Cabana defeated TNA Security in 4:12 by pinfall when Colt Cabana pinned Murphy with the Colt 45. [D]


Rhino defeated Okada in 3:15 by pinfall with the Gore. [D-]


Tommy Dreamer defeated Monty Brown in 6:32 by pinfall with the Dreamer DDT. [D+]






michgcs: 4/7

Kijar: 3/7

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Allright guys, thanks for participating. Keep the predictions coming for Monday Week 2, July 2011 ...




Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli


The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.


Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries


AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Abyss


Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion

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Styles/Benjamin would be such an awesome match to watch, dude, love your booking.


Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli



The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.



Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries



AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Abyss


Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion

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Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli

(LOVE Hero though I've never seen him in the ring, but I HATE Hogan)


The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.


Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries


AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Abyss


Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion

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Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli



The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.



Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries



AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe



TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Abyss



Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion

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Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli



The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.



Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries



AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe



TNA TV Championship

Steve Corino © vs. Abyss



Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion

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Monday Week 2, July 2011



Colt Cabana defeated Monty Brown in 4:49 by pinfall with the Colt 45. [C+]

Jeff Jarrett defeated Magnus in 3:56 by pinfall with the Stroke. [C]

Rhino defeated Amazing Red in 4:31 by pinfall with the Gore. [C-]




As the pyros to open TNA Impact die down, Layfield Inc. come down to the ring even before the announcers can say a word – TNA owner John “Bradshaw” Layfield, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and The Alpha Legion, a massive chorus of boos in their wake. Once in the ring, JBL gets on the mic.




JBL: You people can boo us all you want ... I know that one day, you’ll be thankful for the way I, your benevolent TNA president, molded TNA into something great!


More booing and profanity...


JBL: But let’s get down to business, shall we? We can’t waste so much precious TV time with ignorant tools. I have had an idea for tonight, and you all know how very fabulous my ideas are. After all, I am a wrestling ... God!




JBL: These two fine men here (points at Gallows and Tomko) have no match for tonight. We can’t have that, right? And it just so happens that there are two ... rather delusional people in TNA who think they are up to the task of challenging Chris Jericho for his title.


The crowd begins to chant “Rocky, Rocky” and “Joe, Joe, Joe” simultaneously...


Jericho: Hell, their challenge is laughable. Really laughable. Samoa Joe is nothing but an internet phenomenon, and Rock ... well, The Rock has lost his luster during his absence from our business. Seriously, they are probably the two worst challengers to my title I could possibly think of. But hey, I’m a fighting champion if there ever was one allright so I take on all comers, no questions asked.


JBL: Yes indeed you are, Chris. But you know, let us give them their fifteen minutes. No big deal. But tonight ... we’ll see what they are made of when they have to team up and face The Alpha Legion.


This brings out Samoa Joe whose music is cut shortly thereafter as The Rock comes out a well. Both men stand on the entrance ramp and get a massive ovation from the crowd.




The Rock: And now ... The Rock is supposed to be afraid of your two errand boys, right? The Rock is supposed to run and hide from these two jabronys? The Rock says ... JUST BRING IT!


Joe: See, I have no problem teaming up with The Rock. I don’t. But understand one thing, JBL ... if you think that’ll make me any less focused on Chris Jericho, you are sorely mistaken. After tonight, I will keep hunting you and your misfits until that title is around my waist.


The Rock: Around The Rock’s waist, Joe. Let’s make The Alpha Legion check into the Smackdown Hotel tonight ... but rest assured, no one but The Rock is going to win that title.


JBL: Thank you gentlemen ... that is all I really wanted to hear.


Jericho: Layfield Inc ... we’re united by a singularity of purpose, boys. What that purpose is you can probably think of yourself. But it is good to know you’re going to be at the top of your game tonight. The Alpha Legion wouldn’t want to have it any other way.


JBL: It’s much more enjoyable to beat opponents who give it their best shot, you see.


Joe: That is very correct, Bradshaw. So I really hope The Alpha Legion is on top of their game tonight as well ...


The Rock: The Rock does, too, so that the millions and millions of The Rock fans and the dozens ...


Joe: The dozens of millions of Samoa Joe fans ...


The Rock frowns ...


The Rock: ... Can enjoy watching your lackeys get beat the living hell out of.


JBL: Okay then. The Alpha Legion versus Samoa Joe and The Rock – tonight.


The fans go wild at the prospect of this match as Joe and Rock leave the ramp through the curtain and walk to the back. The camera turns to the announce team now ... [A*]


Tenay: Well first of all, good evening to everyone watching us. What a match has just been made for tonight – The Alpha Legion versus The Rock and Samoa Joe .. this is huge.


Bischoff: Huge for Gallows and Tomko, yes ... and not so great for Joe and Rock. The Alpha Legion work really, really well as a team while Samoa Joe and The Rock ... haven’t ever been in the same ring together. This can only have one outcome as we all know ...


Taz: Yeah well, teamwork might work in favor of The Alpha Legion ... but these are two former world champions you’re so easily dismissing, Bisch. You should never, ever start betting on any sports Eric .. you’d end up bankrupt quickly. That is ... aren’t you already?


Bischoff: No way I ..


Taz: Ah yeah, you never gamble with your OWN money, forgive my mistake.


Tenay: Let us just get to the first match of the night, folks...



Hulk Hogan and Hero vs. MVP and Claudio Castagnoli


As soon as the match was underway, all four men ignored referee Mark Johnson and went for it, Hogan and MVP as well as Hero and Castagnoli letting their fists speak. The amount of anger and its resulting mayhem was insane, and Johnson became physically involved to restore order and avoiding an early double DQ. So it was Hero versus Castagnoli to start the match properly and they went on with guns blazing just like before. Then, Mr. Anderson came down to the ring and started walking around the squared circle. Castagnoli used Hero’s momentary distraction to his advantage and laid him out with a Superkick and tagged in MVP. It was at this point that Rob Van Dam came to the ring as well to even the odds, and MVP was now distracted enough for a Hulk Hogan run in that laid MVP low with a Clothesline. Johnson reprimanded Hogan and sent him back into his team’s corner when Mr. Anderson entered the ring to attack Hero, who was just getting back to his feet. RVD got in as well to avoid it and Anderson and RVD instantly started trading punches. This brought in Claudio Castagnoli but Hero was back up meanwhile to intercept him. MVP, back to his feet, traded punches with Hogan and Johnson had finally seen enough and called for the bell.


Hulk Hogan and Hero drew with MVP and Claudio Castagnoli in 7:47 following a double disqualification after Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson interfered in the match. [B+]




The bell rings and ringside is a sight of complete and utter mayhem. Hogan exchanges fists with MVP, Castagnoli and Hero brawl and RVD and Anderson are throwing wild punches at each other. Security come to ringside but it’s to no avail, as they break free constantly and keep brawling. Douglas Williams shows up as well!




TNA X-Division Champion Douglas Williams adds to the mess and he instantly attacks Claudio Castagnoli. Hero and Williams lay waste to him, and with Double C out of the equation, the scales have been tipped. Anderson and MVP dart through the crowd as Castagnoli gets up and runs as well. [B+]


We go to the first commercial break and upon returning, cut to the next match ...



The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc.


Chris Sabin started against James Storm and they surely remembered their rivalry from a while back. Sabin had Storm under control until “Cowboy” ducked a Spinning Heel Kick to subsequently plant Sabin with a Spinebuster. Tag to Haas and he went straight to the top turnbuckle and flattened Sabin with a Flying Senton resulting in a two count. Haas sent Sabin into his team’s corner and went to the opposite corner, turned around and charged ... Running Forearm Smash with quite some momentum, and it turned out Shelton Benjamin had been grabbing Sabin’s tights from the outside so that he couldn’t move out of the way. Tag to Robert Roode and he hiptossed Sabin out of the corner. Roode went to the second rope and went to crush Sabin with a Plancha, but no one was home this time. Gaining his second wind, Sabin got back up and leapt into his team’s corner to tag in Jeff Hardy. Hardy laid waste to Roode when Storm came running in but got dropkicked by Matt Hardy for his troubles. Now all eight men were in the ring. Referee Rudy Charles had some issues containing them and didn’t notice Gallows and Tomko coming through the crowd. They went to stand at the apron as Sabin ran into the ropes and Tomko reached for Sabin’s foot. Stumbling, Sabin was an easy target for Shelton Benjamin’s Paydirt. With the other combatants fighting all over the place, Charles had obviously forgotten who the legal men were and started to count the pinfall ... one, two and three!


The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money, Inc. defeated The Motor City Machine Guns and The Hardy Boyz in 8:41 when Shelton Benjamin defeated Chris Sabin by pinfall with the Paydirt following interference from The Alpha Legion.





The Guns and Hardy Boyz are left in the ring, looking angrily after The World’s Greatest Tag Team and Beer Money who go their separate ways back to the locker rooms, with the Alpha Legion shooting menacing glances at Shelley and Sabin before leaving as well. We go backstage...


Hulk Hogan is standing by with Rob Van Dam. They still look a little shaken from their match and the subsequent wild brawl, but other than that seem ok.





RVD: I am being asked a lot of questions lately ... hey RVD, why did you get involved with Hulk and MVP, why did you help the Hulkster, what’s your business and more. Let me enlighten you. When I was growing up, I along many others who are now in this business was a Hulkamaniac. Everyone was back then. And you know, despite what Hulk did during parts of his career, despite of what he did over the past couple of months in TNA, I hadn’t lost sight of what he meant to the business and what he still means to the business. Then along comes this spoiled brat named MVP. He wants everything to go down his way, he wants everything handed to him on a silver platter, and if that wasn’t to happen, there was always the Hulkster to bail him out. It failed at Slammiversary, boo-hoo, cry me a river. We all make mistakes, MVP ... it’s part of our lives. You, I ... everyone does. The Hulkster ... yeah, he accidentally hit you with the chair that was supposed to hit The Rock. You lost the match. Big deal, you would have lost without that chairshot too, no questions asked. But you couldn’t just get over it like a man. No, like a child who is denied a new toy, you cried havoc and attacked the man who is the only reason you are even EMPLOYED. Why? Because you are a selfish little buffoon, MVP, nothing else.


Hogan: MVP, don’t you think I have forgotten when you came to me asking for guidance and help. Don’t think I forgot that you were desperately trying to get a job! I volunteered to help you because I saw something in you, brother. But I was wrong, and that is the only mistake I made in hindsight. That chairshot ... the sound it made is sweet music to me now. Now RVD here ... he doesn’t need no guidance or help. He doesn’t need the Hulkster to get the job done. He did more in this business than you and your new lackey or whatever the hell he is, Mr. Anderson, can ever hope to do combined. So ...


MVP and Anderson walk into the scene ...




MVP: So ... what? Hogan, you won’t fool me any longer. In fact, you won’t fool anyone any longer. Yes, you brought me to TNA, but it was a mutual agreement ... you needed help. You needed MY help fighting The Rock because you were by no means ready or fit to do so. And then ... you cast me aside. Don’t you think I will let that slip, Hogan. And RVD ... I’ve had nothing against you personally so far, but since you are siding with your new best friend here ... you are now a priority target as well.


Anderson: People like you, Hogan, are no longer wanted in TNA! You are a relic, a dinosaur who can’t come to terms with the fact that your kind is long extinct. But trust me, MVP and I will see to it that you realize it soon enough. Rob, it’s unfortunate for you to decide to join forces with Hogan. But since you did, you’ll go down together with him. But it’s fitting, RVD ... you might not be as old as your buddy, but you too are a relic. Your days of glory are long, long gone ... and you still live on those days, clinging on to your past just like Hogan. It’s ridiculous and in a way, disgusting. All in the while, talent like MVP and me are pushed to the side. I was TNA World Heavyweight Champion, guys. Did I ever get a proper rematch? Did I? Hell no! It’s because of people like you!


RVD: I would think it is because you ... suck? Because you lose matches you should rather win? You know, the kind of matches who make or break a challenger ... but ok, dream on boys. If you want us, you got us. It’s not that we’re hard to find.


They shoot threatening glances at one another as we go back to the ring for the next match ... [A]



Matt Morgan vs. Austin Aries


Morgan seemed a little uneasy going into this match, scouting the arena for signs of Kurt Angle. Aries used this and attacked with a Dropkick and several kicks to the thighs and lower legs to get the big man off his feet. Limping, Morgan had thrown away control of the match and Aries was going to use this to his advantage as he went to the top rope and indeed managed to put Morgan down with a Flying Clothesline. Cover but Morgan threw him off at one. Aries went for another Clothesline but found himself goozled even as he charged, Morgan using his size to his advantage for a Chokeslam! This turned the tides completely. Now focused, Morgan dragged him up and gorilla pressed Aries and tossed him away like a ragdoll. Morgan picked him up yet again and with a Powerbomb, laid waste to Austin Aries. Morgan then pulled him to the feet again – F-5 and the pinfall one, two three!


Matt Morgan defeated Austin Aries in 6:04 by pinfall with the F-5. [C+]


Morgan gets up after the pinfall win and there’s Kurt Angle coming down to the ring AGAIN!




Just like last week, he goes straight for where Morgan keeps the Olympic Gold medals during his matches but Morgan makes it to the timekeeper’s table, snatches the medals and darts through the crowd. Angle stays in the ring, helps Aries to his feet and pats him on the shoulder as he leaves, then demands a microphone...


Angle: Get back here you piece of crap! You stole my medals and you know it! You were never part of the agreement ... DAMN YOU! Okay Morgan, you want it no other way. I’ll keep coming after you. Every damn minute of your career here in TNA, you’ll have to watch your back for me. There is no safe place for you. Nowhere.


Angle drops the microphone while the crowd cheers him on massively. Angle leaves the ring as we go to the announcers... [A]


Bischoff: Kurt Angle is obsessed. Someone should do something about this madman before he gets totally out of control. It’s about two damn tiny medals for crying out loud.


Taz: Did you ever own something that was very, very precious to you and had it stolen?


Bischoff: Yeah, an entire company!


Taz: Actually that wasn’t theft ... it was more like a giveaway, right?


The bickering ends as the next match starts ...



AJ Styles vs. Desmond Wolfe


Both went into the match like men possessed, and as such, an intense back and forth developed. Wolfe took the initiative after Styles had tried to put him down with a Hiptoss and the brit got free, delivering a lightning fast Powerbomb going with the motion. It looked very dangerous as Styles’ head was inches from the mat during the move, and a collective sigh from over 11000 fans ensued. Wolfe didn’t give AJ any time to recuperate and dragged him to the feet for a Jawbreaker. Wolfe then got to the apron, and using the ropes landed with a rarely seen Firebird Splash. Cover for two followed and Desmond Wolfe complained about a slow count, but referee Brian Hebner wouldn’t have any of that. AJ tried to get back to his feet but was grabbed by Wolfe from behind – Full Nelson Suplex! Another pinfall attempt – another two count. Wolfe went to the top rope, measuring AJ ... Styles got back up and Wolfe took to the air for a Flying Cross Body and connected, but AJ managed to roll Wolfe on his back using the momentum – one, two and kickout! Wolfe got up furiously and launched at Styles for a Clothesline, but AJ ducked it. Turning around, Wolfe took a Dropkick and was down. AJ shook off the cobwebs and waited for Wolfe ... kick to the midsection and Snap Suplex followed. Now AJ pulled him up and executed a Gutwrench Suplex. AJ went to the top rope and took to the air for a Flying Clothesline, but now it was him being surprised coming off the top turnbuckle as Wolfe hit him with a Dropkick. Wolfe tried the pin but again, only a two count. Desmond Wolfe yelled insults at Brian Hebner and got a stern talking to for his troubles. Finally, Wolfe saw no more sense in arguing with the ref and picked up Styles to shove him into the corner of the ring. Wolfe took a few steps back and came charging for a Running Lariat but AJ extended a boot and Wolfe ran straight into it. Staggering back, Desmond Wolfe was nailed with a Jackknife Powerbomb! The crowd was collectively on their feet now. AJ got up the top turnbuckle – SPIRAL TAP! We haven’t seen that one in a while from him. The cover ... one, two and three! What a match!


AJ Styles defeated Desmond Wolfe in 12:43 by pinfall with the Spiral Tap. [A]


AJ Styles celebrates as Brock Lesnar is coming down to the ring.




Lesnar gets on the apron and Styles doesn’t waste time and dropkicks him down! AJ follows with a Baseball Slide and kicks Lesnar off before Styles goes to the outside and rains down punches. Lesnar replies in kind and they are now trading punches. Flair fires Styles up further and the fighting gets even more intense, much to the approval of the fans. Then however, security arrive in droves and separate the two before anymore can happen. With several guards containing Lesnar and Styles each, they are unable to keep fighting and escorted to the back followed by Ric Flair. [A*]


We go backstage where Christopher Daniels is standing by for an interview, staring directly into the camera...




Daniels: So tonight, you’re defending MY title once again, eh? You want to prove you’re tough, hm? Fighting Abyss and all ... I’ll tell you something about tough, Corino. Tough is to go out and challenge someone face to face to a match at some OTHER point in time, not when the guy you are challenging already had a match. That is tough. Tough is when the person you challenge KNOWS you are even in the company at that time. That’s tough, and that’s a legit challenge. You’re just a petty thief, Corino. A criminal, in other words. But okay, let’s do it your way then. No problem with me.


Daniels drops the microphone and leaves the scene ... [B]



TNA TV Championship



Steve Corino © vs. Abyss


Corino had his fair share of trouble with the monster at first, his every attack glancing off the big man. Abyss eventually had him in the corner of the ring and was raining down punches, then shot him into the opposite corner and followed in for a Big Splash – Corino moved out of harm’s way. Abyss staggered back and Corino got to the second rope to give his Flying Ax Handle some authority. Abyss was staggering some more, out of his wits at this point. Corino took the opportunity and landed kicks to the thighs, knees and midsection. Corino went to the ropes for a Clothesline – Abyss stays on his feet. Another attempt ... Abyss is still on his feet. Three times a charm? Not this time as Abyss catches him – Backbreaker? NO! Corino kicks Abyss in the face during the hold and Abyss lets go, and another Clothesline finally put the big man down. Cover – for two only as Abyss gets a shoulder up. Corino went to the top, connecting with a Flying Elbow Drop. Another pinfall, another two count. James Mitchell was desperately trying to have Abyss get back into the match, slamming both hands on the apron as his client slowly made it up to one knee ... Corino came running and smashed his knee in Abyss’ face. Mitchell was now yelling at the top of his lungs in frustration as Corino stood behind Abyss, measuring him as the monster slowly got back to a vertical base. What this was supposed to amount for we can only guess however, as in this moment, Christopher Daniels ran into the ring coming through the crowd and smashed Steve Corino’s head from behind as the referee instantly called for the bell and the DQ.


Steve Corino defeated Abyss in 9:48 by disqualification when Christopher Daniels ran in and attacked Steve Corino. Steve Corino makes defense number 2 of his TNA TV Title. [B]




Daniels keeps laying into Corino, and Abyss, always available for attacks like this, joins in on the fun. Corino is in the corner and gets stomped into oblivion ... until Sting comes out to the ring!




He rushes down to ringside, wielding his trademark black baseball bat, and chases Daniels and Abyss off. Daniels taunts Corino some more while James Mitchell pulls Abyss by the hair and the duo leaves up the aisle. Sting helps Corino to his feet, who yells something at Daniels as we go to commercials...


The messages from the sponsors come to an end and we are taken backstage where The Rock and Samoa Joe are standing by just before their match against The Alpha Legion ...




Samoa Joe: So Rock ... are you ready? We got to get going, you know.


The Rock: The Rock doesn’t want to bore anyone by saying he was born ready, but that is how it is. The Rock is NEVER too late. Whenever The Rock appears it’s exactly on cue. You’ve got a lot to learn about The Rock.


Samoa Joe: You realize that Layfield, Inc. won’t only throw obstacles in our way tonight, right? It’ll be like this until Victory Road.


The Rock: The Rock knows this. Stop telling The Rock the obvious. What are you getting at?


Samoa Joe: I am suggesting that until Victory Road, we work together. Only until then. And in our match it’ll be every man for himself. What do you think?


The Rock: Are you suggesting The Rock can’t handle a bunch of jabronys like Layfield, Inc. himself?


Samoa Joe: I’m suggesting an alliance that has a mutual cause ... kick Chris Jericho’s ... candy ass.


The Rock: The Rock will be the one kicking some candy ass. Yours as well at Victory Road. But until then ...


The Rock offers a handshake – Joe accepts! Rock pulls him close ...


The Rock: Until then, you have your little alliance thingy. And now ... let’s get going!


They walk off camera with a purpose ...



Samoa Joe and The Rock vs. The Alpha Legion


Gallows and Tomko instantly charged but Joe and Rock had sent his coming, and as such could react – when the Alpha Legion both came with running clotheslines, Rock and Joe managed to topple them out of the ring. This already had the fans screaming enthusiastically. Rock and Joe went after them, Joe starting to battle Gallows and The Rock engaged Tomko. Wild punches were thrown as all four men fought around the ring. Meanwhile, referee Brian Hebner was doing the count on both teams. Rock ducked an elbow smash by Tomko and grabbed his neck, slamming him against the apron. He then sent Tomko back into the ring at the count of eight. On the outside, Joe was smashed against the ringpost as Gallows came in, attacking Rock from behind. Now The Alpha Legion made it a two on one on Rock, sending him into the ropes for a double clothesline on the return. Gallows picked The Rock up and executed a backbreaker in front of the corner of the ring, holding him in position on one knee. Tomko climbed to the top turnbuckle – ELBOW DROP! It’s the Alpha Strike! Tomko went for the pin – one, two – Samoa Joe rushed to break it up. That was a close call indeed and Joe was now facing both opponents. He threw punches left and right, hitting Tomko and Gallows square in the face when finally, referee Brian Hebner interfered and sent Gallows to the outside. Tomko was staggering and Joe leveled him with a lariat. The Rock had meanwhile regained his wits and was walking around the ring towards his team’s corner. Joe picked Tomko up for a sidewalk slam and the cover which had Gallows break it up. Joe went after Gallows, the referee separating them, as Tomko got up and dropped Joe with a bulldog. Rock came in and started brawling with Tomko, Samoa Joe turning around to aid him as Gallows took the opportunity to grab Joe and throw him through the ropes to the outside. He got a stern talking to by Hebner while The Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Tomko! Cover – one, two – Gallows broke it up. Chris Jericho came down to the ring, and he wasted no time – he grabbed Joe and slammed him on the ringsteps, then rolled him into the ring. Brian Hebner had seen enough and called for the bell.


Samoa Joe and The Rock defeated The Alpha Legion in 16:18 by disqualification when Chris Jericho ran in and attacked Samoa Joe. [B]




Gallows and Tomko use Jericho’s interference to assault Rock and Joe, but they are fighting back! Fists are thrown between the four men as Chris Jericho watches from the outside, amused. He has no further intentions of getting involved and just watches as Gallows and Tomko force Joe and Rock into the ropes. The Alpha Legion charges, but Joe and Rock duck and back body drop Gallows and Tomko over the ropes and to the outside. Joe walks to where Jericho is positioned and dares him to get into the ring, but the TNA World champ just taunts him. Rock in the meantime keeps watching out for Gallows and Tomko not to sneak attack him or Joe when finally, security rush to the scene and end it. We return to the announce booth...


Taz: And yet another devious attack by a member of Layfield, Inc. It would seem that none of them can get by without it ... that’s not exactly a sign of domination, is it?


Bischoff: As always, you’re wrong, Taz. Layfield, Inc. can do as they please. They ARE the most dominant and powerful group in all of wrestling today. TNA owner Mr. Layfield, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, The Alpha Legion and Abyss with his resourceful manager James Mitchell ... who could deny these men? Yes you’re right, no one can. They are the cream of the crop.


Taz: But Samoa Joe and The Rock just joined forces tonight! It might be temporary only but...


Bischoff: Temporary is the keyword here. Both follow their own agenda and their union is not based on mutual respect or friendship, let alone a singular purpose as Layfield, Inc. has ... their union is based only on fighting Chris Jericho and overcoming the odds and once we GET to the point, and that’s the funny part of it, their union will be at an end because they are both after Jericho’s title. That’s why Chris Jericho has the edge ...


Tenay: As always, time will tell what all this will amount to. For tonight, we’ve come to an end as we hope you enjoyed our show. Don’t forget to tune in next Monday, same time, for another dose of the new face of professional wrestling. Good night everyone!


With this, we cut to credits and the show comes to an end...










Kijar: 5/7

michgcs: 4/7

BHK1978: 4/7

Destiny: 4/7

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I absolutely loved that show.


Thank you man ;), and thanks to those who predicted. The card for Monday Week 3, July 2011:




Douglas Williams (TNA X-Division Champion), Hero and Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian


Brock Lesnar vs. Hernandez


MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer


Steve Corino and Sting vs. Christopher Daniels and Abyss


Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy


Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

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Douglas Williams (TNA X-Division Champion), Hero and Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian

Huge Williams fan.


Brock Lesnar vs. Hernandez



MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer



Steve Corino and Sting vs. Christopher Daniels and Abyss



Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy

Huge Benjamin fan.


Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

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Douglas Williams (TNA X-Division Champion), Hero and Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian


Brock Lesnar vs. Hernandez



MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer



Steve Corino and Sting vs. Christopher Daniels and Abyss



Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy

(Don't like Jeff but the Hardys lost last time...)



Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

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Douglas Williams (TNA X-Division Champion), Hero and Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian


Brock Lesnar vs. Hernandez



MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer



Steve Corino and Sting vs. Christopher Daniels and Abyss



Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy



Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

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Dude, I dunno how you don't have Colt Cabana carrying the company. I signed him and it was like I couldn't stop him from getting over. If he ever gives me a segment of any kind below a 90 rating it just blows my mind. :p


Haha well, that doesn't seem to be the case in my game but then again, I'm not pushing him atm ... Impact is only two hours and I'm already stressed enough to fit all the storylines into the show as it is. I also have a lot of VERY over talent so it's tough for him to shine, and in my battle to reach global besides running it as a diary game, I can't take too many risks.

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Haha well, that doesn't seem to be the case in my game but then again, I'm not pushing him atm ... Impact is only two hours and I'm already stressed enough to fit all the storylines into the show as it is. I also have a lot of VERY over talent so it's tough for him to shine, and in my battle to reach global besides running it as a diary game, I can't take too many risks.


I didn't push him either. I used him in some pre-show matches to warm the crowd (Usually put him with a decent worker, though. Never anyone under a mid-carder so some of it was "getting the rub", though I thought that only worked on TV) and a few second or third matches of the evening, but I don't think I ever had him win.


Then one night, while I was ultimate pushing Hatework (Used the same guy as in my WWE game [El Mesias] same gimmick [intelligent Psycho] with Raven as a manager and just gave him decisive wins over lower and mid-card guys every week on TV, and in two months he was an international superstar just like before) I needed another babyface to feed to him, so I checked out Colt's momentum in the booking screen expecting it to be high 60's tops and I was shocked to find it at 92.


Now with Hatework's contract coming up in two months, and his skills in a pretty rapid decline he's been put out to pasture to job that popularity back. :D


Sonjay Dutt, on the other hand, is another story. No matter what I do for the guy, he never gets above 65 momentum. :(

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