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Forum problems?

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It's been particularly bad for the past few hours Arlie, practically every other thread I've tried to access has required multiple reloads. It's been happening when opening threads to view, creating new ones, adding replies, closing threads....there's no pattern that I can see, and appears to be affecting everything site-related.


EDIT - As if to prove a point, it took me 5+ attempts just to get this post to be accepted, then over 3 minutes to reopen it and do an edit.

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Just to add to the pile, I've also been getting loads of these. As Adam said, it's taking several reloads to do anything that involves a page loading anywhere on the forum.


Not EVERY time, it seems to happen in 'blocks'. It'll be fine for a while, and then start causing errors left, right and centre for a while, then be fine again for a bit, etc, etc.


Although I have to say I've never got it while trying to post or edit a post (using Quick Reply, at least). Only when loading new pages.

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Me too. It's still as bad as it was during the last days.


There's something even worse than this, by the way. When you try to access these forums via mobile phone (I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2), sometimes a pop-up with sexualized content automatically opens, replacing the whole GDS forums. Don't like that at all. I'm not visiting this page to see naked girls.

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Me too. It's still as bad as it was during the last days.


There's something even worse than this, by the way. When you try to access these forums via mobile phone (I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2), sometimes a pop-up with sexualized content automatically opens, replacing the whole GDS forums. Don't like that at all. I'm not visiting this page to see naked girls.


When has the second part been happening since? I'm using a Galaxy S2 as well and I've never had the pop-up appear, usually I just get a white screen.

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It does not happen frequently, only every now and then, but it's annoying.


I'm using Chrome, not the standard browser, but that should not be a reason for nonserious advertising like this on these forums, especially 'cause they don't appear on any other site...

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I'll just chime in and say that I'm getting a lot more work done at my job now, because whenever I go to see what's going on at GDS it appears as though everything is down. Typically the forum index loads fine (may be cached though), but going into any actual topic is a no-go.
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<p>I find if you hit reload a couple of times, everything comes up as if nothing is wrong.</p><p> </p><p>

An observation. "Had only one loading error today." although obviously better then "Had error's galore today!", doesn't mean things are good. </p><p> </p><p>

I do know that outside of a game being released, I don't recall having these forum problems before the advertisements were added, unless it was an actual host problem.</p><p> </p><p>

I don't know if they have anything to do with it or not. I do know there are plenty of sights with advertisements that I don't get these errors with, so I know that it's possible to have a forum with ads and no errors. However, I can't help coming to the conclusion that some ads here must have something to do with the forum problems that didn't exist before they were in place. Find the bad one(s), and it might go away.... if that is even the problem. </p><p> </p><p>

I've also noticed that when trying to post and getting an error, sometimes it's when someone else is posting at the approximate same time. Again, just an observation. Don't know if it would actually have anything to do with the problems or not.</p><p> </p><p>

I do know that although these things can make it look obvious what the problem might be, that it could be something totally different, and perhaps is why it hasn't been actually "fixed" for good yet.</p>

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