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SWF Roster

|Name|Alignment|Age|Gender|Weight|Signature Move(s)|


Akima Brave|Heel|27|Male|Middle|Samoan Suplex Combo


American Machine|Face|33|Male|Heavy|Old Glory (Big Boot)


Ana Garcia|Face|30|Female|N/A|N/A|SWF Backstage Interviewer


Angry Gilmore|Heel|31|Male|Middle|Anger Management (Pedigree)


Bart Biggs|Face|29|Male|Light|Biggs Up (Lifting Spike DDT)


Big Smack Scott|Heel|34|Male|Heavy|Ego Trip (Bubba Bomb)


BJ O'Neill|Face|30|Female|N/A|N/A|American Machine's Manager


Brandon James|Heel|33|Male|Big Hvy|Big Money Move (DY's Heatwave)

SWF North American Champion


Brett Biggs|Face|32|Male|Light|Biggs Up (Lifting Spike DDT)


Captain Atomic|Face|26|Male|Light Hvy|Mushroom Cloud (Sit Out Face Buster)


Christian Faith|Face|43|Male|Heavy|Test Of Faith/Leap Of Faith (Double Underhook DDT/Top Rope elbow drop)


Dawn|Face|25|Female|N/A|N/A|Jack Giedroyc's Manager


Duane Fry|Face|27|Male|N/A|N/A|SWF Supreme Colour Commentator


Emma Chase|Heel|33|Female|N/A|N/A|Brandon James' Manager


Enforcer Roberts|Heel|41|Male|Middle|Enforcer Armbar (Fujiwara Armbar)


Eric Eisen|Heel|31|Male|Middle|Supremecy Slam (Widow Maker)|

SWF World Heavyweight Champion


Everest|Heel|36|Male|Super Hvy|Tidal Wave (Running Splash)


Frederique Antonio Garcia|Heel|34|Male|Middle|Romeo Is Bleeding (Swinging Side Slam)


Gregory Black|Face|29|Male|Light|Fade To Black (Sleeper with bodyscissors)


Hannah|Face|20|Female|N/A|N/A|Valiant's Manager


Jack Bruce|Face|37|Male|Middle|New York Minute (RKO)


Jack Giedroyc|Face|33|Male|Light Hvy|Crashing On (Sky High Leg Drop)

SWF World Tag Team Champion


Jerry Eisen|Face|33|Male|N/A|N/A|SWF Backstage Interviewer


Jessie|Face|34|Female|N/A|N/A|The Biggs' Manager


Joe Sexy|Face|37|Male|Heavy|One Night Stand (CM Punk's Pepsi Twist)


John Greed|Heel|30|Male|Middle|Sinner's Sight (Camel Clutch)


Jungle Lord|Face|34|Male|Heavy|Jungle Jammer (Black Hole Slam)


Kid Toma|Heel|26|Male|Light|Samoan Suicide Head butt (Diving head but)


Knuckles|Heel|27|Male|Heavy|Knuckles Duster (Power of the punch)


Kurt Laramee|Heel|33|Male|Light Hvy|Switch Blade Powerslam (Tarver's Lightning)


Lobster Warrior|Face|36|Male|Middle|Lobster Trap (Ankle Lock)


Marat Khoklov|Heel|34|Male|Giant|Russian Bear Hug


Marc DuBois|Heel|22|Male|Middle|Model Soloution (Dragon Clutch)


Paul Huntingdon|Heel|24|Male|Middle|High Society (Axe Kick)


Peter Michaels|Face|49|Male|N/A|N/A|SWF Supreme Play By Play Man


Knuckles|Heel|27|Male|Heavy|Knuckles Duster (Power of the punch)


Randy Cruise|Face|25|Male|Middle|Cruise Crusher (Perfect Plex)


Remo|Heel|27|Male|Heavy|Lumbar Puncture (Wasteland)


Rich Money|Tweener|34|Male|Light Hvy|Bank Roll (Cross Rhodes)


Richard Eisen|Heel|55|Male|N/A|N/A|SWF CEO


Robbie Retro|Face|23|Male|Heavy|Disco Ball (Rolling Thunder)


Runaway Train|Heel|45|Male|Big Hvy|Train Wreck (Ho Train)


Shady K|Heel|27|Male|Heavy|K Killa (Clothesline from hell)


Squeaky McClean|Heel|35|Male|Middle|Clean Out (Lightning Spiral)


Steve Frehley|Face|26|Male|Heavy|Frehley's Comet (Spear)


Valiant|Face|29|Male|Middle|V-Split (Frog Splash)

SWF World Tag Team Champion


Vengeance|Heel|38|Male|Big Hvy|Six Feet Under (Sit Out Tombstone)


Zack Cruise|Face|26|Male|Light|Cruise Landing (450 Splash)



SWF Proudly Presents...

SWF No Mercy

17th January, 2010




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SWF Judgement Day

LIVE, from Orlando, FL - December 31, 2009


Runaway Train and Remo def. The Cruise Brothers (Randy & Zack) by pinfall in 7:39.

Remo pinned Randy following a lumber puncture.



Jack Giedroyc and Valiant def. Paul Huntingdon and Marc DuBois© by pinfall in 8:43.

Geidroyc pinned Huntingdon following a Crashing On.


Steve Frehley def. Vengeance by count out in 15:30.

After planting Frehley with the '6 feet under' Vengeance mysteriously decided to leave the arena.


Robbie Retro, Lobster Warrior, and Gregory Black def. Marc DuBois, Angry Gilmore, and Squeeky McClean by submission in 11:23.

Lobster Warrior made McClean submit after locking in the Lobster Trap.



Brandon James© def. Joe Sexy by pinfall in 11:37.

Following interference by Emma Chase, James hit Sexy with a chair, and a big money move.


Marat Khoklov def. Christian Faith by count out in 10:09

Faith was counted out when, for the first time in his career, he gave up on a match and walked backstage.




Jack Bruce© and Rich Money fought to a draw with two falls each in 60:00

Whilst at a score of 3-3, we reached a time limit draw.



Eric Eisen def. Jack Bruce© in 2:34.

Ruling that the event will not end in a draw, Richard Eisen made a match for the World title there and then, between the champion Bruce and his son Eric. Eric easily pinned the weakened champion after a Silver Spoon DDT.


*Credit to TenaciousG for his Christmas Clash 2009 card

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Preview For....

SWF Supreme TV

1st January, 2010

Eric Eisen makes his return to the SWF, as World Champion!


Akima Brave Vs Joe Sexy


Kurt Laramee Vs Lobster Warrior


Marc DuBois Vs Steve Frehley


Jack Giedroyc & Valiant Vs Remo & Runaway Train


Christian Faith's Huge Announcement



1) What will Faith's announcement be?

2) Any surprises? If so what?

3) Any heel/face turns? If so who?


All that and more! Tune in to SWF Supreme, 9/8 CT




OOC: Supreme Is already written, and it will be posted in 12 hours, there will not be another show for over a week however, as I'm going to Ibiza, this diary will not die! :p

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Akima Brave Vs Joe Sexy


Kurt Laramee Vs Lobster Warrior


Marc DuBois Vs Steve Frehley


Jack Giedroyc & Valiant Vs Remo & Runaway Train

Looking forward to this, been playing as the SWF alot over the past couple of months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SWF Supreme TV

1st January, 2010

Memphis, TN - After a highlight video of Judgement Day, letting the fans who didn't watch it know exactly what they missed out on, we witness the usual opening video and pyro display. We are welcomed to Supreme TV by Peter Michaels & Duane Fry, they talk about Eric Eisen's return, where he screwed Bruce out of the World Title, and they talk about Christmas. They then make it clear that Christian Faith has a serious announcement to make later tonight.




The fans boo furiously as the new World champion, Eric Eisen. He, SWF CEO Richard Eisen, and Enforcer Roberts make their way to the ring, taunting the fans. Eric holds the belt in the air for a while, soaking in the heat and atmosphere. He is noticeably bigger then he was before his knee injury, giving him a better star look, with more presence. He takes a microphone, he says his plan went down perfectly, that he and his father decided to frame Rich Money nearly a year ago. Richard Eisen then takes a microphone, he says that Jack Bruce is a reckless rock star, who trashes hotel rooms and is 'filled to the brink with STDs.' He says the SWF needed a hard working champion, who could represent the company, and wrestling as a whole, he chose his son, Eric, he says that it was also the best gift he could have given his son for Christmas. Eisen thanks his father, telling him he won't be let down, and he mocks Jack Bruce. The fans are getting really riled up by the champion, who is insulting their hero, but they explode when the familiar guitar rift blasts out. Bruce stands on the ramp, gazing at the champion, not breaking eye contact whilst yelling his catch phrase 'Memphis!... Make me, some noise!!' They do. Jack storms to the ring, getting in Eric's face, but security separates them. Bruce says that as the former champion, he is entitled to a rematch! He says he's using it tonight! R.Eisen interrupts, telling Bruce he is a fair man, but there's no way he's giving a huge match away for free. He then says that he will be given the chance to become number one contender, because next week, he's facing Rich Money! Eric seems a little frightened by this, and pleads with his Father. Richard then goes on to say that Bruce has a match tonight, against the Enforcer, Phillip Roberts! Roberts then decks Bruce with a stiff clothesline! Bruce is reeling and Roberts, Eric and Richard Eisen all then leave, laughing at Jack Bruce, who is staring a hole straight through Eric.




After a few commercial messages, we return, and The Samoan Wildboys, Akima Brave & Kid Toma are on their way to the ring. Immideatley afterwards, the crowd pops loud for Joe Sexy, who, despite being screwed out of the North American Championship just 48 hours ago, has a big grin on his face, and he winks at a man in the front row who is holding a sign, reading: 'Joe gets lucky every Christmas'. Sexy climbs into the ring, now with a poker face, staring at the young Samoan Akima.




Akima Brave Vs Joe Sexy - Singles Match

The two superstars fight it out, trading momentum back and forth for the first few minutes of the bout. Brave had the match won, hitting one of his three Samoan Suplex's, but it was only a near fall, but Sexy was able to fight back, avoiding a second suplex from Brave and hitting a picture perfect running power slam. Brave makes it back to his feet, and is beaten into the corner, but a distraction from Kid Toma gives him the advantage, and he hits German Suplex from the top rope, taking out both men. Brave slowly puts him arm over and covers Sexy, but he took to long, and it's only a two count. He lifts Sexy to his feet, and Sexy fights back, whipping him into the ropes and hitting a huge boot to the jaw. Sexy hits Brave with an elbow, before measuring him up. Brave makes it to his feet, against the advice of his partner, and, as punishment, eats an One Night Stand (Pepsi Twist/Hammerlock twisted into lariat) for a three count. 6:24




As Brave lays on the floor, with Kid Toma checking on him, Joey Sexy celebrates, as we head to a commercial. When we return, we see Emma Chase, looking incredibly hot, getting a mixed reaction. In walks Joe Sexy, who is only wearing a towel, he flirts with Chase, saying he knows she only does what she does to help her clients. She seems impressed with him making his pecs dance, but soon returns to her usual persona, telling him to go away. He says she won't be able to resist forever, before walking away. She has a slight smile on her face, and wears it as she leaves, but the smile fades when we see Brandon James with the North American title draped over his shoulder. He snarls as she asks what the problem is...




We then go to the SWF interview pit, where Ana Garcia is standing by. Her attempts to introduce her guests are interrupted, as Big Smack Scott walks in. He is followed by Kurt Laramee, and BSS snatches the microphone away from Garcia. The fans are confused, as his ramblings are filled with sexist remarks towards Garcia, insults to the crowd (he thinks we're in Milwaukee), and off topic shoots on his co-workers, stating that 'We all know Captain Atomic is a cheap son of a bitch' before leaving. Ana seems confused, and Kurt takes the microphone, he cuts a serious promo, saying that next, he's facing off against Lobster Warrior, and that he's just another stepping stone towards the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. He then roars into the camera, before exiting, leaving Garcia scared and confused.




After a commercial break, we return to ringside, the fans give a big cheer for the bubble sound effect, and out comes 'The Ocean's Own' Lobster Warrior. He stands on the stage, lifting his claws in the air, and as always, takes them off and hands them to a youngster in the crowd. The fans show their appreciation for just one of the crazy characters in the SWF, as he stands, waiting for Laramee. Out he comes, along with his partner Big Smack Scott. Kurt stands on the ramp, extending his arms, flexing his muscles, but as per usual, Scott takes centre stage and stands in front of him. Kurt shoves him out of the way and climbs into the ring, as Scott starts to do push ups on the outside for some reason.




Kurt Laramee Vs Lobster Warrior - Singles Match

Lobby shows he has no fear, and he aggressively goes after the much bigger Laramee all the way through the bout. The costume wearing fan faviroute took the fight to the floor early, keeping Laramee down with numerous holds. An attempt at a headlock changes the flow, as the King Of The Streets slips out of the hold, and hits a belly to back suplex. With Laramee having the momentum now, he shows off his skills, launching The Ocean's Own over his head, before ramming his head back down with a flapjack. He throws Lobby out of the ring, and sends him flying into the steel steps. He then picks up Lobby, and hits a military press onto the barricade! Lobby is no joke (in the ring) and he fights back, and he sends Laramee back into the ring, before landing a standing leg drop. Lobster Warrior goes for the cover, but it's only a two. Warrior measures him up for the Lobster Trap! (Ankle Lock.) He goes for it, but Angry Gilmore and Squeaky McClean have just ran to ringside! Lobby looks at them, confused, and Kurt takes advantage, taking Lobby down with a huge boot to the back! The Straight Edgers then back away slightly, as Laramee picks up Lobby, putting him away after a Switchblade Powerslam. (Tarver's Lightning.) 7:49




Big Smack Scott celebrates furiously, as if he was the one who actually won! Kurt Laramee is not fazed, and ignores Scott's arrogance, celebrating with him. Lobby on the other hand, seems annoyed he lost the match due to the distraction of Gilmore & McClean, who are now in the ring. McClean goes over to Lobby, but Gilmore pulls him back, extending a hand to Lobby. He helps him to his feet, and says something to him off mic. Lobby acts confused, and Gilmore decks him with a right hand!! Gilmore & McClean lay into Lobby, beating him senseless. After McClean & Gilmore hit their finishers on Lobby, they spit on him and walk off together as the fans boo!




The fans soon change their tune, and begin to cheer when we return to Ana Garcia's interview set, and Steve Frehley is stood there! The Dark Destroyer is looking rather serious tonight, and says that he won last night, but that he's not happy with the way he won. He says had Vengeance covered him then, he probably would have been pinned. He says life is about wins and losses, not cheap count outs, he says he wants a rematch with Vengeance at No Mercy in four weeks! He wants it to be no dq as well! The fans roar in approval as Frehley close the interview, claiming that he's waiting.




After another commercial break, we return to the stadium, and the fans boo as Marc DuBois stands on stage, with a big grin. Paul Huntington is stood behind him, they discuss game plans, DuBois and he shake hands. Marc stops to adjusts his hair in the titan tron mirror (ala Cody Rhodes), before walking down the ramp and entering the ring. This is followed by the strobe lights that always sends the fans wild, as we see the silhouette of Steve Frehley. Frehley then charges to the ring, staring down with his opponent for tonight's match.




Marc DuBois Vs Steve Frehley - Singles Match

Both men give it their all, with DuBois showcasing why he is the 'Can't Miss Prospect', and with Frehley wanting to live up to his name as the 'Dark Destroyer'. Frehley clearly over powers DuBois, but he takes the offence well, and dishes out some punishment of his own. Frehley launches DuBois into the corner, and goes for a corner clothesline, but DuBois catches the first black World champion off gaurd, hitting him with a impressive Pele kick. He uses the ropes, but only gets a two count. DuBois picks him up, with the Model Solution (Dragon Clutch) in mind, but it's countered into an electric chair! Frehley goes for a Frehley's Comet (Spear), but he's rolled up by DuBois! Two count only. Steve rolls out of the ring to regroup, but instead he eats a baseball slide from DuBois! DuBois then launches himself over the top rope, landing directly onto Frehley's ribs. DuBois slowly gets to his feet, and pulls both himself and Frehley into the ring, and goes for a standing Senton, but Frehley avoids it, getting back to his feet. Frehley hits an european uppercut, but DuBois counters, and a dropkick sends Frehley into the corner, whilst DuBois recovers. He does, and spins round to continue his offence on the Dark Destroyer, but instead recieves a Frehley's Comet (spear) out of no where, giving Frehley the win! 11:11




Huntingdon slides into the ring to check on his partner, and rolls him out. As Marc recovers on the outside, Frehley doesn't celebrate, he just stands. Waiting. He surveys the scene, on the look out for Vengeance, and the lights go out! The fans get restless, wanting to know what has become of Frehley. The lights are back on, and Frehley is on the floor, gasping in pain, holding his neck as the fans boo heavily. Marc DuBois and Paul Huntingdon laugh at Frehley's misfortune as officials try to help him to his feet.




After some advertisement time, the fans, (male fans in particular), start whistling and cheering, as Dawn and Hannah are on stage. They stand, each with a tag title, as Jack Giedroyc and Valiant come out, they have their respective manager put the title around their waist and they walk to the ring. They talk about something, and we can't make it out, and they climb between the ropes, ready for their opponents. Out come Remo & Runaway Train! The fans boo as Train & Remo stand together on the stage. As they walk to the ring, threatening the champs, Duane Fry comments that if they win this, they'll be in a number one contenders match next week!




Jack Giedroyc & Valiant Vs Remo & Runaway Train - Tag Team Match, non title

Runaway Train is surprised by Valiant's power, but the veteran still has the size advantage, and we see an evil grin on his face as he throws punches into the cornered Valiant. He hammers away at his lower back, and he and Remo have some quick tags, allowing them to deliver twice as much punishment as usual. They make sure Valiant can't make the tag to his fellow champion, and Remo hits him with a powerful snap suplex, following by a knee drop. Remo gets hyped up, and make the mistake of going to the top rope, presumabley for a clothesline, but we'll never know, as Valiant decided to strike him, sending him to the mat as he tagged in Giedroyc. A chant breaks out for the champions, and they use their chemistry as a tag team to keep the now tagged in Train isolated in the corner. Giedroyc hits several chops to Train, who is hurting, and a stomp earns him a two count. Valiant is tagged in, and he continues where his partner left off, dropping a few elbows and scoring with a jumping fist drop. But a second fist drop is avoided by the veteran monster, who decapitates Valiant with a clothesline. He then takes out his anger, stomping on one half of the tag team champions, before tagging in Remo. Remo picks up Valiant, and quickly plants him with the lumbar puncture (Wasteland) for a dominating three count.




The fans boo, as next week, Remo & Train will face both the Biggz Bros and Randy & Zack Cruise in a triple threat tag match, with the winner facing Jack Giedroyc & Valiant at No Mercy. Remo & Train celebrate the title oppertunity, as the champions realise how much danger their titles would be in, should they have to face Train & Remo. They walk backstage together, but the tension is obvious. Michaels comments on said tension, saying Remo & Train, The Biggs Boys and The Cruise brothers will all be trying to capitalise on it.




A SWF produced commercial plays, hyping the upcomming reality TV series, SWF Tough Enough. It will feature 15 would-be SWF stars, hoping to get a deal with the company. The trainers on the show will be; Black Hat Bailey, Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain. The show will also be hosted by Professor Nero, and looks set to be a very exciting 18 weeks.




After that message, we go to the locker room of the SWF tag team champions, Jack Giedroyc and Valiant. They're arguing about who's fault it was that they lost the match, each trying to blame the other. The usually dim witted Dawn interrupts the arguing, reminding them they are a team, and the fault is equally shared, she then says they need to get back on track, or they'll lose their titles.




After an official commercial break, we return to a quiet arena. The soon explode with heat, as Richard Eisen & Enforcer Roberts make their way out, and the heat only gets louder when the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen makes his way out. Eric Eisen stands with the belt around his waist, and he follows Roberts to the ring. The fans go absolutely ape however, when Jack Bruce's music begins to play! He doesn't do his usual theatrics, instead quickly un-hooking his guitar and sprinting to the ring! He starts brawling with Roberts on the ramp, and the fight is soon in the ring.




Enforcer Roberts Vs Jack Bruce - Singles Match

Roberts looks legitimately shocked at the intensity of Bruce, as do both the Eisens, but Bruce just responds with a knowing smile. Roberts answers by locking up with Bruce and spins him round, twisting his wrist round, but Bruce simply flips over, reversing the hold and scoring with a flash neck breaker. Enforcer Roberts isn't known as a legit bad ass for no reason, and he uses his expertise and experience, hitting multiple types of suplexes that score him several two counts. Roberts eventually makes the mistake of missing a corner shoulder barge, and Bruce takes advantage, hitting a one handed bull dog for a two count. Bruce gets excited, and starts to threaten Eisen, who keeps him distracted enough for Roberts to try and lock in the Enforcer Armbar from behind, but Bruce holds onto the ropes, and the official separates them. Bruce motions for the New York Minute, but Robert's stiff elbows, knees and fists make sure that doesn't happen, and a knee to the face sends Bruce to the floor, but it's not enough to lock in the arm bar yet. Bruce rolls out of the ring, getting in Eisen's face, but he was playing a trick, as when Roberts got out the ring to defend him he turned round and attacked! He smashed his arm across the steel post, before throwing him back in the ring, sizing him up for the New York Minute (RKO) but Roberts avoids it. Roberts counters with a back breaker, and he and the Eisen's celebrate early, but when he turns round, Bruce is back on his feet! Roberts goes to take him down with a clothesline, but Bruce dodges it, he hits the New York Minute!! (RKO) Bruce doesn't stop staring at Eisen whilst covering his body guard.




Bruce has done it! He has pinned Roberts, now he is challenging Eric to a brawl right now! Eric refuses, until one of his security gaurds attacks Bruce! Eisen now climbs into the ring, and laughs, and he picks up Bruce, ready to plant him with a Supremacy Slam (Widow Maker) but he is frozen with fear! As Richard Eisen and the body guards eat Guitar shots! But not from Bruce, but from Rich Money! Eric bails out, pulling his father out of the ring as the fans cheer like crazy for Rich Money, who lifts Jack Bruce to his feet. Bruce soon realises what's going on and they speak to each other, but we can't hear. Bruce extends a hand out to Money, but Money just shakes his head and leaves, as the Eisens sprint up the ramp and we go to our final commercial.




When we return, Michaels & Fry talk about the shocking events that happened before the commercial, with Rich Money returning to save Jack Bruce. They then say it's time for Christian Faith's huge announcement. Faith comes out, beaten and bruised, as the fans go nuts for him. He is sporting a black eye, but still climbs into the ring with his mic, and starts to talk. He says that for the first time, he gave up. He says that the 'iron man' gave up, because he wanted to go home and spend Christmas with his family. He says that you can count the amount of shows he's missed in the last 20 years on one hand, and that he's starting to break down a little after working 300 days a year for two decades. He starts to water up, and the fans do too, and they give him a standing ovation, he's about to make his announcement when, Marat Khoklov. Khoklov storms to the ring, steel chair in hand, and Faith's eyes widen as he Marat swings. Faith does nothing, and the chair is cracked against his skull, busting him open! Marat picks Faith up, and puts him in the bear huge for a full 2 minutes! Faith is now unconscious, and Marat lifts him up above his head and the whole crowd sh*ts themselves as Marat throws him from the ring through the announce table! Faith has blood dripping out of his ear and mouth as the crowd showers Khoklov with heat. Marat Khoklov stares at Faith coldly, as Supreme TV comes to a close...






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