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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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With the ugly fall of DaVE hovering in the background, acting much like a heat-influenced mirage, one wrestling company ripped the deadening flame of rebellion straight from the frigid hand of it’s former handler. While other organizations spoke of furthering such a renegade-like culture, only Deadly Overloaded Action did so from a televised perch; formulating their given brand around the incessant call for impactful change.


Now, as the winds of jarring evolution forge within the very walls of it’s projector, one man will be called upon to save Deadly Overloaded Action from the brink of destruction. This man, shrouded in his own recent ‘falling from grace’, must pick up the pieces of said rebellion before it’s too late; attempting to re-fortify the DOA Empire while battling foes from every direction.


As the former, infamous, creative mind moves onto the great north, a grizzled face cast from "Land of Supreme" looks to re-cultivate the DOA experience. In a sense, while one may have started the uprising… One man looks to complete it…


This is Victor’s Rebellion.
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After nine episodes of “Rapid Assault”, the man who helped to shape Deadly Overloaded Action appears to be no longer at the helm. While initial details are rather sketchy, an anonymous insider made it known, shortly before “Rapid Assault” taping, that John Greed had simply ‘walked out’ on the program he was once asked to cultivate shortly after his release from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Without a word to corporate, or any of the talent for that matter, the infamous cult phenomenon seemingly vanished into the night sky; leaving behind a wrestling program without a sense of direction.


In the 24-hours following the event, the Arcadia Network has done nothing to corroborate such a story; attempting to keep this mess internal during such a rocky development. Either way, though, industry critics have begun to theoretically employ a number of swirling vultures above DOA. One went as far as to state: “They’re screwed. DOA had success because of one twisted individual; that being John Greed. Say what you want, crazy, arrogant, shifty, but Greed has a proven track record for igniting a pitch-perfect underground culture. There ‘aint no one on that roster who can fill his shoes.”


Without Greed for creative direction, Arcadia’s Programming Director, Jensen Tarver, has a tall task before him; as he looks to fill a mountainous void. At first thought, critics felt that John Campbell (Nemesis) may be next-in-line; however, those rumors were quickly squashed after the Hardcore Legend emphatically denied the development stating he was “perfectly comfortable on the outside looking in.” Without any thought of a lead, even Tarver has to know, if unsuccessful, said theoretical vultures may turn more realistic with time and bring-forth the shocking end of such a shortly run program.


More information to come…
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Deadly Overloaded Action is a pseudo-wrestling company developed by the American television network: Arcadia. With this in mind, The DOA is less of your run-of-the-mill Independent company and more in-line with a weekly live-action television show; one that employs writers vs. bookers by example. The storylines tend to be much more in-depth, and the angles that perpetuate these storylines tend to carry more of a produced TV-show feel, all with the hope of creating an explosive form of cinematic entertainment on the ‘small screen’.


The DOA’s home-base is a moderately sized Network soundstage dubbed as the “DOA Dungeon”; and is located on the Arcadia-lot in Los Angeles, California. This location holds 2,000 people max and has been constructed in which to incorporate the beauty of modern technology as a form of ‘flashy showmanship’ (ie: large projection screens, scrolling text, and jaw-dropping light shows are all utilized); while also carrying an underground cult-esque kind of vibe to the overall presentation.


Overall, Deadly Overloaded Action is simply a conceptual attempt by an American TV network in which to convey the wildly popular form of Pro Wrestling in a new light; utilizing a unique, cinematic, view of the art-form as a way to create a ‘Live-Action’ presentation. In a sense, think of the DOA as more of a weekly, episodic, television show versus a pure wrestling organization. While the narratives will still rely heavily on what you typically expect from a Wrestling event, the production, the characters, and the overall feel, will take on more of a produced TV show then the tired Wrestling formula we’ve come to accept as the norm.


Stepping into 'The Greed-verse'

To those new to Deadly Overloaded Action, this company exists within an alternate Cornell-verse entitled “The Greed-verse”. It’s origin dates back to TEW 2008 when John Greed was forced into retirement with a crippling knee injury; accidentally administered by a reckless Bear Bekowski while working in the SWF feeder-company, RIPW. Shortly thereafter, John overtook the headbooker position of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and, from there, the Greed-verse began.


Now, in October of 2010, John Greed has long-left Deadly Overloaded Action (a company he was called upon to cultivate following his dismissal from PSW), currently booking in Canada with 4C; however, seeing as though he was my main character for quite some time, I still perceive this altered database as centered around John Greed (even if I’m no longer working with him as a user character).


With all of this in mind, we enter this dynasty at the open of Deadly Overloaded Action’s much anticipated second season. This time around the experience is centered around a former SWF writer cast into the free-agent pool after a highly publicized fall out with Richard Eisen (story to come really soon in the ‘backstory’). With a new creative leader, a few new faces, and all the DOA greats which made Season One memorable, we step into the Greed-verse, once again, in which to witness Deadly Overloaded Action further their rebellious call for a chaotic revolt; “Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt” to be exact.


How contracts are utilized

Just like in Season I, I have given each cast-member a ‘non-exclusive’ contract. This way, the development of the DOA does not interfere with the overall Cornell-verse landscape (ie: CZCW, PSW, MAW, NYCW, and FCW are not ‘crippled’ due to my raiding their talent exclusively). Also, the reason for doing so is because, at cult, I will only sign those exclusive to the program who are deemed as utterly important to the overall show. With this in mind, only those willing to accept such contracts will be given said exclusivity; as I don’t plan on adding anyone in as written right off the bat (outside of Nemesis; of course).


Also, it should be noted that each contract was given a length of 6 months. This decision was made in which to make it more flexible for the network as a whole; as I would expect a Network would typically act (signing people on for numbers of episodes versus a lengthy 2 year contract, etc.).


How long will Season II run for?

I have decided that Season II will run for a duration of 5-months (spanning from October 2010 - February 2011). At the end of February, Season II will come to a close and will potentially make way for Season III if all goes well. In the end, while I know this doesn't typically follow the 'real-world' TV schedule, I like the idea of having two seasons a year (spanning 5 months with one month in-between for a theoretical 'cool down period').





”Company” Information

Deadly Overloaded Action

Marketing Tag-line:
“Survival of the Fearless"

Owned By:
The Arcadia Network

Presiding Product Manager:
The Head of Programming for Arcadia, Jensen Tarver

Victor Page

Starting Capital:

Home base:
The Arcadia Production Lot; Sound Stage D (aka


Viewer Response/perception


World Ranking:



D+ across the United States; minus Puerto Rico (E+) and Hawaii (D-)

D+ in the Tri-State, D in 4 regions, D- in 4 regions, and E’s in Puerto Rico/Hawaii


The DOA Product

Key Feature(s):

Heavy Feature(s):
Cult and Risqué

Medium Feature(s):
Traditional, Mainstream, and Daredevil

Match Intensity:

Match Danger:

T & A Levels:

Face/Heel Divide:


I have revamped the DOA product slightly since Season One; entirely due to the fact that I was booking “Rapid Assault” much different than what was actually partaking within the results. The difference this year is that ‘Realism’ has been dropped from medium levels to low levels. In the end, the DOA is still more realistic than the SWF (as they are at a ‘very low’ level); however, less than TCW (who stands at a ‘medium’ level). In my mind, this seems more in-line with how the DOA evolved over the season; being able to focus more on the craziness of the action, characters, and scenarios, without being pigeon held by ‘reality’ exclusively. In ring action will still be as heavy-hitting as it was in the first season; however, now I feel the product resembles the DOA much better than what it was at a default level the first time around.


Also, now better knowing the definition of 'Traditional' from a product perspective, I have upped the overall level to that of 'medium' (versus low; where it use to be). In reality, the DOA is entirely about creating a gritty undertone centered around a 'graphic novel-esque' form of entertainment. With that in mind, such a bump seems more fitting as it adds a level of depth to the in-game mechanics as to how I book each show.


Televised Program

“Rapid Assault”




Taped on:

Airs on:

Time Slot:


Sound Stage D; aka


Real World Comparison

Deadly Overloaded Action is theoretically a fusion of Wrestling Society X (of MTV fame), TNA's X Division, and a gritty graphic novel. In a sense, it's a TV network owned wrestling program centered around fast-paced, high flying, action that is altogether encompassed by the blanketing depth that comes with most darker graphic novels.



1st Season:
April 2010 – August 2010;
676 Posts

2nd Season:
October 2010 – February 2011
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This section can be used as the 'central-hub', of sorts, as it pertains to Deadly Overloaded Action programming. As you can see below, each episode will be posted in an easy-to-use link in which to save you the time of having to sort through pages to find the results in question. As time goes forward, more avenues will be created as new TV shows start, new projects unfold that call for such organization, and monumental posts are in need of such documentation. In a way, I wanted to create a page within the dynasty that really makes it easier to keep up with the DOA as a whole. I understand, especially with my extensive writing approach, that often people can feel overrun with too much information. That said, I will do my best to, at least, lessen this sense of grandeur by laying everything out in an easy-to-use format. This way, if you're interested in reading through the DOA season, you have a central hub to move through out.











4th Saturday, October, 2010








This added section is a basic backlog of all "Rapid Assault" episodes from Season I. Here, everything is only one click away in which to immerse yourself further into the history of Deadly Overloaded Action! To be honest, this was one of my favorite things to do this time around; as even I forgot a lot about what happened in the first project. Now, exactly a year from when this all started (in real world time), this collection of shows makes it much easier to tell the story of how we actually came to this point. All in all, I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!



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This marks the end of my initial blitz of posts in which to start out a new chapter for Deadly Overloaded Action. While much, much, more is to come, I felt at these four posts were entirely needed straight away; setting the tone for those coming into Victor’s Rebellion. With time, as I continue to craft the backstory, you’ll get to see what happened after Greed left from an internal perspective, how the Season One Finale was booked, and an initial introduction to the man of the hour; Victor Page.

First and foremost, before I were to go on though, I want to relay some thank you’s to those who made this project possible.


J Silver:
For developing an amazing render, and then altering it for my vision of Page, in which to give a great physical representation of my new user character. His creation brought Victor to life & for that I am deeply grateful.


As with very project, BigPapa42 has, and will continue to be, my ‘bench-mark’ for good writing. I come to him with ideas, thoughts, feedback, and he’s always gracious enough to respond. In a way, as I’ve said before, he’s been my mentor for quite some time now & I only hope to match his quality over time.


He’s been a long-time friend of mine here in the GDS-world and a trusted voice to turn to. In Season One, he created many alt renders for my crazy characters & really allowed me the opportunity to bring Deadly Overloaded Action to life. I will forever be in debt to him for that.


Another amazing graphic artist who has shown great flexibility as my mind wanders. He originally created a string of championships for another promotion I was going to run; however, when that fell flat and the DOA became my focus, he was gracious enough not to get mad over it. He’s great at what he does & is a stand-up guy.


I haven’t had much interaction with ReapeR as of late; however, much like jhd1, he was able to bring the DOA experience to life with his amazing title renders. Without his work, I would have been forced to utilize generic titles & only pretend they said what I wanted (or, sadly, tailor my ideas around what was available versus what was possible). A great guy & a great gift.


As his own writing process comes to a halt, I am deeply in debt to Angel’s continuous feedback as well. He’s another person I see as a friend here on the GDS boards & someone I can strike a conversation with quite easily. I hope that your hiatus is not long, as I love your work, but I also understand, from first hand experience, why breaks are certainly needed.


Finally, to those like
, and many, many more, I say thank you for consistently following me as a writer. I love the GDS boards, I love wrestling, and I love fusing the two in something while striving to create a unique experience. In the end, I will respond to any comments, feedback, questions, along the way, as I am truly in debt to everyone who reads my work, and hope to enjoy this ride with all of you!





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Definitely looking forward to this. There were some good stories in Season 1 (Matty Sparrow, The Moral Majority, Johnny Vicious, etc). The only thing I wonder is, will we see a return of "So You Want to Be a Pro Wrestler?"
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When I heard that DOA was coming back, my TEW insanity was rekindled. I immediately started work (and bouncing ideas of legends like you, E-V) on my future CZCW dynasty...just posted the first preview of it in the Diary Preview Thread...because I knew that your return to dynasty writing would spark the traffic on the threads once again.


Here's to inevitable smash hit entitled Rapid Assault Season II. May Victor have his revenge in the most glorious of ways. Can't wait for more, of course.

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"Life after Greed" post coming later tonight!

<hr color="black">


Moving onto some responses...


Excited for this as always but the fact it's DOA means I can't wait especially after the backstory post!


Also I don't remember that DOA stage picture (it was quiet long a go.) It looks awesome, how was it made?

It is undoubtedly worth it


Thank you, 20LEgend!


As I said above, I'm very thankful to those loyal readers like yourself. You've been with me through various projects & have always been a great source of feedback, support, etc. Thank you for that!


The DOA stage is something that I found off the internet in between projects a while back. When I saw it I instantly fell in love & felt it was perfect for the DOA. That said, I'm finally able to utilize the image & hope that it only furthers the mental picture for those reading this dynasty. I may even have a link to the image in every show; that way it's easier to visualize everything along the way.


The backstory has been a lot of fun to craft thus far; what happened after Greed, how one man saved DOA from being chopped, and, ultimately, how the first season came to a close. Added to that, by introducing Victor soon enough, I'll be able to shape a new direction for the program through the eyes of another. I'm thinking, in the end, I'm going to go ahead with the journal-like posts that I did with Erik Vincent in USPW. This way, it gets to the point of Victor's thoughts than just open conversations with random people (a la Greed's experience).


All in all, Great to have you on board once again!


Hmmm... go to bed or catch up on Season 1?


Eisen, if I fall asleep in the middle of the day tomorrow, I'm holding you COMPLETELY to blame!


I've been faced with this kind of conundrum before as well. Most often, I don't sleep and then end up hating myself the next day. ha. Hopefully, if you did stay up, the First Season was something to your liking. Either way, you'll have to let me know when you've finished. I'd love to know what you thought (as I was quite proud of that Season).


Hope you got some sleep & that I'm not creating, yet another, Insomniac like myself.


Definitely looking forward to this. There were some good stories in Season 1 (Matty Sparrow, The Moral Majority, Johnny Vicious, etc). The only thing I wonder is, will we see a return of "So You Want to Be a Pro Wrestler?"


The narratives from Season One is what pulled me back. Honestly, I feel, personally, that I have something very special with Deadly Overloaded Action. The characters are a little crazy; however, they meld so well together & make for some great feuds along the way. With no monthly PPV's, it tends to mean that feuds last much longer but I like that. While it's a modern approach, it's not so ADD that one would think of wrestling modernity. I look at the in-ring as fast-paced... not always the storylines.


Sadly, "So you wanna be a Pro Wrestler" probably will not see the light of day this time around (at least not as an independent thread as I attempted this last time). In the end, I feel it was stuff like that which ultimately killed my creative drive for the DOA project at that time. Why? It became too much work for me to keep everything going in both threads; something I feel I've learned a lot from.


I may pull it out from an internal perspective, utilizing in-game names, and giving the reader a chance to vote in a one-off, season finale, kind of way (much like I did in Season One with Donte Dunn) but that's not entirely decided yet. It's definitely something that makes the DOA experience different; however, I know that I need to keep things focused on this thread or else risk losing everything.


When I heard that DOA was coming back, my TEW insanity was rekindled. I immediately started work (and bouncing ideas of legends like you, E-V) on my future CZCW dynasty...just posted the first preview of it in the Diary Preview Thread...because I knew that your return to dynasty writing would spark the traffic on the threads once again.


Here's to inevitable smash hit entitled Rapid Assault Season II. May Victor have his revenge in the most glorious of ways. Can't wait for more, of course.


I have to say, I'm really excited about your CZCW project. You're a great writer who certainly is one major dynasty away from being a trusted name here on the GDS Boards. Whatever you may need for me, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. While I don't really have a door, per say, it's always open.


As for bringing more traffic, I'm not really sure if that's possible simply through one of my projects. Would I love to see more readers, writers, and creative minds, here? Certainly! We have such a great community that i'd love to see it grow stronger in the months to come. Will I spark that? Probably not. ha.


In the end, I'm so very grateful that I have an audience out there who are willing to read my work. I promise you, this time around, you're in for quite an experience with DOA...


You know I am looking forward to this one, E-V. Bought True Blood Season 3 today so I am ready to sink my teeth into something a little bloody. ;)


As always, if there's anything you need or that I can do, just ask.


I hear that True Blood is one hell of a show; haven't quite seen it myself. I've been a Supernatural (CW) fan for years though & I've heard there are some parallels (at least in the way it's shot).


While DOA is not necessarily 'hardcore', such a fast-paced, in-your-face, dare-devil-like, product will always bring a high dose of violence with it. Truthfully, though, looking back, I did write the first season pretty bloodily (and yes, I'm creating that word right now). ha. Will it continue? In a way, yes, but I guess we'll see how things unfold as the storylines come to ahead.

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For a company deeply rooted in cultivating a chaotic tone on-screen, “Project DOA”, for the first time in it’s short existence, was also predicating such a feel behind the curtain. John Greed’s unceremonious, and blatantly disrespectful, exodus from the Arcadia Network left the company’s corporate setting in a relative state of emergency. Voices were raised, positions challenged, and others professionally re-assigned, as the cult-based program, “Rapid Assault”, found itself hovering ever so closer toward the sadden wasteland of lost TV programs.


While the ratings were strong, at least compared to the rest of their programming catalog, there were a growing number of corporate executives growing tired of the DOA-craze. Despite the program being tailored exclusively toward their overarching demographic (18-35 males), an incessant conversation began to take hold about whether or not the asset (DOA) was truly needed. Citing such a tumultuous departure by Greed, coupled with the fact that their #1 guy all along, even before Greed, in John Campbell had officially turned them down once again, it appeared as though “Project DOA” was becoming exactly that…
A Project
; one that began to feel much too tough to keep afloat amidst all the administrative carnage.


Deadly Overloaded Action looked to be on it’s death bed as it continued to rage forth; creeping toward a Season Finale that could also pose as the halt of the Series itself.


The father of DOA...


... Putting his career on the line!


That was until
Jensen Tarver
stood his ground like a defiant war general in the face of mass slaughter; sticking his neck out for the very program HE brought to Arcadia a good six months prior.


Latching his professional career squarely upon “Project DOA”, a fact that many felt was nothing more than a ‘death-wish’ in modern TV practices, Tarver single handedly kept everything afloat. His legacy, his stature, and his job, now, solely relied upon the success of Deadly Overloaded Action. The treasure chest of political capital he had acquired since first stepping into his post, the youngest to do so at Arcadia since it’s inception, was successfully used in which to buy time for the war-torn program. Still, even with his iron-clad backing, conversations continued to unfold about what would become of “Project DOA”. In a sense, Jensen Tarver had become Deadly Overloaded Action’s life-support; putting his own professional life on the line in which to see it through.


When asked the simple question of WHY, why would he place his neck on the chopping block when, up until now, he’s been a public darling for the network, Tarver would emphatically mutter the same line in return:




No longer was John Greed the defining figure of Deadly Overloaded Action to the public. Now, it was none other than the company’s TRUE savior, it’s original developer, and the man who defiantly stood up for DOA in it’s time of terrible need; Jensen Taver.


He was
Mr. DOA. No one else.


In the meantime, while Season One came to a triumphant ending, adding great suspense along the way, Tarver set out to find the new ‘creative mastermind’ in which to steer his beloved DOA back into good graces. He knew, at this point, a highly educated man, that without a unique wrestling mind at the helm, that he would also fade into the sunset in time; removed from his post if his ‘baby’ finally proved to be a flop.


In a quick act of desperation, a phase he quickly coined as ‘damage control’, Tarver compiled a small booking team in which to properly bring the first season to a close; banking on their knowledge of the sport in which to finish off strong. Promoting from within, Eric Tyler, The Guru, and Davis Ditterich, took their seats at the theoretical roundtable; formulating a well-constructed end to the inaugural season. Countless hours were put in, endless conversations would follow; however, even for their hard-work, it was widely known that no one man within this group was guaranteed the ‘top spot’ once the finale came to ahead.


Even as the final moments of “Rapid Assault” passed through, those who had been quickly cast into such creative positions were well aware of the truth…


Jensen Tarver had his eye on someone…


A man, once heralded, who now finds himself on the outside looking in; a former celebrated writer who now is nothing more than a bitter blogist.


What Eisen publically pushed aside, was now set to become Tarver’s golden prize… His battlefield general with an eye for the extreme…


That man is
Victor Page


A former head-writer for the Supreme Wrestling Federation and a man many have dubbed “The Fallen Angel” since his departure from “The Land of Supreme”.



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Guest codey
You know I always look forward to and enjoy your work immensely, EV. I'm sure this will be no exception.
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You know I always look forward to and enjoy your work immensely, EV. I'm sure this will be no exception.


Thank you, codey!


You're another reader that I've seen quite much over the last few years; for that I thank you greatly.


While my time-frame may be a little more full at this time, as my wife and I just moved across country, I am 110% focused on creating a powerful second season (if not more) for DOA. Now, as I write the backstory, I'm cementing my vision for this season & am excited to move forward!


Great to have you on board!






Had you said Victor Sage I would have been hyped the Question was taking over DOA. Now I'm still enthusiastic, but just a little disapointed. Hope you're able to how different Page and Greed are.


I can't say that I know Victor Sage. That said, I'm sorry about pumping your interest up only to have it, probably, fall back down. ha.


As for the difference in Page & Greed, there will certainly be similarities (as they both came from SWF & have more of a cult-view on things); however, personality wise both are quite opposite. Greed, despite being polarizing and controversial to some, was much more of a gentle soul. Sure, he punched out his boss but it took quite some time for that to happen (and things had boiled to a point). It wouldn't take Victor half as long to do so. ha. In a sense, Victor is more of a 'pit-bull' in his personality type; an Alpha type personality.


As you'll see, very soon actually, that while both were cast from SWF... John's was crazy and pulled in sympathy for the man (being fired while injured); where as Victor brought the fire upon himself....





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Rich’s parting words deflected much like an arrow redirects violently from a scuffed shield. His intentions were rather obvious, as it practically steamed from within; however, it did little to influence my perspective. Deep down, as I continued to push my iron-clad agenda forward, it was only a matter of time before the rage-filled, overtly grumpy, holier-than-thou, bully finally bubbled to the forefront; acting like a volcano raging out of control. “Tricky Dick”, as most writers had called him behind his back, a fact that became more obvious in recent months, a name he hated intensely, is not the type to accept constructive criticism. Should I have pulled back; tempering my call for an evolving tone? Many of my coworkers had said so. Realistically, that’s not me. I’ve never been one to pull punches and I don’t ever plan to.




It’s not that I was overtly antagonistic. Sure, who doesn’t like pushing buttons from time-to-time? Honestly, such a practice is typically what garners success in this industry; controversy sells it’s true. With that said, my undying support for the ‘new crop of talent’ was what did me in. Now, before I go too far, don’t think of me as some ‘gentle soul with a bleeding heart for the underused, the forgotten, and the hungry’. Truthfully, I pushed for many of them because they were more talented than the talentless hacks that continued to weigh the others down with their bloated ego’s; furthered by every tom, d*ck, and harry in the back. People like Akima Brave, Marc Dubois, Frederique Antonio Garcia, and the Bumfholes, were the real work-horses of that program. That, and I was growing tired of writing for limited hasbeens.


I had grown overrun with their call for mediocrity; the SWF brass. The final straw came with Spencer Spade; an intensely talented youngster with a look for days. I had orchestrated his newfound rise, utilizing the internet as a new medium of character explanation, putting my entire energy into his development, knowing it would, eventually, come back to me, only to have Rich job him out to the whose-who of his decrepit stable of ponies. All of that work, all of my focus, all completely uprooted by the mindless call of “Tricky Dick”. I guess, in the end, Spade ended up far worse than I.




I was free to leave. He was forced to suffer through the crippling feeling of a burning star being exhausted on a whim; still under contract with the SWF.


The internet wrestling columnists have labeled me a “Hero” of sorts; a martyr if you will. In reality, though, the IWC tends to glorify the simplest of bull-sh*t whenever it is directed negatively at Rich. I guess, when you’re on top as long as he has been, you’re bound to have more enemies than supporters. Funny enough, it’s the one thing that he and I had in common; we were good at what we did &, with time, it’s bound to bite you in the A$$. In this case, it was HIS company; so, it was I who would be framed as the malcontent.


Almost immediately I was branded with the tag of “The Fallen Angel”; playing off that the SWF was much like the rolling hills of heaven to those busting their humps on the independent circuit. Truthfully, though, if the SWF is supposed to be heaven then GOD is a d*ck. I knew that coming in, hearing of Rich’s underlying rabid personality; however, I wasn’t planning on redirecting my goals in which to simply find a comfortable spot within the organization. Others came to the SWF hoping to become a lifer… I came to the SWF in which to build a legacy. In the end, I don’t need “Tricky Dick”, or the supposed glitz of the SWF name, to bring that to me. I’ve already done that.


In one fiery conversation I went from being a highly publicized writer to being a well-documented casualty; a “Fallen Angel” if you must. Well, if they were going to paint me as such then it was about time that I lived up to the tag.


Sitting silently in my Brooklyn apartment, a closet-sized oasis, at least it has to be given the insane price that comes with it, I began to ‘fire back’ as any inspired militant would.


Was it a little nasty? Unprofessional? Sure. Did I care? No.


It started with ‘tell-all’ interviews to any website that would listen, which was pretty much them all, and, eventually, came to a volatile blog (as some would describe it as). Weekly, when SupremeTV would finally roll into it’s credits, there I would be, typing incessantly in which to counter-act what we all had just witnessed; re-booking what would have been a BETTER show to the viewer. Not everyone agreed; however, I didn’t really care. The blog wasn’t for them, or really anyone for that matter, as it was more of a parting-shot to “Tricky Dick” and his band of a$$holes.


Almost instantly, my phone began ringing.




Meh. The calls came and went; never returning one of them in the process. Why would I want to produce a Jurassic show like Strong’s wasteland? Better yet, why would I take on an organization that didn’t even possess a TV contract; in NYCW, PSW, or CZCW? They were all a waste of my time. That is, until
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Awesome start, my friend. I think it's a great idea to move away from Greed, and Page looks like a real character in the making. Plus, as I've said before, I think DOA is more your company than any other - PSW included. Now if only I could stop reading Victor Rage... :p
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Awesome start, my friend. I think it's a great idea to move away from Greed, and Page looks like a real character in the making. Plus, as I've said before, I think DOA is more your company than any other - PSW included. Now if only I could stop reading Victor Rage... :p


Thank you, jhd1!


I loved my time with Greed but all things must come to an end. In a way, he symbolized a moment in my life, one where I was slightly more down-and-out; so, it was easier to relate with his story. With Page, it's more of a liking of his character versus being a carbon-copy of myself. Sure, facets of my own personality will make it's way in, as it always does, but I plan on making Page much more of a snarky expansionist (taking on all comers); hell-bent on ruling the industry (versus being part of it). I guess, much more early, and hungry, Bischoff than anyone else in comparison; not who we see today.


I agree with you, as well, about the DOA being more
than any other project I've ran with. I think that's what brought me back to the fold as I am now, very excited, to get things back on the road. I like high fliers, fast-paced, chain-wrestling, like action; the kind of stuff that calls for pure athleticism. In connection, I love an intense overhanging culture. So, the DOA is perfect for me as it gives me both of those!


As for Page/Rage, their is a connection outside of just one letter being replaced. Page is more of an angry man than Greed was; someone who is hell-bent on conquering all. As time goes on, this will become even more evident as Victor interacts with the Greed-verse more...


All in all, thank you for stopping in and leaving some feedback!
Always good to talk to you, my friend.





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Almost immediately I was branded with the tag of “The Fallen Angel”; playing off that the SWF was much like the rolling hills of heaven to those busting their humps on the independent circuit. Truthfully, though, if the SWF is supposed to be heaven then GOD is a d*ck.


The thing I most love about your work EV is that not only is the content second to none, the care taken and the excellent way it is put together, both presentation, setting a tone for the dairy and sticking to it in generally. It is so professionally done.


Also, above I quoted above a paragraph which I just thought was amazing, the links to the whole thing, just such intelligent writing, I loved that paragraph and I don't know the words I would use to describe it (you probably could if you knew what I meant :p) but the reference to The Fallen Angel from the earlier post and then how it all link down to "God being a d*ck" which he literally is in this case as he is Richard (Dick) just so well written, I've rambled because I can't express what I mean (ironically since I'm praising you on that :p) but great work and as always as each post comes 20LEgend gets more and more hyped by the return of DOA.


Edit: Also really starting to like Page, he seems like a cool guy :)

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Guest codey
Just a quick question, but is this going to pick up where the last one left off? What with Nemesis going nuts, and Greg Black/Shawn Gonzalez (a storyline I was really enjoying) it was entertaining stuff.
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Just a quick question, but is this going to pick up where the last one left off? What with Nemesis going nuts, and Greg Black/Shawn Gonzalez (a storyline I was really enjoying) it was entertaining stuff.


It starts at the start of Season II, Nemesis never came, in fact in this version he turned down DOA. This again has John Greed walking out and then Victor comes in and takes over where Greed left off. The Nemesis era NEVER existed :)


(Correct me if I'm wrong)

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