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ACPW - Your Local Promotion!

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I know I have a couple of failed VWA attempts, but I've been working on this one as I play through the game for a while and have settled on a style pretty similar to that of infinitywpi and his famous Coastal Zone diaries, as well as certain inspiration from Rathen4 and his ACPW diary. So straight up, a big thanks to him for his great writing style - it's allowing me to share a story without burning out! Anyhow, enough talk... This thread will primarily contain the event listing for the diary. The general back story will be included in my first show posting which will be a mix of backstage updates, roster information and the show itself.



ACPW Rising Force 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, January)

ACPW Fighting Spirit 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, February)

ACPW Vendetta 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, March)

ACPW No Remorse 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, April)

ACPW Road To Glory 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, May)

ACPW Night Of Champions 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, June)

ACPW Chaos Theory 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, July)

ACPW Unplugged 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, August)

ACPW No Holds Barred 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, September)

ACPW Full Throttle 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, October)

ACPW All Or Nothing 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, November)

ACPW End Game 2010 | 2011 (Wednesday, Week 3, December)



2010 | 2011

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Location: The Maritimes

Nation: Canada

Founded: August 2009

Owner: Daedalus Buchinsky


Size: Local

Popularity: F+

Schedule: Full Time

Style: Modern Junior

Prestige: F+

Momentum: E+




World Rank: #36

National Rank: #4


Canada: F+


Mexico: F-

UK: F-

Europe: F-

Japan: F-

Australia: F-


Info correct as of December 2010.

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Main Event

Teddy Powell (F)

Mario da Silva (H)

Jamie Atherton (H)

El Diablo (F)

Arthur Dexter Bradley (H)


Upper Midcard

Frankie-Boy Fernandes (F)

Ash Campbell (H)

Sky King (H)

Dermott Ayres (H)

Topher Smith (F)

Dagger (H)



Marc Raisin (H)

Kirk Drury (F)

Jay Becker (H)


Lower Midcard

Alistair Shufflebottom (F)

Cameron Jones (H)




Taylor Kidd (currently unemployed)

Mimic (currently employed by Supreme Wrestling Federation)

Jayson Van Pelt (currently unemployed)

Ricochet Ramone (currently unemployed)

Malik Cash (currently unemployed)





ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title

Mario da Silva - January 2011

Teddy Powell - June 2010

El Diablo - October 2009



ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Dermott Ayres - December 2010

Topher Smith - August 2010

Mario da Silva - November 2009



ACPW Tag Team Titles

vacated - August 2010

The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic) - February 2010

The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) - November 2009


Info correct as of January 2011.

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I’m still not sure what it was that led to Daedalus Buchinsky hiring me; maybe it was my college marketing background and that I shared the same love for wrestling, especially the lightweights, as him. Maybe he saw in some way a younger version of himself or maybe he just got fed up with Face Nelson. Either way, I jumped at the offer and without considering the lower wage I took the job instantly.


On the topic of money, it was instantly my biggest concern as I stepped into my dingy and cramped office and immediately was presented with the company’s books, which were a rather sorry sight. Fifty thousand dollars, all I had to play with and strict guidelines that I never cause the company to fall into debt.


So in the short term, it appears I have little room to manoeuvre in all senses of the word. A quick look at the roster and I can already see that more money is being spent than need be and let go of the announce team, Tony Marsh and Face Nelson and road agent, Art Lawson, preferring to streamline the approach by using the much cheaper Heather Braband as a colour commentator and bringing in Remmington Remus in the dual role of lead announcer and road agent.


SHOW #1 - ACPW RISING FORCE - Wednesday, Week 3, January 2010

Attendance: 15


Anyhow, enough talk of business. We’re on the road, well actually just up the road at the New Brunswick Hall, our home base for the time being.


The night gets rolling with one half of the tag team champs, Malik Cash taking on Topher Smith. In a match that was completely devoid of enjoyment on the part of the crowd and seemingly even for the wrestlers, Malik took the win after eight minutes and the men got their biggest cheer as they left the ring. Maliks’s partner, Jay Becker was next out against Alistair Shufflebottom and put up an equally poor performance, disgracing himself as his tag team partner interfered to help him win the match, a move which the crowd absolutely hated.


Two out of two awful matches so far. Now to see how well an interview goes over with the crowd. Equally as bad it would seem, as El Diablo’s attempt to hype his main event ladder match received the same reaction as the first two matches, with the fans making it clear they wanted wrestling not talking.


On to the first part of our double main events and the submission match between Canadian Regional champion, Mario da Silva and challenger, Jayson Van Pelt. A very solid display between the two men as da Silva picks up his first successful title defense with a kimura arm-bar after twelve and a half minutes of entertaining action. Finally, our main event and the ladder match between champ, El Diablo and Jamie Atherton betters the previous match as the pair demonstrate some good chemistry, delivering a back and forth fifteen minute contest that’ll be listed for now as the best match the company has hosted.


SHOW RATING: D- (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: El Diablo vs Jamie Atherton (D)

LOWLIGHT: El Diablo hyping main event (F+)



Despite losing money, $1,720 to be exact, I felt it was a solid start - I found out who shouldn’t be in the ring alone and also that the fans don’t like talking. On the plus side, El Diablo and Jamie Atherton can expect further matches as can da Silva and Van Pelt. Not to mention, the experiment of gimmick matches for the titles paid off with the fans loving the concept and it shall now become a regular thing.

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Piece of advice: run alternate months, that way you gradually build up a profit margin to cushion the on months. Don't be afraid to can large amounts of the roster early on. And look to Mexico: Mr Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. come reasonably cheap and deliver in spades for you.
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Great start - I love the style as it's easy to read AND write relatively quickly and was a big fan of both the diaries you mentioned. Good luck with this!


Thanks. I figure if it's easy to write and easy for people to read it's gonna be rewarding for me and readers! I hope you continue to enjoy it!


TheEffect is in.

Edit: But wait how did you only lose around $2000 on the show.

I usually lose around $10,000 in a month!


I think I only used 8 workers all up, between having my announcer doubling as a road agent and not putting too many people in the ring. I'm hoping I can lessen that again, but to be honest it's not seeming too likely with my plans!


Piece of advice: run alternate months, that way you gradually build up a profit margin to cushion the on months. Don't be afraid to can large amounts of the roster early on. And look to Mexico: Mr Lucha III and Extraordinario Jr. come reasonably cheap and deliver in spades for you.


Thanks for the advice. In regards to bi-monthly shows, I think based on my losses I can manage to struggle on monthly for now. With the recommendations, I'll certainly have them in mind - I have a storyline idea already!


Thanks for the great feedback thus far guys, I hope you're enjoying it!

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Another month and another trip up the road to the New Brunswick Hall. It would seem last month served to increase our popularity and we all had our fingers crossed that it meant more people, even if only a few more came through the door.


Our experiment of a ladder match for our main title, the Junior Heavyweight belt and the submission match to showcase the Canadian Regional belt paid off with the fans praising the choices, stating that technical wrestling was what put Canada on the map.


SHOW #2 - ACPW FIGHTING SPIRIT - Wednesday, Week 3, February 2010

Attendance: 15


Anyhow on to the show, that will now be broadcasting online in the hopes of exciting some of the numerous wrestling columnists out there and getting some free publicity.


Tonight, we kick off the action with a tag team contest. Possibly not the smartest idea given our finances but we wanted to showcase the belts. The Inner City Express comprising of Malik Cash and Jay Becker, on the back of getting booed out of the building last time lose in roughly eleven minutes to The Nest of Vipers, a team consisting of Mimic and Dagger. So, the night is underway with new champions crowned following a match that wasn’t too shabby.


Next up, one of our rookies takes to the ring as Kirk Drury and Dermott Ayres square off in a match I expect to be the night’s low point. My prediction is correct as the rookie struggles to get to grips with his ever so slightly more experienced opponent and is caught in the Montreal Crab after ten minutes and taps out, gifting Ayres the submission victory. On a side note, the pair showed some level of chemistry despite not getting the crowd too excited.


Learning our lesson from last time out, we don’t bother trying to hype tonight’s main event, instead rolling straight into the pre main event match up, to be contested by Marc Raisin and Jayson Van Pelt. The pair showed some decent skill, never really looking likely to have the match of the night though and Van Pelt’s Axe Kick led to a sigh of relief from the crowd. Following on from the display the men just put up, we see a title match and what should rightfully be the match of the night with Mario da Silva once again putting his title on the line in a submission contest, this time against Jamie Atherton. After a hard fought eighteen minutes, Atherton finally is forced to tap out by the Brazilian champion, who survives title defence number two. Surprisingly though, the pair doesn’t engage the crowd and are probably not going to be facing off again any time soon as a result.


SHOW RATING: E (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: The Inner City Express vs The Nest of Vipers (E+)

LOWLIGHT: Dermott Ayres vs Kirk Drury (E-)



Further experimentation with the roster appears to have failed. The tag team contest came through for us but unfortunately was likely the cause of our bigger worker costs bill this month. However this was counteracted by our new delivery method via the Internet ending up with us only losing $1,521. Clearly, we missed a few names off the card and it seemed particularly noticeable at certain stages that the fans were missing them too. Hopefully, next month we can turn things around and pull out a show that lives up to our first this year.

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Having grown a little more comfortable with the people I have available to me, I set about making some changes. Although nothing too major was shaken up, new gimmicks have been given to a number of the roster that better suit their individual performance skills. Most were just slight re-interpretations of their current characters though, to be honest.


Taylor Kidd entered the last month of his contract and unfortunately so as not to anger the boss I had to let the young man go due to not meeting our in-ring psychology requirement. Hopefully he can find some work elsewhere and improve his game so one day we can re-hire him. Aside from that, it was business as usual.


SHOW #3 - ACPW VENDETTA - Wednesday, Week 3, March 2010

Attendance: 12


On with the show now, broadcast online for your viewing pleasure and for the pleasure of the few fans that make the monthly trip down to the New Brunswick Hall.


We open the night with two of the men involved in last month’s tag title match in singles action against each other as Mimic takes on Jay Becker. The pair put on a reasonable performance in that they weren’t booed from the building with Mimic taking the victory at around the twelve minute mark. Unfortunately he was rather inconsistent throughout the match and this let it down in the crowd’s eyes.


Next up, we test out the rookies in a match that’ll see the winner get a shot at the ACPW Canadian Regional title. Elimination rules were the dish of the day as Ricochet Ramone stepped into the ring with Alistair Shufflebottom and Topher Smith. Topher took the win, eliminating both men within twelve minutes. Unfortunately their rookie status was obvious as the crowd really didn’t get behind anyone and the match was rather bland.


The first part of our double main event now as Dermott Ayres seeks to take Mario da Silva’s title in a submission match. The pair demonstrates fantastic chemistry, ensuring they’ll be booked together in the future but ultimately it is da Silva retaining the belt with his trademark kimura arm bar in the third best match the company has ever had. Finally, the night’s main event as the Junior Heavyweight round robin gets underway. Only two of the three men gunning for the title shot have been named and they’re competing tonight as Jamie Atherton takes on Jayson Van Pelt. Ultimately after an arduous sixteen minutes, Van Pelt hits the Axe Kick and takes the win with the pair having been outshone by the prior match.


SHOW RATING: E (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Mario da Silva vs Dermott Ayres (E+)

LOWLIGHT: Topher Smith vs Alistair Shufflebottom vs Ricochet Ramone (E-)



So this month marked the start of the build towards Night Of Champions, one of our major shows with title contendership finally being noted. An all-round decent showing with da Silva showing once again why he’s ever-present this year, next month El Diablo will be back in action though as we seek to raise our game further. Money wise, we drew three less fans but managed to offset the difference with our booking resulting in a loss of only $721. Finally to end the month, Canadian legend Whipper Spencer Marks announced his retirement from the business at age 71.

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Unfortunately for us this month, Jamie Atherton's contract came up and wanting to keep a guy considered as possibly the best we have, I had to bump his wages up by $150 and give him a 5% cut of merchandise sales. Hopefully he won't be making me regret the move.


Outside of that, another Canadian legend retires, this time Jackson Andrews calls it a day at age 69. On a more positive note, I finally manage to speak to the boss and convince him that for the company to grow we need some working agreements in place with other smaller promotions. The first of these comes to being with FREEDOM Caribbean coming on-board with an agreement that prevents either of us from holding each other’s stars exclusively. Hopefully this won’t be the last such agreement.


SHOW #4 - ACPW NO REMORSE - Wednesday, Week 3, April 2010

Attendance: 11


Another month and another show, once again New Brunswick Hall plays host to us and our small band of loyal supporters, which worryingly seems to be shrinking with each show.


We get the night’s action underway with a bang as we mark the debut of a former USPW and DAVE worker, Teddy Powell. He is revealed as the third man in the round robin for the Junior Heavyweight crown and steps between the ropes tonight with Jayson Van Pelt. Against the will of Van Pelt, I let the debutant take the win in somewhat convincing fashion, scoring a pinfall after fourteen minutes of back and forth action.


Marc Raisin makes his first appearance of the year following that match as he takes on Alistair Shufflebottom in a rookie affair. Raisin is definitely looking to emulate his Montreal Mafia partner, Dermott Ayres as he steps into the ring seeking to increase his standing. Ultimately it is Raisin that takes the win though the match itself is rather poor and the crowd don’t get into it at all.


Next up, Topher Smith cashes in his title match in the usual submission match for the Canadian Regional title against Mario da Silva. In a short ten minute affair to counteract Topher’s lack of real technical skill, da Silva retains once more with his trusty kimura arm bar, marking a fourth successful title defence. In our main event, Mimic attempts to add a second belt to his waist as he steps into the ring for a ladder title match with El Diablo. Mimic tries his best but ultimately cannot score the big win and is left counting the bruises following a rather physical all-out affair with El Diablo.


SHOW RATING: D- (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: El Diablo vs Mimic (D-)

LOWLIGHT: Marc Raisin vs Alistair Shufflebottom (F+)



Interestingly, despite the poor attendance the show is the best in our short history. Hopefully word of mouth gets out and more people show up next month! The falling ticket sales coupled with our choices of workers appearing though led to a deficit of $1,211 this month unfortunately. Amongst other industry news come the end of the month was Alex Braun’s decision to hang up his boots, the two-time DAVE Brass Knuckles champion preferring to step behind the scenes at this stage of his career. Also as we neared the end of the month, our working agreement with FCW reaped rewards which will ultimately be seen in our upcoming shows.

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HOMETOWN: Fort Lauderdale, FL

HEIGHT: 5’11”

WEIGHT: 213lb



Teddy Powell first came to fame in the early part of the decade, debuting in USPW back in 2001 in some rather less than spectacular matches. He struggled to make a mark early on, paying his dues and losing to more established wrestlers. This however helped him become the well-rounded athlete he is today with his ability to take it to the mat, brawl or go up top.


His first big break was in fact marked by the arrival of Sammy Bach in 2004, with the pair teaming up as the high-flying, risk-taking duo Adrenaline Rush. Teddy was to get his first taste of gold as a member of this team, with the pair defeating Savage Fury (Tribal Warrior and Java) in March 2004. This run was unfortunately cut short though as Savage Fury invoked their re-match clause just two months later, regaining the belts in May 2004.


Heading to the Tri-State area later that year as recruits in Phil Vibert’s drive to push DAVE ever higher, the pair finally took gold a second time in April 2006, defeating three-time champions The Animalz, Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine. Once again though, they couldn’t make it last and ultimately gave up the belts to The New Jersey Devils, Alex Braun and Tank Bradley a few months later in October 2006.


The rave reviews earned from their performances in the promotion led to them being on many promotion’s short lists, but ultimately when DAVE folded and TCW came in they only took Sammy. Teddy, feeling betrayed by his partner’s choice to venture out on his own to this day has real-world animosity with his former partner, bordering on hatred.


Now, moving into a new chapter of his career as a singles wrestler he is currently contracted to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling along with numerous other alumni of the DAVE promotion and just recently he made his All Canada Pro Wrestling debut, defeating Jayson Van Pelt at No Remorse, making his future intentions very clear as he seeks a shot at the ACPW Junior Heavyweight crown and his first singles title.

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With the realisation that one of the critical goals I’d been set was under siege, this month I needed to do something drastic. EXODUS 2010 had opened doors in Japan and in doing so had dropped me to #37 in the world, when I’d specifically been told in two years time we need to still be at #36 or higher. Action would be needed and thus I went to speak with the owner to discuss a move away from the diminishing attendances we were witnessing at our Maritimes base. It was decided that moving the events to Quebec could have a greater knock-on effect with potential for further word-of-mouth to get around. That said, we weren’t going to leave our current fans high and dry with our flagship event, Night Of Champions earmarked as our last Maritimes show for now.


SHOW #5 - ACPW ROAD TO GLORY - Wednesday, Week 3, May 2010

Attendance: 24


Our fifth month and tonight’s event is all about setting up for our flagship show, Night Of Champions. Word has it that they’re pulling out the big guns and it’ll even have a live band performing!


Tonight’s show is opened by Sky King, making his first pricey appearance of the year in a Canadian Regional contenders match, against Dermott Ayres and our first FCW shared worker, Arthur Dexter Bradley. After an explosive fourteen minutes, Ayres locks in a hold and forces the newcomer to tap with Sky King down on the outside. In hindsight, this was probably too long and we were asking maybe a little too much of the veteran Sky King to hold it together.


The two rookies do battle next with Ricochet Ramone taking on Alistair Shufflebottom. The match doesn’t last too long, with their flaws obviously needing to be hidden for the time being. After about ten minutes, Alistair scores a big hit on his opponent and rolls him up for the three count, scoring his first win for the year though it garners little to no reaction from the crowd. Another rookie bout as we seek not to over-spend too much with Marc Raisin taking on Topher Smith. Topher has a little more upside to him at this current moment and is thus given the pinfall win with eleven minutes on the clock in another match that really fails to excite those in attendance.


In tonight’s main event, we see the final match in the round robin for number one contendership. Jamie Atherton takes the pinfall victory over Teddy Powell at the seventeen minute mark, meaning all three men have a win and a loss apiece. Looks like the only way to resolve this is going to be a four-way match - Atherton, Powell, Van Pelt and El Diablo.


SHOW RATING: E+ (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Jamie Atherton vs Teddy Powell (E+)

LOWLIGHT: Ricochet Ramone vs Alistair Shufflebottom (F+)



Somehow, we more than doubled the attendance from our previous show - word must’ve got out about our potential move to Quebec maybe. Unfortunately the extra people didn’t buy merchandise to the level we needed and our extra costs on workers were clear with a deficit of $2,482 for the month - our worst total yet. In worrying industry news, NOTBPW confirmed its hostility with SWF, following their climb to true national status. My biggest concern was of course that they’d come in and take my workers. Fingers crossed they don’t. Amongst their signings so far have been home-grown CGC favourite Bobby Thomas, long-time CGC stalwart Eric Tyler and current 4C champion Sayeed Ali. Looks like for now I’m safe as they pick on the other guys!

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I figure releasing the card early may bring a few more heads through the door, that coupled with our live band and this is definitely gearing up to be our biggest show yet, with all three titles on the line it’s rightfully going to be the Night Of Champions. Anyhow, here’s the announced line-up:


ACPW NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS - Wednesday, Week 3, June 2010


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Ladder Match

El Diablo vs Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton vs Jayson Van Pelt


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Submission Match

Mario da Silva vs Dermott Ayres


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic) vs The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash)


Rookies Showcase Match

Topher Smith vs Arthur Dexter Bradley vs ???

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Thanks for the PM, I had meant to stop in here and say hello but didn't get round to it!


My ACPW diary was one of my favourite things I've done here, and definitely my most successful game to date! Looks like you're off on the right track and "keeping it ACPW", rather than bringing in lots of talent from elsewhere.


If I were you, I'd drop the tag division for a while until you start to turn a solid profit - otherwise this could end messily! What are your finances like at this point?


Keep up the good work :)

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Been following this, sorry I haven't commented more. You're doing good with your financials from what youre posting. I had to go to every other month in June, so youre doing better than I am in that aspect haha


Good move getting the belts off ICE, best thing any ACPW booker could do haha.


Kudos on finding chemistry with Mario & Dermott. I've yet to have any of my tag wrestlers work singles matches, so I feel like I'm missing out on some chemistry possibilities haha.


Also, props on bringing in Teddy, he was always too expensive till I hit small, so it'll be cool to see how you use him.


This show looks great, cant wait to see how it turns out.


ACPW NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS - Wednesday, Week 3, June 2010


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Ladder Match

El Diablo vs Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton vs Jayson Van Pelt

Biggest name of the group, has the most potential for new match ups.


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Submission Match

Mario da Silva vs Dermott Ayres

He's just better. I could see Dermott winning though, to keep the feud going to exploit their chemistry more.


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic) vs The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash)

Yeah. No explanation needed.


Rookies Showcase Match

Topher Smith vs Arthur Dexter Bradley vs ???

Im guessing this will be an FCW guy, probably one to make a pretty big splash.

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ACPW NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS - Wednesday, Week 3, June 2010


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Ladder Match

El Diablo vs Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton vs Jayson Van Pelt - El Diablo - keep him as a strong champion.


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Submission Match

Mario da Silva vs Dermott Ayres - Plays to da Silva's strengths.


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Nest of Vipers (Dagger & Mimic) vs The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) - DAGGER KICK!


Rookies Showcase Match

Topher Smith vs Arthur Dexter Bradley vs ???- Not keen on either of the other two, so new guy gets the momentum.


Enjoying this!

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Another contract comes up and another guy wants a cut of merchandise, this time young Topher Smith puts it down on the table. Smartly, I manage to convince him a $50 and his travel expenses paid is enough of an improvement on his current deal. Meanwhile, we seal two more working agreements, firstly using Teddy Powell to negotiate a deal with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and then going out on our own to seal one with Mid Atlantic Wrestling. These agreements were to instantly reap rewards once more, with another new addition to the roster.


On a less fortunate note, this was the month we’d been dreading as Canadian Charisma Championship Combat came in with an offer for Jamie Atherton, which he agreed upon and World Level Wrestling looked to shake things up for both myself and FCW by offering Arthur Dexter Bradley a spot on their next tour, which he also agreed upon making him unavailable for my shows for the foreseeable future.


SHOW #6 - ACPW NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS - Wednesday, Week 3, June 2010

Attendance: 25


Anyhow, enough bad news as it’s time to move on to our flagship event, Night Of Champions at our ever trusty home base, the New Brunswick Hall.


The rookies open the night with Topher Smith and Arthur Dexter Bradley lining up alongside another man brought in on one of our working agreements, Ash Campbell of Mid Atlantic Wrestling fame. That and his father being pretty well-known as Nemesis might help with the fame part a little. Either way, on with the action we go and after a back and forth eight minute affair that the crowd doesn’t seem hugely excited about, Topher Smith rolls up Bradley for a pinfall following a Gopher Suicide Dive.


Next up, The Nest of Vipers looked to defend their tag team gold against The Inner City Express in a rematch. Naturally, Malik Cash and Jay Becker came out all guns blazing but this turned out to be their undoing, tiring as the match wore on to the point where after roughly ten minutes of action Mimic was able to close the deal pinning Malik Cash and sealing a first successful defence for himself and Dagger.


Following on from one title match to the next, we move into a submission match between Dermott Ayres and ACPW Canadian Regional champion, Mario da Silva. The pair have a fantastic chemistry in the ring and it really shone through once more as they did battle. Despite the lack of heat from the crowd, the pair gave it their all and eventually Ayres tapped to the kimura, da Silva’s trusty favourite hold.


Next up, we hoped to hype up the crowd for the main event with Jamie Atherton sent to the ring with a microphone, however this ultimately flopped big time leaving him with egg on his face prior to the big title four-way. The general consensus once more that the crowd come to our shows for in-ring action and not talking. Anyhow, moving on to the four way ladder match which also features current champion El Diablo, Teddy Powell, Jayson van Pelt for the Junior Heavyweight title and El Diablo’s reign comes to an abrupt end as Teddy Powell manages to ascend the ladder with everyone else down on the outside. The match going down as the second best we’d ever put on, rounding a thoroughly enjoyable show.


SHOW RATING: D- (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: El Diablo vs Jamie Atherton vs Teddy Powell vs Jayson Van Pelt (D)

LOWLIGHT: Jamie Atherton hyping main event (F)



So a month of big positives in the performances we got from many of our guys and the two new working agreements, but a month of negatives in that two of our guys now work elsewhere as well as for us and a definite negative in the bank balance with the flagship show leaving us $4,281 out of pocket. Hopefully we can turn things around next month because bleeding money can’t be very healthy for the company or for me either!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rathen4" data-cite="Rathen4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the PM, I had meant to stop in here and say hello but didn't get round to it!<p> </p><p> My ACPW diary was one of my favourite things I've done here, and definitely my most successful game to date! Looks like you're off on the right track and "keeping it ACPW", rather than bringing in lots of talent from elsewhere. </p><p> </p><p> If I were you, I'd drop the tag division for a while until you start to turn a solid profit - otherwise this could end messily! What are your finances like at this point?</p><p> </p><p> Keep up the good work <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> At this point I'm down $11,936 on where we started financially - losing an average of $2,000 per month. In regards to talent, I feel that it's one of my main goals - staying true to the original company but slowly integrating some new names. Basically, I'm not gonna come in and ditch all the old names just because I can get someone a little cheaper or better from elsewhere. Half the fun is building up their guys! And the tag division, I'm thinking along the same lines, it's not really all that financially viable at this stage. Glad you're enjoying it so far!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="FuelFan0102" data-cite="FuelFan0102" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Been following this, sorry I haven't commented more. You're doing good with your financials from what youre posting. I had to go to every other month in June, so youre doing better than I am in that aspect haha<p> </p><p> Good move getting the belts off ICE, best thing any ACPW booker could do haha.</p><p> </p><p> Kudos on finding chemistry with Mario & Dermott. I've yet to have any of my tag wrestlers work singles matches, so I feel like I'm missing out on some chemistry possibilities haha.</p><p> </p><p> Also, props on bringing in Teddy, he was always too expensive till I hit small, so it'll be cool to see how you use him.</p></div></blockquote><p> Teddy is a little pricey but he has that big-name feel to me in that he's worked for recognised promotions. Mario is proving to be quite the handful unfortunately - whilst I really like the submission character I'm building, he's grown a bit of an ego! As for the Inner City Express - give them time and maybe they'll get the belts back!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>PREDICTIONS</strong><p> 1. FuelFan0102 - 75%</p><p> 2. Jaded - 50%</p><p> </p><p> It seems my booking isn't all too predictable!</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>And so the build towards our second biggest event of the year, End Game begins. We start the month on a very positive note, renewing the contract of young up and comer, Dermott Ayres and signing another promotional working agreement that we’ll look to utilise a bit further down the track, this time with all-women’s promotion, Angel Athletic Association. The new promotional agreement providing us with potential to implement an alternate product, something we’re willing to do as evidenced by our mixed announce team.</p><p> </p><p>

We witness the arrival of another new recruit this month, with Cameron ‘J-Man’ Jones joining up with us having completed his training at the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. Cameron will be looking to share his time between his home company, Mid Atlantic Wrestling and us.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">SHOW #7 - ACPW CHAOS THEORY - Wednesday, Week 3, July 2010</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Attendance:</strong> 23</p><p> </p><p>

So despite still being in the red month in, month out we return to our home, the New Brunswick Hall. A lot of rumours are abound that we’re ready to re-locate but for now we shall stay put and see how it goes.</p><p> </p><p>

Tonight appears to be a much more low-key affair, especially compared to last month’s flagship show. We open with a contest between <strong>Ash Campbell</strong>, our Mid Atlantic recruit and <strong>Dermott Ayres</strong>, a man who has repeatedly put on solid matches in his hunt for gold within the company. The match itself drags on a little too much, but eventually after around eleven minutes of action, Dermott Ayres scores a submission victory with a Montreal Crab, clearly staking his claims as a submission worker in his own right.</p><p> </p><p>

Following on from that, another two youngsters do battle, with <strong>Topher Smith </strong>taking on a man who is making his professional wrestling debut, <strong>Cameron Jones</strong>. Jones puts up a pretty strong fight, demonstrating a great deal of technique but ultimately he appears a little out of his depth against a man with about a year’s more knowledge of the squared circle. Topher seals the deal with a submission victory at the ten minute mark.</p><p> </p><p>

Next up, <strong>Kirk Drury </strong>attempts to wrench the Canadian Regional belt from <strong>Mario da Silva</strong>’s grasp, a seemingly unenviable task. The match doesn’t seem to hit the spot for a lot of the fans with it dragging a little in the middle. Eventually though a fast-paced flurry towards the finish ends with a kimura and title defence number six proves successful for the young Brazilian.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, moving on to our main event and <strong>Teddy Powell </strong>defends his newly won Junior Heavyweight match against former champion <strong>El Diablo</strong> in the now traditional ladder match. El Diablo puts up a very strong fight, with both men visibly fatigued as the match wears on. Ultimately though, the chemistry the pair has in the ring shone through, with Teddy making a successful title defence, ascending the ladder following a gruelling sixteen minutes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">SHOW RATING:</span></strong> D- (increased popularity)</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">HIGHLIGHT:</span></strong> El Diablo vs Teddy Powell (D)</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">LOWLIGHT:</span></strong> Topher Smith vs Cameron Jones (E)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>END OF MONTH SUMMARY</strong></p><p>

This month is highlighted by a low-key line-up for our monthly event, with the pressure on to limit costs following an expensive previous month, this month’s loss is limited to $1,548 thankfully. A sour note ends the month though as Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, well-known to be a feeder league for SWF come in with an developmental offer for Mimic, one half of my tag champions. On a similarly sour note, we appear set to lose out on Jayson Van Pelt whose contract is coming up and who isn’t willing to accept the deal we offered him.</p>

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<p>This month began on a very sombre note, with British independent worker Trance tragically passing away in what is being viewed as a drug-related death. Trance reached a reasonable level of popularity on the British scene as a member of happy-go-lucky Party Animals tag team alongside Rave. In other wrestling news this month was former 5 time TWL champion Pat Deacon’s retirement announcement, citing a need to spend time with his family as the reason for ending his career at the end of the month.</p><p> </p><p>

As a result of Mimic’s departure, the Tag Team titles have been vacated and due to a current lack of tag team competition they have temporarily been suspended.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">SHOW #8 - ACPW UNPLUGGED - Wednesday, Week 3, August 2010</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Attendance:</strong> 27</p><p> </p><p>

Once again, I seek to really limit my spending this month with less of the big names out to play and the rookies earning their time in the spotlight. Our ever trusty home base, the New Brunswick Hall once again plays host to the night’s action, with our highest attendance this year.</p><p> </p><p>

Opening the show is a match between <strong>Ash Campbell</strong> and <strong>Dagger </strong>who has now taken to singles competition following the departure of his tag team partner. Obviously, Dagger is seeking to get some sort of gold back around his waist sooner rather than later. In a truly impressive display that sees both guys go all-out to tell a great story and perform way beyond their years, we see Dagger eventually score the victory with a fast roll-up after about twelve minutes.</p><p> </p><p>

Next up is <strong>Ricochet Ramone</strong>, who is yet to win this year as he looks to break his streak against <strong>Marc Raisin</strong>. Marc Raisin wins by pinfall after eleven minutes but in all honesty the match should’ve gone half the time, with the crowd tiring of it very fast. Neither of the men appeared to click and it really showed in their performance, with both also tiring as the match wore on. It definitely didn’t live up to the high standards the opening pair set.</p><p> </p><p>

Following on we shall witness<strong> Jayson Van Pelt</strong>’s last match in this run with the company as he was unwilling to agree terms on the new deal we offered. He’ll be facing young hotshot <strong>Dermott Ayres</strong> whose popularity is definitely on the rise. Dermott completely dominates Van Pelt from beginning to end, scoring the submission victory after fourteen minutes. The pair showed great chemistry, but ultimately with Van Pelt on his way out, it didn’t matter as the crowd really couldn’t get into him as they usually would.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally, our main event sees <strong>Mario da Silva </strong>line up against <strong>Topher Smith </strong>in a submission bout, looking to once again defend his Canadian Regional title. Topher and Mario go all out seeking to provide the maximum amount of entertainment for those in attendance, and obviously both men want to better the fantastic opening match. However, the match felt a little too long and when Topher eventually forced a submission at the fifteen minute mark it didn’t garner the great reaction it might’ve if the match was a little shorter. Ultimately, a solid performance as da Silva finally has to relinquish his title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">SHOW RATING: </span></strong>E (increased popularity)</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>HIGHLIGHT:</strong></span> Ash Campbell vs Dagger (D-)</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">LOWLIGHT: </span></strong>Marc Raisin vs Ricochet Ramone (F)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>END OF MONTH SUMMARY</strong></p><p>

The show didn’t quite live up to past events in fact it was our poorest show all year, but ultimately it was a lot cheaper than previous shows, leaving a deficit of just $228 and was our most attended event of the year thus far. Meanwhile, we end the month with a contract renewal of Royce Greig, our head referee who signs on at no extra cost. We also saw big news in Japan as Sadaharu Jimbo announced his retirement, leaving his Pride Glory Honor Wrestling promotion in the hands of his nephew, Seiji Jimbo.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">IN THE SPOTLIGHT</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">MARIO DA SILVA</span></span></strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>TITLE HISTORY:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> ACPW CANADIAN REGIONAL (2009-2010)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

</span><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>HOMETOWN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

</span><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>HEIGHT:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> 5’9”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

</span><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>WEIGHT:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> 219lb</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

</span><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>SIGNATURE MOVES:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> Kimura Arm Bar</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Mario da Silva didn’t always dream of being a professional wrestler. Growing up in Brazil, he actually sought to fight in mixed martial arts, learning jiu-jitsu from the tender age of six and legitimately holding a brown belt, but never reaching the heights of a black or indeed a red belt. Moving to Canada in his mid-teens with his family, his ambitions changed and he started gearing towards a professional wrestling career, inspired by the wealth of great talent present in Canada.</p><p> </p><p>

His submission skills, mixed with his striking ability and proficiency in legitimate arm and leg locks made him one of the most intense workers on the Canadian independent circuit and ultimately following his 2006 debut, this was many promotions reasoning for not taking him onboard, fearful of injury to their other workers.</p><p> </p><p>

Ultimately it was a risk that upstart promotion All Canada Pro Wrestling could afford to take, and upon their arrival on the Canadian wrestling scene in 2009, Mario da Silva was one of the first to be hired. Soon after his big break, he was afforded yet another as he scored a submission victory over Kirk Drury to become the first ACPW Canadian Regional champion in November 2009.</p><p> </p><p>

Moving into the year 2010 and the Tap Out Artist has remained champion for much of the year, defeating opponents with his ever trusty kimura armbar. However having lost the belt at <em>Unplugged</em> against young upstart, Topher Smith after six successful title defences one must question whether he will be able to bounce back, and maybe even push his way into the Junior Heavyweight title picture. Having tasted singles gold once, it’s almost certain the Brazilian-born Canadian will want to taste glory once more.</p>

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A massive shock rocked the Canadian wrestling scene as the month began with Dan Stone Jr. Leaving behind his home promotion, North of the Border Pro Wrestling to take up the reins as the new head booker of Pride Glory Honor Wrestling in Japan. Although he remains on a pay-per-appearance deal, rumour has it that his number one priority is now the Japanese promotion.


In news more close to home, we are unable to renew the contract of Ricochet Ramone by request of the owner, who doesn’t want workers that aren’t resilient and can’t tell in-ring stories. Ricochet finds his spot on the roster taken by Frankie-Boy Fernandes, a very recent graduate of the Coastal Resort training camp and one with massive potential. Meanwhile, we practically get a new roster member with the return of Arthur Dexter Bradley from his Japanese tour and instantly we realise we’ve gotten back a much better-rounded worker.


SHOW #9 - ACPW NO HOLDS BARRED - Wednesday, Week 3, September 2010

Attendance: 24


Another month where we need to avoid really blowing the bank, but thankfully we have some names that have really increased their standing but haven’t yet requested pay rises. As such, it’s going to be a show with rookies, but also one with known and respected faces competing. As always, despite the persistent rumours that we’ll desert our home base, we come to you from the New Brunswick Hall.


Our returning wrestler open the shows tonight, with Arthur Dexter Bradley finally back from his Japanese tour and taking on Kirk Drury. Unfortunately for the two men considering the calibre of their performance, the crowd doesn’t get into it and the match is left feeling rather ordinary because of it. Regardless of that though, the pair still put up a good fight and eventually the newly returned star scores the win with a Frog Splash and pin fall at roughly thirteen minutes.


The next pair to step into the ring is Ash Campbell and Marc Raisin. Both are seeking to raise their standing in hopes of maybe being able to challenge in the Canadian Regional title picture, but whether they can reach that point any time soon is a big question. Ash is really forced to carry Raisin at stages but the crowd seem interested enough and actually cheer the young Campbell when he goes up top and hits Marc with a Shooting Star Press to score the pinfall victory after ten minutes.


In young Frankie-Boy Fernandes’ debut wrestling match, he competes with newly crowned Canadian Regional champion, Topher Smith. Both men go all-out to entertain the fans and ultimately appear to succeed. Unfortunately, Topher isn’t quite on fire as he was last week and doesn’t offer up his greatest performance ever. However, he does do enough to prevent the debutant from taking the upset victory and forces him to submit after nine and a half minutes.


Our main event sees the remaining person that contested in the four-way ladder match at Night Of Champions seeking to win the belt in one on one action, as Jamie Atherton takes on Teddy Powell in the traditional ladder match for the Junior Heavyweight title. The pair goes all-out to put on a great show and despite showing signs of tiredness as the match advanced; the pair demonstrated fantastic resilience and willingness to put their bodies on the line to entertain. Eventually, Teddy manages to crawl to his feet, ascend the ladder and retrieve his title belt, marking his second successful defence.


SHOW RATING: E+ (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton (E+)

LOWLIGHT: Marc Raisin vs Ash Campbell (E)



This month saw us continue to run at a loss, but a sustainable one of just $1,262 and ultimately we know each match was of a high calibre. We end the month with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling coming in for another of our youngsters Ash Campbell, the developmental league for big guns SWF obviously seeing us to be a decent poaching ground what with Mimic’s recent departure too. Also in the hunt to steal him is Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling, located on the American West Coast, a world away from The Maritimes. However come the end of the month, no decision had been made by the young man as to where his future lies.

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The month opens with the rather pleasing news that Ash Campbell has turned down the offer from the developmental company, RIPW and instead taken up CZCW’s offer to work the California circuit, thus still giving us a chance to use him on our monthly shows. Arthur Dexter Bradley meanwhile accepts an offer to return to Japan, this time touring with the newly founded EXODUS 2010 promotion. Fortunately for us, the dates he’ll be working allow for him to travel back, should he wish to continue his participation with our company.


Ricochet Ramone’s deal ended this month and he departed the company on good terms and Teddy Powell agreed on a new deal keeping him with us another ten months with only travel expenses added to his previous contract.


SHOW #10 - ACPW FULL THROTTLE - Wednesday, Week 3, October 2010

Attendance: 23


Back to the New Brunswick Hall and this month’s cost-cutting measures are cleverly disguised as a contendership tournament for Topher Smith’s Canadian Regional title. We’ll see four matches with the winners progressing to the next phase of the knockout competition next month.


Opening tonight’s show is new boy Frankie-Boy Fernandes against Marc Raisin. Obviously both men are seeking to raise their standing and advance in the knockout competition, but ultimately the Californian rookie has Raisin’s number and dials in a win by pinfall after eleven minutes of back and forth action. The pair though paid the price for failing to engage the crowd and ultimately the result is met with little to no reaction despite solid performances from both men.


Next up, Arthur Dexter Bradley and Ash Campbell face off and with both men subject to other company’s attention the crowd are highly interested in the result of this bout. The pair pull an absolutely fantastic match seemingly out of nowhere, blowing all expectations out of the water as they really go at it for a solid thirteen minutes before Ash Campbell is able to go up top and hit his Shooting Star Press finish to score the pinfall victory.


Following on from the highly impressive encounter we just witnessed are Dermott Ayres and Kirk Drury who are known to perform well in the ring together. Ultimately though they struggle to live up to the hype created by the previous match and fall a little flat, struggling as the match wears on until Dermott Ayres manages to lock in the Montreal Crab and force a submission at the fourteen minute mark.


Finally moving on to the main event, we witness Dagger taking on Malik Cash. Both men are normally tag team workers but with the suspension of the tag division have found themselves thrust into the singles title scene. They too struggle to live up to the buzz that surrounds the earlier match and tire as their match wears on towards the fourteen minute mark. With the crowd struggling to find its voice, the boys wrap it up with Dagger scoring a submission win.


SHOW RATING: E (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Ash Campbell vs Arthur Dexter Bradley (D)

LOWLIGHT: Marc Raisin vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes (E-)



This month marked our lowest worker costs yet but still we continue to struggle with this month’s deficit reaching $791. Our main champion Teddy Powell claimed a second belt to proudly wear around his waist towards the end of the month, defeating Frankie Future to earn his first run with the PSW Championship. The last day of the month saw a massive announcement from NOTBPW as Jeremy Stone took up the reigns as new owner of the company, with Dan Stone stepping away from the public glare of the professional wrestling world.

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