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TNA :: The Evolution of the Wrestling Revolution

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As WWE, Inc. continued its strive toward the entertainment market without leaving the core of the wrestling foundation, the other company TNA began going in the opposite direction. TNA was trying to re-brand itself as "Impact Wrestling", but were having difficulties. It was much easier to brand letters that could be recognizable rather than two full words, especially in other languages. This meant you would have to change much of your product branding and it wouldn't be the same everywhere you went. Companies that were showing Impact Wrestling in other places around the world were somewhat fighting against the re-brand change.


The company itself was also in the beginning stages of a civil war behind the scenes. Talent was no longer secure in their job, and several were becoming less passionate about the business that use to be. Dixie Carter had made TNA once a family-like environment, which led many to love her, support her, and back her to the end. The problem with her attitude was that she wasn't forceful in many areas which led to a few problems backstage and lack of good production. As ratings worked its way in a downward spiral, Panda Energy hired Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan to help run the company to the top.


After about 14 months, nothing was going the way anyone wanted. The knockout division was not where it once was, nor was the highly entertaining x-division. What the company was good at, was now at mediocre at best. This brought up the struggle of who would remain in charge, and to what degree. Hulk Hogan? Eric Bischoff? Dixie Carter? Jeff Jarrett?


Rumors began circulating that TNA was in the pits and things were not looking good. A youtube video popped up with Eric Bischoff riding in a helicopter with former WCW and WWE star, Bill Goldberg. This brought rumors that Goldberg would be returning to the ring with TNA. As months went by, the ones in charge began tweeting to wait for THE announcement to change TNA and wrestling forever. They promised it was no joke and it would not let any wrestling fan down.


As tweets continued, not much information was leaked. TNA kept on going as it was, re-branding itself still as Impact Wrestling. WWE, Inc. continued going in their direction of entertainment and in hopes of building young stars.


Finally, on June 1st, 2011, it was announced on tnawrestling.com, impactwrestling.com, twitter and facebook accounts of Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and others that TNA had been purchased... somewhat. This led to countless rumors that Vince McMahon had bought his 'competition' once again. However, he denied the purchase and wasn't sure what they were trying to pull.


To push it more, TNA (through their show on SpikeTV and website) and the talent through their social media, told everyone to watch the NBA finals game 2... its going to be a great night. The top trend on twitter, yahoo and google search, was all about the NBA finals. As usual, you were shown celebrities in the audience, yet this time it also included a few from TNA Wrestling. That being Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and Dixie Carter.


During halftime, they were interviewing the coaches and a few players about the game and the second half. The final commercial to be played was a black and grey wrestling ring, with the ropes in color, and people wrestling without showing their faces. The ending phrase said "It Begins". As the cameras panned back into the arena, they were live with the TNA crew, a CEO of Panda Energy, a CEO of Fusient Media, and Ted Turner. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan were being interviewed, and they mentioned that the wrestling company TNA has struck an interesting deal to have great financial backing and sponsors, and they would be re-branding and restarting with a fresh approach starting on the last Monday in June. They briefly plugged in their website, twitter accounts, etc.


Quickly, trending on the internet was anything about TNA. Their push had worked. During the 4th quarter of the NBA Finals game 2, through social media and their website, it was announced TNA would be going live every Monday starting June 27, 2011 at 8pm. They promised changes all around the company.


Dixie was asked if she was still a part of TNA, to which she replied 'thats a very HAPPY YES! the deal is perfect and i think will work'. As explained by Eric Bischoff the next day, the structure was no one company will have full ownership and if any company wants to back out, they would be able to without affecting TNA. He mentioned he would once again be in the Vice President position to manage the company, similar to what he did with WCW. He also promised he has learned, grown, and is meeting with all talent to see what they can do.


It was also pushed to where TNA would be giving talent some benefits that has been unheard of in the wrestling world, including powerhouse WWE, Inc. This would include insurance options, travel expenses, and more.


Eric mentioned he was going to let Dixie be the 'go-to' person for all talent, because she has a motherly type influence and cares about the talent and the business and he sees it as a win-win. He is also hiring several new people to work behind the scenes and to work on-camera but couldn't go any further.




Due to some WWE releases, TNA picked up on hiring some immediately. (some will be read below)


'Impact Wrestling' will now be TNA's development organization and would remain at its location of The Impact Zone. The superstars who graduation their 'dojo', will go directly there or those who are signed may go there to learn the ropes of the company. It's also being said that if a talent has no storyline, they may end up there so they wouldn't be 'burried' on television.


A new facility was being built for those who were very green in the ring or needed to work on something else. This facility is similar to Tough Enough and the old WCW Power Plant. It would feature a full gym, swimming pool, wrestling ring, and a few other misc. items. It was being called "Be Tough".


Because Tough Enough was only a seasonal contract, TNA hired Bill DeMott as one of the trainers for the Be Tough training facility. Also to work there would be Fit Finlay, William Regal, Lance Storm, Buddy Lee Parker (former lead trainer at WCW power plant), Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly), and Tommy Dreamer. Others may be helping as well.


Mick Foley, Harley Race, and Ric Flair would be in charge of the Impact Wrestling development territory. Others to be involved in some sort are Kurt Angle, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett.


As it seems the company will be pushing two brands, similar to the WWE, the head writer for the Monday show will be Paul Heyman. Paul said he would work on a month-to-month basis to see how things work but would give at least a 60-day notice if he were to leave. While it's known Paul and Eric do not get along, some sort of deal was ironed. The lead writer for the other brand is not yet known. Expect Vince Russo to work on the team but not to be the head writer.


Monday's show looks to be called 'Mayhem'.


With UFC's contract coming to an end on SpikeTV, it looks as if TNA will be featured. TNA looks like it will be on SpikeTV, TNT, and TBS.


TNA is only mentioning a few matches for its debute Monday Night Mayhem show in just a few weeks. Three being, Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam, Sting vs. Mr. Kennedy, and AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy.




Paul Heymen mentioned in one of his video blogs that he's excited to be where he's at. Him, Eric, Hulk, and a few others have ironed things out the best they could. They still don't like each other but they all love the business and are willing to let things go to see what can happen.


Eric was quoted, "So, you want a war? I think you know where this is going..."



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Eric Bischoff and several of those in the offices of TNA are finding more and more loopholes to gather what they want, including the 'old' WCW logo design was never taken away by Vince McMahon. In fact, there are several WCW items that were never continued as a trademark.


With the addition to the publicity they had already received, financial backing from three different sources, and its added 'extras' for talent which include insurance among other things... it seems to have given a little leverage in their negotiations with other talent that would otherwise just blow off 'another wrestling company'. Some realize if they jump on board, Vince McMahon may blacklist them from his WWE. So if TNA fails, they would possibly have no where to go.


A lot of factors have played on several, but the people at TNA have been persistent. Not to mention the fact they have a round table, so-to-speak, of men who have differences but could persuade different talent to have a thought about joining the TNA world. Eric Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Paul Heyman, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, and the list goes on.


Thanks to Bill DeMott's influence, TNA has picked up several names for the development training center 'Be Tough', as well as some for the development organization 'Impact Wrestling'. A few of those being from the recently season of WWE Tough Enough.


Paul Heyman began blogging about the whole deal in TNA leading up to going live on Monday's and not backing down. He didn't agree to the Monday live decision, but said 'I didn't agree to going against Raw again for TNA. Stupid move. But, with all the publicity we've received and all the backing we have here, I had to rephrase my thoughts to why the hell not'. He mentioned he very excited to see what comes of all of this and he's at least on board til the end of August.


The is a big rumor going around that Eric Bischoff wants to hire Shane McMahon to be in charge of marketing and have an on air role. Several doubt he will jump on, but Eric replied to that remark by saying, 'nobody would have thought he would have left his dad and he did. WWE is the hands of Stephanie and Paul, Shane would have wasted his time.'


Some are beginning to think that the development organization Impact Wrestling may end up being similar to a mixture of the NXT and Tough Enough concept, and would be featured on SpikeTV. Ideas and planning is still being ironed out so don't expect to see or find out anything until at least the fall.




Talent have been tweeting, SpikeTV/TBS/TNT have been airing commercials like crazy, billboards are up, radio announcements are airing, but there isn't much being said about what to expect. Hogan, Flair, and others are not even being advertised for the event.


Hogan, Bischoff, and Carter have been tweeting about surprises and looking forward to some great action in the ring. Bischoff tweeted a strange message, 'looks like WWE is releasing some guys quietly and are upset where they landed. Guess they should have saw them how someone does'. Of course this seems to refer to WWE employees being released ending up in TNA. However, according to the WWE website, nobody has been released and the roster looks the same.


Eric Bischoff gathered all of those who would be working on Monday Night behind the scenes and those in office positions in the new TNA office in Orlando, Florida. One of the rooms they met is is known as 'the round table', to which Bischoff describes as an open forum discussion about what goes down. Everyone will have the chance to speak, share input, and lay all the cards on the table. Everyone will have equal value and say-so. It will be up to him, along with the producers, to decide. Eric met with Paul Heyman, Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, and a few others to go over Monday's show.






The show opens to a surprising crowd of 8,120 people. Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, Mike Tenay, and Taz open up at the announce table. Eric says he's only going to stay for a little while at the announce table to get a first hand look. To interrupt them, some rock music plays, as surprise number one comes out... CM Punk. Bischoff mentions his contract was up with another company and he felt he should be the top guy. Instead of sticking around, he came to TNA. Punk opens the show and talks about why he left the other company. He shares about how its a new start for him and for the wrestling business. But unfortunate for him, he has to put up with fans still. Shockingly, Punk openly talks about Jeff Hardy's drug and alcohol problems, and shares a little light on his court case pending again. But assures fans not to worry, we have another Hardy boy on the scene who seems to be short of a few brain cells. Punk introduces his friends who are once again by his side, Serena and Luke Gallows. Serena has longer hair this time. Jeff Hardy eventually comes out and says everyone has their demons, and though he has AJ Styles tonight, he doesn't mind beating on Punk's ass. Hardy tries to attack Punk but Gallows helps out which leads to Matt Hardy coming in for the safe. Punk, Gallows, and Serena leave the ring.


SINGLES MATCH: AJ Styles defeated Jeff Hardy

There was great action in the ring and the fans seemed to stick with this one. Neither man were getting any boos and to start it off, both men shook hands as a sign of respect. Serena and Gallows helped distract and attack Jeff Hardy, which resulted in AJ Styles getting the pinfall.



Winter seems to be lost looking in a mirror. She starts talking but Tara ends up attacking her, saying 'you shouldn't have done that'.


Beer Money is walking towards the ring backstage talking, as the announcers mention they have a tag team match next.


TAG TEAM MATCH: Beer Money defeated Gunner and Murphy

A good match to feature the talent of all four men. Roode was able to get the win.



Madison Rayne, Angelina Love, and Velvet Sky were all talking and apologizing to each other. They mention of reforming the Beautiful People. Madison also tells them she has a friend they can play their game with. Luke Robinson from Tough Enough fame comes in the picture smiling.


X-DIVISION TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Daniels defeated La Parka and Amazing Red

This match featured great moving and fast pace action. Fans seemed to enjoy the return of La Parka. Especially him dancing on his chair.


KNOCKOUT TAG TEAM MATCH: Rosita & Sarita defeated Mickie James & Ashley Massaro

Ashley's return to the ring had an ok pop, but she along with Mickie couldn't keep up with the talent of Rosita and Sarita. Rosita got the pinfall over Ashley.



Beer Money are celebrating their victory from earlier in the night with AJ Styles and Kazarian. AJ and Kazarian get distracted and tap Beer Money to turn around and its Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. They let Beer Money know they are in TNA and want the tag team titles.


Punk is backstage talking to Matt Morgan.


Kurt Angle is lacing up his boots. Karen Jarrett walks up to him and says she misses him, the kids miss him, but she'll talk to him after his match with RVD. Kurt has a weird look on his face.



Samoa Joe comes out with no music, unexpected. He begins sharing how Hogan didn't like his look, regardless of his skills. He shares a little history about his career and is not looking to take a back seat. Buff Bagwell comes out. He mentions he has the body and look Hogan likes. He's Buff, and he's the Stuff. Samoa Joe snaps and starts beating on Bagwell, eventually choking him out.


X-DIVISION MATCH: Brian Kendrick defeated Jeremy of Generation Me

A little interference from Jeremy's brother, Max, but Kendrick was able to catch the win.



Eric Bischoff is talking to Eric Young about retiring the Television title to make way for a couple of new belts. One to be featured on this show and the other to be featured on their other show when it debuts. Bischoff tells Young he will get his chance to win it.


Abyss does a promo hiding in darkness, telling people who he is and that the monster will return.


SINGLES MATCH: Kurt Angle defeated Rob Van Dam

Probably the best match of the night which featured anything you could possibly want. After the match, Karen walked out and blew a kiss at Kurt.



Luke Robinson is flirting with Mickie James, then The Beautiful People jump Mickie. They all leave laughing.


Christy Hemme interviews Sting about his match and the direction of TNA. He says he's glad to help make way to the new wrestling organization and he'll do whatever it takes, but it's going to take a lot to take him out.


SINGLES MATCH: Sting defeated Mr. Anderson

Good in ring work by both men. After the match, Sting began celebrating but from the crowd came Chris Jericho. Jericho hit the code breaker on Sting as the show ended with Jericho smiling.


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With a good turnout and ratings draw, TNA seemed to be starting off in a good direction but had much more to prove. They just had 13 days to build their next pay per view event, Slammiversary, and only one show a week to do it in. It was announced through their website and social media that their second show/brand would be starting at the end of June and will be airing at 8pm on Thursday evenings.


Several people seemed to be excited with the arrival of two top faces in CM Punk and Chris Jericho. Eric Bischoff said everyone will get a chance to run with the ball, and its up to them to deliver or to get sent home packing. He made it very clear to the talent that he doesn't want anyone to be considered a jobber or someone taking up space. Everyone has a role and its up to them to fulfill that role. Several are surprised at the different approach Eric is taking this time around. But its possibly due to his new surroundings and the way the company is set up.


Eric had asked the fans to stick with them as things progress and get ironed out. It would take time but it would all be worth it. Several people are wanting to leave a healthy legacy in this business, and help keep it going strong. He said that's why people need to tune in. After this run, its over for several like Sting, Flair, Hogan, even possibly Angle, Jericho, and Punk.


Slammiversary 9 also marks the 9th year TNA has been in existence and Eric said he wants to do something special. Because its the first new TNA pay per view, and he wants fans to see what they have to offer, he said they would be lowering the cost of the pay per view event to $21.95.


Vince McMahon was said to be very upset to see CM Punk and Chris Jericho jump to TNA. Vince still doesn't see TNA as a threat yet and possibly never will, but it is showing that what happened on Monday took a toll on him.


Following the Monday night show, WWE.com removed all pictures of Luke Robinson and did not even mention his name. They just mention that Andy won Tough Enough and list all the contestants, but Luke.


Paul Heyman once again went to the blogosphere and shared that his good friend, former WWE and UFC champion Brock Lesnar, is doing well after his latest surgery. He said if Brock won't be medically cleared to go back to MMA, there is a chance he could end up doing something he use to do.


Impact Wrestling, the development organization of TNA, begins its first show in 3 weeks time. Bill, Lance, Harley, and others have traveled to scout talent for the organization, as well as, look for those to bring up to Be Tough training facility.






Mr. Anderson is standing in the ring and begins to share his hatred for several TNA superstars, and even some of the office employees. He mentions he wants the opportunity to face Sting on Sunday's Slammiversary. As he continues to plea his case, out comes AJ Styles. AJ talks about being distracted for some time but he's focused and he believes he is the next in line. As the two argue, RVD comes out to make his case against the other two. Finally, Kurt Angle makes his way out and mentions how he's the best in the world and nobody has earned it like he has. This brings out Eric Bischoff, who says he has yet to find someone to take charge of this show, but in the meantime he'll be the one to handle it. He informs them that it will be Sting vs. Chris Jericho at Slammiversary for the TNA World Title, but that the four men in the ring will compete in a fatal four way at the pay per view to determine who gets the next shot.




Punk is talking to Gallows and Serena. He informs them that its just the beginning for them. He wants them to do something tonight.


Jeremy Borash is trying to get a word from Tara about why she attacked Winter, but she blows him off.


SINGLES MATCH: Shelton Benjamin defeated James Storm

It's announced that Benjamin and Haas will battle Beer Money for the tag team titles at Slammiversary. While Roode tried to help Storm, Haas quickly aided his partner and friend to even the odds. This gave Benjamin the chance to take it up and get the victory.




Its mentioned Sting will be in the main event tonight against an unknown opponent.


The Beautiful People, which include Madison Rayne, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and newcomer Luke Robinson, are just talking backstage. Bischoff walks up to Luke and mentions he will face Eric Young for the Global Championship at Slammiversary. Eric turns to walk away, but turns back around to let them know more good news. He mentions Madison Rayne will face Mickie James for the Knockout Championship also. They all are of big smiles and celebrate.


Chris Jericho arrives backstage. Jeremy Borash tries to get a word with them, but Jericho ignores him as if he isn't there.




Chris Jericho comes out after the match and wants to thank Eric Bischoff for the title match at Slammiversary. He rants about he use to be a Sting fan, until he learned how to actually wrestle and realized Sting was nothing more than a wrestling hypocrite. He taunts Sting about his Christian beliefs and how he's not a good father or role model like he is. Sting comes out to defend himself, as the two exchange words back and forth. As Sting is talking, Jericho decks him and leaves the ring smiling.




Matt and Jeff Hardy are talking. Jeff mentions he wants to hurt Punk. Speaking of Punk, he decides to walk in on their conversation and tells Jeff he could get his chance at sweet revenge if he can do 1 thing. He tells them they have to team up in a match tonight. Before Punk shares the opponents names, Jeff agrees. Punk smiles and walks out.




TAG TEAM MATCH: The Hardys defeated Luke Gallows & Matt Morgan

Morgan and Gallows had the upper hand as the match went on and were about to win the match, but Punk whispered in Gallows ear. Gallows laid down for Jeff to get the pin.




Luke Robinson, along with the girls, walks up to Eric Young and he wishes Young good luck at Slammiversary. Young appreciates it but since he has the 3 sluts in his corner, he mine as well have 3 ladies in his to balance everything out.


Borash interviews Mr. Anderson about the fatal four way. Anderson informs Borash that tonight, he has to team up with Kurt Angle to take on AJ Styles and RVD. He isn't happy but he may just let all three of them kick each others ass.


SINGLES MATCH: Tara defeated Ashley

After the match, Winter came down to confront Tara. The two ended up fighting until the referees separated the two.


TAG TEAM MATCH: Rob Van Dam & AJ Styles defeated Mr. Anderson & Kurt Angle

Anderson didn't tag in a whole lot, but when one of the opponents was down, he would tag Kurt to get in the ring. Anderson would eventually leave ringside and Karen Jarrett would come down. She kept blowing kisses at Kurt, which gave RVD and AJ the advantage and got the victory over Kurt.




Chris Jericho is talking to Samoa Joe.


SINGLES MATCH: Sting defeated Samoa Joe

Jericho came down and helped Joe try to cheat a little bit. It failed which frustrated Jericho. After Sting won, Jericho once again got in the ring and began attacking Sting to end the show.


















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Slammiversary began with a video that highlighted the last 6 years of TNA, from the groundbreaking beginning to the present age. It featured short blips from those in charge now, and some talent who have been in the company since the beginning. The video ended with Bischoff and Carter together saying 'welcome to the new beginnings of TNA'.


The announcers mention that each person who ordered the pay per view will also get a free t-shirt, DVD of the event, and a chance to win tickets to meet any TNA superstar you want. Those in attendance received a t-shirt, with select few getting a few extra door prizes. The pay per view seats were also cheaper than in the past, mostly to help sell the new TNA and the first pay per view with the new direction, which also unfortunately featured a quick-build of matches.




X-Division Championship Match

Brian Kendrick defeated Daniels to become the new X-Divison Champion

- This received a lot of 'thank you' chants for bringing the great division back to where it should be. It featured fast action and a good opener.


Singles Knockout Match

Tara defeated Winter

- During the middle of the match, Tara had a wardrobe malfunction and one of her breast fell out. Winter covered her with a lou thesz press, to help cover while Tara fixed it as Winter was 'punching her'. Fans immediately began chanting 'we want puppies'. After Tara got the pinfall on Winter, she tried to strip Winter but to no avail.


Global Championship Match

Luke Robinson defeated Eric Young to become the new Global Champion

- Eric seemed to carry much of the match, but the Beautiful People began messing with each other in a playful mood and would look at Young to blow a kiss at him. As they were successful in distracting Eric, and the fans, Luke rolled him up to get the pinfall victory.


Knockout Championship Match

Mickie James defeated Madison Rayne to retain the Knockout Championship

- Luke was not present at ringside, however, the other Beauitful People girls were. While numbers were building against Mickie, Tara and Ashley Massaro came to ringside to help even the field. Mickie was able to get the victory once things were equal.


Tag Team Championship Match

Beer Money defeated The Greatest Tag Team to retain the TNA Tag Team Championship

- Lots of great action from both teams. The announcers, as well as several tweets during the ppv, mentioned a possible run for tag team match of the year. After the match, all four men shook hands.


Eric Bischoff came out after the match, while all four men were shaking hands, to make an announcement regarding the tag team situation in TNA. He sees the tag team division as something to build on, just like the Knockout division, just like the X-Division. Bischoff mentioned there will be a tag team tournament to crown not only TNA Tag Team champions, but the best tag team of 2011. He said it would feature a few teams to name are Beer Money, The Greatest Tag Team, Team 3D, Motorcity Machine Guns, and The Hardy Boys.


Grudge Singles Match

CM Punk defeated Jeff Hardy

- With distractions from Gallows and Serena, Punk was able to do some illegal moves. Matt Hardy came out to help keep the ref's attention on the in-ring match instead of the outside. But Punk continued and was able to pull out a victory.


Fatal Four Way #1 Contendership Match

Kurt Angle defeated Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson, and AJ Styles to become the Number One Contender

- All four men had some great highlights and each one almost pulled off a victory. Kurt was able to get the pin on Mr. Anderson to end the match.


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Chris Jericho defeated Sting to become the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

- Jericho showed no ring rust during the match, which the announcers kept mentioning. Sting and Chris seemed to have good chemistry among each other, and good interaction with the fans. Jericho was able to hit the codebreaker to get the final pin on Sting. He celebrates with a big smile on his face.





TNA is in the beginning stages of shaping its double-brand company, similar to WWE. One brand will be on Monday evenings for its show Mayhem, and the other will be held on Thursday evenings for its show that has yet to be named. Expect to see less talent on Monday nights from here on out and for it to feature only those who will be on the brand permanently.


While Eric and Hulk are getting a little bit more respect in TNA, there is quite a bit of things stirring in other circles. They are currently tried to get some talent from WWE, whom are not being used like they should. This isn't really Eric or Hulk's ideas, either. It's actually the idea of one Paul Heyman. Heyman and Dixie have been in talks about extra weight that can carry TNA if they are given the right to do it. While some are reporting the interest is in top stars, Paul Heyman has spoken out and has said to 'not believe what you are reading'.


With insurance plans and several employees speaking into various ears, this could be a continuous ledge to gain some other talent. While Vince knows some who they release may get hired by TNA, in order to kill surprises, he plans to announce their release as usual on the WWE.com website.


Dixie Carter and her husband, Serg, are on a possible marriage separation. Details are sketchy and it's not known why the happy couple has decided to take a hiatus from each other, but it has made Dixie show up less backstage. She did mention she was returning Monday which most likely means in a backstage role. Several rumors are running to one of them cheating with a TNA talent, that being most likely Serg than Dixie.


Dixie did tweet after last nights pay per view event that the company has signed new talent, including some knockouts and special surprises for wrestling fans.





Scott Hall has been in rough shape with his demons continuing to take him out. Scott's story is looked at as a very sad and pathetic one. Recently, just in a few weeks time, he has been completely sober and friends report has been finally happy. He has been working with his son, Cody, on wrestling since his son wants to be a wrestler. He's been spending a lot of time with him which probably contributes to his clean life.


While talking to Kevin Nash a few weeks back, Scott mentioned his health was not good and wants to give back to wrestling fans. He realizes he'll never be back in WWE but isn't sure what to do. Kevin called Dixie Carter and Eric Bischoff, whom he has good relationships with, and mentioned Scott's request.


Kevin reminded them of Scott's good mind of the business and while not known to the naked-eye, it was Scott's idea for the crow-like Sting gimmick which was a big hit. As was the survey and several other things that went on. Dixie Carter and Eric Bischoff then contacted Scott Hall and asked for him and his son to come down to the TNA office to chat.


After a long meeting, Scott apologized for his past behavior and doesn't think he has much time left on this earth and just wants to do something to give back to the business. Eric and Dixie agreed to give Scott a chance to be a behind the scenes man and to see what he can do.



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On Monday, following Sunday's Slammiversary pay per view, the TNA office met together to discuss signings, releases, and the plan of progression to the next level of the company. They each shared their list of what to do and ended up agreeing on the decisions to be made that day.


That afternoon, several began tweeting to check out TNAwrestling.com at 3pm to see the brand new talent roster and to see who belongs to what brand.


They decided to keep Thursday's new show/brand to be called Impact, and will change it's development territory to be called OCW, which is initials for Overdrive Championship Wrestling. With the official announcement of the brands, shortly after the tweeting, the TNA office began making rounds of contacting those who will be released or would be sent to development until they have something for them.


Those that would be released are: Don West, Jesse Neal, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, 'Suicide' character, and Shannon Moore. Robbie E was going to be sent to development, as was Abyss, to help repackage them and try to let fans forget previous storylines about them.


TNA has hired new and old faces, which not all will be revealed yet to keep some a surprise but who is being mentioned are: Austin Aries, Candice Michelle, Chelsea, Cheerleader Melissa, Christina Von Eerie, Colt Cobana, Jay Lethal, Jethro Holliday, Jimmy Wang, Kenny Dykstra, Low Ki, Mark Jindrack, Paul Burchill, Paul London, Petey Williams, Rain, Shelly Martinez, Tiffany, Traci Brooks, Trinity, and Zack Ryder.


The office has decided to run each brand as a separate company, except that pay per views will feature matches from both brands, but aside from that there will be titles in each brand to showcase specific talents. There is also talk among the office that in December's pay per view, it will feature Mayhem champions vs Impact champions, to find out who the better show and champion is at the time.




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