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Four Corners Of Chaos Redux: ECW

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This thread will follow all things ECW in the new Four Corners Of Chaos game, set in the year 2001


Inky The Squid Boy playing WWF

Ben5 playing WCW

Charasmatic Enigma playing NWA:TNA

20LEgend playing ECW
- You are here!


At the end of 2000, it seems as if the World Wrestling Federation would become the sole major promotion left in North America. However, after intervention from the US government a draft was set up for all workers in the US, but you already know that. While this could be seen as detrimental to WWF and WCW, it was a dream ticket for ECW to be on an even level to the organizations that had dwarfed them for so long. Seeing this investors offered money to ECW to help them build towards being the world's number 1 promotion. Paul Heyman sought help from a writer, The Myth, The Man, The (Ryan) Legend to help him in his quest to become the new powerhouse in world wrestling.


ECW Employees As Of The Start Of 2001

Amy Dumas

Bob Holly

Buh Buh Ray Dudley

"Cain" Calaway (Glen Jacobs)

Chris Jericho

D-Von Dudley

Jerry Lynn

John Finnegan

Justin Credible

Ken Shamrock

La Parka

Lance Storm

Little Guido

Little Spike Dudley

Mick Foley

Mick Foley

Mike Awesome

Nigel McGunniess

Paul Heyman (Owner)

Percy Pringle


Rikishi Fatu

Rob Van Dam


Shane Douglas

Sid Vicious

Steve Blackman

Steve Corino

Steven Prazak

Super Crazy


Ted DiBiase

The Great (Paul) Wight

Tommy Dreamer

Trish Stratus

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Current Champions

ECW World - Steve Corino

ECW Television - Rob Van Dam


As for alignments, we won't be insulting your intelligence by telling you, we will instead show you on ECW Hardcore TV!
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Pre Show: Paul Heyman cut a promo talking about the rise of EXTREME! And his new breed of ECW, ready to be unleashed on the masses!






The show started with Steven Prazak and Mick Foley welcoming the fans to ECW Hardcore TV, they quickly tell us we are getting under way and a thee tune plays out over the arena, out comes Chris Jericho who makes his way to the ring with a microphone.




“Welcome to E-C-W is Jericho! [This doesn't adhere him to the fans who dislike the blatant WWF reference] Tonight is the night when finally ECW are on an even level with the so called 'big boys', the 90s belong to the Monday Night Billionaires but now is the time for The Rise Of Extreme!”


[The crowd cheer.]


“It is our time because not only do we still have the most hardcore wrestlers. We now have the homecoming of such technical wrestlers as myself, Lance Storm, Dean Malenko and Douglas to name a few. Add that to those of the New Breed those who are breathing their first breath of the Extreme lifestyle like The Great Wight and Cain Calaway, and the slightly less scary but equally dangerous Ken Shamrock. Tonight is a rebirth and the era is E-C-W's”



[An ECW chant breaks out and Jericho encourages it. The crowd then go wild as behind Jericho is Taz who ruins the fun by locking in the Tazmission on Jericho in the middle of the ring.]




[He completely chokes Jericho out and the crowd are split between the two.]


Mick Foley (MF): “ Welcome back to ECW Jericho, and Steven this is what to expect here in the land of Extreme!”

Steven Prazak (SP): “And we are fast moving here in ECW, straight into the action!... And speaking of fast action, I am hearing right now that the main event for tonight will feature those two men we just saw Taz and Chris Jericho in 1 vs. 1 action!”

MF: “But up first we have got The Dudley Boys versus The Impact Players right now!”





The Dudley Boyz vs. The Impact Players

The match began with The Dudleys bringing a shopping cart of weapons down to signify ECW starting as it means to go on. With weapons galore and a violent brawling throughout the early stages of the match, Buh Buh and D-Von took the early advantage with Lance Storm in particular struggling to get the match within his grasp. This was under tornado rules and with Justin credible chucked to the outside by Buh Buh both of the Dudleyz went to work on Storm for the next part of the match and it was at the last second of an attempted Dudley Death Drop, Credible came back and hit a flying dropkick to the head of Buh Buh before he could hit the cutter. This left D-Von dangling and Lance got out of the Flapjack position and DDT'd D-Von to the canvas, he them started working the legs of D-Von but to little avail as Justin Credible couldn't keep hold of the resurgent Buh Buh who helped D-Von out of the attack from Lance. And then Justin went back to Buh Buh and Lance stayed with D-Von, at this point Storm had settled, but his confidence became his downfall when he didn't notice Buh Buh had again got rid of Credible to the outside. So, when Storm tried a top rope DDT on D-Von, Buh Buh broke it and D-Von reverse it into a flapjack and Buh Buh added the cutter for the 3D! D-Von made sure Justin stayed out of it at Lance got the pinfall.


Winners: The Dudley Boyz




MF: “That is ECW, Steven, what a match.”

SP: “The Dudleyz are a crazy bunch and that said here come maybe the craziest one, LSD!”




[Little Spike takes a microphone and steps straight into the ring. He goes to open his mouth but as he does a huge bang is heard and out from the back comes Cain Calaway.]




[Cain destroyed Spike as we were told they had a match. Now!]





Little Spike Dudley vs. Cain Calaway

This match was brutal Cain destroyed Spike throughout the match beating him in an extreme way to the fans sick pleasure even though they were gunnign for a comeback. It didn't come and soon with a chair in the centre of the ring Cain dropped Spike on his head and finished him for the 1,2,3.


Winner: Cain Calaway




[After that Cain continued to beat up Spike and would not let him leave the ring, continuing to brutalise the Little man. Having seen enough, two big men rush out to the ring, the crowd go crazy for The Dudley Boyz...]




[They attacked Cain and together dumped him out of the ring, they checked on the LSD before shouting trash talk at Cain as the big man walked back holding his jaw.]


MF: A bit of brotherly love there from D-Von and Buh Buh

SP: Not like them but maybe the Brothers have reconciled since they've been apart.

MF: Two things that are never apart are Rob Van Dam and that TV title, he was given it after the Network's influence in ECW was dissolved. He is defending it tonight against La Parka and Steve Blackman.





Rob Van Dam vs. La Parka vs. Steve Blackman

The match went between the three with Blackman providing an anchor to the off the wall offences of Parka and RVD, the match was all over the shot and each took turns at taking shots at each other. While a lot of the high risk moves hit, Steve's legitimate fighting skills shone through in countering a fair few of the attacks that came his way. With all three getting close falls it was clearly the end was near, and when Rob Van Dam dropkicked Parka out of the ring Steve saw it as his opportunity. He ran at Rob with a Kendo Stick but RVD did the splits to get out of the way and monkey flipped Blackman with his back landing on a chair in the ring. Although in a hard position RVD went for a Frog Splash and hit it to Blackman, as La Parka came round RVD roundhouse kicked him in the face and got the pinfall over Blackman.


Winner: RVD (still TV Champion)





The Great Wight vs. Dean Malenko

This was a game of cat and mouse, with Dean bobbing in and out hitting various moves on The Great Wight before getting out of the way of the World's Largest Athlete. Dean continued to do this for large spells of the match but did at various points get caught by Wight, so changed up the game plan. He tried to mix it up with Wight. Malenko did to his credit put Wight in some compromising holds but the giant's strength always found him a way out. And his strength was on show more than ever when he hit his finisher, a new move where he lifted Malenko up in a Gorilla Press, and then threw him forward much like he would a Chokeslam, this smashed Dean's head of the mat and looked as though it knocked out The Man Of 1000 Holds, he put both hands on Dean's chest and got the pinfall.


Winner: The Great Wight




[After the match Wight took a microphone and addressed the crowd.]


“Tonight I've watch the action, and what you just saw there was pure domination. An experience wrestler like Dean Malenko discarded and clubbed like a baby seal. I've have showed tonight that I am the biggest, baddest and toughest ECW has to offer, so at Guilty as Charged, I challenge Steve Corino for the...”


[As he is about to say that he is cut off by one of the competitors in the next match. Chris Jericho]




“Wait a minute there you big idiot, you haven't seen Chris Jericho in action yet. I am
best wrestler in the world and tonight Paul, I will prove that again the human knucklehead Taz, and when I do, which we all know I will. How about I take, you on. The winner they get the show at Corino at Guilty as Charged in 10 days!”


[Wight laughs and responds]


“Is that really what you want? [Jericho nods] Well you'e signed your own death wish, because you've got it!”


[After that Taz made his entrance and we had our main event.]


MF: “And that is a huge main event for next week!”

SP: “If I understood correctly it's going to be the winner of this match versus The Great Wight for the number 1 contendership.”





Chris Jericho vs. Taz

These two locked up and it looked as though Jericho was after a grapple but at the first chance Taz threw him with a suplex. That was the tone for much of the match with Jericho tying it up with Taz looking to throw Jericho about the ring. This was an excellent back and forth between the two which was greeted with “ECW!” chants as Chris and Jericho engaged in a stand off after a stale mate of reversals. The pair went back and forward against each other and they certainly gave us the best match of the night with excellent technical wrestling and brawling. The match came to an end when Taz attempted a Tazplex but Jericho flipped out of it and dropkicked Taz into the ropes and as he came back on the rebound Jericho grabbed his legs and dropped him down into a Walls Of... (sorry, as the fans did chant as he locked it in...) “Liontamer” he couldn't turn Taz over though and soon only had the left leg which Taz then shrugged off knocking Jericho to the rope to the left of Taz. Unfortunately for Taz Jericho improvised and bounced off the ropes and hit a Lionsault for the 1,2,3 victory and to confirm his match with The Great Wight. As the show came to the end, Jericho celebrated his victory, as Foley invited everyone back next week.


Winner: Chris Jericho




Post Show there was a 10 man battle royal featuring: Rikishi, Sid Vicious, Shamrock, Mike Awesome, Tommy Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Sandman, Bob Holly. Rhino and Jerry Lynn. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ken Shamrock won a battle royal in 9:52. The final four competitors also included Sandman, Rikishi Fatu and Jerry Lynn, with Sandman being the final elimination.


Final Rating: C+

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- On the show front, Cain Calaway had poor chemistry with Little Spike. Which brought there match down.


- It is coming to my attention we need to push guys like Storm, Douglas and Malenko to the top of the card so we can put on the standard of match we saw from Eddie and Angle on "iMPACT!"


- Jericho and Taz was easily MOTN, and it is clear that Jericho carried the show unfortunately.


- For a 90 minute show we have
a lot
of talent, I can see a struggle in keeping all 35 happy.


- The crowd were hot on Cain, we need to exploit his heat. He did really well in his angles with The Dudleyz


- Psychology is a bit of a worry, with a lot of out guys, but those mentioned above Jericho, Douglas, Storm and Malenko and a couple of others can help out there.


All I can think of ATM

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Nice start. I like the name you've given the Big Show. Less keen on Kane's name, but obviously that's not down to you. I'm interested to see what Cain and the Dudleyz leads to :)


- It is coming to my attention we need to push guys like Storm, Douglas and Malenko to the top of the card so we can put on the standard of match we saw from Eddie and Angle on "iMPACT!"


- For a 90 minute show we have a lot of talent, I can see a struggle in keeping all 35 happy.


Meh, Storm, Douglas & Malenko are no Angle and Guerrero. :p


I'm having this problem as well, going to need some thought I think.

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Nice start. I like the name you've given the Big Show. Less keen on Kane's name, but obviously that's not down to you. I'm interested to see what Cain and the Dudleyz leads to :)


I'm thinking that over time one people are used to it being "Kane" I will slowly give him another name or evolve it a bit. As I just thought saying Kane as Cain would be okay and the Calaway is obviously to show he is Undertaker's brother, but seeing C-a-i-n spelling of Kane, it looks wrong, it doesn't go with him. The letter C isn't scary enough for him, Ks they are. :) I'll have to get brainstorming but with Pringle (Paul Bearer) maybe becoming is manager he may give a bit of a bit of a promo on how he is no longer, Cain but something else. That is if there is more negative feedback about the name. If not it will be slower.


Meh, Storm, Douglas & Malenko are no Angle and Guerrero. :p


I'm having this problem as well, going to need some thought I think.


IDK, Malenko vs. Chris Jericho I have high hopes for, I wil actually build it though, rather than throw it away on TV :p Where does TNA go from here. ECW w got stuff left in the tank, TNA may have reach their pinnacle already, it could be only down from here :D

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Any chance I can convince you to show letter grades in your otherwise very impressive and detailed write-up?


It's much easier to follow the game that way for us without access to the save. :)


Oh, and also regarding Kane/Cain/Isaac Yankem/whatever: there's always the name I use for him in our 4 Corners game; Doomsday. He actually did use that name when in USWA, and I think it's a catchy name with a terror feel to it.

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Any chance I can convince you to show letter grades in your otherwise very impressive and detailed write-up?


It's much easier to follow the game that way for us without access to the save. :)


Oh, and also regarding Kane/Cain/Isaac Yankem/whatever: there's always the name I use for him in our 4 Corners game; Doomsday. He actually did use that name when in USWA, and I think it's a catchy name with a terror feel to it.


What I will do is do a post when I get the file back, and make a separate post with all the grades as well as the name of the angle. In future I will put them in the write up. As for the name Doomsday I like it, I may have to brief Percy for the next show to put that over. Yeah, I like it thanks :)

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I have to second The Great Wight. Love that name. I don't mind Cain Callaway either.


Good write-up and a good start even if it fell a little short of the other shows this week. I thought bigger things were in store for Dean Malenko than being fed to Wight though. What's wrong with Bob Holly?


Dean Malenko wasn't fed to the giant, he gave a good go but go beat. I thought it would get a good rating, show what I know lol :p

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[The show starts with a dark and disturbing theme and out of the curtain steps Percy Pringle closely followed by Kane.]




[They enter the ring to the sound of boos from the ECW crowd and Bearer gets a microphone and spoke to the crowd.]


“Dudley Boyz... last week you tried to destroy Cain, but this is a man who has been through more than could ever know. You have your flaming tables. Cain has walked through fire and came out on the other end... Buh Buh, D-Von, Spike... your most powerful tool will have no effect on my son. Cain, is here to bring DOOMSDAY upon ECW, and that starts at Guilty As Charged, Dudleyz bring the best you've got because we are here to destroy you all starting with The Dudley Family, [Pringle starts to laugh.] You've just met the Doomsday Of ECW!” Rating: C+


Steven Prazak: “And that sick bastard Pringle starts the show with a threat to the Dudleyz.”

Mick Foley: “ And one point which stick out to me is that Cain's reaction to fire, The Dudleyz love that stuff, but how will it affect Cain”





Little Spike Dudley vs. Lance Storm

This matched showed the strengths of Storm as he kept Dudley from using weapons and in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Storm defeated Little Spike Dudley in 6:50 by pinfall via a Superkick.


Winner: Lance Storm. Rating: C-





The Dudley Boyz vs. Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer

Another match with the Dudleyz which featured great back and forth action with each team getting some good, strong offence in on each other. There was a weapons galore in the match and just as The Dudleyz went for The 3D the lights went out.




When they returned D-Von was knocked out and Percy Pringle was on the ring apron. This distracted Buh Buh who lunged at Percy knocking him of the ring apron. As he turned, he fell straight into a Dreamer DDT and RVD finished it with a Five Star Frog Splash


Winners: Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer. Rating: C+




After the match Pringle got back up and The Dudleyz dragged him into the ring. They set up a table and just as they were about to hit the 3D, Cain came out and broke it up. The Big Red Monster hit D-Von with a throat trust which knocked him out of the ring and turned to Buh Buh who punched Cain to no effect. The big man lifted Ray with both hands and Chokeslammed him through the table, before leaving with Pringle. Rating: C


Mick Foley: “ And both Dudleyz DESTROYED by Cain there”

Steven Prazak: “ No doubt one of them will be gunning for revenge against him at Guilty as Charged this Saturday on pay-per-view! Up next we have a giant battle of two blonde monsters!”





Sid Vicious vs. Rikishi Fatu

The two big guys went at each other which a huge brawl and in a match that had some good action and average heat, Rikishi Fatu defeated Sid Vicious in 11:02 by pinfall with a Big Splash.


Winner: Rikishi. Rating: C




After the match Rikishi is gloating shouting that he is the most dangerous man in ECW, upon hearing that someone is not happy and a familiar face bombs down the entrance way.




Shamrock enters the ring and Rikishi goes for a punch but Shamrock ducks and hits him with a Belly to Belly as Rikishi turns around. He then locks in a vicious Ankle Lock as Rikishi taps on the mat. Nothing can be done and it is not until Shamrock decides to leave that he get out of the hold. Emphasis was placed on the fact Rikishi did not make his way to the back on his own and couldn't use his right leg on the way out. Rating: B- (



Next up we exploited the sex appeal of Trish and Lita by having them brawl in nothing but their underwear. Lita attacked Trish who had just got dressing, it the back and they brawled all the way to the ring and back out again. Rating: C+ (cheap, I know





Taz vs. Dean Malenko

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Taz defeated Dean Malenko in 13:46 by pinfall with a T-Bone Suplex following interference from Lance Storm who hit Malenko with a Superkick for Taz to finish it off.


Winner: Taz. Rating: C+





Chris Jericho vs. The Great Wight

The best match of the night was the main event as 2 huge ECW names squared off for a shot at Steve Corino. In the early goings Wight used his power to keep Jericho down and continued to do so whenever Jericho fought back. The Giant stayed on Jericho and was not going to let up in his offence meaning Jericho had it all to do.


Much to his credit he kept fighting and eventually mounted a decent offence against The Great Wight, but his efforts ended with a crossbody where he landed into a huge chokeslam from Wight. He pinned The Lionheart but at the brink of 3 Chris kicked out. Wight in frustration went and got a chair but as he stepped into the ring he was dropkicked in the face by Jericho kicking the chair. Jericho continued to use the chair against The Giant and he knocked the big man down with a innovative chair shot enzuigiri type thing. With Wight down in the middle of the ring Jericho hit the Lionsault not once but twice and pinned Wight winning the match fr the three count.


Winner: Chris Jericho. Rating: B





After the match Steve Corino rushed straight down to the ring. He looked at Jericho and put his hand out for the handshake. Jericho looked at the crowd to see what they thought but before he made a decision, Corino smashed him over the head with the title, cutting Jericho's head open. Corino stood over Jericho as the show ended. Rating: C


Final Show Rating: B-

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Nice show. I particularly enjoyed the part where you referred to Glenn Jacobs by three different names in the same segment :p


Yeah I was a bit dissapointed that he didn't go for full effect and include "Isaac Yankem" and "Unabomb" as well. Or the lesser known "Spartacus" name. Perhaps even a nice "Fake Diesel", as icing on the cake.

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Nice show. I particularly enjoyed the part where you referred to Glenn Jacobs by three different names in the same segment :p


In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to your PPV. Can't wait to see how the diary's first foray into Pay Per View turns out :)


What where the 3 names I used, do you mean Kane, Cain and Doomsday (which wasn't used as a name.)


You have to let me off for the Kane, because I wrote it as thought it so I wrote it as I know it most common, I did it about 5 times but noticed the others :p Is Inky gunna sue me? :(

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What where the 3 names I used, do you mean Kane, Cain and Doomsday (which wasn't used as a name.)


You have to let me off for the Kane, because I wrote it as thought it so I wrote it as I know it most common, I did it about 5 times but noticed the others :p Is Inky gunna sue me? :(


Haha yep they were the three. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I find myself typing 'Triple H' almost every time I use Paul Levesque in a segment. :p

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ECW Employees As Of The Start Of 2001

Amy Dumas

Bob Holly

Buh Buh Ray Dudley

"Cain" Calaway (Glen Jacobs)

Chris Jericho

D-Von Dudley

Jerry Lynn

John Finnegan

Justin Credible

Ken Shamrock

La Parka

Lance Storm

Little Guido

Little Spike Dudley

Mick Foley

Mick Foley
Mike Awesome

Nigel McGunniess

Paul Heyman (Owner)

Percy Pringle


Rikishi Fatu

Rob Van Dam


Shane Douglas

Sid Vicious

Steve Blackman

Steve Corino

Steven Prazak

Super Crazy


Ted DiBiase

The Great (Paul) Wight

Tommy Dreamer

Trish Stratus

Yoshihiro Tajiri


Current Champions

ECW World - Steve Corino

ECW Television - Rob Van Dam


As for alignments, we won't be insulting your intelligence by telling you, we will instead show you on ECW Hardcore TV!



Mick Foley and his brother Mick Foley work for ECW? That's great!

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