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Thinking about starting a real world future mod, any tips?

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I've been percolating a scenario in my brain, and am thinking about trying to make it into my first serious mod. Figured here would be a good place to ask for help, although I'll move it to the mods forum if that'd be better. Basic concept is that Ryder not appearing on last week's Raw is the first in a series of incidents that leads to a mass exodus and him and Cena starting their own fed, and it'd be set...probably around 2013.


-Any general rules of thumb for how I should modify stats and whatnot to accommodate everybody aging two years? What exactly does aging DO to somebody, and how quickly?

-Would it make me a horrible person if I just cleared out everything that's not semi-mainstream US wrestling? I don't have the ambition or knowledge to deal with much beyond WWE/TNA/RoH/new fed/FCW/enough random indy guys to keep things populated.

-What would be a good base mod to use? And are mod makers generally receptive to this kinda thing?

-Would anybody be interested enough in the mod to make it worth posting here?

-Any other general modding tips for somebody who's only dabbled previously?


Thanks, folks.

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Well just keep the indie feds the same as they are on database you'll be using as a starting point.. but set it in 2013 and only change the people from ROH/WWE/TNA/ the new fed..


Do what you think, some people decreases and increase in skills at different ages. people like Kane/HHH/Taker will have slightly decreased stats if they arent retired already. people like orton/cena will stay the same, same with Punk maybe.


Barrett/shamus may of improved a bit...


I've never made a mod so i don't know really.. so just do what you thinks best and try not to make changes in stats that are too drastic.


The Know your role 2010 mod seems good as a place to start.

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