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World Combat Association

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World Combat Association


The WCA was founded by a group of investors led by Richard Branson, Ted Turner, and Mark Cuban in late 2005. The combined power of the three billionaires led to a massive amount of advertising and promotion, and before it even started, the WCA was being hailed as the bearers of a new age of wrestling, or sports entertainment. And indeed they were, as the WCA specifically stated its mission to reform wrestling to the modern world. The WCA aims to provide a more realistic and physical style of wrestling. As for storylines, the WCA focus on realism and minimal angles. For the most part, boxing or MMA style interviews and promos advance storylines, creating intense and personal rivalries. Also, seeing the rising popularity and potential of mixed martial arts, the WCA effectively bought out the dying Pride FC, though they would allow their MMA fighters to fight for other MMA promotions in addition to fighting for the WCA. The WCA would also buy out ROH and TNA in the coming months (and even swayed one wrestler from the WWE) and everything was falling into place. Finally, in July 2006, the WCA was ready to launch.

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WCA Showdown






January: Retaliation

February: Over The Top

March: To Hell And Back

April: Unbreakable

May: Vendetta

June: High Voltage

July: Declaration

August: No Boundaries

September: All Or Nothing

October: Collision Course

November: Boiling Point

December: Coronation



WCA Heavyweight Championship

WCA Middleweight Championship

WCA Lightweight Championship

WCA Tag Team Championship

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WCA Roster




Alberto Del Rio

Alistair Overeem

Bill Goldberg

Bob Sapp

Brock Lesnar

Dan Severn

Fedor Emelianenko


Kurt Angle

Matt Morgan

Rampage Jackson

Samoa Joe

Scott Steiner




Anderson Silva

Christian Cage

Doug Williams

Elijah Burke

Jeff Jarrett

Kazushi Sakuraba

Ken Shamrock

Masato Tanaka

Mirko Cro Cop


Robert Roode

Royce Gracie

Shogun Rua


Wanderlei Silva



AJ Styles

Austin Aries

Bryan Danielson

Christopher Daniels

CM Punk

Desmond Wolfe

Eric Young

Jay Lethal




Tag Team

Brother Devon & Brother Ray

Hernandez & Homicide

Shawn Daivari & Sonjay Dutt

Rodrigo Nogueira & Rogerio Nogueira

Chris Harris & James Storm

Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin

Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe

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WCA Declaration

July 2006

Madison Square Garden (New York City, New York)


Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentleman we welcome you to the very first pay-per-view event of the World Combat Assocation. This is Declaration hailing from the sold-out Madison Square Garden!

Don West: And what a meteoric rise it has been for the WCA. There were months of promotion and the action really did live up to the hype. Over the past month, we have already seen some epic battles on WCA Showdown. Most notably the battles that led to the tag team, middleweight, and heavyweight championship belt finals that we will see here tonight.

Stevie Ray: But we also got another treat in store for you tonight, because the entirety of the lightweight championship tournament will be held tonight, in fact the first four matches we have lined up tonight are the lightweight quarterfinals. So let’s get to the action!


AJ Styles vs Desmond Wolfe

Lightweight Championship Quarterfinal

A more traditional wrestling match with a lot of back and forth action. Styles and Wolfe exchange lots of chops and kicks in the beginning before Wolfe takes it to the ground for some real technical wrestling. But Styles eventually powers his way out of Wolfe’s holds with elbow strikes, before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a huge clothesline. As Wolfe is getting up, Styles gets to the top rope, and performs a sort of senton crossbody on Wolfe for the pin.


8 minutes


Christopher Daniels vs Senshi

Lightweight Championship Quarterfinal

A perfect example of a fast paced, high flying match. Daniels and Senshi go back and forth with dropkicks, spinning DDTs, enzuigiris, and clotheslines. They make heavy use of the ropes to gain momentum during the match. Finally, all the in ring organized chaos reaches a height when they both knock each other out with a double clothesline. As they both stagger to horizontal corners of the ring, they climb the turnbuckles. Once they regain their senses and realize where they are, there is a staredown to a huge pop before they launch off and hit an unbelievable colliding crossbody, which is arguably spot of the night. But Daniels happens to get the better of it for the pin.


7 minutes


Austin Aries vs CM Punk

Lightweight Championship Quarterfinal

This bout was all about ground game and in ring psychology. With both men as sneaky heels, it provided for some exciting roll ups and submission attempts. However, once Aries was weakened with some Irish whips into the turnbuckles, CM Punk was able to put on the go-to-sleep for the pin.


5 minutes


Bryan Danielson vs Kenta

Lightweight Championship Quarterfinal

If you want to talk about an unbelievable tour de force of strong style wrestling, here it is. Kenta gains the upper hand early with some really hard chops and power moves, but eventually Danielson hits a dropkick for the momentum change. From then on, the match is all about the ground. Danielson and Kenta fight back and forth with submission attempts, holds, and rollups. When Danielson puts Kenta into a crossface, Kenta forces his way to the ropes for the break. However, Danielson quickly gets up, bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring and hits a massive shining wizard as Kenta is just barely getting up for the pin. Both men shake hands and receive an ovation from the crowd after the match.


16 minutes


*A video plays highlighting the developing rivalry between Dan Severn and Kurt Angle. It shows Severn’s initial promos for his team of the “new breed” which includes Alistair Overeem and Alberto Del Rio, and their dominance of all challengers on WCA Showdown over the next couple of weeks. Finally it shows Severn challenging Kurt Angle to a match. They both fought to a 15 minute time limit draw, however after the match, a brawl breaks out in the ring between Kurt Angle and his protégé Matt Morgan, and Severn’s crew of Overeem and Del Rio. The WCA Showdown General Manager Kevin Nash comes out and declares that since Severn’s team obviously instigated the brawl, he and his boys must defeat Angle and Morgan in a handicap tornado tag team match at WCA Declaration or face the possibility of losing their jobs.*


Dan Severn/Alistair Overeem/Alberto Del Rio vs Kurt Angle/Matt Morgan

Handicap Tornado Tag Team

Angle and Morgan surprisingly get the upper hand in the early stage of the match. Angle initially tries to go after Severn but he avoids Angle’s attack attempts, so Angle ends up settling on Del Rio while Morgan’s taking on Overeem and Severn at the same time. This is brawling action as its best, or worst, depending on which you way you want to look at it. Finally, Severn’s numbers take over and Overeem and Del Rio start taking out Morgan outside the ring while Severn and Angle are locked in a ground game tour de force inside the ropes. Once Overeem and Del Rio knockout Morgan with a double suplex on the concrete, they are able to help Severn out and eventually restrain Angle as Severn takes his sweet time brutalizing him with chops, before a final running knee takes out Angle for good to massive boos from the crowd.


9 minutes


*A video plays showing highlights of the tag team championship tournament that took place over the past month. Once the finalists of Brother Devon and Brother and Rodrigo and Rogerio Nogueira were chosen, we see clips of their intense contract signing press conference on last week’s WCA Showdown, where the war of words reached a height. Devon and Ray went back and forth with the Nogueira’s over the legitimacy of each other’s fighting styles. Finally it was decided by both parties that the tag team championship finals would be decided in a ladder match, where pins and submissions mean virtually nothing for victory.*


Brother Devon/Brother Ray vs Rodrigo Nogueira/Rogerio Nogueira

Ladder Match

Tag Team Championship Final

This was an interesting deviation from the classic tag team ladder match in that you have hardcore legends up against MMA legends. All in all, it made for an interesting mix of styles. Devon and Ray utilized the ladders for striking, while the Nogueiras found interesting ways to incorporate the ladders into their submission holds, taking out the extremities of Devon and Ray. When the action spilled outside of the ring, it was all Devon and Ray’s territory as they threw the Nogueiras all across the outside, into the ring apron and into the steps. But at one point, Devon and Ray went for a double spear on the Nogueira brothers as they were woozy on the edge of the ring apron. Once they missed, the Nogueira threw the first half of each brother’s body underneath the ring itself, and put their legs into synchronized Boston crabs. Once they broke that double submission hold, Rodrigo beat down on both brothers as Rogerio went back into the ring to climb the ladder and grab the tag team titles.


12 minutes


*A short promo video plays highlighting the long history between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, and how their friendship finally broke under the strain of the lightweight tournament during the past month.*


AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

Lightweight Championship Semifinal

In a great display of in-ring storytelling, it was clear throughout the match that Styles was trying to take the match to the ground to avoid hurting his ex-friend Daniels too much. However, Daniels constantly kept the action standing up with fast power moves and flying strikes. He clearly dominated the match, but appeared to burn himself out towards the end. When he missed a moonsault attempt, a weakened Styles capitalized and pinned him, though it was clear this wouldn’t be the last of their rivalry.


11 minutes


Bryan Danielson vs CM Punk

Lightweight Championship Semifinal

While the match before told a story of a fighter failing to get the bout to the ground, and largely paying for it, this match was about two fighters that willingly took the match to the ground from the get go. After an initial period of strikes, kicks, and chops, Danielson hit a DDT and jumped on top of Punk for an armbar attempt. From that moment on, they both matched each other’s submission attempts before Danielson wore out Punk with elbow strikes to the gut. This allowed Danielson the space to snap on the cattle mutilation for the submission.


9 minutes


*A video plays highlighting the rivalries that developed out of the heavyweight championship tournament, and the war of words and promos that led to the 5 man elimination match that would decide the number one contender to whoever won the heavyweight championship later in the night.*


Bill Goldberg vs Bob Sapp vs Kazarian vs Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner

Elimination Match

Heavyweight Number One Contender

After an initial early period of chaotic brawling, the match split into two stories. Kazarian and Samoa Joe paired for some excellent old-school wrestling in the ring, while Goldberg, Sapp, and Steiner continued the sloppy brawling outside of the ring. Joe put away Kazarian with a coquina clutch for the first elimination. He then went after Steiner while Sapp and Goldberg brawled, with all remaining four men in the ring now. Steiner tapped out to Joe’s armbar for the second elimination while Sapp fell victim to Goldberg’s spear. With only two men left, there was a long staredown and a period of feeling out, before Joe surprisingly got the upper hand with some big splashes in the turnbuckle and some scoop slams. But his submission attempts were fought out of by Goldberg, so Joe decided to set up the muscle buster. But Goldberg seemed to be too big for that move, and Joe couldn’t quite get him all the way up. Once he turned around, he was met with a hard kick to the gut and jackhammer.


15 minutes


*A video plays again showing highlights from a championship tournament, though this one the middleweight. When the finalists, Sting and Anderson Silva were decided, they held some promos and a press conference. Much like Team 3D and the Nogueiras, they criticized each other’s fighting styles. But Sting struck a nerve when he said that Silva was only into it for the money and didn’t care about the fan’s entertainment and support at all. This prompted both fighters to get up and give each other an intense staredown that had to be broken up by both sides trainers and friends.*


Anderson Silva vs Sting

Middleweight Championship Final

Much like the Daniels and Styles bout earlier in the night, this again told a story of one fighter wanting to stay standing while the other felt more comfortable on the ground. Silva would constantly drop down to the ground while Sting obviously wanted to keep standing. The crowd booed constantly as the action slowed whenever Silva would fall to the ground and wait for Sting to follow, though Sting never did. Finally, action swelled when Sting hit Silva with fast strikes and Irish whips before hitting a big stinger splash. He put on the sharpshooter, but Silva’s skills came into play when he was able to get out of the hold by knocking Sting over. Now with both men on the ground, Silva dominated and brutalized Sting with ground and pound before locking in a guillotine choke for the tap out.


8 minutes


*A video plays showing the long rivalry between Kazushi Sakuraba and the Gracie family. An intense set of back and forth promo videos shows how much each fighter truly hates each other. On one side, Sakuraba hates the arrogance and no fun attitude of the Gracies, while Royce Gracie believes Sakuraba is only after fame and makes a mockery of the sport. Finally, Gracie vows to avenge his earlier loss to Sakuraba, which was the first of his career.*


Kazushi Sakuraba vs Royce Gracie

Two Out Of Three Falls Match

This epic easily stole the show for match of the night. Both men showed an excellent display of mixed martial arts and pro wrestling hybrid styles. They exchanged strikes while standing up for what seemed like ages, before they both fell to the ground for some truly amazing ground game. Gracie scored the first fall when he got Sakuraba to tap to a kneebar. When both fighters stood up, Sakuraba switched his game plan from one that was MMA based to one that was pro-wrestling based. He attacked Gracie with more traditional wrestling moves and scored a fall when Gracie fell prey to a reverse neckbreaker. However, right after this pin, Sakuraba sloppily and quickly went to the top rope, where a weakened Gracie was able to throw him off and Sakuraba was sent flying through the Japanese announcing table. But both men were too weak to move towards each other for a pin attempt. After a long period of weakness, both men finally got back up and brawled around the outside for a bit before moving back into the ring. The outside brawling had caused both men to bleed and this match was looking to be a modern classic. Once back inside the ring, the action was about even before Sakuraba pushed Gracie into a turnbuckle and kept up the pressure for some MMA style clinching. When Gracie pushed Sakuraba out of the clinch and threw him back to the middle of the ring, Sakuraba saw the opening and space he needed and hit a knockout superkick out of nowhere to the shocking loudest pop of the night, and scored his second and final fall.


27 minutes


*A video plays highlighting the rivalry between the two big men of the WCA, Akebono and Zuluzinho. On one hand you have a fun lover in Zuluzinho, on the other you have an anti-American expatriate in Akebono, making for a classic pro wrestling rivalry.*


Akebono vs Zuluzinho

Hardcore Match

In easily the worst match of the night, it was obvious that this was placed just as a crowd cooler after the gem that came before it. There’s not much that can be said about this sloppy, though somewhat entertaining hardcore brawl. There were plenty of splashes to emphasize the weight of both competitors and plenty of chair and garbage can shots. This mess finally ended when Akebono’s corner crew yelled out to and distracted Zuluzinho to the point that Akebono was able to climb to the second rope and hit a flying spear.


4 minutes


*A short video is played highlighting some of the action and spots from the earlier matches in the lightweight tournament*


AJ Styles vs Bryan Danielson

Lightweight Championship Final

Both men were given more time for their match than any other lightweight bout throughout the night, but their fatigue from their matches throughout the night definitely showed, taking a bit away from the action of the match. However, in a sense, their exhaustion added to the storytelling aspect of the match. Both men were tired from the beginning so the match started out slow with some feeling out, strikes, grappling, and rest holds. Once Styles squeezed out of a Danielson headlock and hit an enzuigiri, the action began in earnest. Both men went back and forth with clotheslines, suplexes, and reversals. When the action went to the outside, Styles hit a Pele kick on Danielson after parkouring his way off the ring steps. Styles rolled Danielson back into the ring for a very near fall. After Danielson kicked out, Styles went to the top rope and hit a shooting star press on the still down Danielson, but Danielson kicked out again. Finally, Styles set up the styles clash, but Danielson was able to reverse this into a kneebar and both men maneuvered around the mat for a bit before Styles was finally forced to tap.


17 minutes


*A video is played showing the earlier matches of the heavyweight tournament, before finally setting up the two finalists. The video shows a short history promo of each man’s career and training sessions, hyping both to be unbeatable monsters. It culminates with a press conference in which both men show a lot of respect towards one another yet still give each other a very tense staredown.*


Brock Lesnar vs Fedor Emelianenko

Heavyweight Championship Final

This is what pro wrestling main events are made of. Yes, we often find that the lighter wrestlers perform better matches, but when it comes to the pure spectacle of the event, it’s the heavyweights that capture the crowd best, and this match had the crowd hot the entire time. There were constant “Let’s go Lesnar! Let’s go Fedor!” chants resounding through the Garden. The early stage of the match consisted of slow feeling out and grappling, before Brock was finally able to get a takedown and take the fight to the ground. Once on the mat, both men exchanged submission holds and strikes. The first big spot came when Brock was able to lift Fedor off the mat and deliver an unbelievable powerbomb for a very near fall. Brock then dominated the next portion of the match and took it to the outside where he speared Fedor against the edge of the ring. But Fedor was able to move out of the way for one spear and threw Brock into the ring post. Fedor capitalized on this by sending Brock through the announcers table with a huge German suplex. Fedor threw Brock’s limp body back into the ring for very close fall. He then hit a leg drop but it was to no avail as Brock kicked out once again. After a short period of ground and pound and near fall dominance by Fedor, Brock was able to hit a series of arm drags and clothesline before hitting an F-5 that had the crowd on their feet to see Fedor’s undefeated streak broken. But Fedor unbelievably kicked out. Brock hit another F-5 but Fedor kicked out again and Brock became visibly frustrated. He set up a woozy Fedor in the corner, and attempted a spear but Fedor moved out of the way. At this point, Fedor hit a series of German and belly to belly suplexes that made for two very near falls. This time, with the tables turned, Fedor took Brock’s body and climbed to the top rope for a superplex. However it was clear that both men were resisting each other’s attempts and for a moment, no one was sure if Fedor would hit the superplex, or if Brock would reverse it into a huge arm drag. Nevertheless, both men flew off the top rope in a chaotic superplex and when they hit the mat, it was unclear who got the upperhand. Though both men were near knocked out and exhausted on the mat, Fedor was able to crawl over and put his arm over Brock’s chest for the pinfall.


23 minutes


*The show ends with all the new crowned champions coming to the ring and celebrating with each other as confetti falls. Most of the locker room, except the well established heels, come out and applaud the champions with the crowd, as the announcing team and General Manager Kevin Nash thank everyone for supporting the WCA and enjoying their first pay-per-view event.*

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