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TNA: Change and War.

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Several factors have tried to stir up the wrestling industry again but have had little success for it to be anything long-term such as the 'attitude' era in the WWE, the New World Order, or the Monday Night wars between WCW and WWE. Bret Hart returning to the WWE and facing Shawn Michaels was something to be historic and memorable to any wrestling fan, but its conclusion came to a done-deal at Wrestlemania that year. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff joining the TNA organization and doing a live head-to-head Monday night show brought hope of competition again, but it also came to a slow hault. Then, the WWE brought in a group of nobodies called The Nexus, which once again sparked interest but eventually faded out.


Then enters CM Punk. His contract was known to be up soon and was presently in the mindset of not resigning due to his frustrations of the company being behind him. He let the world know on an episode of Monday Night Raw his contract was up following the Money in the Bank pay per view, and his mission was to leave the company as WWE champion.


On June 27, 2011, Shawn Michaels made his return to the WWE to promote his new television show on hunting, but he was interrupted by The Nexus. Shawn superkicked both David Otunga and Michael McGillicuty, but also faced verbal assault by CM Punk. Punk reminded fans who Shawn use to be and who he isn't now. Later on that evening, John Cena lost to R-Truth in the main event thanks to interference by CM Punk. Punk grabbed the microphone, went up to the ramp, sat down, and spoke.


Nobody knew what the WWE superstar was going to say, possibly something about John Cena, but everyone was way off. CM Punk said,


"John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me.


I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.


I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back.


I hate this idea that you’re the best. Because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world. There’s one thing you’re better at than I am and that’s kissing Vince McMahon’s ass.


You’re as good as kissing Vince McMahon’s ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don’t know if you’re as good as Dwayne though. He’s a pretty good ass kisser. Always was and still is.


Whoops! I’m breaking the fourth wall! (Punk waves to the camera)


I am the best wrestler in the world.


I’ve been the best since day one when I walked into this company. And I’ve been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That’s right, I’m a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar. And he split just like I’m splitting. But the biggest difference between me and Brock is I’m going to leave with the WWE Championship.


I’ve grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon’s brass rings that it’s finally dawned on me that there just that, they’re completely imaginary. The only thing that’s real is me and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I have proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even in commentary! Nobody can touch me!


And yet no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not on your lovely little collector cups. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don't get to be in movies. I’m certainly not on any crappy show on the USA Network. I’m not on the poster of WrestleMania. I’m not on the signature that’s produced at the start of the show. I’m not on Conan O’Brian. I’m not on Jimmy Fallon. But the fact of the matter is, I should be.


This isn’t sour grapes. But the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at WrestleMania next year and I’m not makes me sick!


Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face and get an autograph and try to sell it on Ebay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job.


I’m leaving with the WWE Championship on July 17th. And hell, who knows, maybe I’ll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe…I’ll go back to Ring of Honor.


(Punk looks at the camera and waves) Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?


The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored) yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.


Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon alright. We do this whole (anti) bully campaign..... (mic cut off.)"


Following the show, the social media buzz picked up once again about wrestling. Several veterans and superstars like Steve Austin, JBL, Taz, Kurt Angle, Colt Cobana, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Jim Ross, and others began sharing their enjoyment of CM Punk's promo.


Vince McMahon was said to be furious over a lot of comments Punk made, but was aware Punk would be allowed to say what he wanted without a script. Vince knew of some things he would say but not about Triple H, Stephanie, Dwayne, Anti-Bully Campaign, and a few other things.


Following the show, on WWE.com, it was posted that Vince McMahon had suspended CM Punk and was stripping his title shot away from John Cena. Cena went to bat for CM Punk by stating he just shared what he thought. By comments of several superstars, Vince made the decision to allow Punk to remain on house shows and would still have his title match at Money in the Bank, but would be banned from television.


Vince McMahon is known to put personal issues aside as long as it means making money for him. Though Vince did not like all of CM Punk's words, he was prepared to try and keep Punk due to the spark his promo left the wrestling world.


Vince McMahon was planning to return to television on the following Monday Night to address all of these actions by CM Punk.




On the flip side of organizations, Impact Wrestling is facing some issues themselves which could put them under. It appears Dixie Carter is now done with the company, since her mother had taken over the finances. There continues to be a struggle of power between the teams of Jeff Jarrett/Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff/Hulk Hogan. Due to the money loss and power issues, Dixie's mother and Panda Energy are at a possible end with Impact Wrestling Ties.


With the idea of the company going under and UFC possibly leaving Spike TV, the television network has also brought an interest to the table of purchasing and controling Impact Wrestling. Who is pushing for Dixie's mother to sale and Spike TV to buy? None other than Paul Heyman.


Since the rumors have circulated about Spike TV and Paul Heyman interested, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan have now shown interest to purchase the company.




Thanks to the previous week of CM Punk's outburst, the following Monday Night was a very high rated show which also marked the return to television by Vince McMahon. Vince shared his thoughts of CM Punk, saying he was an 'ok' superstar but never great, and that is why he'll never be The Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin, or even John Cena. Vince tells fans Punk is no longer allowed on television but will face John Cena at Money in the Bank. Punk, along with his best friend Colt Cobana and former ECW owner Paul Heyman, were front row at ringside. While the fans recognized them, through out the night there was nothing said from superstars nor commentators.


In the main event, it saw a rematch of John Cena taking on R-Truth. During Cena's entrance, he walked over to Punk and said some words, and went back to the ring. This was the only time Punk, Cobana, and Heyman were clearly on the camera. After the match, Punk got in the ring and hit the GTS on both R-Truth and Cena. Security and police officers were coming to escort him away, he ran to the microphone to announce they can't because he's a legal employee of the WWE.


Punk then got in the WWE ring and once again, starting bashing the company and Vince McMahon being a phony. Punk went as far as to say, "I wonder if Randy Savage will be allowed into the Hall of Fame next year now?" Punk's mic was cut off again and the show ended.




Due to Punk's outburst, Punk was suspended until his last match in the company. Though he was sparking a strong following and interest in the wrestling industry again, Vince was on the fence whether to try and resign him or to teach and anyone wanting to do what he's doing a lesson.


Punk and Cena put on a good match. As both men looked tired and trying to stand to their feet, Punk put his hand out for Cena to shake it and Cena did. Punk then pulled in Cena for the GTS and covered John. One.. Two.. Punk gets off of Cena, and asks for a microphone.


"Vince, watch closely how I could have easily screwed you here tonight, but I chose not to. Why? Because I actually respect John, and some other boys in the back, but not many. I hope John kicks Dwayne's ass at Wrestlemania. As for me, no, I'm not resigning with the WWE. But good news, I'll show up somewhere very soon. Keep your eyes on CM Punk."


Punk threw the mic down, as Cena got up and hit the AA on Punk to get the One.. Two.. Three.




Due to the mess created by several, Jeff Jarrett has stepped down from the company as partial owner and possibly as a talent. Janice Carter, the mother of former TNA president Dixie Carter, since taking over finances has been struggling with seeing no benefit from the company and has been talking about selling it. As mentioned previously, the parties interested are Spike TV with Paul Heyman to run it, or the Hogan/Bischoff duo.


Numerous Impact Wrestling talent are said to be upset with the struggles and some are asking for releases. The morale of the talent has been slowly at a nose dive.


Due to Jeff's voluntarily release of partial owner of the company, he has become more outspoken about the poison Eric and Hulk have put in the company and he doesn't see the company bouncing back. Jeff was quoted by saying "I wouldn't see Impact going on much longer the way it is."


Dixie Carter is in much stress and discouragement. While she is known to be have the intelligence for the wrestling business, it's been said by almost everyone in the company she loves the business and the wrestlers. While Dixie and her mother, Janice, have a strained relationship due to everything going on in the company, she has also been in her parents ears about selling the company.




It was announced at a live press conference on Impact Wrestling's home, Spike TV, as well as on its website via live streaming, that the company has been sold to Spike TV. What was mentioned is Hulk and Eric were not being released unless they chose to leave, but would have some type of role in the company.


They announced that both Dixie Carter and Paul Heyman would be in total control of the company and that Paul would have full creative rights. Paul also mentioned they would be going live on Monday's from 8 til 10 and replay will be on Thursday's in its normal Impact timeslot. He also mentioned that the name will return back to TNA and to expect surprises on their first live show.


The TNA live television show would begin August 1, 2011.




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As most superstars are taking to twitter by interacting with fans and working storylines even more somewhat, as of late the twitter scene has been buzzing with the idea of competition. Most WWE superstars have ignored the fact Paul Heyman is back in the wrestling world, and that TNA would be going live once again.


Paul Heyman, via twitter, mentioned he's not interested in fighting a 'war' of ratings with the WWE. While both companies are part of the entertainment world, Paul said he's not afraid of losing to the hollywood wrestling organization, but simply wants to have fun and entertain fans and give guys who've worked their asses off a time to show off.


Following Punk's lead, before the mention of Spike TV and Paul Heyman purchasing TNA/Impact Wrestling, there were more WWE superstars who supposedly saw the light and were encouraged to ask for their release. Not only that, but the requesting of release by Chavo Guerrero also has some leaning towards stepping away from the company. It appears a revolution has begun among several that what was thought to be a money-driven-market as of late, the love and passion for the business has become a secondary motive. Most guys want fame and money, while the 'old timers' simply wanted to entertain and do what they love doing. Money and fame was a secondary plus but not the focus of why they got into the business.


Paul also mentioned of twitter than Hulk, Bischoff, Russo, and a few others were not released. He never gave a reason why or what role any of them would play, but Paul kept throwing teases on twitter as to what to expect in TNA. Below are a few 'blurbs' from Heyman's twitter as of late:



"Loving being back, doing what I love doing! Who knows who will be PUNK'd on my show? No editing here."


"Brock is recovering, hoping to return to UFC soon. If not, he could always find making a living doing something else. Interesting."


"The key to a wrestlers success is his heart, passion, drive, and give him the damn keys to his own character. Right Stone Cold and Punk?"


"Sorry, no corny **** here. I like it real and entertaining. I guess my philosophy is different than Cena or Vince."


"LIVE Monday TNA! You won't believe what kind of laws we are breaking by doing some things. I smell a lawsuit. Get the checkbook ready SpikeTV!"


"Who the **** is Daniel Bryan???"




"I just stepped on a FROG, then SPLASH. Gotta love the smaller guys who work their ass off."


"Jackie Haas is pretty smokin. Not that I met with her, or her husband, or his tag team partner.. or anything like that!"


"Am I ruining surprises? Or do you plan to watch TNA because of this?"


"Some guy yelled, 'hey Paul, screw you'. My reply was screw You 2 Jack."


"Where Vince or even Eric saw no potential, I do. Who they think can't make money, I bet your ass they can. I'll prove it."


Nobody knows if Paul is teasing people coming in, messing with people, or sincerely showing what's going to happen in TNA. One thing that's been certain is the rumors going around and things picking up for their debut Monday Night Impact show.




While originally, TNA Impact would be a two-hour show from 8-10pm, Paul seems to think with what he has, he can fill three-hours. This may not be a permanent move but it will test waters to see if they can do it or keep it at two hours.


Because of the change of TNA and what all comes with it, they have canceled it's Hard Justice pay per view. The first pay per view under TNA's new direction will be held on September 4, called Unbreakable.




Paul put on TNA's website and social media that if the fans want to know just a sneak peak at the card for TNA's Impact show, then each current TNA superstar must get at least 5,000 followers and TNA in some form must trend on twitter. Thanks to Paul's teases through twitter earlier and what has been going down in the wrestling world as of late, the fans answered and delivered. Each present TNA superstar had reached at least 5,000 followers, and TNA in some form because the top trend through twitter.


Paul gave a special thanks to all the TNA fans and that TNA won't disappoint. They may have to give it time but he promises to make things right. He also shared he can't give away too many surprises, but he did mention all TNA titles would be on the line on Impact. And for the fans to check out TNA's website on Sunday, 6pm, to get a sneak peak at Impact's debut live show.


On July 31st, TNA's website peaked a record hits as the partial card was put up. Known Monday Night Raw matches were going to be:

R-Truth & The Miz vs. John Cena & John Morrison and Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler.





World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson © vs Kurt Angle


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. © vs The World's Great Team (Benjamin & Haas)


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Rosita © vs Tara & Lita vs Angelina Love & Winter vs ODB & Serena


Television Championship

Eric Young © vs Samoa Joe


X-Division Championship (Abyss has been stripped of the title)

Daniels vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian


AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam


Generation Me vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick

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World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson © vs Kurt Angle


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. © vs The World's Great Team (Benjamin & Haas)


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Rosita © vs Tara & Lita vs Angelina Love & Winter vs ODB & Serena


Television Championship

Eric Young © vs Samoa Joe


X-Division Championship (Abyss has been stripped of the title)

Daniels vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian


AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam


Generation Me vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick

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World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson © vs Kurt Angle


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. © vs The World's Great Team (Benjamin & Haas)


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Rosita © vs Tara & Lita vs Angelina Love & Winter vs ODB & Serena


Television Championship

Eric Young © vs Samoa Joe


X-Division Championship (Abyss has been stripped of the title)

Daniels vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian


AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam


Generation Me vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick

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Great job.


World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson © vs Kurt Angle


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. © vs The World's Great Team (Benjamin & Haas)


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Rosita © vs Tara & Lita vs Angelina Love & Winter vs ODB & Serena


Television Championship

Eric Young © vs Samoa Joe


X-Division Championship (Abyss has been stripped of the title)

Daniels vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian


AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam


Generation Me vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick

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World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson © vs Kurt Angle


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. © vs The World's Great Team (Benjamin & Haas)


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Rosita © vs Tara & Lita vs Angelina Love & Winter vs ODB & Serena


Television Championship

Eric Young © vs Samoa Joe


X-Division Championship (Abyss has been stripped of the title)

Daniels vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian


AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam


Generation Me vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick


Great start

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Paul Heyman was just one of the many TNA stars who began building up the show that would later take place. What is more surprising is Paul did a shoot interview, in which he reveals some interesting tales, last night prior to today's big Monday Night Impact show. Below is what Paul shared:


"People keep coming up to me saying, 'we can't wait for you to kick Vince McMahon's ass in ratings and bring back ECW'. First off, I'm not bringing back ECW. ECW was a part of history, it did its job, and I'm damn proud of what it accomplished. But it's done and over. Life goes on. This is a different company, different talent, different writers, different programming, it's basically a whole different animal. Second, I'm not looking to kick the WWE or Vince's ass in ratings. WCW can talk about how they almost won the war, or how they won the ratings war several months in a row, but where the hell is WCW? It's in Vince's pocket. Just because you almost did something doesn't mean you did **** except make Vince some more money. My hats off to Vince. He knows the business and he's a smart man. He gets things I don't, but I get things he doesn't.


Why are people excited for tomorrow night at Impact? Why are the talent and fans excited? Because wrestling has been what it has been for several years, boring and stale. This shakes it up. I'm not here to beat Vince's ass or to obsess in making more money than him or taking this to Hollywood. Hell no, that isn't me and that isn't TNA. Do I care if Sting, Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, or anyone else wants to make a movie or appear on a TV show? No, that's their call, as long as it doesn't mess with the business here. TNA is first and that's what I told everyone. If you don't like it, get off the train.


The business has changed quiet a bit since the Benoit tragedy. But it also has some similarities. I'm ready to face the challenges head on.


It's well known I don't like Eric Bischoff, or Hulk Hogan, or several others here in TNA. But one thing I've learned is business is business, and somewhere inside each of us lies a passion for this business and to see some guys succeed that can't somewhere else.


In TNA, yeah wrestling matters, but so does the fans. And those two things, plus not giving you some lame, corny, pure fake **** is what is going to make us different AND successful."


Some may not agree with some of Paul's use of language since he is running a company, but others say he is who he is and he doesn't play games. Similar to UFC President Dana White. Not to mention the two have some type of relationship.


The roster is actually growing in TNA which have some wondering who will get to be on television. But as things are progressing, it seems Paul is already thinking ahead of the game and planning on launching a second brand similar to the WWE to feature for talent.




Dark Match

Jay Lethal defeated Shannon Moore


The show opens with clips of TNA from the past, featuring voice over clips from Paul Heyman, Hulk Hogan, Dixie Carter, Eric Bischoff, and several wrestlers. Then shows the logo of "TNA's IMPACT". It fades slowly into a picture of CM Punk. The camera pans into the arena as music starts as CM Punk comes out smiling. Heyman, Tenay, and Taz are the ones calling everything from the announcer table. Tenay and Taz are talking to Heyman about getting CM Punk to TNA.


CM Punk "It's really about time CM Punk is appreciated, I mean FINALLY appreciated! Some were saying I was crazy for what I said on Monday Night Raw, that I am crazy for leaving the big league wrestling company, that I'm crazy for leaving all that money. Well, let me say this, THAT big league company is NOT a big league company. It's a company built around a family's vision, let's call them the McMahon's and the son-in-law Pauly. I'm not sour, they did what they did, and in turn I did what I did. I wish a lot of those guys well. I made some friends, and I definitely made some enemies. That's fine by me. I wasn't looking for anymore friends anyhow, I was just looking for the company I fought my ass off for to give me something. To be behind me, but they chose not to be and that's fine. CM Punk is here at TNA for good! TNA is THE company to work for right now. TNA is going to be the company for those of us who can wrestler, those of us who are tired of the bull****, and have fun along the way.


Some unfamiliar music plays and out comes Bryan Danielson to a big pop. Punk gives a little smile and clap.


Bryan Danielson "Let me say this first, thank you CM Punk for doing what you did. I went to Vince and told him I didn't like the direction of my character, and asked for my release. After a few battles back and forth, let's just say, as you can see I'm released. I called Paul Heyman up and asked if I could come up to TNA and wrestle. It's all I want to do. He told me to come on up, we chatted, and he said 'how about debuting on TNA's Impact show?' and I said sure. He never told me an opponent, but hey, I figure why not come out after seeing you here and challenge you.


CM Punk "Welcome to TNA Bryan.


Punk shakes Bryan's hand. Then Punk starts attacking Bryan, hitting the GTS on him. Punk rips his CM Punk shirt to reveal a WWE Logo shirt.


CM Punk "Did you idiots really think I was leaving them? Paul, you really think I was behind you and a Paul Heyman guy? Don't worry, I'll still wrestle tonight Bryan. See you in the ring.



Robert Roode and James Storm are talking backstage, excited about their title match later against The Greatest Tag Team


Television Championship Match

Samoa Joe defeated Eric Young to become the NEW Television Champion



Mickie James is backstage talking to Velvet Sky, asking if she knows who she is defending her title against tonight. Velvet says she doesn't know, then another female walks in the room, Velvet leaves. Mickie turns around. The female jumps on Mickie holding her down and tells her she's in love with Mickie. She then kisses Mickie.


Tag Team Match

Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Generation Me


Tag Team Match

Colt Cobana & Luke Gallows defeated Chavo Guerrero & Homicide



Scott Steiner and Matt Morgan are yelling at each other backstage. Scott tells him he's going to the ring and if he wants to fight, bring it there.


Singles Match

Scott Steiner and Matt Morgan went to no contest as both were counted out



Winter and Angelina Love are backstage talking about their match. Paul Burchill enters the room, as him and Winter hug. Burchill wishes them luck and they have some catching up to do.



RVD wishes AJ Styles luck tonight in their match, but no hard feelings when RVD wins.


Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Tara & Lita defeated Sarita & Rosita, Angelina Love & Winter, and ODB & Serena



Daniels is being interviewed about the crowning of a new X-Division champion, and he promises to show them who not only deserves the X-Division title but who owns the X-Division completely.


X-Division Championship

Daniels defeated Amazing Red & Kazarian


Chavo Guerrero comes out and stares at Daniels


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money, Inc. defeated The World's Great Team



Paul Heyman is yelling at CM Punk


Knockout Championship

Ashley Massaro defeated Mickie James

Distraction came when the female whom kissed Mickie earlier would come out to check on Mickie and Ashley pushed Mickie into the female.



Paul Burchill is talking to Winter and Angelina Love about they need to take things in their own hands. They should have won the Knockout's tag team titles.


Singles Match

Rob Van Dam defeated AJ Styles


After the match, CM Punk came to the ring and attacked Rob Van Dam. CM Punk used his old finisher, the Pepsi Plunge, on RVD. Punk got the microphone and let RVD know Vince hated his guts and he's just here to give some pay back for getting caught smoking pot when he was a champion. Bryan Danielson comes out, demanding their match start now.


Singles Match

CM Punk defeated Bryan Danielson


Punk got the microphone afterwards to let Paul know he's really not in the WWE. But he'll go back unless he gets a title shot at Unbreakable. Punk then mentions he might as well stay to watch the main event. He goes to the ring announce table.


World Heavyweight Championship

Mr. Anderson defeated Kurt Angle


Punk, on the announce table is saying he changed his mind. He wants his title shot now. He then grabs a mic and demands Paul come out. Punk whispers in Heyman's ear, Heyman shakes his head no until Punk says "fine, I'll leave". Paul says "fine, go get it."


World Heavyweight Championship

CM Punk defeated Mr. Anderson



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The TNA locker room couldn't say enough about the change it felt in front of the crowd and backstage. Morale seems to have gotten a bit higher now that the first show is out of the way and Paul's vision to where he wants the company to go. Regarding the roster growing, it seems as if Paul is giving people he saw something in them a chance to shine and is willing to start another brand so nobody is hidden from the fans.


After the success of Monday's live Impact Show, Paul mentioned on Tuesday afternoon that after meeting with Spike TV executives, there is nothing in sight right now to shut down the live show. Spike TV is also interested in getting more sponsorship and investors to help cover the current cost, and the possibility of Panda Energy sponsoring isn't completely out of the picture.


Not only was it announced Impact would remain live on Monday nights, but following next week's Monday broadcast would be the second brand debut on Thursday nights. And to a big surprise, it would also be a live show. This continues to follow Paul Heyman's vision of the company to show the true side of people's talent without editing anything. Following Monday's broadcast, TNA would display its talent roster by each brand through their website.


Vince McMahon is said to be furious at some names he released showing up that quickly in TNA, especially when the thought was they would go on the independent scene or end up at ROH. Vince McMahon continues to not be a big worry in TNA's success and believes it will fail in a years time.





Paul Heyman wasn't too happy with what CM Punk did and wants to have a one on one chat with the new TNA World Champion. What can we expect from the loud mouth boss and the new side of CM Punk? It also seems that CM Punk has made quite a few enemies on his debut with the likes of Bryan Danielson, Rob Van Dam, and Mr. Kennedy. Will they gain retribution?


Mickie James plans to confront the lady who cost her the Knockouts Title and seems to have a love interest in her.


Number One Contenders Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Kennedy


Nontitle Tag Team Match

Luke Gallows & Colt Cobana vs Beer Money, Inc.


Nontitle Singles Match

Daniels vs. Jay Lethal


Lita vs. Winter


Nontitle Singles Match

Ashley Masarro vs. Angelina Love







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Number One Contenders Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Kennedy


Nontitle Tag Team Match

Luke Gallows & Colt Cobana vs Beer Money, Inc.


Nontitle Singles Match

Daniels vs. Jay Lethal


Lita vs. Winter


Nontitle Singles Match

Ashley Masarro vs. Angelina Love

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Number One Contenders Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Kennedy


Nontitle Tag Team Match

Luke Gallows & Colt Cobana vs Beer Money, Inc.


Nontitle Singles Match

Daniels vs. Jay Lethal


Lita vs. Winter


Nontitle Singles Match

Ashley Masarro vs. Angelina Love

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Dark Match

Eric Young defeated "Former Tough Enough Contestant" Luke Robinson


Dark Match

Velvet Sky defeated Jackie


The show opens by recapping some clips from last week's Impact show, highlighting what took place and to leave questions marks on several uncertain happenings. Then it moves into Impact's opener followed by the camera panning inside the arena while fans are holding up signs. Paul Heyman comes out to the ring explaining he doesn't mean to be an on-air boss, but some things have to be done. He calls out CM Punk to explain his actions last week after he showed Punk respect, and planned on a bright future. Punk comes out holding the TNA Championship. Punk explains he played everyone and had people questioning if he was with TNA or the other company, including Paul Heyman. CM Punk mentions some past notes on RVD, such as him getting in trouble with the law, yet Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman pushed his sorry ass. Punk also mentions how Mr. Anderson couldn't make it in the other company so he doesn't deserve to be TNA Champion. Punk mentions Kurt's past addiction to pain pills and asks if anyone knows he's really clean or not. After Punk runs down a list of TNA's top names, he tells Paul he did what he did because he's the only true champion the company can trust and build on. And if he didn't do what he did, one of those losers or drug addicts would be leading TNA. Paul mentions that the past is the past and its a fresh start, and while he won't blame Punk for what he did because it was actually smart, he informs Punk to get ready for a match tonight against a 'interesting' opponent.



Mickie James is backstage talking to Ashley Masarro about that girl that supposedly is in love with her. Ashley tells Mickie to calm down and to remind Mickie nobody knows who she is or what she is capable of.



Winter and Angelina Love are attacking Lita and Tara backstage


Nontitle Singles Match

Daniels defeated Jay Lethal


Following the match, Chavo Guerrero walks out again and stays at the ramp to watch Daniels celebrate the win.



Paul Heyman welcomes Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan to his office. Paul tells them they will not be on Impact anymore, but they will be working on Thursday's brand show.



Leticia Cline is interviewing Mr. Anderson. He mentions all the guys in the main event tonight have beef with Punk, but his is a little more personal, since he stole his TNA championship away. Eric Bischoff interrupts and informs Anderson he and Hogan are going to run Thursday's show and they are looking to put talent there. Eric tells Anderson to not wrestle tonight, and show up Thursday, and he'll be that brand's world champion.


Singles Knockout Match

Lita defeated Winter

Lita came out limping due to the attack earlier along with her partner Tara. Love and Winter tried to cheat but Tara helped stop it and keep it a singles match, which helped Lita hit the moonsault for the victory.



Mr. Anderson goes to Paul Heyman's office to inform him that he's going to drop out of the main event because he's going to the other brand, and becoming their world champion. Paul tells Anderson that's fine but he will have to win the main event on Thursday because it's going to be for the TNA Championship, and it's going to be against Sting.


Back to the ringside area, Mickie James comes out looking serious and upset. She gets a microphone and is wanting that girl, whoever she is, that wants some type of relationship with her to come out. The girl comes out, she tells Micke her name is Reign, and she thinks Mickie is attractive. Mickie mentions there's nothing wrong with that lifestyle but it isn't for her and there are plenty other knockouts here. Reign insists her and Mickie must be together. Mickie tries to attack Reign, but she gets out of the ring. Reign asks Mickie to not hide their relationship from television and the fans, let everyone know whose bed she'll be sleeping in tonight. Mickie goes on a chase after Reign.


Nontitle Tag Team Match

Beer Money, Inc. defeated Luke Gallows & Colt Cobana



Serena is talking to Punk backstage about the old Straight Edge team and she needs guidance again. Punk says, "Serena, you want guidance? Let me tell you this, you're just as bad as everyone else. You wanna be the pretty face on tv, the hottest knockout that the stupid fans whistle at, you don't want to be champion. You will never be anything but a secondary knockout, Serena. That's my advice." Serena looks like she's almost in tears but gets a little angry.


Nontitle Singles Match

Ashley Masarro defeated Angelina Love

Following the match, Winter came out with Paul Burchill. Paul watched on as Love and Winter beat on Ashley with nobody coming to the save.


Notitle Singles Match

CM Punk defeated Scott Steiner



Leticia Cline is with Kurt Angle, and mentions Mr. Anderson not being in the match anymore. Kurt says that's fine because he wasn't going to win anyway, he plans on winning and taking on CM Punk at Unbreakable. Paul Heyman walks by, "Well, since you're here Kurt, and the cameras are rolling, let me just inform everyone the main event is still a four way." Paul walks out as Kurt asks who the fourth person is.


Number One Contenders Match

Kurt Angle defeated Bryan Danielson, Rob Van Dam, and Brock Lensar

Paul came out after Angle, Danielson, and RVD were in the ring to mention the fourth participant is returning to the ring after a long absence. Brock came out to say since his medical issues have forced him to semi-retire for now in MMA, he's returning to wrestling to prove he's the best damn athlete. During the match, Brock looked like he was going to win but Punk came out and repeatedly hit Brock with chair shots until Brock ended up chasing after Punk. Angle was able to get the pinfall on RVD to win the match.



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It was being kept quiet in the recent weeks but the report going around is Brock Lensar would not be cleared to return to the MMA world for quite sometime. When Brock called Dana White to give him the news, Dana saw no reason to keep Brock under contract but let Brock know he would be welcomed back to the UFC once cleared if he wished. When Brock called his friend, Paul Heyman, to share the medical news and him being released from his UFC contract, Paul couldn't help but see the return of Brock Lesnar to the wrestling world. Brock then asked his doctors about the possible return to the squared circle and through some tests, they would clear Brock to return but to maintain a once-a-week test to see how he would be doing.


Once he began training again in the ring and going back to get tests done, the doctors finally would clear Brock to a return to the ring for at least a 120 day run. Once 120 days are up, Brock must return to go through more testing to see how his body is holding up.


The agreement was then made Monday morning and Brock signed a TNA contract and was booked into the main event match on TNA Impact.





TNA Championship Match

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA Global Championship Match

Matt Morgan vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The Brittish Invasion vs. LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)


Sarita & Rostia vs. Salinas & Ashley Valence


D'Angelo Dinero vs. Crimson


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TNA Championship Match

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA Global Championship Match

Matt Morgan vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The Brittish Invasion vs. LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)


Sarita & Rostia vs. Salinas & Ashley Valence

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Crimson


Salinas is Shelly Martinez right? If so, push the hell out of her :p

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TNA Championship Match

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA Global Championship Match

Matt Morgan vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The British Invasion vs. LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)


Sarita & Rostia vs. Salinas & Ashley Valence


D'Angelo Dinero vs. Crimson

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TNA Championship Match

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA Global Championship Match

Matt Morgan vs. Desmond Wolfe


TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The Brittish Invasion vs. LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)


Sarita & Rostia vs. Salinas & Ashley Valence

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Crimson


Salinas is Shelly Martinez right? If so, push the hell out of her :p


Same exact picks, bro. Haha. =D

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The show opens with its debut video opener to feature the talent on the brand. Following the opener, Mr. Anderson comes out to the ring with a microphone in his hand. He mentions joining Overdrive over Impact because its the best decision and he's looking forward to beating Sting tonight and becoming the first ever TNA Champion. The only question he has is where is Sting. He says everyone he's talked to hasn't seen him or heard from him since SpikeTV and Paul Heyman took over the company. This brings out Eric Bischoff who informs Mr. Anderson he hasn't heard or seen Sting either, but he just got off the phone with Paul and he has a backup opponent for you tonight. Mr. Anderson wants to know who it is but Eric says he has no idea, but only Paul Heyman does. The lights go out in the arena as cameras flash everywhere. When the lights come on just after a few seconds, a person is standing in the ring wearing a Sting mask. The person hits the Scorpion Deathdrop, then takes off the mask to reveal its Chris Jericho. Chris picks up the mic and tells Anderson he'll see him in the main event tonight.



Tiffany is with Madison Rayne. Madison talks about the transition to Overdrive and that its fine with her, especially since a new and improved Beauitful People team. Velvet Sky and Jamie Keys walk into camera view.



Bischoff is on the phone with Hulk Hogan asking where he is. Hogan mentions he won't be back for a few months due to things out of his control, which makes Bischoff upset and hangs up the phone.


Singles Match

D'Angelo Dinero defeated Crimson



Bischoff is on the phone with Paul Heyman, who tells Bischoff he is on his way to the arena to take care of some business. Meanwhile, Bischoff continues to walk around asking if anyone has heard or seen Sting.



Salinas and Ashley Valence are talking backstage about their tag team match. The Beautiful People walk in and make fun of how they look, then continue to walk off. Salinas looks like she's about to get into a fight but Ashley holds her back.


TNA Tag Team Championship Match

The Brittish Invasion defeated LAX (Homicide & Hernandez)



Tiffany is with Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea. Wolfe mentions how he's the best on Overdrive, the best in TNA, and the best in the world and plans to prove it by winning the Global Championship.


Knockout Tag Team Match

Salinas & Ashley Valence defeated Sarita & Rostia

Following the match, the Beautiful People came in and beat on Salinas and Ashley. Traci Brooks comes from the back to make the save as the Beautiful People leave.



Paul Heyman arrives and tells the camera man he has some crap to take care of and he'll do it in the ring in front of the world.


Paul Heyman comes out and mentions the reason Hulk Hogan isn't here is because he fired him. He mentions he has no idea where Sting is but he's kinda glad he didn't show up because he wasn't sure what to do with Chris Jericho. Paul also mentions Eric may be losing his job too. Eric comes out to plea with Paul for him to keep his job. Paul gives him a 30-day notice.


Singles Match

Austin Aries defeated Eric Young



Paul Heyman runs into Bully Ray. Paul says it is ashame he wanted to leave Devon because they need good tag teams in TNA, and the singles wrestlers are kinda stacking up. He guesses certain people may be released since he has no use for them.


Knockout Singles Match

Daffney defeated Miss Tessmacher

After the match, a tattooed female who was unknown to fans came from the crowd into the ring, as soon as Daffney saw her she took off.



Tiffany is trying to catch Daffney as she walks by her to see if Daffney can explain who that is. Daffney just screams and runs.


TNA Global Championship Match

Desmond Wolfe defeated Matt Morgan


A promo comes up previewing the next TNA pay per view event, Unbreakable. As it teases some matches, Heyman's voice comes over the preview saying, "It's not going to be a half card of Impact and half card of Overdrive, not here. It's going to feature full pay per view style cards from both brands, two pay per views for the price of one. We're not here to cheat our fans but to show them why we have the best product out there. That's just TNA."


TNA Championship Match

Chris Jericho defeated Mr. Anderson


The show ends with Jericho holding up the TNA title saying "I'm Back".


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In a one on one interview with TNA's website, Paul gets real and up close explaining the changes he is making to the roster and to answer criticism.


TNAWrestling.com Why did you feel the need to add another brand?


Paul Heyman Simple. More television, different brands, more talent. It won't get stale around here. The different brands you have, the more talent that can be featured and showcased. Is it a smart business decision? Time will tell that. It's costly but I think it'll be beneficial to both TNA and the wrestling industry.


TNAWrestling.com It seems you've kept most of the current TNA roster, but have added and seem to be continuing to add more talent. Some would say the roster is becoming overflowing. What would you reply to those critics?


Paul Heyman I'd agree whole heartily with those critics. You can have too many superstars in one locker room. We have two locker rooms and yes, you can have too many superstars for two locker rooms. Not everyone you watch has a written contract. Some may be on a per show basis so we can evaluate what's there. Some may have a small written contract. You never know what you're seeing out there. It's our job to work that part out, but it takes work. I like most everyone in the locker room and its never easy to cut someone who has a family, but you can't help everyone. You want to help the company as a whole or else everyone sinks. We'll be featuring some names you've never seen or heard of, at least to the normal fan. That's the beauty of TNA. I'm giving everyone a chance to shine and if they don't want it or it doesn't click, maybe we'll try down the road. Sting, Jericho, Brock, Angle.. some of these guys are here to help the company but they can't be around forever. Age is a factor and at some point their time will come for them to hang up the boots. Then more spots will be available. We'll see who catches our eye for those spots.


TNAWrestling.com You also brought back some names to TNA that were released, why is that?


Paul Heyman Because whoever released them was a idiot. I'm looking for passion, drive, and talent. Jay Lethal has it. Why did they release him and others is beyond me.

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Main Event

CM Punk & Partner of his choicevs. Kurt Angle & Partner of his choice


Television Championship Match

Samoa Joe © vs. Gunner


Tag Team Tournament To Decide #1 Contendor Round One

Motorcity Machine Guns vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels


Tag Team Tournament To Decide #1 Contendor Round One

Scott Steiner & Rob Terry vs. Matt Morgan & Mark Jindrack


Bryan Danielson vs. Low-Ki


Angelina Love vs. Tara


Mickie James vs. Serena




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Dark Match

Jay Lethal defeated Eric Young


Following the dark match, Jay Lethal got on the mic and said for Eric to stay in the ring because Paul Heyman wants to say something. After Impact's opener, Eric Young remains in the ring, then Heyman comes out.


Paul Heyman Eric, I told Jay Lethal to tell you to remain in the ring because I have something to talk to you about and I want it to be in front of the TNA audience. You've been with TNA for a long time and have done everything you were asked to do, and the TNA team appreciates it. You've been through a lot, you've given this company and this sport a lot, but I'm not sure it was enough. Let me let a friend of yours talk to you, ok. Come on out Dixie.


Dixie Carter walks out looking upset. She mouths to Heyman, "I can't."


Paul Heyman Dixie, I told you that if you love this business and want to see TNA go the extra mile, you need to learn some thing you lack. And this is one of them, do it.


Dixie Carter Eric, thank you. Really, I mean it, thank you. But, Paul told me what was going to happen and I fought for you. I want you to know that. But, I'm sorry. You're fired.


Paul yells for everyone to come out. Most of the TNA office and talent come out clapping.


Paul Heyman We want to give you the right kind of send off, Eric.


Eric picks up the mic looking a bit teary.


Eric Young Do you mind if I just share what I'm thinking? First off, thank you TNA for giving me the platform. The platform to play a dumbass! The platform to play an idiot, making $200 a week, busting my ass everynight, while Hogan or Kevin and several others walked around, shared a few words, and made bank. Now you want to fire me?! Dixie, let me be honest with you. You're not a whore. Whores get paid. You're a slut. You'd get on your knees for everyone in the back except Eric Young!


Dixie looks stunned and starts to cry and run to the back.


Eric Young All you wrestlers clapping for me can kiss my ass. You've never been there for me. It was always Eric Young the joke! Nobody took me serious. And Paul Heyman, you're lucky to have a job after you screwed so many ECW guys from their paychecks. You want to fire me? Fine, I'm gone. But know this, Eric Young will be back.


Eric flips off the TNA roster and Paul Heyman, then leaves through the crowd instead of the ramp as the show goes to commercial.



Paul Heyman walks up to a crying Dixie Carter. Heyman apologizes to Dixie and tells her she needs to be more ruthless and not to let people walk over her, that she needed to fire him. Heyman mentions nobody will mention Eric Young again and that segment won't be replayed. Dixie turns around to Paul and gets in his face and says, "Maybe deep down I am a bitch, Paul!" Then she walks off.


Knockout Singles Match

Mickie James defeated Serena



As soon as Serena gets to the backstage area holding her neck following the loss, Dixie Carter runs into her. Dixie asks Serena if she's hurt. Then Dixie interrupts before she could answer and says, "Serena, pack your bags because you're fired!".



Kurt Angle walks up to Brock Lensar saying they need to talk.


Television Championship Match

Samoa Joe © defeated Gunner



Mickie James is in her locker room when she gets a card delivered to her. She begins to read it and starts throwing things in the locker room.


Tag Team Tournament To Decide #1 Contendor Round One

Scott Steiner & Rob Terry defeated Matt Morgan & Mark Jindrack



Tara and Lita are talking backstage about their feud with Winter and Angelina Love.



Ashley is backstage talking to a TNA producer, when Cookie walks up. Cookie slaps Ashley and the two start fighting.


Singles Match

Bryan Danielson defeated Low-Ki



Mickie walks up to Paul Heyman and is upset and angry at what Reign is saying to her. She wants Reign gone from the company or to the other brand. Paul mentions about a match instead at Unbreakable. Mickie agrees.


Knockout Singles Match

Angelina Love defeated Tara

Following the match, Love and Winter began beating on Tara, then Lita came in to make it two on two. From the crowd, Overdrive's Daffney came in the ring to help Winter and Love beat on Tara and Lita. Then the lady whom Daffney ran from came out to even the score. Heyman came out to stop the carnage and made it a 3 on 3 match at Unbreakable.



AJ Styles and Daniels are talking about their tough tag team match against MMG. AJ asks Daniels if they don't make it to the tag team titles, if Daniels would fight him at Unbreakable for the X-Division title. Daniels told AJ they will make it to the tag team titles.



Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe are talking about the new direction in TNA and thinking about fighting each other for the TV Title.


Tag Team Tournament To Decide #1 Contendor Round One

Motorcity Machine Guns defeated AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Styles and Daniels were having issues through out the match, Daniels blamed it on AJ wanting the X-Division title more than the tag team titles.



Leticia Cline is with CM Punk. Punk mentions he found himself a tag team partner worthy to be on the side of Punk. Punk introduces Luke Gallows.



Cameras go backstage as Brock is beaten, laying on the ground pissed that his ankle has been fractured. Angle runs in wondering if anyone knows who did it, because it was his partner tonight. Brock says it was CM Punk.


Main Event

CM Punk & Luke Gallows defeated Kurt Angle

Brock was taken to a near by hospital so it ended up being a handicap match with nobody to come to Kurt's aid. After the match, Punk started beating Angle with a chair.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Commentators Mike Tenay, Jeremy Borash, Taz


TNA's Overdrive Opener


Chris Jericho comes out with the TNA Championship around his waste and a big smile across his face. Chris begins to walk around the ring soaking in the reaction from the audience, which seems to be mostly cheers. He steps in the ring looking around with the 'Jericho-Smirk' on his face, and walks over to get a microphone.


Chris Jericho "It's good to be back in the ring again! It's good to be a champion again! Hell, it's good to be Chris Jericho again! It looks to me that from me and Ken's match last week, Ken got hurt. He won't be here tonight and may not be here for a few more weeks, which means, I have nobody out there to fight at Unbreakable. Everyone in the back is busy with their own agendas or scared to face me, and who can really blame them?"


Rob Van Dam's music hits to a nice pop from the crowd. RVD tells Jericho that he's talked to Paul and since Ken is out for an unknown amount of time, that he is now labeled as the new number one contender. The two exchange a few words back and forth, with Jericho ending the talk by extending his hand to RVD to shake. RVD looks around and decides to shake it. Chris leaves the ring as RVD looks impressed of no sneak attack.


Backstage Eric Bischoff is on the phone leaving a voice mail for Sting, who apparently has had no contact with anyone since the change of ownership. Eric hangs up the phone pissed. Austin Aries walks into his office wanting to know why there's one X-Division title and its on Impact, not Overdrive. Eric looks stressed and tells Austin to get out of his office. As Austin begins to leave, Eric quickly tells him to turn around with a bright idea on his face. Eric talks to himself asking if the X-Division could be the key to saving his job, then tells Austin he agrees. Eric tells Austin at Unbreakable, there will be a crowning of a Overdrive X-Division Champion, in a Ultimate X match.


Knockout Singles Match

Daffney vs. Alissa Flash


The match was a good opener and well done to showcase Alissa's skills, and Daffney's improvement in-ring work. The mysterious tattoo girl once again appeared from the crowd with her aim towards Daffney. Once Daffney recognized the girl was back, she left the ring to get counted out.


WINNER Alissa Flash




Backstage Tiffany walks up to Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea. She mentions briefly Demond's victory last week over Matt Morgan to win the Global Championship, and asks what's in store for Desmond next. Desmond says, "Nobody is better than me. Clearly, I proved it last week. And I'll prove it again against whoever they throw at me next." In walks D'Angelo Dinero, who challenges Desmond to a match tonight, and Desmond accepts.


Backstage Daffney is trying to leave the arena but gets caught by the other tattooed girl stalking her. The two begin fighting.


Tag Team Match

The British Invasion vs. The Colon Brothers


In their TNA debut and return as a tag team, Primo and Carlito, were wanting to showcase their talent and get back in the mix of wrestling. They fought in a good match against the TNA Overdrive Tag Team Champions. Thanks to some help from their outside interference of Rob Terry, the British Invasion got the victory.


WINNER The British Invasion


Backstage The Beautiful People, Jamie Keys/Madison Rayne/Velvet Sky, are putting together some wardrobes and ready to look sexy tonight. Salinas walks in on them with Ashley Valence and Traci Brooks. Salinas is ready to fight but Ashley and Traci keep her back. Madison motions them to leave, and tells them this is for beautiful ladies only. Salinas smacks Madison, then they leave. Jamie and Velvet comfort Madison.




Singles Match

Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Desmond played around early in the match, using the ropes when they would lock up. It eventually frustrated Dinero whom began to attack Desmond regardless of the referee trying to break it up. The match itself didn't feature much in-ring action, but mostly Desmond taking his time and outsmarting Dinero. He pushed Dinero's buttons which caused Dinero to refuse the referees attempt to break up the punching. The referee then had no choice but to DQ Dinero.


WINNER Desmond Wolfe by Disqualification


Backstage Madison is leaving Eric Bischoff's office smiling.


Singles Match

Austin Aries vs. Jack Evans


This match featured great in-ring action and high flying moves. It was announced during the match that Jack Evans is TNA Overdrive's newest talent. In hopes of making a winning debut, Aries proved too much and used his in-ring psychology to get the upper hand, which led to his victory.


WINNER Austin Aries




Eric Bischoff comes out but stays at the ramp. He shares his 30-day notice isn't set in stone if he can show Paul and the TNA fans he should stay. He should be in charge of Overdrive. He shares that Chris Jericho will defend his TNA Championship against Rob Van Dam at Unbreakable, but tonight the two will team up in a tag team match. He just won't say against who.


Backstage The Beautiful People walk up to Salinas, Ashley V., and Traci. Madison informs them of a 3 on 3 tag team match at Unbreakable. She also tells them next week, there will be a tag team match between any two of both teams, with the winning team to choose the type of match and stipulation.


A video airs that starts off in complete darkness, with noises of thunder and quick flashes of lighting. Then it slowly pans to a graveyard with whispers being played backwards to give some sort of eerie feeling. It then shows some old house and candles lit around it, you see several shadow figures on the ground as it fades to black, leaving the words "CRYPTIC".




Main Event: Tag Team Match

Chris Jericho & Rob Vam Dam vs. Two Mystery Opponents


Jericho and RVD are both in the ring making small talk, looking down towards the ramp awaiting their opponents. Out comes the return of Team 3D. The match starts gaining momentum with both teams working hard. As the match neared the end, Jericho refused to tag in from RVD, and eventually attacked RVD which gave Team 3D an open to get the victory. Chris Jericho starts walking up the ramps backwards smiling.


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