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WWF: Evolution Of Entertainment™

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World Wrestling Federation™

Evolution Of Entertainment


WWF Hall Of Champions

WWF Heavyweight Champion: Kurt Angle

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho

WWF World Tag Team Champions: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley

WWF European Champion: William Regal

WWF Hardcore Champion: Raven


WWF Staff

WWF Chairman: Vince McMahon

WWF Commissioner: Vacant

WWF Announce Team: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler

WWF Backstage Interviewers: Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman and Kevin Kiley

WWF Managers: Debra Manages Steve Austin, Ivory manages the RTC, Lita manages the Hardyz,

Molly Holly manages the Hollys, Stephanie McMahon manages Triple H and Terri manages the Radicalz


WWF Roster

Al Snow


Big Show

Billy Gunn


Bubba Ray Dudley

Bull Buchanan


Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho


Crash Holly

Dean Malenko

D'Lo Brown

D-Von Dudley

Eddie Guerrero


Essa Ríos



Grand Master Sexay

Hardcore Holly

Jeff Hardy



Kurt Angle

Matt Hardy

Perry Saturn



Road Warrior Hawk

Scotty 2 Hotty

Sho Funaki

Steve Austin

Steve Blackman

Steven Richards

TAKA Michinoku



The Goodfather

The Rock

The Undertaker

Triple H

Val Venis

William Regal


Up Comming Pay Per View


WWF No Way Out 2001

Current Card

Triple H Vs Steve Austin



NOTE: Shows will be posted in brief recap until after No Way Out, the pay-per-view and all the shows following will be written out in full.


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Royal Rumble 2001 Results



The Dudley Boyz Def. Edge and Christian© in a tag team match, to win the WWF World Tag Team Titles.


Chris Jericho Def. Chris Benoit© in a ladder match, to win the WWF Intercontinental Title.


Kurt Angle© Def. Triple H in a singles match, to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title.


Steve Austin Def. 29 other men in a Royal Rumble, to face the WWF Champion at Wrestlemania 17.


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February, Week 1, 2001

Official Preview


>> Tonight features the fall out from the Royal Rumble, which had many shocks, twists and surprises. We has two titles change hands, as The Dudley Boys defeated Edge & Christian for the WWF Tag Team titles, and Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit in a gruelling ladder match for the intercontinental title. An event which is sure to have backlash was the controversial way in which WWF Champion Kurt Angle defeated Triple H, as Steve Austin interfered, attacking Triple H and giving him the Stunner as retaliation for Triple H costing Austin the title several weeks earlier on Raw! Despite Triple H wanting to return the favour, Austin would go on to win his third royal rumble, last eliminating Kane.


Confirmed Matches

Names in alphabetical order

Farooq Vs Kane

K-Kwik Vs William Regal© - WWF European Championship

Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero Vs The Dudley Boys


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February, Week 1, 2001

>> The first edition of RAW following the Royal Rumble began with a brief video, recapping the previous night's events.


>> WWF Champion Kurt Angle was out next. He says that the fact that he has to face Steve Austin is an insult, he says Austin is a stupid beer chugging red neck, just like everyone in the audience. He says that he's sick and tired of having to pander to the 'stupid fans, who respect an alcoholic more than a world class competitor' Vince McMahon comes out. He congratulates Angle on his victory, but he doesn't like the way he won, and that in the interest of fairness, he will defend the title against Triple H tonight!


>> Farooq Vs Kane - Singles Match

Farooq as always, put in a great showing, and looked as if he was about to win at some points. Kane brought a steel chair into the ring, and Big Show ran down to save the APA, but instead attacked Bradshaw at ringside, allowing Kane to capitalise on the distraction to hit a chokeslam and pick up the win.


>> Following the match, Kane shakes hands with the Big Show, who now has a microphone. Big Show says that both he and Kane were cheated out of a rumble victory, him last year, and Kane last night. He says he knows it doesn't make any difference to the fans, but him and Kane will make them selves heard, because they're going to win the tag team championships.


>> Chris Jericho is backstage with some pretty girls, celebrating his championship win. Kevin Kelly tries to get an interview, but Jericho brushes him off, claiming he doesn't want to hear about defences and challenges, tonight he's partying. He walks off, but stops when Chris Benoit enters the room, killing the party. Benoit says Jericho WILL want to hear about this challenge, and informs him he's using his rematch clause this Thursday on Smackdown!


>> K-Kwik Vs William Regal© - Singles Match, for the WWF European Championship

Regal comes to the ring with 'Regal for Commissioner' buttons, but is attacked by K-Kwik on the way to the ring! Kwik tries his best to capture his first title in the WWF, but Regal's technique and veteran ability allow him to batter Kwik from corner to corner, picking up the win after a power of the punch.


>> Following the match, WWF Hardcore champion Raven makes his way out to the ring. He says he's watched Al Snow & Regal fight it out to become commisioner, so he'd like to make a suggestion to Vince McMahon, at No Way Out, have Al Snow Vs William Regal.... Vs Raven! With the winner becomming WWF Commisioner.


>> Lita is walking along backstage with the Hardy Boyz, but Matt & Jeff need to go to the toilet. The second they leave, Dean Malenko walks into frame! But before he can even speak, Tazz inturrupts, he calls Malenko a freak, and suggests that he leaves Lita alone. Malenko gives a smug grin, and saunters off.


>> Rikishi Vs The Undertaker - Singles Match, No Disqaulification

Both superstars fight it out, with their recent rivaly boiling over now. Undertaker is busted open early by Rikishi headbutting him repeatedly. Undertaker refuses to give in, and the fight spills into the crowd, where Rikishi takes to launching a (planted) fan out of his seat and using it to hit 'Taker. Eventually, the fight goes back into the ring, and Taker reverses a clothesline into a huge last ride for the pinfall.


>> Vince is backstage with Trish, and starts to make a move, when Raven walks in! He grins, having caught Vince in this predicement. Vince acts like nothing happened, and Raven asks about the match he suggested. McMahon knows he can't say no, and agrees, if Raven puts his Hardcore championship on the line! Raven nods, and walks off, knowing he has his match.


>> Backstage, Edge & Christian are complaining about losing their WWF Tag Team Championships to Kurt Angle. Angle says he really feels for them, and says that they should use their rematch clause next week on RAW. E&C agree, saying it's a great idea, and wish him luck in tonight's main event.


>> Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley Vs Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero - Tag Team Match

Both of these teams wanted the win here, with two different styles clashing. The new tag champions tried their best to keep the fight off the floor, but both Benoit and Guerrero would take turns taking them to the floor, disecting them. However, when Perry Saturn distracted the ref, Edge would interfere, trying to spear Bubba, but accidently caught Guerrero, giving the Dudleyz the win.


>> Stephanie McMahon is in her and Triple H's locker room, trying to calm him down, as he's throwing things all over the place. She slaps him, and he certainly gets his attention! He coldly says to her that he is going to murder Steve Austin. She says that he should calm down, and not to do anything stupid, she says that it would be better if he won the title tonight, and faced Austin at Wrestlemania, and beat the hell out of him infront of millions of fans! Triple H frowns, but nods, and heads out of the room.

>> The fans explode as The Rock is introduced by Kevin Kelly in the interview pit. The Rock says that he should unquestionably be named number one contender, and says he is the single greatest superstar in the WWF. Undertaker walks in, dry blood on his face, saying he just destroyed Rikishi, and he that doesn't make him worthy of a title shot, he doesn't know what does. Rock & Undertaker stare down for a few moments, and Rock suggests that they meet in a match up! Undertaker says that he's on!


>> Kurt Angle© Vs Triple H - Singles Match, for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

Both men began to brawl tooth and nail for the biggest prize in wrestling, wanting to go on to headline Wrestlemania with Steve Austin. They fought in and out of the ring, with many near falls, and the crowd exploded when Steve Austin made his first apperence since winning the rumble, distracting Triple H long enough for Angle to roll him up.

>> As soon as the match had come to a close, Triple stared at the mat in disbelief. Steve Austin rolled into the ring, and had a breif staredown with Angle, who had retreived his title, and was escaping the wrath of Trips. Austin stood there waiting for Hunter to get to his feet, and he does, and he leaps on Angle! They begin to brawl, but atleast 6 ringside hands climb into the ring, seperating them. The show ends, with Austin having a big grin on his face mocking the furious Triple H, who watches on as Austin has a beer bash and makes his exit.



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