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NYCW: Tradition

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NYCW: Tradition

OOC: Special Thanks to everyone in the re-render thread for their awesome work.


Wrestling, one of the world’s most controversial sports for its dangerous violent actions, adult themes, drug abuse, and because some don’t even think it’s a sport. The SWF? Dangerous environment backstage, violent matches, full of eye candy, and bad comedy and it calls itself Sports Entertainment? That is the place that destroyed most of the Wrestling Business for people. Esien? He spit on the territorial system then ripped it up, danced on it, and buried it without a tombstone. He left me, and countless others without jobs, and how did he do it? He manipulated the entire system, basic bad guy vs basic good guy, no. Esien took that story and put fluff and blood on top of it with women and dangerous matches all so he could make a buck. He destroyed the thing me and hundreds of others put our entire lives into, all to make a buck. I’m Derek Bradford, and I’m going to tell you a story about the last true wrestling company, my company. New York City Wrestling.

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Up To Date Roster

Main Event

Bo ”Black Hat” Bailey


1 Time/Current NYCW Empire Champ

1 Time DAVE Extreme

1 Time SWF Tag Team Champ (With Enforcer Roberts)

3 Time SWF North American Champ

3 Time TWL Tag Team Champ (With Coyote Dynamite)

“Remarkable” Steve Flash


1 Time NYCW Empire Champ

1 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (With American Machine)

1 Time NYCW Tri Regional

1 Time CGC World Tag (With Jon Jetson)

2 Time NOTBPW Tag Team (1 With Robert Oxford/Jeremy Stone)

3 Time RPW World Champ

Gerrard “Whistler” Lee


3 Time NYCW Empire Champ

2 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (1 With Mr. America/The Stomper)

2 Time PPPW Tri-State Champ

4 Time SCCW Champ



Upper Midcard

Nigel “Honest Frank” Harriet


2 Time NYCW Empire Champ

1 Time PSW Champ

2 Time XFW World Champ

Lee Wright


1 Time NYCW Tri-Regional

3 Time PHGW Elite Tag (With Raymond Diaz)

5 Time Glory Tag (With Raymond Diaz)

Roger “Smooth” Cage


1 Time NYCW Tag Team (With Sammy The Shark)




“Dazzling” Dave Diamond


1 Time NYCW Tri-Regional

Kevin “The War Machine” Morris


“Old School” Rick Sanders


2 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (With The Masked Mauler)

2 Time SCCW Tag Team Champ (With The Punisher)

“Sammy The Shark” Greg Ford


2 Time/Current NYCW Tri Regional Champ

1 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (With Roger Cage)

“The Masked Mauler” William Franklyn


2 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (With Rick Sanders)

1 Time Tri Regional



Lower Midcard

“Deadly” Dean Waldorf


1 Time/Current NYCW Tag Team Champ (With Marv Statler)

1 Time PSW Tag Team (With Marv Statler)

“Land Mass” James Raynold


1 Time CGC Tag Team Champ (With Mammoth)

1 Time NYCW Tag Team Champ (With The Big Problem)

“Marvelous” Marv Statler


1 Time/Current NYCW Tag Team Champ (With Marv Waldorf)

1 Time PSW Tag Team (With Dead Waldorf)




Scott “Animal” Harker


“The New York Doll” David Smith




Fern Hathaway

Managing Dazzling Dave Diamond

“Cheerleader” Nicki Wilhelm

Managing Sammy The Shark and Roger Cage



Michael “No BS” Bull

Announce Team

Herb Statley

Rock Downpour

Road Agents

Derek “The Stomper” Bradford

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NYCW Empire Champ


Black Hat Bailey

NYCW Tri- Regional


Sammy The Shark

NYCW Tag Team


The Ring Generals


Tag Teams

The Ring Generals - Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf

Shark Cage - Sammy The Shark and Roger Cage

Old School Principles - The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders


Next Show


NYCW Rush Hour


Prediction Card


The Ring Generals vs Land Mass and The New York Doll

Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Old School Principals vs Shark Cage

Honest Frank vs Whistler

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash


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December, 2009.

Since 2007 the booking team has been of five people, Bo “Black Hat” Bailey, Steve Flash, Lee Wright, Larry Vessey, and me. This particular meeting was different though, something I never thought Lee or Larry would ever say came up.


Bailey: Ok so now that everyone is here. Let us get down to business, we all know about the SWF taking a close look at Roger so I think we need to find a good replacement. I have been looking at Steven Parker; he’s a good solid talent. I also was thinking about bringing in Coyote Dynamite again, this time to reprise his role of Black Hat Richards and be like a servant or a lackey and then when I lose the title and fall out of the chase for it he is released again.


Flash: Well Bo it’s a good idea but—


Wright: But Larry, Steve, and I agree that we need a younger person in the booking team. I plan on retiring in sometime in the next year and I have no idea if I still will be here afterword.


Vessey: As much as I hate to say it, Lee is right. He’s ready to retire—


Wright: What’s that supposed to mean?


Vessey:--and so am I.


Bailey: I see your point, we aren’t in touch with this younger audience but we have our traditional fan base behind—


Wright: And what happens when they are gone? What happens then?


Bradford: Bailey. They are right, we need a younger audience and the best way to get them is with someone younger. For example, your protégé, he’s smart and understands the business. You molded him into a good enough wrestler for us. He is the best option we have right now. That is the end of the discussion.


The meeting when on as it normally would from there on, but the atmosphere was clearly strenuous. Bailey agreed to bring in his protégé for an interview in the next month and it was a day clearly everyone was dreading yet supportive of the decision.

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December 2009


Much of the roster already knew him, Kevin Morris. I met him a few times, he occasional was backstage working with the guys general with Flash, Wright, and Bailey. We brought him out in front of people a few times as a job boy. The boys trusted him to put on a good match and they trusted the person backstage. But trusting him with their jobs was something they were not sure of.


Bradford: It’s 5:30 they’re late, Sophie.


Sophie: I will call them right away Mr. Bradford.


Bradford: Excellent thank you.

At this moment the two of them burst through the door.


Bailey: Derek, I understand we are late.


Bradford: Oh, five minutes, an hour, either way I’m getting too old for this.


Sophie: Can I get you all some coffee?


Bailey: I’ll take some, thank you.


Morris: No, I have a bottle of water right here, but how about when you get off work we’ll go get some together. You know, to get to know how the business side of NYCW works.


Bradford: Come, we have some business to discus. So, I’m sure Bailey told you the circumstances. But just in case, we are in a dire situation. Our fans are beginning to get to the point where if we don’t get in touch with the current generation the company may fold. Kevin, you’re a good kid, I know your credentials, I know you can work in the ring, but I don’t know if I can put the hands of my company to such an inexperienced leader. Lee, Steve, and Larry seem to think you’re the best bet we have. Bailey is reluctant to agree, as is the rest of the roster.


Morris: I understand why you are so hesitant to put me on the booking team. As a young wrestler who has yet to prove himself you don’t know if I’ll push my career to the top, bypassing anyone else and not caring who’s career I step on, right?


Bradford: No that’s not why I’m hesitant. I’m hesitant because I want to see my goals lived out. I want to see my company the haven for traditionalist’s who disagree with the SWF’s product. The modern audience wants that product, we can’t compete with it. But we have to try. If anyone can get us in touch with those people it’s one of those people, you. Kevin, this company needs you, Bailey needs you, the roster needs you, hell I need you!


Bailey: Derek! Calm down. Your blood pressure—


Bradford: To hell with my blood pressure!


Morris: You guys take meetings way to seriously. I planned on taking the job from the second I heard you were offering it. Your speech was totally pointless, not that it was bad or anything it was… just… um.


Bradford: Oh…. You got the job. Now get out of my office.


Bailey (whisper): What did I tell you not to do! No stupid comments and let him rant!


Our meeting was… enlightening, but the next era for the company was just beginning, a foggy future, but still the future none the less. I often asked myself at this time, “was I doing what’s best of the company” and I still don’t know, and that is why I knew what I was doing is right. I no longer know what I can do for the company to grow. Only the young know what they want.

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NYCW Rush Hour

The Weston Gym

NYCW Tag Team Title

http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/MarvStatler.jpghttp://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/DeanWaldorf.jpg VS http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/Spike.jpghttp://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/LandMass.jpg

The Ring Generals vs Land Mass and The New York Doll

The Ring Generals have held their belts for some time now, but can they beat the Monster Land Mass and Unpredictable New York Doll?

Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/LeeWright.jpg VS http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/DazzlingDaveDiamond_alt2.jpg

Dazzling Dave Diamond has been in a small slump in recent months and Lee Wright looks to continue it.

Old School Principals vs Shark Cage

http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/RickSanders.jpghttp://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/TheMaskedMauler.jpg VS http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/SammyTheShark.jpghttp://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/RogerCage.jpg

Roger Cage has a huge announcement to make and Old School Principals do not care for it, they want to prove they are the NYCW Tag Title contenders.

NYCW Empire #1 Contender

http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/HonestFrank.jpg VS http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/Whistler.jpg

Honest Frank vs Whistler

Whistler and Honest Frank are former NYCW Empire Champions and they both look to add another one to their resume.

NYCW Empire Title Match

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/BlackHatBailey_alt1.jpg VS http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx132/clp605/SteveFlash.jpg

Steve Flash earned a title match last month but Bailey isn’t looking to drop his belt just yet.



The Ring Generals vs Land Mass and The New York Doll

Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Old School Principals vs Shark Cage

Honest Frank vs Whistler

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

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It is good to see an NYCW diary on here again!


The Ring Generals vs Land Mass and The New York Doll


I have to go with the team that actually has talent.:D


Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond


Got to go with the Old Bastard.


Old School Principals vs Shark Cage


Roger is going to go to the SWF so there in really no point of having him win.


Honest Frank vs Whistler


That new render of Frank is odd.


Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

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New here but looking forward to this. Good story so far.


The Ring Generals vs Land Mass and The New York Doll

Ring Generals should retain unless you'll be pushing NYD & Land Mass as a team

Lee Wright vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

What's the point of Lee Wright winning?

Old School Principals vs Shark Cage

Roger Cage is out of his way to the big leagues...so jobbing him to Old School Principals should be nice

Honest Frank vs Whistler

NYCW Roster has so much old guys....Whistler would probably be good for nothing except for his entertainment skills

Black Hat Bailey vs Steve Flash

Black Hat should retain...i can't see why not?

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