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WWF v. JCP Circa 1987: A New War...with a Twist

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So I never did a diary before, but I've been intrigued with doing one for a while. My style of playing is a bit different. I don't think with storylines and what not, I generally book on the fly. I also take control of the top 2 promotions as I generally hate how the computer books the promotions.


With that being said, allow me to intro my game.



World Wrestling Federation v. Jim Crockett Promotions: A Chaotic War


Jim Crockett Jr. knew something had to be done to stop the growing juggernaut of Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation. The WWF has been sweeping the territories dry of all of the top talent. So Crockett and other smaller territory owners got together and filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Titan Sports, Inc. Their argument was that the company is trying to corner the professional wrestling market in North America, thus preventing another company from legitimately competing with the WWF.


Nobody gave Crockett and Co. a chance in the court of law, however a convincing argument involving territory promoters and former wrestlers helped created a landmark verdict that indeed Titan Sports is preventing a fair competitive market.


In the agreement, they have created a fair deal that allows rosters to be shaken up. The foundation for the agreement is as follows...


1. Both the WWF and JCP can establish five men on their rosters that will be exempt from selection from the other promotion.


2. Employees will be bound by written contracts, unless otherwise denied by the individual talent.


3. The other talent, including some from other territorial promotions will be in a pool. Both the World Wrestling Federation and Jim Crockett Promotions will take turns drawing from the pool. The drawing will be random, so they have no control over who is selected for their promotion.


4. If either promotion wants to buy out another promotion/territory, it must be approved by the courts first.


With this landmark lawsuit and ruling, Jim Crockett Promotions jumped to International recognition.



That being said, the World Wrestling Federation selected the 5 men they are protecting from being selected.


World Wrestling Federation Champion: Hulk Hogan

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

One of half of the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions: Bret "Hitman" Hart

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper


So what does this mean to the newly heel Andre The Giant? What about Bret Hart's tag partner Jim Neidhart? How will this shakeup the upcoming Wrestlemania III card?


Jim Crockett Promotions have also selected their 5 exempt from selection guys and they included....


NWA World Heavyweight Champion: "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

NWA United States Champion: "The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff

One half of the NWA United States Tag Team Champions: Barry Windham

Arn Anderson

"The Total Package" Lex Luger


What would happen with the Horsemen if Tully Blanchard gets selected by the WWF? What about NWA mainstay Dusty Rhodes? What would happen if The Road Warriors get split up?


Those answers and more coming up with the WWF/JCP Roster Selection Show.

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The Selection Show has been completed. Each promotion got 94 selections. While that seems a lot, there are a mix of commentators as well as guys near retirement and guys just getting into the business. I plan finding a developmental territory for both feds to cut down the roster.


World Wrestling Federation:


1. Ivan Putski

2. Bruno Sammartino

3. Michael Hayes

4. Chris Adams

5. Mr. Fuji

6. Terry Taylor

7. Ken Patera

8. Dynamite Kid

9. David Schultz

10. Dino Bravo

11. Dean Malenko

12. Shawn Michaels

13. Billy Jack Haynes

14. Bobby Heenan

15. One Man Gang

16. Ole Anderson

17. Jeff Jarrett

18. Steve Keirn

19. Percy Pringle

20. Dory Funk Jr.

21. Oliver Humperdink

22. Tommy Rich

23. Buzz Sawyer

24. Sid Vicious

25. Jim Duggan

26. Steve Williams

27. Curt Hennig

28. Rocky Johnson

29. The Ultimate Warrior

30. Ricky Morton

31. The Warlord

32. King Kong Bundy

33. Steven Regal

34. Tito Santana

35. Ron Simmons

36. Sunshine

37. Paul Jones

38. Owen Hart

39. Shane Douglas

40. Bill Irwin

41. Johnny V

42. Brian Blair

43. JYD

44. Jake Roberts

45. Dick Slater

46. Jimmy Valiant

47. Scott Irwin

48. Eddie Guerrero

49. Buddy Roberts

50. Paul Diamond

51. Al Snow

52. Harley Race

53. Paul Ellering

54. Killer Khan

55. Bad News Allen

56. Missy Hyatt

57. Terry Gordy

58. Marty Jannetty

59. JJ Dillon

60. Koko B Ware

61. Tony Atlas

62. Barry Horowitz

63. Lord Alfred Hayes

64. Paul Orndorff

65. Smash

66. Samu

67. Bobby Eaton

68. Gary Hart

69. Ron Bass

70. Rick Rude

71. Hawk

72. Rick Steiner

73. Sika

74. Jimmy Hart

75. Outback Jack

76. George Steele

77. Al Perez

78. Skandor Akbar

79. Butch Reed

80. Scott Hall

81. Slick

82. Brian Pillman

83. Precious

84. Eddie Gilbert

85. Nick Bockwinkel

86. Pedro Morales

87. Robert Gibson

88. The Barbarian

89. Greg Valentine

90. SD Jones

91. Jacques Rougeau

92. Jerry Lawler

93. Stan Lane

94. Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey


Jim Crockett Promotions:


1. Jimmy Jack Funk

2. Dennis Condrey

3. Nikolai Volkoff

4. Sting

5. Bruiser Brody

6. Hercules Hernandez

7. Chris Benoit

8. Kevin Sullivan

9. Bobby Jaggers

10. Ron Garvin

11. Mike Graham

12. Corporal Kirchner

13. Big John Studd

14. Ray Rougeau

15. Ted DiBiase

16. Bob Orton Jr.

17. Sgt. Slaughter

18. Tama

19. Brad Rheingans

20. Brutus Beefcake

21. Dusty Rhodes

22. Ivan Koloff

23. Adrian Adonis

24. Tony Schiavone

25. Dave Finlay

26. Jim Cornette

27. Honky Tonk Man

28. Black Bart

29. Fatu

30. Buddy Landell

31. Art Barr

32. Scott Steiner

33. Jimmy Snuka

34. Mick Foley

35. Blackjack Mulligan

36. Frenchy Martin

37. Bill Dundee

38. Stan Hansen

39. Matt Borne

40. Manny Fernandez

41. Jim Garvin

42. Mike Rotundo

43. Animal

44. Bobby Fulton

45. Pat Tanaka

46. Jim Powers

47. Tom Zenk

48. Hillbilly Jim

49. Kamala

50. Tim Horner

51. Siva Afi

52. Leon White

53. Tully Blanchard

54. Dan Spivey

55. 2 Cold Scorpio

56. Larry Zbyszko

57. Baron Von Raschke

58. Bob Backlund

59. Billy Graham

60. Haku

61. Paul Roma

62. Terry Funk

63. Kendall Windham

64. Gorilla Monsoon

65. Paul Heyman

66. Tommy Rogers

67. Ax

68. Danny Davis

69. Afa

70. Keiji Mutoh

71. Kerry Von Erich

72. Don Muraco

73. Big Bubba

74. Andre The Giant

75. Davey Boy Smith

76. Dick Murdoch

77. Mike Sharpe

78. Sam Houston

79. Mark Callous

80. Dutch Mantell

81. Kevin Von Erich

82. Dark Journey

83. Steve Lombardi

84. Jim Brunzell

85. Bam Bam Bigelow

86. Jim Neidhart

87. Rick Martel

88. Iron Sheik

89. Johnny Ace

90. Jesse Ventura

91. Gene Okerlund

92. Tiger Chung Lee

93. Miss Elizabeth

94. Lanny Poffo

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What this means for the WWF:


1. Andre The Giant is no longer there, thus there scheduled Wrestlemania III main event must be changed. Who will step in to face The Hulkster? Randy Savage? Jake Roberts? Paul Orndorff?


2. The Hart Foundation has been split up. What will happen with the titles now?


3. There is now an influx of managers. From the previous guys of Heenan, Hart, Fuji, Johnny V, and Slick. Now comes Skandar Akbar, JJ Dillion, Sheik Kassey, Gary Hart, among others.


4. They lost three very valuable voices of the company in Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, and Mean Gene Okerlund.


5. New tag teams are there including the Midnight Express, The Rock n' Roll Express, The Midnight Rockers, and The Fabulous Freebirds. What impact will they make?


6. How will the company handle the stars of the future like Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett, and Curt Hennig?


What this means for Jim Crockett Promotions?


1. Who will replace Ole in the Horsemen? And will they get a new manager?


2. How will the loss of their three top tag teams and their tag champs affect the division?


3. How will the lack of managers affect the wrestlers who benefit from them?


4. How can they capitalize on this entire situation?

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After much back and forth negotiating between Vince McMahon and Jim Crockett, they have come to terms to make one major trade. It addresses both companies questions marks coming out of the roster selection.


WWF gets:


Ray Rougeau

Jim Cornette

Gorilla Monsoon


Jim Neidhart

Jesse Ventura

Gene Okerlund

Miss Elizabeth

Lanny Poffo


JCP gets:


Oliver Humperdink

PauL Ellering

JJ Dillion

Tony Atlas

Gary Hart


Rick Steiner

Skandor Akbar


Dory Funk Jr.


To get answers about this trade and plans going forward, Bill Apter sat down with both Vince McMahon and Jim Crockett Jr.


Apter: Vince, what was the idea behind this trade involving this individuals?


McMahon: Well, I was really disappointed to see Gorilla potentially leaving our company. He's been with us for so long now and he has really played a big part in our expansion. You also have Jesse who is very good at being bad, to get that "different" viewpoint behind the microphone, you know?


Apter: Right. Did have all of those managers play a part in this?


McMahon: *laughs* Yeah a little bit. It's hard though, especially when they are all great in their roles. However, less is more. You don't want to over saturate the roster with managers. I mean it's one thing for one manager to mange 6 guys, but you don't want 6 managers managing one guy. I knew Crockett lacked them and I figured it was my chance to get back my three announcers.


Apter: What about Andre The Giant? Did you try to get him back?


McMahon: Yeah we had discussions about it, but it didn't work out like I had hoped.


Apter: Did they want too much in return?


McMahon: Yes and no. I mean no doubt, Andre The Giant is a legend in our business, probably one of the most recognizable figures ever. However, he is like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a legend, but how many more years can you get out of him? Probably one or two. There comes a point where you have to look to the future. It'd be like the Chicago Bulls trading Michael Jordan for Jabbar. You don't get rid of someone who has many, many years ahead of him for someone who will probably retire in the next year.


Apter: Okay, well what do you have in store with your new roster? Do you have anyone you are particularly excited about?


McMahon: *laughs* Well Mr. Apter, I have Wrestlemania III coming up, so they can definitely experience that. As for anyone I'm excited about? Other than the guys I already had, I must say I'm excited for Rick Rude and this guy calling himself The Dingo Warrior. Have you seen him? Man he is ripped! *laughs*


Apter: Alright Vince, that wraps up this interview. Thanks for granting us this rare interview.


McMahon: Thank you Bill.

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<p>Alright after some kinks in getting things going, I'm ready for my first card.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2011/054/b/f/wwf_superstars_of_wrestling_by_thrashmaniacwarrior-d3a9ihl.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Tag Team Titles:</strong> The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart © vs. The Can-Am Connection</p><p> </p><p>

Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs. Corporal Kirchner</p><p> </p><p>

The Iron Sheik vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat</p><p> </p><p>

The Rougeaus vs. The Wild Samoans</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Jack Funk vs. The Dynamite Kid</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2011/054/b/f/wwf_superstars_of_wrestling_by_thrashmaniacwarrior-d3a9ihl.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Held at the Wells Fargo Arena in Tempe, AZ in front of 13,449 people. Commentators are Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura.</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: Welcome everyone to beautiful Tempe, AZ for this week's episode of Superstars of Wrestling! Joining me as always is Jesse "The Body" Ventura!</p><p> </p><p>

Ventura: That's right McMahon, I'm here to bring some class to this program!</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: This week we will see The Dynamite Kid in action.</p><p> </p><p>

Ventura: The Dynamite Kid is going to be lonely out there without his former tag team partner.</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: Indeed he might be Jesse. With only a few weeks away from Wrestlemania III, we are without a WWF Title match. With the major news this week that several WWF wrestlers are no longer in promotion, one of them was Andre The Giant.</p><p> </p><p>

Ventura: Yeah, Hogan's prayers have finally paid off. His nightmare has gone away. Maybe I'll come out of retirement and challenge Hogan for the title? Haha!</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: The Dynamite Kid defeated Jimmy Jack Funk 6:15 via pinfall. D- Rating</p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Mean" Gene Okerlund is at the stage.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Okerlund: Alright everybody, please allow me to introduce to you...The King of the World Wrestling Federation...along with his manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, "King" Harley Race!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Race and Heenan come out.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Okerlund: Bobby, I understand you two have a very special challenge you want to issue?</p><p> </p><p>

Heenan: Yes Okerlund, when you are as successful as me and "King" Harley Race are, it's hard to be humble. However, we aren't out here to toot our own horn...we can do that anytime. What we are out here for is to issue a challenge to one Junkyard Dog. You see, he thinks he is above royalty. He thinks that just because he thinks he is a big dog, he doesn't have to obey the king.</p><p> </p><p>

The King wants to prove to him and all of these lowly peasants that no one is above Harley Race. He is The King for a reason! Tell 'em King!</p><p> </p><p>

Race: Junkyard Dog, no one is denying you're a tough individual. You wouldn't be in this business if you weren't tough. Yet, there is ONE thing you are missing. That's class! If you had any class in your body, you would bow before me, because I am YOUR King and King's should be treated with RESPECT!</p><p> </p><p>

You come out here with a chain around your neck, barking, and crawling on the mat like you're an actual dog. The thing is, with dogs, they always have a master. So...as long as I am the King of the WWF, I will be your master and you will do as I say and at Wrestlemania III, if you are man enough to accept my challenge, I will defeat you and you will give me the proper respect that is fit for a king!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Race and Heenan leave to a chorus of boos</em> C+ rating</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: Strong words from Harley Race and Bobby Heenan directed towards on Junkyard Dog.</p><p> </p><p>

Ventura: Very strong words, McMahon. However, I don't think JYD will accept the challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: Why is that?</p><p> </p><p>

Ventura: Isn't it obvious? JYD is afraid of being humiliated in front of the entire world. Wrestlemania III is going to be the biggest wrestling event in history. Why would the Dog want to be embarrassed like that by a far superior athlete?</p><p> </p><p>

Vince: I don't think the Junkyard Dog is afraid of anything. He is a man's man and rest assured, he will accept the challenge!</p><p> </p><p>

Match 2: Randy "Macho Man" Savage def. Corporal Kirchner in 4:44 with the Flying Elbow. D+ rating</p><p> </p><p>

Match 3: The Rougeau Brothers def. The Wild Samoans in 6:05 when Jacques pinned Afa with the La Bombe de Rougeau. C- rating</p><p> </p><p>

Piper's Pit was conducted with WWF Champion Hulk Hogan talking about Wrestlemania III and the uncertainty of his opponent. Suggests that maybe Piper would challenge him for the belt now that both men are without opponents. B+ rating</p><p> </p><p>

Match 4: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat def. The Iron Sheik in 6:37 with the Flying Karate Chop. D+ rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Match 5: WWF Tag Team Champions The Hart Foundation def. The Can-Am Connection in 9:17 when Hart pinned Zenk after The Hart Attack. D+ rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Paul Orndorff and Bobby Heenan cut a promo challenging Hulk Hogan for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania III.</p><p> </p><p>

D+ show rating overall.</p>

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