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WWE: The Next Wave

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Leading up to one of the most talked about WWE pay per views in quite sometime without its publicity pay per views, such as Wrestlemania and SummerSlam, it came to an end with more questions than answers. So it would seem. To not downplay the other matches that took place, the draw and questioning came about its main event featuring WWE's 'face' John Cena against the Straight Edge Superstar who as of late began opening his mouth, CM Punk. Not only was it CM Punk's last night with the WWE based on his current contract status, but if Cena lost he would be fired from the company. Of course nobody would have thought it that Cena would really be released from the company and Punk would leave as WWE Champion. So when the story was coming to a hault, the majority could guess what would come at the end of the show. Punk gets his goodbyes and Cena leaves WWE Champion.


Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis came down to the ring to try and redo the screw job, similar to what Vince had done in 1997 to Bret Hart when he was leaving the company. John Cena decked Laurinaitis and let Vince know it would not go down that way, but resulted in Cena's career coming to an end based on the stipulations, as Punk hit the GTS to get the victory. An uproar from the Chicago crowd and several 'hardcore' wrestling fans became more than just a loud noise, but a unison voice that said: We Want Wrestling Back, We Want Edginess Back, and We Want WWE Ice Cream Bars.


CM Punk left the WWE in Chicago as its Champion and a hero of the voiceless, including his friends who had been released by the company like Luke Gallows and Colt Cobana. John Cena left his future being also gone from the company. John Laurinaitis left with two punches to the face, thanks to John Cena and his boss Vince McMahon. And Vince McMahon left unhappy, unsettled, and uncertain.




Impact Wrestling continues to face trouble regarding authority. When several talents were asked about who were the people in charge of the company, you would get several different answers which would just show you the chaos happening. Vince Russo and Jeff Jarrett were working hard to push Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan out the door and once again get possession of the company. Janice Carter, who basically is handling the finances of the company, is wanting to trim the extra weight to save money and has completely pushed her daughter, Dixie, out the door. Janice has also kept her ear open to the fact of selling the company. Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are wanting Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo out completely and want to run the company themselves, in which they also have shared to Janice Carter they would be interested in purchasing the company. To add even more issues, Spike TV (the television company that Impact is shown weekly) is also interested in purchasing the company away from Panda Energy.


Since the interest of a Impact Wrestling sale was going across a few tables, one would wonder if Vince McMahon would purchase the company similar to what he had done to ECW and WCW. Usually when asked if he would be interested Vince would reply only for the library. He didn't seem very interested at all.


This left the company in a bad-morale-state. All talent would talk good of the company in front of cameras, but to close friends would share they do it for a paycheck. The passion isn't there to several of the guys and they are just hoping to continue to get paid and that if the company folded, they would just move to the independent scenes or Japan.


Since the struggles continue, the releases also continue. Impact Wrestling were signing new names but releasing those who are literally known as 'TNA Bound'. Signings that are recent are Austin Aries and Kid Kash. Depending on which group of authority you asked what was very important, you would get the X-Division, Popularity, and Heavyweights. Since this helped Janice look at who to release, releases came and brought morale even lower. It began its 'summer cleaning'.


Knockout Releases from the company include: Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Cookie, Madison Rayne, Tara, and Winter.

Knockout Signings include: Torrie Wilson, Stacey, ODB, Shelly Martinez, and Chyna.

Male Talent Releases include: Jesse Neal, Kazarian, Murphy, Robbie E, and Samoa Joe.


Upon hearing the releases, Dixie Carter was visibly upset and decided to break off all ties to Impact Wrestling and Panda Energy. This also put a strain on her relationship with both her parents, to which some put it that they are no longer a family. It is not known if Janice will sale the company or if she is waiting on the right amount to be presented.


MONDAY NIGHT RAW: July 18, 2011


Vince McMahon came out to the ring to start the show looking very irate, stressed, and tired. Both his eyes are noticeable bloodshot and his usual demeanor is far different than the usual. Vince gets the microphone and gives a short history lesson of people he's put in their place and tonight would be no different. He demands John Cena come out and face what awaits him given him losing at last nights pay per view. John Cena came out with a upset and worried look on his face. Vince tells Cena he should have let things go and not to get involved with the company and CM Punk. Vince begins to get riled up and starts shouting at John Cena. Vince is about to tell John he's fired from the company, but John takes the microphone from Vince's hands. Cena tells Vince he has a main event at Wrestlemania 28 with his best buddy Dwayne The Rock Johnson and it's already signed, and that he has made him a lot of money so why get rid of a man to fill your pockets with bills. John then turns quickly and tells the fans to boo him all they want, he doesn't care and is starting to enjoy it. He says they turned their back on him when Rock came back, and when CM Punk starts his tirade. Cena calls the fans fake and sellouts. Cena tells Vince to fire him because he doesn't want to be here anymore.


John throws the microphone at Vince and is about to leave the ring. The Rock makes his way out to a loud reaction and unexpected visit. He and Cena exchange words about each other. CM Punk is in the crowd with a megaphone yelling something. He gets to ringside and asks for a microphone, and gets it. CM Punk says he's here to enjoy the show because later he plans on defending the WWE Championship in another company. Punk tells Rock he is a big ass kisser and isn't a wrestler, and never was. Punk says its a shame Wrestlemania will headline two wrestlers who suck in the ring but somehow manage to put money in Vince's pocket. Punk says it should be headlined by the greatest wrestler of all time, him, against a man who sits at home and says 'I could do another match if I wanted' and comes to ref a special match then leave the company, he's talking about Stone Cold Steve Austin. Punk tells Vince to try to get that signed if he wants money. Cena attacks Vince and Rocky, then walks out of the ring.


The night seemed to pick up steam based on the questions concerning John Cena, CM Punk, and The Rock. It even gained more momentum when Punk told Vince he would like to face Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 28, which seems unlikely. The rest of the night featured some good bouts with CM Punk, Colt Cobana, and Luke Gallows at ringside watching on.


In the middle of a match that had The Miz fighting Alex Riley, Cobana and Gallows leaped over the guardrail and attacked both men. Punk then leaped over and stole a microphone once again to talk. Punk tells Vince if he really wants him to stay, he must sign Luke and Colt immediately, reveal the anonymous Raw GM or fire them, and wants Stone Cold Steve Austin here next week. Without any response, Punk starts talking trash about The Rock which brings Rock out. The Rock doesn't make it to the ring as John Cena gets to him first. Cena starts beating on The Rock. Cena rolls the Rock in the ring. John and Punk stare at each other and shake hands.


Vince comes out to no music looking mad. Punk tells Vince he also must not fire John Cena. Vince tells Punk he'll do all he asked. As far as the Raw GM goes, he wants a word with Punk and Cena.


Triple H comes out to a huge pop, and tells Michael Cole to read the last email he'll ever receive from the Raw GM. Michael Cole reads that at SummerSlam, it's going to be CM Punk and John Cena teaming up to face Triple H and The Rock.


Monday Night Raw Quick Results


Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres defeated The Bella Twins


Dolph Ziggler defeated Evan Bourne



Joe Hennig & DH Smith defeatedMichael McGillicuty & David Otunga

- Smith came to the ring with no tag team partner. During the match, David was about to tag Michael, but Michael switched corners and tagged Smith. Then Michael pinned David for him and Smith to capture the tag team titles. Later backstage, Michael said his name is Joe Hennig.


The Miz vs Alex Riley to no contest




To open the show, Christian would celebrate his victory over Randy Orton and that his reign would be until he leaves the business. Randy demanded that his rematch clause be redeemed tonight because he's not going to wait any longer. Teddy Long came out to inform Randy he's sorry but it's not the way that things are done around here. Randy attacks Long and headed to the ring to get revenge, for the title or not. Tyler Reks came out with a chair and got a cheap shot to Randy Orton. Christian and Tyler both left the ring with Randy on the ground fuming.


Mark Henry began on the lookout for someone he can destroy, but Kane attacks Henry which in turn begins a brawl among the two.


We also saw Daniel Bryan come out to talk about him winning the briefcase and plans on cashing it in soon. Sheamus would stop Bryan from talking too much and planned to make a statement once again in the WWE. The two would end up fighting in a match in which Bryan got the victory, but Sheamus was the one that left smiling. After the match, Sheamus beat on Bryan quite extensively until he eventually decided to back off.


The main event was made by Teddy Long that Randy Orton would face Mark Henry, Christian, and Tyler Reks in a handicap match for his actions. Randy mostly tried to get at Christian but couldn't get to him thanks to both Henry and Reks. Christian was able to get the pin on Orton to win the match.


Monday Night Raw Quick Results


Wade Barrett defeated Trent Baretta


Ted Dibiase defeated Sin Cara


A.J. defeated Alicia Fox


Justin Gabriel defeated Tyson Kidd


Christian, Mark Henry, and Tyler Reks defeated Randy Orton




Following Smackdown's showing, listed on WWE.com was that Sin Cara had been suspended due to his first violation of the drug policy. Smackdown would display his first one on one defeat.


In an attempt to gain viewship from India, since it has been Vince McMahon's latest obsession, he was able to rehire former WWE employee Muhammad Hassan. Also in the works is for them to resign Shawn Daivari.


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