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SWF 2010: Pushing Boundaries

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Supreme Challenge 30

Main Event Hype Video






fry: Jack Bruce has done it. The man under pressure has overcome the odds. Rich Money's attempts to take the World Heavyweight Title from Showtime have not come to fruition.


Ana: Rich Money denied it was him all the way till the end though.


JMichaels: Well it doesn't matter anymore. Showtime is still the SWF World Heav............


Jerry and the fans are stunned into silence as some very familiar music hits.


Fry: What's he doing here?












From the back, strutting with all the confidence in the world, a man who hasn't been seen in SWF for a long time. Eric Eisen.




Eric: Missed me much?


The fans recover and start to boo the Supremacist.


Eric: The feelings mutual. But I'm just here to remind everyone and most importantly you Jack Bruce. Remind you of the fact that you accepted a challenge from the mysterious man behind all the money that's been causing you a whole lot of grief. That challenge was for a match, tonight.


Eric's million dollar grin showed off his pearly white teeth.


Eric: The man behind the money was never Rich Money. Only one man could wield so much money, power and influence. And that man is me!


Eric ran down to the ring and told the referee to ring the bell. The crowd filled the arena with hatred as the referee tried to help Jack Bruce to his feet, but the affects of the match were telling. Jack Bruce held himself up in the corner as the referee rung the bell.


Ana: This is just wrong.


Fry: This is genius.


Eric ran to clothesline the champion, but Jack Bruce somehow managed to duck the attempt. Jack out of desperation tried to set up the New York Minute, but Eric was to fresh and avoided the attack before hitting the Supremacy. Eric covered and the ref reluctantly made the 3 count.


Michaels: And you're new champion, "The Supremacist" Eric Eisen.






Eric Eisen is shown in the ring, backed by the members of Eisen Incorporated. Enforcer Roberts, Marat Khoklov, Rocky Golden and The Gauge Brothers are all dressed in black suits, Eric wearing a more expensive and finer cut one than the rest.


Eric: Nobody is good enough to take this title from me. Everyone claimed that it was just a matter of time before Jack got the title back, or Rich Money got his revenge for me using him. But I beat Rich, I beat Jack and I beat them both in a triple threat. I've beaten Christian Faith and Steve Frehley to boot. I've beaten the best this company has had to offer.


Eric looked back at the group standing behind him.


Eric: Eisen Incorporated is the power of this company and I am unstoppable.






Gilmore: I've got something to say about that!






Ana: It's come down to this. Angry Gilmore and Vengeance are left in the ring, the final two out of 20 battling for a guaranteed title match at The Supreme Challenge. Guaranteed title shot in the main event of the show of the year.


Michaels: Gilmore looks exhausted though. He's been in there for 28 minutes, coming in at number 3. He's not got much left in the tank, and Vengeance has only been in the ring for 7 minutes and is a lot fresher.


Fry: It's academic. Angry has no chance of throwing Vengeance out of the ring. He's too tired.


Vengeance slowly picks up Angry Gilmore, a sadistic look of joy on his face as he holds angry by the chin. He starts to rocket right hands into the face of Gilmore who stumbles back against the ropes. Vengeance takes a step back and prepares to eliminate the man who stands before him and the main event of The Supreme Challenge.


Fry: My god, Vengeance misses, Angry's pulled down the top rope.




Vengeance topples to the floor as Angry collapses from exhaustion.


Michaels: Angry Gilmore has done it!




http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n498/jroberts25/AngryGilmore4.jpg VS. http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n498/jroberts25/MaratKhoklov_alt1.jpg


The noise of the crowd is deafening as the whole arena fills like its hit fever pitch.


Ana: Not even I thought that Angry Gilmore could have done this. He's standing tall above Marat Khoklov, at the top of the ramp.


Michaels: Can anyone stop Angry Gilmore.


Gilmore picks up the Russian Giant and looks him dead in the eye, saying something to him that is inaudible to everyone else. He then grabs the man behind the head and starts to run.


Ana: NO!


Fry: Holy ..............!


The crowd go silent, and then slowly, with ever increasing volume, a "Holy ----!" chant starts.




Gilmore: I've had enough of sitting in the back while others not as skilled, talented and driven as me get to bask in the lime light. I'm fed up of over rated and under talented nobodies getting the title shots because they are bigger than me, have more "X Factor" than me or play more backroom politics than I do. I'm the best in the world. I have more talent than any man has muscles. I am the X Factor and I shouldn't have to kiss anyone's ------- ass to get ahead. Sinclair can ---- off to the Indies, where he will still be the least talent son of a ----- there. Eric Eisen can go cry to daddy when his one and only title run comes to an end. Marat, whenever he gets out of the hospital can go to MAW and learn how to wrestle. And I'll be you're SWF World Heavyweight Champion.




Eisen: So you got one big win, and you think that makes you supreme? "The Best in the World"! You need to be bred Supreme, born Supreme! It's not something that suddenly one day just happens. You've been milling around for years in PPPW, Japan and then in the SWF as a mediocre talent. You're a good loser Angry. But you're not Supreme. You've not got the smarts or the drive to be truly great. So after the Supreme Challenge, you can share some old war stories with Morrisette and Parsons. This company is owned by the Eisens, and this belt is owned by me. But at least you'll have first-hand experience of what Supreme truly is!




Gilmore: Take you're Supreme and shove it up your ass!

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SWF Headquarters



Silence, as everybody waited for someone else to speak. The video package had come to an end and everyone's eyes averted back to the table. The video had just highlighted two months of build up to the main event at Supreme Challenge 3, the fight between Angry Gilmore, the winner of The Supreme Elimination Match and Eric Eisen the reigning SWF World Champion. The general consensus had been that the build up had been good, the fans were anticipating the match, and it should bring in a good buy rate. But there was always issues amongst the booking team. It had all gone smoothly up until now, but I didn't expect it to go well from this moment onwards. This is where the arguing would begin.


My name is John Roberts, and I am head booker and head of talent relations of Supreme Wrestling Federation. My qualifications for this job? Well they are very slim. Until this point last year I had watched a grand total of five full wrestling shows. Four were to look for potential cheap actors and acteresses. The fifth was an SWF show to see what all the fuss was about and why SWF was so big. My job while I was doing this was Head Producer of a TV show called Cali Living! It was essentially a fake reality show. While it was portrayed as a group of twelve people being shoved into a house together, the actual truth was that they were all actors or acteresses, following a script. It was critically acclaimed as far as reality shows can be. And because the actually content was controlled, quite a few boundaries were pushed, which got more publicity. I did rather well of that TV show.


And apparently Richard Eisen was a fan!


It was Richard Eisen who gave me a ticket to watch an SWF show. And then backstage, Richard asked me if I fancied being head writer for SWF. I had initially turned down the idea. Richard asked me why, and I told him that I felt a company the size of SWF, with the roster the size of SWF, needed a team for all storylines to go through. Whilst one story could be the brain child of a particular member of the team, I felt for everything to stick together and not fall apart, you needed more than one brain to storm with. Richard then told me to write an idea for a storyline for him, and if it worked, would I be interested in setting up my idea. So I gave it a go.


The end result was The Man Under Pressure Storyline!


Don't get me wrong, I didn't come up with the storyline in it's entirety. It was my idea that a man with power, would be pulling some strings, making life for the champion difficult. All for some personal reason. My idea ended with the man with power costing the champion his title, leaving the former champion to feud with this man with the power and a new champion would move on and feud with someone else. As most wrestling fans know, instead the man with the power would win the SWF World Title. All the details and that ending was worked out by Peter Michaels. And I thouroughly enjoyed it.


But my general idea had worked. So Richard brought me in, with two job titles I didn't even really understand.


And now I was sitting in SWF Headquarters, with Richard Eisen, Jerry Eisen, Peter Michaels and the addition that I had insisted on, Ana Garcia. I had been fought by Richard that Ana had no experience and had no place on a booking team, but I insisted because in this day and age, there is a female following in wrestling and I wanted that to be represented.


RobertsOkay, the build up for this match, and The Supreme Challenge as a whole has been good. Nearly all the matches have had more than a months build up to them in some sort of form or another. So, this meeting today is to discuss our plans for The Supreme Challenge 30 and afterwards. Starting with the SWF World Title.


Richard Eisen commanded attention as soon as I'd finished my sentence in the way only a very rich man could do.



Well I think it's obvious. The Man Under Pressure storyline was a great success. Eric has proven himself as a great champion, he's improved immensley on the microphone and is getting better in the ring. Eric should retain at The Supreme Challenge.


After Richard had spoken, the silence filled the room again. I knew what I wanted to happen, but if the general consesus went against me, then I could be overruled despite my position.



I disagree, with the greatest respect Richard, we can't keep the title on Eric forever. He's had a great run, better than I'd have expected. He's beaten Rich Money, Jack Bruce, Christian Faith and Steve Frehley. We don't want his first run to be too dominant. And Angry Gilmore is as hot as he's ever been, and probably hotter than anyone else in the company right now. The fans have really got behind him. They want this man to beat Eric Eisen. More than they wanted even Christian Faith too.



But that's a reason to not give him the title. Angry is so hot right now, and the fans want him to win so badly, that when Eric beats him, they'll hate Eric even more.And it's not like his run has been dominant. He's had the likes of Marat and Rocky help him retain his title. He's a perfect villian that everybody keeps watching to see lose.


Richard smiled at Michaels after hearing Ana Garcia's words. He wrapped his hands around each other and rubbed them together.



So it's decided then. Eric retains.


I dipped my head down. Richard often assumed that he had the support of his son, Jerry Eisen. Often Richard would call an end to a topic because he assumed Jerry was on whatever his side was.



Sorry Dad, I agree with Peter. Eric has had a great run, and he's become a bonafide star. We can add him to the likes of Faith, Bruce and Money. The fans will care about him without the title. They'll still want to see him get his ass kicked. They've never cared about Angry as much as they do right now. If we give Angry the title, it will solidify him. And we can build him into one of our true stars. And on top of that, Angry is better in the ring than Eric will ever be. And the fact is, Eric can't always guarentee a good match, all though he's definately got better. I know he's my brother but he's not in the same league as Gilmore. Gilmore can carry the company like Faith has done before. If we don't pull the trigger on Angry now, we may never get the chance again.


We all looked at Jerry, as if he'd been possessed by a demon.



What? I can't speak my mind.



Well I don't care. Eric retains. This is my company. John, tell me you see sense.


I looked at my boss for the last seven months.



Are you telling me to see sense or asking? Either way, this is what I think we should do....................

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Supreme Challenge 30

Hype Video




Bruce: So it wasn't Money. I made an error in Judgement, and assumed that the challenge laid down to me by Eric was from Rich Money, and accidently agreed to two title matches in one night. But that was 2009, this is 2010. And now that the shadow of Eric Eisen has been lifted from my shoulders, and there are no more tricks up anyone's sleeves, I want my rematch!


Michaels: Championship Rematch Clause. But you'll have to have thought that Eric would have planned far enough ahead to have foreseen this.


The music of Rich Money hits, as Rich Money walks down to the ring and joins Jack Bruce.




Rich: Look, I realize that we've had a very checkered past, and we are by no means friends. Hard Cash doesn't need friends to get the job done. And I know after The Christmas Clash that you don't need any friends to get the job done either. But Eric is an Eisen, and he's going to use his money, and any under hand trick he possibly can to keep that title. From me and from you. And personally I want that title off of Eric as soon as possible.Because nobody uses Rich Money. So this doesn't happen very often, but I've got you're back up until you get that rematch.


Rich Money offers his hand and Jack Bruce takes it.


Ana: Looks like Bruce and Money have put their differences aside thanks to a common enemy.


Fry: Showtime and Money on the same page!







Michaels: The Supremacy on Rich Money. And it's happening again. Three months in a row, Bruce, then Money and now he's beaten Money and Bruce in a triple threat.


Ana: You mean THEY have beaten Money and Bruce. Three months in a row Eisen Incorporated have saved the title for Eric Eisen.


Fry: With Bruce taken out at ringside by Rocky Golden and the Gauge brothers knocking out Rich Money, I think that's a safe assumption there Ana.


Eric Eisen escapes with Eisen Incorporated and the title. Meanwhile Bruce gets up and slides back in the ring just as Rich Money is coming too.


Ana: New York Minute!


Fry: So much for that alliance.




The boos echo around the arena as Jack Bruce stands in the middle of the ring, the spotlight on him as everyone else has to sit in darkness.


Bruce: I'm the biggest star in this entire company, and that's because I'm the most entertaining and talented individual to ever grace this business. I'm better than Eric Eisen could ever dream of being. And that title is rightfully mine. Instead that title was taken from me by a conniving brat called Eric Eisen, and the only reason I've not got it back is because of Rich Money. Where was Rich Money when Marat Khozlov cost me my rematch? And thank you Rich Money, because of you I didn't win the triple threat match, because someone can't handle a bunch of adolescent kids. And as for you fans, well you all betrayed me, when you started to cheer for Rich as much, if not more than me. So as far as I'm concerned, you fans and Rich Money can go to hell. Rich for costing me my title and you fans for being ungrateful ingrates.


Bruce drops the microphone as the lights come up, and the crowd cheer as soon as they do as Rich Money is crouching behind Jack Bruce. Bruce turns around staight into a Bank Roll.


Fry: Looks like things have got personal, again!




Michaels: Jack Bruce beats Rich Money, but I get the feeling this isn't over.




Fry: Dollars from Heaven, and that's one a piece in this feud.




Ana: Jack Bruce has just cost Rich Money his opportunity to get the main event at Supreme Challenge and fight for the title!




Money: It's always someone else's fault, isn't it Jack. It was my fault you're title reign was so much pressure last year. It was my fault you didn't get you're title back. And it's my fault the fans started to like me more than you. Well actually, the last one probably is my fault. But here's some advice for you Jack. Take a look in the mirror. You're frustrated cause you're not where you feel you should be, but that's nobody's fault but you're own. And whilst you've always gone everywhere with massive fanfare and hype, the truth is, you're usually a bit of a let-down. And that's not Money!




Bruce: I'm Showtime. Everywhere I go, everything I do, is simply outstanding. The only reason I'm not doing it in the main event is because of you Rich. You've cost me the big pay check, the spotlight that should have been mine is now Angry Gilmore's and Eric Eisen's. And neither of them can polish my boots. But it's okay, because while I may not be able to compete in the main event, you can be damn sure I'll steal the show, at your expense.

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SWF Supreme Challenge 30



SWF World Championship Match

Angry Gilmore vs. Eric Eisen ©


Eric Eisen became SWF World Champion at the Christmas Clash, revealing himself as the man who had been paying people to destroy Jack Bruce and defeating Jack after he had a gruelling contest with Rich Money. Since then he has seen off the likes of Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Christian Faith and Steve Frehley in title defenses with the help of his Eisen Incorporated Stable.


A new challenger would reveal himself though by winning the Supreme Elimination Match, Angry Gilmore. Before that moment, Angry Gilmore had been the mentor of Mainstream Hernandez, and languishing before Mainstream asked Angry why he wasn't fighting for the SWF World Championship. Angry took this on board and went on a tear the month and a half before the Supreme Elimination Match, and outlasted everyone else to win his SWF World title shot.


Eric Eisen however would stick to his usual MO and sent Marat Khozlov to sort out the new challenge. With two months and a PPV between Angry Gilmore's title shot, Angry would meet Marat Khozlov in a match at ............! In this match, the build up to and the aftermath, Angry Gilmore seemed to change. He was less angry, but seemingly had more attitude and fire. Angry would be the first man to stop the Russian Giant, as he did what only Christian Faith had done before him, in pinning Khozlov, and then threw him from the top of the ramp, crashing down into electrical equipment and putting Khozlov on the shelf.


With the Russian Giant out and Rocky Golden busy, could this be the first time Eric Eisen defends his title without interference. Angry has warned off The Gauge Brothers and Enforcer Roberts, so could this be the end of Eric's reign or is Angry Gilmore going to be added to the defeated list at the biggest stage of them all.


Submission Match

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Jack Bruce was the Man Under Pressure for a good half a year in 2010 whilst Rich Money was a man accused. This set both men on roads to what they've become today. Rich Money feeling isolated and accussed by almost everyone, became a Lone Wolf. Doing things his way, by himself, and fighting for nobody but himself. Jack Bruce on the other hand became paranoid, accusing others of trying to steal his title first, then his contendership slot and then his spotlight. Both failed to get the title from Eric and when they both lost to him in a triple threat, Jack Bruce lost it and blamed Rich Money.


This started a feud that would cause both of them to forget about the SWF World Title and focus on each other. Jack Bruce claimed that Rich Money was in on Eric Eisen's plans, and that Rich Money wanted to take Jack Bruce's spot in the company and it was his fault that he didn't win back the World Title. Rich Money accussed Jack of being self obsorbed. The fans started to cheer for Rich Money, which cause Jack to then turn his back on the fans.


So far it's 1-1 as the two go into their submission match at the Supreme Challenge. Jack Bruce won the first straight match whilst Rich Money won the 2 out of 3 Falls. At Supreme Challenge this feud filled with hatred will end. And many see the winner as being entilted to one more title match.


Singles Match

Rocky Golden vs. Christian Faith


When Eric Eisen had to go up against Christian Faith for the SWF World Title, many thought that Eric Eisen had run out of tricks. But Eisen shocked the world when he bought the services of Rocky Golden. Faith had made sure the likes of Enforcer Roberts and Marat Khozlov couldn't interfere but fell victim to interference from Rocky Golden. Since then Rocky Golden has plagued Christian Faith, when ordered to by Eric and when not ordered too. As of yet he has not stepped into the ring as a singles competitor, but he has made sure Faith has had as little success as possible.


Faith challenged Golden for weeks but kept hearing no response from Rocky. Until 4 weeks before the Supreme Challenge, when Rocky finally accepted a match, saying it would please him immensley to defeat the Immortal Christian Faith at the Supreme Challenge. If Rocky is successful, he truly cements himself as a serious threat in the SWF. But as everyone knows, it's hard to beat a man with Faith!


I Quit Match

Eddie Peak vs. Vengeance


Vengeance ran rough shot on the SWF at the beginning of 2011. Beating Steve Frehley and attacking whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. A few tried to stand up to him but failed, amongst those names being Robbie Retro and the Jungle Lord as well as Steve Frehley. But there would be another man ready to slay the Messiah of Destruction, and his name is Eddie Peak.


Eddie Peak debuted by directly challenging the Harbringer of Evil, staring down the rampway at Vengeance, sending a message that Vengeance clearly understood. Since then they have faced off twice and neither man has managed to be victorious in an official manner. However both have stood over the other man at various times leading up to this match. Now, with them facing off in an I Quit match, perhaps a winner can be decided and this feud put to sleep.


SWF North American Title Match

Squeeky McClean © vs. Chris Morrisette


Everybody loved Lobster Warrior, but the myth that Lobster Warrior was destroyed by one man. Squeeky McClean after successfully defending his North American Title against the Lobster Warrior, decided to pull of the mask, leaving the face of Chris Morrisette staring back at the world.


Now at the Supreme Challenge, Squeeky McClean defends against an unmasked Lobster Warrior, who has been seeking revenge for four weeks. And it seems like whilst Lobster Warrior was all about having fun and saving the day, Chris Morrisette has only one goal in mind, destroying the Straight Edge Squeeky McClean.


SWF World Tag Team Titles Ladder Match

Power and Money © vs. The Biggz Boyz vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


The Biggz Boyz are trying to get back their Tag Team Titles, Power and Money are determined to dominate and The Amazing Bumfholes have made sure they can't be forgotten, forcing their way into this match through their victories over the two teams. The three most successful tag teams of this year go head to head in a Ladder Match for all the bragging rights.


Singles Match - Winner Gets The Services of Dawn The Cheerleader

Valiant vs. Jack Giedroyc


The year started well for Valiant and Giedroyc but it started to go bad as soon as they had lost the tag team titles to the Biggz Boyz. Valiant couldn't believe that they had lost to a old has been team like the Biggz. Jack and Dawn tried to calm the big man down but it seemed to be of no success. When Valiant and Giedroyc lost their rematch, Valiant simply left Giedroyc and Dawn in the ring, not looking back and avoided them from that moment.


Jack attempted to get back into the swing of things and prepared himself for a singles run, with Dawn still at his side. After a run in with Vengeance, Jack decided to go after the Harbringer of Destruction. But Vengeance had other plans. Instead of his usual methods of attacking Jack, he brainwashed Valiant, turning him into a vicious and twisted individual. When Jack was scheduled to meet Vengeance, he instead got attacked by Valiant. After the attack, Valiant left with Dawn The Cheerleader.


Since then Jack has fought to save Dawn but to no avail. And both Vengeance and Valiant have used Dawn to taunt and control Eddie Peak and Jack Giedroyc. But now, Jack Giedroyc has the opportunity to save Dawn by beating Valiant at The Supreme Challenge.


SWF Shooting Star Title Match

Gregory Black © vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


John Roberts reintroudced the Shooting Star Title as one of his very first actions as the New General Manager of SWF. And it would be Gregory Black who would step up to the plate and win the title in the 8 Man Tournament to decide a new champion. Since then he has seen off the likes of Marc DuBois and Squeeky McClean.


Now Frederique Antonio Garcia has stepped up to the plate like only he can. A simple slap that came from nowhere backstage was the trigger. And having also now earned his title shot, and mocked Gregory, can Frederique be the man to stop the reign of the new Shooting Star Champion?


All this plus James Prudence, the winner of Season 1 of the Uprising has told the world that he will interject himself into a title match with his guareenteed title shot at any time of his choosing at the Supreme Challenge. Will he go after the World Title Winner, or impose himself on the North American Title Match? Only James Prudence and Emma Chase, who has talked James Prudence into her way of thinking know what they have planned.


Angry Gilmore vs. Eric Eisen ©

Rich Money vs. Jack Bruce

Rocky Golden vs. Christian Faith

Eddie Peak vs. Vengeance

Chris Morrisette vs. Squeeky McClean ©

Jack Giedroyc vs. Valiant

Power & Money © vs. The Biggz Boyz vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Gregory Black © vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia

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Angry Gilmore vs. Eric Eisen ©

The grandest stage of them all. This is the big moment.

Rich Money vs. Jack Bruce

He is the man in SWF

Rocky Golden vs. Rich Money

Assuming you mean Faith, I want him to pass on the torch

Eddie Peak vs. Vengeance

I can't pick, I can't see either of them quitting.

Chris Morrisette © vs. Squeeky McClean

In one preview Squeeky is champ in this it's Chris?

Jack Giedroyc vs. Valiant

Jack's better, or at least I prefer him

Power & Money © vs. The Biggz Boyz vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Best team name

Gregory Black © vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


Unless I'm getting something confused you might want to double check the list. Other than that looks good :)

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Uprising Season 1

Hype Video




Roberts: And one of the first things I have done as the new General Manager of SWF is to create a new show. The name is similar but it's a new concept. Starting this Thursday, SWF Uprising will be coming to you on the CBA network. And it will feature stars of today and tomorrow. Eight SWF Superstars will mentor Eight Rookies, as slowly one by one, they are eliminated by you and the SWF Superstars. You'll have 50% of the vote as will the SWF Superstars. The winner, will recieve a title shot of his choosing, at a time of his choosing. And that is definately something worth fighting for.






Chase: Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce you to the next SWF Superstar, future champion and if he plays his cards right, potential new client..............Jay Hawke!








Lobster Warrior: Heshells and Sheshells, welcome to the shore. Who's that knocking on the SWF's door? Put you're hands together for Jimmy P!




Prudence: It's James Prudence you looney toon wannabe!




Hawke: The Uprising, what an apt name for the show that I make my debut on. And whilst the rest of the competitors will tell you that they are here to entertain you, that they love this business and the SWF or that they don't need any of you, I will tell you just one thing. Win or Lose, I will be in the SWF. Why? Because I've thought ahead. And when this is all said and done, you will all remember the name.




Prudence: I've been slept on for years. But now, now I've got this opportunity, I'm gonna grab it with both hands, and throttle it to death. There is nobody in this competition who can stop me. And despite having a crustacean as a mentor, I will prove myself in that ring, on this microphone and then finally...........in the World of Supreme.




Prudence and Hawke are shown staring at each other from across an empty ring.


Jerry: Hawke has beaten Emma Chase's client.....Brandon James!


Danes: Prudence's actually beat Lobster Warrior.


Danes: Hawke's Eye to Steven Parker!


Jerry: Prudential Plan on Mainstream Hernandez.




Emma Chase is shown backstage talking to Jay Hawke. However they seem to be weary of any hearing their conversation.


Emma: I'm impressed, very impressed. And seeing as I've dumped the has been Brandon so he can play tag team with Remo, I need a new client. Of course, you have to get a contract to be my client, and there's no guarentee you'll win this competition.


Emma flashed her signature sexy and devious smile.


Hawke: But you have a plan?


Emma: Of course. Want to hear it?


This time it was Hawke's turn to grin at Emma.


Hawke: Don't need too. I've seen the same opportunity you have.


Emma raised her eyebrows, looking impressed.




A quick clip shows Hawke beating the likes of Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez, Jay Chord and John Greed.


Jerry: Hawke beats his Uprising Rival!


Danes: Hawke beats another Uprising Contestant.


Jerry: Hawke's unstoppable. That's four out of five of his competition that he has beaten in the last four weeks. His and Emma's plan of proving his superiority over the competition is clearly working.


Danes: Just one man left.


The clips then freeze on James Prudence with the Prudential Plan locked in on Jay Hawke, a look of disgust on Emma's face in the background.


Jerry: Prudence has derailed the express train that was Jay Hawke.


Danes: And boy does Emma look annoyed.




Roberts: Jay Hawke and James Prudence. You've both done really well to get this far. But there can only be one winner, and one new SWF Superstar. So without further adieu the winner of The Uprising is.......................



















The clip goes to James Prudence’s first night as an SWF Superstar on SWF Supreme TV. Emma Chase has a microphone and is standing in front of James.


Emma: I'd like to be the first person to introduce to you, my new client..................and the Winner of Uprising...................James Prudence.


Emma hands the microphone to James Prudence who comes into the shot backstage. He grabs the microphone and moves in front of Emma Chase.


Prudence: Welcome to a new dawn. James Prudence is the name, and if you've not been watching CBA on Thursdays.....I'm the winner of Uprising and you're newest SWF Superstar. And I've got a guarenteed title shot, at any time of my choosing.


Prudence looks over to Emma.


Prudence: Can you check my diary and see if I have anything planned this Saturday?


Emma pretends to mentally check James's diary in her head before answering.


Emma: Nope, you've got nothing scheduled.


Prudence: And isn't Saturday The Supreme Challenge?


Emma's sexy grin covers her face.


Emma: Why yes, I do believe it is.


Prudence: What a perfect place to win one's first title. And it doesn't even matter that all the champions are in matches. Because I'm guarenteed a title shot when I choose. So get ready boys, James Prudence makes his official debut, championship match debut, and debut title victory all in one Supreme night.

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