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TNA: Action Entertainment


Ok so I have been playing the NPR 2006 mod which starts in Jan. I am on march monday week 1 2006 this is what has happened so far.




Main Feuds

AJ Styles Vs Samoa Joe ©V. Chris Daniels for the X Divison

Ended when Daniels won the title in a triple threat at Final Resolution


Team 3D (Face) Vs AMW © (heel)

Continued after a DQ win for Team 3D which meant AMW kept the belts


Sting V. Christian Cage V. Jeff Jarrett

Ended when Sting got his first NWA Title in 16 years at Final Resolution


There were little feuds but not very important




The Big News to start February was that TNA had got the biggest free agent in the companies history...Chris Jericho who was talked into coming by Christian Cage.


AJ Styles Vs Chris Daniels © for the X Division titl

After being beat three time leading up to Against All Odds AJ Beat Daniels who made 3 defences in a Epic 35 minute match which Wrestlereport.com gave a 92/100


Samoa Joe V. Ron The Truth Killings

After Truth had an open challenge and Joe answered the feud got serious. Joe attacked Truth’s brother and kidnaped his wife. At Against All Odds Joe won after having Truth’s “Wife” shown on the screen. It was rated 70/100. Its safe to say this isn’t over


AMW© Vs Team 3D

After the DQ at Final Resolution Team 3D talked Larry Zbyszko into making it a tables match. Leading up to Against all Odds AMW had one on one street fight matches against Team 3D both which were won by Team 3D’s Brother Ray and Devon


Sting Vs Chris Jericho for the NWA Championship

The first Thursday of February in a segment were Double J, Abyss, and AMW were beating down Sting and Christian Cage, the lights went out a cryptic message was shown and Music hits it was none other than Y2J Chris Jericho who made the save. The next week Jericho told Sting the only reason he made the save was because he wanted to have the Ass clown ready for Against All Odds, and that he would win the 10 man battle royal to name the #1 contender, which he did. At Against All Odds in great 18 min match Sting beat Jericho to retain the title after the match Jericho went to shake Stings hand, Sting accepted but then Jericho laid him out. Wreslereport.com rated the match a 93/100


Wrestlereport.com Also rated the show a 86/100 the best PPV of the year so far


Other matches included


Jeff Hardy beating Bobby Roode 82/100


Chris Sabin beating Austin Aries, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, Matt Bentley, and Shark boy in a number one contender Ultimate X match for a shot a AJ. 76/100

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Main Event Face

AJ Styles

Christian Cage

Jeff Hardy



Main Event Heel


Chris Harris

Chris Jericho

James Storm

Jeff Jarrett

Monty Brown


Uppermid Face

Brother Ray


Kip James



Uppermid Heel

Bobby Roode

Chris Daniels

Low Ki

Matt Bentley

Samoa Joe


Midcard Face

Andy Douglas

Chris Sabin

Colt Cabana

Jay Lethal

Lance Hoyt

Ron The Truth Killing


Midcard heel

Alex Shelley

Austin Aries

Bryan Danielson

Elix Skipper

Eric Young


Petey Williams

Shannon Moore


Lower mid Face

Chase Stevens

Sonjay Dutt


Lower mid heel


David Young

Johnny Devine

Roderick Strong

Simon Diamond


Opener/ET Faces

Hiroshi Tanahashi

Shark Boy


Opener/ET Heels

Cassidy O Riley

Claudio Castagnoli

Kenny king


Lex Lovett

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March week 1 Impact Preview


The Naturals Vs Low Ki and Matt Brentley

Winner is the #1 contender for the Tag belts



Samoa Joe Vs Colt Cabana

Cabana debuts in the TNA Impact Zone (OOC: I made a new Impact zone 11,500)

Can he beat the man who has completely lost his mind?



Abyss Vs Hiroshi Tanahashi



Christian Cage Vs Chris Daniels

Both men are trying to get back on track, what will happen when both guys step in the ring together.



Sting and AJ Styles Vs Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett

AJ teams with his long time hero to face The man who tried to take Sting out last month Double J and Chris Jericho who turned on Sting after losing the match on Sunday.


Quick picks

The Natural V. Low Ki/Matt Brentley

Samoa Joe V. Colt Cabana

Abyss V. Hiroshi Tanahshi

Christian Cage V. Daniels

Sting/Styles V. Jericho/Jarrett

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Impact March week one



We open the show with Sting in the ring.


Sting: Now, I’m not the type of person to wine and cry about things that happen, but Jericho I want you to come out here and face me man to man.


The lights dim and Jericho’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring


Sting: Chris, why man? I’ve known you since you started out in the business. Why did you do what you did on Sunday?


Jericho: Why? Why? Sting are you really asking why?


Sting: Chris dont play games just tell me.


Jericho: Easy Stinger, you know as well as I do that I’ve been held down everywhere I’ve been in wrestling. In WCW I was a highly thought of Jobber pretty much. WWE I was a joke, a comedy act Y2J I won titles but I still wasn’t treated like the living legend i am. I took a break, recharged my batteries for a little bit, then I got a call from Vince he said, “Jericho, we need you back, The WWE is starting to become irrelevant. I need Y2J.” I hung up after I heard him say Y2J. Im Chris Jericho Damn it! I have more charisma and skill in my pinky they 98% of WWE’s roster and to be treated like I was I’m not going back. So then I got a call from Dixie, she said that TNA is on the way up but TNA needs that one star to be the Saviour. Sting I’m that Saviour, to me you and every other has been in the back needs to leave go on and move to Florida, because face it Sting your career ended when WCW died. So Sting that is why I did what I did, I did it all for the future of TNA, I did it because whether or not you and these fans think so I have earned every right to do as i please. Sting I hope that answers that for you.


Jericho’s music hits and he leaves.

Rating: 99



The Naturals Vs Low Ki and Matt Brentley


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Low Ki and Matt Bentley defeated The Naturals in 11:36 when Low Ki defeated Chase Stevens by pinfall with a Ghetto Stomp. The match didn’t really click with the crowd and dragged at some parts.

Rating: 52



AJ runs into Sting backstage.


Sting: Hey AJ, have you heard we’re teaming up tonight?


AJ: Yea man, I’m stoked. Lets show Jericho what Total Nonstop Action is all about tonight. It is a honor that you picked me too man, thank you.


Sting: No problem, you are to TNA what I was to WCW back in the 90‘s just dont ever let nobody get in your head like Jericho has.


Rating: 95



Samoa Joe Vs Colt Cabana

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Samoa Joe defeated Colt Cabana in 12:26 by submission with a Coquina Clutch. This match was good but the crowd wasn’t as hyped for Cabana as we had hoped.

Rating: 78



Abyss Vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

Abyss beat Hiroshi bad here it wasn’t no contest. The matc ended at 6:44 with a black hole slam. The match went down well for a squash match.

Rating: 60





We come back and see a Raven sitting in a dark corner backstage


Raven: They say the first love is the sweetest but I say the first cut is the deepest. My first love was wrestling, the first cut was in 1994 in Philly. I have bleed many times after and I have enjoyed every drop that drips from my head, my arm, and my body. The point to this is I love pain and that first cut will always be the best. There will be no one to save you all when Raven is back in a TNA ring.....Quote the Raven Nevermore

Rating: 78



Christian Cage Vs Chris Daniels

Both guys really clicked well in this match, the crowd was very good for the match and Daniels looked like the star of the match. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Cage defeated Christopher Daniels in 14:39 by pinfall with an Unprettier.

Rating: 78





Daniels is still in the ring when we get back from commercial.


Daniels: AJ, I’m calling you out! You know and I know that you winning the X Division title was a fluke. Next week me and you one on one! Larry already signed it, get ready buddy.




Sting and AJ Styles Vs Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett

This was by far the match of the night Sting and AJ have good chemistry. Jericho and Sting stood out for their good work. In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Sting and A.J. Styles defeated Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett in 12:09 when Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock.

Rating: 88


Show Rating: 86

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TNA Total Action (B show)


Chris Sabin beat Eric Young @ 10:50 65/100


Team Canada (Bobby Roode and petey williams) beat The Naturals @ 12:44 55/100


AJ cut promo 87/100


Jay Lethal beat Homicide @ 10:42 67/100


Lance Hoyt beat Roderick Strong @ 8:08 56/100


Low Ki beat Matt Brentley @ 13:52 75/100


Show Rating: 70/100

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TNA Impact March week 2 preview


AMW Vs Low Ki and Matt Brentley for the Tag Team titles

Low Ki and Brentley get their title shot this week on Impact.


Bryan Danielson Vs Colt Cabana

Colt lost in his debut last week but can he ruin the debut of fellow former Indy star Bryan Danielson?


AJ Styles Vs Chris Daniels for the X Division title

After losing the belt at Against all Odds Daniels is invoking his rematch clause on Impact.


Christian Cage Vs Chris Jericho Vs Samoa Joe

Winner will face Sting at the next PPV for the NWA World Championship


Quick Picks

AMW V. Low Ki/Brentley

Bryan Danielson V. Colt Cabana

AJ Styles V. Daniels

Christian V. Jericho V. Joe

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