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Climbing the Mountain! The Johnny Brooks Story ver 2

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Climbing the Mountain:

The Johnny Brooks Story


December 2007


So there I stood, outside of the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp with my wrestling bag in my hand and a look of disappointment on my face. I hadn’t even had time to unpack when I was told I was no longer welcome there. The sting of disappointment was sharp, but at least the satisfaction of decking Jay Chord in his smug mouth helped to temper it a bit. W the heck did he think he was anyway? I mean, yeah he is the legendary Rip Chord’s son. And sure, Rip does own and operate the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. But honestly, does that mean Jay can be as arrogant and self centered as he wants? Does that give Jay the right to look down on people whose father’s are not getting into the Hall of Immortals? Does it really mean he can trip me in front of all the other recruits and call me a bunch of mocking names? Heck no! Well actually, since he’s in there warming up and I’m out here waiting for the cab that will take me home I guess he can…but he shouldn’t be able to. The worse part of all of this was the fact that my grandmother had to pull some strings just to get me into the M.A.W. Boot Camp. She was not going to be happy with her “Johnny Boy” when she heard about this…


January 2007


Johnny: Grandma…you have just got to get me into another wrestling school!


Heidi: I’m sorry Johnny Boy but you’ve been blackballed. That drunken bastard Rip is covering for his punk kid and telling anyone who asks that you decked Jay because he messed up a lariat and you thought he was taking liberties. Everyone thinks you got this chip on your shoulder because you’re Heidi Brooks’ grandson. I can’t even get you into the Cat’s Lair! I think you may need to give up your dream Johnny Boy…


Johnny: I…can’t grandma. I mean, ever since I could remember I wanted to be a wrestler. I wanted to hear the crowd roar as my music hit. I wanted to hold the audience captive as I laid things out on the mic. I wanted to hear the sound of silence that only comes right before a huge pop as I hit my finisher!


Heidi: I know Johnny Boy…heck I would train you myself if it wasn’t for my replacement hip surgery and nagging arthritis. The only way that you’re going to get a chance at breaking into this business is if I opened my own promotion…and we both know I don’t have that kind of money.


Johnny: I know grandma…just…it’s my dream. I don’t think I could ever be happy with a normal job knowing I was so close to achieving it.


Heidi: I may not have the money Johnny Boy, but I think I know a few investors who do…in fact I remember getting a letter from a group looking to start up a promotion in the future…


December 2009


Heidi: Ok Johnny Boy, this looks like a pretty good roster. I see some young talent we can develop and a few older guys we can anchor the promotion around. Everything looks set for the first show…


Voice: Excuse me…Mrs. Brookes.


Heidi and Johnny turn around to the sound of the voice. Standing in front of them is none other than Jean Cattley. Jean is dressed in a suit and tie, which is a look few have ever seen him in.


Heidi: Why if it isn’t “Mean” Jean Cattley. Did Rip send you over here to try to mend fences before we put him out of business?


Jean: He would have, if I still worked for him.


Heidi: So, you finally walked out on that drunken bastard.


Jean: Yeah, ever since Jay started to wrestle things have been strained between Rip and me. He shoots down any idea that makes Jay look less than invincible. He never wants to hear the truth about his son being a prick. He got me join M.A.W. based on an idea he has abandoned in favor of making Jay Chord the next Rip Chord.


Johnny: Nice story, but what does have to do with us?


Jean: Look Johnny, I know I was one of the guys who turned his head when Jay got you tossed out of the M.A.W. Boot Camp but, believe me I when I say I didn’t think Rip would get you blackballed from the business. For what it is worth…I’m sorry.


Johnny: You can stuff your sorry in a sack…


Heidi: Johnny! Hush up. Jean if you are here to get a job as the booker of RMW well, you’re too late. I already gave the book to my grandson Johnny.


Jean: While the book would have been nice, I really am just looking for a place to wrestle, train some young talent, and offer any help I can. You know a place like that?


Heidi: As a matter of fact…I do. Welcome to Rocky Mountain Wrestling Jean.

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Late December 2009


<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">Breaking News!!!</marquee>


Mean Jean leaves M.A.W.!!!

The inaugural M.A.W. Champion Mean Jean Cattley has ended his business relationship with M.A.W. in a move that has sent shockwaves through the wrestling community. Jean, who many favored to win next year’s Rip Chord Invitational Tournament, gave his seven day notice to Rip Chord just eight days before M.A.W.’s Night of Champions, which was to feature a title match between Jean and American Patriot. Patriot, having won the Mid Atlantic Championship off of Jean in July was set to defend his title against Jean in a steel cage match, however with Jean leaving M.A.W. that match was scrapped and Hugh de Aske was brought in to face Patriot. With Jean leaving M.A.W. a day before a title bout many feel Jean was going to lose the match against Patriot and quit when Rip wouldn’t change the match’s finish, however sources close to Rip indicate that Jean was actually set to win the title and begins a lengthy reign that may have gone well into next year. One can only wonder what Jean has planned as so far no word has come about Jean signing a deal to wrestle for any company inside or outside the U.S.


Three more leave M.A.W.!

Following up on the Mean Jean situation it appears that three more members of the M.A.W. roster have also walked out on the company. Brett Starr, Findlay O' Farraday, and Cameron Vessey all failed to show up to Night of Champions and early word is that they are following Jean to some new promotion that is set to debut in the near future. One can only wonder what promises were made or which ones were broken that has caused this sudden departure.


Rocky Mountain Wrestling is formed!

After several years away from the business Heidi Brooks has come together with a group of investors to form Rocky Mountain Wrestling. It has yet to hold a single show but it is already being called the Northwest’ answer to M.A.W. According to Heidi, “RMW is a place where old school traditions collide with new school presentation to form a company that is both Family Friendly and highly entertaining.” So far the likes of Henry Bennett, Regular Joe, and Bob Casey have been rumored to be a part of the initial RMW Roster. Early word is the M.A.W. wrestlers who walked out of M.A.W. will be deputing at the very first Rocky Mountain Wrestling event.


Path to the Top announced!

Rocky Mountain Wrestling has just announced it will hold a monthly wrestling event starting this January called Path to the Top. According to sources the monthly shows will all lead into a huge annual show called King of the Mountain that will decide the first RMW Champion. The matches for the first RMW Path to the Top have yet to be announced however a complete breakdown of the roster was given to us which we will be sharing with you in the near future.

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Head Booker! Despite being Heidi Brooks’ grandson I honestly didn’t think I would get the job. Granny B. reassured me that I would be up to the task, and if I had any trouble she would be there to offer me her insight. First thing I need to do is go over our roster…



Main Event



Cameron Vessey

The son of Larry and the nephew of Bryan, Cameron was the de-facto leader of The Succession. Despite this Cameron was constantly being overshadowed by Jay Chord and this is way he decided to accept our offer. He might not be the ideal person to be the face of the company but I believe we can get the crowds behind him.



“Mean” Jean Cattley AKA The Mean Machine

Once the right hand man of Rip Chord, the years of playing baby sitter to a drunken Rip and stuck up Jay have left him a little bitter. Jean is arguably the best wrestler to never be in a “major” promotion. I see Mean being the gateway between the main event and upper mid-card.



Coyote Dynamite

A tag team specialist, Coyote finds himself as a singles competitor for the first time in his career. He has great ring awareness and will be instrumental in getting the younger guys trained.



Findlay O’ Farraday

Big, powerful, and mean, that is how I would describe Findlay. His dominance of the MAW roster was a big hit with the fans and he was seen as something of a good bad ass. I’m thinking we may be able to accomplish the same thing in RMW.


Upper Mid-Card




A graduate of the Coastal Resort, he is the young kind of wrestler RMW needs. He may be greener than grass, but his willingness to job is a valuable asset.



“Rockin” Ryan Turner

A MAW alumni, he has some good basics and a nice cult following. Ryan floated around the indys for a while but now he is signed with us and we are looking for big things from him.



“Hollywood” Brett Starr

The second biggest prick in MAW history, Brett only agreed to join RMW because he grandfather Mickey once dated Granny B. [Eew] The crowds love him and his look is one we can build off of but we need to somehow break his huge ego into a more manageable size.



Dirty Frank

People have always said he would never amount to anything in this business and so far they have been correct. I’m looking to give Frank enough rope to either pull himself up or hang himself with. Either way, it will be one heck of a ride.




Another Coastal Resort graduate, Paradox may not have the performance skills of Paradigm but he sure has a lot more ring presence. There may be a small chance we could build him into something special, all he needs is a gimmick…



New York Red

Sloppy, uncoordinated, and a little smelly, the only reason he is in RMW is because his gimmick of a New York loving, southern hating, smug prick will work well in RMW. The fans will easily be able to boo him and that is what we need.





Evil Spirit

A masked man from Japan, he is an internet sensation. From his crazy, unique look to his wild brawls, Evil Spirit is the kind of attraction we need to get people in the doors.



Stretch the Chicken Boy

What can I say about Stretch that hasn’t been plastered all over the net? He may have the worst gimmick and name in this business but he also has the biggest heart. Despite his general sucky-ness, I find myself reluctant to simply “job” him out.



Running Wolf

A big guy with a great look and gimmick who has never been hired by anyone outside of the small indys. If we can get his skills to match his potential, there is no telling how big he can get in this business.


Lower Card



Johnny B. Goode

Me. I’m hoping my gimmick, a flamboyant pretty boy can get me over and help people to look past my family name. I’ll have to work three times as hard as anyone in RMW just to convince everyone that I deserve what I get and I’m not abusing my power as booker or my connection to the owner. I got a lot of dues to pay…






Lisa Bowen: Valet for Cameron Vessey



Kammy Ling: Valet/Controler of Evil Spirit


Road Agent



“Crippler” Ray Kingman: Best Road Agent money could buy...here on a favor to Granny B.




Steven Smith




Wilson Carlisle: Best ref we had access to...young enough to become the best ref ever someday.

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Path to the Top Show #1



Evil Spirit with Kammy Ling vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy



The Para-Troopers vs. Dirty Red



Findlay O' Farraday vs. Running Wolf



"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. Cameron Vessey with Lisa Bowen



Johnny B. Goode vs. Coyote Dynamite



"Rockin" Ryan Turner vs. The Mean Machine

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:::Before the Show:::


Man: Johnny! Hold up a minute…


Johnny: Mr. Kingman…what can I do for you sir.


Ray Kingman: It’s about Brett. He never showed up to our meeting to go over the details of his match. After I rescheduled it twice already…


Johnny: Don’t worry Mr. Kingman. I’ll take care of it.


{I sounded confident but I was sure nervous as hell. I mean, hours before our first show and I need to try to discipline one of the most notorious pricks in wrestling. To top it off, the reality of me being a “nobody” in this business sunk in. I mean right or wrong, would he listen to someone who never even had a match. Too late to think it over now, he’s coming this way.}


Johnny: Brett…do you have a minute?


Brett: You want an autograph you wait in line like everybody else, ok?


Johnny: Good to know…however, I need to speak to you about missing the meetings with Mr. Kingman.


Brett: Let me stop you right there. I’ve been wrestling in matches long before your granny bought you a company so you could pretend you were a real wrestler. If I needed pointers on my matches my last name wouldn’t be Starr ok?


Johnny: Listen Brett! {Wow. That may have been a little more angry and loud than I wanted. Late to back down, everyone is looking at us now.} When you have a meeting scheduled then you show up to said meeting. If that is a problem feel free to walk out that door right now. I’m sure Rip will take you back if you beg and promise to job to Jay every week.


Brett: Whatever!


{And just like that it was over. Brett may have been upset but I could of swore I saw Jean smile…}



Path to the Top Show #1

Live from Club X

Attendance: 33



Steven Smith



As the show opens Kammy Ling makes her way down to the ring. She steps into the ring amid cat calls and kneeled mid ring. The lights suddenly flicker and smoke begins to rise from under the ring. {Man, was this cheesy looking, I can’t wait until we can afford to make this look better. Oh well, the crowd loved it.} Suddenly, the lights were out and as they dimmed back to life…Evil Spirit was standing inside the ring. Evil Spirit bowed down in servitude to Kammy. {The whole segment was a D in my book.}



Evil Spirit with Kammy Ling vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy

The match was sloppy and short. The crowd seemed too drunk to notice the botched spots by both Stretch and Spirit but I’m sure the internet fans will be all over them. The match ended when Spirit landed his Dead Calm Drop #2 and made the pin. {Wow! This match was bad. If the crowd didn’t get all hyped about Spirit, I could see this match getting Worst Match of the Year. A solid E- in my estimation.}



The Para-Troopers vs. Dirty Red

The two teams showed little aptitude for tag team wrestling and it really showed. The Para-Troopers were hopping all over while Frank and Red tried everything to ground them. In the end, a Para-Lyzer from the Para-Troopers on Frank led to a pinfall by Paradox and the win. {Another bad match. Maybe, with enough time these two teams can amount to a good match, but right now this was just barely an E match.}



Findlay O' Farraday vs. Running Wolf

This one lasted half as long as it took the competitors to make it to the ring. Despite looking like a good match up on paper, Findlay dominated Running Wolf and finished him with a Irish Car Bomb within minutes of the bell. {This match will go a long way to establishing Findlay as a monster. Most would have had him destroy a smaller man, but I think by him decimating a man of similar build he gets more mileage out of his gimmick. A solid E match, we need to get a better seller if we want a better match out of Findlay.}



“Hollywood” Brett Starr made his way to the ring with a mic in hand and a chip on his shoulder. The crowd booed him wildly and he seemed to love it.


Screw you too! To think, I came all the way from the Mid-Atlantic for this. Now then, everyone knows who the true voice of the Succession really was… [The crowd burst out in a Cameron chant.] NO! Not that sawed off midget…ME! I was the voice of the succession and I should have been front and center…winning the titles and getting the girls but, no. The ego of Jay Chord never allowed me to get what was rightfully man. Not only that, but the jealous Cameron Vessey purposely held me back and made me soften up his opponents so he could look good. I am the greatest wrestler of my generation and tonight I prove it when I kick Cameron’s teeth down his throat and prove once and for all that I carried MAW on MY back! {Risky, but I think the shots at MAW will pay off in the long run. Brett really is a charismatic young man…too bad he’s such a prick! A D- if you ask me, simply because he isn’t well known…yet.}



"Hollywood" Brett Starr vs. Cameron Vessey with Lisa Bowen

Cameron came out to a huge pop and got right in Brett’s face. The crowd ate up all the “babyface” comebacks from Cameron and they absolutely despised whenever Brett bent the rules. In the end it was Cameron with a school boy pin for the win. {Man, the crowd was hot at Brett. I think Big Smack Scott could have walked out and he would have gotten the same huge pop Cameron got. The match itself was a solid D- just because they are future stars and not current ones.}



Johnny B. Goode vs. Coyote Dynamite

Johnny came out to a few groins and a few shouts of “who are you?” Coyote used his years of experience to garner a little sympathy for Johnny and soon the crowd got somewhat into the match. The match ended with Coyote rolling Johnny up and using a handful of tights to get the win. {So, my debut didn’t rock the world. Not that it mattered, because I was out there doing what I loved. I’m glad Coyote is such a nice guy and not the kind of fellow to take liberties with a rookie. I can honestly say it felt good to do the job for him. Regrettably it was only an E match. On the bright side there is only way to go from here.}



Jean Cattley walked down to the ring with a confident stride and a serious look on his face. Jean took a mic from ringside and stepped into the ring with no floris as he was all business tonight.


Ryan Turner…so, it appears the punk kid thinks himself a man. Back when you showed up in MAW you were nothing but a piece of garbage and if you ask me…you still are! The simple fact is, I taught you everything you know Ryan but, not everything I know. Tonight, I’m going to teach you one final lesson Ryan…and when I’m done kicking your teeth in, I expect a thank you! {The delivery on this promo gave me chills. Easily the best segment of the night as it set the tone for the Main Event and got the fans 100 percent behind Ryan. In a few months I expect a promo like this to score more than tonight’s D!}




"Rockin" Ryan Turner vs. The Mean Machine

Ryan and Jean went back and forth in a match that saw Jean use no dirty tricks but still get the crowd on his case. Ryan went for his big move, but Jean saw it coming and countered it with a Mood Swing for the win as the crowd booed. {Ryan played the young, underdog role to perfection. For his part, Jean was a great heel and he didn’t even have to rely on cheap tricks! A match like this, on national TV would have easily sent the wrestling world ablaze, however here in Club X it was a solid D-.}


{We had a few poor matches but I think the promos and Spirit’s entrance helped boost the show. This one is a D- which isn’t great but due to our size as a Local promotion is probably really good.}



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Path to the Top Show #2


Evil Spirit with Kammy Ling vs. Johnny B. Goode



Paradigm vs. “Hollywood” Brett Starr



Paradox vs. Findlay O’ Farraday



Stretch the Chicken Boy and “Rockin” Ryan Turner vs. Dirty Red



Running Wolf vs. The Mean Machine



Coyote Dynamite vs. Cameron Vessey with Lisa Bowen

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Evil Spirit with Kammy Ling vs. Johnny B. Goode



Paradigm vs. “Hollywood” Brett Starr



Paradox vs. Findlay O’ Farraday


Stretch the Chicken Boy and “Rockin” Ryan Turner vs. Dirty Red


Running Wolf vs. The Mean Machine


Coyote Dynamite vs. Cameron Vessey with Lisa Bowen

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<P>:::A Few days before the show…</P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 0px" id=sbcont0sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg0sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/HeidiBrooks.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer0sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

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<P>John…we need to talk</P></DIV></DIV>


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<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg1sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer1sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

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<DIV>Um…okay, Granny B</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 47px" id=sbcont2sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg2sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/HeidiBrooks.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 19px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer2sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

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<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext2sec0>


<P>I’m going to be blunt…the last show sucked! And after looking at what you booked for this month…I’m going to say it is going to suck too.</P></DIV></DIV>


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<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg3sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer3sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

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<P>Hush boy! I gave you this job because you said you could handle it. So far, your not living up to your word. You got one more chance, if our third show sucks as bad as these first two then you’re no longer going to be head booker for RMW. Understood?</P></DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 10px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px" id=sbcont5sec0 align=right>

<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg5sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer5sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

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<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext5sec0>


<P>Yes maam…</P></DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 47px" id=sbcont6sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg6sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/HeidiBrooks.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer6sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

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<DIV>Heidi Brooks walked away leaving Johnny to think about what she just said. As he stood there wondering what he could do, Stretch walked up to him and began to speak.</DIV></DIV></DIV>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative" id=sbcont7sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg7sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer7sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

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<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext7sec0>

<DIV>Hey Johnny...you got a minute?</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 47px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px" id=sbcont8sec0 align=right>

<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg8sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer8sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

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<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext8sec0>

<DIV>Not really Stretch, what do you want?</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative" id=sbcont9sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg9sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 19px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer9sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; PADDING-BOTTOM: 7px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0px 0px 10px 123px; PADDING-LEFT: 7px; WIDTH: 425px; PADDING-RIGHT: 7px; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 16px; TOP: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 7px; border-radius: 0px" id=sbblock9sec0>

<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext9sec0>

<DIV>I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Bug Rodeo with me..I asked all the other guys but they turned me down...</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 28px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px" id=sbcont10sec0 align=right>

<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg10sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 53px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer10sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 7px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0px 123px 10px 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 7px; WIDTH: 272px; PADDING-RIGHT: 7px; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 16px; TOP: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 7px; border-radius: 0px" id=sbblock10sec0>

<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext10sec0>

<DIV>As much as I would love to go Stretch, and believe me I would love to go, I have a ton of work to do. I got eight new contracts to go over. I have to figure out how to turn things around after last months fiasco, and I still need to get some training time in with Coyote and Jean.</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 10px" id=sbcont11sec0><IMG style="FLOAT: left" id=avimg11sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; LEFT: 103px" id=sbpointer11sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width=22 height=20>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; PADDING-BOTTOM: 7px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0px 0px 10px 123px; PADDING-LEFT: 7px; WIDTH: 169px; PADDING-RIGHT: 7px; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 16px; TOP: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 7px; border-radius: 0px" id=sbblock11sec0>

<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext11sec0>

<DIV>Oh well...maybe next time...</DIV></DIV>


<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: transparent 1px solid; POSITION: relative; BORDER-LEFT: transparent 1px solid; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; MARGIN: 5px 0px 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; HEIGHT: auto; CLEAR: both; BORDER-TOP: transparent 1px solid; TOP: 5px; BORDER-RIGHT: transparent 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px" id=fixedtextblock2sec0>

<DIV style="DISPLAY: block; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; FONT-SIZE: 16px" id=fixedtext2sec0>

<DIV>Stretch walked off as Johnny muttered under his breath...</DIV></DIV></DIV>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px" id=sbcont12sec0 align=right>

<DIV style="FLOAT: right"><IMG style="FLOAT: right" id=avimg12sec0 alt=Speaker src="http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/RMW/CaseyAdams_Alt3.jpg" width=113 height=113><IMG style="POSITION: absolute; TOP: 8px; RIGHT: 103px" id=sbpointer12sec0 src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width=22 height=20></DIV>

<DIV style="POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 7px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 0px 123px 10px 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 7px; WIDTH: 213px; PADDING-RIGHT: 7px; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; FONT-SIZE: 16px; TOP: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 7px; border-radius: 0px" id=sbblock12sec0>

<DIV style="DISPLAY: block" id=sbtext12sec0>



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