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A Mexican Nightmare...

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Tecnico by Technicality


Awakening on the kitchen floor my first thought was how in the hell had I got there! Bit of a stupid mistake on my part, because I ached everywhere!



"Morning piss head! You put away enough alcohol last night to re-fill a lake! How ya feeling?"



"Like... well... how do I look?"



"Like crap"



"Well that about sums up how I feel!"


La Mascara comes in and shakes his head before grabbing an apple from the bowl.



"Better sort yourself out amigo cos you got one hell fo a training session today. I'll meet you at the gym in an hour. Don't be late!"


I pull myself up off the floor and go get showered. I decide to read another couple of pages from the book, but before I get a chance there's a knock at the door. When I get there its Mascara Dorada.



"Hey Autoridad. I need to ask a huge favour. Tonight I'm supposed to be taking on 2 of those Perros, I think it's Lizmark & Dr X, and need a tag partned 'cos Aeroboy re-injured himself in last weeks match with La Parka. I noticed they'd left you off the show again and thought maybe you'd take his place?"



"Yeah man no problem. I wanna get my hands on that Lizmark guy anyway after last week."


I see Dorada out before getting ready to go out to the gym to meet Mascara. When I arrive he and Ex are sparring in the ring so I head over to them.



"Gonna have to make it a bit easier on me Mascara. I've been put in a match tonight so I can't be aching! Dorada needed my help."



"Oh yeah any old excuse huh. Haha. Ok amigo we'll go easy on you today."


I think to myself 'We' what did he mean? Then Ex came out and dragged me into the ring! They both took turns clotheslining me! I had the wind knocked out of me on more than one occassion.



"Today is getting you up to scratch in the ring and defining your style. Your matches have been pretty poor thus far and so we need to get you fighting towards an average match!"



"Don't hold back. You say what's on your mind Mascara! Haha"


Following a few more hours training and a workout we head to El Padrinos to pick up some food and meet with Ludark. When we arrive she is sat with Aeroboy who looks pretty banged up.



"Hey Autoridad! I saw Dorada earlier, he tells me you're taking my place tonight. Thanks man."



"Yeah I decided Lizmark needed his ass handed to him. Haha... can't see it happening though!"


I decided to leave the rest of the gang in El Padrinos and head out to pick up some material for a new mask I'd been working on to use in a couple of months. You see, the rules of the mask are that you must stick to the style chosen for at least 3 months, after which time we could change our mask... although it still had to go with the gimmick. A gimmick was for life - and mine was Authority!

As I headed back home from the shop, I spotted Goddess, La Parka and Lizmark walking towards me.



"Que onda. I hear you made a big mistake today Wey. You chould have known better than to step in the ring with me tonight. Aguas con el Perro del Mal!"



"Dude my Spanish aint good but I'm not sweating any of that **** you just said... mainly because I didn't understand it!"



"You better start showing me some respect cabron or I'll kick your ass right now."


I look at the 3 of them before laughing and walking past, barging shoulders with Lizmark to show how awesome I am... or just that I could be as big a douche as him!




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, July 2011

In front of 39 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Slash defeats Extrano

Ex started the match in dominating fashion. He hit Slash with some huge power moves. Sexy Lady came to ringside and distracted the referee as Ronin snuck out from under the ring. He hit Ex with something across his lower back, which gave Slash the advantage. The match ended as Slash applied a Cangrejo and Ex passed out from the pain. The match was given a D- rating. I came down to the ring to help Ex out and also because my match was up next!






Lizmark Jr & Dr X defeat Mascara Dorada and La Autoridad

Dorada pretty much carried this match for our team. I did however get my wish and tied up with Lizmark jr, who kicked my ass! I tagged out, but as I left the ring, Ronin came from under the ring again and hit me with the same object he had hit Ex with earlier! Extrano came running out and chased Ronin through the crowd. Lizmark picked up the win with a super kick followed by a crossface submission for the tap out victory. The match was given a D- rating.






Hijo de Pirata Morgan defeats Atomic Boy

HDPM continued his domination of all people "Tecnico" in a squash match against our newest recruit Atomic Boy. The match was only given an E rating due to Atomic Boy not even getting a move in!






La Parka & Goddess defeat La Mascara & Ludark

In what I can only describe as a match that everyone had waited to see, both teams had moments where they should have won. La Parka and Goddess looked a good combination, and really worked well off of each other, gaining the advantage after a host of quick tags and a severe beating on Ludark that left her in a crimson mess. The finish came when Goddess hit La Quebrada on Ludark for the pinfall victory. The match gained a C- rating. Following the match, Axxel came from the crowd and attacked La Parka and Goddess with a metal bar. He looked over at Sagrado and pointed the bar at him, signalling he was on borrowed time.


Ludark came out also and ripped Goddess mask off! That is deemed as a huge mark of disrespect and if done during a match is an automatic DQ, however after a match no one knew what the punishment was! Sagrado it seemed though was too busy trying to leave unhurt to notice! Stage one of Ludarks plan was now complete. Showing we were united and would do ANYTHING against the rudo threat.




After the show, I am running late so I tell the guys to meet me at the bar. On my way there I bump into Sexy Lady (surprisingly without Ronin) who tells me that she knows what happened to Pirata Morgan... Before she can say anything else, we hear Goddess and La Parkas voices which prompts Sexy Lady to run off.

I arrive at the bar and tell the guys what happened.



"Yeah she is alot of things, but she does actually have limits to her bitchiness, I mean she isn't evil, just a bit selfish. She made a bad choice throwing her hat in with those guys. Last time I spoke to her she told me she wanted out but was afraid. Once you're a rudo in this town, there is no way of escaping them."



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Because I had worked on this through the story, I figured I'd post the brief history in it's entirety for anyone who wanted to read it. Bare in mind that alot of this (ie match history or feud) is fiction mixed with some facts (deaths etc). I will add to this over time. Oh and Enrique Huerta is a fictional name I use for writing sometimes


Nombre Pesadilla: La Historia

by Enrique Huerta


Chapter 1: The Champion


The town of Nombre Pesadilla was set up by "El Profesor" Raúl Quesada Romero in the 50's. It started off as a carnival town, bustling with all sorts of entertainers, but over the years the carnival atmosphere began to dwindle and Lucha Libre was all that remained. El Profesor was it's first Town Champion. He however was betrayed by his closest friend, Telmo Velazco who took the title away from him in controversial circumstances. He gained the nickname "Diablo" Velazco because of his harsh rule as the Champion, making the towns people do his bidding, and he only ever defended the belt once in the 5 years he held it. He was also responsible for the rule stating if a member of the "Population" challenged the champion and lost, they were banished from the town and were not allowed to return. In 1967 his arrogance got the better of him and he put the title on the line in a feud with Septiembre Negro, son of Golden Terror and almost 20 years his junior. The reign of Septiembre Negro started off well. He gave the towns people their liberty and introduced the rule of Masks being worn at all time.


Following his failed defense of his belt, "Diablo" Velazco left Nombre Pesadilla. Where he went nobody knows, he disappeared from record, however his name would be mentioned again. The era of Septiembre Negro was underway. The first few years under his leadership were good, and everyone was treated with the same respect he commanded. He told those that lived in the town, from now on they wore masks at all times. However into his 6th year as Champion he became darker, more sinister and began randomly picking out crowd members to step up against him and earn their place in his population. He took what he wanted and never gave back. He was the Town Champion for almost 11 years when a young Luchadore by the name Águila Solitaria took the title from him, ending his Iron grip on the city. Águila Solitaria didn't last long (3 years) before something happened in 1981 that in those days became a VERY big deal... He lost the title to La Briosa. Now you may think there's nothing out of the ordinary about that, but you see La Briosa was a woman!


La Briosa was a fair Champion, but it didn't stop the men from wanting power back. She was challenged to a Mask vs. Title shot more than any of her predecessors, however overcame them all. It was her idea for the shows to revolve around the other workers rather than the Champion and when she wasn't being challenged, she would sit and watch the entertainment as it unfolded. She was Champion for 4 years before the most controversial event in the history of Nombre Pesadilla unfolded. In October 1985, during a match between 'El Galeno del Mal' Dr. Wagner and the newcomer Blue Demon Jr, both men left the ring mid match and attacked La Briosa and seriously injuring her. They both took the belt, however La Briosa wasn't going to let either of them take her Title and decreed that from this point on, if the Champion is unable to defend the belt due to serious injury or choosing to retire, they would choose their successor. Needless to say neither Wagner or Blue Demon Jr were happy their plan to have one of them Champion was destroyed. The new Champion of Nombre Pesadilla was Halcón 78, who it turns out was the husband of La Briosa. She had managed to keep the belt in her family. Halcón 78 was a popular choice among the town and was responsible for Dr. Wagner losing his mask and being kicked out of town, a measure of revenge for his wife.


Halcón 78 continued his reign as Champion, however in 1987, a mysterious man known only as "Black Man" to the people of Nombre Pesadilla arrived in town and issued a challenge to Halcón 78 for his title. This was another first for the town, as never before had somebody just strolled into town and issued a challenge. Mainly because the town was in the middle of nowhere and you would have to have a knowledge of how the town worked, which led many to believe this to be Dr. Wagner under a different mask. Halcón 78 demanded to know who Black Man really was, and was surprised when he heard he was actually a student of "Diablo" Velazco who had informed him of the towns whereabouts and laws. Halcón 78 defeated Black Man and he promptly left, and just like his Mentor, nothing was heard from him again in the town. Halcón 78 was on borrowed time however as there was another man preparing himself for the chance of claiming the top prize and all the power it came with... Dr Wagner Jr! Because of Halcón 78 he had not seen his father in years and vowed revenge, a revenge he took on 5th March 1988, a revenge that cost both himself and Halcón 78 everything they had. After being denied a match with Halcón 78, Dr Wagner Jr attacked him in the bar, completely destroying him. He picked up Halcón 78's title and promptly left the town with it. Halcón 78 decided he'd had enough of the town and he too left with his wife La Briosa. The town now had no Champion! The towns people decided a tournament should be held and in June 1988, Silver King was "crowned" the new champion, defeating Loco Zandokan in the finals.


Silver Kings reign was a long one, however it was not a happy one for the town because Silver King it turns out was the son of Dr Wagner and brother to Dr Wagner Jr! He bought both men back to the town and along with Blue Demon Jr, created havoc with the town, ruling over it like a dictator. Under the dictatorship of Silver King and the "Wagner" regime, the town saw it's population dwindle with Mask vs. Title matches being put on seemingly on a whim. It had gone from putting your mask on the line if you wanted a title shot, to putting it on even if the champion challenged you! This is a rule that did not sit well with the rest of the town, and in 1999 there were rumours that a legend had risen from the grave... that legend was El Santo! For those unaware of who El Santo was, he had died on February 5th 1984 and a crowd of 10,000 people showed up to pay respects, could he really be back from the dead? And what was he doing in the small town of Nombre Pesadilla? Of course nobody believed for one second that the cultural icon had returned from the grave, until he showed up at the annual La Noche de Nuestro Campeón in June 1999 and took the belt from Silver King! Nobody believed this was El Santo, however nobody dared question him just in case!



Chapter 2 - Influential/Noteworthy Population


As important as the champion was, let us not forget that without a population the town would cease to exist and the Champion would have no one to "rule" over. This section covers five of those people and their role in the shaping of Nombre Pesadilla. From loved to loathed, it takes all sorts to make a town run, and a Champion look good!


#1. Black Guzman

In 1958, when the town was mere months old, one such Luchador had a big impact on the townsfolk of Nombre Pesadilla. His name was Black Guzman, a pioneer of sorts as he was the first man to use variations of the headscissors and other moves now synonymous with Lucha Libre. He was the first man beaten who had to leave the town when Diablo Velazco pinned him in 1963. He died in December 1973.


#2 Rafael Salamanca

In 1965 a man turned up who had a very positive effect on the Tecnicos. Salamanca also had a huge hand in Septiembre Negro winning the towns Championship belt... he refereed the match! He went on to challenge for the title a year later but was defeated and had to leave the town. He was not heard from again in Nombre Pesadilla until news of his death surfaced in 1995.


#3 Ringo Mendoza

In 1976 Ringo turned up and REFUSED to wear a mask. He has been the only man since the rule was introduced to not follow this law. He refused out of principle as his belief was that being forced to wear a mask was oppresive. He fought Septiembre Negro in a match that stipulated if Ringo lost, he left but if he won, he didn't want the belt but he wanted to abolish the rule of always wearing masks. He lost...


#4 Espectro Jr/Kahoz

Following his defeat in 1980 to Águila Solitaria in a Title vs. Mask match, Espectro Jr unmasked revealing another mask underneath! Due to the wording of the rule he had found a loophole! The rule stated "Upon defeat to the champion, you must remove your mask. Once your mask has been removed, you must leave due to bare faces not being permitted by the Population in town." Due to this loophole, the rule had to be revised, however Espectro Jr was permitted a stay of execution and continued on as Kahoz. He was defeated by La Briosa in 1982 and due to the revised rule could find no loophole this time.


#5 Ciclón Ramírez

In 1991 a worker turned up as part of the "Wagner" regime who looked more like a Tecnico than the ruthless rudo he was (another of the many Diablo Velazco trained luchadors). He was a major factor in how Silver King had such a long title reign as he would frequently cheap shot or distract opponents. He was also the ultimate reason for Silver Kings eventual loss when he accidentally tripped his "friend" during his famous match with El Santo, causing Silver King to be defeated. Following the bout, El Santo attacked him and sent him packing with his "boss"!


To be continued...

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Just for future reference, I will no longer be posting pictures everytime somebody talks. A persons Picture will now only be used within the match/show. Any dialogue will now be done in this simple format;


LUDARK: Yeah it may be ok for you, but I'm sick of all the trouble...


The reason for this is because it is taking so much longer keep going back and forth with the tabs for photobucket and this site during conversations.

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By Any Means...


Last week, the Rudo group won all 4 matches, this week we would put Ludarks plan into full motion! Win by any means necessary, and if that meant cheating, then so be it.


I decided to take a walk. I had been hitting the alcohol hard again and decided to clear my head and maybe get something for breakfast. I walked down to the town center but it seemed different somehow, I mean everybody seemed on edge and hurrying around. From out of nowhere Aeroboy came flying out of one of the shops, landing right in front of me. As I helped him up, Lizmark and Dr X came out from the door.


LIZMARK: Leave him or you're next Autoridad! We're the law here.


AUTORIDAD: Get away from him you piece of crap! There's 2 of you and only 1 of him. I'm going nowhere pal.


LIZMARK: I won't tell you again baboso, this piece of garbage smart mouthed me and now he pays.


AUTORIDAD: I may not be good inside the ring 'Lezmark' but I will stove your head in with a brick if you don't get out of my face!


Lizmark smiles sarcastically and walks off, looking back as he does and running his finger across his throat in what I can only assume is meant to be menacing. I continue helping Aeroboy to his feet and we head off down towards El Padrinos.


AEROBOY: That Lizmark is such a dick. I'd like to get him one on one and beat the hell out of him. Stupid a-hole.


AUTORIDAD: Yeah he's a bit of a douche alright, but he kicked my ass last week and unless I have a weapon, I'm not fighting him again!


I make sure Aeroboy is ok and then I head over to see Extrano who I'd spotted heading into the bar. When I get in there he's chatting to one of the women in there, giving her what he likes to call his "Darkside Charm" which usually ends up in him getting a one night stand with one of them!


EXTRANO: Excuse me mamacita. A-TOR! How you doing amigo? You got over the slap you got from Estrelita on Wednesday, damn that girl is fiesty!


AUTORIDAD: Dude it was you that slapped her ass! Anyway, I'm not here to talk rubbish, we got a problem with those 2 dick Perros Lizmark & Dr X. They just threw Aeroboy out one of the doors into the street, and when I say threw I mean literally! I'm going to go to Sagrados and could do with your backup bro.


EXTRANO: Hell yeah! Lets get over there. Sorry mamacita, I gotta bounce with my homie so we'll continue this at a later stage.


We leave the bar and begin the walk up to Sagrados house (formerly Santos) to see the big man about getting us a match with the Perros. I notice Sexy Lady and Ronin leaving and surprisingly they say nothing as the walk past us. I knock the door and Goddess answers it, she looks taken back when she realises it is us.


GODDESS: What the hell do you want? You've no...


EXTRANO: Shut the hell up woman.


He pushes past her and enters the house shouting for Sagrado. I walk in after him, giving Goddess a wink to show the bitch didn't get to me. She storms off into one of the adjacent rooms.


EXTRANO: Sagrado! Long time buddy, hows everything in the palace of Judas? All good I'm hoping. Anyway, pleasantries out the way we want the Perros in a match tonight. You got us each in singles action, we want a tag match.


SAGRADO: You barge in here making demands and think I'm going to give you what you want? I always knew you were an idiot but...


EXTRANO: Yeah, yeah whatever you say Judas. Now give us the match or are you scared your boys will be destroyed? I mean if that's the case then...

SAGRADO: You arrogant little ass. You want the match? Well you got it. I'm going to chuck a little stipulation in though. If you lose, you 2 clowns leave this town and don't return. If you agree then you can have your match.


AUTORIDAD: Ex, maybe we should think this over dude. I just aint that good!


EXTRANO: Screw it... stipulation accepted. Tell your boys we'll see them tonight... Oh and also, if they throw anyone about again, I'm gonna smash them up with my skinny little Kendo friend here.


We leave Sagrados and head back home where Ludark and La Mascara are chilling out. I explain about the match and La Mascara can't quite believe it.


LA MASCARA: You realise you're far from ready? You 2 are going to get slaughtered!


AUTORIDAD: Tell me about it, but you know what Ex is like once he's got something in his head. It's a bit difficult to stop him! It just means we better hope Ludarks plan works... or em and Ex are gone!


After La Mascara teaches me a new hold we head off to the show. This show could turn out to be our last... what's worse is when we get there Sagrado tells everyone it's the main event! He also said that because we didn't state which of the Perros del Mal we wanted... we had all FOUR of them in a handicap match! Brilliant...




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, August 2011

In front of 39 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Felino defeats Drago

Felino dominates Drago, who looks like he doesn't really want to be there. Felino attempts a moonsault however Drago rolls out of the ring. He looks up at Felino, flips the middle finger and leaves! what the hell? Sagrado still gives the match a D- but doesn't look impressed with Drago.




MATCH 2 - Triple Threat


Goddess defeats Ludark & Sexy Lady

Another attempt at disguising a 2 on 1 as a Triple Threat! Sexy Lady and Goddess double team Ludark all match. The finish comes when Goddess hits La Quedabra on Ludark. Following the match Goddess continues the assault on Ludark but Sexy Lady pulls her off and tries to talk her out of it. Goddess slaps Sexy Lady and begins poking her in the chest whilst berating her. Sexy Lady turns away and begins to leave the ring but turns back and nails Goddess! She begins pummeling Goddess until Ronin runs down and pulls her away. He asks whats going on before trying to help Goddess up. With his back to her, Sexy Lady drops to her knees and low blows him! The crowd are going wild. Sagrado gives the match a D rating but he looks absolutely livid! Although Ludarks plan wasn't going well, this made up for it!






La Mascara defeats La Parka

Both men got in some good shots, with Mascara gaining advantage following a cup being thrown at La Parka by Aeroboy in the crowd! La Mascara hit a big moonsault and an even bigger twisting plancha before Hijo de Pirata Morgan ran down and jumped onto the apron expecting Felino to jump in the other side, however Ex had taken him out backstage and instead Atomic Boy jumps in the ring and nails La Parka with a kendo stick shot! Ex pulls HDPM off the apron and punches and kicks him repeatedly. The referee turns around and counts the 3 for a Mascara victory! An irrate Sagrado rates the match a C- but I'm pretty sure steam was coming out of his ears... well if I could see them!




MAIN EVENT - 2 on 4 Handicap Match


Extrano & La Autoridad defeat Perros del Mal (Lizmark, Dr X, Damian 666 & Halloween)

Another attempt to screw us! We started off well but the number difference soon played into the favour of the Rudo team. Just when the Perros thought they had the victory, Ludark came down to the ring with Aeroboy, Mascara Dorada and Atomic Boy! Damian and Halloween jumped off the apron and got into a brawl with Dorada and Aeroboy giving us the 2 on 2 we wanted. Ludark hit Dr X with a sneaky chair shot on the apron as Ex came off the top rope hitting a huge version of Los Traumastico to pick up the win! Sagrado doesn't even stay to witness our hands being raised in victory as the 5 of us are joined by La Mascara and Axxel. Sexy Lady stands in the aisle and Ludark waves for her to come down but she turns and leaves as we continue celebrating.




After the show we head to the bar as usual where we see Drago sitting in the corner by himself. I go over to him to see what's up.


DRAGO: Sorry Autoridad. I just hate living in this town under these idiots. I let my temper get the better of me today but I was not putting my body on the line for that piece or trash Sagrado. He can kiss my ass.


AUTORIDAD: We understand man, but don't sit here on your own. Come join us, gotta celebrate the fact that we got one over on those morons!


Drago joins us and the night ends how so many of the nights in this town have... with me being sick down myself and falling asleep in obscure places!


[Actually liking this format better.]

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Until i get TEW 2010 again, this isn't getting continued. Laptop doesn't seem to want to load, and as TEW is on it and I can't afford to buy it again and don't have any of my receipt codes or whatever you need. Pissed me off as I was having fun with this diary. :mad:


EDIT: Nevermind I found my code and e-mailed the person I needed to. Hopefully it'll be sorted soon.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">A Vengeful Spirit</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We were sitting in El Padrinos having breakfast when we heard an almighty crash from outside. We run out to see what had happened and to my horror, there was Atomic Boy laying in shattered glass and a pool of his own blood. We rushed over in time to see Ronin running away, looking back to check we weren't following him. Ex gave chase whilst Ludark, Mascara and myself tried to help Atomic Boy to the medical centre.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AUTORIDAD:</strong> That was a bit more viscious than Ronin normally is. I mean the guy tries to be eerie, but he's never assaulted someone that bad before has he?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LA MASCARA:</strong> I've never seen anyone assault another member of the town that badly before. This place is starting to lose what it stood for. If you had a problem, you'd sort it out in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LUDARK:</strong> Sagrado seems to be bringing a lawless era into Pesadilla, and I for one don't like it.</p><p> </p><p>

We ensured Atomic Boy was comfortable before leaving him to rest. On our way back we caught up with Ex, who had a hold of Ronin.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LA MASCARA:</strong> What are you playing at Ronin. You know you can't get away with that.</p><p> </p><p>

Ronin remains silent and just looks at La Mascara before he starts laughing. All of a sudden from knowhere I was blindsided by Hijo De Pirata Morgan!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HD PIRATA MORGAN:</strong> Still keeping my father captive? Where is he?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EXTRANO:</strong> That is gonna cost you. As for your dad, we're tiring of this now so one last time... We do not know where he is.</p><p> </p><p>

Ex throws Ronin at HDPM.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EXTRANO: </strong>Take this piece of garbage with you before I put both your asses through the nearest window.</p><p> </p><p>

Ludark helps me up as I stare down HDPM. He doesn't move and Ex begins walking towards him and gets right in his face.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EXTRANO:</strong> I said... LEAVE!</p><p> </p><p>

Ronin and HDPM begin walking off, looking back at us as HDPM runs his finger across his throat. Clearly an attempt to get the last "intimidation". We head back home in order to plan a strategy for tonights show.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LUDARK:</strong> Goddess has issued me a challenge for ripping her mask off. Sagrado has told me my mask will be on the line... I'm going to need your back-up tonight guys.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LA MASCARA:</strong> Don't worry Ludark, we've got your back. Autoridad and Ex, you 2 have Lizmark and Dr X this time in a 2 on 2 unlike last weeks attempted screw job. You should be able to take them yourselves, but just in case the rudos want to get involved, we have a contingency plan in place.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AUTORIDAD:</strong> Yeah we'll handle those 2 pieces of trash with no problem. We'll put an end to those Perros before they get any momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

We head out to the town center where we meet up with Aeroboy and Drago.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LA MASCARA:</strong> Where's Mascara Dorada? He's supposed to be on the card tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AEROBOY:</strong> No idea. He was supposed to meet us earlier and no showed. We're a bit worried.</p><p> </p><p>

Following that comment Goddess and La Parka walk into our dressing room... they had some nerve!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>GODDESS:</strong> We've heard Mascara Dorada has no showed. Smart boy. Looks like La Parka wins the match by forfeit.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DRAGO:</strong> The hell it does! I'll be taking his place!</p><p> </p><p>

We usher the rudos out of the Tecnico dressing room and put forward our plan to the rest of the guys for tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Nightmare%20Diary/imagesrrt.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly</strong></span></p><p>

<em>Monday Wk 2, August 2011</em></p><p><em>

In front of 39 people</em></p><p><em>

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre</em></p><p> </p><p>

MATCH 1</p><p>


Ludark defeats Goddess</p><p>

In what can only be called Ludarks best match thus far, she and Goddess tore the place apart with some fast pace and brutality usually only seen by men! Goddess lost half her mask and Ludark once again was busted wide open. The end came when Ludark hooks the Cangrejo on Goddess who taps out! The match gains a C- rating from Sagrado. Following the match Ronin runs into the ring and puts a beatdown on Ludark! Sexy Lady runs down and stands face to face with Ronin who backs off and rolls out of the ring. Sexy Lady looks down at Ludark and then leaves too.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Nightmare%20Diary/divider2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

MATCH 2</p><p>


Lizmark & Dr X defeat Autoridad & Extrano</p><p>

Lizmark and Dr X cut me off from making a tag to Ex for most of the opening minutes to this match. They were tagging quickly and keeping fresh. I eventually managed to hit a clothesline on Lizmark which gave me enough time to make the hot tag to Ex. He came in and cleaned house on the rudos before tagging me back in. We hit some good double team moves, however I eventually got pinned following Lizmarks Sit Out Powerbomb as Dr X keeps Ex busy outside the ring. Sagrado gives the match a D+. After the match Ronin comes down again! This time he hits Ex with a kendo shot that looks like it busted him open!</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Nightmare%20Diary/divider2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

MATCH 3</p><p>


La Parka defeats Drago</p><p>

Drago again left the ring and apeared to be heading back, but had a change of heart and re-entered the ring with a new viscious streak! He completely dominated La Parka until, for the 3rd time Ronin came out! An attempt to hit Drago backfired as Drago hit him with a DDT, however this was the opening La Parka needed and rolled Drago up for the cheap victory. Sagrado gave the match a D+. Sexy Lady came out to the ring and helped Ronin up before spitting mist in his face and hitting a tornado DDT on him. She puts the boots to him and then plays to the crowd! Looks like the Tecnico team have a new member!</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Nightmare%20Diary/divider2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



La Mascara defeats Hijo de Pirata Morgan</p><p>

HDPM looks a very dangerous man these days. He is certainly making a name for himself, and this main event appearance was Sagrados way of showing him he wasn't about to be forgotten! Unfortunately, despite having the upperhand in the opening minutes, his arrogance got the better of him and he eventually lost the match when Mascara locks in Campana for the submission win. Sagrado gives the match a D+.</p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Following the show, Sexy Lady comes into the Tecnico dressing room.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SEXY LADY:</strong> Hey Ludark. I think I made a huge mistake not sticking by you and understand if you don't trust me after some of the things I've done but the way I see it, you gotta stick by family and I've got your back from now on.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>LUDARK:</strong> You're right. It is going to take a while for you to gain OUR trust not just mine, but if you're serious about joining our fight then we'll be glad to welcome you.</p><p> </p><p>

The two shake hands and we invite Sexy Lady back to ours for a few games of poker, few drinks and laughs to unwind from the show.</p>

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The Masked Menace


Face Paint. That was what was going through my head. You see Damian 666 and Halloween didn't wear masks so my argument is, should they wrestle on the shows? Was I misinterpreting the rule? I decided to ask Mascara as despite us being the same age, he seemed alot wiser than me, especially when it came to this town.


LA MASCARA: The rule was rewritten following a bit of controversy many years back. The rule is simple, in as much as you may only wear one mask. Once that mask is removed you can no longer live here. An exception to this as you have seen, Damian 666 & Halloween chose facepaint, this basically means they could never challenge for someones mask or challenge the Champion. They are however allowed to wrestle as their faces are still covered.


AUTORIDAD: Man that seems complicated! I mean I don't get why we have to wear masks all the time anyway. It seems a little bit opressive.


LA MASCARA: It's not really. I mean there is nothing stopping someone ripping off their mask and leaving the town. A Luchadors mask is sacred, most of us don't want to take them off, with the exception of when we shower or bath.


So I learned something new. This town is always popping up with things.


LUDARK: Autoridad!!!! I've got some news. Your friend, Slash... sorry your old friend Slash has finally resurfaced. Apparently he's been laying low at La Parkas hangout. Turns out he got attacked and had his shoulder dislocated! Haha.


AUTORIDAD: Couldn't have happened to a....


Ex walked in with Sexy Lady on his arm which threw me a little bit.


LUDARK: Er... And what have you two been up to huh?


EXTRANO: Well my little Ludark that is none of your business, however I can tell you that me and you are tagging up tonight against La Parka & Goddess.


SEXY LADY: They've left me off the card again tonight. Looks like I've not been making enough noise.


AUTORIDAD: Or you've made too much noise!


Me and Ex head down to the gym to meet up with La Mascara who had left just after Ludark came home. During a weights session one of the weights slips off the bar and lands across my shoulder.


AUTORIDAD: Shiiiii..... Damn that hurt! Oh man something cracked.


LA MASCARA: Ok man. Calm down. Can you move it?


AUTORIDAD: No! I can't!


The pain makes me throw up. Ex and La Mascara take me to the medical center where they discover I've cracked my collarbone.


AUTORIDAD: Brilliant. Well that's me out for a while! We're going to have to inform Sagrado that I can no longer compete.


We head to Sagrados shortly after my arm is put into a sling. When we arrive, Goddess takes one look at me and bursts out laughing.


EXTRANO: Shut it bitch. Go and get Sagrado.


Sagrado must have heard the comotion as he walks down the stairs in front of us and shakes his head.


SAGRADO: And what is this? "Injured" are we? Well isn't that a coincidence. Just as Slash is back. Well, let me see the medical note.


I hand over the note showing I am not medically cleared to Sagrado who begins laughing and shows it to Goddess who joins the laughter.


AUTORIDAD: Yeah real funny douche. You and your hyena there need to shut up laughing, it only says 4 weeks out so that means 1 month until I kick both of your asses!


SAGRADO: I think not. When you return, you'll be in a match with Slash in a Mask vs. Mask match. The loser will be out of here. So enjoy all the town has to offer, because in 1 month, you will be walking through the desert hoodless looking for some salvation!


We leave Sagrados, and head back towards town. We notice as we arrive that Drago seems to be having some trouble with Halloween and Damian 666.


LA MASCARA: Whats going on? You ok Drago?


DAMIAN 666: Keep out of it. This has nothing to do with you so disappear.


EXTRANO: Only thing that's gonna disappear is my boot up your ass! You Perros are a piece of work. 2 on 1, 4 on 2, but never one on one! Step up to me on your own Damian, lets see how bad ass you really are.


DAMIAN 666: Haha. Nice try Extrano but we can't touch you this close to match time and you know it. After the show it's a different matter.


EXTRANO: Well come see me after the show. I won't be hard to find, I'll be the one with a girl on my arm and a beer in my hand!


Drago tags along with us to the Tecnico dressing room as the guys get ready for their matches. I decide I'm going to go and watch from the crowd. As I walk out, Lizmark shoulder barges me and I go down in a heap clutching my injury. As I look up I see Ex kicking Lizmark on the ground and hitting him repeatedly with a Kendo stick! It's good to have friends like that!




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, August 2011

In front of 41 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Hijo de Pirata Morgan defeats Aeroboy

Morgan shows again why he is becoming one of the towns more dangerous population. His unstable, unpredictable actions in the ring continued and he picked up the victory with the Nagata Lock III for the submission win. Sagrado gives the match a D-. After the match HDPM throws Aeroboy out of the ring before leaving through the crowd.






Drago defeats Felino

Drago again goes for his new more viscious style with several stiff kicks to Felino. Felino gets his fair share of offence though but this new attitude Drago has is really working in his favour as he finishes Felino with the Dragon Twist for the pin. Sagrado gives the match a D. After the match Drago points out at Sagrado and then points both of his thumbs down.






Extrano & Ludark defeat La Parka & Goddess

A pretty solid match that had the crowd behind the Tecnicos. Damian 666 comes down midway through to distract Ex, but Aeroboy comes out and dropkicks Damians knee out from under him and begins putting the boots to him! He hops the crowd as Damian (limping) gives chase. The finish comes when Extrano hits his Los Traumastico tornado DDT on Goddess to pick up the pinfall win. Sagrado gives the match a D+.






La Mascara & Axxel defeats Lizmark & Dr X

Turns out my replacement for tonights match is Axxel! I watch from the crowd. The match was very back and forth with Axxel showing some strong skills early on. Frequent tags from both teams kept the match flowing and fresh. The finish comes when La Mascara hits a plancha on Lizmark for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a C-. After the match Damian 666, Halloween, La Parka & Slash surround the ring before entering and putting a beatdown on Axxel and Mascara. Not a clever move as Dorada, Ex, Drago and Ludark hit the ring to even up the numbers and send the Rudos running with their tails between their legs, but it looks like the damage is already done.




I head back home as I cannot drink due to being on painkillers. Ludark, Ex and Mascara offer to come with me but I tell them to just head to the bar as I'd probably go to straight to sleep as the pills made me drowsey. As I put the key in the door, I feel a pain to the back of my head and blank out...


[Previous 2 shows done using TEW 1 month play demo]

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It has been a week since I was hit in the head. I woke up the next day in what I can only describe as a metal room. It looked like the inside of a big metal shipping container. I've been here ever since, only seeing 2 guys in black masks enter to give me the odd roll and glass of water and empty the bucket I've been given as a toilet. Seems someone has decided to take me out of the equation, but who? Yeah silly question really, it's obvious who is behind it. I am really starting to worry though as I've had no contact with anyone and wonder what La Mascara, Ludark, Ex and co are thinking. Is this the same thing that happened to Pirata Morgan? Well that question gets answered when Hijo de Pirata Morgan enters my makeshift prison.


HD PIRATA MORGAN: Well look what we have here. Not nice is it being held against your will. Now I'm going to ask you one last time before I leave you here to rot. Where is my father?


I look at HDPM and just shake my head, completely exhausted I muster up enough energy.


AUTORIDAD: Look, you completely insane little ****. I have no idea where he is. Face down in a bottle of rum for all I care. Your father, believe it or not, ranked so far down on my list of interests below such things as taking a piss or the orange peel I threw away last week. I didn't have anything to do with his disappearance and I no longer care if you believe me or not... but you should believe this, when I get out of here I am going to destroy you.


HD PIRATA MORGAN: Haha. Optomistic aren't you? You should have said IF you get out of here.


With that, HDPM leaves the container as Goddess looks in and cuts an evil smile. They slam the door shut and leave me in the dimly lit container. Great.


What seems like an eternity (but probably only an hour) goes by when I hear voices outside. I begin banging on the sides but all I hear is laughter before someone bangs back mockingly shouting help... And I'd recognise that voice, Slash. So the rudos have kidnapped me, perfect.




LUDARK: No one has seen him for a week now. Where else is there to look?


EXTRANO: Well I'm going down to have another word with Sagrado... and I mean word as in inflicting pain until he tells me what I want to know!


LUDARK: Sexy Lady. Do you know of anywhere the rudos may have taken him? I mean like a place you may not have thought of already?


SEXY LADY: You see we've looked in all the places I can think of. I can only imagine that Slash may have found somewhere, he never used to tell me anything. Bit arrogant if you ask me.


La Mascara comes back in with a look of relief on his face.


LA MASCARA: Right, I've just spoken to Aeroboy. He followed Slash and HD Pirata Morgan earlier to a nearby overturned lorry off the road in a ditch just outside the town limits. HDPM went in alone and came out before Slash started banging on the side of it screaming help and laughing.


EXTRANO: Damn... and I was looking forward to putting a boot in Sagrados ass! Ah well, guess there'll be plenty of future opportunities!


LUDARK: Well lets go get him! Come on!


Back at my makeshift prison...


AUTORIDAD: One bottle of beer on the wall, only one bottle of beer...


I'm becoming a bit delirious! 7 days in the back of a lorry can do that to a person. I've counted the rust patches and anything else I could find to keep my mind busy but it was now coming to the time when you end up going slowly insane! I hear some commotion outside followed by a loud bang, as if someone had been thrown into the side of the trailer. The door opens and Ludark and Ex are stood there.


AUTORIDAD: Man am I glad to see you guys! I thought these a-holes were gonna leave me here for good!


EXTRANO: Come on man, lets get out of here!


As I leave the trailer, the sun hurts my eyes. I peer down to my left where I see Slash and HD Pirata Morgan lying on the floor. La Mascara and Ex look at each other and smile before picking both rudos up, throwing them into the trailer and locking it.


LA MASCARA: Revenge is always sweet and never bitter. Haha. Anyway, we got a show to get to so lets get the hell back to town!




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, August 2011

In front of 41 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Extrano defeats Damian 666

In a match Damian requested from Sagrado, Ex took it to the hardcore Lucha with some brutal, stiff shots. The finish came when a distraction from Halloween backfired and Ex hit Damian with a kendo stick shot that busted the rudo wide open followed by the Los Traumastico for the pinfall win. Sagrado gave the match a D+






Ludark & Sexy Lady defeats Goddess & Ronin

Ludark and Sexy Lady showed exactly how good they were as a tag team in this match with frequent tags and some amazing double team manouvers. Goddess and Ronin really didn't team well together and a mix up between the 2 saw Ludark roll Ronin up for the win. Sagrado gave the match a D-. After the match Goddess attempted to rip Ludarks mask off, however Sexy Lady came in and turned the tables, ripping Goddess' mask off instead!






Lizmark defeats Drago

Drago again showed a very viscious style but was overpowered by his larger opponent. Lizmark finally picked up the win with a Sitout Power Bomb followed by the Crossface for the submission. Sagrado gives the match a D. Afterwards, Dr X comes in and a double team on Drago ensues until Aeroboy runs down to help... but he is also overpowered and the rudos leave both down in the ring.






La Parka defeats La Mascara

I came out with Mascara to counter Goddess who had since put a spare mask on. The match was very back and forth with both men hitting high risk and stiff shots on each other. La Parka finally picks up the cheap win using the illegal Martinete piledriver behind the referees back! As Goddess is on the apron distracting, I swipe both her legs from under her with my one good arm and she hits the apron hard! Sagrado gives the match a C-.




We head on down to the bar, this time no one will let me go anywhere on my own. I fel like a child! The nights festivities are interupted by our "Oh so loved" Champion who decides that will be a good time to announce that the show will be getting a change in the near future. We pay no attention, he leaves. We get drunk and you guys pretty much know the rest from here!

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A New Era?


Sitting in the kitchen, I was thinking about the last few months and how I'd made the transition from average Marty Ritchie, to Pesadilla Ref Marty Ritchie to Luchador La Autoridad. It had been a real rollercoaster of a ride but in 2 weeks I was scheduled to return from injury in a match that could potentially be my last stand in the town. I knew the Rudos would try any underhand tactic to get me out as I was becoming a thorn in the side of so many following my short stint as a referee and the former "authority" of Nombre Pesadilla. I'd come to really love the town and it's quirky rules and regulations, but I'd also made some really good friends. A part of me didn't want to go through with the match in 2 weeks but I knew if I didn't , then I'd be thrown out of town anyway for no showing without a valid reason. I also had the opportunity of making Slash leave which was motivation in itself.


LUDARK: Have you heard? The show tonight is a HUGE deal. Someone has challenged Sagrado!!!


AUTORIDAD: Really? Any idea who?


LUDARK: No idea. Exciting isn't it!?


I must admit, my intrigue had peaked. I was also a bit worried it may be La Mascara because he was pretty much the #1 Tecnico in town following Sagrado's betrayal. However my guess would be Axxel as he had pretty much kept to the sidelines but his hatred for Sagrado was no secret.


LA MASCARA: So I take it you've both heard? About the challenge to Sagrado? Please tell me it's not you Ludark. I know how volatile you can get at times.


LUDARK: No. I may be volatile but I'm not stupid. I'm not putting everything I know on the line! I love living here and have no interest in putting that at risk.


Just then Ex and Sexy Lady come in talking. Ex takes a look at us and smiles.


EXTRANO: Whats up guys?


LA MASCARA: Have you heard about the challenge to Sagrado?


EXTRANO: Heard? I was there when the challenge was made! It's....


With that there is a loud knocking at the door. La Mascara goes to answer it and Lizmark and Dr X barge their way in.


LIZMARK: Hey bitches! We've come to give you a message from Sagrado. If any of you cabrones decide to get involved in tonight's main event you will suffer the indignities of unmasking and being thrown on your ass into the desert. You get me?


AUTORIDAD: Well you tell Sagrado, that if any other Rudo gets involved tonight then the same rule applies. He accepts that and he won't lose the entire Tecnico roster. He refuses? And it shows what a complete coward he is.


Lizmark laughs and both he and Dr X leave talking with each other.


LUDARK: He is such an a-hole. I'd like to get him in the ring and beat the hell out of him. Twice my size or not!


LA MASCARA: Well tonight he's mine. I'll make him suffer, that you can count on.


EXTRANO: Well me and Sexy Lady are off to El Padrinos. Any of you coming?


LUDARK: Yeah I'll tag along unless of course you don't want a 'third wheel'. Haha.


Me and Mascara head down to the gym where I begin some light rehab and light training. We talk about our lives, and just general chatter before I leave to go down to the bar to meet with a friend I made not on the current "population" list by the name Titanik.


TITANIK: Come on man. You know who issued the challenge to Sagrado? You gotta tell me dude.


AUTORIDAD: Seriously. I have no idea. Ex is the man with the knowledge but we got interupted when he was about to tell us. I kinda forgot to ask after that.


TITANIK: Well hopefully it'll be someone who gives me a shot at being on the Population. I'm 34, I need my opportunity to breakout! I thought of just going straight out with a challenge to Sagrado himself but obviously, unless you've made that elite list, you can't throw out a challenge.


We talk a bit more before heading off to the town center to watch the show. When there, I introduce Titanik to the Tecnicos and we head to the crowd to spectate.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, August 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Sexy Lady defeats Ronin

Ronin hits some high impact moves to gain the advantage, however he showboats a little too much with his "scary" shenanigans and Sexy Lady hits him with a low blow (which would normally be an instant DQ) however the referee allowed it to stand when Sexy Lady started flirting with him! She wins with a Spinning Head Scissor takedown for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a D-.






La Parka & Goddess defeat Extrano & Ludark

Ex and Ludark dominated this match from the off. They took it to Goddess and La Parka, however Felino got involved, causing Ex and the referee to get distracted and subsequently, Ludark was pinned following La Parkas illegal Martinete piledriver. Sagrado gives the match a D+ rating which was a little less than I would have thought.






La Mascara defeats Lizmark

Lizmark dominates the early going, however his arrogance gets the better of him. Dr X comes down when Lizmark begins losing his momentum, however so does Aeroboy and Atomic Boy who stand between Dr x and the ring. La Mascara picks up the win following a top rope Plancha. Sagrado rates the match a C-.




MAIN EVENT - Championship vs. Mask & Career


Sagrado defeats Pirata Morgan!

Pirata Morgan comes out and explains that he left of his own accord when he heard of Sagrado and Goddess plan, which didn't fit his own. He didn't want to answer to Sagrado and now, he is back, possibly for one last show. The match is fast paced with both men getting the advantage. It looks as if Pirata Morgan has Sagrado beaten when Hijo de Pirata Morgan comes down to the ring, looking pissed off! He gets in the ring and argues with his father. Sagrado distracts the referee as HD Pirata Morgan hits his dad with a chair before spitting on him! Sagrado makes the cover and picks up the win! The match gets a C rating! [i had to use some "creative discretion" on this seeing as Pirata Morgan had died in my game, but he's now written out of the diary in a way thats tasteful]




Following the show, we all head off to the bar, Titanik comes with us.


TITANIK: You guys were awesome tonight. Pity about the cheating Rudo's though. All that stuff really spoils the show.


LA MASCARA: Yeah it does, but I guess it adds some drama to proceedings. I mean next week, I just know Ex is going to beat the hell out of Felino for sticking his nose into business that didn't concern him! Also looks as if Hijo de Pirata Morgan just cost himself his place in town interfering!


EXTRANO: Damn right I am. Felino is a fitting name considering what a ***** he is! hahaha!

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Ex Marks the Spot


The last 7 days have been a disaster! My rehab isn't going as well as I'd hoped and to top it off I feel like my knee is about to go. I've had to ice it after every run on the machine I've completed. Sitting on the sofa, i just wonder how I'm going to survive next week when I'm due to meet Slash in a loser unmasks match.


LA MASCARA: Hey Autoridad, you ok? You look a little bit down.


AUTORIDAD: Just a bit frustrated at the slow progress this rehab is taking. I need to be fit for next week and I can't see it happening! I know the break wasn't a bad one, but still I think I might be rushing it.


LA MASCARA: You'll be fine. You just have to stay positive and focussed. We'll ensure it's a fair match too so don't worry about any interferance from any rudo.


It was nice knowing that getting screwed in my next match wasn't going to be an issue. I trusted these guys and despite only knowing most of them for 3 or 4 months, they were becoming very good friends. La Mascara, Ludark & Extrano especially. I knew if they said they had my back, that they had my back. I decide to put a bit of time in at the gym and go down on my own to work out. When I arrive I see Ludark and Sexy Lady working out with Ex and decide to join them.


LUDARK: Hey Autoridad! How's it going? Missed you at breakfast this morning. Pills knock you clean out huh?


AUTORIDAD: Yeah they're lethal!


EXTRANO: Did you hear HD Pirata Morgan hasn't been tossed out of town? That two faced Sagrado screwed us over again. Mind you at least that silly little dick won't be bothering us about where his dad is, now he knows he's responsible for his departure.


HD PIRATA MORGAN: Little dick? Ex, your little girlfriend there will tell you, aint nothing little about El Pirata! As for my father, he abandoned me for his own selfish ego so he got what he deserved. Justice of the sea.


HD Pirata Morgan had just come in with Goddess without us seeing them. Usually they would use the gym in Sagrados mansion, so they were clearly up to something.


EXTRANO: You must have got lost on your little treasure hunt 'cos we're in the desert you moron! There aint any sea or boats for miles! Christ almighty.


GODDESS: Oh look, Ex is making his little quips again. Why don't you just stop running your mouth for once and do us all a favour.


EXTRANO: I thought no animals were allowed in hear? Who let this little Perros Puta in? Security? Animal Control we got a stray!


GODDESS: Shut up idiot before I embarass you in front of anyone by dropping you.


EXTRANO: Only dropping you'll be doing is to your knees in front of Santo and his band of merry Luchas!


AUTORIDAD: Ok. Enough. Say what you gotta say and then get your two faced ass out of here.


GODDESS: Extrano, your match with Felino has been changed tonight. 3 way with Felino and HD Pirata Morgan. As for you Sexy Lady... or Slutty Lady... you and me are going to dance baby, and I'm going to kick your pretty little face in.


SEXY LADY: Can't wait bitch. And my man Ex here is going to destroy your 2 little handlers. Woof woof bitch.


Goddess and HD Pirata Morgan (or El Pirata as he now seems to refer to himself) leave the gym just as Aeroboy comes running in.


AEROBOY: Have you seen the card for next week? Autoridad they've made your match with Slash a no DQ falls count anywhere match! I hope you're fully healed man.


AUTORIDAD: You have got to be kidding me. Those idiots just swung the match back in my favour and din't even realise it! Slash is a better wrestler than me, but when it comes to out and out fighting, I kicked his ass so many times before I've lost count!


Despite my happiness, I did know it wouldn't be easy. My friends were definately going to need to have my back because a no DQ meant those rudos were planning an ambush. Next week just became a whole lot more appealing... and interesting!




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, August 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Extrano defeats Felino & El Pirata

In yet another clear and obvious attempt at disguising a 2 on 1 as a 3 way, this backfired! El Pirata and Felino began fighting over who would get the match winning fall which allowed Ex to hit Los Traumastico on Felino before hitting another on El Pirata to pick up the pinfall. Sagrado gave the match a D+. After the match, Halloween and Damian 666 came down and attacked Ex, however Titanik jumped the barrier and hit both with kendo shots before screaming holding his arms out wide... Looks like he's had enough of waiting for his opportunity!






Goddess defeats Sexy Lady

A good match with both women showing their extreme side. Sexy Lady gets busted open following a meeting with the ring post as Goddess then suffers the same after meeting the ring steps! Goddess looked like she was about to lose when Ronin popped out from under the ring and pulled Sexy Lady outside. This allowed Goddess to gain her composure and apply the El Pozo for the submission. Sagrado gave the match a D+.






Perros del Mal defeat Mascara Dorada & Aeroboy

The Perros pretty much beat up on Aeroboy for the majority of the match. They didn't let him get near to Mascara Dorada, however he soon made the hot tag and Dorada cleared the ring of Lizmark and Dr X before hitting a flying cross body on all 4 Perros outside the ring! Unfortunately the numbers got the better of Dorada and Lizmark slapped on the Crossface for the submission win. Sagrado gives the match a D. After the match all 4 Perros beat down on Dorada and Aeroboy before Ex, La Mascara and Ludark run down for the save.






La Mascara defeats La Parka

Another classic from the top Tecnico, and top Rudo (Sagrado not included). Both men had the better of one another. Ex, Ludark, Sexy Lady, Aeroboy and Dorada were stood in the aisle so there could be no interference from the rudos. Ronin did attempt to come from under the ring, but was pulled back under there before he could do anything! La Mascara finishes La Parka off with a twisting plancha for the pinfall win. Sagrado gives the match a C. After the match the rudos all come down the aisle and a huge brawl errupts!




Once the brawl had calmed down, we headed home as we decided to hold a poker tournament. The night went off with no big dramas, although Extrano and Sexy Lady did admit they'd been on a few dates (who didn't know that) so there was some ribbing over that.

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The Final Showdown


Nervous, anxious and excited were just 3 of the things I was feeling. This was either going to be my last day in Nombre Pesadilla or I'd be getting rid of Slash once and for all! Nobody had heard from Slash in a while, which under the circumstances wasn't strange as usually he'd go into seclusion to focus on the task ahead. He was the same when at school before a big test. My mind was racing and I hadn't got much sleep last night, I was still feeling the effects of my injury too.


LA MASCARA: Lets get down to the gym. We need to get you as close to 100% as we can. I've also got a new move to teach you that may help tonight. It's called Iconoclasm... although I guess if you perfect it over time you can call it whatever you want.


AUTORIDAD: Ok well lets get going. I really need to push myself to the limit today, then maybe an hours rest before the show.


We leave to go down to the gym. On the way we meet up with Titanik who joins us.


AUTORIDAD: Titanik, I want you in my corner tonight. We'll get Sagrado noticing you and eventually he might get so annoyed that he'll allow you to join the Population just so he can have his cronies try to beat you in the ring.


TITANIK: Seriously? Thanks Autoridad. Thats great.


Arriving at the gym, it is empty, which is very unusual for a day when we have a show. The 3 of us look at each other confused but shrug it off and begin training. The move La Mascara shows me is pretty cool. I still didn't get it right after 10 or 11 tries on Titanik.


TITANIK: Man that's enough for me. Think I bruised my ass on that last landing. You need to work on that move before you try to pull it off tonight!


Titanik leaves but as he goes out, Lizmark and Dr X come in.


LIZMARK: Well look what we have here. Gyms closed girls so you need to leave. Or we could make you if you prefer?


AUTORIDAD: You could try, but there is a 3rd option... we could break your jaw and throw you out instead.


LIZMARK: And how we'd love to see that happen... haha. Now we are the law around here, and we say leave or shall we let the Champ know you don't follow the rules?


LA MASCARA: You can let the Chump know whatever you want Lizmark. We will leave, but you can guarantee tonight, despite Sagrados plan, Slash will be leaving maskless and beaten. Now, take yourself out of my face, before I beat you like I did a few weeks ago!


La Mascara and myself leave the gym and head to El Padrinos. Ludark and Sexy Lady are there so we decide to join them. They both look pretty angry.


LUDARK: That Goddess has put us in a match tonight but won't tell us who we're facing. How can we prepare properly when we don't even know our opponents?


LA MASCARA: It does pose a problem if you don't know who your opponents are. Mind you, it can also be an advantage because it gives you an opportunity to be unpredictable in your approach.


Just at that point Goddess and La Parka walk in. Goddess is grinning like the cat that got the cream... La Parka, well he just looked like La Parka.


GODDESS: Well if it isn't 4 of my least favourite misfits. Where's your little buddy Ex? Is he not here to speak for you? Awww... shame...


AUTORIDAD: Excuse me La Parka but you can't bring dogs in here. It's against Health regulations so kindly take this hound out of here and tie it to a post... or a tree from it's neck!


GODDESS: Now is that anyway to greet the woman you so clearly want? I mean I can't blame you, I'm a Goddess after all so what man wouldn't want me.


LUDARK: Here she goes again. You are no Goddess. You're a two faced Canadian who blew her way to where you are. So get the hell away from us Aurora or I'm going to put my boot down your throat.


Goddess goes to attack Ludark but La Parka grabs her and holds her back as Ludark stands up and motions for her to bring it on. Unfortunately La Parka drags Goddess out of El Padrinos before anything comes of it and they walk off.


LUDARK: One day I'm going to kick that little bitches head in!


After we finish eating we head home to chill out before the show, which is where we finally track down Extrano.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, September 2011

In front of 40 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




La Mascara & Mascara Dorada defeat Perros del Mal

A solid match to open the show saw La Mascara hit the outside hard and looked like he blew his knee out. Mascara Dorada was then double teamed and cut off from the ring. La Mascara tried to get back in the match but looked in too much pain. The finish came out of the blue, when Mascara hit Dr X with a Brillo Dorada from nowhere and rolled him back in the ring to pick up the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a C.






Goddess & Princesa Sugey defeat Ludark & Sexy Lady

Goddess introduced her tag team partner for the night as Princesa Sugey. The crowd were informed that she would gain a place in the Population if they won the match. Impressive showing from the newcomer taking it to Ludark early on, however a bit too much showboating from the Rudos lost them the momentum. The match turned into a bloody affair with crimson dripping to the mat from both Ludark and Goddess. The end came when Sugey hit Sexy Lady with a Sugey Driver for the pin. Sagrado gives the match a D.






Extrano defeats Felino

In a revenge match for Felino's interference last week, Ex goes on the offense from the start, hitting Felino with several hard stiff shots and a devastating powerbomb which he manages to somehow kick out of. Felino then gets in some offense and a 2 count on Ex. Ex finishes off Felino with Los Traumastico for the pin. Sagrado gives the match a C-.




MAIN EVENT - Mask vs. Mask


La Autoridad defeats Slash

At the beginning of the match the Tecnicos all come out! Slash hits a DDT and huge splash which nearly gets him the victory. The match spills to the outside where I hit him with a chairshot for another 2 count. The Rudos come out and a brawl errupts between both sides! Ludark hits Slash with a DDT which gives me the advantage again. The finish eventually comes when Slash and El Pirata attempt to double team me and it backfires with El Pirata hitting Slash with a chain wrapped around his fist instead of me! I hit a huricanrana on El Pirata and then climbed up top with a chair and hit an Arabian Facebuster that I stole from Sabu for the win! Ex and La Mascara hold Slash as I unmask him and throw him out of the ring. I look over to Sagrado and flip him middle finger salute! The match is rated a C-




The bar is buzzing when we arrive and we celebrate long into the night. Slash was gone, Sagrados plan had backfired and i was still a member of Nombre Pesadilla!

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Drinking on the Job


As happy as I was that Slash, or Jay as he'll now go back to, was gone I still had a bit of sympathy towards him. We'd been friends a long time and part of me thought he had maybe just taken his "gimmick" lightly and thought we'd generally be friends at the end of what he perceived as a game. Unfortunately, this was life here and he'd thrown his mask (which now sat proudly atop our shelf) in with the wrong side and gone against our friendship for the sake of being controversial.


LA MASCARA: One down, and they replace him the same day with Sugey! I'm going to tell you now Autoridad, if Sagrado is still in charge next year I'm challenging him myself!


AUTORIDAD: Well man, you are the top Tecnico around here since he turned on us all. Why don't you challenge him now?


LA MASCARA: As much as I hate to admit it, he is better than me in the ring. He has 8 years more experience as a competitor. Believe it or not, I'm only 2 months older than you!

AUTORIDAD: So that's why you're so much more intense in the gym. I guess you feel in a year you should be able to match him huh?


La Mascara nods and then heads off out. I decide to go see if I can find Titanik to see if he's up for a few beers. I arrive in town but Titanik doesn't seem to be around anywhere so I just head off to the bar myself. As I enter I notice Goddess and Sugey sat in the corner plotting something no doubt. Sugey spots me and walks over to me.


SUGEY: Autoridad right? I'm Sugey. You can call me Princesa.


AUTORIDAD: Er... ok. And?


SUGEY: Goddess tells me you're a bit of a talentless loser so I thought I'd come over and give you some advice. Quit and leave. You're dragging down this towns standards.


AUTORIDAD: You're a bit of a comedian. It's good you got personality because your fat ass aint getting you laid! Now go back over there to your MD friend and leave me alone.


EXTRANO: You heard him. Get lost. Jeez Autoridad, you always gotta pull the ugliest chick in the place. What's wrong with you? haha.


AUTORIDAD: Guess it's just my animal magnetism.


Me and Ex just chill out and down a couple of beers and chat rubbish and nonsense before Ludark and Sexy Lady join us.


LUDARK: Yo homies! Haha. Eurgh... what are those 2 skank bitches doing in here.


EXTRANO: Well the uglier one was trying to hit on my boy here earlier. Something about a "Moist Towlet" sprung to mind...


AUTORIDAD: Sick dude. Haha.


I decide it's time to leave and at least put an hour in at the gym before tonights show. As I'm leaving I give Goddess and Sugey a sarcastic wink and fake smile. When I arrive at the gym, La Mascara is working on a new move with Titanik.


LA MASCARA: You've been drinking... when will you learn.


AUTORIDAD: Yeah I've had 2 bottles so not even 2 pints. Chill out dude I'm not even on the card tonight apparently.


LA MASCARA: Actually you now are. Sagrado has put you in a 6 man tag match with me and Ex. Better get yourself sorted.


After an hour, we all leave for the show. On our way we see Perros del Mal standing at the gate. As we walk past them, Lizmark spits in front of Extrano, to which Ex lunges for him but is held back by La Mascara and Titanik.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, September 2011

In front of 36 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Ludark defeats Princesa Sugey

In what is becoming a Ludark specialty, this match was brutal! Blood and bits of mask everywhere! Ludark sent Sugey into the ring post hard before dropkicking her into the stairs. The woman spent more time outside the ring than in it. The finish eventually came when Ludark locked in La Desnucadora and Sugey passed out from the pain without tapping. Sagrado gives the match a D+.






Lizmark defeats Aeroboy

A rematch of sorts, well Aeroboys attempt at revenge. Unfortunately it fell short as despite starting promisingly, Aeroboy soon found himself on the end of a brutal assault by Lizmark who had no intentions of letting Aeroboy get too much speed and momentum. He applies the Crossface for the submission victory. Aeroboy was clutching his shoulder and writhing in agony. Sagrado gives the match a D+.






Goddess defeats Sexy Lady

These 2 were a little less brutal than the Ludark/Sugey match, but still they ahd one hell of a barnstormer. Sexy Lady almost won with a sick moonsault to the outside on Goddess but somehow she kicked out. Goddess picked up the win with an illegal Martinete piledriver (which was becoming La Parkas trademark) when Ronin came out from the crowd and tried to get in the ring, for the pinfall. Sagrado gives the match another D+. Not feeling generous this week!






La Mascara, Extrano & Autoridad defeat La Parka, Felino & El Pirata

This match was my best performance yet... unfortunately I landed wrong and my ankle buckled underneath me. I managed to eventually shake off the pain but not before La Parka hit me with a spinning DDT and set me up for El Pirata to hit Saka-Otoshi followed by his Nagata Lock III which Ex broke up before I tapped. I tagged in La Mascara and a few quick tags between him and Ex before Felino and El Pirata started arguing on the apron. Felino flipped Pirata the middle finger and left! During the confusion, Ex rolled up La Parka for the win. Sagrado surprisingly gives the match a C. El Pirata explains to La Parka that Felino walked out on the match.




LUDARK: I'm going to skip the bar tonight. I lost a bit of blood in that first match and feel a bit weak. I'll catch you guys when you get home.


LA MASCARA: Are you sure? We can come home and just all chill there if you want. We don't need to go to the bar every time.


LUDARK: Well ok if you like. We'll break out the cards and I can whip you all at Poker!


On our way home, Ex saw Lizmark without any of his Perros del Mal around and decides to rough him up a bit which we found entertaining until the rest of the Perros del Mal and La Parka turned up so we decide to leave hastily!

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A Chance to Leave


As I headed down to the gym I was confronted by Perros del Mal. The four of them were walking towards the town centre when Lizmark just had to open his mouth!


LIZMARK: Hey Autoridad... You tell your buddy Extrano, him and me got some unfinished business that I'm going to take care of tonight cabrone. No way is that little bitch getting away with blindsiding me!


AUTORIDAD: I'm not your messenger boy so tell him yourself jackass.


I walk off leaving Lizmark to shout some more abuse out as I go. When I finally arrive at the gym, La Mascara is already there (as usual) trying to perfect his style.


AUTORIDAD: Just had a run in with those douche del mal guys. Lizmark has one serious attitude that needs adjusting.


LA MASCARA: Yeah lets hope Ex teaches him a bit of respect tonight... or just whips his ass for fun!


AUTORIDAD: We can hope man... we can hope.


I spar a bit with La Mascara, who shows me a submission move he'd been working on. He told me he'd be trying it out tonight in our tag match. It was called La Marciana. It was like a grounded hammerlock. I eventually pull off a successful Iconoclasm (which by my count would be my 30th attempt at the move) and decide if I get the chance, I'm going to attempt it tonight to set La Mascara up for the La Marciana.


AUTORIDAD: It would definately be an amazing finish to the match if I tag you in, hit that and then you tie whichever of our opponents I hit it on with your submission. Something the fans haven't seen.


LA MASCARA: Yeah it would definately add something new to our match.


As I left the gym to ehad home, I noticed a woman walking around with no mask on. I head over to her as she looks lost.


AUTORIDAD: Hi. Are you lost? Do you live in town?


MYSTERY WOMAN: Er... Um... There's been an accident a couple miles or so away and I'm looking for help. Is there anywhere I can call for assistance?


AUTORIDAD: Sorry but there are no phones around here. Is anyone hurt?


MYSTERY WOMAN: My boyfriend has hurt his neck, but he seems ok otherwise. Look sorry but what is with the mask, can you take it off please? It's kinda freaking me out.


AUTORIDAD: Look around you lady. Everyone in town wears a mask. Part of living here. But anyway let me escort you back to your car and see if we can get you on your way.


The woman looks a little worried at which point Ludark comes up to me.


LUDARK: I'll come with you Autoridad. It'll give her peace of mind to have another woman with her rather than wandering off into the desert with a strange masked man.


We head back out to where the woman, who we now know is called Candy, says the accident had happened. When we arrive there is nothing but broken glass and the number plate.


AUTORIDAD: Well looks like your boyfriend didn't wait around for you!


LUDARK: Or he's driving back up to try and find her... Have a bit of compassion!


AUTORIDAD: We've walked 2 miles down that road. Unless he ended up past the point we got to the road he didn't travel back anywhere. You've been stranded Candy.


The De ja vu feeling hadn't escaped me. It was almost a mirror of what happened to me. Part of me expected her boyfriend to turn up in town, masked and with a vendetta!


LUDARK: Listen, it might be worth heading back up...


With that a car came down the road and pulled up alongside us. I knew whose car that was! Slash!


SLASH: Nice work Candy. I knew if you thought a woman was in need would come help a fellow in need.


AUTORIDAD: S**t. Ludark, head back to town. I'll deal with this. So you wanna go again do you Slash. Not satisfied with the ass kicking I dealt you back in town? [she shakes her head and stays put]


SLASH: Don't call me Slash. Do I look like a masked character? No. You took that away from me, to which I'm grateful. I'm just plain old Jay now and you my friend need to ditch that mask and get in the car!


AUTORIDAD: What? I'm going nowhere with you Jay. You forget, you attacked me on numerous occassions, you locked me in tha back of a truck! Why in gods name would I trust you?


JAY/SLASH: That town warps you into what it wants! You need to get out before you lose your mind completely. Those people aren't right in the head. Get in the car.


CANDY: Seriously, get in the car Marty. This could be your last chance to escape the grip this town has on you. I should know because my brother also had a run in with these people... it makes you forget who you are, it makes you forget your friends and loved ones.


LUDARK: Don't be stupid Autoridad. We're your friends. We've been there for you when you needed us. None of us attacked you, none of us threw you in the back of a truck. I don't trust either of them.


I must admit, at this point I'm having very conflicting thoughts on the matter. I am loving my time in Pesadilla, but at the same time, what if Jay & Candy were right? What if this town really was blinding my common sense? I remember the feeling of dread I had when I first turned up...


LUDARK: Autoridad? Are you seriously considering this move? I mean...


AUTORIDAD: Ludark can you please go back to town. I will catch you at the show tonight. I want to speak to these two alone.


Ludark walks off. I make sure she is out of view before taking my mask off.


AUTORIDAD: So you think this town is warping my mind huh? I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth Jay. You're a liar and a judas.


JAY/SLASH: You know I thought you'd say that so we're going to gain your trust. If you won't leave Pesadilla, then we're going to come back to the town with you. No one said you can't leave and come back remasked! Me and you buddy, along with Candy, are going to take the town from Sagrado and then free it's people of that stupid "Mask Only" law.


I listen to what Jay had to say before walking off back to town. I wasn't buying any of the BS he was selling. These people were my friends and I wasn't about to abandon them. I arrived back at town and was met by Ludark, Ex and La Mascara who all looked Happy to see me.


LUDARK: I knew you wouldn't fall for his crap. Welcome back.


I wasn't about to tell them what Jay had said... just in case. It's always good to have an insurance policy handy!




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 3, September 2011

In front of 36 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Felino defeats Mascara Dorada

In a fast paced match, Felino used some underhanded tactics to pick up the win. Firstly Ronin came out and hit Dorada on the outside with a chain wrapped around his fist, before rolling him back into the ring for Felino to pin him for the win. Sagrado gives the match a D+






Ludark defeats Princesa Sugey

Another brutal match from Ludark saw her wipe Sugeys blood on her mask at one point. She picks up the victory with a powerbomb. Sagrado gives the match a D-.






Extrano defeats Lizmark Jr.

Lizmark looked set for the win, however he got a bit too ****y and engineered his own downfall. Ex was able to hit the Los Traumatico to pick up the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a C- rating. Following the match Ex gets beaten down by the rest of the Perros del Mal group. La Mascara, myself and Dorada hit the ring to make the save.






La Parka & El Pirata defeat La Mascara & Autoridad

La Parka and El Pirata used cheap shots at every opportunity during this match. Part way through the match La Mascara disappeared on me and left me 2 on 1! El Pirata used the old trick of distracting the referee as La Parka hit me with the illegal Martinette piledriver to pick up the pinfall win. Sagrado gave the match a C. As I came round I saw La Mascara over me trying to tell me he'd been pulled off the apron by Ronin. I was pissed and pushed him away before heading back. I walked past everyone and out of the town centre on my own.




Following the show, I headed home. La Mascara, Ex and Ludark came in looking for me but I just ignored them and went to my room. Ludark came up and knocked the door.


LUDARK: Hey you ok? La Mascara didn't mean to leave you alone in there. You gotta know he wouldn't do anything to put any one of us in harms way.


AUTORIDAD: If you're here to tell me how wonderful La Mascara is don't bother. I'd prefer it if you left me the hell alone.


Ludark got up and left as I just stared at the wall. I must admit, Jay had gotten into my head with his words earlier and I was finding it hard to believe anything anyone said right now.

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Setting in Motion


I hadn't spoken to La Mascara since last weeks match and was still pretty hot about it if I'm honest. He should have been concentrating on the match rather than Ronin. I had spoken to Jay mid week, he was wearing a new Kabuki style mask when he met me with Ex. Although Ex didn't know who he was due to the mask, he agreed with me that to overthrow Sagrado we needed to play the numbers game. As loyal as Extrano was with his friendship, he was still a Mercenary and I exploited that to get him on side with this course of action.


LA MASCARA: You still not talking to me? I've said I'm sorry.


AUTORIDAD: Time for talk is over my friend. I've got things to do that are far more important than buddying up with you. You want forgiveness? Go to Church!


La Mascara walks off shaking his head, in I guess disappointment, but if I'm honest I didn't really care. I was planning the downfall of Sagrado.


LUDARK: Hey Autoridad that was harsh! I suggest you apologise now.


AUTORIDAD: Ludark, no offence, but the day I take any orders from a woman, especially one I'm not dating, is the day you can cut my balls off and call me Danielle. I'm busy so go away.


LUDARK: Jackass.


Ludark walks off as I continue putting the finishing touches to my new mask. I must admit it looked pretty good. For now I'd continue wearing my black and silver one until I decide to unveil the new look Autoridad.


EXTRANO: Man that mask is cool! I've just finished mine too. Can't wait until the unveiling.


AUTORIDAD: We're gonna shake this little town up my friend. Lets go get some food.


We decide to steer clear of El Padrinos and end up in the cafe just down the street. Sexy Lady is there waiting for Ex.


SEXY LADY: Autoridad, what did you say to Ludark? She is pretty pissed off with you man.


AUTORIDAD: I wouldn't worry, she'll get over it. I'll talk to her later.


Just then Goddess and La Parka walk over to us. Goddess was looking pretty hot so I decide to jump in first...


AUTORIDAD: Damn Goddess. Looking good. So you wanna head back to mine and mess around under the sheets? Haha.


Goddess looks taken aback


AUTORIDAD: I'm kidding. I'm really not into catching STD's.


With that La Parka lunges over the table and begins kicking my ass. Ex grabs hold of him as I get up.


AUTORIDAD: Motherf.... You're gonna pay for that one.


I pick up the metal tray my plate was on and proceed to repeatedly hit La Parka in the head with it. This alerts the Perros who were nearby and they run over and bundle me and Ex to the floor. Goddess checks on La Parka who looks dazed. The Perros throw us into the street.


LIZMARK JR: You pieces of crap better not enter here again. If you do we'll take you out!


EXTRANO: Yeah 4 on 2... big bad Lizmark and his Perros! I beat your ass last week, this week we're gonna kick you and your little doc friends ass. See you later bitches.


We decide to go home, on the way Ludark sees us and comes up to me, slapping the taste out of my mouth. It felt like I'd been hit with a bat!


AUTORIDAD: What the fu....


LUDARK: Shut up! I've had enough of your BS attitude. This ends now got it? You speak to me the way you did this morning and not only will I kick you out of my house, but I'll beat the **** out of you on your way out!


AUTORIDAD: I figured I'd gone a bit too far this morning. Sorry Ludark, I really am. My beef is with La Mascara, not you, I shouldn't be taking it out on you.


LUDARK: You need to cut this crap out with La Mascara too. You're both good men and should be working together to overthrow Sagrado not on seperate teams. He's at the gym, I'm asking you to please put last week behind you.


AUTORIDAD: Ok Ludark, but I'm doing this for you not because I want to. You're a good friend.


Ludark smiles and leaves the room.


EXTRANO: Seriously? After what you said earlier?


AUTORIDAD: Ex, I'm not about to have anyone mess our plans up. I'll bury the hatchet with La Mascara... for now. Just make sure you keep Sexy Lady in the dark about all this. I know you got a thing going on with her, but this is much bigger. Sagrado will pay for his betrayal.


I head into the kitchen to grab a couple of beers for us before chilling out. After an hour or so, La Mascara comes in.


AUTORIDAD: Hey dude. Just wanted to apologise for my attitude this last week. Kinda got a bit hot about you not having my back last week, but I'm over it.


LA MASCARA: Yeah well apology accepted I guess. I'm gonig to get something to eat so I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me.


The 5 of us chill out for a little while more like normal before going off to the Centre for the show.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 4, September 2011

In front of 42 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Felino defeats Aeroboy

A pretty solid opening match to get the crowds mood going. The finish comes when Felino hits a Superbomb on Aeroboy following an attempt at a top rope hurricanranna for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a C-






Ludark & Sexy Lady defeat Goddess & Princesa Sugey

Hardcore, blood and destruction are becoming part and parcel of any match that contains these 4 women, so this turned into a mass bloody brawl from the get go! The finish came when a mis-timed Ronin trip on Goddess allowed Sexy Lady to role her up for the 3 count. Sagrado gave the match a D+. After the match Ronin runs away before he gets into trouble from Goddess!






Autoridad & Extrano defeat Lizmark Jr & Halloween

We were supposed to be taking on Lizmark Jr & Dr X, but for whatever their reasoning, a late substitution was made to our opponents team. It didn't matter to us, we showed off our new more brutal style. I got busted open, although due to the mask you couldn't see it. The finish came when Ex hit his Los Traumatico on Halloween for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gave the match a C-






La Mascara defeats La Parka

During the match I decide to take a closer look and head down to ringside. La Mascara wants to know what I'm doing so I tell him to concentrate on the match and not me. The finish comes when I trip La Parka allowing La Mascara to take advantage with a headscissor take down and locking in La Marciana for the submission win. Sagrado gives the match a C+. I walk over to where Sagrado is sat and taunt him. He looks annoyed and gets up to leave as I grab his shoulder and hit him the crowd sits in stunned silence! We stare at each other before he tells Damian 666 to take care of me. Before anything else kicks off, someone grabs me from behind, I turn and punch the person, not realising it's La Mascara. When I realise who I've hit I shrug as he looks up at me and I walk off.




LA MASCARA: What the hell was that! Why did you hit me?


AUTORIDAD: You put your hands on me. For all I know you coulda been one of the Perros trying to hold me for Damian. You shouldn't sneak up on people. Accidents happen.


I try to walk away but La Mascara grabs me again.


AUTORIDAD: I'd take your hand off of me if I was you, unless you're looking for more of the same.


With that Ex and Ludark get in between us to try and calm the situation.

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The Birth of Kabuki Blanco & Gran Takeda


People around town had started to think I was getting a bit of a bad attitude following my assault on both Sagrado and accidental shot to La Mascara, but if I'm honest I didn't care. They'd all be singing from another sheet when I free them from Sagrado by any means necessary. La Mascara hadn't spoken to me in a week, but that really didn't bother me too much.


LUDARK: What's going on with you Autoridad? I mean you seem to be gaining some real negative heat from many of the townsfolk, especially for the stunt you pulled last week.


AUTORIDAD: There's nothing up with me Ludark, I'm the authority remember, why would there be anything wrong?


My sarcasm didn't seem lost on Ludark, who looks at me in a disapproving manner.


AUTORIDAD: Look, it won't be much longer and I'm out of here ok. You can then go back to whatever you enjoy doing and we can forget this whole sordid business.


LUDARK: What do you mean you'll be out of here? Where are you going to go? There's nowhere for 70 miles or so...


AUTORIDAD: Oh I'm not leaving town, just your house. Ex has got set up in La Parkas old hangout, now La Parka stays at Sagrados mansion. I'm going down there next week because I'm not living under the same roof as that jumped up self obssessed La Mascara.


LUDARK: This is getting stupid. You two were becoming good friends, it's sad to think you've got to a point you can't resolve your issues.


AUTORIDAD: Our issues will be resolved soon enough. That you can count on. Now I've got places to go and people to see.


I decide on meeting up with Ex and Jay who were both down at the old Rudo hangout. As I arrive, they're sipping a couple of cold ones as Candy is lying on a towel looking to get a tan.


JAY: Whats up bro! We've got this bitch set up so feel free to get down when you can. This is going to be off the hook son.


AUTORIDAD: You come up with a name yet? They know you as Slash, and we can't risk that they may have heard me call you Jay in the past.


JAY: Yeah I've come up with Gran Takeda or Kabuki Blanco. Which do you think?


AUTORIDAD: I like them both. You pick one, I'll take on the other. I hate this Autoridad name, it was funny at the time but now it's just meaningless. It's not as cool as Extrano or Slash were.


EXTRANO: I'm not changing my name dude - I've had it years so can't. You are only just within the limits of changing your name. Once you've been known as something 6 months it's permanent and you can't change, even then you can only change an in ring gimmick or name once so make sure you're happy with it.


AUTORIDAD: Another insane rule that needs changing. You can't change anything about yourself in this town. You've gotta stick with it which seems stupid. I'm gonna get in touch with Titanik too, he'll do just about anything to get on the roster, so I figured we could exploit that. I'll have him come down in my mask tonight and next week. I'll sit in the crowd with you Jay in my new mask this week, then next week we'll kill the Autoridad gimmick.


JAY: Sounds brilliant. Ex, you can still back out if you want. All we ask is that for the good of the town you keep everything we've discussed to yourself.


EXTRANO: To hell with that. I'm in for the long haul.


I leave Ex and Jay to head back to Ludarks where I find La Mascara.


LA MASCARA: You better keep your nose out of my business tonight. If I see you anywhere near that ring during my match I'll kick your ass.


AUTORIDAD: I don't sweat you La Mascara, I've seen your training and know a few counters of my own if you try anything. As I can see you need peace of mind, I've got bigger fish to fry than you so you can count on me not paying any attention to your match.


LUDARK: Damn it will you two just grow up! I'm sick of this bickering and one-upmanship. Shake hands for God sake.


AUTORIDAD: Yeah... that aint happening anytime soon so I wouldn't hold your breath.


I pick up my new mask as well as my spare Autoridad one, which I hide in my pocket and head off to find Titanik. I eventually catch up with him leaving the gym.


AUTORIDAD: Titanik! What's up man. I've got a bit of business I want to throw your way.


TITANIK: Sure man, let's hear it.


AUTORIDAD: I'm going to need you to be me tonight. I've kind of injured myself again but don't want the rudos finding out I have a weak shoulder. I'd appreciate it man and I'll go to bat for you to get a spot in the Population if you could do this for me. Hopefully it'll only be for 2 weeks.


TITANIK: Yeah ok, but one problem, you weigh 35lb more and have 3 inches on me in height.


AUTORIDAD: That's not a problem. We'll pad you out a little under a T-Shirt and we can add an inch or 2 with some boots Ex has. Although you'll still eb smaller, it might not be enough to notice if you keep moving in the ring.


TITANIK: Well ok, if you think it'll work then I'm in. You know I got your back dude.


AUTORIDAD: Thanks buddy. I've got a spare Autoridad mask with me so take it and...


At that point the Perros del Mal approach us. Lizmark is looking angry and shoves me.


LIZMARK JR: Hear you've been hanging around the old Rudo place with Ex and some random townsman. I'm here to tell you to tell your buddies that's our turf and you need to stay the hell off it.


AUTORIDAD: Piss off Lizmark. Your times ticking down, soon there's gonna be new power palyers in town, and your ass is going to be the first to get kicked out when it happens. That's our "turf" as you put it, now you can walk away in one piece or you and your 3 amigos can get an ass kicking and limp away...


LIZMARK JR: Are you serious??? There's 4 of us and only 2 of you.


EXTRANO: Actually if you'll turn your pretty little prison ass around, you'll see there's 4 of us too.


Ex and Jay had snuck up behind the Perros, Kendo sticks in hand when their attention was focussed on us. Lizmark motions for the Perros to leave.


LIZMARK JR: This isn't over cabrone. We'll be seeing you around.


I hand the mask to Titanik before heading off with Jay and Ex back to the old Rudo house, which we rename the "House of Honour" to get ready for tonight.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 1, October 2011

In front of 43 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




El Pirata defeats Drago

Drago returned after a few weeks out with a minor knee injury. He seemed to have lost his spark and his passion and subsequently hit El Pirata with a chair before snapping and going after the referee like a crazed man! A clear cut disqualification. Sagrado still gives the match a D though...






Felino defeats Autoridad (Titanik)

Titanik gave a good showing in the match, but subsequently lost the match when that sneaky little "ghost" Ronin ran in and helped Felino following the referee being crushed in the corner. Felino hits a Superbomb for the win. Sagrado gives the match a D. Watching "Me" lose was good, as it signalled the beginning of the end for the gimmick. Tatanik left through the crowd as planned so as not to draw any attention that he was taking my place back in the Tecnico room.






Goddess defeats Ludark

Ludark didn't seem to have her mind on the match and ended up succumbing to Goddess early onslaught. She did manage a brief fightback, but it wasn't enough and she was pinned following a Ronin distraction allowing Goddess to hit the illegal Martinette for the win. Sagrado gives the match a D-. Goddess and La Parka celebrate in the ring.






La Parka defeats La Mascara

La Mascara had this match won, but he spotted Titanik (in my mask) in the crowd and started shouting for him (or me as he thought) to leave. This distraction allowed La Parka to roll up La Mascara for the surprise 3 count. La Mascara hit the mat in frustration. Sagrado gave the match a C. It was time for us to show the town the newest players! We jump the barrier, taking out Halloween and Damian 666 who were on security duty and enter the ring. La Parka and La Mascara stare us down, wondering who we were before we proceed to beat the hell out of La Parka! We hold three fingers in the air before leaving through the crowd. La Mascara looks a bit confused.




Following the match, Titanik changes out of my mask and I put it on. La Mascara comes over to me looking very angry.


LA MASCARA: I thought I told you to stay away from ringside! You cost me that match. And on top of that, we now have 3 vigilantes running roughshod over the Rudos.

AUTORIDAD: I wasn't at ringside. I was in the crowd, watching like another spectator. If you can't keep your mind on the job at hand that's your issue, not mine. Maybe you should concentrate on your opponent instead of things outside the ring. Had you done that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


We leave Mascara and head off to the bar for some celebratory drinks. Jay stays away so as next weeks "death of Autoridad" plan can be put in motion.

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Kabuki Blanco (Autoridad)



Gran Takeda (formerly Slash)





Ok so these are the new looks and names for the Pesadilla Triada group.

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I'm kind've glad that Slash is back to be honest. His departure felt very abrupt.


Ah don't worry, it was meant to be an abrupt departure. I've been building to this since mid-July (diary wise) but didn't want a "Slash instantly turns face during a match" moment because I'd just turned Sexy Lady like that. Figured, losing his mask would give him clarity to see how twisted this town can be. I believe if you're going to turn someone it's got to make sense as to why. Hopefully I've done that with the 3 turns I've pulled off so far.(or 4 depending on how you saw Goddess - to me she was always a Rudo, just manipulating the Tecnicos).

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The "Death" of Autoridad


Today was the day I finally put an end to this Autoridad gimmick in an elaborate way. I decide to go and find Titanik to explain what was about to go down, seeing as he'd be wearing the mask tonight.


TITANIK: I'm not doing it. If you think for one minute this is a good idea, you're insane.


KABUKI BLANCO: Come on. I need to kill this gimmick, and I guarantee you, I will get you in the Population with this idea. You'll be a part of this towns history. I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for the future of Pesadilla.


TITANIK: Fine. Just make sure you get me in the Population because I'm taking a big risk here.


KABUKI BLANCO: Thank you. I owe you big.


I go off to see Jay... or Gran Takeda as he's now become known and Ex to inform them I had persuaded Titanik to get on board with the plan.


GRAN TAKEDA: You haven't told him the whole plan have you? The last thing we need is for too many people to find out, if anything goes wrong we know it's only one of us 3.


KABUKI BLANCO: I told him what he needs to know and that's all. He knows the plan for tonight, and that it will signal the start of Sagrados fall but that's as much as I've told him. I'm not stupid man.


The 3 of us decide to keep a low profile for the rest of the day and just hang around the House of Honour.




LUDARK: I haven't seen Autoridad all day. Have you two patched things up yet?


LA MASCARA: No. Until he apologises I'm having nothing to do with him. The guys on self destruction recently and I'm not going to be the one he finally loses it around because I will take him down.


LUDARK: I just can't believe how much one person can change in the space of a couple of weeks. He didn't look like himself last week in his match either. Pulling off moves I've not seen him use before. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with his meeting with Slash the other week.


LA MASCARA: What? When did this happen? Slash was unmasked and banished from the town.


LUDARK: Yeah but you remember that woman that came into town? Turns out she was sent to get Autoridad out of town. She said something about her brother being "corrupted" by this place.


LA MASCARA: Looks like I'm going to have to do a bit of digging here. I don't like where this appears to be heading. As for those 3 guys from last week, does anyone know who they are?


AEROBOY: I know one of them is a newcomer going by the name Gran Takeda. He's been seen at the old Rudo hangout with the other 2... but here's the thing, they say Ex and Autoridad were seen there last week talking to him.


LA MASCARA: There is something going on. I think I'll head out there and see what's going on. Ludark, stay here and if anyone wants me tell them I'm running an errand and I'll be back soon. Aeroboy, you come with me.


Back at the house of Honour...


EX: ...so I said to her I wasn't a dog catcher... hold on... uh oh.


KABUKI BLANCO: What? Oh s**t. La Mascara.


LA MASCARA: So this is what you've been up to. All the while you've been treating me like I can't be trusted, it's actually you taht has changed your allegiance.


KABUKI BLANCO: Changed allegiance? I think you've over thought what's going on... We're still going against Sagrado, but your approach isn't working so we've decided to go our own route. You keep doing what you're doing, but I'm not following you anymore.


LA MASCARA: Answer me this, Tecnico or Rudo?


EXTRANO: We're fighting for a cause we believe in, against ANYONE who stands in the way. You can call us what you want but we're fighting for the good of the town.


LA MASCARA: Well I've worked out who you are, how long before anyone else does? Huh...


KABUKI BLANCO: Oh they'll be finding out tonight. You two won't be saying anything to anyone before then either. Unless of course you are going to stand in our way? And that would be....


LA MASCARA: We're not going to say anything. I still consider us friends even if you don't. I don't agree with your deception but we all choose our own paths to follow and we won't be in your way, just make sure you stay out of my business though... otherwise I'll let everyone know that this is Slash... and helping someone re-enter town after they've been thrown out is punishable by giving up your mask and being kicked out yourself.


GRAN TAKEDA: Seems fair. We'll agree to stay out of your business - but that includes if you're getting beaten down by more than 1 guy.


La Mascara and Aeroboy leave and we go back to chilling out. After an hour, Titanik turns up to get ready in the Autoridad mask and wrestling gear.


TITANIK: When this is over, you better not go back on your word.


EXTRANO: We'll keep our word, you just do your part properly and you'll get everything you're owed. Now we better get our asses to the show or all this talk means nothing.




Nombre Pesadilla Lucha Weekly

Monday Wk 2, October 2011

In front of 42 people

Nombre Pesadilla Town Centre




Ludark defeats Princesa Sugey

In a rematch from 3 weeks ago, Ludark gets another win over Sugey in yet another brutal crimson match that left parts of the canvas stained red. Sugey attempted to rip Ludarks mask off, however the referee tells her he'll DQ her if she does. This allows Ludark to gain advantage and use a spinning headscissor takedown leading to an armbreaker for the unlikely submission win. Sagrado gives the match a D+






La Parka defeats Aeroboy

Aeroboy almost causes an upset but is pulled off La Parka by Goddess at the 2 count... to which he responds with a dropkick to her, leaving her down and out. Ronin jumps on the apron but he too is taken down. La Parka composes himself and hits a huge powerbomb for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gave the match a D.






Autoridad defeats Ronin

Titanik gave another good showing in this match as Autoridad. He finished Ronin off with a missile dropkick, followed by a crossface for the submission win. Sagrado gives the match a D+. Following the match we hit the ring and attack Titanik as palnned before I stand in the ring ready to address the crowd as Extrano and Tadeka hold Titanik.


KABUKI BLANCO: Tonight we witness the death of Autoridad, and the rise of Kabuki Blanco. I wore that mask for months playing silly back and forth with each of the rudo's. The time for pointless games is over, the time for La Pesadilla Triada is NOW! Sagrado, we're taking this town from you, by force. Starting next week when we take out your Perros del Mal.


I spray a big red X on the Autoridad mask, signalling the end of the gimmick.






La Mascara defeats Lizmark Jr

La Mascara wins in good fashion with a near dominant win over Lizmark Jr, despite attempted interference by El Pirata and Dr X. Ludark and Mascara Dorada come down and take them both out, we keep our end of the deal and stay out of it. La Mascara hits a Plancha on Lizmark for the pinfall victory. Sagrado gives the match a C- rating.




LUDARK: So this is what you've been planning? Why didn't you tell us?


KABUKI BLANCO: Ludark, you and me will always be friends but we're choosing different paths and have different ideas on how to take back this town and so you had no reason to know. We kept it between the 3 of us and Titanik. Less peopel who knew, the less chance of someone letting it slip.


LUDARK: You still should have trusted me. I've been there since your first day. I gave you a place to stay and this is the thanks I get. Stay away from me, both of you, because you don't mean a thing to me anymore.


KABUKI BLANCO: Well if that's how you feel. I wont pretend I'm not disappointed but we've also got bigger things going on than a girly "trust" drama.


I walk off with Ex, Takeda and Titanik back to the House of Honour where we neck a few brewskis. La Mascara and Sexy Lady turn up so we offer them a beer and invite them to join us.


LA MASCARA: You just have to give Ludark some time. She feels betrayed but she'll calm down soon enough.


EXTRANO: Just a typical Ludark move. Making it about her when it has absolutely zero to do with her. She needs to get over herself.


SEXY LADY: Watch your attitude. You may be my guy, but she's my cousin so stop being a dick.


We have a few more drinks before La Mascara and Sexy Lady head off back into town and the 3 of us end the night with poker, beer and nachos... exciting... or not.

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This is now dead - well in a coma hoping to come out of it in the future (as if you hadn't already guessed). I'm not going to lie, I got fed up with it and it began taking more time than I had. I won't be starting any new diaries, if I ever do decide to do a diary I won't start a new one but will resume this or my Kombat one (as I have enjoyed doing them). I had to drop updating my mod for TEW too so that won't see the light of day.


To those who enjoyed the diary, thanks for reading.

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