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WWE Civil War: Smackdown

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WWF Smackdown!



The show kicks off with Diamond Dallas Page with a microphone.

“Do you people know who I am?


Diamond Dallas Page. Vince do you know who I am? Tonight I face Bradshaw, as I continue to be an after thought on Smackdown. Or so you'd think... because I promise soon you'll see Dallas Page back with a BANG! So Bradshawn get you ass out here.”




Diamond Dallas Page vs. Bradshaw


DDP got the victory over Bradshaw in this one with a Diamond Cutter. This was after a very good back and forth match and the Diamond Cutter came after Bradshaw missed a clothesline by a split second.





After that D'Lo Brown and Mark henry come to the ring. They cut a promo saying they accept the challenge, expect Scott Hall has been released! They say as the challenge stand, they have it on authority that the following match is a handicap match where they face X-Pac alone.




Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown vs. X-Pac


The team beat X-Pac after a Sky High, after a one sided affair where X-Pac struggled to get any offence.




After the match the angry winners continued to beat up X-Pac that was until Justin Credible came out with a Cane, he hit Mark Henry and D'Lo and taunted them, with X-Pac down at his side.





Vince is talking to Kevin Nash and the camera cuts in on the conversation.


“Yeah, like I said, Kevin it's up to you, you can but you don't have to.”


“You know what I don't think I will. Not yet anyway. And I know he's not so...”


Vince see the camera.


“Kev, lets go to my office.”





WWF Cruiserweight Championship Match - Tajiri vs. Jamie Knoble


After impressing in recent weeks Knoble got a title shot. This was the most competitive match of the night so far and the back and forth action was exciting. It looked like Knoble was about to pick up a title, so soon into his career, but the lights went out and Knoble was out cold when they came back. Tajiri took the easy win to retain his title.





The camera heads to the back where Michael Hayes has a microphone. He asks The Undertaker a few questions and Taker is confident about winning the title. When Michael mentions facing The Rock, The Undertaker cuts him off.


“Listen, Hayes, The Rock talks all the trash he wants because in the end he will be eating those words, because I told you am I walking out of Judgement Day as the new World Heavyweight Champion.”





Kurt Angle vs. Brian Kendrick


This was a début match and Kendrick by all means gave it all he had. He didn't have enough though and Kurt Angle got the win after an Angle Slam.




Kurt Angle celebrated in the ring. As usual he was over the top.





After that William Regal comes to the ring.


“I've tried speaking to Mr. McMahon, and I've tried all I can to get a bloody competent challenge and I've bloody had enough. Al Snow, who the bloody hell wants Head? This is a man who believes a head talks to him. I was wondering why, as the premier champion in Smackdown why I have to deal with this... crap and I've decided it's because I am European, and as a greater breed of man, I have squatted any comers.


So at WWF Judgement Day I'm challenge any of my fellow European's to a match that these buffoons from North America can't even fathom. For now, bring out Snow for me to beat”


WWF European Championship Match – William Regal vs. Al Snow


William Regal maybe was too confident going into this as Al Snow gave an very good display and really trouble Regal with a couple of close falls. They went back and forth and in reality it could have gone either way – but for Regal using his brass knuckles to gain the victory.





The Rock then cut a promo on the match tonight, he said he will win and made fun of The Undertaker, he said he is then going to go on and beat both Kurt Angle and The Undertaker at Judgement Day, If you smell what he's cooking!




The Rock & Edge vs. The Undertaker & Test


Edge looked for revenge early on and was probably hurt by this as The Undertaker took him and the match under control. He battled hard but Test also kept him at bay. The match was very one sided until Edge got the hot tag.


The Rock came in and ducked a big boot. He hit a Spinebuster on Test. He set up the People's Elbow but was hit by The Undertaker on the apron. Taker grabbed him but The Rock dropped down causing Taker to hit his head of the apron outside. Test ran at him but The Rock ducked and hit him with a Rock Bottom for the win.




After the match the winners celebrated, until Christian ran down, he started attacking Edge. Unhappy at the interruption The Rock began laying the Smackdown on Christian. That was until The Undertaker and Test came back in and made it three on two. This was working and Rock and Edge looked to be heading for injury until Kane set the pyro off and came to the ring. Wanting nothing to do with him Christian and The Undertaker fled. Test stayed put staring down the 7ft monster. Test came at him straight away and knocked Kane back. He ran Kane and clotheslined him but Kane didn't feel it. Instead he grabbed the hand and went for a Tombstone. Now there was a four man brawl on the outside and Kane dropped Test on his head as Smackdown finished for another week!




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WWF Velocity


  • Jamie Knoble beat Steven Richards, Scotty 2 Hotty & Kendrick

  • Knoble cut a promo saying whoever is messing with him better stop, because when he finds them he'll destroy them.

  • D'Lo beat Justin Credible with a Sky High. The respective tag partners were here for this match.

  • The four involved in the match (partners included) started brawling until security split them up.

  • We are once again shown a hype video for Angle/ Rock/ Taker at Judgement Day.

  • Eddie Guerrero beat Rikishi with a Frog Splash

  • Guerrero cut a self hype promo

  • Albert beat Goldust by count out when Goldust left the ring.

  • After the match Albert went backstage and found Goldust he picked him up in a bair hug but Goldust just inhaled deeply in a creepy way. This pissed Albert off further and he threw him into a locker.


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WWF Has To Get The "F" Out


WWF Has To Get The "F" Out



After a long legal battle it seems the World Wildlife Fund has come out victorious against the World Wrestling Federation. Instead of appealing the decision the WWF has changed their name to World Wrestling Entertainment.
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WWF Has To Get The "F" Out



After a long legal battle it seems the World Wildlife Fund has come out victorious against the World Wrestling Federation. Instead of appealing the decision the WWF has changed their name to World Wrestling Entertainment.


'Bout Time. WWF is way too old of a name. xP

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After that William Regal comes to the ring.


“I've tried speaking to Mr. McMahon, and I've tried all I can to get a bloody competent challenge and I've bloody had enough. Al Snow, who the bloody hell wants Head?


Well what kind of question is that...


WWF Has To Get The "F" Out



After a long legal battle it seems the World Wildlife Fund has come out victorious against the World Wrestling Federation. Instead of appealing the decision the WWF has changed their name to World Wrestling Entertainment.


We hadn't done this already? Ah, well that's a bit awkward...

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WWE Smackdown!


The show starts with William Regal in Vince McMahon's office. Kurt Angle is stood beside McMahon.


“But sir, you don't understand I'm top calibre. I need to be taking on the best.”


The Rock storms in.


“Hold it you English muffin, did you see last week on The Rock's show what Undertaker did after my win?”


Regal holds a hand up.


“Excuse me, Mr. Rock, but I was in the middle of a conversation with Mr. ...”


The Rock raises an eyebrow and put his hand in front of Regal's face, he stops talking immidietely.


“Give me the Zombie Biker tonight!”


McMahon has heard enough.


“ Listen I've had it with talent think they make the matches around here. Rock you are egtting The Undertaker tonight, but it will be a tag match. Regal will team with The Undertaker, and your partner is... Kane! Now get out.”


They both leave looking like they have achieved what they wanted. Vince goes back to his paperwork when Kurt interrupts him.


“ Hey, Vince”


Vince sighs.


“What Kurt?”


“You know that punk Jamie Knoble.”


“Yeah, the guy your obsessed with.”


“Yeah... No, that punk who is walking around like he's tough because he got a two count on me. I want him a match tonight. I'm going to snap is ankle!”


“Okay, just make sure you don't get hurt before Sunday.





Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brian Kendrick


DDP dominated Kendrick throwing him around the ring with ease. In a totally one sided affair DDP got the win with the Diamond Cutter.




After the match DDP has not had enough and he continues to beat down Kendrick, throwing him into the ring post. He then gives Kendrick a Diamond Cutter onto the steel steps before storming to the back.





Kevin Nash vs. Bradshaw


This was a more even match and if it wasn't for some legal, but questionable moves from Nash it could have been a very different story. Nash won the match in the end with a Jackknife Powerbomb.




After the match Kevin Nash takes a microphone and walks to the top of the ramp. When he gets there he turns back to Bradshaw.


“Hey, Bradshaw. You wanna know who the last team in the ladder match this Sunday is? Looking no further. It's Me! It's Me! It's...


He drops the microphone and the crowd finish the sentence for him.





The camera then cuts to the back where Regal cuts a promo.


“So this is my shot at the big time, hey. A badly burned, brainless buffoon, and The People's loud-mouth. I'm a veteran of this sport and I'm facing a bunch of freaks, these North American carnival acts. It beggars bloody belief. Me William Regal playing second fiddle to these jokers. Well tonight I'll prove why the European Title is the most prestigious title in all of Smackdown. When I pin one of these idiots one, two, three.”





Matt Hardy vs. Bryan Clark


A warm up for Sunday saw Matt Hardy get the win despite interference from Adams. Matt got the finish when he dropped out from a Powerbomb into a Twist Of Fate.





The Rock is in the back with Michael Hayes.


“Rock, tonight you face The Undertaker in a tag team match two days before your World Championship clash at Judgement Day, also involving Kurt Angle, how much will tonight help you in preparation for Sunday?”


The Rock takes the microphone.


“Michael, it goes like this, The Rock doesn't need practice to kick candy ass. He knows how to slap The Undertaker silly and he sure as hell can beat Kurt Angle. Tonight, is merely a preview, a snap shot of what to expect at Judgement Day, in front of the millions.... and millions! I will become a Nine time WWE World Champion, for the People's. So when you ask me how much will it help I'll answer not at all unless my hand needs warming up, to slap the living crap out of those two jabronies. If you smelelelelelelelelelelell... What The Rock... Is Cookin'!”




Test vs. Scotty 2 Hotty


Test destroyed Scotty 2 Hotty ahead of his match against Kane at Judgement Day making easy work of Scotty finishing him with a Big Boot.




After the match Kane came down to the ring and brawled with Test, eventually get the better of him , and throwing Test through the Spanish announcers table. Test was out cold and EMTs took him to the back.





Kurt Angle vs. Jamie Knoble


A much more focussed Angle had a good and competitive match with Jamie Knoble who continues to impress. The difference here was Kurt's ruthlessness when it came to attacking Jamie's leg, he would not let up and even though Knoble wouldn't tap he did lose to the Angle Slam soon after when he could barely stand.




After the match Kurt continued to assault Knoble and Vince came down and joined in the attack on the rookie.




William Regal & The Undertaker vs. The Rock & Kane


This was a huge main event which delivered before the pay-per-view. The Rock was frustrated that he could get at Taker so when he did he was explosive, disposing of both member easily. That was until the referee was knocked out. Regal using his brass knuckles took out The Undertaker by mistake when The Rock ducked out of the way. Regal then swung again this time getting him. William turned around straight into a Chokeslam. By now The Undertaker was back up and he threw Kane into the ringpost after he released Regal. Regal hit a fist drop with the brass on The Rock and Kane came back and was given a Last Ride by The Undertaker. The referee came round and the crowd boo'd




Regal couldn't keep Rock down any longer and he fought back. Kane was taken out and The Undertaker turned around straight into the path of The Rock. They stared at each other. Two of the biggest name in the WWE lock into an intense staredown until the show closed




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WWE Velocity!


  • In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Farooq defeated X-Pac in 6:41 by pinfall with a Dominator.

  • Kevin Nash cuts a backstage promo. About the PPV, saying he and his partner will win.

  • In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Goldust and Test defeated Perry Saturn and Brian Kendrick in 7:55 when Test defeated Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Big Boot.

  • Goldust cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Albert.

  • In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Al Snow defeated Mike Awesome in 6:27 by disqualification, when he used a steel chair.

  • The Undertaker, Kurt Angle and The Rock and rest of PPV hype video.

  • In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jamie Knoble defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. in 11:26 by pinfall.

  • After the match the lights went out again. When they came back up there was a hooded figure with white gloves and a black robe stood behind Jamie Knoble. He grabbed Knoble and hit a sitout scoop slam piledriver. The hood was removed. Jamie Knoble's attacker has been...


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Judgement Day Card!


(1) The Rock vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker - For The New World Heavyweight Championship

(2) Edge vs. Christian - No Holds Barred Match

(3) APA vs. The Hardyz vs. KroniK vs. Kevin Nash & ??? - For The New World Tag Team Championships

Who is Mr. ???:

(4) Tajiri vs. Jamie Knoble - For The Cruiserweight Championship

(5) Kane vs. Test

(6) Albert vs. Goldust

(7) X-Pac & Justin Credible vs. Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown

(8) William Regal vs. ??? - For The European Championship

Who is this European Mr. ???:


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<p>(1) <strong>The Rock</strong> vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker - For The New World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

(2) <strong>Edge </strong>vs. Christian - No Holds Barred Match</p><p>

(3) APA vs. The Hardyz vs. KroniK vs. <strong>Kevin Nash & ???</strong> - For The New World Tag Team Championships</p><p>

Who is Mr. ???: Scott Hall.</p><p>

(4) <strong>Tajiri </strong>vs. Jamie Knoble - For The Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

(5) Kane vs. <strong>Test</strong>-Extremely hard to pick, but Test has more hype going for him.</p><p>

(6) Albert vs. <strong>Goldust</strong></p><p>

(7) <strong>X-Pac & Justin Credible</strong> vs. Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown</p><p>

(8) William Regal vs. <strong>???</strong> - For The European Championship</p><p>

Who is this European Mr. ???: Random guess, Stevie Richards.</p>

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<p>(1) <strong>The Rock</strong> vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker - For The New World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<em>Well this is The Rock's show</em></p><p>

(2) <strong>Edge </strong>vs. Christian - No Holds Barred Match</p><p>

<em>I like Christian, but Edge has more upside. Plus you need some new blood for the Main Event.</em></p><p>

(3) APA vs. <strong>The Hardyz</strong> vs. KroniK vs. Kevin Nash & ??? - For The New World Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<em>I liek the Hardyz</em></p><p>

Who is Mr. ???: I't's me, it's me, it's DDP</p><p>

(4) Tajiri vs. <strong>Jamie Knoble</strong> - For The Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<em>Has Tajiri even been on Smackdown?</em></p><p>

(5) <strong>Kane</strong> vs. Test</p><p>

<em>Kane's been involved in Main Events, Test... hasn't</em></p><p>

(6) Albert vs. <strong>Goldust</strong></p><p>

<em>Goldust is fun, Albert... isn't</em></p><p>

(7) X-Pac & Justin Credible vs. <strong>Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown</strong></p><p>

<em>I really, really don't care</em></p><p>

(8) <strong>William Regal</strong> vs. ??? - For The European Championship</p><p>

<em>He's been getting a LOT of screen time recently, and just got a win in the ME of the last show</em></p><p>

Who is this European Mr. ???: No idea, Scotty 2 Hotty?</p>

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