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Time to Make an Impact

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First post to get the boring stuff out of the way.


*Even though I use the name Total Nonstop Action, this has ZERO to do with the real TNA


*PPVs, belts, show names are taken from the Real TNA in name only (keeps me from having to come up with names myself.


*This is a C-verse diary with defult database, enjoy.


*I am starting this as the owner

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Time to Make an Impact



January Week 1 2010


Hello everyone this is Chris York from Insider Wrestling. As many wrestling fans know, the wrestling business is a rough business not only for the wrestlers in the ring but the owners outside of the ring. One bad contract, one storyline gone wrong can spell doom for a company. As 2010 begins I sit here with a man who wants to take on that challenge, Charles Johnson.


Chris: The best place to start is at the beginning, so please tell the wrestling fans a little about yourself.


Charles: Well Chris, I guess you can call me your typical wrestling fan with a dream. I have always been a fan of wrestling and dreamed about being in the business.


Chris: Most wrestling fans want to become wrestlers though, what made you decide to try and run a company?


Charles: As a kid I was one of those fans to, but as I grew up I realized that I liked writing stories. With my friends I was the one always trying to figure out what was going to happen next. While I have tremendous respect for those in the ring, the physical aspect is not for me.


Chris: Why should wrestling fans tune into Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, have I got that right?


Charles: North American wrestling tends to be about low brow, stupid stories that reads as if a five year old wrote them. In wrestling today looks and comedy are valued over actual in ring work. TNA will look to bring the “wrestling fan” back to the business.


Chris: Any clues as to when your first show will be?


Charles: We hope to have our first show Genesis on Sunday Week 3, 2010.


Chris: Well, thank you Charles and good luck with Total Nonstop Action.


Monday January Week 2 2010


TNA Roster Leaked?

By: Chris York


Insiders in South Bend, Indiana at the new Total Nonstop Action headquarters have reported that Charles Johnson and company are hard at work putting together their roster for the start of TNA.


Ace Youngblood

Alistair Shufflebottom

Ant – Man

Biker Ben

Biker Brandon Smith

Brendan Idol

Curtis Jenkins


Daredevil Aero

Davis Wayne Newton

Dermott Ayres

Dusty Bin

El Ladron

Findlay O’ Farraday

Island Boy Apollo

Jackpot Jordan

Jake Idol

Jay Becker

Kentucky Bill

Malik Cash

Marc Raisin

Masked Cougar



Randy Maxx

Regular Joe

Ricky Turner

Riley McManus

Stan “The Man” Manna

Steven Parker

The Cannonball Kid

Tigre Salvaje Jr.

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Saturday Week 3 January 2010


2 Title Matches at Genesis?

By Chris York


Hello, wrestling fans if you are interested in the new wrestling promotion known as Total Nonstop Action. My insiders are reporting that tomorrow’s Genesis show will feature two four man tournaments. One tournament will be for their “X Division Title” and the second one will be for their “World Title”. We are still trying to find out the names of the wrestlers involved in the tournaments, so more information as we get it.


Sunday Week 3 January 2010


I walked into the Ohio Jewish Center for the first Total Nonstop Action show and was immediately met by the trio Masked Cougar, Curtis Jenkins, and Stewart Neill.


Cougar: Charles?


Jenkins: I need…


Neill: Hey boss…


Charles: Will you guys back off!


I pushed my way through them only to see cases of Bud Light in the corner, shaking my head in disbelief.


Charles: Who brought in the beer!


Mr. Pratt looked at me with a can in hand


Pratt: I did sir.


I continued to look on in disbelief as I made my way to the front of the room.


Charles: Guys….Guys….Guys! Will you all shut up!


I was getting annoyed with the group to say the least as I started to speak.


Charles: Welcome to you all, and the first show of the new Total Nonstop Action.


A cheer went up for that, but I was sure the alcohol had something to do with it.


Charles: Tonight we will crown our first “X division champion, and our first World champion. Both will be decided in four man tournaments tonight.


Idol: What is the X division?


Charles: The X division is for all of you lighter, quicker wrestlers to showcase what you can do think of it as our Cruiserweight division.


A few of the X division wrestlers looked around at each other as I continued to speak


Charles: In that tournament tonight will be Brendan Idol vs. Masked Cougar in one match and The Cannonball Kid, I hate that name by the way vs. Ant – Man. The winners will face off for the title tonight.


Another cheer went up for that

Charles: Ok in tonight’s World title tournament it will follow the same format with Steven Parker vs. Davis Wayne Newton in one match and Findlay O’ Farraday vs. Brandon Smith in the other. The two winners will face off tonight.


As I finished up Jackpot Jordan spoke


Jackpot: What about tag team wrestling?


Charles: The tag team titles will be decided at our next show “Against All Odds”. Tonight I want you all to have a good night and be safe. Don’t think you can do this every show.


I received a few boos from the roster as I posted the show plan on the board behind me.


Brendon Idol vs. Masked Cougar

Ant – Man vs. Cannonball Kid

Brandon Smith vs. Findlay O’ Farraday

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Steven Parker

Video package of Cougar/Idol winner

Video package of Man/Kid winner

Winner 1 and Winner 2 of X title interview

X Title Match

Video Package of Newton/Parker winner

Video Package of Smith/Farraday winner

Interview for Newton/Parker winner

Interview for Smith/Farraday winner

World Title Match

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<p>I walked into the arena and was a little disappointed as their was no one in the building for the show. I took position in the front row and waited for the show to begin.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31983" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>GENESIS 2010 Report<p> By Chris York</p><p> </p><p> Genesis 2010</p><p> January Week 3 2010</p><p> Ohio Jewish Center</p><p> Attendance: 16</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi – Final 1 for the X Title</span></strong></p><p> Brendan Idol vs. Masked Cougar</p><p> </p><p> For 16 people in attendance, the people were excited to be there. Idol and Cougar both received cheers from the crowd as they both gave it their all in the first match of the promotion. Idol fought back but it was clear that Masked Cougar was the better man tonight as he dropped Idol with the “I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar”, to pick up the victory at the 8:39 mark and move on to the finals for the X title tonight.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: MASKED COUGAR</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi – Final 2 for the X Title</span></strong></p><p> Ant – Man vs. The Cannonball Kid</p><p> </p><p> The crowd was interested in this one tonight as The Cannonball Kid, also known as The Calamari Kid from his S.W.F. days was in action. Ant – Man showed the crowd why he was called Ant – Man hitting Kid with multiple slams early and getting the crowd to boo him. For all his strength it was Cannonball Kid’s experience that was the difference in the match with Kid hitting the Cannonball Drop for the victory at the 10:17 mark, to move on and face Masked Cougar to crown the first X Division champion. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: THE CANNONBALL KID</strong></p><p> </p><p> So far the night has been a good night with the men working their tails off to provide a good night for the fans. At this point, TNA switched gears and started their four man tournament for the TNA World Title.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi – Final 1 for the TNA World Title</span></strong></p><p> Biker Brandon Smith vs. Findlay O’ Farraday</p><p> </p><p> Smith came out first to a small reaction, as Smith waited in the ring Findlay O’ Farraday came to the ring. Findlay looks much bigger in person as he walks to the ring. The match was your basic big man match as Smith tried to use his strength against the larger and much stronger Farraday only to be stopped at every turn. Everything looked to be going Farraday’s way working over Smith’s left shoulder until a battered and bruised Smith used his shocked his opponent and rolled up Farraday for a three count at the 7:12 mark. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: BIKER BRANDON SMITH</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi – Final 2 for the TNA World Title</span></strong></p><p> Davis Wayne Newton vs. Steven Parker</p><p> </p><p> I was really excited to see this match play out as these two guys are two of the future stars of the industry. The match did not disappoint as these two wanted to become the first ever TNA World Champion. The men went hard for 8 minutes, as both men gave it all they had. Sadly the only issue seemed to be the crowd, as the crowd (or what crowd their could be) seemed flat for this one. The ending came tonight as Parker showed why he is considered “The Future”, picking up the victory with the Future Shock at the 7:50 mark to move on to face Brandon Smith to determine the first TNA World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER: STEVEN PARKER</strong></p><p> </p><p> At this point of the night TNA changed gears again, showing videos of both the Masked Cougar and the Cannonball Kid as a way to hype their match tonight to determine the first “X Division” champion. After the videos Announcer Lee Bambino asked both Cougar and Kid to the ring for a short interview about their title match. The videos and interview was ok but having an empty building for the show made the segments seem long and out of place.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TNA X DIVISON TITLE MATCH</span></strong></p><p> Masked Cougar vs. The Cannonball Kid</p><p> </p><p> We had our first title match here in TNA and it was for the X Division Title as Masked Cougar faced off with the Cannonball Kid. In a good back and forth match, the two showed what TNA’s X Division is all about, men who will put their bodies on the line to provide the best in ring action in the world today. Cannonball Kid looked to have the title won after connecting with the Cannonball Drop, only to have Cougar fight on to the crowds delight. Tonight it was the crowd who helped Masked Cougar as he was able to hit “I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar” to get the victory and become the first ever TNA X Division Champion at the 15:15 mark.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER AND NEW X DIVISON CHAMPION: MASKED COUGAR</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the X Division match, TNA went back to showing video packages, this time they were of Steven Parker and Biker Brandon Smith, no doubt trying to set up the TNA World Title match just as they did the X Division Title match. After the videos we went backstage where Parker had a microphone and spoke to the crowd about how he was going to become the first ever TNA World Champion, because it was his destiny, this received no reaction. After Parker spoke we went to Smith who had a large ice pack on his left shoulder. Smith proceeded to tell the crowd that it was not Parker’s destiny to win the title but the title would be his tonight. Like the previous videos and interview for the X Division title these seemed to get zero reaction from the crowd tonight. </p><p> </p><p> After the videos the announce team of Lee Bambino and Miles Wakefield climbed into the ring and talk to the fans about some of the tag teams here in Total Nonstop Action, like the Aces of Mayhem, the Atlantic Connection, Inner City Express and Rich and Famous. While it is nice to hear them talk about a tag division tonight, it takes away from the two title tournaments we are having and just like all of the other non wrestling pieces tonight it just seemed drawn out as if they were trying to fill time.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>TNA World Title Match</strong></span></p><p> Biker Brandon Smith vs. Steven Parker</p><p> </p><p> It was finally time for the main event as Biker Brandon Smith took on Steven Parker. Parker came out to boos from a few members of the audience while Smith came out favoring the shoulder. At the start Smith looked to gain control but it was obvious that his shoulder was still bothering him from the first match with Findlay; A point that Parker, capitalized on and worked on throughout the match. Even with the shoulder bothering him Smith just would not quit and fought through the pain. The match spun into chaos as Smith attempted to send Parker into the corner, only to have Parker reverse the whip and send Smith into the referee who just happen to be in the way. With the referee out Findlay O’ Farraday came out from the back and posted Smith outside of the ring to boos from the crowd. Parker rolled out of the ring right in front of Findlay, grabbed Smith and rolled him back into the ring. Parker then picked up a lifeless Smith and connected with a Future Shock, just a the referee was coming out of his nap. With the referee awake, Parker covered Smith for the 1, 2, 3 to become the first TNA World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>WINNER AND NEW TNA WORLD CHAMPION: STEVEN PARKER</strong></p><p> </p><p> The first Total Nonstop Action show had good points and bad points. From an in ring perspective the wrestlers do a good job, but it becomes painfully obvious what the weak point of the show is once that stop wrestling. Here is hoping that Total Nonstop Action can provide wrestling fans with another fun company to watch for years to come.</p></div></blockquote>
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