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TNA 2012: Another Impact Diary

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As some of you know my last 2 diaries have been unconventional to say the least. For those enjoying a Mexican Nightmare, I will still be doing that diary so don't think this means I'm shelving it because I'm not (I love writing it). What I wanted to do was try my hand at a more conventional real world diary. I toyed with the idea of a WWE story but couldn't think of a direction to take them in so I'm opting for a TNA 2012 diary. This will hopefully have weekly updates. I've set everything to January 2012 and changed a few things, which I will go into a little bit more.

On 1st January 2012 a new head booker took over from Vince Russo who was abducted by Aliens... ok, he was fired... to shake up a tired product that had lost it's direction following too many frequent turns and obvious swerves. The identity of this new head of creative was unknown, he wanted to remain anonymous, conversing with the Creative Team via e-mails and telephone calls with his ideas. A new beginning, or just a prolonged death? 4 months had passed since Hulk Hogan informed Kurt Angle of Dixie Carters betrayal, 5 months had passed since Stings Insanity left him for pastures new and almost 20 years had passed since people last gave a crap about Bully Ray...


Sting and Hogan had been feuding for what seemed like an eternity, but Sting wouldn't stop until he finally had Hulk Hogan, 1 on 1 so kept persuing Immortals champion, Kurt Angle... Until he finally got Hulk Hogan at Bound For Glory following Ric Flairs no show. He (along with Jeff Hardy) were becoming a thorn in the side of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoffs plans for Immortal. When Sting finally defeated Hogan, it was his last appearance on screen, however it was not the death of Immortal, and despite Hogans sabatical, the group still remained a dominant force within TNA.


Some changes happened at the last 4 pay per view events of 2011. The following is a recap of those events.


No Surrender, Sept 11th 2011, Impact Wrestling Zone Orlando Florida


James Storm defeated Bully Ray to advance to the final of the BFG series

Winter defeated Mickie James for the Knockouts title

Mexican America defeated D-Von & Dinero when Dinero turned on D-Von

Matt Morgan defeated Samoa Joe

Jesse Sorensen defeated Kid Kash to become #1 contender for the X-Division title.

Brian Kendrick defeated Austin Aries to retain the X-Division Title

Bobby Roode defeated Gunnar to advance to the final of the BFG series

Kurt Angle defeated Mr Anderson & Sting to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title.


Bobby Roode and James Storm met in a match to determine which of them would be facing Kurt Angle in the Bound For Glory Main Event. Bobby Roode came out on top with a pinfall victory. This was despite interference from Chris Harris. Upon the finish of the match, Harris once again jumped into the ring to attack - however he was stopped by James Storm. Storm shook hands with Roode and raised his hand. To the crowds surprise, Storm didn't attack or show any ill feeling towards Roode.


Bound For Glory, October 16th 2011, Liacouras Center, Philadelphia


Winter defeated Velvet Sky to retain the Knockouts title

Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan

AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels

Mexican America defeated British Invasion to retain the Tag Titles

Brian Kendrick defeated Jesse Sorensen to retain the X-Division title. Kid Kash distracted Sorensen during the match.

Sting defeated Hulk Hogan

Kurt Angle defeats Robert Roode to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title following interference from James Storm and Chris Harris! Americas Most Wanted return.


Turning Point, November 13th 2011, Impat Wrestling Zone, Orlando Florida


Americas Most Wanted defeated Mexican America & British Invasion for the TNA Tag Titles

Austin Aries defeated Jesse Sorensen to become #1 contender to X-Division Title

Mr Anderson defeated Bully Ray and RVD to become #1 contender to TNA World Heavyweight Title

Crimson defeated Samoa Joe

Winter & Angelina defeated Velvet Sky & Mickie James

Brian Kendrick defeated Kazarian, Christopher Daniels & Alex Shelley in an Ultimate X Match to retain the X-Division Title. Kazarian and Daniels attack Kendrick after the match. Alex Shelley attempts to help Kendrick but he soon finds himself on the end of a double team.

AJ Styles defeats Jeff Jarrett

Kurt Angle defeats Jeff Hardy to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title


Final Resolution, 11th December 2011, Impact Wrestling Zone, Orlando Florida


Austin Aries defeated Brian Kendrick for the X-Division Title

AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels

Americas Most Wanted defeated British Invasion to retain the TNA Tag Titles

Samoa Joe defeated Lizmark Jr. in the Joe Worldwide Open Challenge

Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett

Winter defeated Tara to retain the Knockouts Title

Alex Shelley defeated Kazarian

Kurt Angle defeated Mr Anderson to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title

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Main Roster




Mr. Anderson

Kurt Angle

Austin Aries

Bully Ray


Christopher Daniels


D'Angelo Dinero


Jeff Hardy

Chris Harris


Jeff Jarrett

Kid Kash


Brian Kendrick

Jerry Lynn


Shannon Moore

Matt Morgan

Bobby Roode

Chris Sabin

Samoa Joe

Alex Shelley

Jesse Sorensen

Scott Steiner


James Storm

A.J. Styles

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam

Douglas Williams

Eric Young


Knockouts Roster


Mickie James

Angelina Love

Madison Rayne


Velvet Sky






TNA World Heavyweight Champion



TNA Television Champion



TNA X-Division Champion



TNA Tag Team Champions



TNA Knockouts Champion



TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions


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Mike Tenay: Welcome to the Impact Zone! I'm Mike Tenay along with my broadcast partner Taz. Do we have a show for you tonight.


Taz: Indeed we do! It is gonna be off the hook!


Mike Tenay: In our main event of the evening, Immortals own Jeff Jarrett will be facing off against the 7 foot Blueprint, Matt Morgan. There's been some friction between these 2 for some time and tonight it comes to a head.


Taz: And lets not forget the Finals to crown a new Television champion, right here tonight!


[Eric Bischoffs music begins]


Mike Tenay: Here comes Eric Bischoff. He promised last week there would be some changes to Impact so lets hear what he has to say.


Eric Bischoff: Thank you... I love each and every one of you too. Thank you. I promised last week that there would be some changes around here, and as you all know, I am a man of my word. [Loud boo's from the Impact crowd]. You're too kind. Tonight will see a new era that I really can't take credit for... ah who am I kidding, of course I can! The one thiing Impact has been lacking as of late is direction, because no matter how Immortal tries to steer this sinking ship, the rats seem to pop out and cause a distraction. Rats like Jeff Hardy. Rats like Sting. These 2...


[bischoff is cut off by the music of the Icon Sting]


Eric Bischoff: What the hell do you want? I hadn't finished! How dare you interupt me!


Sting: Eric, Eric, Eric... why so angry? I heard you mention my name and figured I'd come down to hear what you've gotta say up close and personal... so please... carry on as if I wasn't here.


Eric Bischoff: I warn you now Stinger, if you lay a finger on me, your ass will be fired. Now as I was saying, this new era will put this company back on the map. The sinking ship TNA will become the greatest vessel repackaged as Impact Wrestling. And it begins tonight. As for you Sting, seeing as you felt the need to interupt me I'm going to put you in a match tonight... against The Monster Abyss! Oh and your match, is now!




Match Finish:

Mike Tenay: Stinger splash rocks Abyss! Wait a minute. what is Jarrett doing out here? He has no business being at ringside.


Taz: Clearly he's out here to give some moral support to his boy Abyss.


Mike Tenay: Don't tell me you condone this Taz! This is a 1 on 1 match. There is no need for Jeff to be at ringside.


Taz: Oh my god! Scorpion Death Drop just rocked Abyss! It doesn't look like Sting is paying any attention to Jarrett.


Mike Tenay: He's going for the Scorpion Deathlock! This is it! Will Abyss tap out?!


[Jeff Jarrett rolls into the ring and hits Sting in the back of the head, causing a disqualification!]


Mike Tenay: Oh that's just a typical Immortal move! The sooner we get rid of them the better Impact will be.




[backstage there seems to be a conflict between Velvet Sky and Winter. Angelina slaps Velvet who then attacks her. Winter drags Velvet off and slams her into the wall head first, leaving her laying].


Winter: Don't you ever put your hands on Angelina! I will suck your life force from you if you ever raise a hand to her again!



X-Division Title Match


Match Finish:

Taz: Aries with a devastating flying lariat! He nearly took Shelleys head off!


Mike Tenay: This has been an amazing match between 2 amazing athletes. Austin Aries with the brainbuster... 1...2...3! He retains his X-Division Title!




Mike Tenay: We've had a great show so far, but there's still more to come... [the music of AJ Styles hits] I wonder what AJ wants.


Taz: Well Styles not due to be out here Mike. I wonder what's on the phenominal ones mind.


Mike Tenay: He doesn't look happy Taz.


AJ Styles: Daniels! Get your ass out here now so I can say this face to face. [pause] Come on Daniels, I know you're back there, don't make me come back and hunt you down.


[The Music of the Fallen Angel plays as Christopher Daniels heads down to the ring smiling.]


AJ Styles: You're a piece of work, you know that. You spat on years of friendship and I want to know why. Did our friendship not mean anything?

Daniels: AJ, let me stop you right there. You talk about friendship, but where was your support when TNA fired me? I didn't see you go to bat for me because you have always known, I'm better than you. With me out the way, you managed to get your shot alongside Ric Flair and Fortune. You know that spot would have been mine. Don't come out here spouting about friendships, this is pro wrestling and if you don't look out for #1, no one else is going to do it. And AJ, one last thing...


[Daniels hits Styles with the mic and begins assaulting him]


Mike Tenay: I cannot believe Daniels attitude! He has just stabbed his friend in the back.


Taz: He has a point though Tenay. There is no such thing as friendships in this business. You fight for yourself or you sink to the bottom.


Mike Tenay: Don't give me that Taz. We both know what Daniels just done was nothing more than cowardice.




Match Finish:

Mike Tenay: Angelina Love has the referee distracted. Come on Earl watch the match!


Taz: Winter just spat that red liquid into Velvets eyes! Oh my God!


Mike Tenay: Spinning DDT by Winter, the cover... and your winner is Winter!


Taz: It's gotta be said, that was a big assist from Angelina.



[backstage, So Cal Val is conducting an interview with Matt Morgan]


So Cal Val: Matt, tonight you have a match with Jeff Jarrett. What is your game plan to counter the ever present Karen Jarrett?


Matt Morgan: Val, it's no secret that Jeff has won many of his matches due to his wifes actions at ringside, but I'm not sweating either of them. If that bitch gets in my face, I won't hesitate to leave her laying next to her husband in a heap in the ring.


So Cal Val: So it doesn't worry you that Jeff will try to use his wife as a distraction?


Matt Morgan: Not in the slightest, and I think I've done enough talking. Tonight in the main event, Jarrett is going to find out why I am the DNA of TNA, The Blueprint... the future of this company!


[The music of Samoa Joe hits as he makes his way to the ring, looking pissed off as usual]


Samoa Joe: I'm here to let everyone know, that I have proven I am the baddest Mother----er on the planet by beating the best from Mexico, the best from Europe and the best from Japan. I am issuing an open challenge for next weeks Impact to anyone, from any promotion on Earth, who disputes this fact.


[some unfamiliar music plays as the lights go out. When they return, Joe is in the ring, covered in a red liquid. He screams in anger and heads to the back, walking with purpose]



Television Championship Tournament Final


Match Finish:

Taz: These two have beaten the hell out of one another. Gunner looks like he's been busted open.


Mike Tenay: Both men have a very bright future. Oh what a clothesline by Crimson! Gunner looks completely out of it.


Taz: Wait Mike! Red Sky from Crimson! He picks up the win over Gunner.


Announcer: the winner of this match and the NEW Television Champion, Crimson!




[backstage Immortal are seen talking. Jarrett spots the cameraman]


Jeff Jarrett: what do you want? I don't have time for you, get away from here.


[Jarrett shuts the door on the cameraman]


Mike Tenay: Well folks it's time for our main event! Here is how they match up, Jarrett gives up 9 inches and almost 100 pounds to Morgan, but makes up for the size difference with his experience, and lets not forget his wife Karen has been a factor in many of his wins recently.


Taz: This should be off the hook Mike. Either of these 2 guys could pull off the win, but the real winners will be the fans.



Match Finish:

Mike Tenay: Jarrett is in trouble now. Oh but here comes the cavalray from Immortal! Morgan fights off Gunner and Scott Steiner.


Taz: Morgan holding his own. Theres the Carbon Footprint! Oh but Steiner just used a lead pipe on Morgans knee. That's gotta be a disqualification!


Mike Tenay: Immortal are beating down Matt Morgan. Hold on... Taz who's that?!?!? Someone has just jumped the barrier!


Taz: It's Davey Richards! What's he doing here? He's swinging that bat like a Major leaguer!


Mike Tenay: Immortal scatter from the ring as Richards and Morgan are side by side in the ring staring them down.



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Having thought about it I really didn't enjoy writing that and certainly didn't enjoy reading what I had written so I'm going to stick with my Mexican Nightmare diary and possibly resurrect the Mortal Kombat diary too.


This can be put down as a failed experiment!

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