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Road to Glory Challenge

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I started my first game in Australia and got Gerard Knights, millionaire businessman, as my owner.

Despite his millions, he still only gave me $1,000 to run his company. :rolleyes:

At least, he is only asking for $53 a month. :D


Having the Must not fall into Debt goal is not always a killer.


My first month, I held my show on the last day of the month and was able to avoid going negative. During my second month, I forgot and held the show mid-month and fell into debt and failed the goal. I went to check on my owner and found that he was still nappy with me.


I guess patience is key to being a millionaire.

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Having the Must not fall into Debt goal is not always a killer.


My first month, I held my show on the last day of the month and was able to avoid going negative. During my second month, I forgot and held the show mid-month and fell into debt and failed the goal. I went to check on my owner and found that he was still nappy with me.


I guess patience is key to being a millionaire.


Again, it is all how the goal is written as there are two different wordings to that goal. The one I have is phrased as "When time expires, you can't have less than $0 balance.


However, let me state this again. You went into negative during that first month. Just because it doesn't show up doesn't make it so. As I said before, I jumped to Global after the PPV on the last day of the month in my TCW game, and I got charged as a Global company (expenses were Global level) for that month. So, you went negative.


Meanwhile, I'm going to fail my can't be below #20 promotion goal unless I start running a 2nd show to get me ahead of the 2 feds in front of me. So, bye bye my $5,000-6,000 monthly profit. I can pass HWA easily but OVW is going to be a bitch though they're in the Great Lakes which helps (I'm in Mid-South so 10% Importance bonus to me). Oh, and I just signed AJ Styles when he debuted.:D And thanks to Jerry Lynn and The White Tiger (a Mexican wrestler that's his translated name) giving me a 70, I am putting on great shows.


One question though, does your booking reputation jump only when your fed jumps a level or is it based on booking great shows? I jumped from Very Low to Low when SW! reached Small. Can't do it anyway (due to the rules), but NJPW just dropped to Cult and will lose their TV show soon because of it. So, they'll be looking for a new booker soon, but I'm nowhere near Regional.:(


Now, onto the show where I hope Lance Storm jumps 10 of my stats in a single match.

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End Of Year Update


-Ignoring the advice of Blake, I am deciding to make the most of KC while I have him, and he is my current champion. (Lineage, Kentucky Bill won belt after winning a tourney, Justin Sensitive beat Kentucky Bill, KC Glenn beat Justin Sensitive)


-Ended the year with a bank balance of $3264.


-Still at local. 9 pop, 8 importance.


-Matt Hall (me) saw a total gain of 110 skill points during the year (excluding booking and respect).


-I managed to feature in my promotions #2 & #4 best matches of the year, both with KC Glenn rating out at 40. I had an average match rating of 24, the worst match being a 12 vs Running Wolf.




Now for the fun part, the dice roll...rolling...13. *checks list*. Not bad considering flying is my weakest area. However a question, when it says '+5 to flying' does that mean 5 points to share between Aerial & Flashiness, or +5 to both?

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Again, it is all how the goal is written as there are two different wordings to that goal. The one I have is phrased as "When time expires, you can't have less than $0 balance.


However, let me state this again. You went into negative during that first month. Just because it doesn't show up doesn't make it so. As I said before, I jumped to Global after the PPV on the last day of the month in my TCW game, and I got charged as a Global company (expenses were Global level) for that month. So, you went negative.


Meanwhile, I'm going to fail my can't be below #20 promotion goal unless I start running a 2nd show to get me ahead of the 2 feds in front of me. So, bye bye my $5,000-6,000 monthly profit. I can pass HWA easily but OVW is going to be a bitch though they're in the Great Lakes which helps (I'm in Mid-South so 10% Importance bonus to me). Oh, and I just signed AJ Styles when he debuted.:D And thanks to Jerry Lynn and The White Tiger (a Mexican wrestler that's his translated name) giving me a 70, I am putting on great shows.


One question though, does your booking reputation jump only when your fed jumps a level or is it based on booking great shows? I jumped from Very Low to Low when SW! reached Small. Can't do it anyway (due to the rules), but NJPW just dropped to Cult and will lose their TV show soon because of it. So, they'll be looking for a new booker soon, but I'm nowhere near Regional.:(


Now, onto the show where I hope Lance Storm jumps 10 of my stats in a single match.


The goal was to not fall into debt at any time. The first month, I was fine. The second month, I received and email that told me I failed my goal. If you don't receive an email, you are fine.


As for your booking reputation, it goes up a little after each show. This can be seen in the editor under business.

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Well, that still makes absolutely no sense why I got hit with Global charges when I went up after running a show on the last day of the month. Oh well.


Can someone please explain to me why I'm stuck behind 2 feds that I'm several points more important than? We're the same in overness, but they're in the Great Lakes while I'm in Mid-South so the 10% kicks in. If it is because of their 5 overness/importance in Tri-State, the game is seriously flawed as that's pure spillover. I just lost Jeff Hardy due to being behind one fed that I shouldn't be behind made me the 4th contract, and more seriously, I'm going to lose Jerry Lynn to that too. At least I'm going to easily be Regional (thus I better jump them to not fail my no lower than #20 fed goal), within a year.:mad:


I've managed to make a profit even running 2 shows by putting my soon-to-be-not-cheap talent on it running my old 1hr Small show. Just got a great announcer for my big show which will help too. Now, I've just got weather this talent drain. Either that or just focus on running to Regional and try getting the book for ECW (they're Cult now). Don't ever forsee me getting the book at WWF or WCW as they're at Super-Global now (there's a narrative to jump both to 100 across the US, Canada, and UK and close to that everywhere else). Btw, I'm at Average now which would give me a shot at ECW.

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Influence is based on size and momentum/prestige levels.


This is why I'm third as NOTBPW (and will be until I can knock SWF or TCW down to Cult), yet by far first in Influence.


I'm gonna do my war thing. Lolz ftw.


Hell, I'm going to do it before I hold my first show.

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Right i'm in ...










I've kicked off in Central Europe - I used a Random Number generator to pick my owner and it came up with ...





Should be fun right!?


.. And here's his goals;





I'll follow up with signings shortly.

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Olympus Power Wrestling, Roster;


Main Event.


Lars Brecher - Face - Street Fighter.

Ralph Grim - Heel - Old School Heel. Manager: Minion.

The Snowman - Heel - Wild Man.

Wolfgang Klose - Face - German Patriot.


Upper Midcard.


Armand Hardwicke - Heel - Conman.

Giancarlo Giabroni - Heel - Arrogant Heel.

Kalu Owusu - Face - Street Fighter.

Suicide Agent - Face - Power and Paint.

The Masked Austrian - Heel - Putz




Fortius Minimus - Heel - Evil Doer.

Genocide Agent - Face - Power and Paint.

Vic Walker - Heel - Lounge Lizard.


Lower Midcard.


Derrick Merrick - Face - Man on a Mission.


Manager/Occassional Wrestler/Colour Commentator.


Minion - Heel - Evil Doer.




Eva Berlin - Face - Referee/Road Agent

Peter Belcher - Face - Announcer

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Tri-State Championship Wrestling (TSCW) Roster Overview





F Cowboy Ben (Ben Williams)

H Cowboy Ron (Ron Greenhorn)

H Cowboy Zach (Zachary Inc)

H Davis Wayne Newton

H Monstrous Mikey (Murderous Mikey)

H Mr International (Cal Sanders)

H Nigel Svensson

F Paradigm

F Paradox

F Paranoia

F Randy Straits (User)

F The American Dream (Regular Joe)



Tag Teams



International Men Of Mystery(Mr International and Nigel Svennson)

New Age Cowboys (Any combination Ben,Ron and or Zach)

The Paratroopers (Again any combination or Paradox, Paranoia and Paradigm)





Buttercup (Road Agent, Personality)

Honey Golightly (Announcer, Personality)

Jonathan Taylor (Referee)


And the main event for TSCW's first event (TBA :p)







Oh and just for you Eidenhoek ;)



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I'm two years in, my promotion is small and I have a reputation of High.


Am I allowed to quit and create my own fed and start it at regional?


If so, has anyone done something like this in this challenge?


I would guess not. It would be exploited as people would just skip small.


And just to repeat my question from yesterday, as it might now be lost on the previous page.


When it says '+5 to flying' does that mean 5 points to share between Aerial & Flashiness, or +5 to both?

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Just finished my first year with Road To Glory (imaginative name I know). I'm still at small, but my user character has just reached the Main Event in auto push after my last event. My user character gained 87 points last year, and I ended up running 12 shows, making just under £12,000 profit.


Now for the fun bit, my random dice roll.... 12. I was hoping for something performance or entertainment related, but I guess that's not too bad either.

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I'm two years in, my promotion is small and I have a reputation of High.


Am I allowed to quit and create my own fed and start it at regional?


If so, has anyone done something like this in this challenge?


I thought the whole idea was to never be able to start your own fed? That would let you skip the owner's goals which is pretty important in this type of game. Though I'd be game for this because I could start the easiest level (Cult with tons of money) after hitting Regional but before I get fired. Grrr....here's a tip for everyone, DON'T play a mod that has new feds set to open within the first 2 years. Just sucks that I'm going to fail a critical goal because the goal itself is flawed. It shouldn't be "Don't fall below #X position" if it doesn't take into consideration future feds opening. More than likely, even at Regional, I can't get to #20 (owner goal) despite running great shows and jumping 2 levels in less than 2 years. Should be more along the lines of "Fed X should have gained a level/increased in size" in 18-24 months.


So, if I could start another fed, that would be GREAT. Or I have to beg Heyman for a job.


Edit: After re-reading the rules, I don't think you can start a fed because all it talks about is taking Booking jobs. Also, for 1234, I say it is +5 total but you can break that down for both skills (so 2 in Flying and 3 in Flashiness). I say that because it is +5 for each top row skill grouping, or if you hit #3, you get 15 for the entire top row which is 3x those individual bonuses. Still would like clarity on #16 as you'll never make money on a show until you're National so either it is a blank or a free pop bonus for your fed.

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So my first year through and I rolled an 11


11 "Fists of Fury" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Rumble


With no clarification on whether that meant 5 points to spend on my Brawling skills or to up each Brawling skill by 5, I just went with the later and bumped each brawling skill by 5.


Made more sense to me and the 5 in each of the three stats wasn't game altering, at least not at the early stages.

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I almost want to say that there shouldn't be negatives in the yearly bonuses, mainly because we are trying to develop this guy. So throw him a bone once a year.


Then again...the only negatives I recall from the new first post are money-related, so...meh. Money, amusingly, isn't terribly important it seems; one needs to be in the black, sure, but frugality seems to be the name of the game.


And a working agreement roll with NOTBPW.

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What are you basing that off? I've made money off a show at high-small to mid-regional without too much difficulty.


The way that is phrased means the attendance aka tickets netted you more money than you spent on all the workers you used AND the show costs (arena, etc). You're telling me that you make money off your show like that?:confused:


Of course, I make money for the month AFTER sponsorship, but that part was left out of the discussion as they should be (along with merch and DVD sales too). I could sell out a 500 seat arena with the +$4 added to my tickets and have no chance in hell of breaking even unless I ran a 1 hour show with 3 matches between 5 $150 wrestlers and the UC. Roughly $4400-$2400 (medium show + $1,000 for arena--it is $700 less for Small show though you won't come close to selling out a 500 seat arena at Small). So, you have $2000 for EVERYONE to make money. Well, if you're non-wrestlers all stunk and were $150, and your owner cost $150 you could do it, but I'd rather run a C- show than penny-pinch to that degree.


Still clearing $3500+/month even running a Small 2nd show with totally goofy merch and DVD sales (they'll fluctuate really wildly month-to-month). But I'm pretty much done with this as I'm just not cut out for this level game unless I'm owner. I can't stand getting fired due to a flawed owner goal just because several feds opened up after the goal, and they have spillover in Tri-State (Eidenhoek, nowhere on the promotion wars screen does it say anything about Fed Prestige mattering on the Importance ranking so it has to be the fact that they're a 5 in Tri-State while I'm a 4 and 4 in my spillover.), and I don't have it. Seriously, I'm FIVE points more important than them in the base area (24 vs 19), yet I'm behind both of them. Even then, I can't catch #20 very easily (they're almost at Regional) to meet the goal.


Really fun idea though. Just not cut out for me. I'll go back to my TCW game since I'm almost at the 1 year mark. Time to break up the 3 Keiths.

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I was wrong about promotion momentum, but there you go. Have higher influence, workers choose you over someone else.




That's for owner goals. And while I understand what you're saying, the owner goal isn't flawed. It's not designed to be used under the circumstances this challenge creates. That said...man, if you're off by 1 popularity, that sucks.

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The way that is phrased means the attendance aka tickets netted you more money than you spent on all the workers you used AND the show costs (arena, etc). You're telling me that you make money off your show like that?:confused:


I can't tell you the exact point when it tipped over from 'making money for the month' and 'making a profit off the show', but yes, I have been making profits from the show for quite some time now, and this includes using $1,500 to $2,000 guys (not every guy on the roster, but my main eventers all make around that much), two to two and a half hour shows, two referees, a full announce team and a road agent. So... no I haven't been penny pinching.


Roughly $4400-$2400 (medium show + $1,000 for arena--it is $700 less for Small show though you won't come close to selling out a 500 seat arena at Small).


At very high Small (third show from hitting Regional, according to looking at the game history and when I rose to that size), I sold out a 2,000 seater arena at one point. Unfortunately since it's a personal game I haven't really kept detailed financial records, but I know I started turning profits on the show because I began to run second shows in other regions (which I did not make a profit on... I'll need to check if I'm starting to yet, since they should be at the point where I'm beginning to)



Edit: Misunderstood that. No idea about what size show it was. Probably medium, if that's the maximum at Small promotion size.

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I was wrong about promotion momentum, but there you go. Have higher influence, workers choose you over someone else.




That's for owner goals. And while I understand what you're saying, the owner goal isn't flawed. It's not designed to be used under the circumstances this challenge creates. That said...man, if you're off by 1 popularity, that sucks.


You're incorrect on both counts. The PPA people look solely at Importance on which 3 deals to keep. Now, once you get past that point, they pick the higher influence ones to work for. It was really, really annoying when I hit that logic flaw again with Jeff Hardy. I know he took a PPA deal with WWF to stick with his brother at my fed, but then I ended up 4th in line so he dropped me making him seem dumber than he is in real life. Also, it seems like the stupid AI logic has struck again. They only steal half of my tag teams, and they do it when I put together a tag team. I'm not even at war with WWF, but they stole Hardy then Whipwreck right after I hired him and put him in a tag team YET they haven't used 33% of their roster in over 8 months (including both Road Warriors) despite having 2 TV shows. This is the same thing that royally ticked me off in my long-running DOTT game. At least I was at war with WWF then.


As for the owner goal being flawed, this challenge has nothing to do with it. You shouldn't automatically fail a goal because 2 Cult feds and 3 Regional feds opened up in the two years after you opened yours. I would think the owner would be happy that you jumped from Local->Regional and from $1,000->$85,000 in 2 years not pissed off because you dropped 4 spots in the rankings through no fault of your own.


And it is quite clear in how the Importance works that you should only start feds in the Great Lakes, Tri-State, or New England (pretty sure Mid-Atlantic spills into SE and GL). Spillover should have ZERO effect on your importance until you hit Regional. It's not fair or realistic that just because you have 50 fans in Tri-State, you can ignore your importance in your home area. I mean if I was close to those 2 feds in home area importance, then it should matter as a tiebreaker, but not when I'm blowing them away. It is too crucial, given the multiple PPA deals workers have, at those low levels to be flawed like that.

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As for the owner goal being flawed, this challenge has nothing to do with it. You shouldn't automatically fail a goal because 2 Cult feds and 3 Regional feds opened up in the two years after you opened yours. I would think the owner would be happy that you jumped from Local->Regional and from $1,000->$85,000 in 2 years not pissed off because you dropped 4 spots in the rankings through no fault of your own.


I feel I should point out that the Owner Goals themselves aren't flawed. The games designed to run the C-Verse, and does so very effectively. The reason you've run into this problem is because the mod your using sounds really over powered. Two new Cult promotions and three new regional promotions in a year? So yeah, the reason the Owner Goals seem flawed is mostly down to the mod your using. I'd recommend trying this with a different mod (ideally the C-Verse, but I know some people don't like using that), and seeing if you run into the same problems.

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Well, that was a slight overstatement, but it was 5 feds in not quite 2 years with 4 being in front of me. And why would it be better in the CV? There aren't any feds that ever open there? You could easily run into that problem no matter when you hit that goal. It just isn't an effective goal. A better one is "Shouldn't fall below X" or "Should move up to X". You're being penalized for something you have ZERO control over which makes no sense. Plus, if you're playing a mod that has no new feds opening, then that goal is an automatic win which makes it useless.
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EXODUS opens in the first year. I don't...think anyone else is guaranteed to do so.


It's a goal I'd rather see at a larger size. Similarly, I tolerate "Workers must have at least 35 X" at Small, but "...at least 53 X" is kinda brutal, depending on the stat. At National? That's fine.

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