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The London-Verse

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:eek: Thank you for the compliment sir, although I might not agree with you as there are several others who produce outstanding renders which I believe to be better than my own.


Certainly there has been a lot of work put into this universe and not just from me. There is still a heck of a long way to go before I can even contemplate releasing a beta though. I'm still enjoying the process, besides bio writing and will continue to chug along when time permits.



It's nice to see your modest :p


But seriously, yes there are alot of great render makers on these boards, I'll happily admit that. And also, from my own personal attempts (and sadly money) I've put into it, I also know it's a very painstaking job as well. But what you've done here is at least my favorite style. It's realistic looking, while at the same time every charicter looks different. It's really impressive to look at just the last roster put up (WCW) and see that everyone looks different and has a vast selection of personalities.


Little question, you admit to not liking the bio writing. I wonder, do you do render first or bio? I have less problem writing bio's to faces, I was wondering if you do it the same way I do myself. It's nice to see the community working on this project, I think it will likely something great. Hopefully one day when you finish it will give the Cornellverse the run for the money it deserves.

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It's nice to see your modest :p


But seriously, yes there are alot of great render makers on these boards, I'll happily admit that. And also, from my own personal attempts (and sadly money) I've put into it, I also know it's a very painstaking job as well. But what you've done here is at least my favorite style. It's realistic looking, while at the same time every charicter looks different. It's really impressive to look at just the last roster put up (WCW) and see that everyone looks different and has a vast selection of personalities.


Little question, you admit to not liking the bio writing. I wonder, do you do render first or bio? I have less problem writing bio's to faces, I was wondering if you do it the same way I do myself. It's nice to see the community working on this project, I think it will likely something great. Hopefully one day when you finish it will give the Cornellverse the run for the money it deserves.


The order in which I tend to do things is as follows:


- Know what kind of character/gimmick I am about to use for the next render and where said individual would fit in the London-Verse.


- Decide upon a selection of physical characteristics such as hair style, facial hair and expression.


- Render said character (usually this is where I am able to tweek the original concept and adjust to make the character look fit for the part).


- Add render to the database and finalise the bio (I always know what I want the bio to say about the character, but sometimes I feel as though I am starting to repeat myself, or put in similar information to that of a previous bio I have constructed. (Having written nearly 350 bios already will do that to a guy I guess :p)


- Select the base template that best suits the worker. (I always select quick add as apposed to just "add worker" so I can give a rough guide to what kind of wrestler I have just created as this requires the least amount of editing when the character is added to the database.)


- Make the necessary tweeks to ensure the stats and dates line up with the worker. (This is also where I give them their basic heel and face gimmick and set their popularity etc.)


- Create finishing move for worker and assign it to them via moveset


- Add contract if required


Each render I have created has gone through this process. It is a LOT of work as you can see.

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Interesting fallout from my WCW First Show review:


- KHARMA KILLZ jumped a full 5 points in popularity from that show, making her now a legit MAIN EVENTER and bumping KC CALLIHAN down to the upper midcard.


- EYLA PORTER jumped 3 points in popularity, meaning that a strong showing at the next TV show would probably put her in the MAIN EVENT scene too, ready for her match for the WCW WORLD TITLE against LINZIE ADORN at the WCW We Run the World PPV


- PEREZ MENDOZA jumped a huge 8 points in popularity by her tag partner picking up the win for her team and is now in the MIDCARD


- TIFFANY WEST dropped to the LOWER MIDCARD after being dominated by KHARMA KILLZ, but didn't lose any popularity from it


- FAITH RICHARDS suffered a BRUISED TAILBONE on the show, but she'll be healed in 6 DAYS, just in time for the next TV show. I'm paying her anyway, so probably just chuck her in an angle with KC on the next show. And the occasional team of GIRLS WITH HEADBANDS(NB:NAME MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON LAMENESS) is born


- Loads of workers' SKILLS IMPROVED, too many to mention here, but that fills me with hope for the future of WCW.


- WCW's POPULARITY was raised by 0.6% across Canada

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- I also have made three new signings for WCW, from what I can gather they should be available to me in the full mod but LoNdOn will have to confirm that.




Regular Wrestler



Set to win gold in 2011 for US Womens Promotion Pure Heart Wrestling, her skills are just too good not to take advantage of. And at $700 a show for 15 months, winner.

Fair flying skills, great physical skills, fantastic rumble, tech, entertainment, performance and camera skills.

Knocks Linzie Adorn off the top spot in the Top 5 Tech list

Equal 5th with Linzie on the Top 5 Rumble list

Ranks 2nd in the Hot Prospects list

Ranks 4th in the Ring Generals list







Daughter of International Star Rick Young and only 18, she has pretty decent skills and will be my Jobber-to-the-Stars for a while so she can maybe realise her true potential

Fair performance, great tech, fantastic entertainment and physical skills, and a whopping 99 in camera (99 sex appeal, !91! SQ)

Ranks 3rd in the Hot Prospect list





Japanese Junior


Upper Midcard

Mainly brought her in to make Samantha Raine happy as Jasmine is her mom! She has skills of her own but at 39 is the first worker I have to feature on the Time Decline list. Plus she blow the toughness goal by 2 points, but she's worth it to keep the youngster who could be the future of the promotion sweet

Fair physical, good technical, great camera, fantastic entertainment and performance skills.

Ranks 5th in the Showstoppers list

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Really intereseting to hear what happened after the first show.


The three you hired should be available as they are only on PPA contracts (SHOULD be). Perhaps Mooncross and Raine will be put on written to begin with.


Obviously the talent pool for female wrestlers will be a lot bigger than it currently is though. Who knows, you may decide to hire others in their place when the database is finished.

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Well at the start of Feb and I doubt it :D


I put the Tag title on Dark Princesses at the PPV, then they made an open challenge on the next TV show. Samantha Raine answered the challenge and her and her debuting mom won the tag titles (Jasmine demanded a midcard title run) when Little Shop distracted Dark Princesses ringside.

With them busy with Little Shop I feel a feud with Las Guerreras coming on :D


I put the title on Eyla Porter, but she's not handling it very well, every time she goes all out she's 'off her game' so she's currently defending the title against 'all-comers' (ie: Jobbers) at the start of the show until the Khama Killz vs Ella May-Pierce feud is done with, then Khama can take her true place at the top of the ladder


And Dominique Lilles is now a midcarder and rising fast after 3 weeks with the company;)


I've had a fun morning off work :D

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Well at the start of Feb and I doubt it :D


I put the Tag title on Dark Princesses at the PPV, then they made an open challenge on the next TV show. Samantha Raine answered the challenge and her and her debuting mom won the tag titles (Jasmine demanded a midcard title run) when Little Shop distracted Dark Princesses ringside.

With them busy with Little Shop I feel a feud with Las Guerreras coming on :D


I put the title on Eyla Porter, but she's not handling it very well, every time she goes all out she's 'off her game' so she's currently defending the title against 'all-comers' (ie: Jobbers) at the start of the show until the Khama Killz vs Ella May-Pierce feud is done with, then Khama can take her true place at the top of the ladder


And Dominique Lilles is now a midcarder and rising fast after 3 weeks with the company;)


I've had a fun morning off work :D


Not sure how far you can take WCW just yet, with a non-existent women's free agent pool and all. :p


Really intereseted to see what you are doing though and even better to hear that you are having fun. :D

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Are you still taking new workers to add to the mod? If so, can you give me some kind of sign-up thing to fill out the details? I've got 2 MMA crossover dude ideas, and they've even got pictures which can give a fairly basic idea of what the guys I want to add look like.


Unfortunately I am not currently accepting submissions for workers. Perhaps at a later stage though.

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What I am thinking about doing is occasionally posting renders of workers in the mod with their basic info in this thread. (i.e. name, location, traits) From there I will open up the floor to you guys and girls to submit a bio for any that take your fancy.


Sound like a plan? :)

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<p>All of these renders have bios etc. Just thought you guys would like to see them.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001AbigaleTersch.jpg</span><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001ChloePage.jpg</span><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001ColeLow.jpg</span><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001CoryGlover.jpg</span><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001EamonFitzpatrick.jpg</span><span>http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/001FrankyFitzpatrick.jpg</span><p>




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What I am thinking about doing is occasionally posting renders of workers in the mod with their basic info in this thread. (i.e. name, location, traits) From there I will open up the floor to you guys and girls to submit a bio for any that take your fancy.


Sound like a plan? :)


I think that's a great idea. Looking at the render will give the bio writer a little more insight into the type of person they would like to create the bio for. A good looking heroic render will garner a nice face bio while a smarmy-sleazy looking character may get an over-the-top heel write up. You can really put some personality in the bio with the render in front of you.

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I now have received both an AWF roster review and an AWF show review. After some minor tweeking and the addition of some purrrrty pictures I will post them in this thread and the thread in the dynasty section of the forums.


A big hand to Blake_Trask and jhd1 respectively for producing top end reviews for me to use. Their help is greatly appreciated.


Keep your eyes peeled for the write-ups. :)

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AWF Review






And now for something completely different. From an up and coming performance-based Japanese promotion, we ascend to the top of the mountain and tackle the AWF, International powerhouse and the home of Sport’s Entertainment in the Londonverse.


Mainstream and a smattering of Traditional is the order of the day in our product, leading to a 30/20 split on match intensity and danger, and of course a popularity skewed bias. Our match ratio is 70% and we have a Strong Face/Heel divide – as is to be expected in this type of promotion. We’re very favourable to sponsorship, but really, with 50 million in the bank, money is a completely secondary concern.


All in all a product with no nasty surprises to spring, so it should be pretty simple to get my head around.



Backstage Personalities


Before tackling the wrestlers, I’ll be once again going over the guys who make the wheels turn, and as an entertainment based promotion, there are a fair few more of them than last time.



We have four commentators, two each of colour and announcers. The colour (wo)men are Blossom Woods, a promising young woman described as an interviewer, and Daniel Harding, who I can best describe as being the equivalent of Sam Strong. He’s an ageing but legendary ex-wrestler with charisma coming out of his ears and immense popularity. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get better. Speaking of which… my first announcer is A* rated Howard Oakland, which once again, can’t be overestimated. His understudy is Chris Sinclair, who at B+ isn’t exactly shabby himself. All in all a powerhouse of an announce table, though I’m not sure Blossom could fill the shoes of Daniel Harding were he to retire (which at 60, isn’t beyond the realms of possibility)



Our road agents are Chief Joe Proudfoot and Mark Elbridge, both of which crack very strong ratings in that role. Nothing much else to see here



We also have not one but two authority figures. Conveniently they are my boss, Adam Sutherland, and my boss’s son, Richard Sutherland. One’s a face and one’s a heel, which makes for a potentially intriguing dynamic. In any case though, Adam is 68 years old, which means that realistically he’s probably not going to stick around for too long.



Three referees makes for a solid team; their names are Mark Flower, Alan Resley and Alan Resley Sr. They’re all highly rated (B+ to high A), meaning this is an area we have firmly in hand.



The round off, we have four managers; Jewel, Luke Showboat, Saint Lazarus and Sarah Bauer. The lattermost is decent, but more eye candy than mouthpiece. Saint Lazarus is an extremely talented manager, rocking up with a 99 in microphone skill (and another backstage personality that for some reason has performance stats) – he manages our resident monster, Oblivion, and to be honest with entertainment skills like that, his angles should be storming. Luke Showboat… apparently is a road agent. Huh. Hurrah for autopush I guess – looking at his stats he could most definitely do both, considering his high Bs in entertainment and A* psychology. Finally we have Jewel, who is almost like a souped up version of Bauer. i.e. she can actually talk as well as having high sex appeal. Considering she manages our world champion though… carrying angles is probably unnecessary, let’s just put it that way.





The AWF roster lends itself to some distinct divisions; the promotion has a lot of cruiserweights, and a title to go along with them (though it is considered low level, so either the belt needs a boost, or the cruisers will simply outgrow it as time goes on). AWF also has main event level tag team titles, and as such, quite a few tag teams spread at various levels of ability and experience. I’ll be reviewing the tag team division somewhat separately to the rest.




Enhancement Talent



Aidan Darling: A young cruiserweight pup, Darling is a decent worker, but not somebody that I’d call world championship material. He has a reasonable amount of potential (with focus, he could be pretty good on the mic), but he lacks versatility and in truth is fairly unremarkable. Good selling earmarks him for a jobber role.



Joshua Rude: Ah… my favourite type of worker; the man with the look but no talent. Rude has a reasonable brawling stat of 63, is physically good and is a great entertainer with great star quality… but his performance row is in the Ds and his other top rows are even worse. Naturally, as a graduate of AWF’s academy, he’s been getting pushed anyway.






Angus McMahon: Apart from his nickname (‘The Beef’) being one of my favourite things ever, Angus is Josh Rude +1. His performance skills suck slightly less, his brawling is better and he’s got a look just as good… but he’s older and not as entertaining. Still, it’s sports entertainment, whoever said you needed to be great in the ring to do well?



Brandon Redman: Redman is an exceptionally nice guy (it even says as much in his bio!) and a strong athlete, but other than that is a fairly unremarkable cruiserweight. That said, there’s always room in the back for competent nice guys.



Denzel Flair: Described as ‘female eye candy’, this cruiserweight actually has some fairly impressive brawling chops… but with C- to D+ performance skills, he’s certainly not going anywhere fast.



Gareth Logan: Another cruiserweight, Gareth has promising charisma, but would need to dust up his performance stats for me to be able to get behind him properly.



Lower Midcarders



Lance Williams: Hot damn, those technical skills! This man? This man does not belong in AWF. There is no possible way that the fans can appreciate a technical worker with impressive performance stats when he doesn’t have charisma. In any other promotion, his B-level fundamentals and B-A technical stats would see an immediate push from me. In sports entertainment… I cringe, because he doesn’t fit in at all.



Prince Jagadev: Prince is your fairly typical foreign heel, looking down on America and promoting his own country ahead of the US’s values. Cheap, but reliable heat. Oddly enough, he works puro style, which isn’t really the best fit for AWF either, but he has the star quality and the entertainment skills to overlook that. He’s a pretty capable worker, but isn’t going to climb much further without improving on his fundamentals to make himself a more attractive push.



Rob Kirkham: The man with no charisma, no star quality and no particular talent. What an excellent academy graduate this man is! Did I mention he’s an extremely negative influence too? It’s almost endearing. I’m tempted to push him, just so I can annoy the Londonverse IWC.






Ben Logan: Gareth’s elder cousin and frankly just plain better as a worker. B- performance, C+ entertainment and a 90 in aerial makes him a promising worker. He perhaps needs more of a character, but I could definitely see myself pushing him.



Carlos Nathans: A charismatic cruiserweight with some underrated technical skills. At 26, he’s looking like someone that might have promise for the future.



Cory Dex: A psychotic nerd. I love it. Sadly his performance skills really aren’t on par with his ability to entertain, but amongst the cruiserweights, he’s definitely the stand out on the microphone so far. I can see him running his mouth being an undercard staple.



Derek Boardman: The PEOPLE’S LAWYER. (no, seriously). That’s an incredible gimmick. He needs some more psychology before advancing too much further up the card, but he’s got the entertainment, the star quality and the brawling to manage it once he learns some more. Seriously… As or just about in microphone, charisma and acting. In the AWF, that makes Boardman an ace.



Devon McGrady: Speaking of entertainers… Another very charismatic worker with star quality and actually a fairly good performer. At 26, he’s got future star written all over him.



Eric Steppenwolf: Strong performer, good technical and aerial ability, pretty good star quality… where’s the problem? Oh yeah. A lack of charisma. I’m torn… he’s a two time cruiserweight champion but even though he’s a super junior, he’s also a middleweight. Realistically he’s too good for a low-level division. I guess his matches can do his talking. A feud with somebody like McGrady could do wonders for him.



Joe White: A former minion turned good. He was the sidekick of one of our main eventers, Mr Flawless, and then eventually turned on him once he realised he was being manipulated. A nice story, and it translates into a great athlete with star quality… but he’s a little bit limited elsewhere. As a performer he doesn’t particularly stand out and his entertaining isn’t that great either. Not sure he’s the best guy to get the rub of an association with Mr Flawless.



Leroy Snyde: One of our better cruiserweights, Snyde is charismatic and athletic and has a neat ‘Hollywood’ gimmick that I can see having some mileage. He’s not quite equipped to leave the cruiserweight division just yet, but with good skills already, 26 years old means that he has promise.



Marcus Still: What I like to call a ‘specialist’ style of worker (as in, The Tag Team Specialists). Good performance skills and usually technically inclined, but lacking in charisma and star quality – that basically suits Still to a tee. 42 years old puts him firmly in the teacher/veteran role, but his high technical stats make him better than average at that.



Ollie Midnight: Here’s a booking problem in the making. Next Big Thing. Complete douchebag. He’s talented, has star quality, youth, charisma and a gimmick that’s pretty ridiculous but hilarious at the same time (Interstellar Traveller, lol). Apart from the gimmick, he’s pretty much the Londonverse’s answer to Jay Chord.



Ray Bale: ‘Specialist’ #2. I’m tempted to see how well he meshes with Still.



Sherman Tank: I enjoy his name, and as might be implied by it, he’s a very big wrestler. He’s no monster heel though – he’s actually a heroic babyface, which is a twist I really quite enjoy. A decent brawler, but otherwise fairly limited in the ring – he mostly trades off his entertainment row.



Xavier York Kristopher: XYK is our cruiserweight champion, and his athleticism is truly off the charts. I saw he was flagged as a Next Big Thing, and looking at his abilities, I am frankly not surprised. If he became a little better rounded, XYK could be a marquee talent for pretty much anyone.



Upper Midcarders



Bobby Justice: A big brawler with a cop gimmick… it’s like bizarro Rick Law! In all truthfulness they’re not the similar, gimmick asides. Justice would probably fit better as an entertainer, with his charisma, and a 94 in star quality is nothing to be sniffed at. His fairly mediocre performance line, though, means I’m inclined towards a jobber to the stars role.



Justin Roxdale: GREAT skills for such a young worker. 73 psychology at age 24 is not to be sniffed at, and nor are B range top rows, B+ star quality and an A in charisma. Perhaps needs to be tempered with a little more experience to prevent him from shooting into the main event and developing an ego though…



Main Eventers



Big Ron Johnson: A big intimidating bodyguard character, but there’s a little more to his pedigree than that, having been finely honed in Japan before joining the AWF. Inspection of his stats reveals a capable brawler with workable menace. However, he doesn’t have the performance skills or stamina to consistently main event, even in Sports Entertainment, so I guess he’s more inclined towards crushing the lower carders than headlining events.



Marco Keylong: Cocky heel and current holder of our TV title, a midcard belt, making his inclusion this high up a little peculiar. To be frank… not completely deserving of a main event spot. He’s only a step above some of the cruiserweights, and other than his high star quality, he’s not exactly a world beater. Good? Yes. Main eventer? No.



Mr. Flawless: …Whoa. Whoa. This guy is just… incredible. *checks Power 100*. Yeah he’s #1 on it. If he wasn’t, it would be a travesty. A* mat and chain wrestler. A performance row. A star quality. B+ entertainment. B+ brawling. Just plain amazing as a worker, and his biographical character supports his abilities, really. He is the Tommy Cornell of this universe. The thought of booking him is already getting me dreaming as a booker.



Oblivion: This man is what you’ll find is you look up ‘monster’ in the dictionary. A* menace, B+ brawling and Star quality. Yeah, he’s going to be a force. He needs some touching up in that he doesn’t have main event calibur performance stats (they’re in the low sixties), but I suspect there would be trouble DROPPING Oblivion from this level. His stats just scream ‘overness machine’… unfortunately at 25, that may lead to an ego on the horizon, but I guess that’s a fact of wrestling.



Lawrence Christian: And here is the white knight to Mr. Flawless’s arrogance. It’s almost like looking in a mirror – he just so happens to be #2 on the Power 100. His top row isn’t quite as good, but that’s like coming second best to superman in a weight-lifting contest. A* star quality, world class psychology and brawling. A feud between those two would basically cause the London-IWC to spontaneously combust.



Phillip Adorn: A little like Keylong in a couple of ways, though he does bring a bit more to the table. Even so, the fact they’re feuding over the TV title is another indication that he’s perhaps a bit high up the card right now. Even so, Adorn has chops as an entertainer, which makes it unsurprising he’s somewhere like the AWF. At 23, in a few years he could be great.



Rich. E Platinum: The man himself. The world champion. Immensely popular, he’s not quite the best worker that we have, but he can more than hold his own in the vast majority of areas (he can brawl, wrestle technically, and he’s a great entertainer too, all-around pretty good). A psychology of 82 is a potential danger warning here – it’s not really good enough for a world champion in an international promotion. Certainly carryable, but that’s not what you want to hear about your main man, is it?



Tag Teams


I’m looking at these guys separately because of AWF’s main-event level tag team belts, which puts the majority of the teams in their own bracket entirely, though that’s not to say there isn’t any crossover.



Air Jordan


The brothers Alex and Riley Jordan, the former of which is another Next Big Thing. Both of them are young cruiserweights with performance skills that are none too shabby. They’re off only middling experience, but they have all the tools to go a long long way in the tag team division if they can improve – and the NBT/Hot Prospect status definitely suggests that will happen.



A-List Pimping


This team consists of our final Next Big Thing; Hollywood Munroe and the flamboyant Pimp Master T. Munroe is… an interesting one. He oozes star quality and charisma, and has some flash too, but his performance skills are only in the C-/D+ range, which are not exactly great in terms of what you want for a NBT. He’s only 24, but still, he’ll struggle. Master T is more or less the same, with less of the star quality, and at 30 years old, that is not a flattering performance line at all. A difficult tag team to get behind, especially considering they lack experience.



The Armed Forces of Badass


Sergeant Extreme and Major Awesome combine to form one of the staples of AWF’s tag team division – an A* experience team of entertainers. They’re frankly… decent, but not great. C level performance rows aren’t really something to write home about, and otherwise they’re just decent brawlers with good entertainment skills. Definitely a team who will just be holding steady rather than fronting the division again.



High Society


No-nonsense workers with good performance skills and workable charisma, Carl Marriot and Jonathan Gregory complement each other well as a tag team. They could probably stand on their own merits, but with A* experience, there’s really no need. They’re pretty much the cornerstones of the division.



Los Mexicanos


Of middling experience, Hector Garrido and Marcos Gomez are both decent lightweights that can hold their own in the division. The fact that they’re already teamed makes their best utility together, as apart, they really wouldn’t stand out particularly amongst the promotion’s cruiserweights, as they’re not that distinctive. If I had to pick, I’d call Gomez the more likely success.



Packed With Flavour


Chocolate Daddy and Vanilla Thunder are our current fun-loving champions, and whoa whoa WHOA those entertainment skills! CD has A*s in microphone and charisma, and his acting isn’t too far behind. Vanilla Thunder can hold his own, but he’s not nearly as good. If I needed a new main eventer, you can better believe that CD would be right into the breach and VT would have to sink or swim on his own. He’s 25, he could stand alone.



Sons of Samoa


The brothers Malaki and Semo Nam’ulu make up this promising team. Good brawlers, their other skills aren’t much to write home about, but with some more experience, I can see them developing into very solid members of the tag team division.



The All American Patriots


Danny Washington and Patriarch combine for a team with more star quality and charisma than ability. I like Washington, with performance stats in the seventies, and at 24, he has a lot of upside. Maybe he shouldn’t quite be in the main event, but he’ll belong there before too long. Patriarch is… he of epic star quality and charisma, and poor in-ring skills. He is like, the ascended version of Joshua Rude. If you want an analogue? Giant Redwood with enough touch ups to not be useless.



The Artists


AJ Bennett and Lucian Von Flue combine to make this pretentious team. Even their renders scream arrogance. Von Flue is the older and superior worker – he has more star quality and charisma and to be frank, ability. Bennett is far from useless, but he’s definitely propped up by Von Flue. Ideally, as the team develop experience, Bennett can learn from Von Flue.



The Millionaire’s Club


Now here’s a fun team – Rich E. Platinum’s flunkies, Joey Cash and Davey Dollar. They aren’t fantastic workers individually, but as a team with charisma – and associated with Platinum, they become a lot more useful. It’s kind of a time bomb to see whether they can get good enough to become the top level team their bios say they are before time decline kicks in. Cash is 29, Dollar is 32, they’re at the age when it becomes a real luck-based thing.



The Standouts


Deshawn Jones and River Phillips live up to their team’s name in potential, if not current ability. They’re not great YET, but they’re both good all-rounders, and with some more development, they’re going to be absolutely great. More charisma and more performance, and you’ve basically got a pair of show stealers, especially since they’re only 25 and 26 years old respectively.



And finally…



Exodus: Oblivion on steroids. 100 menace, 95 star quality, 91 brawling, B- performance row. He makes the young monster look like a puppy. 36 years old, and two weeks out from returning from a shattered knee, the storyline is ready made; the original monster takes revenge on the man that injured him. What a badass.



PART 2 (The Show) To Follow......................

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http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/BobbyJustice.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/HollywoodMonroe.jpg


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bobby Justice defeated Hollywood Monroe in 7:14 by pinfall with a Right To Remain Silence. B-


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Very impressive for a dark match between two decent, but hardly spectacular workers. Did what I wanted it to do (set the show up and give Justice a match), and would certainly encourage me to use one or both on the next show.





Rich E. Platinum, comes down to the ring. They enjoy rubbing everybody's noses in the fact that they have been unstoppable recently, and intend to continue their streak of dominance. Patriarch runs in to try and get his hands on the champion. Richard Sutherland announces a match between the two for later that night. A


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Unsurprisingly this segment went down well. Platinum and Patriarch are among the most entertaining in the company, and their main event status pretty much guaranteed a great angle.


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/DannyWashington.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/LucianVonFlue.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Danny Washington defeated Lucian Von Flue in 8:15 by submission with an All-American Ankle Lock. C+


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Slightly disappointed with this match grade as after the pre-show I had expected a B- to kick off the main show’s in-ring action. Both Von Flue and Washington have the potential to be great players for the AWF, but perhaps this match just shows that they are not quite there yet.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/LeroySnyde.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/EricSteppenwolf.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/MarcosGomez.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/OllieMidnight.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Leroy Snyde defeated Eric Steppenwolf, Marcos Gomez and Ollie Midnight in 8:12 when Leroy Snyde defeated Marcos Gomez by pinfall with a Snyde Remarks. B-


Leroy Snyde does an interview in which he challenges Xavier York Kristopher. C+


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: This is more like it! The AWF have a strong cruiserweight division and although none are higher than midcard, this proves that they are talented enough to pull off a strong match. Snyde’s win and the following promo (which was about what I expected), continues one of the mod’s starting storylines.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/MarcoKeylong.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/PhillipAdorn.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Phillip Adorn defeated Marco Keylong in 9:06 by count out. B


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Television title matches don’t typically get B grades, but then again, they are not typically held by main eventers. This match is another that continues a storyline – with both Keylong and Adorn autopushing as main eventers, I’m not surprised by the good grade this match got. The cheap finish is designed to keep the feud going until PPV.



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/CarlMarriot.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/JonathanGregory-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/MajorAwesome.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/SergeantExtreme.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, High Society defeated Armed Forces Of Badass in 9:24 when Jonathan Gregory defeated Sergeant Extreme by submission with a Silver Spoon Vice. B


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Two upper midcard teams in a fantastic match that could easily have been higher up the card had I known it would be quite that good. I had originally planned on giving this the #1 Contendership treatment but decided to give that to the Millionaire’s Club for now (see later on). All in all a great match, but I still have the feeling that with some of the other teams being much lower in pop these two teams might not get the grades they deserve.



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/Oblivion.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/RayBale.jpg


In an extremely short match, Oblivion defeated Ray Bale in 4:49 by pinfall with The Abyss. C+



Backstage, Saint Lazarus hypes his client Oblivion putting over how great the superstar really is. B


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Oblivion is your typical monster and a squash match every so often is a must. Slightly surprised it graded as highly as it did, but then Bale is pretty much on the roster to make the monsters look good. The promo was rating Lazarus on entertainment and Oblivion on menace. Grade was as expected.



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/JoeyCash-2.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/DaveyDollar.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/AlexJordan.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/RileyJordan.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Millionaire's Club defeated Air Jordan in 6:31 when Davey Dollar defeated Riley Jordan by pinfall with a Dollar Drop. C+




Packed With Flavour have an interview, in which they go off on a rant about how much they hate The Millionaire's Club. B


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: The Millionaire’s Club were the last tag team champions, and are currently set up to feud with Packed With Flavour. A decent match against talented midcard baby faces Air Jordan gives some momentum to the challengers, while the Jordan brothers get some air time. The following interview kept the feud running while making use of the strong entertainment skills of Chocolate Daddy (A*), even if it was slightly tempered by Vanilla Thunder’s (C+).



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/MrFlawless.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/DeshawnJones.jpg


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Mr. Flawless defeated Deshawn Jones in 10:11 by pinfall with an Absolute Perfection. B



Lawrence Christian has an interview in which he taunts Mr. Flawless. B

BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: I had hoped this might just get a B+, but a B is still strong for a semi-main event. Mr Flawless is unstoppable in the ring, while Deshawn shows that he is definitely one to watch. Christian Faith…sorry, Lawrence Christian came out after the match to taunt Flawless in an angle I was disappointed in. A pop, B+ entertainment and only a B!? A future match between Flawless and Christian could be amazing, so although it isn’t a starting storyline it’s definitely a feud I would continue.



A video plays hyping Patriarch vs. Rich E. Platinum. B





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/RichEPlatinum.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/Jewel.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/London-Verse/Patriarch.jpg


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Rich E. Platinum defeated Patriarch in 13:06 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rich E. Platinum makes defence number 1 of his AWF World Heavyweight title. A



Patriarch is being attacked, three-on-one, by Rich E. Platinum, Big Ron Johnson and Jewel in the ring. Seeing the assault, Danny Washington comes running in and fights all three of them off, saving Patriarch from a serious beating. B


BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Pre-show hype vid gets the expected grade given its length. First show of the year on a national sized promotion is a good time to have a world title match in my mind! Patriarch’s ring skills are naff, but this is a pop fed so Rich can carry him easily to a good match – I didn’t expect it to be quite that good though I must admit! Underhand tactics sets up a feud ender (this is another starting storyline) at PPV, although I actually wanted Jewel to interfere but forgot to put the manager interference note. Danny Washington saving his partner in the post-match attack was another slightly lower-than-expected grade, but nicely sets up a tag match for the next TV show.







BOOKER’S THOUGHTS: Overall I’m extremely pleased with the way the first show went. The depth of the roster is good, although finding jobbers to feed Oblivion may become difficult without demolishing a promising youngster. The cruiserweight division is very strong, and could make for a very interesting roster division if enough talent can be hired. A glutton for punishment, I’d actually like to see a bit of a reduction in the entertainment ratings for some of the roster because it’d make things a little more interesting, especially for the younger talent. I’m not sure how I’d deal with the title situation either, as the midcard Television title is held by a main eventer (feuding with another main eventer), and getting the strap off Keylong without doing too much damage might not be easy. The company’s tag division is strong too, but I think I’d probably move the Tag Team titles from main event to floating, just to give it a little more freedom to move around. Two TV shows is always difficult to book long-term (especially when both are A-shows) (London's note - AWF Thursday Night Titans has since been changed to a B show), but the roster depth is good enough to keep the possibilities of matches and feuds for a long while.

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<p>LLLL is now complete and I will move onto DUSA. The individual who has offered to do a show review for LLLL will require a bit of time due to a failure in the technological department (read: his comp died) <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</p><p> </p><p>

So much to do.....................<img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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