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World Wrestling Association... Taking on the 21st Century

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WWA Prime Television
Wednesday January 6th 2010
Live from The Irish Eyes Records Auditorium
After an incredibly well done opening video package, we open to packed house of 2,000 inside the Irish Eyes Record Auditorium where the fans are standing on their feet, holding up signs, and cheering aimlessly as we cut to see our announce team for the evening, Ross Calloway, and Melvin “The Fantastic” Alexander.
Hello fans, and welcome to WWA Prime, the first ever I might add in the companies history, and what a historical night we have for you this evening, but before we get onto that, allow me to introduce my broadcast partner for the night, Melvin “The Fantastic” Alexander, how are you Melvin.
I’m pumped up, that’s what I am! I'm ready to get this thing under way, lets go!
I couldn’t agree with you more, and fans, what a night your in for tonight, cause in our main event of the evening, the reigning WWA World Champion, the UK Dragon teams up for the first time ever with the incredible Joey Beauchamp, and they’re set to take on the challenging team of Merle O’Curle, and Walter Morgan.
And you can bet that O’Curle, and Morgan are primed for victory, and will do what they have to to pick up the win here tonight.
Not only that, but also, we’ve got for you a match pitting “The Dread Pirate”, and member of Anarchist NOW, Hugh de Aske set to compete with WWA’s own resident law enforcer, Keith Adams.
And you can bet that the holder of The Golden Case, and bitter rival of Keith Adams, Jamie Anderson won’t be far away from the action.
And speaking of the Anarchist NOW faction, it looks like we’re about to be joined by it’s leader, Ripper LeStat, and the Golden Case holder himself.
“Personal Jesus” done by Marilyn Manson blares over the sound system as Ripper LeStat, and Jamie Anderson, holding the Golden Case, make their way to ringside. Scoffing at fans as they make their way to the ring, a number of fans shoot up fingers, and yell out curses to them as they pass. They both climb the steps into the ring, and LeStat grabs a microphone. The music dies down, and over the chorus of boo’s, LeStat atempts to address the fans.
That’s fine, you can all continue to rant, and rave, and show just how far down the evolutionary ladder you really are. Please… Continue.
They take his advice, only this time up the volume to a deafening level. LeStat just stares out the the crowd, with Anderson standing behind him almost at attention, case in hand.
You can continue all you like, because at the end of this day, and many days to come, Anarchist NOW will grow stronger, and stronger until we’ve not only taken over this company, not only this country, but the entire world. And it started when the man standing behind me climbed to greatness, and grabbed the Golden Case from grasp of Keith Adams, making him the number one contender for the World Championship whenever he see’s fit.
With the help of the entire Anarchist NOW faction of course…
Quiet, I’m trying to listen.
But instead of focusing on that, Keith Adams has decided that he’s going to hold a grudge not only against the man whom had bested his efforts for the Golden Case, but the entire Anarchist NOW brotherhood. A choice that Keith Adams is going to regret. Because Anarchist NOW is a force, it is a group that is unlike anything in this sport of professional wrestling, and he’s going to find that out, and unfortunately for Keith Adams, he’s already chosen to do so… The hard way.
The music kicks back up as we see Ripper LeStat, and Jamie Anderson standing in the ring as the scene cuts out to our first commercial break.
Arthur T. Turtle vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player
Our opening contest had Arthur T. Turtle pick up the huge upset win when he was able to duck under a clothesline, and quickly roll up Puffy with a School-Boy for the 3-Count.
Almost instantly following the 3-count, Puffy is all over Turtle, nailing him with rights, and lefts while referee does whatever posible to pull Puffy away. And after a few dozen blows to the back of the head, the referee is able to seperate Puffy from Turtle. Puffy goes out to the floor, and heads for his golf bag. He pulls out his 9-iron, and rolls back into the ring. Meanwhile, the referee has been tending to Turtle who has mangae to get to one knee only to have Puffy attack, nailing him in the face with the club. the referee, livid with Puffy's actions, demands he leave the ring as Turtle is left laying before we cut to our second commercial break.
Returning from commercial, we find Joey Beauchamp walking down a corridor when from around the corner, he runs into his tag team partner for tonights main event, UK Dragon, who has the WWA World Championship draped over his shoulder. The two clasp hands, showing a mutual respect for one another.
You as ready for tonight's match as I am.
You know me Joey, I'm always ready.
Alright then, lets show them what we do best.
The two men then walk off chatting amoungst each other as we head back to ringside for our next match-up.
Derrick Merrick vs Red Dragon
It was clear from the get go who was in control of this match as Red Dragon used his dangerous kicks to pick apart Merrick who didn't have an answer for anything Dragon had to offer. And after a devastating Shining Wizard from Dragon, he was able to pick up the win via pinfall.
WWA Tag Team Championship
The Elimination Agents© vs The Party Animals
This was a classic Power vs Speed match pinning the strong and powerful Agents against the speedy, and quick Animals. And for a strong portion of the contest, the Animals had the Agents on the ropes, using high risk tactics, and trying to cut the ring in half. But one hot tag, and the Agents were in control. And following You've Been Eliminated, the Agents devastating top clothesline-powerbomb combo, The Elimination Agents get the win, and retain the tag titles.
Following the announcement that The Elimination Agents had retained the gold, The Party Animals were on the attck, beating down both members of the tag champions. The Agents are able to fight backa bit, but both cheap shot artists are out of the ring before The Agents can do any real damage as both teams shout at each other as the scene cuts to a commercial break.
Petey Barnes vs Glen Ward
Both of these men entered the ring with something to prove, Ward wanting to prove that he can hang with the best of the best, and Barnes wanting to prove that he's ready to break into the world title picture. and both men staked their claim to their respectable goals. But it would be Barnes who'd come out on top on this day by very narrowly defeating Ward after hitting the X-Press, and getting the pinfall victory.
With Barnes in the walking up the entrance way after his victory, we cut to the locker room where we find Ripper Lestat once again with microphone in hand, only this time behind him is "The Dread Pirate" Hugh de Aske. The crowd cheers for Barnes quickly turn into boo's when LeStat is seen on the big screen. He lifts the mic to his face, and doesn't waste any time getting his point across.
I told you Keith Adams, that you were going to find out the hard way that Anarchist NOW is the strongest force in the sport of professional wrestling, and that we grow stronger every day. And tonight, you stand toe to toe with Hugh de Aske... And believe me when I say... He's not coming just to win a match... He's coming to end your career...
And after a long pause, LeStat lets loose the most sinister of laughs ever to come from a human body. He continues this laugh as we cut to our next commercial break.
Keith Adams vs Hugh de Aske
As evenly matched as this could've been, it wasn't... Because Keith Adams has been hell bent since it's formation to destroy each, and every member of the Anarchist NOW faction, and he looked to start that mission by taking out de Aske. For a moment, you couldn't tell that Adams was the one who stood for honor, and justice by the way he was beating on de Aske, and almost on a timer, Jamie Anderson was flying out to the ring in an effort to distract Adams. For a moment, it worked, but Adams went right back to de Aske, who was waiting with a loaded fist of brass knucks. And by knocking out Adams, de Aske was able to pick up the victory.
And with the match over, and Adams out cold, it was only certain that Anarchist NOW would want to pick the bones of the fallen Adams. But just before Anderson, and de Aske went in for the kill, LeStat stopped the men, and with a evil smile across his face, he pointed to the entrance way.

And Menace appeared from behind the curtain much to the surprise of the fans in attendance. The behemoth of a man entered the ring, and at the drop of LeStat's hand, Menace lifted Adams high into the air, and trhew him almost through the mat witha devastating chokeslam! We cut to commercial with Menace standing over Adams, and the rest of Anarchist NOW playing to the crowd.
UK Dragon & Joey Beauchamp vs Merle O'Curle & Walter Morgan
Our main event of the evening had four of the premier athletes in WWA facing off on opposite sides of the ring. And the crowd was ready for pretty much anything, knowing the men in the ring were ready to give their all in the name of victory. The match started with rivals Beauchamp, and Morgan basically shooting on each other, each trying to get the upperhand, and when shooting proved to be the wrong course of action, Morgan moved to more brute tactics, using stiff, and accurate strikes to wear down Beauchamp. And by doing so, Morgan, and O'Curle were able to isolate Beauchamp, and factor out UK Dragon all together.

Everytime Beauchamp would mangane to fight back a little bit, he'd be cut off by one of his two opponants. And this continued for a number of minutes with the outcome almost certainly in favour of the dominant O'Curle & Morgan. But one swift Enziguri, and the race for the tag was on. And with O'Curle reaching Morgan, Beauchamp was able to get to Dragon, and the champ took over. And when Morgan could take no more of the attack, he turned right into the Dragon Drop allowing Dragon to get the pin, and the win for his team.
UK Dragon, and Joey Beauchamp are victorious in an absolutely incredible contest tonight!
Weren't you watching that! O'Curle, and Morgan were robbed here tonight, a miscarriage of justice has taken place, and something better be done about this!
Your nuts Melvin, it was a great match, and all four men should be proud of what they've done here tonight, and that's all we have this evening, thank you fans... Goodnight!
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