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4 Corners of Chaos: WCW

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Four Corners OF Chaos: WCW


It was Monday during the first week of January when the news finally hit the wire. I had always followed WCW and after the Lawsuit and roster shakeups I was the second runner up for the big job in WCW. But sadly I fell just a little bit short I was okay with it I tried and knew that in wrestling the never fully closes. So when I got the call from Ted Turner in the end of December I thought it was a joke.

It was 11:00pm local I was in England visiting family for the new year when my aunt told me there was a man on the phone. I asked who it was and she said it was Ted Turner I couldn’t fathom the thought that it was actually him I just assumed it was one of the many wrestling writers I knew form back home so I went and took the phone and this is what I heard.


Ted: Howdy there I’mma lookin fer Jason Danielson. We seem to have an opening here in WCW and Ia wondered if he would be interested in appliying.


Jason: Really exactly what position would that be.


Ted: Wella we seem to have an opening for the Head Booker spot.


Jason: But you only just hired a new booker after the lawsuit.


Ted: Well im afraid that our booker just isn’t going out and we’ve decided to go in a new direction and we think you are the right man to lead that direction.


Still not believing it was really Ted Turner I said the following and it changed my life forever.


Jason: Well I’ll tell you what Mr. Turner why don’t you go and fax me the contract at home and when I return from holiday tomorrow night I’ll sign it and send it back.


Ted: Well all right then I’ll have Sophie fax it to you and you can start at the first Nitro of the New Year.


With that we hung and I didn’t think of it again until I got home and found a twenty page contract sitting aon my fax machine. I immediately took the contract to my lawyer and had him read it. He said it was all legit and I immediately signed it and returned it. I had very little time to get to the arena which just so happened to be in my home town and come up with a new direction for the company. Unfortuantly that first night did not go how I expected it too.

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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday Week 1 January

Held in front of 3273 Fans in the Oshawa Civic Auditorium in Oshawa Ontario Canada



The Pre-Show saw a Battle Royal that was dominated and won by The Undertaker



1 Tiger Mask def Dean Malenko 15mins D

Gorilla: This has been one heck of a match to start the New Year here on Monday Nitro.

Heenan: Ya I’d like two cheese pizzas delivered to ringside.

Gorilla: Will you Stop!

The finish saw Tiger and Dean, Trade blows back and forth until Tiger Mask took the upper hand and win the match with Tiger Suplex for the pinfall Victory at 15:00 mins.


Gorilla: Wow what a great show of athleticism by two of WCW’s best pure athletes.

Bobby: I think the US Champ Chris Benoit might disagree on that.

Gorilla: Let’s talk about tonight’s Main Event. The Tag Team Match featuring the Team of Brian Pillman and Jerry Lawler squaring off against Stunning Steve Austin and The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

Bobby: What’s there to talk about Pillman and the King will walk all over those Ham N’ Eggers Austin and Michaels.

Gorilla: I don’t know about that Bobby, HBK is a former WCW world champion.

Bobby: He aint no more.

Gorilla: Well that’s true but.

Bobby: I’m sorry Gorilla what’s that you say.

Gorilla: Ok Weasel enough about the main event lets head back to the ring for our next contest.

2 Gorilla and Bobby hype the main event. C


3 Johnny B Badd def Shane Douglas D+ 7mins

The Finish saw Johnny B Badd catch Shane off guard with the Kiss That Don’t Miss.


4 Next we go to a video of Lex Luger working out in a gym. C+


5 Lex Luger def Junkyard Dog C- 12mins

The Finish saw Lex pick JYD up and put him in the Torture Rack for the submission victory.


6 Next we go to a Dark Graveyard and we pan the camera to find The Undertaker.

Undertaker: Paul Bearer for 5 years you ran my life but never told me the things I really wanted to know. Now you leave me behind and think that is the end we’ll you are wrong. I’m The Undertaker the grim reaper the very thing that puts fear in the minds of others. Now you sick your little dogs on me Abdullah The Butcher, Sabu and Mike Tyson are nothing to me Paul they mean nothing and I promise I Will not rest until You Paul are put in your Grave then and only then will I REST IN PEACE.

Rating: C-


6 Dory Funk JR. def Dick Slater D 7mins

This match was an old school affair that both men pull everything out of their bag of tricks. The finish saw Slater tap out to Dory Funk’s Spinning Toe Hold.


7 WE Go Backstage were Rick Rude is standing in front of a mirror.

Rude: I belong on top of the world. I deserve more than managing two men to tag gold. I am the most Ravishing Man on the planet and deserve whatever I want and what I want is a title belt of my own but I can’t get a title shot because the championship committee thinks I don’t deserve it we’ll let me tell you something if you won’t give it to me then I will take it.

Rating: D


8 Abdullah and Sabu def Tapia and Snow E+ 5mins

This match was complete and total squash and saw Tapia and Snow get very little offence amounting to nothing. The finish saw Sabu tap out Tapia with the Camel Clutch.


9 After the match Bearer grabbed a mic from ringside.

Bearer: Oh my Undertaker, you know nothing of what you want the only thing you should ever want is what I tell you to want. You started to ask the right questions the questions you have no business asking and so I went out and I found the three men who are just as strong and even more crazy and sadistic and I promise these men will be your undoing and if they can’t do it. THEN I PROMISE UNDERTAKER YOU WILL GET THE ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS BUT I PROMISE YOU WONT LIKE THEM.

Rating: D+


10 Rock’ N’ Roll Express def The Smoking Gunns WCW Tag Team Championships on the line. E+ 15mins.

The match filled with great action saw the R’N’R Express retain their belts after 15 mins of action with The Double Dropkick on Billy Gunn.


11 Stunning Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels def Jerry Lawler and Brian Pillman C+ 20 mins

The first 15 minutes saw all four men trading blows and going hold for hold. The match was all even until Austin and Pillman brawled all the way to the back at the 15 min mark. The last 5 mins were both men trading finisher attempts to try and win for their team at the 20 min mark HBK and Lawler were both down with a quick burst of energy Michaels kipped up and caught Lawler with the Sweet Chin Music at 20:58 sec for the three count.

Final Rating: D-




WCW Main Event

Taped Monday Week 1 January Aired Sat. Week 1 Jan.

Oshawa Civic Auditorium


1 Flash Funk def Greg Valentine D 7mins

The Finish saw Funk hit the Scorpio Splash for the 3 count.


2 Bobby Heenan grabs a ringside and gets in the ring well Steve Austin makes

his way to ringside.

Heenan: Austin the last few months you have been embroiled in a war with your former tag team partner and best friend Brian Pillman what do you have to say about the actions going on between the two of you.

Austin: Well let me tell you something Heenan Brian and I were more than just friends we were like brothers and if there is anything I have learned is that that bond is thicker than anything. So if I have to kill Brian Pillman to make him realize the error of his ways than that is exactly what I will do.

Heenan: That is pretty intense thing to say Steve, are you afraid that you will have to eat those words?

Austin: I never eat words and I’ll tell you this much when I finally get my hands on that little mealymouth Bastard I’m gonna make him eat every word he has ever spoken about me ever.

With that Austin drops the mic and leaves to a thunderous applause. Heenan returns to the announce booth with Gorilla.

Gorilla: Wow those two men have an awful lot to deal with and I don’t know if the squared circle is a strong enough venue to control their hatred for each other.

Heenan: You got that right Gorilla.

Heenan Interviews Austin C-


3 Jushin Liger def Shane Douglas C- 10 Mins

The match saw intense action for nearly 10 minutes before Douglas caught the upper hand after hitting a big superplex on Liger, Douglas took the opportunity to taunt the crowd when he returned to Liger for the pin he was caught in a small package for the quick 1-2-3.


4 The Camera cuts to a dimly lit room somewhere in the arena the camera finds The Undertaker in his classic trench coat and hat he raises his head and takes off his hat as the camera zooms in on his face.

Undertaker: Paul Bear I promise that before long you will only wish I had let you burn in that fire. And I promise you will never Rest In Peace!

With that the camera zooms out to see a fire burning in the background that wasn’t there just mere moments ago.

Undertaker Swears Vengeance B-


5 Barry Windham def Buddy Rose D- 7mins

The match was very intense as the two cagey veterans tried every trick in the book to get the victory the finish saw Windham hit the Superplex for the pinfall victory.


6 Bobby Heenan again entered the ring as Shawn Michaels makes his way to ringside.

Heenan: Shawn in just three weeks time you will og one on one with The King Jerry Lawler in a number one contenders match. What do you have to say about that.

Michaels: Well im gonna tell you Heenan and you can pass this along when the Heartbreak Kid is in the groove there isn’t anybody that can stand in my way. So when I finish with The Burger King the only thing he’ll be hearing is Sweet Chin Music then at the Clash of the Champions I’m gonna take back what is rightfully mine and win back the World Heavyweight Championship.

With that Shawn’s music begins to play as he dances us into a commercial break.

Heenan interviews Michaels C


7 Chris Benoit def Marty Jannetty C 15mins US Title

The match the two men brawl back and forth. Both inside and outside the ring for 10 mins before they returned to the ring to finish the contest. The finish saw Jannetty miss the top rope Rocker Dropper after Jimmy Hart stalled him long enough for Benoit to regain his composure and avoid the move Benoit then ascended the top rope for the Diving Headbut before locking in the Crossface for the submission victory to retain his Title.

Final Rating D+

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good to see a WCW diary up

:D ... good start, though running shows in Canada where your less over hurts the grades...not that the WWF minds :cool:




Actually, it doesn't. I just ran a B+ show in Tokyo, Japan, where I was over at an F (now E-, woo!).


It all depends on how over your *workers* are in the region.

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Actually, it doesn't. I just ran a B+ show in Tokyo, Japan, where I was over at an F (now E-, woo!).


It all depends on how over your *workers* are in the region.



true, although product makes a difference, don't know if WCW is as weighted towards pop as the WWF is but I don't even dare leave the Northeast too often with the WWF much less the USA

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true, although product makes a difference, don't know if WCW is as weighted towards pop as the WWF is but I don't even dare leave the Northeast too often with the WWF much less the USA


I'm still not convinced you're right. Sure, you won't get as high an attendance in areas where your popularity is low... but as long as the workers you use on your shows there have high popularity in those same areas, you'll get good grades. At least that's my impression.

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Thanks all you guys for the kind words. Going to canada right out of the gate was a bad idea but I have a tradition to always hold my first show in my home arena whenever it is feasible so being that we are an International comapany I had to do it.


But here we go with your quick picks for week 2. There will be a prediction contest but it will not begin until after the first PPV.


Quick Picks Week 2 JAnuary



Chris Benoit© vs Dean Malenko non-title

Johnny B Badd and Flash Funk vs Demolition

Shane Douglas vs Junkyard Dog

The GReat Nita vs Greg Valentine

Big Bubba Rogers vs Brian Pillman

R'N'R Express© vs Sabu and Abdullah The Butcher non-title

Jerry LAwler & Randy Savage & Rick Rude vs Shawn Michaels & Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask


MAin Event:

MArty Jannetty vs Sabu

Smokin' Gunns vs Tapia and Mascaras

Lex Luger vs The Undertaker© TV Championship Match

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  • 2 weeks later...

WCW Monday Night Nitro

Week 2 Monday

Coleman Colliseum South East USA



The pre show tonight saw two matches in the first


PS1. Steve Austin def Dick Slater. B-

The match saw both men give it everything they had. In the end Austin was more resourceful and caught Slater with a Stunner for the 3-count.


PS2. Michael Hayes and Buddy Rose draw Dory Funk Jr and Barry Windham C-

The second pre show contest saw four of WCW’s most seasoned veterans get in the ring and put on an old school classic however not everyone in the crowd understood the efoorts by all 4 indivduals and the match ended in a time limit draw.


Main Card


Chris Benoit© def Dean Malenko US Championship B-

The match saw both men in an intense contest for the US championship. The match went went for 15 minutes at a dead stalemate going blow for blow with the two men trading hold for hold. The final 5 minutes saw the most intense action as the two men were both tired and begining to know the end was near for someone. The intense came to an end as the two men were exchanging blows Benoit reversed a wild haymaker by Maelnko into the Crossface for the submission victory.


The camera cuts to a familiar scene. The same Graveyard featured in the Undertakers previous promo on the Main Event. However this time The Undertaker was nowhere to be found and in his place was Paul Bearer and the rest of The Era Of Evil.


The three members of the Era of Evil were busy with shovels digging a grave as Paul Bearer was holding a lantern


Bearer: O Yes My Undertaker, You will never understand the truth. The Truth that only I know the truth is something I promise you will never get. As long as I live and Breath Undertaker I will keep this secret. I made a promise a long time ago to never tell you the truth of what happened that fatefull. day Undertaker. The truth is as long as I have my Era Of Evil you will never get to me and as long as that is the case I wont ever tell you the truth. You can try and scare me into honesty Undertaker but you will never ever understand the magnitude of what i know, as long as i am here in WCW you will never get the truth not now not ever. Now were here tonight to make sure you never really know the truth. O yes Undertaker The truth will not set you free it will DESTROY YOU. SO unless you can defeat my Era OF Evil I will die before I tell you what you want to know.




With that the camera zooms out to see the three members of The Era OF Evil with gas cans in their hands Paul Bearer reaches into his pocket pulls out a book of matches and lights them as he throws the matches into the grave site the camera zooms in on the tombstone which reads K. Callaway.

Rating: B-


Demolition def Badd Funk C

The unexperienced team of Badd Funk were no match for the experienced team of Demolition. The match ended when Funk was the victim of the Decapatation Elbow.


The camera cuts to a beach were we see Kimberly Page in a Bikini. She tells everyone that she is coming soon.

Rating C

Shane Douglas Def Junkyard Dog D+

The match some good back and forth before Douglas caught the dog with the Franchiser for the win.


The Great Nita def Greg Valentine C-

The match that was arguably the most stiff match in recent WCW memory saw Nita get the upper hand and hit Valentine with the Shining Wizard after the two men went toe to toe exchanging stiff punches, chops and forearms.


Brian Pillman def Big Bubba Rogers B-

A great back anf forth match saw both men give it their all before Bubba was caught by Pillman with a roll-up he secured the three by holding the tights till the count was finished. Bubba arose ran off Pillman then light up the ref for not seeing Pillman holding the tights.


After the Match before Pillman made it backstage Steve Austin appeared on the turnertron.


Austin: Hey Pillman ya up here, You wanna run around and prance and pretend that you are the best, well I’ll tell ya Kid you aint s**t!! All those years we ran up and down the road I carried you on my back and now at Clash Of The Champions in Lexington Kentucky I’m gonna give you the a**wupping you deserve if you got the balls that is.


Austin Challenges Pillman B


Abdullah The Butcher and Sabu def R’N’R Express© non-title B

In a hard fought brawl all 4 men left everything in the ring the finish came when Abdullah had Ricky on the outside being choked out the ref was distracted as Sabu came down with the Arabian Facebuster at which point the ref turned around to count the 1-2-3 for the victory.


The camera cuts to Randy Savage in a locker Room.


Savage: Well it what is and I am the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ya and it dont matter who wins the number 1 contenders match in two weeks ya I promise that the MAtcho MAn will leave the Clash Of The Champions still the world champ.


Savage exudes confidence B+

Jerry Lawler & Rick Rude & Randy Savage def Shawn Michaels & Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask B

The motn was a hard fought battle as all of the main men in this contest fought for everything they had. The finish saw Savage and LAwler brawl off to the back with Liger and Tiger Mask in toe. In the ring HBK was looking over the rope at the carnage going up the isle as Rick Rude arose after a Superkick from HBK. After Rude got up he quickly descended on HBK and caught him with a low blow before pulling him out to centre ring for the Rude Awakening.

Final Rating B



WCW Main Event

Week 2 January Taped Monday aired Sunday.

Coleman Colliseum South East USA



Sabu def Marty Jannetty B

The two men fought a hard contest the match was intense as both men gave it all they had. The finish saw Sabu and Jannetty both go through a ringside table as Sabu came off the ring apron with a springboard legdrop. After coming too Sabu rolled JAnnetty into the ring he slapped him in the camel clutch but after the table it was purely academic.


We go to a Locker Room with Brian Pillman.


Pillman: I’ll tell you you were never the strongest link ever and questioning the size of my balls well I’ll tell you something at Clash Of The Champions I’m gonna beat you so bad you’ll wish you’d never said that. But there is one thing you need to know I’ll never trust you 1 on 1 so im putting it in the contract that the WCW competition Committee will have to appoint a special guest referee.


Pillman accepts the Challenge of Austin C+


Smoking Gunns def Mil Mascaras and Adolfo Tapia C-


In a straight squash match the Gunns were all over the old and young team as they never had a chance to show any offense. The match ended when the Gunns hit The Sidewinder on Tapia to secure the victory.


Bobby Heenan enters the ring were he is joined by the WCW World Champion Randy Savage.


Heenan: At Clash Of The Champions you will be defending your title and you dont even know who you’ll be facing does that concern you at all.


Savage: Well Brain it doesnt matter who gets the match cuz the end result will always be the same as the MAcho MAn comes off the top rope with my Elbow and secures the 1-2-3.


Heenan: You seem very confident about that. Does it concern you that your tag team partner Jerry LAwler will be 1 of the competitors in the number 1 contneders match against Shawn Michaels.


Savage: Well Bobby, Jerry and I would the chance to go 1-on-1 and all it would do is prove that the MAch King is the only King in WCW ya.


with that Randy starts parading around the ring with the belt as we go to a commercial break.


Heenan interviews Savage A


We come back to find LEx Luger in the ring for the Main Event for the WCW TV Title.


Undertaker© def Lex Luger to retain the TV Title. B-

The match saw both men giving it all they had. LEx had the upper hand many times but just couldnt keep the Undertaker down. AS Luger got The Undertaker up for the Torture Rack The Undertaker slipped out the back and reversed it into a Tombstone for the win.


The lights go out as usual after the match but inside the ring a large rucus is heard. As the lights come back on The Undertaker is being dominated by The Era Of Evil. The Undertaker tries to rise up but is met with the URn being thrust into his face by PAul Bearer opening a cut over the Undertakers eye as the show goes off the air the audience is in stunned silence as they have never seem the undertaker in this state.


Era Of Evil attack The Undertaker C


Final Rating B-

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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday Week 3

Knickerbocker Arena Tri State USA

Albany New York



The pre-show saw two matches take place in the first


PS1 Ray Gonzalez def Junkyard Dog D+

The finish saw JYD tap-out to the figure four leglock.


PS2 Brian Pillman def Adolfo Tapia C

The finish saw Pillman hit Air Pillman for the win.


Steve Austin def Chris Benoit© B- Non-Title

The intense action between two of WCW’s biggest rising stars saw both men give everytrhing they had and more. The finish saw Austin hit the Stunner after stopping Benoit from hitting the Crossface.


Abdullah and Sabu def Badd Funk C-

This match wasa total squash again Sabu took to the outside only this time with Funk after sending him through a ringside table with a springboard legdrop he rolled Funk into the ring into a waiting Abdullah who hit the Sudanese Elbow Drop for the 1-2-3 .


The camera cuts to a carnival were we see the back of a familair clown only when he turns around we see not the clown we were expecting but instead see a clown with half his face painted.

Borne: Hello I aM BoRne AgAin and soon all of WCW will be born again!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!

Borne continues laughing as the camera fades to commercial.


Borne Again debut Video C


We return from the commercial to see Barry Windham in the ring waiting on his opponent. The lights go out and we see nothing but a lone man on the walk way shrouded in a cape with a lone spotlight on him....

??????: It is my time for vengeance. The revenge OF THE BLACK SCORPION is upon you.

With that he rips off the cape and descends quickly on the ring and the unsupecting Windham as the ref rings the Bell to officially start the match.


The Black Scorpion def Barry Windham D+

This match was a glorified squash from start to finish. Windham got in a token offence before succumbing to the Scorpion Deathlock.


Undertaker© def Rick Rude TV Title B-

This was a hotly contested match between the two men that saw both of them leave it all in the ring. The match took a spilll outside where the two men brawled all the way up the ramp to the turnertron and back. When they got back into the ring Rude gotr the upper hand usingf a low blow he then hit the Rude Awakening on the Undertaker as Rude was doing his signature taunt the Undertaker sat up. He stood up as Rick Rude was finishing his taunt as soon as Rude saw the Undertaker standing he was in shock as the Undertaker hit the tombstone to secure the victory.


After the match Jimmy Hart comes Out to little fanfare and many boos.

Hart: Rock and Roll Express you run around and pretend that it is 1983. Well i got news for the two of you washed up has-beens that pretty soon your gonna have the fight of your life and I promise that very soon you will loose those tag belts to my tag team and when they arrive you will have to fight for life.


Hart threatens R’N’R Express C


Shane Douglas def Big Bubba Rogers C+

The match was truly an old school Philadelphia brawl. Both men gave it all they had there were many near falls and even a standing 10 count was almost achieved by the two as they fought all over the ringside area. Inside the ring Bubba was caught off guard by the Franchiser for the three count.


The Pittbulls def Smokin’ Gunns C

This match was shockingly one sided as the debuting Pittbulls handidly defeated the former champs using the Aided Powerbomb on Bart Gunn for the victory.


Jerry Lawler and Randy Savage def The Rockers B+

This contest was easily MOTN and it showed why the 4 men in this contest are some of the best in the world. The contest went all around ringside including the referee being very lenient as Lawler smashed Michaels over the head with the ringbell. The match returned to the ring with Michaels still on the ground in a heap. Lawler hit Jannetty with the piledriver as Savage ascended the top for the Elbow Drop for the victory.


After the match Michaels was loaded onto a stretcher as he arrived in the parking lot The BLack Scorpion arrived on the scene dumping Michaels off the stretcher he proceded to attack Michaels with ruthless abandon. After bustin Michaels open with a broken down crate he was easily placed in the Scorpion Deathlock as the show went to black with Michaels bleeding and in pain.

Scorpion Attacks HBK C+

Final Rating B-


WCW Main Event

Week 3 Taped Monday aired Saturday.

Knickerbocker Arena Tri State USA

Albany New York



The PRe Show saw 1 match

PS1 Ray Gonzalez def Mil Mascaras D+

In a glorified squash match Mascaras taps out to the figure four leglock.


Jushin “Thunder” Liger© def Dr. Wagner Jr. To Retain the Crusierweight Title C+

This was an intensly Lucha Libre style match between Liger and the debuting DR. Wagner JR. Both men got in all their offense including bouts of high flying action and ground based action. The finish saw Liger reverse a Hurricanrana into a Ligerbomb for the victory.


We cut backstage were we see a dimly lit hallway littered with wrestlers and staff and from the opposite end we see Borne Again start skipping down the hallway as he laughed and spoke.

BoRnE: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!! Soon enough you’ll all be BoRnE AgAiN. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!

As he continued walking all the staff looked intimidated as the wrestlers looked intrigued.

BoRnE prances backstage C+


Demolition DEF R’N’R Express© Non-Title B-

This was a hard fought contes between the two veteran teams that saw everyone pull every trick out of the book. The finish saw Smash knock Ricky Morton off the apron while Ax was in the corner with Robert Gibson after Ricky is on the ground outside Smash picks up Morton for the Decapitation Elbow for the win.


After the match the lights went out and the spotlight finds The Black Scorpion in the Ring.

Scorpoion: Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels you think what happened to you on Nitro was the worst it was just the begining the only thing you’ll fell from here on out is the evolution of fear and pain and the end you will wish you were an ape.

With that the spotlight went out when the arena lights came back on the Scorpion was no where to be found.

Scorpion speaks on his actions. C


Lex Luger def Tiger Mask B-

This was a hard fought contest between the two men. Tiger MAsk gave it his all including all his high flying moves and many others he used. To the amazement of the fans Luger just kept coming back. Luger finally got the upper hand when Tiger Mask went for the Tiger Bomb but just couldnt get Luger up after Luger regained his balance he back body dropped Tiger. As Tiger Mask got up he was met with a Luger Running Forearm after hitting it he picked up the prone body of Tiger MAsk and applied the Torture Rack, Tiger was still out so the referee had no chopice but to stop the bout in Luger’s favor.


Final Rating C-

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WCW Monday Night Nitro


Monday Week 4

Manley Fieldhouse In Syracuse New York

Tri-State USA



The pre show saw two matches


PS1 Ray Gonzalez def Dory Funk Jr D

The match was intense as the youngster was just plain outsmarted by the veteran Dory Funk this went on until Gonzalez resorted to using a low blow to gain the upper hand before applying the figure four leglock for the submission victory.


PS2 Gedo and Jado def Adolfo Tapia and Mil Mascaras D-

Gedo and Jado just handed it to the infrequent team of Tapia and Mascaras. The finish saw Gedo roll up Mascaras for the victory.


The show opened with a battle between the freshly returned Black Scorpion and Marty Jannetty


Black Scorpion def Marty Jannetty C+

This was a very fast paced almost lucha libre style match as the two men traded hold for hold. The bout saw both leave it all in the ring. Scorpion took the win after catching Jannetty going for a single leg dropkick and turning it into an Enzugeri he then applied the Scorpion Deathlock for the tap out victory.

Chris Benoit def Brian Pillman and Tiger Mask to retain the US Title B-

This was easily one of two matches that stole the show tonight as the three men traded everything they had including stiff chops and going hold for hold everytime someone had the upperhand the third man would break the pin or submission. The finish saw Benoit tossed outside by Tiger mask hitting a lumpink spinkick on Benoit while he was perched on the top rope. As Benoit began regaining his composure outside the ring the action inside the ring didnt stop as Tiger MAsk and Brian Pillman went chop for chop Tiger got the upperhand by applying a toe kick followed immediately by a Tiger Driver as Benoit returned to the ring he pulled Tiger off the pin and proceded to toss him over the top rope he then applied the Crossface to Pillman to secure the victory.


After the match the camera goes backstage to find Shawn Michaels warming up for his MAin Event number 1 contenders match. Out of the far left of the frame comes The Black Scorpion with a chair he procedes to lay a beatdown on HBK. Scorpion finished the attack by wrapping the chair aroun HBK’s ankle Scorpion then ascended to the top of a bench and down with a stomp on the chair injuring Michaels’ ankle. As we go to commercial staff is pulling Scorpion away from HBK as Paramedics start attending to the injured Michaels.

Scorpion Attacks HBK Backstage B-


We return from commercial to see Gorilla and Bobby at the broadcast desk.


Gorilla:Can believe the reprehensible actions of The Black Scorpion he has spent the last two weeks trying to end the career of Shawn Michaels and now less than an hour before HBK squares off against JErry LAwler to find out who faces Randy Savage for the World Title tomorrow at Clash Of The Champions.


Bobby: Reprehensible are you kidding me HBK is finally getting his just desserts from the Black Scorpion that little puke doesnt deserve the chance to face the King let alone the MAcho King for the World Title.


Gorilla: You have got to be kidding me. HBK has done nothing to this Black Scorpion character and now he may not get the chance to try to win the WCW World Title because of that masked chump.


With that the next match makes its way to the ring.

Abdullah The Butcher and Sabu def Barry Windham and Dean Malenko C

This was a glorified squash as the Era of Evil pulled everytrick out of their book including Sabu distracting the ref while Abdullah pulled the fork and stabbed Malenko in the throat several times before Windham made the save. The finish saw Windham slammed off the apron as Sabu came off the rope with the triple jump moonsault before doing a Tope to windham as Abdullah hit the Sudanese Elbow for the 1-2-3.


After the match Paul Bearer grabbed the ringside mic and enters the ring.


Bearer: Oh MY Undertaker you dont understand the things I do last week i sent a message and i hope you got the message. Lighting YOUR FATHERS Grave was a way to symbolize the truth is still out their just because I destroy your fathers memory not only did i Burn his grave I and all my men Spit on the fire so please understand that if you have the intelligenince you will never face us in the ring. Undertaker tomorrow is the Clash Of The Champion s and im going to challenge you Undertaker, IF you think you can find a tag team partner why dont you get in the ring with my Era Of Evil Undertaker and if you can defeat them I promise Undertaker i will tell you everything you want to know. But when not if you lose what i did to your fathers grave will pale in comparison to what I will do to your mothers grave.


With that the lights went out as the unmistakeable gong of the Undertakaers them song played as the lightning hit the stage The Undertaker appeared on the turnertron.


Undertaker: PAul Bearer I promise you wil;l regret what you did to my fathers grave I promise in the name of Karter and Sara Callaway that you will pay I promise even if ti is my dieing breath you will not make it out of Lexington alive. PAul Beraer I have scoured the globe far and wide and I promise that the man I bring to Clash Of The Champions will make you regret your decision. I promise Paul Bearer you will not REST IN PEACE!!!!


Era OF Evil challenge The Undertaker who Accepts B


We go to a commercial following that intense segment as we return we find the camera backstage in a locker room as Badd Funk are relaxing enjoying the show. Quickly the camer spots bOrNe AgAiN stalking towards Badd Funk he begins to laugh in his maniacal voice as Badd Funk turn around bOrNe begins to lay the hammer down on them as he handidly destory both members of Badd Funk. THe camera quickly zooms in on bOrNe as he begins to speak.


bOrNe: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The future is now these are the first two to be reborn as the rest of WCW will soon out everyone will be bOrNe AgAiN. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bOrNe destroys Badd Funk D-


Randy Savage© def The Great Nita Non-Title B

In what is billed as a warm up match for Savage as he prepares to defend the World Title at Clash Of The Champions. The match was intense and proceeded to be a stiff brawl between these two men. The finsh saw Nita go for the Shining Wizard, Savage caught the kick and picked Nita up for a Piledriver and dropped hjim square on his head Savage then climbed the top rope before coming down with the Elbow Drop to secure the pinfall victory.


As the R’N’R Express make their way to the ring Jimmy Hart appears on the Turnertron.


Hart: Hey Has Been Express. Ya thats right im talking to you chumps. Tomorrow night Clash Of The Champions you dont have a match yet so Im gonna bring my new Tag Team and if you got the gumption then put the belts on the line.


Morton and Gibson share a look and begin whispering to each other inside the ring. Morton grabs the mic from the ring announcer.


Morton: You want us to put the tag belts on the line and your not even gonna tell us who were gonna face. Well you know what Jimmy Hart were not stupid we know you dont have a big tag team weve beat the best and the brightest just look at some of the teams weve beaten in our history. The Road Warriors, The Midnight Express the Brainbusters, Koloff and Kruschev, The Andersons and the rest of The Four Horseman we’ve also beat The Steiner Brothers and thats not even the tip of the iceberg. So were gonna bet that whoever you gont aint got not nothing so Jimmy Hart you’re on!


Jimmy Hart Challenges The R’N’R Express who accept C-


R’N’R Express© def Public Enemy C Non-title

The Public Enemy put up a valient effort but were no match for the veteran Express team. The finish saw Morton and Gibson hit the Double Dropkick on Flyboy Rocco Rock for the victory.


We then cut to a Saloon were we see The Smokin’ Gunns on barstools drinking shots of some unknown alcohol.


Bart: WEll let me tell you somethin’ this is pretty simple we aint got time to deal with no damn Pittbulls we got bigger and better things to deal with like getting our Tag Team Titles back and now these damn dogs are in the way imma tell you what were gonna do were gonna come into the ring were gonna pull our six-shooters and were gonna put those dogs down aint that right Billy.


Billy:Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrppppp. Damn Right!


They start pounding back shots as the camera goes to commercial.

Smokin' Gunns Promo on The Pittbulls C


We return from commercial to find Gorilla and Bobby at the booth.


Gorilla: The Main Event is up next and we have no idea if Shawn Michaels will even be able to make it to the ring for the match.


Bobby: God I hope not the Ham - N - Egger doesn’t even deserve to be in a contest with the King Jerry Lawler.


Gorilla:Will you quit.


Jerry Lawler makes his entrance to smattering of applause but mostly boos from the sellout crowd.


Shawn Michaels music begins to play. He is introduced but doesnt make his way to the ring. Jerry Lawler looks impressed thinking he wont have to fight to become number 1 contender. The ring announcer tries again. Still no response. Gorilla Monsoon takes off his headset and enters the ring. He grabs the mic and begins to speak.


Gorilla: On behalf of the championship committee I hate to do this but if Shawn Michaels does not come down to the ring by the count of 10 he will forfeit the match and Jerry Lawler will be named the number 1 contender.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


Still no sign of Shawn Michaels the count begins to get slower as GOrilla doesnt want to see the match end this way.








Still nothing




Just as Gorilla begins to count 10 the music of Shawn Michaels begins to play as Shawn Michaels slowly begins to hobble his way to the ring.


Jerry Lawler begins to get very upset and begins berating Gorilla for slowing the count. Well Lawler is lambasting Gorilla HBK makes his way into the ring.


Before Lawler can even turn around the bell is rung Lawler turns around and is handidly hit with the Sweet Chin Music. Michaels falls onto Lawler to get the pinfall victory before the match can really even begin.


Shawn Michaels def Jerry Lawler to be named number 1 contender. B-

Gorilla returns to the booth just the ref finishes the 3 count.


Gorilla: Can you believe it Shawn Michaels barely makes it to the ring. IT took him longer to reach the ring then it did to defeat the so called King Jerry Lawler.


Bobby: Are you kidding me Gorilla if you hadn’t slowed down your count Lawler would have won before the gimp HBK could even make it to the ring. If it was Lawler who was hurt and couldn’t make it to the ring you never would have slowed the count.


Gorilla: YOu are kidding I was honest and impartial and would and will do the same thing every time the situation arrises.


Bobby: You keep thinking that Gorilla I know you better than that.


Gorilla: Whatever you say Bobby. Now lets run down the card for Tomorrow nights Clash Of The Champions.


We have Chris Benoit defending his US Title against Tiger Mask.


Stunning Steve Austin will face Flyin’ Brian Pillman and I can now announce that the special guest Referee will be Big Bubba Rogers.


Jushin Liger, Shane Douglas, The Black Scorpion and LA Parka and if all four men make weight it will be for the Cruiserweight title.


The Rock and Roll Express will defend their Tag Belts agianst Jimmy Hart’s Mystery Team.


The Undertaker will be bringing a mystery tag partner to face Abdullah The Butcher and Sabu and remember if Undertaker and his partner can win PAul Bearer has promised to reveal everything The Undertaker wants to know.


And in the Main Event The Macho Man Randy Savage will defend the World Heavyweight Title against The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.


All that and much more contact your local cable or satellite provider and dont miss a minute of what is sure to be the cant miss event of January.


Final Show Rating C-

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Clash OF The Champions Preview

The following preview was posted on the brand new WCW on AOL page.


The Clash Of The Champions comes to you live form The Rupp Arena in Lexington Kentucky, In the Main Event, Shawn Michaels will finally get the chance to regain the belt he lost in October of 1995. He will face the very same man who took the belt from him at Halloween Havoc all the way back in October The Macho Man Randy Savage. The two men will look to steal the show as they finally square off for the first time since the night Savage won the belt. Also on the card Chris Benoit looks to defend the United States Title against the Japanese Legend Tiger Mask. This will be Chris Benoit’s first PPV title defence as he only won the belt in December from one of the other Japanese Icons in WCW the current Cruiserweight Champion Jushin Liger. Tiger Mask has a strong showing in WCW including being the first TV champ since the roster shake-up. Unfortunately for the other competitors in the contest Jushin Liger will not have to put the Cruiserweight Title on the line as both Shane Douglas and The Black Scorpion didn’t qualify for the Cruiserweight limit. Steve Austin will finally get his hands on Brian Pillman as they will go 1- on - 1 the championship committee has decided the special guest referee will be Big Bubba Rogers as he has crossed paths with both men in the past. Jimmy Hart has been a thorn in the side of the current tag champs the Rock and Roll Express and now the gauntlet has been thrown down and Jimmy Hart will be bringing re-enforcements as he looks to have his tag team dethrone the tag champs. The Undertaker has promised he will be bringing the best man he can find as he looks to get answers from Paul Bearer regarding his past. After the horror of burning the grave of his father The Undertaker has sworn revenge, Paul Bearer has promised that when his Era Of Evil defeat The Undertaker he will do even worse to the grave of the Undertakers Mother. WE can now announce two matches one to be held on the main card and the other to be a Turner Home Video Exclusive. On the Main Card Jerry Lawler looks to avenge his loss to Shawn Michaels as he faces the number 1 contenders on and off again tag team partner Marty Jannetty. The question is now can Jerry Lawler have a match in which he doesn’t cost himself the match. And in the Turner Home Video exclusive contest will be a 20 man over the top rope battle royal in which the winner will receive a Title Shot at the World title at any time of his choosing. Several participants have already been named they include LEx Luger, Dean Malenko, Rick Rude, The Great Nita and The Smokin’ Gunns. WE look to forward to the show and hope if you cant be in the building in Lexington Kentucky then you join us from living room by ordering the event live on Pay Per View.


Quick Picks and remember the prediction contest will begin on the first Nitro after the PPV.

Battle Royal (the winner is one of the announced names)

Brian Pillman vs Steve Austin

Tiger Mask vs Chris Benoit© US Title

LA Parka vs The Black Scorpion vs Shane Douglas vs Jushin Liger© non-title

R’N’R Express© vs Jimmy Hart’s Mystery Team World Tag Title

Undertaker and ???????? vs Abdullah the Butcher and Sabu

Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage© World Title


Bonus Questions:

  1. Who will be Jimmy Harts Mystery Team?
  2. Who will be The Undertakers mystery partner?
  3. What will be match of the night?
  4. Will there be any debuts not including either the Undertakers partner or Jimmy Hart’s Team?
  5. Will any matches end in a non-finish i.e count-out or disqualification?

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  • 2 months later...

WCW Clash OF The Champions 1996

Rupp Arena

Lexington Kentucky

South East East USA



The pre show saw a 20 man over the top rope battle royal for the number 1 contendership for the world heavyweight title on a future episode of Nitro. Won by Lex Luger

The final 4 were Lex Luger, Rick Rude, The Great Nita and Dean Malenko. The four men squared of each in their own corner, Rude and Luger appeared to form an alliance to win the match as they both charged a t Malenko and Nita. The heels were quick to gain the upper hand as they were both using underhanded tactics to keep the match in their favor all hope appeared lost as Nita was quickly eliminated after Rude hit him with a low blow and tossed him over the top rope. The same fate appeared to get Nita as Luger tossed him over the top rope however Nita held on and proceeded to skin the cat and get himself up in the ring as Luger turned around ans saw Nita coming back over the top both men charged however Nita wrapped his legs around Rude’s head and tossed him over the top rope. The match appeared to be coming back to Nita’s favor however Luger charged Nita and clotheslined him back over the top and hit the floor giving Luger the win and a future Title shot.


After the battle royal Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon were introduced to a round of applause as they made there way to the announce booth as they settle for the ppv ahead the turner-tron lights up with the ppv opening intro.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6D9vAItORgE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


As we return from the sultry tones of Guns N Roses we join the announce team at the booth ringside.


Gorilla: Wow Bobby have we got a great PPV in store for all for all our fans both here live and all across the globe wherever WCW PPV’s are available.

Heenan: Ya it’s just too bad most of our fans live in Trailer Parks and cant afford PPV.

Gorilla: Will you stop. Now that your in control lets run down the card for tonight's PPV. We have several title matches on the card including The Rock n Roll Express will defend there belts against Jimmy Hart’s Mystery team. I wonder who the mouth of the south is bringing.

Heenan: Well I got a guy and he promises me that these guys will destroy the competition here in WCW.

Gorilla: Wait you know who Hart is bringing and your your not yelling it from the rooftops.

Heenan: Ive course not Monsoon I have journalistic integrity

Gorilla: Please you cant even spell integrity let alone understand its meaning. But that's not all we also have Steve Austin finally going one on one with former tag team partner Brian Pillman and the third man in the ring the referee will be Big Bubba Rogers. Chris Benoit looks to retain the US Championship as he defends against former TV champion Tiger Mask. Jushin Liger will face The Black Scorpion, LA Parka and Shane Douglas in what should be a great contest. WE also have The Undertaker bringing in a tag team partner from the orient to team with him against Abdullah The Butcher and Sabu of The Era of Evil and if Undertaker and his partner can win Paul Bearer has promised to answer all The Undertakers questions. Finally in tonight's Main Event we have The Macho King Randy Savage defending the World Heavyweight Title against The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels in what is bound to be dozy.

Heenan: You got that I cant wait to see Randy Savage keep his belt when he beats the Choke Broke Kid. And don’t you dare forget that the King Jerry LAwler will be in action when destroys that lump Marty Jannetty.

Gorilla: Don’t under estimate Jannetty he has a fire and passion that few can match.

Heenan: I know a few it’s just too bad they never leave the bar.

Gorilla: Will you quit. OK Bobby I think we’ve all had enough of you so lets send it up to David Penzer


Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30 minute time limit allow me to introduce the special guest referee for the bout from Cobb County Georgia, Big Bubba Rogers.


Introducing first from Cincinnati Ohio he stands 6 feet tall he weighs in at 226 pounds Flyin’ Brian Pillman.


And his opponent he hails from Victoria Texas, He stands 6 feet 2 inches tall he weighs in at 252 pounds Stunning Steve Austin.


Brian Pillman def Steve Austin C-

The first 20 minutes of the match saw great action and great crowd reaction. The match was fought under very lenient rules as Big Bubba gave both men enough leeway to pretty much do whatever they felt like doing. The match was finally swinging in Austins after the last 10 minutes of Pillman dominating the match through the use of underhanded tactics including but not limited to low-blows, chairs and a heinous assault with the ring bell. The swing occurred when Pillman went up to snap Austins ankle he slipped the chair and got Pillman with a boot in the face. Austin got up with the momentum on his side he caught Pillman with the Thesz Press as Pillman got up Austin was readying for the stunner.

Gorilla:Pillman gets up and there’s a kick right in the breadbasket Austin is all set up there it is Stunner Stunner Stunner!!!!! Austin hooks the leg wait a minute what is Bib Bubba doing on the ground.

Heenan: Why Monsoon hes tieing his shoe we cant have referees with untied shoelaces now can we.

Gorilla: Pillman is out cold and Big Bubba is tieing his dang shoe this is a travesty.


On that note Austin got up off his pin went over to grab Big Bubba by his shirt collar and begin berating him for not making the count. Bubba just stood up stared him right him in the face and knocked him out with a big left hand. After he hits Austin he goes over to Pillman who is only beginning to wake up after the stunner grabs him pulls him over to Austin and lays him over Austin for the 1-2-3.


Gorilla: What kind of miscarriage of justice have we just witnessed.

Heenan: Miscarriage are you kidding me if I was tieing my shoe and someone came over and started poking at me I would knock him out too.


The camera cuts back to the ring where we see Big Bubba walk back to Pillman he appears to be upset but instead he extends a hand for Pillman to get up after both men are standing they proceed to lay the boots to Austin as the camera cuts to a a video to bring us to the next match.



Chris Benoit def Tiger Mask In defence of his United States Championship C+


Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for a one fall with a 45 minute time limit and it is for the WCW United States Championship.


Introducing first accompanied to the ring by Magnum TA. He hails from Shimonoseki, Japan TIGER MASK!!!!!!!!!!!!


And his opponent accompanied to the ring by Jimmy Hart. He is the current reigning and defending WCW Unites States Champion. He stands 5ft 11inches tall he weighs in at 220 pounds hailing from Edmonton Alberta Canada The Crippler Chris Benoit.


The match goes on for 20mins before either man truly gets the upper hand. after exchanging holds and brawling all around the ringside area including a jaunt to the announce booth were Benoit tried to Powerbomb Tiger through the table before he reversed and gave Benoit a backbody drop all the way to the concrete floor below. After both men had returned to the ring after almost being counted out the match appeared to be in Tiger’s favor. As Tiger went up for the Tiger Driver Jimmy Hart ascended to the apron. AS Tiger let Benoit fall to the canvas Magnum came racing around the ring to pull Jimmy of the apron before spinning him around to receive a big left hand to the roar of the crowd. As tiger went to return to his position to give Benoit the Tiger Bomb this time he got him up in the air as in m,id air Benoit managed to get a hold on Tiger’s arm and dropped him down into the Crippler Crossface Tiger had no choice to tap as he was caught in dead center ring.


As Benoit is getting his championship and picking Jimmy Hart up he brings Jimmy to the Locker Room draped over his shoulder.


The camera cuts to the WCW interview stage as we hear the familiar strains of Deep Purple’s Perfect Strangers. Out from the locker room comes Shane Douglas strutting like he is the man in WCW.


Douglas: All of you miserable Kentucky mountain side hillbillies have never seen a specimen like the Franchise. And you want to know something the WCW locker room has never seen anyone quite like me. I look around the locker room and do you know what i see a bunch of wannabes with a few exception I see people like Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman and i see the future of wrestling then I look and see the has beens like the Junkyard Dog and Mil Mascaras and I wonder where all the talent went and you know what i realize they all ran scared when The Franchise joined WCW the chumps like The Nature Boy Dick i mean Ric Flair and realize that I single handidly chased him his dingle-berry Arn Anderson all the way to that Bush League up north and now I am the man in WCW and in time I will bring about a REVOLUTION in WCW and I will one day proudly wear the same title that true legends like Ricky Steamboat and Harley Race and Jack Brisco all held and bring some honour back to WCW.


With that Shane dropped the mic and proceeded towards toward the ring for his match.

Shane Douglas Promo B


Shane Douglas def Jushin Liger, LA Parka and The Black Scorpion C+


Penzer: The following contest is a Four Way Dance single fall contest. Introducing first on his way to the ring Hailing from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania , He stands 6feet tall and weighs 240 pounds The Franchise Shane Douglas.


The next participant Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico he weighs 221pounds and stands 6 feet 1 inch tall he is the Chairman Of The Board LA PARKA!!!!!!!!!!!


The next competitor Hails from Parts Unknown he has both unknown Height and Weight HE IS THE BLACK SCORPION!!!!!!!!


And finally the last participant is the current WCW Cruiserweight Champion. He hails from Hiroshima Japan he stands 1.7 meters tall and weighs 97 kilograms accompanied to the ring by Magnum TA . JUSHIN THUNDER LIGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The match went for 20 mins before a winner was declared. The match saw intense action as all four men traded holds each man tried to end the match early by going for finishers and attempting to score the pinfall whenever possible. At around the 19 minute mark Scorpion ad Scorpion began to brawl all around the ring even trying to unmask the other competitor the referee tried to regain control of the two men on the outside before realizing all attempts to control the two warriors was futile he finally threw up a hand signal and officials raced from the back to break the two apart however there attempts were also futile as every time they got them apart they would find a way to get to each other finally brawling all the way to the curtain and disappearing from sight for the remainder of the match. Back inside the ring both men began to stir after a very big superplex by Liger left both men down for the duration of the Scorpion-Parka encounter. As both men got up Liger was first to his feet and gave Douglas a boot to the gut before picking him up for the LigerBomb he had him up and began his running start to finish the match however Douglas had a hold of the top rope and refused to let go and dropped out the back as Liger moved forward Liger realizing Douglas was no longer there turned around right as Douglas thrust his foot out for a kick right in Ligers Gut Douglas picked him for the Pittsburgh Plunge and dropped him down he bridged into the pin and the ref goes down for the count 1-2-3.


Now we go back to a video recapping the Jerry LAwler vs Shawn Michaels from last night on Nitro.


Gorilla: Never before in my life have I seen someone as talented as Lawler be so easily defeated by anyone in such a quick fashion.


Heenan: And It’s All you fault Monsoon if you'd just have counted to 10 like you were supposed to. The match never would have happened and it would be LAwler in the Main Event tonight not the Chumpbreak Kid.


Gorilla: Dont you start on me Bobby or ill do to you what everyone of the fans has wanted me to do to you for years.


Heenan: Admit I’m the best wrestling announcer ever and the sole host of Monday Nitro.


Gorilla: Will you quit. Lets send it back to David Penzer.




Marty Jannetty def Jerry Lawler E


Penzer: Introducing first he hails from Columbus, Georgia he stands 5 feet 11inches and weighs in at 226 pounds Marty Jannetty!!!


And his opponent hailing from Memphis Tennessee he stands 6 feet tall and weighs 243 pounds He is the self proclaimed King Of Wrestling Jerry The King Lawler.


The match went about 5 mins before a winner was declared. The match was almost entirely Lawler pounding on Jannetty to the mercy of the referee. Finally LAwler was warned for using an open fist as he picked up JAnnetty to mercifully hit a piledriver to finish the match when he tucked Jannetty between his legs Jannetty rolled him up in a small package for the victory.

Lawler got up fuming as he had been between twice in a row by crazy happenings. He went to take his frustrations out on Jannetty before the referee got in the way and allowed Jannetty to escape with the victory and forced LAwler to leave fuming and boy could you hear him taking out his on anger on every fan and staff member he passed.



Gorilla : Can you believe it Bobby two nights two embarassing losses for the King. Maybe now we can call him the court jester.


Heenan: Monsoon you take great pleasure in kicking a man when hes down dont’cha


Gorilla: Well as a matter of fact with all of the things he said in his career im actually quite enjoying seeing him get his just desserts.


Heenan: Wow Monsoon showing your true colours.


Gorilla: Lets send it to David Penzer before you get your just desserts.


Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for a one fall and it is for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing first the current reigning and defending Tag Team Champions of the world Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson the Rock And Roll Express.


And their opponents being accompanied to the ring by............


Jimmy Hart: You let me take care of the introductions. Introducing the next WCW Tag Team Champions They hail from Nastyville USA Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs THE NASTY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!


Jimmy Hart introduces the Nasty Boys C-

The Nasty Boys def The R’N’R Express to win the tag team championship B-


The match saw 15 minutes of back and forth action between the two veteran teams before the Nasty Boys had to resort to their old bag of tricks to win the Tag Team championship. After about the 12 minute mark of the match Saggs and Morton had all but become non-factors in the contest as both men had taken a very nasty tumble off the entrance ramp through two stageside tables. Back in the ring Gibson started to turn the contest back in his favor when Jimmy Hart ascended the apron for the second time this evening however this time he had a plan and it worked like a charm as this time as he climbed up the apron he tossed his megaphone into the corner of the ring opposite where Gibson was. As Gibson hit a high-crossbody on Knobbs he realized he would never get the 3 count with Hart on the apron so his instinct took over and he rushed to Hart however the referee was already in position to get Hart down that he refused to allow Gibson to get his hands on the weasel. As this was going on Knobbs got over to the corner picked up the megaphone and proceeded to waffle Gibson across the back of the head before tossing the megaphone out of the ring as Jimmy Hart saw the hit he got down without hesitation and the referee was able to turn around just in time to count the 1-2-3 for The Nasty Boys to become the new WCW Tag Team Champions.



As the Nasty Boys celebrate their victory the camera cuts away to a video package of all the recent developments in the Undertaker vs Paul Bearer and his Era Of Evil culminating with Paul Bearers cryptic message at the gravesite of the Undertakers Parents.

As we return we find David Penzer in the ring for the next contest.


Penzer : The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for a one fall. Introducing first accompanied to the ring by their manager Paul Bearer, The Madman from The Sudan Abdullah The Butcher and his tag team partner The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal SABU Together they represent The ERA OF EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!


And their opponents first hailing from Death Valley he stands 6 feet 10 inches tall and weighs in tonight at 299 pounds he is THE UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!!!


With that the lights go out and the undertakers music begins to play as begins his slow walk to the ring. When he is about half way down the entrance walkway he produces a microphone from under his overcoat.


Undertaker: Paul Bearer I promised I would have a Tag Team partner and I do he is a man He represents the orient and comes to us tonight from New Japan Pro Wrestling he is commonly regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the world he is SHINYA HASHIMOTO!!!!!!!!!!


Undertaker introduces his mystery partner Shinya Hashimoto D+

The Undertaker and Shinya Hashimoto def Abdullah and Sabu B-


A 15 minute match that was intensely stiff and saw all four men hit the other with everything they had and some things we had never seen before including Abdullah coming off the top rope with an elbow drop for a 2 count on the Undertaker. Sabu in his usual guise tried to put Hash through a ringside table however he moonsaulted directly through an empty table potentially injuring his ribs and taking him out of the contest for a few minutes. Inside the ring The Undertaker got back to his feet and began trading huge haymakers with Abdullah who himself was a little slow getting to his feet after coming off the top rope. Once back in Hash through himself right intp the mix by trading Abdullah like a ping pong ball with the Undertaker. Sabu took his time to ascend the top rope and come down with a huge crossbody taking all three men out. Sabu tried to pin both men in turn he got a 2 on hash and taker powered out after a 1 count. As everyone began getting up Paul Bearer got up on the runway and began making a stink to the referee about something or other as this was going on Mike Tyson ran through the crowd and into the ring he went to hit Hash instead he knocked out Sabu. Hash turned around hit Tyson with a spinning wheel kick and then tossed him from the ring. Undertaker took Abdullah up for the tombstone as Hash hit Sabu with the Vertical Drop Brainbuster as both men had their men out the referee turned around and made the academic three count.


After the match Bearer grabbed the ringside mic and proceeded to begin to speak.


Bearer: O my Undertaker all that seek will come to light however the answers are not what your looking for I promise that soon and forever you will regret the decisions you have made and you will never be able to deal with the consequences.

As he finished speaking the lights went out. As the lights came back on Paul Bearer and all of the Members of The Era Of Evil were no where to be seen.


Paul Bearer promises The Undertaker will get his answers B-


Monsoon: What do you think Bearer meant when he said he wouldnt like the consequences what consequneces could he be talking about.


Heenan: I dont know but whenever he says something he usually delivers so I wouldnt want to be in Undertakers shoes.


Monsoon: All I can say is I wouldnt want to miss nitro next week.


Heenan: You should miss Nitro every week Monsoon so I could be the only host of the show.


Monsoon: You better stop because its time for the main event.


Penzer: The following contest is your Main Event. It is a one fall contest with no time limit and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first the challenger he hails from San Antonio Texas he stands 6 feet 1 inches tall he weighs in tonight at 225 pounds He is The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!!!!!!!!!


And his opponent the current reigning and defending WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He hails from Sarasota Florida, He stands 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs in tonight at 245 pounds He is The Macho King Randy Savage.


Shawn Michaels def Randy Savage to win The WCW World Title D



The match was 30 minutes to a finish which saw all parties involved give 110%. The highlights included Savage giving Michaels a Double Axe-Handle Smash off the walkway onto the floor. Michaels tried to hit Savage with a springboard moonsault however Savage moved which led to Michaels landing hard and putting himself through the announce desk. Savage smelling victory was in his grasp rolled HBK into the ring however Michaels was jarred by his forced entry and as Savage ascended the top rope to finish the match Michaels performed a Kip-Up as it was called by Gorilla. Savage seeing his target on his feet prompted him to come down with another double axe-handle smash however Michaels was able to catch him with a stiff punch in the breadbasket causing Savage to go head over heels to the ground. Michaels feeling the energy of the crowd flowing through his veins sent him rousing into the corner. Once there he bgan to tap his foot off the canvas signaling the end was near Savage got up was immediately met with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels feeling the moment feel promptly down onto Savage he hooked the outside leg as senior referee Randy Anderson made the count along with the crowd 1....................2....................Kick up. The crowd along with Michaels were in shock at the turn of events Savage quickly got to his feet as did Michaels Savage got the upper hand wiff some stiff jabs Savage goes for the Irish whip into the corner and connects he proceeds to back up to the opposite corner to set up a running forearm in the corner as he ran at full speed towards Michaels he was met with one more Sweet Chin Music Michaels fell on top not even having the energy to hook a leg this time as Anderson came over one more time 1.................................2...............................3........................... With that HBK’s music begins to play he gets up is handed the world title by Randy Anderson as David Penzer makes the official announcement.


Penzer: Here is your Winner and The NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION THE HEARTBREAK KID SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111


Monsoon: What a great bout by of the best wrestlers in the world today.


Heenan: Are you kidding me Monsoon, The only reason HBK is the new champ is because of that crooked referee hes almost as bad as Joey Morella was.


Monsoon: Why you little.


With that Heenan dropped his headset and proceeded to run towards the locker room.


Monsoon: Dont miss the Main Event airing this Saturday on MTV I’ll be there however I cant guarantee the weasel will make an appearance.


With that the camera went back to HBK celebrating in the ring with his new belt. And on that note the PPV feed went to the credits.


Final Rating C-


(OOC Booker’s note: There were three matches on the card that were hit with the three match penalty they were Savage vs Michaels, Austin vs Pillman and Lawler vs Jannetty.)

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oh I see...ouch, wondering how Micheals v Savage scored so low


Yeah, I personally think the penalty is way too harsh. But eh.


I had the same thing on one of my first guest booked AWA shows, where Bret Hart vs. Terry Funk tanked completely. In spite of them having great chemistry and being the holders of the 1995 MOTY.

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WCW Main Event

Week 4 Taped Monday aired Saturday.

Manley Fieldhouse In Syracuse New York

Tri-State USA



The pre show saw two matches


Dr Wagner Jr. def Blitzkrieg D-

Octagon def Super Crazy and Tracy Smothers in a three way dance D-


The Black Scorpion def Jushin Liger in a non title contest B-

This contest was extremely fast paced contest between the two lighter wrestlers. The finish came when Liger went for the Ligerbomb however Scorpion rolled out the backdoor and applied the Scorpion Deathlock for the tap out victory.


Monsoon: The action you are about to witness was taped this past Tuesday at the clash of the champions.


After their match in which they lost the tag belts Morton and Gibson came back through the curtain as they proceeded past the lookout they were jumped by two men in jumpsuits looking like staff however after they had laid out both members of the express they took off their jumpsuits and revealed that they were in fact The Warlord and The Barbarian The Powers of Pain. They continued to destroy both men until they lay motionless on the backstage floor. They walked off laughing saying that was for the Master.


Powers of Pain debut to attack The R’N’R Express C


The Pittbulls def Demolition C

The match was intense as all four gave it their all however the cagey veterans were not able to handle the speed and power of the younger Pittbulls. The match was won when The Pittbulls hit Ax with the Superbomb.


After the match Shane Douglas came out and cut almost the exact same promo as he did at the PPV except this time he ran down the state of the cruiserweight division especially the current cruiserweight champion Jushin Liger.

Shane Douglas Promo B+


In The main event of the evening

Lex Luger def Steve Austin B-


A twenty minute match that saw both men give it their all. Neither man refused to let the other gain any ground however that would not do as at the 17 minute mark Steve Austin seemed on the verge of pulling an upset on the star however Luger had other ideas as he also the opportunity to gain the upper hand and being the veteran that he is he decided to resort to a trick he learned many years ago and went right for the low blow as Austin was trying to regain his composure Luger had just enough time to get him up in the torture rack as Austin was in dead center ring he had no choice but to tap out and award the match to Lex Luger.


Final Rating : C

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The month of January saw many new changes in the WCW locker room many new faces were brought into the company here is a list of all confirmed names that signed contracts during the month of January


The Nasty Boys, OCtagon, The Warlord, Pittbulls, Gedo & Jado, Ray Gonzalez, The Public Enemy, Dr. Wagner Jr., Louie Spicoli, bOrNe AgAiN, Tracy Smothers, Blitzkreig, Super Crazy, The Bushwhackers, Masato Tanaka, The Assassins, The Black Scorpion.


Several new staff members were added to WCW they were Referees Jim Molineaux and Charles Robinson and longtime Vince McMahon confidant Pat Patterson has been added as an agent.


The month saw two members of the staff resign new contracts they were Bobby Heenan and Teddy Long.


The month also one of the more talented members of the WCW leave the roster amidst the changing of the guard between the old Booker and the new one. Jerry LAwler was slated to be a big part of WCW going forward and even had a long term angle based around his history in Memphis you saw the beginning of the angle as he was set to return on the first Nitro after the Clash Of The Champions holding the USWA World Championship and se him claim to be the real worlds champ however those plans were sunk when LAwler informed management that he had signed a contract with the WWF.


The question on most fans minds is who is under the mask as the Black Scorpion and we here at grapple fanatics are clueless as to who it is under the mask pro wrestling is never as stumped as we are on this we know WCW closed the contract on a major player from one of the 2 smallest members of the big 4 but we have yet to ascertain as to the identity of the black scorpion. Simply put when we know you know.


We have learned that Barry Windham arrived late to the week 3 taping and he recieved the nice fatherly like speech by a man much younger and to his credit Barry was very receptive.


The WCW Powerplant received a brand new batch of talent this month including Gran Naniwa, Masayuki Naruse, MAsato Yakushiji, Ace Steel, Homicide, Mike Quackenbush. Of the newest recruits management is said to be highest on the last three mentioned. Also joining the powerplant are Kimo who will join his brother Ekmo. Perro Aguayo Jr. who will join his father and Hector Guerrero who was brought in for the purpose of helping further develop the next generation of superstars.


Rumour has it WCW has just finalized a contract with AWA superstar Chavo Guerrero Jr. he was originally offered the chance to jump to WCW earlier in the month freeing him up for a debut at Clash Of The Champions however he said no at first chance after signing his uncle Hector, Jason Danielson reportedly reached out again this time through Hector. Look for Chavo to debut in the near future.


Clash Of The Champions draws a 3.28 ppv buy rate. This was said to be a slight disappointment after Starrcade drew 3.97 however we here at Wrestle Fanatics are not surprised as the main event was a match that had previously been seen three times before by the audience.



We have learned that Jason Danielson is not done bringing in new names and expects to continue to continue adding to the roster through the next two to three months.


Rumour has it WCW will be debuting two brand new entrance videos on tv next week. We have also learned that WCW has reached out to several well known bands and artists to record new music for talents the company plans to either debut or re-package over the summer who those bands are we dont know but rumour has it Johnny Cash is among many artists to be contacted.


We have received reports that two angles were taped at Main Event that did not make air one was Ray Gonzalez doing a promo boasting about his skills this was originally planned to air however it was decided to edit out the interview and package Gonzalez with a manager. Also taped was Steve Austin cutting a promo on Rick Rude however this was never planned to make air as it was solely a Red Herring used to keep the fans guessing as to what they expected to happen at COTC as Main Event was taped before the PPV aired.

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Jerry LAwler was slated to be a big part of WCW going forward and even had a long term angle based around his history in Memphis you saw the beginning of the angle as he was set to return on the first Nitro after the Clash Of The Champions holding the USWA World Championship and se him claim to be the real worlds champ however those plans were sunk when LAwler informed management that he had signed a contract with the WWF.


That wouldn't have worked anyway, since I have owned that particular belt since sometime last year. Bought it when WWF started purchasing old belts, to make sure such an important artifact for the Jarrett-dynasty would not be mis-used. :p

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That wouldn't have worked anyway, since I have owned that particular belt since sometime last year. Bought it when WWF started purchasing old belts, to make sure such an important artifact for the Jarrett-dynasty would not be mis-used. :p


i knew that i just couldnt remember the other USWA belt that i would have used the Mid South belt or whatever its called

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  • 5 months later...

Seeing as the actual game is now in June well my writeups are in the begining of Feb so in order to get caught i will giving catch up reports of the events including full results of PPVs as well the important happenings from each episode of TV as well as full reports on Hirings and Firings.

So with that in mind Feb will be up shortly.

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We here at Wrestle Fanatics are pleased to bring you the official month of February in the year 1996.


WCW continued to bring in many new faces during the month of February the following talent all reported to the main roster.

Brian Lee

Dawn Marie

Missy Hyatt

Scott Norton

Sherri MArtel

Gerry Brisco

JJ Dillon

Joel Gertner

Mike Tenay

Jimmy Valiant

Chicky Starr

Simon Diamond

Terry Taylor

Terry Funk

Hunter Hearst Hemsley


Mr Fuji

MR Pogo

New JAck



WCW also signed extensions with a pair of talent during the month

Bart Gunn and Mr Gannousuke


WCW also parted ways with Mil Mascaras.



These are the main happenings from each TV taping as well as the monthly PPV Superbrawl 6


week 1


Rick Rude begins his quest towards the WCW Title

Lex Luger challenges for the WCW title after Shawn Michaels is attacked by The Black Scorpion

Luger falls short of winning the title as he is defeated by Shawn Michaels in an A rated match(the highest match rating to date un der booker Danielson)


Main Event

Randy Savage def Dean MAlenko



Week 2


The Pittbulls begin an angle with The Nasty Boys over the world tag belts

The Great Nitra interjects himself in the Undertaker vs Paul Bearer feud on the undertakers side

Ray Gonzalez continues his breif legend killer sory

The BLack Scorpion/Rick Rude/Powers of Pain/Brian def Jushin Liger/Shawn Michaels/The Rock N Roll Express/ Steve Austin



MAin Event

Chavo Guerrero debuts by interupting a MAgnum TA and Juhin Liger Promo

HBK begins to take Rick Rudes challenge to heart

Randy Savage def The Undertaker and LEx Luger in triangle match



Week 3


BoRnE aGaIn debuts with a promo

The Undertaker asks Nita to help him vanquish the Era Of Evil

JJ Dillon debuts by joining the Championship Committee

Chris Benoit def Shawn Michaels


Main Event

Shane Douglas def The Black Scorpion and The Undertaker and Brian pillman in a Four way Dance to win the WCW TV Title

Shawn Michaels verbally attacks Rick Rude

The Pittbulls talk smack to The Nasty Boys

LEx Luger def Steve Austin

After he match JJ Dillon joins Luger who they begin to attack they are then joined by the debuting Tully Blanchard


Week 4


Shawn Michaelks def The Smoking Gunns in a handicap match with Rick Rude on commentary

Randy Savage def The Undertaker


Main Event

Rick Rude def MArty Jannetty

HBK talks about himself

The Undertaker and The Great Nita def The NAsty Boys in a non-title match

After the match Paul Bearer came and told The Undertaker and Nita that their tag match with The Era OF Evil will be contested inside a steel cage



Superbrawl 6

Randy Savage def Steve Austin B+

Shane DOuglas def Jushin Liger to retain The TV Title C+

The Assassins/The Powers Of PAin/Lex Luger def Rock N ROll Express/Badd Funk/MArty Jannetty C-

The BLack Scorpion arrived and cut a menacong promo B-

Brian Pillman/Big Bubba Rogers def Thje Bushwackers C-

The Pittbulls draw The NAsty Boys in a tag title match C

Chris Benoit drew Dean MAlenko in a US Title MAtch B-

TDL Enterprises (tully,dillon,lex) cut a promo C-

Abdullah The Butcher and Sabu def The Undertaker and Ther Great Nita In a steel cage match after The Great Nita turned on The Undertaker B

After the match The Great Nita joined the Era OF Evil by giving the Undertaker The Black Mist B-

Shawn Michaels def Rick Rude to retain the World Title after the interference of The Smoking Gunns back fired and cost Rude the match and the belt B

Final Rating B-

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