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The NWA World Cup

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This is a part of my NWA 2006 revival game. This branch will focus on one single show, the NWA world cup. The eight contestants will have in-depth back stories, gimmicks, promos etc. to give you a feel of them. The Cup will include NWA regulars in matches also, but mostly to fill out the blanks. This will also be my test to have a diary, and work on characters, angels in a diary etc. Short and sweat is my goal here. Hope you all enjoy!


Press Release: NWA World Cup


The National Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce our new yearly show. The National Wrestling Alliance World Cup, the world cup of wrestling. Eight participants from eight countries will represent their individual country in a tournament to crown the world cup winner. The tournament will be a One Night single elimination tournament, with the winner receiving the cup and keeping it until next year, when the winning country will have to represent, to defend the honor. After a hard process of elimination, eight competitors have already been chosen by the directive board of administration with contribution of NWA owner, Jim Cornett. Here are the contestants:



2. Canada: Kevin Steen

3. Ireland: Sheamus

4. Japan:

5. Mexico:

6. England:

7. Swiss:

8. ??? ???



Jim Cornett gave the following statement:

“The world cup is a concept based on our international presence and representation. Our roaster comes from all over the world, and now we give them a yearly platform to perform on. I am quite confident this will be the crowning moments in the new incarnation of the NWA of today.”


Also in Non-Tournement action:

Kings Crew (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) will defend their belts in a open challenge match.

Chris Hero has a huge announcement for the show he says, that will link into Starcade ’07, he has something on his heart, and here he will talk.

Tyler Black vs Airik Cannon will also take place, as a nr.1 contender for the television belt.


We will have more updated shortly, and our first in-depth look at a compeditor will soon be announced!



Writers Note: i have most of my stuff written out, just need to proof read, and finish the last match. I will post regularly, and it wont be a long painful road, i promise.

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“The Pyro Axe Murderer” Joker


Represents: The United States of America.

Size: Middleweight

Style: Brawler

Age: 24 years old

Finishing Move: Joker Driver (rubix Cube), Armbar submission.

Speacialty: Striking and Submissions.

Why Joker? The NWA chose Joker because of his military backround. He is a perfect represent of the American people, and his aggression and brutal striking can knock out any opponents.



Joker is a “NWA original”, being a part of the starting roaster of 2006. He proved his toughness in the early shows, where he was a part of multi man matches, and won a lot of his early matches. Joker had no goal, except pure competition, and he gave it his all in the ring. In the second quarter of 2006, Joker lost his focus, and began losing matches. Irritated he often squashed his opponents post match, saying he lost by Fluke. It was at Starcade’06 he reunited with BlkOut Alumni and longtime partner Eddie Kingston. After this Joker began to get back on track and traversed his way up to the upper midcard. With victories over stars such as Sheamus, Super Dragon & John Walters, Joker was on the right path. When the TV Era started, and the tension between Eddie Kingston & Chris hero heated up, BlkOut was reformed with Kingston and Joker in the front. Joker was ruthless with his opponents, and they could often be seen attacking wrestlers, and disrupting matches. Joker had a shot at Chris Hero’s NWA world heavyweight championship, but after a bold decision to leave BlkOut from ringside, Hero managed to defeat him. Joker is in a brutal feud with Sheamus over the NWA Television championship.



A video appers on screen:

We se Joker standing in a hallway, walking back and fourth. Alone.


“My name is, well my name is irrelevant. Joker you can call me. You all should know my name, as I am one of the most influencial wrestlers the NWA have seen. Screw Ric Flair, Harly Race, Ted Dibiase, Dusty Rhodes and those old-ass ****ers. I AM HERE NOW!. Joker is my name, and pain is my game. I will dominate, submit, kick, punch and do whatever it takes to win this freaking world cup. I am here for one reason. I might have been chosen to represent my country, but I already did that in the wars you know?. My mission here is to beat that pale ass ****er Sheamus, then he have to give me a shot at that shinny tv belt of his, I will do that, and bring that cup back to BlkOut as a giant as bong!. Look me in the eyes camera man, I will beat Sheamus, and whoever else steps in my path, I will promise that, and I WILL have the BlkOut at my corner. Then we will hit some clubs, score some chicks and party all night long, as that is the BlkOut way. So remember this camera man, and whomever may be watching, Always, and I say ALWAYs bet on Blk.”

Joker hits the camera, knocking out off the way, the last thing we see is Joker walking down a hallway, in his wrestling gear before the screen turns to black.

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Kevin Steen


Represents: Canada

Size: Lightweight

Style: Regular Wrestler

Age: 26

Finishing Move: Package Piledriver, Sharpshooter.

Speacialty: very versetile performer, hige arsenal of moves.

Why Kevin Steen? Steen was chosen as he is the top of the Canadian independents, having held belts in both major Canadian promotions. His style is “one of a kind” and personality is something to witness.



Kevin Steen’s NWA carrier has been a short one. Debuting on TV defeating Kofi Kingston. With this victory, he went to a 15 minute draw with Television champion Sheamus and went on to defeat Tyler Black in the Hammerstein ballroom at “Champions Challenge”. Steen has seen a lot of success in the independent world. Championships include PWG, IWS and CZW heavyweight belts among others. Even with his limited NWA experience you got to wonder, will this help contribute to Steens game plan? Or will it be his downfall?.





Steen is standing in the middle of a ring, in a empty arena. The ring is marked with the three characters “N-W-A”. Steen looks up at the camera.


“ A wise man told me one time. You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run. A old American song that is, ironic is it that I represent the best nation in the world. Canada! I have wrestling in my blood, and the NWA is wrestling traditions at its finest, even though it might not have headquarters in Canada, I respect this promotions. I respect any promotion that treat their wrestlers right, and the NWA does that. I’m not saying this because of some corporate power play or some other bull****s that I encountered in those other companies. I held the CZW World championship for 4 months, no deffences. I was given no opportunities, but here its different. Right out the gate I am chosen to represent my country to the world. And that is what I am going to do!

You see, the NWA talent scouts chose me for the reason being that I have the best style, the bst ability and THE best skills of any Canadian wrestler to step into this very ring. This is the place I have to prove myself, and I will grasp that opportunity, and win that world cup. Joker is in my way, and six other compeditors yet to be announced. This is my shot. MY!. And those who step In my way, will feel the power of the package piledriver on their necks, the pressure of a CANADIAN sharpshooter on their backs. I am Canadian through and through, and I will prove it at the NWA world cup. Count on it.”


Steen begins to run the ropes, back and forth, before stopping, turning to the camera and scream big time, with a echo hammering through the Hammerstein ballroom. Fade to the Canadian flag.

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“The Irish Curse” Sheamus




Represents: Ireland

Size: Heavyweight

Style: Regular Wrestler.

Age: 24

Finishing Move: Brouge Kick, High cross & Irish Curse.

Speacialty: Brawling

Why? Sheamus is the Television Champion of the NWA and one of their top prospects, hailing from Ireland he was a easy choice.




Backbone of the NWA undercard from day one, Sheamus had that “IT” factor. After 4 impressive bouts with Nigel Mcguinness, including the first No DQ match and the first cage match in our promotion. He did not do much else than the Nigel feud within the first year, but won the television tittle tournament at “One Year Anniversary”. Since he has skyrocketed even more, beating compedetors left and right, even getting a shot at the WORLD heavyweight belt at “Champions Challenge”. His natural big sizes give him the advantage and is a strong candidate to win the world cup. He has wrestled in the NWA and some in Irish Whip Wrestling in Ireland where he was their reigning heavyweight champion for a while until residing in the US permanently with the NWA.



A Irish flag appears, as its folded away, Sheamus in in the frame. He looks disappointed.

“I’m here again, doing this promo thing. Yet again. Don’t get me wrong, as I am proud to represent my country of Ireland. I have wrestled in the NWA for over 1 year now, even residing in the US. Well today, is not a happy day for me, as I have gotten word from overseas, that BlkOut member of Joker is representing the states, and the comments he made on me, and my title.”

Sheamus slaps on his waist, and as the camera pans down, he has the belt around his waist.

“NWA Television champion, The Irish curse they call me. Representing my country, and the television belt, I will go into the world cup, with a frame of mind. I will dominate, I will kick, slam, pound, every member of BlkOut if their step in my way, but you already know that don’t you? Each and every week I am on your television set, wrestling for the honor of my country, Irish men has always been fighting men, and that night will be no different as I will have no other mindset than what I always have. What does intrigue me is the English represent, not yet announce, I have a though who that will be, and I hope to god I’m right on this. It would be a pleasure to win the cup, but a even bigger one to finally beat my sworn English enemy, Nigel McGuinness. I know you will see this Nigel, and those other matches we had, have me a opportunity, I did not beat you, but it took everything you had to beat me. This time will be different. I pray to god, PRAY TO THE IRISH WARLORDS that its you and me in the finals, and I will beat you, you know why?. Because if your lucky enough to be Irish, your lucky enough.”

Sheamus folded up the irish flag, and the screen turned to black.

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Go Shiazaki



Represents: Japan

Size: Heavyweight

Style: Pursoe

Age: 25

Finishing Move: Go Flasher

Speacialty: hard hitting Japanese wrestling.

Why Go? Go was the top of the shortlist of Japanese wrestlers. He defeated CIMA, who originally was going to wrestle in the tournament.




Go Shiozaki really have no history in the NWA, being brought in to the tournament as his trial series, opening the opportunity to wrestle for our promotion in the future. In NOAH, his home promotion, he has found little luck, as he is being used in tag matches. Lately he has begun wrestling in Germany and Scandinavia as a part of the European Championship Wrestling Alliance. The European NWA. His world tour is also shaping up as we’re bringing him to the states. Now he brings the fighting spirit to the NWA!


Go has yet to make a comment on his spot in the tournament. A translator will be set in place for a further comment on his spot.

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Lucha Jr


Represents: Mexico

Size: ???

Style: ???

Age: ???

Finishing Move: ???

Speacialty: ???

Why Lucha? A represent from Mexico is a important matter, and Amy Lee’s word is enough for the NWA office.


Not much is known about this wrestler, brought in by Amy Lee from Mexico for this show. With 40 years under the lifebelt, no one really knows of his experience in Mexico. He might be the spoiler of the tournament, as the other competitors don’t really know anything about him. For all the NWA knows he could be a veteran under a new gimmick, or a green wrestler who caught the eye of Amy lee. Whatever background, the NWA blindly trust Ms. Lee for her judgment in talent, and she will be his spokesman.




Amy Lee is standing before a masked wrestler, wearing nothing but wrestling tights.



“I’m Amy lee, you might know me as the manager of NWA World tag team champions, The Kings Crew of Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards, but today, I’m going to do something different. You see, when I heard the NWA was holding a world cup, I knew I had to look into it. Davey and Eddie are focused on the tag league so I went traveling to find myself someone to represent me!

Wrestling’s been a part of my life for a while now, and I went to the country of Mexico to find someone, and I did. Not only did I do that, I also repackaged this person, as you see behind me. “Mr.Lucha” I chose to call him, he is a tremendous wrestler with many years of experience, and none of you know who he is. That’s our game plan, as he has studied and is going to study any other competitor he might face. So watch out, Mr.Lucha is coming to the NWA, and will bring that cup back to the royal court of Amy lee. "

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