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WPL...The Canadian Revolution

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December 2nd 2005



In a dark and dingy dive bar on the outskirt of Calgary sit probably the best two wrestler in the country, Sean McFly and Steve DeColt...





SD: You know Sean it really sickens me, here we are the best two wrestlers of both our respective companies, both hold the top titles. But we dont get the respect we deserve, we'll never be entrusted with the futures of them. It's apparent that CGC will be left to Alex or Jack once my god damn father retires, and I'm sure no matter how comfortable you get with Dan Snr NOTBPW will be left in the hands off Dan Jr.


SM: I hate to say it but your right Steve, Dan Snr has been making more moves lately in to retiring and it looks like Dan Jr will be running things soon enough.


SD: You see Sean you know what we should do is create our own promotion.


SM: REALLY?!?! Are you Serious?




SM: You know it takes time and dedication to start something like this.


SD: Of course i know that Sean. But i know we can do this and offer something more to these fans in Canada.


SM: your definitely right, let's do it. So what should we call this company?


SD: Erm...what about the Canadian Wrestling Company?


SM: I don't know man, how about North American Wrestling Alliance?


SD: No chance, I don't want the word American in the title.


SM: Geez okay, calm down Steve.


SD: Do you like the sound off the Wrestling Premier League?


SM: You know what I do. So its decided the Wrestling Premier League, what are we going to do about our contracts with NOTBPW and CGC?


SD: Well about them, at the next PPV we'll just throw away the titles and show Canada about our intentions my friend.


SM: Sounds good. See you later steve.


SD: We'll speak soon Sean.

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Off story background info...


Well basically wanted to play my favourite era of TEW and couldnt think of a better way then with a Local to Global.


So yeah... Sean McFly and Steve DeColt will start the WPL with hopes to take over as the best promotion in canada...simples. Will post more info when ive decided what kind of product I'll be showcasing and ive built up the roster.

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December 13th 2005



The Main Event at NOTBPW Winter War 2005...


Sean McFly is about to defend the NOTBPW Canadian Title against Dan Stone Jr, When suddenly he asks for a microphone.





SM: Now listen here people for the past few years I've been at the top of the card for NOTBPW, I'm not ungrateful not at all but I feel like I've not had anything in return for me putting my life on the line every week. I don't mean just a couple of runs with the Canadian title I mean I've had no say in what happens with my Career here...


Suddenly Sean is interrupted by Dan Snr and Dan Jr...




DSjr: HOW DARE YOU! you ungrateful son of a bitch, you've been treated like family ever since you came to this company and married my sister. What makes you think you can act like this?


SM: Well you see junior, I'll act like I want to act, you see it didnt matter how I nice I was or how much ass I kissed around here, I'll never get any political swing in this joint.


DSsnr: How can you say that? I entrusted you to main event nearly every event we've put on in the last nine months. And for the last 4 months you've held that title.


SM: Shut up old man, what title? this title.


*Sean Throws down the Belt before stomping on the title plate*


SM: This is what i think of your title, I'm through with NOTBPW


*Sean drops the mic and exits the arena through the crowd to a chorus of boos*

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December 18th 2005


After the main event at CGC Chambers of Horrors 2005, where Steve Decolt has just defeated his brother Alex for to retain the CGC Canadian title...




SD: I'm sick to death of you people and the way you chant my brothers name, the company's name and the way you lap up everything they do!


*Steve kicks his brother out of the ring and continues to talk*


SD: Now dad and the rest of the family get down here I've got a little show for you.


*Down come George, Jack and Ricky, they stand at the top of the ramp*




GD: So Steve what's this show you have for us?


JD: Yeah Steve come on show us.


RD: Yeah bro come on now.


*Steve grabs a trashcan from under the ring and pulls something that looks like a lighter and lighter fluid from inside it*


SD: Shut up and watch idiots.


*Steve dumps the title into the trashcan and covers it in lighter fluid before throwing in the lighter*


SD: Dad you can take this as my resignation from this dump.


*Steve exits to dead silence as the crowd looks on shocked at whats just happened*

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NR: Hello welcome to Maple leaf sports news hour, to start with have two very special guests Sean Mcfly and Steve DeColt.




NR: Welcome Sean, Welcome Steve.


SM & SD: Thank you.


NR: So where do we start gents? why did you do what you did in the past 2 weeks?


SD: I'll take this one Sean, well basically we was sick of the actions taken by the companies. We decided it was take action into our own hands.


SM: Exactly Steve, all the fans see is the characters we play on the TV, if they knew what it was like backstage they wouldn't have booed us over the actions.


NR: I see, so is this the last we've seen off Sean McFly and Steve Decolt in Canadian wrestling?


SM: Not at all, this is exactly why we are here tonight.


SD: You see, Sean and I have decided to team up and create a brand new wrestling company in Canada.


NR: So whats the name of this new company?


SM: The Wrestling Premier League.


NR: What kind of product will you be offering the nation?


SD: A product we'll be naming Canadian cutting edge, we'll be concentrating on putting on great wrestling with short snappy interviews.


NR: Well unfortunately Gents, we've ran out of time but you've hear it first the Wrestling Premier League is coming soon.

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Wrestling Premier League starting roster.




Main Event


Billy Russell(H)

Joey Minnesota(F)

Matt Sparrow(F)

Nathan Black(H)

Omar Freeman aka dog fyte(H)

Puerto Rican Power(H)

Sean McFly(F)

Steve Decolt(F)


Upper Midcard


Erik Strong(F)

Geoff Borne(H)

Hell Monkey(H)

Jack Giedroyc(F)

Merle O'Curle(H)

Rolling Johnny Stones(F)

Shooter Sean Deeley(H)

Soul Taker(H)




Des Davids(F)

Joss Thompson(H)

Kashmir Singh(H)


Lower Midcard


Frankie Perez(H)

Joey Beauchamp(F)

Mikey James(H)



Enhancement Talent


Marc Speed(F)


Other Personnel


Rock Downpour(Announcer)

Ted Ross(Colour Commentator)

Bret Graveson(Referee)

Sheik Mustafa(Road Agent)

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Mikey James and Frankie Perez VS ??? and ???


Merle O'Curle VS Soul Taker


Omar Freeman VS Hell Monkey


Shooter Sean Deeley VS Rolling Johnny Stones


Joey Minnesota VS Matt Sparrow


Fatal 4 Way for the WPL World Heavyweight Championship


Billy Russell VS Puerto Rican Power VS Sean McFly VS Steve Decolt


Let me know what you think of the Diary so far and don't forget to get your predictions in for WPL The Big Bang.

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The Big Bang



Live from New Brunswick hall





The Announcers:



Rock Downpour and Ted Ross









Sean Mcfly cuts an interview hyping the debut of the company, tonight's show and his upcoming match against Billy Russell, Puerto Rican Power and Steve Decolt. (B+)






Frankie Perez & Mikey James VS Darryl Devine & Jacob Jett


Darryl Devine and Jacob defeated Frankie Perez and Mikey James after Darryl Devine hit Frankie perez with the Devine Dream Drop after 8:55 minutes(D)








Merle O'Curle VS Soul Taker


Merle O'Curle defeated Soul Taker with a Celtic Wreath after 9:12 minutes(C-)










Omar Freeman VS Hell Monkey


Omar Freeman defeated Hell Monkey by submission after 10 minutes©









Jack Giedroyc comes down to ring to cut a promo saying he'll be debuting soon.(F)







Shooter Sean Deeley VS Rolling Johnny Stones


Sean Deeley defeat Johnny Stones after Merle O'Curle interfered and attacked Stones after 9:50 minutes(D)







Sean Deeley and Merle O'Curle continue to beat down Johnny Stones(F)








Joey Minnesota VS Matt Sparrow


Joey Minnesota hits the empire spiral after 13 minutes for the win(C-)






For the WPL World Heavyweight title.




Billy Russell VS Puerto Rican Power Vs Sean McFly VS Steve DeColt



Steve Decolt wins the Heavyweight title after pinning Billy Russell(B)



Overall Show Rating = C+

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