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Seth Rollins: A Rookie's story

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This story is using Mr Canada's Real world Mod, beginning Sept 2011. Will also be doing this as a watcher game (the game AI will handle results of the matches, PPVs, road agent notes, ect...and I'll be writing up a story based around that). The story starts as Seth Rollins is getting the call to start appearing on WWE television, the RAW brand (Raw and Superstars).




It's 3:15 AM and was just getting ready to lay down for the night when I received a phone call, totally unexpected.


Seth: Hello?


John Laurinaitis: Hello Seth. This is John Laurinaitis, executive vice president of talent relations here at WWE. How are you?


Not wanting to chat at that time, especially to him, I decided to cut to the chase.


Seth: Doing great, although I was trying to sleep. What are you doing calling me this early in the morning?


John: I've decided to call you up to the main roster to have you start appearing on Raw and Superstars as we have big plans for you. We will be airing Raw live in 17 hours in Indiana, can you be here by then?


Seth: Sure.


John: Great, see you there. (he hangs up)


After hearing this news, I've decided that sleeping can wait. Raw....here I come!!



Monday, September, week 1: 4:30 PM


I arrive to the Indianapolis Anderson High school Gymnasium where Raw is being held and good ole Johnny Laurinaitis is waiting for me.


John: Seth, good to see you. I'm John Laurinaitis, executive vice president of talent relations. Listen, I don't have much time to talk to you right now, but go check out the lineup card for Superstars and Raw and do what you have to do to get ready for the shows. (he leaves).


Seth: ok boss.


He doesn't explain where I have to go to view the lineup for tonights programming. He just leaves me wandering around like a lost kid in a candy store. I also have no clue where to drop my stuff off at.

after about a half hour of searching the backstage areas, I finally find the lineup card, and am a bit surprised.



Curt Hawkins vs Primo

Eve vs Brie Bella

Alex Riley vs Jack Swagger

Evan Bourne vs JTG



Mason Ryan vs Primo

Alex Riley vs Jack Swagger

Nikki Bella vs Maryse

David Otunga vs Michael McGuillicutty

Kofi Kingston vs CM Punk

Big Show & John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio & The Miz


WTF?? They have some guys on both Raw and Superstars, but where was my name at?? Why did the executive VP of talent relations call me up in the wee hours of the morning and tell me to get here if they weren't going to use me?? Damn VP of talent relations, now I know why the world hates you so much!!


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I just had to talk to someone to find out why? I see road agent Arn Anderson walking past me with a pile of papers he was rummaging through.


"Mr Anderson," I said, but he sounded as if he was ignoring me. So as he got closer I cut in his path to make him stop and look at me.


"Who are you?" He asked me.


"What, the enforcer doesn't know the newest edition to the Raw roster? I'm Seth Rollins, from FCW. Mr. Laurinaitis called me up today."


"Well, Mr Rollins," The enforcer said, "I'm gonna show you why they call me the enforcer if you get in my way again. Now as an enhancement talent, I want you to listen and listen good, because I'm only gonna tell you once. Don't be surprised if you don't win a match for several months as it's your job to put people over. You do a good job and do what we tell you to, you will get promoted and be given a chance to shine in this company. You don't..then you'll get promoted faster than you can say Satan's name. John Laurinaitis."


Being the egotistical heel that I am, I decided to challenge him on that comment, "Don't worry, that won't happen to a guy like me. You know I don't even know if 'enforcer' is the right name for you anymore."


Arn Anderson just gave me a look as he took off his glasses, "I used to be called a lot of names. But one thing I never was was blind and stupid. Don't you understand that when Satan himself takes over this company, and when he is running Raw, that no one is safe? That goes for John Cena, and even especially to you, Mr. Rollins. The entire roster can get fired by Johnny Ace if we don't do a good job performing in front of millions of fans every week. The key is to understand what your weaknesses are and in this situation is get out of the way of your ego or else your career as a WWE entertainer will go up in smoke. Do you understand what I'm saying?"


I shook my head, "I have no weaknesses old man. The difference between me and John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, The Miz, and anyone else that ever performed in the ring is that I am the future of sports entertainment. Those other guys are has-beens. Including you old man. You need to give me a match, and you need to give me one, tonight! or my anger is going to be taken out on someone tonight."


"I'm smart enough to know this, that you better listen carefully. You may be comfortable right now since you just got promoted. But if you piss off any wrestler here tonight, you may very well be staying in a hospital overnight. You need to get together with main eventers, midcarders, hell even Jerry "the King" Lawler and take an interest to learning from them, one month from now you may find yourself unemployed."


I just laughed, "Man, you must have gotten kicked in the head one too many times when you wrestled. I don't need anyone, because I'm the future of this business."


Arn Anderson just shook his head, "You just don't get it." Then he left to go deal with other wrestlers and tonight's program.


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Primo defeated Curt Hawkins; Grade = 54


Good back and forth action, used only to warm up the crowd. Primo won with the Backstabber


Brie Bella defeated Eve; grade = 48


The worst match on the card as the crowd really wasn't into this match. Brie Bella won after interference from Nikki Bella when the ref was distracted.


After the match Nikki and Brie Bella were seen arguing backstage, Brie was telling Nikki that she didn't need any help in beating Eve.


Jack Swagger defeated Alex Riley; grade = 76


These two put on the match of the card with their performance. The crowd was into it. Alex Riley was in the ankle lock for 2 minutes before finally tapping.


JTG defeated Evan Bourne; Grade = 64


Not nearly as good as the last match. JTG won with the Mugshot.


While superstars is being taped, I knew what I had to do to make an impact on not only the WWE, but on this weeks episode of Raw.





Mason Ryan defeated Primo; Grade = 57


Mason Ryan may be getting a push that he deserves. The only difference between the two is Ryan is on Raw every week while Primo only makes sporadic appearances on the show. Ryan wins with the swinging side slam.


After this match was over CM Punk caught me looking at the backstage monitor and stopped to talk to me for a second.


CM Punk: Hey you, Intern.


I looked around, but I was the only one standing there. "Yes?" I asked.


Punk: Why are you not doing what I asked? I have a match coming up soon and I need something to eat. Where's my food at?


I had to think of an answer fast, to avoid making him mad at me, I seen John Cena in the distance, "uh, John Cena," I said.


Punk: John Cena? John Cena? what are you talking about?


Just then John Cena walks up and says he heard his name being called.


Punk turns to John Cena, then looks back at me, then gets face to face with Cena.


Punk: Let me guess, you seen this intern with food and you talked him into giving it to you, right?


Cena: So what if I did? He's just an intern that Vince McMahon hired, leave the kid alone, ok? He isn't a wrestler. If you want to pick on someone I have no problem taking you out."


I'm not a wrestler?? I don't think Cena knows me yet. But I'll prove him wrong. CM Punk told him to bring it, and a fight broke out right in front of me as referees and road agents came by to break them up. I just walked off smiling. Grade = 95


Alex Riley defeated Jack Swagger; Grade = 74


The same match from Superstars. This time, Riley gets the win with the TKO.


Nikki Bella defeated Maryse; grade = 56


Nikki picked up the win by Brie switching places with her when the ref was inadvertently knocked out.


David Otunga defeated Michael McGuillicutty; grade = 56


a match between tag team partners and tag team champions. This was thrown together at the last minute with no explanation as to why they were wrestling each other. Otunga gets the win by countout.


CM Punk defeated Kofi Kingston; Grade = 88.


During the match I came out and did guest commentary acting like an "intern" and kissing Michael Cole's rear to get him to say nice things about me, much to the disgust of the "king". At the end of the match while Kofi Kingston was outside near me, I got up and hit my finisher on him, a Superkick, then rolled him in the ring to be pinned by CM Punk. After the match CM Punk gave me a stunned look as I was walking to the back.


The Miz and Del Rio defeated John Cena and the Big Show; grade = 82


Pretty standard match with everyone hitting their finishers at some point during the match. In the end, it was the Skull Crushing Finale on Big Show that gave Miz and Del Rio the victory.

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After the Show


John Laurinaitis was seen yelling backstage and throwing a fit, something about he didn't like how the show was booked. He said from now on he will handle the booking duties, he also fined me 20% of my pay for appearing on Raw because I wasn't booked on the show, even though my segment with CM Punk, backstage, and at ringside, were the highest ranked segments on the show as far as fan interaction. CM Punk thought it was part of the show, and just went along with it, as the road agents allow him to do whatever he wants, anyway.


Michael Cole stopped me as I was getting ready to leave.


Cole: Hey Intern.


Me: The name is Rollins. Seth Rollins!


Cole: "Mr. Rollins, thanks for saving me out there during the Punk-Kingston match. Jerry Lawler can be a pain to work with. But me and you, we have excellent chemistry together when calling matches. The Miz and I are going out to dinner, and I want to invite you along. Whaddya say, new friend?"


I'm not sure if having excellent chemistry with Michael Cole is a good thing or not, but he does have power in the company, and a lot of influence. I'll take any advantage I can get.


Me: Sure.


With that, Cole and I met up with the Miz and diva Maryse and headed off to the local Denny's 24 hr restaurant for some good food, and conversation. When we arrived and sat down, several fans flocked to the Miz, Maryse, and even Michael Cole and asked for autographs before the Miz sent them away without one.


Miz: You see, when you become an established superstar like us, you will get fans requesting autographs, asking to train with you, eat lunch with you, requesting you to come to their house.


Maryse chimed in...in her french accent.


Maryse: asking you to merry them.


Michael Cole: You know, this is great. I have sitting next to me the world's greatest performer, Miz, and on the other side of me the greatest play by play man. We get along so well, which is better than my relationship with the King or that fat tub of lard, J.R. In fact, I'm going to go to the higher ups and request that you replace one of them on a permanent basis. The ratings would skyrocket.


I didn't have the guts to tell him I wasn't a color commentator, but I am a professional wrestler.


Me: um..well, if it gets me on TV every week, then sure. But at the same time, I can hold my own in the ring, too.


Miz: I seen what you did to Kofi, and it was impressive. I will train you and when is all said and done, you will be Awwwweeessssoooommmmmmeeeee!!


Me: Why don't we form a stable, Miz, R-Truth, Michael Cole as the leader, myself, and Maryse? Miz and R-truth will terrorize the tag division and main eventers like John Cena. I'll help you guys out by getting involved and allowing you two to pick up the victory when you need it. Maryse will terrorize the divas. and Michael Cole and myself will put ourselves over by talking about how great the 5 of us are and how no one can stop us!


Everyone was smiling at this comment, Cole was the first to respond.


Cole: That sounds awesome!! I'll run it by John Laurinaitis and see what he thinks. But I can't wait for this to happen.


By this time our food arrived and we all started chowing down. After everyone had finished, the 3 of them gave me their phone number, then we all said goodbye for the night.

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Thursday, week 1, September.


I receive a text message from Michael Cole, after he talked to the people in charge.


Michael Cole: I just got finished talking to Triple H, We have permission to form the group/stable. The 5 of us need to get with Triple H on Monday to run ideas by him so that we are all on the same page. Also check out the lineup card for Monday's taping of Superstars and Raw.


WWE Superstars


Brie Bella © vs Eve for the Diva's Title

Rey Mysterio vs Primo

Mason Ryan vs Alex Riley




Brie Bella © vs Eve vs Maryse for the Diva's Title

Dolph Ziggler © vs Rey Mysterio for the US Title

Awesome Truth vs Air Boom

CM Punk vs John Morrison

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio © non title match

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I spent Friday and Saturday training in the ring with Miz and R-Truth, they told me how to do some moves, then showed them to me by using them on Maryse. They then let me practice the moves on Maryse. Sunday was spent with Michael Cole, going over announcing and color commentary skills. All in all, the group behind the scenes is gelling perfectly, which leads me to...


Monday, Week 2, September

WWE Superstars


Before Superstars went on the air being taped, Triple H caught up with me to go over some items.


Triple H: Hey Seth, how are you?


Me: Hey Hunter, I'm good.


Triple H: Listen, I don't know exactly what Michael Cole is up to, but when he called me up and said he wanted to put a group together with the Miz, R-Truth, and when he mentioned your name and Maryse's name, it reminded me of Evolution. Taking two people who aren't well known, and building them up into superstars.


Me: Maybe you should join us then?


Triple H just laughed..


Triple H: Here's the thing. I agreed to let you join to see how well you develop under them, meaning the Miz, wrestling wise, and Michael Cole - announcing wise. Being with them may help you move up the card, but you're still an enhancement talent, meaning every time you get in that ring, it's your job to make your opponent look good whether it's by losing, or taking bumps and selling their moves.


Me: Sure thing, boss!


Triple H: Your job tonight is to color commentate during Raw, and your stable members all have matches tonight. So you and Cole need to talk to Arn Anderson and let him know what you two plan on doing so he can plan out the best way to draw heat on this new stable, what's the name of it anyway?


Me: They haven't told me yet. So I dunno.


Triple H: Well, we need to know by next week, or possibly by the end of Raw. Just let me know.


Me: OK.


With that, we both parted ways. I went into the Miz's dressing room to watch the taping of Superstars.

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Guest KingOfKings

WWE Superstars


Brie Bella © vs Eve for the Diva's Title

Rey Mysterio vs Primo

Mason Ryan vs Alex Riley




Brie Bella © vs Eve vs Maryse for the Diva's Title

Dolph Ziggler © vs Rey Mysterio for the US Title

Awesome Truth vs Air Boom

CM Punk vs John Morrison

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio © non title match

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Miz, R-Truth, Maryse, and I were backstage in Miz's dressing room watching Superstars while Michael Cole was on Play by play duty with Jerry "the King" Lawler. The first match was about ready to begin...


Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella) vs Eve


Miz: Maryse, the key to victory and winning the Diva's title is to exploit Brie's and Eve's weaknesses and take advantage of them.


Me: Don't forget Nikki. But don't worry, I'll take care of her.


Miz: Awesome. That's what I like to hear. Let the other two fight as much as you can. They're going to be fatigued anyway, so you have the advantage.


We spent the next few minutes scouting the match, in the end, Eve won the match when the ref caught Nikki switching places with Brie, and disqualified Brie.


Winner: Eve by DQ; grade - 45


Alex Riley vs Mason Ryan


The four of us didn't care about this match, so we spent the length of the match (10 mins) mocking and making fun of both wrestlers. Alex Riley won with a TKO.


Winner: Alex Riley; Grade - 67


Rey Mysterio vs Primo


This was the main event of Superstars and Rey Mysterio impressed with his top rope/high flying skills. This was a squash match as Mysterio won easily with a 619/West Coast Pop.


Winner: Rey Mysterio; Grade - 78


Miz: Alright guys, is everyone ready to make history?


We all nodded in agreement as we went over the plans one final time before Raw airs live. Road Agent Tony Lanza came up to us.


Lanza: Alright guys, RAW is about ready to start, I need everyone in their places. Rollins, I need you by the curtain. Remember, we are live, so don't screw this up.


I headed to the entrance where I could hear thousands of screaming fans. What happens if I do screw up since I'm the new guy? Only time will tell, but I can't take that chance....Michael Cole, Miz, Maryse, and R-Truth are counting on me..


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Jim Ross made his way to ringside to do play by play with the King and Michael Cole.


Michael Cole: Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, and welcome to Raw. I'm Michael Cole, the greatest announcer in the history of pro wrestling. Beside me is the one man who has never beat me, Jerry Lawler, and the guy that puts bar-b-que sauce on everything he eats, Good ole' JR.


The King just rolls his eyes.


JR: Tonight's main event will feature John Cena taking on Alberto Del Rio. If John Cena wins, he will earn a title shot against Del Rio at the next PPV event, Night of Champions. It will be a ...


Cole: (interrupting) Everyone knows that won't happen. Hey JR, you and Cena have something in common, you both are overrated.


Lawler: What is your problem with JR Cole? Every week you come out here and mock and insult Jim Ross when he's done nothing to you.


Cole: You should have retired years ago. it's time to let younger people take over JR. If you want to take the Michael Cole challenge, and you can beat me, then I'll gladly quit and you won't hear from me again.


JR: Let's do it.


Michael Cole gets up from his seat and grabs a mic..


Cole: Can I have your attention please! (Crowd boos) Jim Ross has just agreed to take the Michael Cole challenge.


John Laurinaitis's music hits and he comes out to more boos and gets in the ring.


John: Cole, please have a seat as I've got something important to say. (Cole goes back to his seat). For those of you that don't know me. My name is John Laurinaitis, executive vice president of talent relations, and the interim RAW general manager. Jim Ross, Michael Cole is right, it's time for you to start thinking about retirement. That's why I'm sending you home early tonight.


Cole: Yes! Yes! Thank you John! (he starts celebrating in his seat)


Jim Ross just gets up and starts walking up the ramp to the back.


John: Replacing good ole JR on play by play commentary is a new guy. Please welcome Seth Rollins!


I make my way down the aisle, I start mocking JR, acting like he is crying. I get in the ring and shake Mr. Laurinaitis's hand. Then I stand next to the King before sitting down.


Me: Anyone got any disinfectant spray? This seat that JR sat in has germs on it. I need to burn my clothes if I touch this seat.


Cole: Finally, I have someone at my intelligence level to call matches with. Don't worry Seth, I'll take you shopping when RAW is over.


King: What? You two sound like best friends or something, or possibly more than that, if you know what I mean.


Me: You're just jealous that you don't have Cole as a friend. You probably don't have any friends, for that matter.


King: Whatever, let's just get to the ring.


Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler © w/ Vickie Guerrero for the United States Championship


Cole: And we are underway. You know, I can't help but notice Vickie at ringside. Dolph Ziggler is lucky to have her in his corner.


Me: Which is why he is still the US champion.


Cole: That's right. Plus she never gets involved in the match. She just stands there and lets her men do the work.


King: She never gets involved Michael? You must not be watching Dolph Ziggler's matches every week.


Cole: Name me one time when she interfered in a match?


King: Just now! See her on the apron distracting the ref.


Michael Cole: She's not interfering, she's letting the ref know about these fans behind us at ringside calling her names. Don't you hear the chants of 'Vickie sucks'??


King: Please. If the fans are chanting it, then it's probably true.


Me: These fans don't know what they are talking about. We are in Denver. That should say something right there. These fans are idiots.


Cole: And there's the Zig-Zag, 1-2-3. Dolph Ziggler retains the United States Championship.


Winner: And still US Champion.....Dolph Ziggler. Grade - 80


John Morrison vs CM Punk


King: This time can you guys try to call the play by play? If this were a radio show fan at home wouldn't even know who's winning or what's going on in the ring because of you two blabbing about Vickie Guerrero.


Me: King, what if we were blabbing about your favorite diva, Kelly Kelly?


King: I'd be blabbing right along with you. I love Kelly Kelly.


Me: But we all know that won't ever happen. The Diva's division is weak. You have the Bella twins, then you also have Maryse as a legitimate threat to take the title away. No one else matters in that division.


King: What planet are you from? All the divas matter.


Cole: Side headlock takedown by Punk. You know King, Seth is right. Maryse is my favorite to win the Diva's title tonight. There's another arm drag takedown by Punk.


Me: Now Morrison is getting some offense in.


Cole: Morrison is pointing to the top rope...Starship no...Punk moves out of the way... Anaconda Vice!! he locked it in.. Morrison has no choice but to tap!! Another victory for CM Punk.


Winner: CM Punk by submission!! Grade - 72


Divas Championship

Brie Bella © w/Nikki Bella vs Eve vs Maryse


Cole: As a special treat, we are being joined by Nikki Bella. Nikki, thanks for joining us, have a seat by Mr. Rollins.


Nikki: Thanks for having me. I always enjoy watching my twin sister in action.


Cole: You can provide much better insight to the match than the King can too. At least you're not washed up like he is.


The King stays silent, not letting Cole's jokes get to him.


Me: You know Nikki, I do have to admit. The very first time I looked at you, I have had a crush on you.


Nikki: Aww, thanks. You're not so bad yourself.


Cole: You know if you two become an item. It'll be because of me, right? I could start a talk show segment on Raw where a superstar and a diva goes out on a date and they come to Raw and let me know how it went, and if they want to continue seeing each other or not. I'll plan the date and everything. It'll be perfect.


King: Excuse me so I can go throw up now.


The King gets up and walks to the back.


Cole: Look at Maryse. She just took a chair from ringside and is sitting in it. She's telling Eve and Brie to beat the hell out of each other and she won't get involved. Is that smart or what?


Nikki: One less person for my sister to humiliate. What's wrong with Jerry Lawler?


Me: Don't worry about him. This broadcast booth is better without him anyway, so he did all of us a favor. Hey, maybe you could join us for the rest of the show?


Nikki: I don't think that's a good idea. I plan on going out to celebrate with Brie after she pins Eve, or Maryse.


Cole: In Denver? You're joking, right? Hanging out with us would be better. Which reminds me, I need to use this match to check my twitter account.


Cole gets on his laptop computer and starts typing away, not paying any attention to the match.


Me: I'll take you and Brie out tonight. We will go out and celebrate in style.


Nikki: Sure, but let me talk it over with my sister first and see if she approves. Just don't bring Cole along.


Cole: I see how it is.. (Nikki and I both laugh). Hey listen, JR just posted something on his twitter account. The world needs to hear this...


He gets up and grabs a mic..


Cole: Stop the match!! Stop the match! I've got an important announcement.


Brie, Eve both stop what they are doing and look at Michael Cole. The ref gives Cole a stunned look.


Cole: I just received a tweet from Jim Ross. He just left the building. and he took the 50 lbs of bar b que sauce he had with him. (crowd boos).


During this time, Maryse sneaks into the ring and rolls up a stunned Eve for the 3 count.


Winner, and new Divas champion: Maryse. Grade - 53


Nikki: What are you doing Cole? You distracted my sister, and now she lost the Divas Championship.


Cole: Your sister lost because she wasn't paying attention. Now a real diva can defend the title and bring prestige back to it. Way to go Maryse!


Me: Don't worry Nikki, I'll talk to him and calm him down for you.


Nikki: You better before he gets slapped. (she gets up and leaves with her sister, Brie Bella).


Me: You know Cole, you could give the Bella twins a break. Nikki does seem interested in me.


Cole: You're right. But right now I'm ecstatic. Maryse just won the championship!! Woooooooo!!!


Air Boom vs Awesome Truth


Cole: This will be the best match of the night. The best wrestler in the world is wrestling, the Miz!


Me: it will be fun to watch Awesome Truth destroy Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. They have awesome chemistry together, pun intended. Check this out Cole...


Cole: Miz is already setting up for his finisher, the Skull Crushing Finale. Once he hits this, the match is over. And he hits it!!


Me: Future tag teams, take note.. This is how you want to end a match. Quick, and painless!! Miz didn't even break a sweat, and R-Truth didn't even tag in. Now I can see why the Miz is awesome!!! The match lasted, what..30 seconds? That's gotta be a record for tag team competition.


Cole: No kidding.


Winner: Awesome Truth; Grade - 77


Cole: Next up is our main event..


Me: It's a match that will put everyone to sleep, only because John Cena is in it, of course.


John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio © non title match


Cole: Remember, if John Cena wins, he will earn a title shot against Del Rio at Night of Champions!!


Me: I can see people lining up to buy tickets and ordering the PPV if that happens Cole, Not!


Cole: No kidding. I have faith that Del Rio will pull out the victory. He is the champion, after all. he will take on anybody! and the match has started, John Cena is beating the hell out of Del Rio in the corner. Ref get in there and stop it. Cena is using closed fist punches..


Me: Come on ref. Do your job right!! This is pathetic.


Maryse makes her way to ringside.


Cole: What is Maryse doing coming to ringside?


Me: maybe she wants to take over as referee because she notices the horrible job the ref is doing.


Cole: Maryse gets on the apron and she's yelling at the ref. The ref is ordering her to get down.


Me: Ricardo Rodriguez just got in the ring Cole.. and he just hit Cena, but it didn't hurt him.


Cole: Cena just grabbed Ricardo and threw him over the top rope. He's knocked out.


Me: Whatever Maryse is trying to do, didn't work Cole.


Maryse comes over to Michael Cole and tells him to do something. Michael Cole gets up and talks to her in a low voice. Then he sits back down.


Me: What was that about?


Cole: She was just telling me that John Cena was seen backstage with the ref and paid him off so he could win the match. Now is that the kind of champion you want to represent WWE? She said she will do whatever it takes to keep John Cena from winning this match, even if it means going to the interim General Manager and showing him the evidence. That makes me sick, Seth!


I was actually speechless for once in my life... all I could say was..


Me: Wow.


In a way, that pisses me off that he would do something like that, when other superstars are working their ass off every night to get to his level.


Cole: Maryse is back on the ring apron arguing with the ref. John Cena is throwing Alberto into the ropes, AND ALBERTO DEL RIO RUNS INTO THE REFEREE AND MARYSE, CAUSING THEM BOTH TO FALL OUTSIDE THE RING. John Cena knew they were standing there, but he throws him into that part of the ropes anyway. What kind of person is he, anyway?


I leave the announce table to go check on Maryse, while Michael Cole stands up and grabs a mic to address John Cena.


Cole: John Cena, what kind of lowlife are you? First Maryse notices that you pay off the referee so that you can win the match. Now you have her intentionally knocked out so that she won't tell anyone.


John Cena is clueless, like he has no idea what Michael Cole is talking about. Suddenly Miz and R-truth jump Cena from behind and start laying him out. Miz goes outside and grabs a chair. R-Truth holds Cena and Miz swings, but Cena moves, hitting R-Truth in the head, busting him open. Cena fights back and hits the Attitude Adjustment on Miz, cleaning house. Cena throws the chair outside and notices Maryse getting in the ring, with a frightened look on her face as she catches Cena looking at her. She is begging Cena not to touch her, but as he does, she slaps him across the face. John Cena is angry that she did that, so he picks her up and sets her up for the attitude adjustment. As he does, he is met with a superkick by me...knocking him and Maryse down. The Miz throws the referee in the ring as Alberto Del Rio covers John Cena. the ref slowly starts to count... 1......................................................................................................2......................................................................................................3...NO!!! John Cena kicks out, the crowd cheers!! No one can believe it!! Michael Cole gets up and throws Miz, R-Truth, Maryse, and me each a chair and tells us to destroy John Cena. Alberto Del Rio sees all of us getting in the ring, so he leaves with the Title belt and Ricardo Rodriguez while I knock the ref out with a chairshot. Miz, and R-Truth are repeatedly hitting John Cena with chairshots across the head, back, legs, midsection until he doesn't respond.


When all is said and done, John Cena was busted open, knocked out, with the five of us (Miz, R-Truth, Maryse, Michael Cole, and myself..Seth Rollins) raising our hands in victory as Raw went off the air! A new era has begun...


Winner: Draw; Grade -83


ooc: Anyone got a good name for this stable?

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Just confirmed


TNA has just released Eric Bischoff, and he has just signed a contract with WWE: RAW. He will be hosting a Fan Interaction Wrestling show covering any topic fans want to talk about, Including anything that happened on Raw. Get your questions or comments in now! The show will be starting soon!

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Wednesday, Week 2, September.


I heard a loud banging on my hotel room door in the wee hours in the morning, or what I thought was the wee hours of the morning. When I checked my clock, it was 8:45 AM. I woke up with a terrible headache as I got up in only my boxers to see who was at my door.


I open my door to find Maryse standing there looking at me, surprised that I didn't have much clothing on. I quickly closed the door.


Maryse: Seth, Miz wants you in his hotel room asap after you get dressed of course.


so I grabbed a Seth Rollins t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants and headed to see the Miz. When I got to his room everyone in our group was already there with a bucket of popcorn and energy drinks.


Me: hey guys, what's the occasion?


Miz: Did you hear the news?


Me: News? What news?


Michael Cole: TNA fired Eric Bischoff yesterday, and Triple H and John signed him to a contract. Eric has his own wrestling talk show and news program. Fans can call in and talk to him about Raw, Superstars, and everything that's going on. Nothing is off limits when it comes to him. It's about ready to come on.


So I grabbed a seat between Michael Cole and Maryse to see what the newest addition to the Raw roster has to say.


Nothing but Controversy Wrestling Show - Hosted by Eric Bischoff.


Bischoff: Welcome to the newest pro wrestling show, and the only pro wrestling show that you need to watch. Nothing but controversy will show you all the happenings from Raw and Superstars, and break them down. You got a question about something that happened on Raw, or any member of the Raw roster? Call in and talk to me, Eric Bischoff.


Miz: This guy makes enemies everywhere he goes. But he does know what he's talking about.


Bischoff: But first, I want to say 'Thank You' to TNA for canning my ass. I spent 2 and 1/2 years sitting around doing nothing and collecting a paycheck, so when I presented a wrestling show idea to them, they told me no and canned my ass. Well TNA, I signed a contract until 2013 with you so you still owe me that money and I hope every single one of you TNA employees goes to hell! With the exception of Hulk Hogan, of course.


Me: Wow, good way to rip a company he previously worked for.


Bischoff: Let's take a caller.. James, from Atlanta, Georgia, you're on the air.


James: Dude, you suck.


Bischoff: Thanks for the comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But at least I'm not unemployed like most wrestling fans. Next caller... Mike, from Tampa, Florida..


Mike: Why was Jim Ross fired on Raw? I mean, I still think the guy can still call a great match.


Bischoff: First off, JR wasn't fired. WWE just wants him to sit out his contract at home as there is a new announce team taking over. Second, Jim Ross is past his prime and he doesn't call matches to the level of Michael Cole.


Cole: Great answer!


Bischoff: Jim Ross will never match the skills of Michael Cole when calling matches.


Mike: Is that why those two never get along?


Bischoff: Yes, but there's other reasons too. I've been around JR and when I worked with him, he doesn't take care of himself. He eats whatever he wants, when he wants, plus he only showers once a month. Michael Cole complained, so WWE sent JR home. Simple as that. I expect them to do the same to the King, Jerry Lawler also. Thanks for the questions. Charles, From Chicago. You're next...


Charles: Why was Kelly Kelly not on Raw this past Monday?


Bischoff: Because WWE is smart. Kelly Kelly doesn't equal ratings. Plus she's not that great of an in ring performer. You need more than good looks to carry you through the match.


During this time Charles started an on air argument with Eric Bischoff about Kelly Kelly, which we decided to skip the argument and talk amongst ourselves.


Me: Hey, Miz, maybe you could teach Kelly Kelly how to wrestle?


Maryse: He better not. Miz belongs to me. Which reminds me, how did ur date with Nikki Bella go?


Me: I forgot all about it, with us forming this new group and all.


Maryse: Nikki and I are close. I'll talk to her for you.


Me: Thanks.


R-Truth: Hey Maryse, think you can find me a date with one of the divas?


Maryse just gives R-Truth a disgusted look.


Maryse: Don't you already have a wife and kid at home?


R-Truth: I was joking dawg.


Maryse: Whatever. (she gets up to dial Nikki's phone number to talk to her).


Bischoff: Next caller...Jim, from Los Angeles.


Jim: yes, John Cena is my favorite wrestler, and he's the reason I watch WWE TV, but what Miz and R-Truth did to him was horrible. Why did Maryse get in the ring and slap him?


Bischoff: Because he laid his hands on her. Face it...your favorite wrestler is a pervert and she was trying to defend herself. Which is what any woman would do if John Cena tried grabbing them. He's lucky she didn't press charges against him.


Jim: And where does Michael Cole and that other announcer come into play in this group that they formed?


Bischoff: That other announcer's name is Seth Rollins. Michael Cole got into the ring to congratulate Miz and R-truth for beating the living crap out of John Cena. Rollins was there to make sure Maryse was safe after Cena threw Del Rio into her. As far as them being a group, that hasn't been confirmed yet. Thanks for the questions Jim.


Matt: Hey Bischoff, cool talk show man. I was wondering if Nikki Bella likes that announcer, Rollins? Because he was interested in her.


Bischoff: Only time will tell. The only one that can answer that is Nikki.


Maryse: And me (she said as she's returning to her seat). She does like you.


Me: Nice.


Miz: if you two form a relationship, and she faces Maryse for the Divas title...whose side will you be on?


Me: No question about it...Maryse's side. Stable mates have to stick together. Nikki will understand.


Miz smiled and nodded his head at me. I mean, she would understand, right?


Bischoff: Keith from Seattle, you're up next...


Keith: How long do you think this announce team will last? Both guys are egotistical and they think they are the greatest. They are both a joke if you ask me.


Bischoff: Ratings went through the roof on Monday because of them. The USA network has never had bigger ratings, my friend.


Keith: Don't call me your friend. I bet you're going to say this group they are in with Miz and R-Truth and Maryse is the best group ever, right?


Bischoff: They just formed 2 days ago. I mean, besides the N.W.O. they have the potential to be one of the best.


Miz: Any group that I'm in will be the best.


Bischoff: And that's it for me today. Please join us next time for the Nothing but controversy wrestling show.


Cameras fade out.

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WWE Superstars


Primo vs Alex Riley

Rey Mysterio vs Mason Ryan

JTG vs Curt Hawkins




Divas Championship

Maryse © vs Kelly Kelly

David Otunga vs Evan Bourne

The Miz vs John Cena

Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show (non title match - If Big Show wins he earns a shot to face Del Rio at Night of Champions for the Title).


Plus appearances by Triple H, The Bella twins, and John Laurinaitis.

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WWE Superstars


Primo vs Alex Riley

Rey Mysterio vs Mason Ryan

JTG vs Curt Hawkins




Divas Championship

Maryse © vs Kelly Kelly

David Otunga vs Evan Bourne

The Miz vs John Cena

Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show (non title match - If Big Show wins he earns a shot to face Del Rio at Night of Champions for the Title).


Really like the way this dynasty is panning out

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WWE Superstars

We open to Michael Cole and Seth Rollins at the announce table at ringside...


Cole: Hello, and welcome to Smackdown. I'm Michael Cole alongside Seth Rollins. My normal broadcast colleague, Jerry Lawler, was unable to make it to work today as he got carjacked and got his car stolen from him.


Me: Whoever did that did us all a favor.


Cole: No kidding. Let's get to the action..


Alex Riley vs Primo


Cole: Who would do such a thing? My hunch is that it was JR. But then again, if he did do that JR would crash the car because he doesn't know how to drive.


At that moment I was taking a drink of water and laughed, spitting water out of my mouth onto my announce papers and at ringside. The referee noticed it and looked at me, taking his eyes off the match, which allowed Primo to throw Riley into the ref, knocking him out. Throwing the match into chaos as that wasn't supposed to happen. Both wrestlers look at each other, then the ref. They continue fighting and hitting (and missing) spots that are poor at best.


Cole: Folks, that is why you want to pay attention to the match. And you definitely don't want to try this at home, because that can happen.


Me: And I thought the ref was a professional?


Cole: I guess not. Well, another ref has came down and ruled that Alex Riley has won by Disqualification because Primo purposely threw Riley into the ref.


Me: Purposely? What? You can clearly see that was an accident. He was throwing Riley into the ropes, he couldn't help it if the ref was in the way. The officiating in WWE is a joke. The fat slob behind me eating the nachos, hot dog, hamburger, cheese pretzels, and drinking the three beers can probably do a better job than the referees here.


Cole: I agree.


Winner: Alex Riley by DQ


Rey Mysterio vs Mason Ryan


Cole: It's the powerhouse versus the guy that can fly, Rey Mysterio.


Me: I've always been a big fan of Rey Mysterio, Cole. He's the smallest wrestler here, but he knows how to win matches.


Cole: Is it better to have speed in the ring, or to be powerful?


Me: I think both are equally important. If you have speed you can get away from people and make them chase you all over the ring, tiring them out. But if you are Mason Ryan you can use those power moves to weaken your opponent. That full nelson side slam he uses - when he uses that it's over.


Cole: Ryan was going for a press slam, but Mysterio countered into a small package but Ryan kicks out at 2.


Me: Mysterio is great at countering moves. Plus he's always the underdog, no one expects him to win.


Cole: He just tripped Ryan into the ropes. He's setting up for the 619!! he hits it!!


Me: West Coast Pop time?


Cole: I think so!! 1.............................................................................2........................................................................3!!!!!!!!!!!! Rey Mysterio wins!!


Winner: Rey Mysterio by pinfall


Curt Hawkins vs JTG


Cole: Curt Hawkins is in the ring..but where is JTG??


Me: I never seen him backstage earlier. Maybe he forgot where Superstars is being held and went to the wrong arena?


Cole: The referee is giving him till the count of ten to get to the ring, or else Hawkins will win by forfeit.


Me: Sad way to lose Michael.




Winner: Curt Hawkins by count out/forfeit


Cole: Coming up next.. Raw!! Stay tuned everyone!!!


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I'm intrigued by the strict kayfabe approach being taken - even Rollins attitude seems right for a rookie who'd find himself allied with Cole, Miz and so on.


I'm less happy that Michael Cole's so prominent, alas, but that's because there's only so much of that guy I can stomach, and he's a big part of why I tend to watch SD (and to a lesser extent Raw) only in the background while I play on my laptop. But I digress - if this is leading up to an ass-whipping for Cole and the return on King and JR, all to the good. If it's leading up to the return of Joey Styles, even better.


As for the name of your stable, something like the Fabulous Five, the Headliners or the Main Event Crew - or even the Twitterati?

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I'm intrigued by the strict kayfabe approach being taken - even Rollins attitude seems right for a rookie who'd find himself allied with Cole, Miz and so on.


I'm less happy that Michael Cole's so prominent, alas, but that's because there's only so much of that guy I can stomach, and he's a big part of why I tend to watch SD (and to a lesser extent Raw) only in the background while I play on my laptop. But I digress - if this is leading up to an ass-whipping for Cole and the return on King and JR, all to the good. If it's leading up to the return of Joey Styles, even better.


As for the name of your stable, something like the Fabulous Five, the Headliners or the Main Event Crew - or even the Twitterati?


Thanks for the ideas and comments! I may use Twitterati as the name.

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Monday Night RAW!!


Michael Cole: Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday Night Raw. I'm Michael Cole, alongside Seth Rollins. Jerry "the King" Lawler isn't here tonight as he was robbed at gunpoint and got his car stolen from him.


Me: Who would want his car, Michael? It's an old beat up fixer-upper. it doesn't start half the time and when it does it dies after 30 seconds.


Cole: It's just me and you buddy calling the action tonight on Raw!


Me: Where's JR?


Cole: There's a message on his twitter account that says he can't get out of bed because he ate too much bar-b-que sauce. He's unable to make it into work today. I'll be tweeting all throughout Raw tonight. But first....let's get to..


John Cena's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring and asks for a mic.


Cole: What's this guy doing out here? We were supposed to have our first match.


Cena: You know, I must say that I'm impressed. There's a lot of people in the back that don't want me to have another title shot, and there's two men and one woman in the back, and two at ringside that made sure I wasn't going to get one. After watching the tape of last weeks show it's no secret that these guys...wait...no, these women have formed a little alliance with each other to take me out. Let me give you guys a little tip: If Nexus can't take me out, then I seriously doubt anyone can. I mean let's break down the alliance members. We have the toughest member, The Miz. He's only as tough as Snookie from the Jersey Shore. You see Miz, you're not unbeatable, I made you tap out in the STFU, and I can do it again. But Miz, after last week, when you and R-Truth took out Air Boom in 30 seconds, and after your group took out me and caused the match to become a draw. You think you formed an indestructible group that nobody can beat. So I'm going to break down you guys one by one. Let's start with R-Truth. R-Truth seems to always follow you around , he made below average grades in high school. He's always hanging out in your hotel room, so that tells me right there that there's a lot more than friendship going on between you too. Then there's the next toughest in the group...Maryse.


I took exception to his insults. Maryse? tougher than I am?? I stood up and stared at John Cena.


Cena: Relax Ms. Rollins. You need to learn some patience. I'll get to you two lovebirds in a minute.


I removed my headset and started making my way to the ring, only to be held back by Cole.


Cena: Where was I? Oh yeah, Maryse. WWE actually found her working at a Canadian strip club. And given the clothing that she wears to the ring every week, if her pants get any smaller then WWE needs to change the rating of this show. It's no wonder why she has so many friends in the back.


I put my headset back on and sat back down, still angry at John Cena.


Cena: I don't know much about this new kid, Seth Rollins. But every time I look at him it seems that he has an alternative way of thinking.


Me: That's real funny..


I started getting up again, while Michael Cole has a confused look on his face.


Cena: Michael...this leads me to you. You didn't get that last statement? I can read your face since I took mind reading classes in college. Your thinking... meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. (crowd cheers). And mark my words. If you get involved in my business again, I will take each and every member out on by one.


I got on the ring apron and started to get in the ring to defend my stable's honor until I was interrupted by John Laurinaitis.


John: Seth, sit back down at your announce table. John Cena, you want to take out every member of Miz's group? Well, how about a one on one match against the Miz later tonight.


Cena nodded his head in agreement, and told Cole and I not to get involved, or there would be consequences. Then left.


David Otunga vs Evan Bourne


Cole: So the Miz can take out John Cena once and for all. This is turning out to be a great night.


Me: I would have taken him out myself if the GM had let me.


Cole: After the match when Miz gets done beating him, add insult to injury.


Me: I may just do that. Oh, and I invited Nikki Bella to join us on commentary during Maryse's title defense.


Cole: Just great. I don't need you to get distracted when Maryse is in the ring.


Me: And I won't. Maryse is setting us up on a date and I need to talk to her about it. So I invited her out to spend time with me so we could talk.


At this point, CM Punk made his way to ringside and sat down at our table and put a headset on.


Cole: CM Punk, what are you doing out here?


Punk: Well, Triple H told me to come out here to liven up the broadcast. he said he was listening to the play by play and you guys were putting him to sleep.


Cole: What? Ratings doubled last week as a result of me and Rollins calling matches.


Punk: Yeah, and this week you guys are making everyone turn the channel. well, this match is over anyway..


Evan Bourne hits an "Air Bourne" 450 splash. for the 3 count.


Winner: Evan Bourne by pinfall.


Punk: Since Nikki Bella is on her way out, I think this is my cue to exit.


Me: Thank God for Nikki.


Diva's Championship

Maryse © vs Kelly Kelly


(Nikki Bella sits at ringside next to me while CM Punk walks to the back).


Me: Thanks for joining us Nikki.


Nikki: it's a pleasure. It's always good to be around you, Seth.


Cole: Oh please. First we have the worst match of the night, in which Maryse is the only thing making it watchable. and now I have to listen to you two flirt with each other? Excuse me while I go take a leak.


Michael Cole gets up and walks to the back to use the restroom.


Nikki: What's wrong with him?


Me: I think he's just jealous that he's not dating a diva like yourself. Or maybe he went to tweet something. Who knows.


Nikki: Well, he's made it known in the past that he doesn't like Divas matches. But enough about him. Let's talk about you.


Me: ok..


Nikki: Where are you taking me on our date tomorrow night?


Me: it's a surprise, just a night on the town. First we will go to a nice restaurant, and end it at a nice 5 star hotel. We will spend Wednesday morning with my guys, and Maryse, watching Eric Bischoff's wrestling show..


Nikki: Ohhh...sounds exciting.


Me: Anything with me is exciting. but concerning the action in the ring, Kelly Kelly hits a nice dropkick on Maryse and starts punching her in the head, lou thez press style. She's going for a pin, but Maryse kicks out at two.


Nikki: You can't pin Maryse that easily.


Me: She is one tough woman.


Nikki: But she's not as cute as I am.


Me: I'm not going to diss my group members, but I will say that you are very cute! And Maryse with a DDT, the French Kiss as she calls it. This match may be over, but feel free to stay here with me for the rest of the night.


Nikki: I'd like that.


I get up to clap as maryse is getting her hand raised in victory. Michael Cole comes back out along with the Miz, and R-Truth and they get in the ring and celebrate with Maryse. I let Nikki know I'll be right back and get in the ring to celebrate with my team. From the corner of my eye I see Nikki clapping, as if she's happy for Maryse. R-Truth and Maryse go to the back while Miz stays in the ring for his match with John Cena. Michael Cole and I return to our seats to call the next match.


The Miz vs John Cena


Me: Michael, every time one of us wins, do we have to go to the ring to celebrate with them?


Cole: of course, unless you're telling us that you're too good to celebrate with us.


Me: No, of course not.


Cole: if Miz can beat John Cena, he deserves to be number 1 contender for Del Rio's Title. And he will beat John Cena.


Nikki: John Cena is way overrated in my book.


Cole: For once I agree with you.


Nikki gives Cole a look and shakes her head. You can tell she doesn't like him much.


Cole: Look out. Miz just threw Cena out near us. He has the ref distracted. Now is the perfect time to help him out.


I get out of my seat to help John Cena up. I then take a swing at him, only to have Cena duck. He trips me and locks in an STFU, which causes me to start tapping from being in so much pain. John Cena doesn't let go, so Nikki gets up and rakes his eyes with her fingernails, causing him to be blind temporarily. the ref begins counting him out. He tries to find the ring, but he grabs Nikki Bella by accident and does an attitude adjustment on her, knocking her out. When I get up John Cena bumps into me, thinking it's the Miz, so he picks me up and does another attitude adjustment on me. By the time he executed it, the ref reached 10, counting him out. John Cena is still blind, and having trouble finding the ring. Paramedics have to come out to check on him and help him to the back.


Winner: The Miz, by count out.


Cole: We need someone to help Seth Rollins and Nikki Bella. If it wasn't for Nikki blinding John Cena, this match would still be going on.


Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio


During this match Nikki and I were being attended to by paramedics to make sure we were alright. Miz met us backstage..


Miz: Congratulations you two. Getting John Cena counted out allowing me to get the victory. I hardly broke a sweat.


Me: No problem, but I wasn't expecting to take both of his finishers. I was mainly just trying to help him up to make sure he was ok...that you didn't beat him up too bad. you know, that sort of thing.


Nikki: Because you're a sweet and caring individual.


me: yeah..


Miz: Listen you two...go out and have fun, take the rest of the night off. If you two need anything, let me know.


Nikki: I think I'm just gonna watch the main event back here with you, Seth.


I just nodded, while holding an ice pack to my head. Listening to Michael Cole out there all by himself talking about himself makes me wonder how fans at home put up with him. How he insults JR. How he talks about twitter all the time; But then again, I have got it made...These guys care about me and are training me to be a better athlete. I have a great girl by my side. My life is perfect.


Alberto Del Rio ended up making Big Show submit to the arm lock submission hold after Big Show got distracted by Ricardo Rodriguez.


winner: Alberto Del Rio

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Wed, week 3, September


After a wonderful first date with Nikki Bella last night, I woke up in my hotel room with her by my side in bed. There is a light schedule today, first we will watch Eric Bischoff's wrestling show, then it's off to work out, then to the house show where Nikki Bella is getting tested as my manager. Appearantly WWE wants to make money off our real life relationship by making us inseperable on live TV.

Nikki and I settled in the Miz's room along with R-Truth, Maryse, and Michael Cole and flipped the channel to what we all wanted to see.


Eric Bischoff's wrestling show!!!


Bischoff: Welcome to the show. Well truthfully I could care less if you're watching or not, but they make me say it. Anyway, whatever. Today we will be covering all the events that happened on Raw, as well as your questions. Actually..screw it. We will be doing things my way today...Let's break things down by superstar and their push.

Color Commentator:

Jerry Lawler - The King missed Raw because of what Michael Cole stated, someone held him at gunpoint and stole his car? Come on now...you expect me to believe that?

Cole: It's true. That's what my sources tell me.

Bischoff: Lawler is a professional wrestler. I don't care if he is old, he still knows how to fight. Just kick the living sh!t out of the attacker, then hand him over to authorities and continue with your day. The question we should all ask is what really happened to the King? According to my sources, he was spotted partying with several women inside a local strip club.

Cole: Are you kidding me? Who wants to party with that has-been??

Eric Bischoff continues...

Seth Rollins - The newest color commentator to Raw is inexperienced with no clue how to call a match. he would rather be the whipping boy of Michael Cole while Cole makes fun of J.R. and the King. He would rather spend time with "Nikki" Bella and chat with her and stare at her a$$ while she's at ringside.

Nikki just smiles at her newfound love, Seth Rollins.

Bischoff: He also wants to get involved in other people's business and found himself on the end of an attitude adjustment and STFU by John Cena on this weeks show. Hey buddy...here's some advice for you - quit picking on John Cena and you won't find yourself getting your ass kicked every other week.

Miz: Don't worry, you did a good job by helping me win the match.

Announcers -

Michael Cole -

Bischoff: He is the only announcer being used by WWE, and his announcing sucks.

Cole: What?!!?? He can't say that about me!

Bischoff: Every day thousands of fans write to WWE to tell them how bad of a job he is doing, and some fans quit watching Raw because of it. Some fans have even wrote that they are commiting suicide if they have to listen to Cole's voice on live TV again. Hey WWE - Listen to your fans, the fans that pay our salary, the entire locker room is disgusted at Cole and the bad announcing job he's doing. Why do you think King left - Because of Cole. Why do you think JR and Cole have twitter wars - Because they can't get along. Hey Cole - Mr. Twitteratti - I can't wait for the day someone knocks you on your ass and sends you to the hospital for several months, hell, it may even be me.

Miz: Don't worry, we will protect you, Cole. Plus I like the name Twitteratti.. Let's start using it as our group/stable name.

We all nodded in agreement..our name has finally been created.


Bischoff: Moving on... managers. The only one on the list is Vickie Guerrero. Nothing to report on her. Just a loud mouth manager who creates victories for her guy, Dolph Ziggler. He's the United States champion because of her.

Me: Sooner or later I may try to challenge for that title.

R-Truth: When you do, we will be right there with ya.

Bischoff: Moving to the Women's division...

Nikki Bella - These days she spends most of her time either fighting with her sister, Brie, or with the new color commentator. Could we be seeing the next member of Twitterati?

Nikki: Not at this time buddy.

Bischoff: Maryse, the women's champion. She also likes to get involved with John Cena's business. But babe, you should spend more time worrying about your title, and people that can take it away from you, like..

Kelly Kelly - Nothing special about her, but she's always a fan favorite and someone that can win the Diva's title.

Eve - Kelly Kelly's best friend. When these two are supporting each other at ringside or teaming up during a tag match, they are almost unstoppable. Expect Eve to challenge for the title soon.

Brie Bella - Since losing the Title to Maryse last week, she was non existant on Raw this past Monday. She is a bitch that is a heel. Her main focus should be to talk sense into her sister for dating a loser.

Me: So Mr. Bischoff thinks I'm a loser? I can't wait to meet him. I'll prove how wrong he is.

Bischoff: Beth Pheonix - Beth is a heel that is using an amazonian gimmick. Until Kelly kelly or Eve win the title, I don't expect her to be used very much. And that's it for the women's division. Moving on to the openers.

Bischoff: Curt Hawkins is an arrogant heel that is regulated to Superstars. Same with..

Primo, a heel using a family legacy gimmick. The lower Midcard wrestlers...

Tyler Reks - a heel using a bad ass gimmick.

Michael McGuillicutty - a heel using a family legacy gimmick

Mason Ryan - a heel using a bodyguard gimmick

Drew Mcintyre - a heel that thinks he's the choosen one.

Midcard guys -

Santino Marella - a face that is a fun foreigner.

Rey Mysterio - an underdog face

JTG - a gangster heel. If Michael Cole's story pans out..it could be JTG that stole the King's car... because where was JTG? He didn't show up for Raw, and since Superstars appears on Thursdays in the US, I don't want to give away what happened...but he never showed up for his scheduled match. Makes you wonder what he's up to.

Jack Swagger- a legitimate athlete who is a bad guy.

Evan Bourne - a thrill seeking babyface

David Otunga - a heel lackey

Alex Riley - an old school babyface.

the upper midcarders -

R-Truth - an egomaniac heel. He spends all his time with the Miz and the whipping boys.

Kofi Kingston - a fan favorite face.

Kevin Nash - an old school heel.

John Morrison - thrill seeking babyface

Dolph Ziggler - the current United States champion, who is managed by Vickie Guerrero, he is a arrogant heel.

the Main Eventers

The Miz - heel egomaniac who thinks he's the best and spends his time tormenting John Cena

John Cena - fan favorite babyface who is constantly going after Alberto Del Rio and the World Championship but he seems to have his hands full at the moment with Miz and R-Truth and the person who wears the pants in the team, Maryse.

CM Punk - a heel rebel. Nothing to report on him except to say he says what he wants, when he wants.

Big Show - a giant face who lost his chance to become number one contender when he could not beat the current champion...

Alberto Del Rio - a Suave heel. Something tells me he could remain the champion for a long time. He has tons of momentum on his side right now.

Bischoff: Let's take some calls...

Garret: Hey Mr. Bischoff, concerning wrestlers dating each other, shouldn't their personal lives be, well...personal?

Bischoff: On my show nothing is personal, if someone wants to date a diva, it's going to be reported. If someone is using drugs, I'm going to report it. if someone gets in trouble with the law, it's going to make news, trust me.

Caller: Sir, since both faces lost to Del Rio, who's the new number 1 contender?

Bischoff: What WWE seems to be doing is this... either CM Punk or the Miz will face Del Rio next week on Raw, and if they win, they get the shot for the title. If they lose, then the other person gets the title shot. For all I care they should just let him take the PPV off because no one deserves the Title shot if no one can beat him.

Caller: Eric, given the state of the economy, wouldn't you say... (Bischoff disconnects the line).

Bischoff: Sorry, this economy sucks, and so does your question. Tune in next week for more questions, topics, and discussions!!


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