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Rapid Pro Wrestling...From the ashes.

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I’ve always been a fan of wrestling ever since I was a youngster, I loved everything about it the hard hitting action, the glitz and the glamour. Being born in the seventies and growing up watching people like Preston Holt and Tito Bumfhole was enthralling. Then in the eighties having the likes of Sam Strong, Corporal Doom and Micky Starr is when wrestling really got popular and was regular on TV especially with SWF leading the way. The nineties saw wrestling move in a all different directions with the east coast wars, the emergence of Hollyweird Grappling Company finally saw some sort of competition to SWF for the first time in 20 years. Now I know by the sound of things I’m just rambling on about a time gone by but it all as its reasons.


There I was with my young son at a wrestling legends convention here in Philly when I got talking to Preston Holt, we talking about everything he’d accomplished in his time. Everything from California Pro Wrestling to the east coast wars and Rapid Pro Wrestling. I’d always had a soft spot for RPW during the wars and was quite upset when they closed.


But if it was for them closing and Preston and I having that conversation on that day I wouldn’t be about to take probably the biggest risk of my life. I’ve been pretty lucky when it comes to business. Let’s just say I can afford to live comfortably thanks to some smart business moves a few years ago. But this was on an all new level. This was taking the brain child of a man I’d respected since I was a youngster and trying to rebuild a company from the ground up…


I’m Jay Carlson and this is the rebirth of Rapid Pro Wrestling.


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So there I was sat in the office of one of the hardware stores I own here in Philadelphia, I’d been slowly attempting to get a roster together for the re-launch of Rapid Pro Wrestling, with little to no luck. Though I was a massive wrestling fan I didn’t have the first clue on how to start a promotion from scratch. Suddenly the phone rang…


JC: Hello Carlson Hardware Store. How may I help?

???: Hello Mr Carlson I heard you’re starting a wrestling promotion?

JC: Ermm..yes may I ask who I’m speaking to?

???: This Mr Carlson is Eric Tyler.

JC: Eric Tyler from DaVE and CGC fame?

ET: One in the very same, I’ve been out of the industry for a little while, but I’m looking to get back in to it in a backstage capacity.

JC: Well I am looking for a booker and somebody that could possibly help me get a roster together, How fast can you get to Philadelphia for a meeting?

ET: I can be there with in the next two days, is that okay?

JC: That’s fantastic I look forward to speaking to you in person.

ET: Same here. Good bye.


Well that was an Interesting conversation but I must admit having somebody like Eric Tyler working with me at Rapid Pro Wrestling would be great and really boost for the roster when it gets signed up.



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A few days had past since I spoke to Eric Tyler about possibly joining up here at Rapid Pro Wrestling. I knew from putting the phone down that I wanted to offer the job to Eric, I know could trust him to build a quality roster and be able to put on some great shows.


*There’s a knock at the door*




ET: Hello Mr Carlson.

JC: Please call me Jay, now Eric I’m not going to lie to you as soon as I put the phone down the other day after our talk, I knew I was willing to offer you a full time position as Head Booker here at Rapid Pro Wrestling.

ET: Well thank you very much Jay, I’d like to graciously accept the job, so when do I start?

JC: Straight away if that’s possible?

ET: I’ll have to get let the wife and kids know put I can’t see why it would be a problem. Thank you again for the opportunity Mr Carlson.

JC: No problem at all Eric I look forward to working with you.


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Almost two weeks had past since I last spoke to Eric and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about that. The last time we spoke I was informed that a fair few wrestlers were interested in coming to RPW. He also wants to build a solid Women’s division and a solid Tag Team division which I think is a great idea considering that NOTBPW use to have fantastic Women’s division a few years back and more recently USPW have started to build a great one too, I’d always been a fan of good tag team wrestling so if we can build a great division on solid in ring action I’ll be a happy man.



[i}Jay Carlson[/i]

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