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2015 Mod?

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On the subject of WEXXV I'd love to see the Elimination Agents out there.


A feud with Spirit of Shark/Lizard could be amazing.


Someone mentioned 21CW expanding into Europe. I like this.


EWA could become 21CW: Europe. Theyd sign up people like Sergei Kalashnov, Double Dutch, The Fashionistas, The Lawal Brothers...

Also European NWA guys. The Red Devils, The Damned, Mass Hulk, Clubber Kohl, Bedlam, Brickhouse Balder...


UEW would be the workrate based company that signs up the DuPont brothers, Nigel Svensson (if hes not tied up), Oleg Dorosklov, Lars Brecher etc.


VWA would have made some strides forward. Manico would be a great signing as would the Johansson brothers. Alpha Female would be great and maybe a really big signing in the Enygma mould. Burning Exile? Hugh de Aske?




A couple of other moves:


Menace - gone to Japan.


Danny Patterson - his big move to the USA has finally come off. PSW? NYCW?


Mister King / Cyberpunk - out of 21CW and into HIW.


Haiti Voodude to FCW. That would be awesome.


Crazy Train - WLW. Please!


The Barracudas could move (someone said USPW) but I see them as a perfect convicts-come-home storyline in 21CW.


Ive got a game thats in Oct 2015 now. Heres some interesting things from it:


Canadian Dragon has been tearing ACPW up. Perfect.


Ernest Youngman made it to USPW where hes a big name rather than a jobber at one of the big companies.


Madman Boone. Hes the booker at CWWF but Id love him to have a comeback outside N America. MOSC? WEXXV?


Spencer Spade is CZCW champ.


Ash Campbell and New York Doll arre a tag team.


Rudy Velasquez has broken out.


Richie Riggins headed to Europe.


Jay Chord has won the RCI 4 times on the bounce. hes had long-running feuds with Citizen X and Larry Wood.


Liam Lutz went to Europe and became a good worker.


Giant Redwood has the book at... SAW!


Marat Khoklov made it to SWF champ. With those wages he had to.


American Buffalo is USPW champ


Scythe is also at USPW.


Lenny Brown is really good.


Skull de Bones is at USPW too. Natch.

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I'm gonna ignore everyone's post (though some of them have some great ideas! :)) and go on a bit of a world tour by myself for the sorts of things I see happening.


First... there needs to be new promotions everywhere in the world. The Cornellverse is still full of mostly young workers and with a lot of workers debuting over the intervening years and they're going to need somewhere to work. I'd suggest a Texas based promotion run by Ricky Dale Johnson as one of them, a second Californian indy to rival CZCW, a Chicago or Detriot based indy run by Bryan Vessey (playing off the Vesseys being a bit like the old school Steiners)... NYCW should have been taken over by Larry Vessey as the game already suggests he will, so the two Vesseys could have a working agreement to share talent too.


Canada... oh Canada... I hate NOTBPW with a venom, so I want to see them suffer a bit. Jeremy Stone should retire, either simply through age or through some kind of injury, perhaps from a House of Stone graduate who should know better and ends up getting in trouble as a result. I'd have Jeremy running the promotion in the background as a result of that, with Victoria booking. Steve DeColt should have returned home to CGC (and patched things up with his brothers) who have grown into the top promotion in Canada through some genius booking from Phil Vibert. Sean McFly... well, I want to see him divorce Victoria and be left in an awkward situation where they both want to be close to young Lucy Stone-McFly. With that in mind McFly should have moved to CGC and be slowly developing his charisma as his in-ring skills start to fade (meaning: his top row has gotten a bit worse and his entertainment has improved). The smaller promotions should be developing a lot of young talent for the future, and I can see CGC and NOTBPW each setting up relationships with smaller promotions in order to help them out. The smaller promotions should be at war to stop workers being on both the CGC and NOTBPW trains. 4C should be independent of all this, meaning at least one new company will have to form up here too.


I like what someone said about Dark Angel returning to the UK... he'd be a perfect owner of a small company as the UK wrestling industry continues to thrive. 21CW and TCW should have a working relationship (and TCW should be on UK TV thanks to Cornell) and the two promotions should work together to create international stars and help develop talent between them. The likes of Edward Cornell could act as TCW's voice in 21CW, perhaps following an injury that puts him out and allows him to let loose with an awesome heel act that doesn't entirely rely on being Tommy's cousin. HIW should open too, replacing MOSC as the edgy promotion in the UK. Given the number of graduates from the National School of Wrestling, there is going to be a need for more promotions to work in so I'd aim to have one in each region of the UK. 21CW themselves should also be expanding into Europe, if not by actually touring there then at least by having a small TV deal that allows them to grow. It may also be required to increase some of the levels of importance/population for the UK. London is a HUGE city that is more than capable of drawing huge crowds, but that isn't reflected in it's current set-up and that's the main cause of 21CW dying after a few years. A 20% bump in South UK's population along with a possible bump of all importance to at least 80 (or 85 if you really want 21CW to have a shot at National+ size) would see 21CW set to be a big player in pro wrestling.


As for wrestlers (since I've been playing a UK based game too ;)), I'd start by focussing on tag teams. It's easy to put a lot of 21CW's current roster into star positions, with some perhaps having left to work in Europe or headline for smaller promotions once they've passed their peaks (Pit Bull Brown, DJ Reason, Leo Price and others). Joss should have become epic with 21CW before leaving, heading back to America to play a major part in 21CW's invasion of TCW along with the likes of Danny Patterson and possibly Adam Matravers for a while). Assuming you don't just want to pack Merle O'Curle off to Japan for a solo career I've had awesome fun teaming him with War Machine... Merle can simply wear anyone down and War Machine can kill them, between them it's almost impossible to stop the team. They'd also be great as a duo in Japan too, so I'd consider packaging them together to get the most out of both of them. I saw someone mention Jeff Nova being crippled, but the AI won't make him wrestle if he's set to retired, so he doesn't need anything done to him. He may have one last run at some point, but he should be very definitely retired by now.


I like some of the ideas for Japan people have had. Munemitsu Senmatsu would be perfect for BHOTWG to replace some of their ageing stars, who themselves would be great to help found/run some smaller promotions in the area. Competition for resources is always good, and seeing the big promotions NOT get who they want would help. I'd love to see GCG under the ownership of Haruki Kudo, either retired or on his last run... and I'd love to see them at cult to begin with. They've always focussed on heavyweights but it might now be the time to introduce some lightweights, which will provide even more competition with WLW and BHOTWG for a lot of very talented workers. If possible, I'd put a block on PGHW hiring anyone below lightweight AND the high flying styles. PGHW focus on wrestling but too often they end up with high flyers on the roster. WEXXV should have their little cult audience but I can't see them being huge and I don't want to see them die. Keep them to the 25 man roster (that's what the XXV part of the name is about) if you can and add... well, pretty much the names suggested so far. An MMA guy like Morimasa Kato would do well there, but he'd also be a great one for PGHW too. I can see Bison Yano and Brute Kikuchi fitting in well with WEXXV and becoming a top team... and re-adding the a slightly improved (especially in stamina) Chaos Demons could make for an awesome little roster of tough guys. I'd keep Ryu active for now though... who doesn't love that hardcore psychopath? :D


As for Europe, I'd consider making each of the promotions already there have a stronghold in which they are the dominant promotion, featuring mostly wrestlers from that area. VWA might take Scandinavia, EWA can have Eastern Europe and UEW can take Central Europe, with a new promotion taking the Mediterranean area. With the potential addition of some regional TV deals you could have a European circuit that is active but not overpowered, so lots of people can get work. You can also have them at war, which should ensure that talent gets shared around AND will likely keep each area of Europe with it's one promotion instead of one giant, multi-lingual uber-mess. I just can't see a promotion being able to control all of Europe since it has so many different languages in such a small area, so being able to keep it all divided appeals to me. :)


Down in Australia I'd have ZEN as the #1 promotion in the area, using Barry Fitzgerald's money (taken from the narrative) to launch them to a TV deal and big success in the area due to their lighthearted approach. The Comedian should probably get more angry and declare war on everything that has ever existed, though I can't stress enough how awesome it would be to have an event where he is forced (for money) to wrestle with ZEN for a while in order to kep DIW open. ZEN's school should also see some improvements (and their future workers too) in order to capitalise on the extra funds, which will lead to some interesting developments down there. I'd love to have APW on TV too but with RAW presumably now being a trashy cult soap and ZEN taking over, I'm not sure there's space for them. Even so, 3 companies on TV should ensure that the region stays strong and that level of exposure would also prove to be the catalyst to export workers to other parts of the world. I can see the Melbourne Blonde being a great USPW team, Warmonger (I think it's him) running amock in Japan, Swoop McCarthy being awesome wherever he chooses to go and a bunch of guys hittting Europe and the UK looking for their big break. In general, more interactivity with the rest of the world and Australia would be good because I hate how isolated they are just now. :(


Mexico... well, they're going through a period of revolution with a lot of new youngsters coming through and most of the veterans still being active. I'd avoid retiring anyone if possible since luchadors supposedly stay semi-active forever, so I'd use the semi-active push on people who aren't really main eventers any more but are still big names. That should keep things going strong in MExico, allowing more youngsters to move up and take over. Again, I'd also try to enforce that promotions either work together a lot, or don't work together at all. Currently when MHW opens they have free reign to sign a LOT of talent because they aren't at war or NAP'ed with anyone... that should be fixed so that either everyone is NAP'ed/warring OR everyone is neutral with each other. From there you can pick and choose who succeeds where... I'd have SOTBPW at National (and possibly renamed to something less US-centric) with an awesome roster and then MPWF and OLLIE at cult with their own stars. Then MHW would be home to many of the larger luchas who are shunned and I'd possibly add a 5th company to be more entertainment centric than all of the others, basically a sports entertainment company that happens to use luchas. ALL the companies need tweaks to their produc though... there aren't enough tag and 6 man matches on any of the shows, so those ratios need fixed so that they feel more like a real lucha company. I also envision a lot of Japan/Mexico cross pollenation of talent... currently it's mostly luchas heading to Japan, I want to see Japanese talent coming to Mexico now that it's hugely successful again so that there is yet more competition for lightweight talents. Likewise, a number of American talents moving to Mexico would help a bit, which might be the ideal place for the likes of Jared Johnson and KC Glenn to wind up.


I'd also make sure to lower a lot of physical stats for workers competing regularly a physically intensive environment like in Japan/NOTBPW or any hardcore type promotions. One of the problems with NOTBPW is that their workers aren't very worn down, so they have a long time left in their bodies before they retire which is probably the opposite of how people should be in a company that is workrate intensive and had Jeremy Stone wrestling in it for 20+ years. Toughness needs to be factored in too though, with super tough/resilient guys like Raymond Diaz just never seeming to be slowed down cos he's uber badass. :)


Also, using eras and gameworld settings to directly affect the popularity of some product settings would really help some promotions. Thinking about 21CW further, they'd probably also survive if Mainstream was actually trending rather than set far too far back. Canada getting bored of Traditional wrestling could be one of the catalysts for NOTBPW failure and the move to Mainstream could be what sends CGC up to new heights. Similar trends across the world could see various styles succeed, with Comedy becoming insanely popular in Australia helping to make ZEN the greatest promotion in the region instead of RAW.




Okay, that took a long time to write and now I'm tired. I notice I've thought more about the shape of the world rather than the specifics of workers but I think that's very important. A lot of promotions here seem to have moved up, which happens a lot anyways as the gameworld plays out. But I think as long as whoever makes the mod remembers to lower stats for veterans as well as raising them for some young workers (psychology should only really ever go up, with a small handful getting above 80 before they are 35) then it should play well. Not every super talented youngster turns into a megastar... likewise, some unlikely stars can be born too. I'd love to see the likes of Valentine or Dermot O'Logical mature into solid talents and the details of how anyone achieve success will be one of the main factors in this becoming an awesome mod. :)

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Lots of great ideas from Derek, but I'd like to touch on this:


Canada... oh Canada... I hate NOTBPW with a venom, so I want to see them suffer a bit. Jeremy Stone should retire, either simply through age or through some kind of injury, perhaps from a House of Stone graduate who should know better and ends up getting in trouble as a result. I'd have Jeremy running the promotion in the background as a result of that, with Victoria booking. Steve DeColt should have returned home to CGC (and patched things up with his brothers) who have grown into the top promotion in Canada through some genius booking from Phil Vibert. Sean McFly... well, I want to see him divorce Victoria and be left in an awkward situation where they both want to be close to young Lucy Stone-McFly. With that in mind McFly should have moved to CGC and be slowly developing his charisma as his in-ring skills start to fade (meaning: his top row has gotten a bit worse and his entertainment has improved). The smaller promotions should be developing a lot of young talent for the future, and I can see CGC and NOTBPW each setting up relationships with smaller promotions in order to help them out. The smaller promotions should be at war to stop workers being on both the CGC and NOTBPW trains. 4C should be independent of all this, meaning at least one new company will have to form up here too.


I love it! With CGC leading the charge, I can see them opening up their own new development territory. Maybe in Quebec, just 'cos? Leaving ACPW to become subsidiary to NOTBPW in their attempt to regain some momentum by pushing younger junior style wrestlers (insert Edd returning home narrative here).


And due to personal bias, I'd like to see 4C make some greater strides towards cult. Possibly a small TV deal?

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The Gauges

I think the Gauge brothers should be in the upper midcard or , For Mathew Gauge he could retire his own father and there's no bigger heel making moment then destroying your own legendary father and ending his career. With Greg Gauge I think he gets extremely over in Japan and signs with PGHW. You could have him beat the legends their and he has the skill to hang with the best (of course his skills will be vastly improved in 5 years, and he gains some muscle mass)


The Samoan Wildboyz


I think they get cut from SWF and head to USPW where they get a tag title reign but their time their is short, and they decide to head to GCG in japan, they of course head there because of their connections to Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga.


Roderick Remus

He is a decent cruiserweight and after being tired of making no money on the US indy scene he travels to Mexico and signs with MPWF.


Steve Flash

He will be close to 50 and retired or only semi active, either way he needs to be a head booker. I am thinking NYCW or maybe even PSW. I would say announcer but.... no charisma so it just seems like a bad idea :D



I know these are only small ideas..... but i'd love to seriously get a 2015 mod it would be awesome..... and i am willing to help with writing bios if you need me to.

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New promotions
I can agree with this, definitely! And I had some similiar ideas, such as RDJ restarting TWL as a TCW developmental territory, the second coming of LAW (perhaps by Arcadia?), and Vessey retiring and setting up a dojo (perhaps in association with NYCW, perhaps not). The Vessey Era of NYCW could be quite interesting indeed. As for another Californian indie company, perhaps Pro Wrestling Max? Japanese influenced company versus Mexican influenced? And perhaps Hawaii should have it's own promotion?


I can definitely see Jeremy owning the company and Victoria running the book. Jeremy's as old as hell though, so he and R.K Hayes could just decide to retire to make way for a younger generation. CGC making it to National and having a power-drunk Alex declare war on NOTBPW was my idea of how to develop the Canadian scene. Steve I envisioned sticking it out in NOTBPW after that or perhaps going south to the USA, while Sean McFly would be the Bret Hart of NOTBPW, that talented technical veteran carrying the company into it's "New Generation". As for smaller companies...


We've already got 4C & ACPW... How about we add in CWWF and a Quebec promotion like Phreak reccomended? Build 4C up into a regional rival ala ECW...


I'm personally still not sold on Dark Angel returning to start a company in the UK, but I can see it's benefits for the wrestling scene. As for your ideas of a 21CW/TCW alliance... I'm not seeing it. TCW expanding to UK airwaves makes perfect sense, but keeping the local scene seperate from US shenanigans would be better I think. Rather than having 21CW and TCW so integrated, they should have seperate identities and influences in Britain. I've already mentioned my idea for HIW, but you're right in that we need more promotions to push forward the wrestling banner... Perhaps a Welsh/Irish/Scottish fed based on the RWA? I can agree with the 21CW expansion to Europe though, as well as the pop/influence increase for the UK.


Japan's going to have a relatively drastic overhaul methinks. Haruki Kudo probably wouldn't take over GCG (doesn't the current owner have a son?) unless there would be some logical reason for him to do so after all the decline that GCG has suffered hasn't seem the current owner thrown out. And GCG's status as the traditional fed is kind of it's thing... Giving them a juniors division just dilutes that identity. I can definitely agree with the block for PGHW, and I think Blake's mentioned a lot of great ideas for Japan.


VWA taking Scandinavia? I don't have the game open right now, but aren't they based in Switzerland? How did you make that expansion? :p But perhaps Captain Hero/Stig Svensson and a few other Scandinavian wrestlers open up a promotion there? A small promotion at that to avoid trouble, while the main three get to ripping into each other. Regional television deals and networks makes a lot more sense for Europe than it does elsewhere, so that is definitely a plus in my book. Perhaps adding that touring promotion based in Spain as well, with an order to sign unemployed wrestlers to keep those guys busy?


Zen does seem set to be the #1 company with Raw as it's main rival. Both would be cult deals I'd imagine, with the other two companies struggling beneath their war. We might be able to add one more company depending on much talent there is left...


I do agree with your semi-active thought. MHW needs to debut, IMO. I'd say have them go to war with all three promotions, but give them an established roster of Big 3 rejects to start. Charron, could probably be the owner of the company, or perhaps the American millionaire guy based down there? SOTBPW at National sounds good, but I can't see a renaming without upsetting people over a such a major change. But how about a WLW of sorts in Mexico, as the fifth company? That and ending the working agreements should make it a lot more interesting.


physical stats


Definitely agreed. Establishing different trends and flavors in different regions should really make things more interesting! I've always found it interesting how different countries saw professional wrestling, and we just found a way to show it in-game!


On the subject of WEXXV I'd love to see the Elimination Agents out there.
They could take the risk of jumping across the world to do that. Not like they have much keeping them in Britain..


A feud with Spirit of Shark/Lizard could be amazing.
Them and the Apocolypse Riders in WEXXV? My god... :eek:


Can't see EWA falling in line with 21CW. I personally see the European scene as three or four European companies going at it (plus 1 touring), while the spectre of 21CW hangs over all...


Manico signs with VWA
I can dig it. Look back up this post to see my thoughts on potentially adding two m


Yeah, WEXXV seems the most to gain turnover in this mod (neatly explaing why they stay where they are!). I don't know much about the Japanese scene, so you could feel free to take point on that! :)
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I'm personally still not sold on Dark Angel returning to start a company in the UK, but I can see it's benefits for the wrestling scene. As for your ideas of a 21CW/TCW alliance... I'm not seeing it. TCW expanding to UK airwaves makes perfect sense, but keeping the local scene seperate from US shenanigans would be better I think. Rather than having 21CW and TCW so integrated, they should have seperate identities and influences in Britain. I've already mentioned my idea for HIW, but you're right in that we need more promotions to push forward the wrestling banner... Perhaps a Welsh/Irish/Scottish fed based on the RWA? I can agree with the 21CW expansion to Europe though, as well as the pop/influence increase for the UK.


I'll admit, a 21CW/TCW link is something I had planned once for a diary I was going to write (had actually written my first 3 shows before I lost them all due to hardware failure). One problem in real life these days is that without a travelling regional system a lot of the same guys stay on top in one place and fight the same guys all the time. Bringing an international dynamic like that could see things constantly kept fresh in 21CW with the ability to bring in a lot of international talent to keep things interesting, while also allowing Tommy Cornell the chance to bring in talent that the SWF might otherwise overlook. It could give Cornell the chance to help give back to the UK without actually going there (though imagine how awesome that would be!) and potentially give TCW some interesting storylines as the Brits invade America. :) The deal would likely favour 21CW more than TCW, but it wouldn't be entirely one sided since Tommy can take whoever he wants should they turn out to be awesome. :)


Japan's going to have a relatively drastic overhaul methinks. Haruki Kudo probably wouldn't take over GCG (doesn't the current owner have a son?) unless there would be some logical reason for him to do so after all the decline that GCG has suffered hasn't seem the current owner thrown out. And GCG's status as the traditional fed is kind of it's thing... Giving them a juniors division just dilutes that identity. I can definitely agree with the block for PGHW, and I think Blake's mentioned a lot of great ideas for Japan.


I don't think putting a major wrestling company in the hand of a 20something year old is a good idea... Kudo is a proven veteran, a world traveller with a track record for awesomesauce wherever he goes which makes him perfect for being the owner. His name along might be enough to convince other stars to join GCG so it would be a huge advantage for him to sign with the company. And if you're worried about removing GCG from the hands of the Furusawas, then you can set up a friendship between Kudo and Mabuchi so that when Kudo leaves Mabuchi will take over.


I think it would also be best to do a similar thing in PGHW, where Danger Kumasaka (if he had any business skill) would be the perfect kind of veteran to take over. Admittedly, Nobuatsu Tatsuko might be better placed politically to takeover given his actual relationship with Sadaharu... in fact, with Nobu's injuries piling up he might be ideally suited for retirement and taking over PGHW. Seiji is too young and doesn't have the respect of the PGHW locker-room, so having a PGHW ace like Nobu take over would be perfect. :)


VWA taking Scandinavia? I don't have the game open right now, but aren't they based in Switzerland? How did you make that expansion? :p But perhaps Captain Hero/Stig Svensson and a few other Scandinavian wrestlers open up a promotion there? A small promotion at that to avoid trouble, while the main three get to ripping into each other. Regional television deals and networks makes a lot more sense for Europe than it does elsewhere, so that is definitely a plus in my book. Perhaps adding that touring promotion based in Spain as well, with an order to sign unemployed wrestlers to keep those guys busy?


UEW are a relatively lame, bland soulless promotion... I figured that makes them perfect for the German stereotype personality so they could have Germany and the surrounding area whle we could make Comradebot cry by sending the likes of the Johansson Brothers up to Scandinavia with the VWA. At least the EWA would get the likes of boris Kiriyakin and The Snowman though, I'm sure he'd be happy about that. :)


I do agree with your semi-active thought. MHW needs to debut, IMO. I'd say have them go to war with all three promotions, but give them an established roster of Big 3 rejects to start. Charron, could probably be the owner of the company, or perhaps the American millionaire guy based down there? SOTBPW at National sounds good, but I can't see a renaming without upsetting people over a such a major change. But how about a WLW of sorts in Mexico, as the fifth company? That and ending the working agreements should make it a lot more interesting.



Definitely agreed. Establishing different trends and flavors in different regions should really make things more interesting! I've always found it interesting how different countries saw professional wrestling, and we just found a way to show it in-game!





And lot's of Samoans there?


And Ekuma the Hawaain Strong Man. Perhaps Clark Alexander as the company owner based on his TCW reputation/overness... and I guess his sister might wander over too. A Hawaiian promotion would be good in gaining coverage for everywhere and it's not like it wouldn't be fun to work out there so you could probably lure some of the west coast workers out there. :)

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Lots of good ideas.



VWA doesnt work up there. Its too much Central Europe for me. Seb Koller, etc.


How about a new promotion up there started by Bam-Bam and Hercules Johansson? Set up to make Comradebot's drems a reality and people entirely by monster heels and face flyweights to get beaten up? That would be ALPHA




The idea of a TCW/21CW link is interesting but surely it should be SWF or USPW? 21CW is supposed to mimic SWF whilst NWF are the TCW clones to battle 21CW.


Debuting them (NWF) in Ireland and giving them the link would be better. How about Tommy Cornell wants to grow the UK scene and sets NWF up with a load of cash and gets Eddie to run it for him?


Jeff Nova loses loads of ground but retaliates by using his own contacts to get a working agreement/long term talent trade with either USPW or SWF (Giedroyc in particular)?

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How about a new promotion up there started by Bam-Bam and Hercules Johansson? Set up to make Comradebot's drems a reality and people entirely by monster heels and face flyweights to get beaten up? That would be ALPHA

... I can dig that. :p


Debuting them (NWF) in Ireland and giving them the link would be better. How about Tommy Cornell wants to grow the UK scene and sets NWF up with a load of cash and gets Eddie to run it for him?


Jeff Nova loses loads of ground but retaliates by using his own contacts to get a working agreement/long term talent trade with either USPW or SWF (Giedroyc in particular)?



Honestly, having NWF coming into existence doesn't appeal to me, because having two rip-offs on top is kinda of insulting. I'd rather see ROF at cult, being a home-grown promotion and style.

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I like the idea of a Hawaiian promotion. If we're going with Clark Alexander as the owner, might I suggest Lethal Ring. Super fun promotion to play as. They start local with loads of cash. The narrative being that the state government wanted to boost local economy with wrestling. Also, most west coast wrestlers fit the style rather well, so there's that. :)
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I like the idea of a Hawaiian promotion. If we're going with Clark Alexander as the owner, might I suggest Lethal Ring. Super fun promotion to play as. They start local with loads of cash. The narrative being that the state government wanted to boost local economy with wrestling. Also, most west coast wrestlers fit the style rather well, so there's that. :)


And Ekuma of course.


I love him as a monster face. I see him as a cross between Ben Grimm and Stone Cold. Fun loving, but dont take no shit from no-one. And if someone threatens what he thinks is important... :eek:

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:eek: Can't believe I missed this thread!


But how about a WLW of sorts in Mexico, as the fifth company?


I've found great success running a Key: Daredevil, Lucha & Mainstream, Heavy: Modern promotion in Mexico. Luis Montero Sr as owner, Jr & Gino practically begged to sign, Dragon del Arco Isis as a main player (properly managed by Chica De Partido (Luis Montero Jr's girlfriend)) along with Magnifico, grabbed Amazing Fire Fly, Kamakazi Christian Vars, El Héroe Mexicano & El Serpentine when they debuted.


By 2015 I was mid-regional with El Héroe Mexicano ready to take the main event title off Gino (who held it as a heel for two years), Masked Cougar & Fire Fly holding the tag titles feuding with Magnifico & El Serpentine and Kamakazi Christian Vars was feuding with champion Mr Lucha III over the midcard No-Limits title. Dragon left in 2013, but returned mid way through 2015 after an awful run in a national SOTBPW where he lost all but 2 matches.



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Richard Eisen is still in charge to many peoples surprise. He has changed though and the talent/storylines reflect that. Rick Law was brought in as a goofy cop and his momentum is lacking.


Key Additions: Java, Tribal Warrior, Rick Law, Acid

Alumni: Lobster Warrior, Rich Money, Runaway Train, Vengeance




The main event in TCW is getting stale and momentum has stalled at the top. They need to push more young talent into the top of the card. The main event is Sammy Bach, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson (occasional wrestler), Wolf Hawkins, and the American Buffalo. Rich Money and Eddie Chandler have held tag titles together and aren't quite main eventers.


Key Additions: Jeremy Stone, Rich Money, Eddie Chandler

Alumni: Koshiro Ino, Sam Keith, Rick Law, Genghis Rahn





Gargantuan was brought in to replace Bruce the Giant and has done a good job in his role. Gargantuan and Nicky Champion are the top face and heel in the company. Ford Gumble was sort of brought in to fill the void left by Redwood and he is much more talented in the role. USPW still offers a good family friendly product. Jay Chord is the wild card that is in the main event. He is a master heel on this roster.


Key Additions: Genghis Rahn, Jay Chord, Ford Gumble, Gargantuan

Alumni: Giant Redwood, Java, Tribal Warrior, Bruce the Giant




Still floundering around bringing in veteran talent with an occasional young guy.


Key Additions: Giant Redwood, Runaway Train

Alumni: Ford Gumble






New management has changed the way they operate. After Victoria Stone and Sean McFly divorced McFly decided to jump to CGC in order to get back at her. Jeremy Stone and Mammoth left when all the drama broke out.


Key Additions: Primus Allen, Air Attack Weasel

Alumni: Jeremy Stone, Sean McFly, Mammoth





Jacob Jett, Sean McFly, Vengeance, Larry Wood, and whats left of the DeColt boys have become the biggest stars in Canadian wrestling. CGC has grown to the point that they could try to compete with US


Key Additions: Vengeance, Sean McFly, Larry Wood, Mammoth

Alumni: Eddie Chandler

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Are you gonna be buffing stats for some of the workers?

If you skip ahead 5 years alot of young workers lose five years of development which could be crucial to their careers.


Also maybe after a falling out Jay Chord left MAW for TCW or SWF and when Rip retired he left MAW to Cattley?


Also since MAW is a feeder league, then alot of their 2010 rosters should be in "bigger" promotions at this point maybe? Maybe their even struggling a bit now, trying to build up the MAW dojo graduates?


I can see Frankie Dee "jumping ship" from canada ,so to speak, going down to mexico and working under the masked alt he has.


just some random suggestions.


Also would love to see Jayson Van Pelt remain loyal to ACPW after all the years and now be the "cena" of the promotion... that is if ACPW survived the years.

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As for the reason I said Mammoth was a key addition is because I like using him lol. Probably not a key addition really. Maybe more of a fun addition. American Buffalo always becomes one of the more over guys in TCW thanks to menacing angles.


Yeah for every guys stats you buff up you may have to nerf some older veterans stats or retire a guy.


The thing I would be most curious about is where Rocky Golden is and how well he is doing. Is he still main eventing in TCW or is he somewhere else?

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i wonder what will happen with the womens scene any thoughts on Babes Of Sin City, Angel Athletic Association and 5 Star Supreme Wrestling.Will there be any new ones opening?


Personally i think that BSC has gone for a more competetive style in tew 10 than before, will that continue.

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Just wanting to add a little to the last few posts. :)


Steve Flash I see being retired. He'll be in his mid to late 40s and only getting worse. Given his decline in stats over the last couple of versions he should be getting pretty dire in the top row, with various other stats failing too. I think he'd be perfect as a road agent or trainer, probably heading up training for either NOBTPW or CGC child promotions... preferably CGC, cos I hate NOTBPW for their lamemess. :p


The MAW roster should have almost completely been overhauled, with many of them showing significant improvements to their skills. Not everyone should be megastars by any means, but with Rip Chord's guidance a lot of people should be more than acceptable and in the upper reaches of regional promotions. Jay Chord is an exceptional talent but he's a total asshat... he should leave MAW when Rip passes the company on to Mean Jean Cattley (Rip retires forever) and Jay should never, ever return because he's sooo angry... I think USPW would shun Jay's lack of respect but I could see him being a big name for CGC, with the DeColts taking a risk on him simply because of his obvious talent. Bulldozer would be a great gaijin addition to one of BHOTWG, PGHW and GCG (in that order). Findlay would be perfect for USPW, but could fit in anywhere. An undercarder in a big promotion or a big name in a regional one. I'd love to see The Awesomeness bulk up to middleweights and start working an MNM type gimmick to great success. Cameron Vessey would probably have most success in Japan but I can see him splitting his time between the US and Japan. Casey is a natural USPW fit given his blood ties there, I can see him moving there not far into the future prior to Sam Strong leaving the company (assuming he does). Beyond them I wouldn't have many specific plans for any of them, so they'd likely scatter to the winds. One thing I do think is important... Keith Vegas should still suck. Not everyone needs to get better, which is true across the board. Some people don't wrestle much, some people retire, and some people peak early. I hope that is kept in mind. :)


As for the MAW roster, they should be made of graduates and various young talent looking for a break and the chance to learn. I can see Cattley getting such high praise that a lot of people looking for a break start coming to MAW in the hopes of learning more.


Rocky Golden should be a big star... time spent with TCW's elite should round out his performance stats pretty well, 80s at least across the board (except perhaps selling, which he doesn't need to be so awesome at). I imagine he becomes such a big star that he ends up in high demand and there is a huge bidding war for his services... and in the longer term, I see him becoming the next generation's Christian Faith. Perhaps slightly better in the top row due to spending time in a workrate promotion and slightly worse elsewhere due to not being Faith... but ultimately, a megastar. But for who? :)


With some product tweaks (specifically shorter match times) I think the SWF would be perfect for a new women's division. In fact, shorter match times for the AI almost across the board and boosting the T&A levels would make the division useful for them, and the trickle down effect would help women's wrestling a bit too. USPW should still have a strong, more workrate based division. AAA and BSC I imagine are still toiling along pretty mcuh as they always have. 5SSW are probably doing very well in Japan, building up a new generation of women's wrestlers. I'd love to see CZCW rebuild the women's division the once had along with a few new promotions too. CWWF in Canada and a new Japanese promotion should help encourage women's wrestling. Adding promotions elsewhere might not do well due to a lack of already existing talent, and I think we should mostly try to stick to the existing talent where possible. Some additions might be worth it, but adding too much might end up being a lot of work for a game area that not a lot of people play. :)

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Some interesting ideas



I can definately see Supreme having stolen Rick Law and probably Rocky Golden. Troy going to USPW to finally get the World Title is a great idea too. Sam will definately be retired and probably be working as a road agent or manager for Total. RDJ should be retired, and the idea of starting up TWL as TCW's developmental program with the retired RDJ as the figurehead is a great move. By this point Sammy Bach should be at the main event, possibly along with Edd Stone, Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins. TCW makes money hand over fist, even when the AI run them, so I think the money issues should be resolved.



Peter Michaels should definately have quit/been fired as head booker, and possibly as announcer, with Duane being established as the "Voice of Supreme". Jerry is the logical guy to take over the book. I can also see them mega pushing Rocky Golden to the top, but screwing up Rick Law's push and having him be eternally stuck at the top of the mid-card. Marc DuBois should be at the main event, along with one of the Bumfholes, with the other being stuck in the midcard, Hardy style. Lobby should have quit and either gone north or to TCW to rebuild as Chris Rockwell/Morrisette.

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I don't know why so many people seem so eager for Rick and Rocky to have left TCW... the thing is, they're both TCW-made stars. Not necessarily the 100% best fits for the promotion, but names made by them nonetheless. The departure of somebody like Tornado makes a lot more sense purely because he's been around and about the main event level for SO long without ever reaching the pinnacle - and you could see him getting frustrated after all that time.


But why would Rocky Golden - TCW world heavyweight champion at 26 after they undisputedly made him, just up and leave within the next five years? At the very least it should be a really big deal and a major moment of 'history', not just a given, like seems to be getting bandied about.


Otherwise I'm personally biased since Rick Law is my favourite worker, but he would be in an ideal position to step up and fill the shoes of departures like retiring Sam Keith and RDJ.


I can't believe that one name hasn't come up much yet: Joey Minnesota! King Douchenozzle I think is a lock to be an ex-world champion at the very least. He's too good not to be.


One final thing (off the top of my head) - Koshiro Ino should've gone back home by now. The whole point is that he came to the US to get experience, so he's had it - now he can return and be a big name in Japan?

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Steve Flash
We mustn't be prejudiced to any one promotion. As tempting as it might be... As is, I can definitely see him training people in NOTBPW's developmental fed.


Chord in CGC, Cattley running MAW, Bulldozer in Japan, Findlay anywhere, Awesomeness doing an MNM, Vessey working between NYCW and Japan all sound great, mate. I can see Valentine and Starr teaming up to work in USPW. The rest of the roster would probably fill up the rosters of developmental territories like TWL, or be in NYCW or uppercarding in MAW. As for MAW's future roster, we've got plenty of graduate's we know of, plus we can throw in a few projects here and there.


Rocky Golden
I still think he'd make a jump to USPW along with Troy Tornado (being part of the Big Three of names with Nicky Champion). Especially since SWF has plenty of main-event talent to cultivate. Rick might be main-eventing for TCW at this point, he's had a pretty well treated run. It would be cool to see him in USPW as well, though. The secondary face to Nicky Champion and stand in heel if necessary (ala Sgt. Slaughter).


Women's Division
So... AAA, BSC, USPW, NOTBPW, 5SSW, CWWF, CZCW and SWF? Remainan, why have you taken over Derek's account? :p


Seriously though, having SWF start up a women's division would probably decimate AAA, NOTBPW and USPW's rosters. They'd practically have to start from scratch. I can easily see CZCW doing it to counteract AAA and BSC's advances, but SWF is still going to be on top of the food chain at this point. No reason for them to adopt a USPW/International/Indie staple.


And that brings me to related point: New owners. We should probably set that first before anything, shouldn't we?


I think we've proposed Larry Vessey for NYCW, Mean Jean Cattley for MAW, Jeremy Stone for NOTBPW, Charron for MHW, Kudo for GCG and Tyler Baker/Dark Angel for HIW. But what about USPW? Should Nicky Champion take it or should it be Alicia? And CWWF? WLW-Mexico? the SWF? Should Richard retire and if so, should it be Eric or Jerry?

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I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't understand the pull for Rocky to jump ship. Why would he go from being a top dog for SWF's direct rival to being a top dog for an old-school nostalgia trip that isn't really on TCW's level? (They're the kind of people who would call reviving the 'Prince Adam' gimmick a grand idea...) For Troy there is some justification to take a 'step down' - he can't break the glass ceiling/he's always being passed over. Mostly what I'm saying is that right now (in terms of what's been suggested) there's no real reason for him to leave, it's just 'USPW are on the up and up, they could use a bigger name' with no justification for why he'd quit and when there are several quite heavy factors for why he wouldn't go.



On a completely different note, I think a potentially interesting occurrence would be Randy Bumfhole quitting SWF (it's Randy that has the negative relationship with Marc, right?) - comparing he and his brother's pushes to that of Marc, getting wound up about it and rage-quitting. As in, the Bumfholes have put their heads down and worked hard, yet Marc gets a big push even though he was part of the same graduating class.


The Biggz brothers? Probably gone. I don't think they'd quite be retired yet, but they'll both be getting way, WAY over the hill by 2015, especially in a promotion as big as SWF. They'd make a fairly good fit for somewhere like NYCW, or perhaps a solid midcard act in USPW.


The Awesomeness in SWF would be neat to see.



Finally, it's not just me that wants to see the naysayers proven wrong and The Big Problem having become a massive name (or at least, an upper card threat) somewhere, right?

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