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2015 Mod?

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The paratroopers.


How about theyve confounded all of those in N America that laughed at thek and gone to mexico to become a succesful trio (in the vein of Swarm 1-3)?


Call them Los Americanos del Mal and stick them under some stars/stripes masks too.


And on the subject of future workers:


Thea Davis needs a home. Shes a really talented english girl but obviously has nowhere to work and seems too good to go to Europe. Any suggestions?


I've missed mass chunks of this so I don't know where we're at but possible suggestion on Davis:


Either gone to The House of Stone for "Further Training" from Victoria leading to a NOTBPW Women's Division contract.


Same scenario but with Alicia Strong and her Stronghold Gym (a new dojo exclusive to women opened in 2013 by Strong with ties to USPW)


Or of course Japan and 5SSW, being picked as the first overseas talent since Strong to be trained by the Sensational one.



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Right. I’m working on some stabs at rosters for the UK promotions but I wanted to mess about with Europe as well.


This is all in direct homage to Comradebot.




Based in Scandinavia is Europes newest promotion – ALPHA (Action Loving People Have Attitude).


It was set up by Bam Bam Johansson as all those stupid bookers and owners didn’t understand just how awesome he (and his brother) are.


The product is basically USPWs. Low-intensity wrestling backed up by lots of large, well-muscled men with great hair. And muscles. Only whereas in USPW the little goodies win, only big men win in Sweden. That’s ALPHA.



Bam Bam Johansson

Hercules Johansson

Stig Svensson

Wild Child



Mr Evilness

The Snowman

Dark Falcon

Lars Brecher

The Damned




Moonsault Master

Wonder Boy

Mass Hulk

Wonder Boy



Brickhouse balder

Andriy Boronin

Ronny de Veuster

Notorious F.R.E.AK



Colin Picalo



Gordon Leve


ALPHA workers in red



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Lets talk about El Mitico. There's no way he doesn't wind up with one of the big lucha companies. I say it's either going to MPWF or OLLIE. Mitico's family friendly, and I don't think he fits into SOTBPW, and he definitely doesn't fit in MHW.


El Heroe Mexicano, though, should be in SOTBPW. He was trained by their star Champagne Lover and he's uber talented. I see no reason why 5 years into his career he wouldn't at least a low midcarder for a big promotion.

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I'd actually prefer a massive backstory to El Heroe, it'd spice up the game for sure.


Heroe debuted as Champagne's sidekick in SOTBPW (much akin to Alex Riley and the Miz) and was tipped for great things, being pushed up the card rather quickly only going on to inflate his ego.


He then when getting relatively close to Main Event status in Mexico decided to walk out as the Eisen's were looking for a Mexican rising star to help them push into the Mexican wrestling market (much like Rey Rey/Mistico in WWE).


However in leaving for the bright lights and bigger money of New England, Heroe managed to just about p*** off every Mexican wrestling company (I'd go so far as to saying that all three major company owners and Champagne himself have a strong hatred of him) who believed him to sell out and disregard the respect that was given to him.


At the start of the gam, SWF have released him, their idea to use him has failed after talk of what happened in Mexico leading to negative publicity for him and the company meaning he was of no use to them.


Unable to go back to Mexico's big leagues, I'd either have him langusihing in MHW as their main star but with no hope of ever getting out of there or being stuck over in Japan trying to forge a career for himself somewhere like WLW.


Champagne on the other hand should be married to Jessica Heat and probably a written contract in SOTBPW, knowing the great disrespect it would be to turn his back on them.

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I'd actually prefer a massive backstory to El Heroe, it'd spice up the game for sure.


Heroe debuted as Champagne's sidekick in SOTBPW (much akin to Alex Riley and the Miz) and was tipped for great things, being pushed up the card rather quickly only going on to inflate his ego.


He then when getting relatively close to Main Event status in Mexico decided to walk out as the Eisen's were looking for a Mexican rising star to help them push into the Mexican wrestling market (much like Rey Rey/Mistico in WWE).


However in leaving for the bright lights and bigger money of New England, Heroe managed to just about p*** off every Mexican wrestling company (I'd go so far as to saying that all three major company owners and Champagne himself have a strong hatred of him) who believed him to sell out and disregard the respect that was given to him.


At the start of the gam, SWF have released him, their idea to use him has failed after talk of what happened in Mexico leading to negative publicity for him and the company meaning he was of no use to them.


Unable to go back to Mexico's big leagues, I'd either have him langusihing in MHW as their main star but with no hope of ever getting out of there or being stuck over in Japan trying to forge a career for himself somewhere like WLW.


Champagne on the other hand should be married to Jessica Heat and probably a written contract in SOTBPW, knowing the great disrespect it would be to turn his back on them.


Champage, Heat, and El Hero should all be on written deals in SOTBPW. I don't think Hero should be hated by all the Mexican promotions at all regardless if he left for SWF or not though.

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If Nicky Champion is the USPW head booker (or possssssibly owner if Alicia is left to go elsewhere), I'd like to see him - having been chosen as the heir to Sam Strong and given so much power ahead of more experienced roster members - have a hugely inflated sense of self-importance and ego. Then USPW is there, on the cusp of hitting National, and a new head booker could take them there but left to Champion, it lives and dies by his performances.
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Champage, Heat, and El Hero should all be on written deals in SOTBPW. I don't think Hero should be hated by all the Mexican promotions at all regardless if he left for SWF or not though.




Why are people so hell bent on putting Swoop McCarthy in the states? If you move him out of Australia then you basically kill it.


Because hes clearly so good and has been around for years. Not even our American chums can ignore something so good for that long even if it is outside of their borders ;). And the US is where the money is.


Basically no way someone doesnt offer him a bucket of cash and no way he doesnt take it. RAW or APW just cant compete.


I'd like to move a bunch of Aussies to the UK though. If you want to be a wrestler and cant find work (SO many of them stay unemployed in any game) then an offer from London would be accepted in a flash. In private games if anyone down there is unemployed for 6 months I edit them into being available for exactly this reason.

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They'd need to lose Jessie before they go though, so a little rivalry with whoever her new clients are would be good for her... perhaps Gilmore forces her to "stop playing with the boys and come home", leading to him getting a shot at the big time once he gets her to actually start working with him instead of working against him. Or even something involving Kristen Pearce since she's Jessie's sister. All of that could tie in to Gilmore/Jessie going home to Canada to raise their kids while Kristen becomes a new evil manager in the SWF.


I combine this with the BSS suggestion: Either have BSS get with Kristen Pearce and have the greatest power couple drama ever, or have BSS get with Jessie, Tom get with Kristen, and have the most ****ed up power couple drama ever.




More seriously, Angry Gilmore should not have a world title run. That's the whole point of him (and my anger): he's the most talented guy on the roster (bar Rich Money, maybe) and SWF have been collosal idiots with him. Actually...more on that in a second.


Best idea so far?

-Paratroopers tour Mexico, winning all three trios titles one after another. Then they all die. Forever.



What about Japan? In particular, I want Elemental III to be as good as his predecessors. He doesn't turn out that way naturally, but let's make it happen. And how better than by having Elemental IV aka Tom Gilmore come to Japan and team with him?


For that matter, how are Elemental/II and Optimus in the HoI? They've never headlined a historic event (unless I haven't been paying attention to BHOTWG), and their level of titles aren't ME.


I suggest the Best of the Super Juniors Title become Main Event level. I'd like their Burning Junior Championship there as well, but maybe bring back the Openweight. /shrug


I want Burning Hammer to be known for its Junior division and PGHW for it's badass gaijin (in particular, Raymond Diaz-who needs to have a narrative where he survives a car crash. The car does not.) GCG...can be the more traditional or w/e Japanese fed helmed by Kudo. WLW...WLW can be young. With Nichiren, Kobe, Angel...god, their roster is way too talented. I almost think Japan might have three National companies (GCG being Cult).

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I combine this with the BSS suggestion: Either have BSS get with Kristen Pearce and have the greatest power couple drama ever, or have BSS get with Jessie, Tom get with Kristen, and have the most ****ed up power couple drama ever.




More seriously, Angry Gilmore should not have a world title run. That's the whole point of him (and my anger): he's the most talented guy on the roster (bar Rich Money, maybe) and SWF have been collosal idiots with him. Actually...more on that in a second.


Best idea so far?

-Paratroopers tour Mexico, winning all three trios titles one after another. Then they all die. Forever.



What about Japan? In particular, I want Elemental III to be as good as his predecessors. He doesn't turn out that way naturally, but let's make it happen. And how better than by having Elemental IV aka Tom Gilmore come to Japan and team with him?


For that matter, how are Elemental/II and Optimus in the HoI? They've never headlined a historic event (unless I haven't been paying attention to BHOTWG), and their level of titles aren't ME.


I suggest the Best of the Super Juniors Title become Main Event level. I'd like their Burning Junior Championship there as well, but maybe bring back the Openweight. /shrug


I want Burning Hammer to be known for its Junior division and PGHW for it's badass gaijin (in particular, Raymond Diaz-who needs to have a narrative where he survives a car crash. The car does not.) GCG...can be the more traditional or w/e Japanese fed helmed by Kudo. WLW...WLW can be young. With Nichiren, Kobe, Angel...god, their roster is way too talented. I almost think Japan might have three National companies (GCG being Cult).


Elemental and Optimus are HOI because they basically kickstarted the Super Junior Movement in the C-Verse and had one of the top 10 matches of all time.


Elemental II, no idea.

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Ok, heres my appeal.


For the sake of clarity maybe don't use the companies that are in the game already, waiting to debut. Why not? Well consider if this mod comes out and gets a strong following, and then the next TEW comes out.. Suddenly you have two YEPW companies in the community's consciousness, both with different stories about how they begun, with different feels to them.


I'd find it hard to keep things straight in my mind, and eventually I would probably grow to see the 2015 version of YEPW as an 'imposter' rather than just an alternate universe. I'm not sure I can fully explain why Id be totally fine with a very different TCW or SWF.. something about how they both came from the same beginning so their origins are already established.


My other reasoning point is why confine yourself to a narrow list provided with the game? If this is the point that the two worlds diverge, why not make a clean break. To this extent Id be more than happy to help make a logo for any new companies that are decided upon once the mod goes into full scale production.

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Ah, my other thing:


Greg Gauge should become a freelancer. Why? He has already proven he wants to tour the world by going to GCG and UEW. I say make him a full-fledged freelancer and give him to GCG, [Europe], and...MPWF. Give Europe and Mexico a solid worker, and force the player to not steal him (permanently).


As for Matthew Keith? Matthew Keith in SWF. Sure, right, Sam's in TCW. Or, y'know, Matthew could go to the biggest company in the world.

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Why are people so hell bent on putting Swoop McCarthy in the states? If you move him out of Australia then you basically kill it.


I agree. He could be dumped with a crappy croc Dundee type gimmick that would kill any momentum he has, Regardless of how talented he is. He should be the biggest star the country has and he should be the main reason why APW is number 1 promotion


Japan could be a better fit. He could tour with a company over there while still feature for APW.

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I agree. He could be dumped with a crappy croc Dundee type gimmick that would kill any momentum he has, Regardless of how talented he is. He should be the biggest star the country has and he should be the main reason why APW is number 1 promotion


Japan could be a better fit. He could tour with a company over there while still feature for APW.


I strongly disagree with this, I don't see why the country's most talented worker should be exactly where he was in 2010 five years later (main eventing APW).

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Australian workers going to the UK doesn't make much sense to me, Australia is so far away from most things so if workers are going to make a move to another country they would go to where the money is in the States.


but you're in Australia - you know how many nationals come to the UK for a bit for work. There are 150,000 Australians in the UK and less than 100,000 in the USA. And the USA has 5 times our population.


Mainly I just really want the Barracudas to come over. Some ex-con Aussies trying to shove the cliches down British throats would be great

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Champage, Heat, and El Hero should all be on written deals in SOTBPW. I don't think Hero should be hated by all the Mexican promotions at all regardless if he left for SWF or not though.


Personally I'd like to see Champagne Lover gone from SOTBPW. He brought in El Fuerza, he brought in El Heroe... they're basically set for the future if they can tie down Pablo Rodriguez. Lover on the other hand is already more famous than your average wrestler thanks to his TV role - I think it's only natural that he would begin to look elsewhere after so many years of success in just the one company. If The Young And The Fearless comes to an end, then it would be neat to see him go elsewhere for a new challenge.


-- Even if he isn't wrestling, I'd say Lover is a prime candidate to be on Hollywood Hiatus. He's a proven actor with great charisma and star quality. Doesn't that say 'movies'?



I agree. He could be dumped with a crappy croc Dundee type gimmick that would kill any momentum he has, Regardless of how talented he is. He should be the biggest star the country has and he should be the main reason why APW is number 1 promotion


Japan could be a better fit. He could tour with a company over there while still feature for APW.


Again, not seeing why people keep assuming that APW are going to be up there and RAW are going to be gone. RAW has more resources, TV and a stable audience, regardless of their actual product being trashy.


To reiterate an earlier point... Swoop is too good not to have been noticed by somebody else (also he doesn't fit in any of the Japanese promotions, he's a heavyweight with a bias towards entertainment over work rate, that basically DQs him from any of the current crop). I'm not saying he couldn't have spent a couple more years in APW, but eventually 'the big boys' are going to come knocking. Swoop screams 'SWF'.


And what's to say that other workers can't step up their games in this five year period?


* The Melbourne Blondes are good workers, they could've taken off easily by now.

* Brodie Lachlan, a future worker, will have debuted over a year ago. He's a very similar kind of wrestler to Swoop, although not quite as good.

* Captain Wrestling II, enough said.

* Dingo Devine, with some appropriate scaling up, could be a real ring general by the time 2015 rolls around.

* Though he'll be 37 in 2015... and this will sound stupid. Dumfrey Pinn. For a big man, he is pretty damn good.

* Echo.

* With some more performance skills through experience, Frogue Element (making him even worse backstage)

* Heath and Horton have a lot of promise, particularly given they'll still be quite young in 2015.

* Kerry Wayne.

* Loxley Robbins.

* Luke Steele is not very good in the ring, but given his TV role, he COULD be very over by now. (See also Goode, Rahmel)

* Maurice Jackson has a lot of potential.

* Montgomery Croft will only be 28, and have years of TV behind him now.

* The Next Big Things... well, the name should be self-evident.

* Halloween Knight, were he not a company owner, would be one of the hottest properties from the area already.



@Kam, you make a decent point with regards to the randomly opening promotions, but CWWF, EX2010 and MHW invariably open in the first couple of years anyway (I think they're specifically set to). So I agree on maybe avoiding the YEPWs and Kanzens, but the CWWFs, EX2010s and MHWs already have a large number of identities for a lot of people already, so adding one more won't make much difference.

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Swoop McCarthy in 5 years will probably be upper midcard in SWF. I could see him in TCW too though even if he doesn't fit the product perfectly. USPW could bring him in as well but he would be pushed top the top in everyones games.


Dumphry Pinn is really good for an older worker. I could see him working in SWF with a decent push.

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Swoop McCarthy in 5 years will probably be upper midcard in SWF. I could see him in TCW too though even if he doesn't fit the product perfectly. USPW could bring him in as well but he would be pushed top the top in everyones games.


Dumphry Pinn is really good for an older worker. I could see him working in SWF with a decent push.


I agree with this completely Swoop is definitely an upper midcarder with a midcard title win or two in my mind

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Ok, heres my appeal.


For the sake of clarity maybe don't use the companies that are in the game already, waiting to debut. Why not? Well consider if this mod comes out and gets a strong following, and then the next TEW comes out.. Suddenly you have two YEPW companies in the community's consciousness, both with different stories about how they begun, with different feels to them.


I'd find it hard to keep things straight in my mind, and eventually I would probably grow to see the 2015 version of YEPW as an 'imposter' rather than just an alternate universe. I'm not sure I can fully explain why Id be totally fine with a very different TCW or SWF.. something about how they both came from the same beginning so their origins are already established.


My other reasoning point is why confine yourself to a narrow list provided with the game? If this is the point that the two worlds diverge, why not make a clean break. To this extent Id be more than happy to help make a logo for any new companies that are decided upon once the mod goes into full scale production.


*shrugs* I've suggested and I think people have suggested these promotions simply because they want to seem them in action, they want to see where their guys end up and the promotions that employ them are fun to play. Not to mention any new promotions are probably going to come off as carbon copies.


I'm willing to change the background if people do want a completely fresh start, but as is, this mod is basically here to whet people's appetite for the next TEW. If it ends up being forgotten by the time the next one comes around, that's cool.

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Promotions by Country:


Canada (built out of a discussion between me and Tigerkinney pages 7 and 8)

CGC – National


4C – Regional

CWWF – Regional

ACPW – Small

QPW – Small


Added Promotions – QPW


Explanation: A lot of NOTBPW’s main-event talent (Jeremy Stone, R.K Hayes) begins to retire over the course of ’10 – ’15, resulting in a corresponding drop in interest by fans as the company struggles to create new talents. Dan Stone retired and leaves the company to Jeremy (theoretically control shared between all the siblings), while Victoria holds the book. As the fans begin to tune out and costs increase, Jeremy reluctantly drops the women’s division to make ends meet, believing it not to be an integral part of the product and expendable.


Victoria soon asked for her release (with Jeremy granting it and Dan taking over the book) and founded CWWF in 2014 with the intention of proving women’s wrestling could thrive in Canada, using a nucleus of NOTBPW talent and her own sister-in-law Tamara McFly. Currently, NOTBPW is in the process of rebuilding its roster and pushing its younger talents (Sean Deeley, Erik Strong, Flash) into the main-event which hosts the Can-Am Blondes, Johnny Bloodstone, Steve DeColt, Dan Stone, etc… CWWF’s top talents are Tamara McFly and whoever is top-notch from NOTBPW’s roster. Might have to ask Remainan on his opinion…


At the same time, CGC was thriving thanks to Paul Vibert’s booking, with the Elite versus DeColt feud finally ending in 2012 with a dominant DeColt win. With that feud ended, Vibert created a Canada versus America war that brought in former TCW World Champion Rocky Golden at the forefront of an American invasion. Ongoing since late 2012, the story has seen several American wrestlers sign up as part of the infamous “American Legion”, intent on decimating CGC…


4C, ACPW, QPW are blank slates for me though. Richard Coleman could probably open QPW, though.


USA (built out of discussions and input from everyone)

SWF - International

TCW - International

USPW - Cult

CZCW - Cult

AAA - Regional

FCW - Small

PSW - Small

NYCW - Small

MAW - Small

RIPW - Small

KANZEN - Small

WPL – Small


Removed Promotions – BSC

Added Promotions – KANZEN, TWL


Explanation: The SWF was holding its own for the most part under the booking regime of Peter Michaels, whose run was undercut by Eric Eisen’s lengthy run with the World Championship. Holding onto the title for nearly fifteen months and dodging a number of talents such as Rich Money, Steve Frehley (infamously beating him the day before his contract expiry) and Jack Bruce using a collection of hired guns and enforcers to ensure his lengthy reign. He ended up dropping the title to Rich Money, who seemed set for a great main-event run… only for Eisen to win the title back three months later. Things evened out after that as Richard Eisen started depushing his son in response to the talent uproar backstage and the fan response, but things are still pretty tense, especially between Eric & Money as well as Richard & Faith (wh0 stepped in and is currently road-agenting for the company). As a means of countering TCW, the SWF is expanding more, starting up a women’s division (buying out BSC and acquiring their top talents), and reaching deeper into an “Attitude” sort of style… Bruce is out of SWF at this point, burned out from the politics and backstage infighting…


At the same time, the culmination of the Syndicate vs Freedom Fighters storylines helped further build TCW, though it meant a disappointing run for Rocky Golden as World Champion. Ultimately, the Syndicate/Fighters feud exploded into two separate feuds between each side exiting 2012 as Hawkins turned face to the ovations of the crowd and faced Cornell, while Johnson was ambushed by Minnesota and retired by him at Malice 2013. The World Championship went from Golden to Keith to Vessey to Hawkins (resulting in the slow-burn face-turn against Cornell) to Cornell and back to Hawkins again before Hawkins and Minnesota worked a year + long feud that culminated in late 2014. At the present, the main event consists of Cornell, Minnesota, Hawkins, Peak, Law, Scout & Guide.


As for USPW, they continued their cult run, with most of the veterans having retired or left over the years and putting over new talents like Andre Jones, Des David, The Big Problem, Troy Tornado, Steve Frehley (locked into a three year contract at the beginning of the game) and Nicky Champion. The final roster would probably look something like what I showed earlier, but it still needs editing, methinks. Plus there would be a bigger women’s division than in 2010.


CZCW has made a strong build to low-end cult (two regions = 45) on the base of it’s cruiserweight style, using ex-SWF and TCW talents like Clark Alexander, the Samoan Wildboyz after the collapse of L-Ring (see KANZEN segment later on)etc… to enhance their presence and even thrive in the wake of TCW/SWF raids. AAA is chugging along as always, creating new stars even as USPW and SWF strike out and take some of their better workers and lookers. FCW has lost most of it’s more talented undercard to mainland Mexico, with Power holding up the star-power along with Billy Russell and Island Boy Apollo (currently their budding homegrown star). PSW is booked by Johnny Martin and dominated by his protégé Nelson Callum, the top star in PSW and holding a bit of an ego, with a mix of former Big Two wrestlers like Madman Boone, Genghis Rahn and the like holding court. NYCW is under Larry Vessey’s control and transitioning to a more realistic style of wrestling, while MAW is under Mean Jean Cattley’s control following Chord’s retirement and Jay’s signing with CGC. NYCW and MAW are at hostility due to some issues arising from their working agreement and when Cattley signed Black Hat Bailey soon after his release from NYCW. RIPW is the same as ever, just SWF’s developmental territory. KANZEN is going to have a nice backstory in that it’s the second promotion on Hawaiian soil, but the previous company, L-Ring crumbled due to embezzlement by company owner Gil Thomas. Finally there’s the Wrestling Premier League, founded in late 2014 as TCW’s new developmental territory and run by retired Ricky Dale Johnson.


UK (Looking at some of what Boltinho said in relating to Dark Angel)

21CW – Cult

ROF – Regional

HIW – Small


Removed Promotions – MOSC

Added Promotions – HIW


Explanation: MOSC collapsed in early 2010, hurt badly by the spring defections of the Cockney Rebels to 21CW and Geordie Jimmy Morris to ROF. They puttered along a summer of 2010 while after that as they worked a marquee feud between The UK Wrecking Crew versus Carl Edwards & Jeffery McPeterson, but the fan interest wasn’t there and the final show saw Jeffery beat Bruiser for the MOSC UK Championship, Edwards while Edwards pinned Thug for the MOSC Blood & Beer Championship. McPeterson stayed out of the limelight for a short while before getting into the promoting business himself, opening HIW with Tyler Baker as an edgier, more rebellious version of 21CW’s initial incarnation, even using much of 21CW’s initial talents! At the same time and over the next few years, ROF began steadily building its presence in the Midlands, using word-of-mouth and good shows to reach Regional in 2014.


21CW in all this time has been chugging along, using it’s starpower, graduates and the occasional big-name signing (such as Cliff Wilson signing on for a big money contract, creative control for himself and his brother and booking ability) to keep themselves afloat at the top of the card. Featuring a great roster and entertaining talents, it’s still got a few problems creatively speaking as Nova’s habit of signing big-names and juggling egos has resulted in a fragile locker-room.


Japan (inspired by Tigerkinney on page 7)

BHOTWG - National

GCG - National

PGHW – Cult

WLW - Cult

5SSW - Regional

WEXXV - Regional

Hinoto Dojo - Small

WINNOW – Small

EXODUS – Small


Removed Promotions – SAISHO

Added Promotions – EXODUS, WINNOW


Explanation: I’m basically going to paraphrase Tigerkinney since we agree on a lot: BHOTWG are still top dogs in Japan, but the main threat to their top spot is from a resurgent GCG under the guidance of Haruki Kudo, and boosted by Koshiro Ino's decision to be loyal to his former mentor rather than BHOTWG on his return to Japan. PGHW draw parallels with NOTBPW, in the fact that they are struggling to replace a once awesome but now broken down main event scene. WLW are slowly growing and are having a better time of keeping hold of their stars and look set to challenge PGHW for number 3 spot, and WEXVV is still just about hanging on. Now where he and I differ is the complete collapse and removal of SAISHO as PGHW management take all their workers from the promotion to fill up roster gaps, while shutting it down to cut costs. EXODUS (formerly EXODUS 2010) has taken their spot as a talent developer, though not affiliated with any one company. And then there’s WINOW, founded in 2011 by Ginko Kuroda as a challenge to take on 5SSW.


Europe (See Boltinho on page 12)

VWA - Regional

UEW - Regional

EWA - Regional

ALPHA – Small


Added Promotions – ALPHA


Explanation: All three original companies built their fanbases into becoming regional companies, while ALPHA was founded by the Johansson Brothers as a big-man heavy promotion. Don’t see any reason to take out the other three companies just yet, not with as small a region as Europe is.




Raw - Cult

Zen - Regional

APW - Regional

DIW - Small

YEPW – Small


Added Promotions – YEPW


Explanation: I decided to take a moderate balance between those thinking ZEN should take a major step forward and those who should stay where they are. As mentioned in the thread, Halloween Knight is a pretty cautious and conservative guy in running his promotion. This has me thinking that he won’t take risks in challenging RAW and APW, and instead slowly build and leverage his promotion into a respectable power in Australia. YEPW is basically the Australian version of EXODUS or MAW, training young talents for the Australian scene.





OLLIE - Regional

MPWF - Regional

MHW – Small


Added Promotions – MHW


Explanation: SOTBPW is still dominating, though less than before as both OLLIE and MPWF are recovering in strength (OLLIE in particular building itself on El Mitico Jr. and an influx of ex-FCW luchadores to hold onto second place) and have long-term potential to truly challenge MPWF, while MHW is the scrappy little underdog trying to run with the big dogs.


As you can see, I’m not the all-knowing master of TEW and there are plenty of gaps in my knowledge, so feel free to hammer this apart.

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Every time I see Rocky Golden not a main fixture in TCW I die a little inside. In theory his 100 star quality coupled with a world title run would be what helps TCW catch up to SWF. Maybe I'm biased but I just don't see Rocky leaving TCW. Cornell did the job cleanly and its hard to see him not keeping Rocky on top.


I also think there should be a few trades (for lack of a better word) between SWF and TCW.


Also what are the plans for DWN? He seems like a perfect fit in NOTBPW with their youth movement but CGC is bigger with more money.

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Every time I see Rocky Golden not a main fixture in TCW I die a little inside. In theory his 100 star quality coupled with a world title run would be what helps TCW catch up to SWF. Maybe I'm biased but I just don't see Rocky leaving TCW. Cornell did the job cleanly and its hard to see him not keeping Rocky on top.
Thing is, leaving Rocky in TCW with the development he's bound to get makes him a surefire top-five franchise player. It makes TCW just that much more easier. Putting him in CGC or USPW or what have you expands his horizons while keeping him that much more level.


I also think there should be a few trades (for lack of a better word) between SWF and TCW.

I can't imagine why. TCW's had the tendency to pick up a few people whenever possible, but SWF has kept to themselves. Plus I can't imagine what big names TCW could pick up without truly damaging SWF.


Also what are the plans for DWN? He seems like a perfect fit in NOTBPW with their youth movement but CGC is bigger with more money.

CGC's more than a little backed up with yet another iteration of DeColts versus Heels, so I can imagine he'd be in NOTBPW as one of their new blood with guys like Deeley and Mark Griffin.
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