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The WOLF from the east(of Europe)

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This is a Road to Glory Challenge as covered elsewhere


2010-11: Heroes of Wrestling


Teenage heavyweight Ragnar Wolfbane takes over as head booker of the newly formed Heroes of Wrestling in not so sunny Scandanavia.


Vladimir Smertin emerges as the uber cheap and nasty boss of HoW. 2010 is spent staving off bankruptcy using the cheapest and nastiest wrestlers I could find. A huge stroke of luck in June 2011, UEW fire their head booker and Ragnar jumps ship.


July 2011- November 2011: Ultimate European Wrestling


Ragnar brought in a shed load of new talent including Adam Matravers, Joss Thompson, Merle O'Curle, Don Henderson and many more. Left UEW just before they hit regional.

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November 2011- The Dawn of the WOLF


The moment Ragnar hit High Respect he jumps ship once again to form his own promotion. The only question was, where to base WOLF (World of Lethal Fighters)?


It was tempting to base WOLF in Scandanavia or the Med but I faced a future of coming fourth in regional battles with the big three having far better rosters.


So WOLF opted to be based in Eastern Europe. No spillover on popularity is a major drawback but against that, no regional battles!


At the end of 2011 the main stars are Buff Martinez and Rolling Johnny Stones. 2012 is a period of slow expansion

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2012-2015: WOLF as a small Promotion


A steady 0.4 popularity earnt after each event. The quality of events slowly rose as workers gain popularity and experience.


Brother Jonathan (Jonathan Faust) joins as a face in Feb 2013 and quality of shows jumps to D immediately. Larry Wood brings a veteran heel to train up the young faces, particularly Svensson and Orson.


In November, Faust asks for too much so he is let go and in December 2013 Sergei Kalashnikov takes his place as the star face of the promotion and his first appearance results in a D+. Buff Martinez continues to be the top heel.


2014 is a steady grind up towards regional. In September Jonathan Faust and Don Henderson both join and D+ events become the norm.


In May 2015 the WOLF finally made to Regional

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