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World Wrestling Entertainment: It Begins.

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Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait” – Leo Tolstoy.









The world runs on the idea that the cream rises, that true talent shines through, that the best of the best are recognized as such. There is a world however in which talent is so often put aside, in lieu of politics, size and circumstance….The WWE. In the WWE, there is a anomaly, talent is overlooked, never has there been a world in which those with so little get handed so much.


But are the winds of change finally blowing in. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Zack Ryder, Air Boom, Beth Phoenix. There has never been such a talented selection of champions. The Midcard is supremely talented, workers such as Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and Sheamus each ready to break out to the next level. The WWE has a bright future ahead of it if it wants it, but will they leap forward or fall back?

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Raw Roster


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Alberto Del Rio: Del Rio has had an astonishing 2011, starting with winning the Royal Rumble at his first attempt and also capturing the Raw Money In The Bank, 2011 also saw him capture the WWE Championship twice. Yet the year was not quite perfect, he lost in the opening match of Wrestlemania and has also recently seen his momentum slip following several losses to CM Punk.


From: San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Finisher: Cross Armbreaker

Nickname: The Essence Of Excellence

Accomplishments: 2 Time WWE Champion, Royal Rumble Winner, Raw MITB Winner

Manager: Ricardo Rodriguez



Alex Riley: Riley has gone from The Miz’s lackey to a potiential Main Event talent to an undercard talent all in the space of twelve months. Riley looked set for stardom following several decisive wins over the former WWE Champion, The Miz, but in recent months, Riley has struggled to even appear on RAW, let alone gain a victory.


From: Washington, D.C

Finisher: Lifting DDT

Nickname: A-Ry


Brodus Clay: Clay spent the summer destroying local talents on Superstars and eventually ignited the interest of Interim Raw GM, John Laurinaitis, who signed him to a deal on RAW. Yet since this, Clay has yet to appear, will he ever debut on Raw? And if so, will it be a mammoth victory or a damp squib?


From: Pasadena, California

Finisher: Fall Of Humanity

Nickname: The Mastodon of Mayhem



CM Punk: Nobody has had a year quite like CM Punk, from leading the Nexus to fighting Randy Orton at Wrestlemania, to becoming the most talked about man in wrestling when he left WWE with the WWE Championship. Punk has gone from hated villain to undoubtaby the most beloved star in the WWE Universe, but recently Punk has been tormenting Raw GM, John Laurinaitis, could this prove to be the Straight Edge Superstar’s downfall?


From: Chicago, Illinois

Finisher: Go To Sleep

Nicknames: Second City Saint/Straight Edge Superstar/Best in The World

Accomplishments: 3 Time World Heavyweight Champion, 2 Time WWE Champion, IC Champion, 2 Time MITB Winner, ECW Champion, Tag Team Champion.


Curt Hawkins: Hawkins has been relatively quiet as of late, at least on Raw, but he and his tag partner Tyler Reks have been making some noise on WWE.Com show NXT, but if Hawkins wishes to ever challenge for championship gold in the future, he may have to up his game and force his way onto the main show.


From: Queens, New York

Finisher: Heat Seeking Elbow

Accomplishments: Former WWE Tag Team Champion


David Otunga: Otunga’s year began as part of the Nexus, but after they fell apart, he struggled for a position, and he and former tag partner, Michael McGillicutty were relegated to arguments with Jerry Lawler. After Otunga and McGillicutty lost their WWE Tag Titles, they went their separate ways, and Otunga has now found a nice spot as a trusted advisor to John Laurinaitis.


From: Hollywood, California.

Finisher: The Verdict

Nicknames: A-List/ The Harvard Educated Superstar

Accomplishments: 2 Time WWE Tag Team Champion



Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler has cemented his spot as one of the greatest talents in Raw’s Midcard this year and his alliance with Vickie Guerrero and Jack Swagger has only helped his rise. Dolph had an epic run with the US Title, but recent issues with Zack Ryder prised it away from him. Ultimately though, the question remains, what will it take to raise Ziggler out of the Midcard and into the Main Event?


From: Hollywood, Florida.

Finisher: Zig-Zag

Nickname: The Showoff

Accomplishments: World Heavyweight Champion, IC Champion, US Champion.

Manager: Vickie Guerrero



Drew McIntyre: The Sinister Scot has had a rough year to say the least. McIntyre once labelled as “The Chosen One” has gone on massive losing streaks and been relegated to battling on Superstars, however McIntyre is young and certainly has talent, so may yet see a career renaissance.


From: Ayr, Scotland

Finisher: Future Shock

Nickname: The Sinister Scotsman

Accomplishments: IC Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion



Epico: A newcomer to the WWE, originally debuting as an associate to Hunico on Smackdown, Epico soon former a new alliance with his cousin Primo and their manager Rosa Mendes. Together the three seem intent on wrestling the tag titles from Air Boom and they just might have the chemistry and skill to pull it off.


From: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Finisher: Backstabber

Manager: Rosa Mendes


Evan Bourne: Bourne has had a solid year in the WWE, mainly as part of tag team, Air Boom with Kofi Kingston. Air Boom quickly gelled with each other and captured the WWE Tag Titles at the first time of asking. That said, Bourne and Kingston currently reign over a fairly stagnant tag division, and unless the division improves quickly, the two might look to go their separate ways before too long.


From: St Louis, Missouri

Finisher: Air Bourne

Accomplishments: WWE Tag Team Champion


Jack Swagger: Swagger has had at times a difficult year, he has experienced the lows of being embarrassed by Muppets and having to endure teaming with Michael Cole, but he has also found more success with Vickie Guerrero as his manager, however will he and Dolph Ziggler be able to continue to work as a cohesive unit under Guerrero or will the cracks begin to show?


From: Perry, Oklahoma

Finisher: Gutwrench Powerbomb

Nickname: The All American American

Accomplishments: World Heavyweight Champion, Money In The Bank Winner, ECW Champion

Manager: Vickie Guerrero



John Cena: For Cena, 2011 may not be remembered as his best year. He lost In the Main Event of Wrestlemania and he also allowed CM Punk to leave the WWE as champion, embarrassing the company. Yet, Cena has had some success, a brief WWE Championship reign or two and a formed a legendary one night only tag team with The Rock, ahead of their ground breaking Wrestlemania match in just 3 months. However for all his ups and downs, one thing seems to persist, those boo’s from the fans…. And they’re only getting louder.


From: West Newbury, Massachusetts

Finisher: Attitude Adjustment

Accomplishments: 2 Time World Heavyweight Champion,10 Time WWE Champion, 4 Time Tag Team Champion, 3 Time US Champion, 2008 Royal Rumble Winner.


JTG: JTG has struggled to find success on Raw…. Or Superstars….. or even NXT lately. Unfortunately for the Brooklyn native, he has had a pretty poor Win- Loss record this year, although he has found himself a girlfriend in the form of Tamina, so at least he’s got something to go home to at night.


From: Brooklyn, New York

Finisher: Da Shout Out

Manager: Tamina



Kane: Kane had a quiet 2011, aside from a tag title reign with fellow monster, The Big Show, his most prominent moment was being brutally injured by Mark Henry. However 5 months later, Kane burst back onto the scene, complete with a new image, a new mask and a new ferocity as he brutally choke slammed John Cena.


From: Parts Unknown

Finisher: Chokeslam

Nicknames: The Big Red Monster

Accomplishments: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, 2 Time IC Champion, ECW Champion, 10 Time Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, Smackdown MITB Winner 2010.


Kevin Nash: Nash made a surprise return at the Royal Rumble and proved to everyone that he still had it, but it wasn’t until Summerslam when Nash returned that he made a real impact. Nash cost CM Punk his WWE Title and then engaged in a bitter feud with former best friend Triple H, which ended with Nash being beaten soundly at TLC. It also appears that Nash and John Laurinaitis have formed some sort of friendship, but that couldn’t be affecting his actions, could it?


From: Detroit, Michigan

Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb

Nicknames: Big Daddy Cool

Accomplishments: WWE Champion, IC Champion, 2 Time WWE Tag Team Champion



Kofi Kingston: Kofi had a good year as both a singles and tag team competitor, tasting gold in both camps, as US Champion and Tag Team Champion. Kofi also had good showings at Wrestlemania, Money In The Bank and Survivor Series. Yet it does seem that at times, he may be being wasted in a dying tag team division, can he ever escape the Midcard and make it to the main event? Time will tell.


From: Ghana, West Africa

Finisher: Trouble In Paradise

Accomplishments: 3 Time IC Champion, 2 Time US Champion, 2 Time Tag Team Champion.



Mason Ryan: Ryan was once known as Nexus’ burly enforcer, but after the group disbanded, Ryan lacked direction and for a time vanished. When he reappeared it was with a new positive attitude, he started a rivalry with Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero, however there was never any closure from either side and Mason has lately faded away.


From: Cardiff, Wales

Finisher: House Of Pain


Michael McGillicutty: Mike has had a fairly standard 2011, aside from a few reigns as Tag Team Champion with David Otunga, his most prominent moments have been feuding with Jerry Lawler. McGillicutty has most recently been spotted wrestling on superstars.


From: Champlin, Minnesota

Finisher: McGillicutter

Accomplishments: Tag Team Champion


The Miz: The Miz entered 2011 as WWE Champion and managed to survive Wrestlemania with the belt. However since losing said title, his career has slumped somewhat, being forced into an alliance with R-Truth. Miz and Truth did however re-ignite a spark within each other as they began to terrorize RAW. This couldn’t last however and when Miz turned on Truth, he put him out of action. Since then The Miz has been on a mini-rampage and is slowly building himself back into title contention.


From: Cleveland, Ohio

Finisher: Skull Crushing Finale

Nickname: The Awesome One

Accomplishments: WWE Champion, 5 Time Tag Team Champion, 2 Time US Champion, Raw MITB Winner 2010.


Primo: Primo may have had an underwhelming 2011, if it wasn’t for the arrival of his cousin, Epico. Together with Epico, he has had a great couple of months, making great strides in the tag division and together they now look to make themselves champions at Air Boom’s expense.


From: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Finisher: Backstabber

Accomplishments: WWE Tag Team Champion

Manager: Rosa Mendes


Rey Mysterio: Mysterio has a had a decent year, marred by injury. Mysterio had a vicious rivalry with Cody Rhodes and suffered a defeat at his hands on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. However, Mysterio did also manage to capture his first ever WWE Championship, albeit for just one night, shortly after losing the title, Mysterio was brutally put out of action, by Alberto Del Rio and the WWE universe is still awaiting his return.


From: Tijuana, Mexico

Finisher: 619

Nickname: Master of the 619

Accomplishments: 2 Time World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, 2 Time IC Champion, 4 Time Tag Team Champion, 3 Time Cruiserweight Champion, Royal Rumble Winner 2006.


R-Truth: Truth has had a crazy 2011, going from happy go lucky fan favourite to one of the most hated men on the RAW roster. After being denied his title shot for just too long, Truth snapped and nearly ended John Morrison’s career. Truth continued to climb up the card, by beating the likes of Rey Mysterio. Eventually in an effort to bring down Triple H, Truth and Miz formed an alliance, which wreaked havoc over RAW all summer long, but shortly after a loss to the Rock and John Cena, this alliance imploded and The Miz harshly assaulted Truth, putting him out of action indefinitely.


From: Charlotte, North Carolina

Finisher: What’s Up?

Accomplishments: US Champion


Santino Marella: Santino has remained one of the most liked members of the RAW roster, even if he hasn’t set the world on fire in ring. Santino’s most memorable moment came when he came within an inch of winning the Royal Rumble, but since then he has struggled with injury and only recently returned to full fitness.


From: Calabria, Italy

Finisher: The Cobra

Accomplishments: 2 Time IC Champion, Tag Team Champion


Triple H: Triple H was involved in one of the most brutal matches in Wrestlemania history, coming to within split seconds of ending The Undertaker’s unbeaten streak. Since then however he has taken a new role, one of C.O.O of the WWE and he briefly ran RAW in the summer. Hunter has also forged a bitter rivalry and then loose alliance with CM Punk, before he was viciously injured by his former friend Kevin Nash and put on the inactive list.


From: Greenwich, Connecticut

Finisher: The Pedigree

Nicknames: The Game/ The Cerebral Assassin/ The King Of Kings

Accomplishments: 8 Time WWE Champion, 5 Time World Heavyweight Champion, 5 Time IC Champion, 3 Time Tag Team Champion, 2 Time European Champion, King of The Ring 1997, Royal Rumble Winner 2002.



Tyler Reks: Unfortunately for Reks, his year has been so quiet that he’s recently been spotted on the side of a Milk Carton, with next to nothing of note happening for him in 2011. However a teaming with Curt Hawkins could be promising, if they can get off NXT and into tag title contention.


Finisher: Burning Hammer


Zack Ryder: There has arguably never been a bigger turnaround in a superstars career than Zack Ryder’s. This time last year, he was struggling to win matches on Superstars and looked like he may be future endeavoured before too long, but thanks to his hit YouTube show and the love from the fans, Ryder has turned his fortunes around. Ryder has now teamed with legendary superstars, main evented Raw’s and captured the US Title. WWWYKI


From: Long Island, New York

Finisher: Rough Ryder

Nickname: Long Island Iced-Z

Accomplishments: US Champion, Tag Team Champion



Beth Phoenix: Beth is sick of all the Barbie dolls in the Divas division and she and Natalya aren’t afraid to say it. After attacking Kelly Kelly and then ultimately capturing the Divas Title, she has made a point to the WWE universe and it doesn’t look like she’ll be backing down any time soon.


From: Buffalo, New York

Finisher: Glam Slam

Nickname: The Glamazon

Accomplishments: Divas Champion, 3 Time Womens Champion


Brie & Nikki Bella: The Bellas have had an odd year, after both failing to capture the heart of Daniel Bryan, Brie managed to capture the WWE Divas title, however after she lost it to Kelly Kelly, it seems the Bella twins have instead set their sights on Alberto Del Rio….lucky Alberto.


From: Scottsdale, Arizona

Finisher: Bella Buster

Accomplishments: (Brie) Divas Champion


Eve: Eve managed to capture herself a Divas title reign this year, but besides that her most notable actions have been standing up to the Divas of Doom. Despite this, she hasn’t been able to re-capture that Divas championship.


From: Denver, Colorado

Finisher: Torres Wheel

Accomplishments: 2 Time Divas Champion, 2007 Divas Search Winner


Kelly Kelly: After becoming WWE Divas championship, it seemed like Kelly would have a great 2011, but the party was soon crashed by Beth Phoenix and Natalya. Kelly bravely battled against the two women, but ultimately dropped the title to Beth Phoenix, despite this she is still a constant threat to the belt……even if she does look dead behind the eyes.


From: Jacksonville, Florida

Accomplishments: Divas Champion

Kharma: After such a dominant run of destruction, Kharma was de-railed by family life, but she has promised to come back, better and more dominant before, and the Divas division had better be on notice.




John Laurinaitis: Formerly seen as a mere corporate stooge, the man formerly known as Johnny Ace, has stepped into the position of Raw’s Interim General Manager. He has however not proved popular with fans….. or superstars and is currently involved in rivalries with both CM Punk and Triple H, but despite this Laurinaitis is still a dynamic dude at times and has put together some epic main events.


Position: Interim Raw General Manager


Ricardo Rodriguez: Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer has suffered some tough times, from being beaten savagely by the Big Show, to suffering numerous Attitude Adjustments, Go To Sleeps and even a World’s Strongest Slam. Despite these hardships, Ricardo remains deeply loyal to Del Rio and is always at hand to help.


Position: Alberto Del Rio’s Personal Ring Announcer


Vickie Guerrero: Vickie has added to her stable of clients this year, as she signed up Jack Swagger. Together with Swagger and Dolph Ziggler, she has seen some big successes and some fairly catastrophic failures too, but when all is said and done, she does remain a big part of the RAW brand.


Clients: Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler


Michael Cole: Cole has had an inspiration 2011, it mainly inspired people to switch Raw off or at the very least go and grab a drink while he had the microphone. Cole has managed to gain a DQ win at Wrestlemania and also tussled with JR on numerous occasions, and through all of this he has managed to garner legitimate hatred from millions.


Jerry Lawler: The King has had a mediocre 2011, despite knocking Michael Cole around in their Wrestlemania encounter, Lawler’s victory was overturned and he would have to wait months to finally beat Cole. Other than this, he has battled The Miz for the WWE Championship and in a less memorable feud, teamed with Zack Ryder to beat David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty







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Smackdown Roster


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Big Show: The World’s largest athlete (Apart from the Great Khali) has had a pretty good year, despite starting it by being relegated to the tag division alongside Kane. Surprisingly it took him to be physically dominated and then put out of action by Mark Henry, to return to his best form. Show came back better than ever and has been the first person to make Mark Henry seem vulnerable in many many months. Big Show finally ended his drought and captured the World Heavyweight title, only for Daniel Bryan to steal it away from him nearly instantly, how will Show return from such frustration?


From: Tampa, Florida

Finisher: WMD

Nickname: The World’s Largest Athlete

Accomplishments: 2 Time WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, 8 Time Tag Team Champion, US Champion, ECW Champion, 3 Time Hardcore Champion.


Booker T : After returning in the 2011 Royal Rumble, Booker made his comeback to the WWE, albeit behind an announce table, still he has proved popular with WWE’s audiences and his rivalry with Cody Rhodes has led him to step back into that ring once more.


From: Houston, Texas

Finisher: Scissor Kick

Accomplishments: World Heavyweight Champion, IC Champion, US Champion, Tag Team Champion, King Of The Ring 2006, Hardcore Champion.


Christian: Christian finally broke that glass ceiling this year, with his first world title victory…. Unfortunately five days later, Randy Orton pinned him for said title. However, this did set in motion a series of events that led Christian to not only turn on the WWE universe, but also re-capture the title and in doing so, becoming one of the most entertaining parts of Friday Night Smackdown. Christian had recently been engaged in a series of battles with Sheamus, but has suffered an ankle injury which has prohibited the feud from continuing.


From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Finisher: Killswitch

Nickname: Captain Charisma

Accomplishments: 2 Time World Heavyweight Champion, 3 Time IC Champion,9 Time Tag Team Champion, 2 time ECW Champion, European Champion, Hardcore Champion, Light Heavyweight Champion


Cody Rhodes: Rhodes went from Dashing to Deformed this year, following an errant 619 from Rey Mysterio, Rhodes required facial reconstruction and his mental state quickly declined. Amazingly this actually led to Rhodes’ in ring work becoming far better and he not only beat Mysterio at Wrestlemania, he also captured the IC title not long after. Rhodes has engaged with heated battles with many top names this year….. and Ted DiBiase too, but Cody has also finally dropped his protective mask, could this help him to climb even higher up the card?


From: Marietta, Georgia

Finisher: Cross Rhodes

Accomplishments: IC Champion, 4 Time Tag Team Champion.

Daniel Bryan: Bryan has had a back and forth year, he may have lost his US title to Sheamus in early March, but he has also captured the Smackdown Money In The Bank and cashed it in shockingly on the Big Show, to become World Heavyweight champion. Despite this, Bryan has at times struggled to get victories, but rivalries with Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes have at the very least raised his stock with the WWE universe.


From: Aberdeen, Washington

Finisher: Lebell Lock

Accomplishments: World Heavyweight Champion, US Champion, Smackdown MITB Winner 2011.


Ezekiel Jackson: Big Zeke was a big part of the Corre on Smackdown this year, but despite a big face turn and short IC title reign, he has yet to garner any big reactions from the crowd and has lately barely appeared on Smackdown or Superstars.


From: Guyana, South America

Finisher: Torture Rack

Nickname: The Prophet Of Doom

Accomplishments: IC Champion, ECW Champion.

Heath Slater: Slater bounced from the Nexus to the Corre this year, but after that and his tag team with Justin Gabriel ended, the One man Southern Rock Band has struggled to remain relevant and doesn’t have too many victories to his name.


From: Pineville, West Virginia

Finisher: E-Minor

Nickname: The One-Man Southern Rock Band

Accomplishments: 3 time Tag Team Champion

Hornswoggle: Everyone’s favourite Leprechaun (or nobody’s favourite anything) Hornswoggle has not done much this year, bar his brief stint at Titus O’Neil’s pro on NXT. Hornswoggle has recently gained the ability of speech however, which may either make him a touch more bearable or a million times worse.


From: Ireland

Finisher: Tadpole Splash

Accomplishments: Crusierweight Champion

Hunico: Hunico came to the WWE as a Sin Cara imposter, eventually coming to be known as Sin Cara Negro. After a long rivalry, he was defeated in a mask vs. mask match by Sin Cara Azul and was forced to give up his hood. Since then Hunico has shown his true personality and now resides strongly in Smackdown’s Midcard.


From: Juarez, Mexico

Finisher: High Angle Senton Bomb



Jey & Jimmy Uso: The Uso’s have not exactly had a whirlwind 2011, but they have at the very least becoming more beloved by the WWE universe, they are primarily seen wrestling on NXT or occasionally superstars, but if the WWE’s tag division was to ever pick up, then they could definitely be seen as a team to watch.


From: San Francisco, California

Finisher: Samoan Splash


Jinder Mahal: Jinder once had a good undefeated streak and the giant Great Khali as his enforcer, but both those things are now long gone. Recently Mahal has struggled to regain the form that he debuted with and he could be facing an uphill struggle to stay relevant in 2012.


From: Punjab, India

Finisher: Sands Of Time


Johnny Curtis: Despite winning NXT series 4, Johnny has struggled to get a spot on Smackdown, so has had to return to NXT. Johnny has recently been involved in a love triangle with Derrick Bateman and Maxine, where he is getting to show some character as well as in ring talent.


From: Westbrook, Maine

Finisher: Sitout Suplex Slam

Nickname: Dirty Curty.

Accomplishments: NXT Series 4 Winner.


Justin Gabriel: Despite being a big fan favourite, Gabriel has had a tricky 2011, since leaving The Nexus and The Corre, Justin has just not managed to get the victories he needs to progress up the ranks on the WWE. That said, if he can manage to start up some winning ways, he could well become a big star in 2012.


From: Cape Town, South Africa

Finisher: 450 Splash

Accomplishments: 3 Time Tag Team Champion


Mark Henry: It’s hard to believe that this man was once known as Sexual Chocolate. In 2011, Mark Henry has been all about destruction, finally becoming the behemoth he was meant to be. Henry has put Big Show, Kane, Vladimir Kozlov and others on the injured list and steamrollered his way to the World Heavyweight Title. Despite this, Henry is quickly learning that the Champion has the biggest target on his back of all, and Big Show, Daniel Bryan and countless others are always eager to prise that target away from him.


From: Sisbee, Texas

Finisher: World’s Strongest Slam

Nicknames: World’s Strongest Man

Accomplishments: World Heavyweight Champion, ECW Champion, European Champion

Randy Orton: Randy has had numerous title reigns this year and been involved in an awesome feud with Christian, but he has also showed vulnerability this year, as he was dominated by Mark Henry and has recently allowed Wade Barrett to get into his head. Despite all of this, The Viper remains one of Smackdown’s deadliest superstars.


From: St Louis, Missouri

Finisher: RKO

Nickname: The Viper

Accomplishments: 6 Time WWE Champion, 3 time World Heavyweight Champion, IC Champion, Tag Team Champion, Royal Rumble Winner 2009.


Sheamus: The Great White has become one of Smackdown’s most beloved stars, he stepped up and attempted to stop Mark Henry’s path of destruction and he has also been on a long quest to end Christian’s whining. Whilst Sheamus hasn’t had the distinction of winning a world title this year, it could well be just a matter of time.


From: Dublin, Ireland

Finisher: Brogue Kick

Nickname: The Great White/ The Celtic Warrior

Accomplishments: 2 time WWE Champion, US Champion, King of The Ring 2010.


Sin Cara: Cara has had an awkward transition from Mexican idol to WWE superstar. However, since his earliest appearances, he has been adored by the WWE universe and his winning ways have only been stopped by injuries. Cara was also hounded throughout the summer by a doppelganger later revealed to be Hunico, but Cara managed to defeat and unmask his rival, before suffering an unfortunate injury, which has put him on the injured list.


From: Mexico City, Mexico

Finisher: Moonsault Side Slam

Nickname: The International Sensation


Ted DiBiase: DiBiase spent much of this year as a lackey to his friend, Cody Rhodes, but after that alliance collapsed, DiBiase became a fan favourite for the first time in his career. Lately DiBiase has begun to gain some much needed momentum as he picks up victories on Smackdown and Superstars.


From: Madison, Missisippi

Finisher: Dream Street

Accomplishments: 2 Time Tag Team Champion


Trent Barreta: Trent’s heart and spirit cannot be denied, but he still doesn’t have the best win-loss record in the world. Trenty has suffered multiple defeats and struggled to make an impact, and it is becoming clear that he might be a wrestler better suited to tag competition.


From: Mount Sinai, New York

Finisher: Dudebuster DDT.


Tyson Kidd: Kidd has proved himself to be one of the most underrated stars on the WWE’s roster and he often gets a chance to show off to the crowd, unfortunately those opportunities come mainly on Superstars or NXT, no matter what though, Kidd is certainly a talent to keep looking out for in 2012.


From: Calgary, Alberta

Finisher: Code Blue

Accomplishments: Tag Team Champion


Undertaker: The phenom has barely been seen in 2012, after a brutal Wrestlemania match in which he barely beat Triple H and was then stretchered out, he has yet to resurface. However with Wrestlemania now on the horizon, could be see yet another return of the Deadman?


From: Death Valley

Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver

Nickname: The Phenom / The Deadman

Accomplishments: 4 Time WWE Champion, 3 Time World Heavyweight Champion, 6 Time Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, Royal Rumble Winner 2007.

Wade Barrett: Barrett’s leadership skills may have flopped this year, but Wade certainly hasn’t, the Brit captured an IC title this year and has engaged in great matches and high profile rivalries with many of Smackdown’s biggest and brightest.


From: Manchester, England

Finisher: Wasteland

Nickname: The Bare Knuckle Brawler

Accomplishments: IC Champion, NXT Series 1 Winner.


Yoshi Tatsu: The bulk of Yoshi’s 2011, has been spent on NXT, where he was terrorized by Tyson Kidd. Yoshi sick of the abuse, transformed himself into a more focused and darker character, which he capped with a new look and new determination.


From: Tokyo, Japan

Finisher: Roundhouse Kick


AJ: One of the more popular WWE divas, AJ has proved herself a big hit with fans as part of the “Chickbusters” with Kaitlyn, she has also found herself on the end of some big beatings from former friends Beth Phoenix and Natalya. AJ has had to endure a potiential romance with Hornswoggle and recent troubles with Kaitlyn.


From: Union City, New Jersey



Aksana: The eastern European beauty, has debuted in several segments with Smackdown GM, Teddy Long, but exactly what Aksana wants with Teddy isn’t yet clear. Aksana has also been seen in a few divas matches as well.


From: Altyus, Lithuania


Alicia Fox: Alicia has gone from villain to heroine in the eyes of the WWE universe, since she joint forces with Eve and Kelly to battle the Divas of Doom, she must surely be in line for a divas title shot at some point in 2012.


From: Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Finisher: Scissors Kick

Accomplishments: Divas Champion


Layla: After embarrassing losses to the likes of Snooki, Layla’s former team with Michelle McCool exploded, but Layla managed to send Michelle packing in a loser leaves WWE match. Unfortunately for Layla, a torn ACL has put her on the sidelines ever since.


From: Miami, Florida

Finisher: The Face Lift

Accomplishments: Womens Champion, Diva Search Winner 2006.


Kaitlyn: The former NXT winner has not yet hit her stride it seems and thus 2011 was not her greatest year, despite this, she has seen a fairly successful tandem with AJ blossom, but recently they seem to be falling further and further apart, can they regroup and challenge the Divas of Doom for supremacy?


From: Houston, Texas

Finisher: Sit Out Side Slam

Nickname: The Powerhouse

Accomplisments: NXT Series 3 Winner


Natalya: The former Hart Dynasty member has seen her star rise in the WWE, since her alliance with Beth Phoenix as The Divas of Doom. The two women have been tormenting the division and causing trouble from the rest of the divas, but the question must be asked, how long before Natalya wants a shot at that Divas Title?


From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Finisher: Sharpshooter

Accomplishments: Divas Champion




Rosa Mendes: Rosa has been the female equivalent of Tyler Reks this year, disappearing for months at a time, but she has recently re-emerged as manager/valet of Epico & Primo.


From: San Jose, Costa Rica

Finisher: Hell Makeover


Tamina: Another diva with a quiet year, Tamina hasn’t made much of an impact since being drafted from Raw to Smackdown, but she has at least made a new gentlemen friend in the form of JTG on NXT.


From: Pacific Islands

Finisher: Samoan Drop

Theodore Long: The Smackdown GM has had a tough year, with the Undertaker out injured, he’s had to resort to making people go one on one with Sheamus instead. But he’s also acquired a lady friend in Aksana in one of the longest running angles where nothing happens in recent memory.


Position: Smackdown General Manager

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NXT Roster





Darren Young: “No Days Off” has recently had 30 days off as a result of a wellness violation, but aside from this, D-Young has been struggling along on the never ending NXT redemption and has formed brief alliances with JTG, Reks & Hawkins and even Derrick Bateman, all in his never ending rivalry with Titus O’Neil.


From: Miami, Florida

Finisher: Gut Check

Nickname: No Days Off


Derrick Bateman: The charismatic Derrick Bateman was poised to take part in the second ever NXT wedding, but recent issues between himself, his girlfriend Maxine and Johnny Curtis have compromised things.


From: Cleveland, Ohio

Finisher: Man-Tastic


Titus O’Neil: Titus won about 12,000 redemption points, but unfortunately they seem to have become redundant, still he has at least formed a semi-decent team with Percy Watson. Titus also once held an alliance with Hornswoggle, yup.


From: Tampa, Florida

Finisher: Clash of the Titus.

Percy Watson: Despite not officially being a part of NXT, the athletic Percy Watson has been a key component In recent weeks, providing the talent and charisma in a tag team with Titus O’Neil. If NXT ever actually ends, Percy could well have a future on Raw or Smackdown.


From: South Beach, Florida

Nickname: Showtime

Finisher: Showtime Splash


Maxine: Maxine returned to NXT as Derrick Bateman’s true love. Despite their constant arguing, they soon became engaged, but Maxine’s former admirer, Johnny Curtis has come back onto the scene and has been causing problems between Maxine & Bateman.


From: Tampa, Florida

Finisher: Maximum Destruction


Matt Striker: Matt Striker has apparently become some sort of NXT General Manager…..which is something, I suppose. Apart from this, he still tends to be by and far and away the most interesting colour commentator, the WWE employs. Striker also made his long awaited return to the ring to face the mighty Darren Young


Position: Host of NXT

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Tag Teams


Air Boom (Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston)

Epico & Primo w/Rosa Mendes

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks

The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger W/Vickie Guerrero

Percy Watson & Titus O’Neil

The Bellas (Brie & Nikki)

Divas Of Doom (Beth Phoenix & Natalya)

Chickbusters (AJ & Kaitlyn)




WWE Champion: CM Punk

US Champion: Zack Ryder

WWE Tag Team Champions: Air Boom (Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne)

World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan

WWE IC Champion: Cody Rhodes

WWE Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Raw Supershow Preview.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

<a href="</span><a href="http://s153.photobucket.com/albums/s202/alixstarr/?action=view&current=WWERaw1.jpg" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">http://s153.photobucket.com/albums/s202/alixstarr/?action=view&current=WWERaw1.jpg"</span></a><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> target="_blank"><img src="</span><a href="http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s202/alixstarr/WWERaw1.jpg" rel="external nofollow"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s202/alixstarr/WWERaw1.jpg"</span></a><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> border="0" alt="RAW"></a></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

It will be our first event of 2012 and it looks like we'll be entering the new year with a bang. Tune in to USA Network tonight to see the likes of CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Zack Ryder and Kane in action, plus much much more!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Quick Picks</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder & ???</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Kane vs Alex Riley</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Epico & Primo W/Rosa Mendes vs Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barretta</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Tamina vs Alicia Fox</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Plus a bonus Main Event!</span></strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheDeanOfWhipedCream" data-cite="TheDeanOfWhipedCream" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">I am gonna keep up with this one I think. I am interested to see what you do with NXT.</span></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Cool man, glad to have you along for the ride. I do have plans for NXT, nothing too major, but something that could be interesting.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bmmay1978" data-cite="bmmay1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33070" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">I am highly interested in this diary. What mod are you using?</span></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Glad to hear it. I'm using a slightly modified version of Forlans' T-Zone's 2010 data, but I don't think it's been updated for a few months, so I've been updating it slightly myself.</span></p>
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<p>Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger vs <strong>Zack Ryder & ???</strong></p><p>

I can see Ryder's mystery partner being a huge factor here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane</strong> vs Alex Riley</p><p>

Pretty much a squash.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Epico & Primo W/Rosa Mendes </strong>vs Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barretta</p><p>

Random team against the Colons Version Deuce.</p><p> </p><p>

Tamina vs <strong>Alicia Fox</strong></p><p>

I'd honestly rather see Tamina win via distraction from JTG... but Alicia is more over and that will play a factor.</p>

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Thanks very much to everyone who's predicted or commentated so far, it's definately appreciated.


I feel that I probably should mention that considering the first raw of my game will be the first of 2012 (Ie. Jan 2nd), I will be revealing my own take on who is behind the recent viral videos, obviously I don't actually know who's behind it, but I'm going to take an educated guess, as well as someone who I would enjoy being behind it, but I suppose it's kind of a spoiler alert, just in case anything I say does ring true.



Thanks very much, the show should be up really soon.


(Also NXT and Superstars will be up soon as well, but I won't bother doing previews for those)

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We kick off our first Raw of 2012, as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the show, before too long the familiar chords of “Cult of Personality” hit and our WWE Champion, CM Punk bursts through the curtain to a huge ovation.



Punk makes his way to the ring and is handed a microphone


“ Well boys and girls, we made it to 2012. Now last year was pretty good for me, but I got a feeling that this one might be even better. Now I don’t know about all of you, but my favourite bit of January is always the Royal Rumble. This year, I won’t be in the actual match, but believe me I know how these things go, I’m going to defend my title on the undercard, that’s just the way it works.


I also know, that whenever there is a title shot opportunity, about seven guys come down to the ring and start complaining and bitching about why they deserve the title shot. So let’s buck this trend and I’ll just invite you out right now to save us all a heap of time, so we can get to the actual wrestling”



Just as Punk predicted, music quickly hits and Alberto Del Rio does come from the back, quickly entering the ring and staring at Punk.


“ You know, one year ago, at my first time of trying, I won the Royal Rumble, and I proved to everyone that I am the greatest talent to ever grace the WWE. I then won two world titles in just months and then you, Punk, you had to get involved, you cheated your way to steal my belt, and then ever since, you take shortcuts to keep the belt from where it should be…around my waist”


Del Rio has just wrapped up his monologue, when the P.A blasts out “I Came To Play” and The Miz makes his way down to the ring, he stares intently at Del Rio


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“Really? Really? Really? How many title shots have you had now, Alberto and how many have you lost, oh that’s right, each and every one. Alberto you have lost one on one matches, you lost in triple threat matches, you can’t even win when your little butler gets involved, face it you’re a loser. Now, if I were to get one match and that is all that I would need, then I would wrestle that belt out of that degenerates hands and back to a champion that everyone can be proud of, because I’m the Miz……..and I’m Awesome”


Miz and Del Rio quickly square off, as Punk laughs in the background, but before things can get too heated, yet another face makes his entrance, this time however it belongs to Raw’s Interim GM, John Laurinaitis.


“ Look, look, before things get out of control, allow me to make my ruling as Raw’s interim general manager. In recent weeks, I have become notorious as a man who makes great decisions and who does his best to make the product as exciting as possible and tonight is no different. We will determine a number one contender for CM Punk’s WWE championship when Alberto Del Rio and The Miz clash tonight in our main event.


The crowd pops big time for the announcement as we go to our first commercial break of the evening.



Tamina versus Alicia Fox


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Much like many divas matches on Raw, this one was not long and it was basic at best. Tamina initially put up some resistance, but Fox quickly took control and managed to get a quick victory following a scissor kick.


Winner: Alicia Fox


Alicia Fox remains in the ring celebrating her victory, but quickly Natalya and Divas champion Beth Phoenix jump Alicia.


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Beth quickly hits her with a glam slam, before Natalya stomps at her. Luckily for Alicia, Eve and Kelly Kelly run from the back and run off the Divas of Doom, but the damage has been done to Fox.



Epico & Primo W/Rosa Mendes versus Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barreta.


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Epico and Primo have been on a roll since beginning to team, whilst Yoshi and Trent have begun to gather a little momentum on NXT as of late. The match itself is fairly dominant as Epico and Primo separate Trent from Yoshi for the majority of the match and utilised quick tags to keep fully in control. Eventually, Tatsu leaps into action and gets the hot tag, but is ultimately distracted by Rosa Mendes, allowing Primo to hit the backstabber and then make the cover for the victory.


Winners: Epico & Primo





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John Laurinaitis is backstage, texting someone on his phone, when in bursts Vickie Guerrero with her clients Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Vickie immediately vents furiously about Zack Ryder, she says that he had his shot and blew it, but Laurinaitis gave in to the fans and cost Ziggler his title. Dolph then steps in and says all he needs is one match himself to win back his belt and embarrass Ryder. The interim Raw GM tells Dolph, he’ll do for him what he did for Ryder and if Dolph can win a match tonight, he will get his title shot at the Royal Rumble, Laurinaitis says tonight it will be Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger teaming against Zack Ryder and a partner of his choosing, Dolph says he accepts the offer.




Kane versus Alex Riley


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Kane has been even more monstrous since returning to Raw and has been dominating John Cena. Riley tries valiantly to keep up and avoid demolition, he tries everything but even the 6’3 former line-backer couldn’t knock Kane off his feet. Kane does soon take over the match entirely and throws A-Ry all around the ring, after dragging it out, Kane hit a huge chokeslam, but this wasn’t enough for the Big Red Machine, even though Riley was out cold, Kane still decided to continue the punishment with a tombstone Piledriver, finally ending Alex’s suffering.


Winner: Kane



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We head backstage where The Bella Twins are talking to Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is telling them of his plans to go undefeated until Wrestlemania and beyond. The conversation is quickly ended by the arrival of The Miz.


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He tells Del Rio that in no uncertain terms, he is walking away as the victor tonight, because he’s The Miz….and he’s Awesome. Del Rio smirks and says that Miz might be awesome, but to win tonight is his destiny, and it’s also his destiny to win the title at the rumble, to headline Wrestlemania and to leave as champion, Miz goes to retort but Ricardo Rodriguez begins to yell at him in Spanish and ushers him away from Alberto.




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A hype package for the Tag Champs, Air Boom begins to play, but it gets only seconds in before it is interrupted by one another video, this one hypes tonight as a return, but also a revenge. It focuses heavily on the idea of theft, the oldest crime there has ever been and says that revenge will be taken, tonight.



Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger versus Daniel Bryan & Zack Ryder


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Ziggler and Swagger are desperate to finally get one over on Ryder, whilst Zack and Daniel both have huge momentum following their respective title wins at TLC. The action is very back and forth with all four men getting ample opportunity to show off their skill. Ziggler unleashes some huge offence against Ryder in an effort to put him away, put Ryder just kept managing to kick out at the last second. After a long battle Ryder made the tag to Bryan and Dolph to Swagger, Swagger charged at Bryan, only for Bryan to sidestep and shockingly quickly applying a LeBelle Lock, the All-American American struggles briefly, but ultimately quickly taps out.


Winners: Daniel Bryan & Zack Ryder


After the match, Michael Cole sends up to the back where Josh Matthews is standing by with Mason Ryan.


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Matthews: I’m here with Mason Ryan, Mason, you’ve been missing ever since Survivor Series, where exactly have you been?


Mason: Josh, at Survivor Series I realised something. I am capable of becoming a huge force here in the WWE, but I needed to work even harder at honing my craft to become a star. I took a leave of absence and I worked harder than ever in the gym, I watched classic matches and trained with some of the best, now I’m back and I am looking to not only reach the pinnacle here on Raw, but also the pinnacle of the WWE. I’m here to be the very best that I can be.


Mason walks away as Josh Matthews sends up back to our Main Event.




#1 Contenders Match: Alberto Del Rio versus The Miz


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These two former champions collide in an attempt to once again reach the top of the mountain here on Raw. Just before the match begins, our WWE champion, CM Punk came out to a huge pop, he came down and took a seat at our announce table, knocking Michael Cole’s headset off as he does. Miz and Del Rio each launch at each other in early attempts to get a quick pinfall and finish the match early. As the match progresses both men take and lose control and the match is an incredibly close one, each getting numerous near falls. The Miz finally went for a Skull Crushing Finale, only for Ricardo Rodriguez to return and distract Miz, allowing Del Rio to shove him into the corner and get a roll up for the nearfall. The battle continued, and the Miz managed to fight his way back into control, he got ready to set up for yet another Skull Crushing Finale, but instead wasted time shouting at Punk, by the time he had finished, Del Rio was back to his senses and Miz turned round and was immediately locked into a Cross Armbreaker, Miz held on for as long as he could, but ultimately tapped out. Del Rio would challenge for the WWE title at Royal Rumble!.


Winner and #1 Contender: Alberto Del Rio


After the match, Punk flew into the ring and delivered a GTS to Del Rio knocking him out of the ring, Punk began to celebrate and grabbed a microphone.


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“ Tonight, for me, the Road to Wrestlemania truly begins, and I’ve done a lot of Wrestlemania, I’ve won two Money In The Bank’s, I’ve fought Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton, but I’ve never fought as a World Champion and this year things are going to change, I’m going to beat ‘Berto at the Rumble, I’ll beat whoever they throw at me in the Elimination Chamber and I will walk in and then walk out of Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion, because I am the best in the world……



Before Punk can finish, the lights go out, the titantron lights up with yet another of those cryptic videos that have been playing for weeks now, finally it ends on the phrase “I Will not save you again”.


The Lights come back on………









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And it’s Chris Jericho. Jericho stands in the ring behind CM Punk, as soon as Punk turns around, Jericho immediately hits the codebreaker on Punk. As Punk lay out in the middle of the ring, Jericho grabs the microphone.


“ Best in the World? Best in the World? You are not the best, you never were, you never will be, not as long as I am living and breathing. If it wasn’t for me, you would not even have made it to the WWE, I laid the foundations for what came next. Now, you listen closely Punk, You might make it to Wrestlemania, that might happen, and you might carry that WWE Championship with you, but if you think that you are leaving with the gold, then you are mistaken, I promise you that I will leave Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion. Do you understand?”


As Punk lays barely comprehending what is being said, Chris Jericho stands tall as Raw goes off the air.




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Titus O’Neil comes out and says it’s true that Darren Young frustrates him, but he has to be the bigger man. Percy Watson comes out to join him and tells Titus that he is the bigger man and there’s a time for talking and a time for fighting and with Darren Young, Titus should knock his damn head off.


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Darren Young then comes out and says that he would never listen to two guys who are bona-fide NXT failures and whilst he has main evented Summerslam, they will never make it anywhere near a PPV, he challenges them to a match tonight and he’s gonna bring along another man who Main Evented Summerslam, Heath Slater.


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Slater comes out and high fives Young as we go to commercial.



Jimmy Uso beat JTG in a short match, Tamina distracted the referee, but this in fact only lead to Jey Uso taking his brothers spot and shocking JTG with a quick superkick, followed by a Samoan Splash for the victory.



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In the ring, Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins cut a promo, they say that Yoshi and Trent are barely coherent as singles’ wrestlers let alone as a tag team, and tonight Reks would squash Yoshi like Godzilla smashed Moth-Ra.




Tyler Reks beat Yoshi Tatsu in a pretty back and forth match, but eventually Reks’ strength advantage helped him and he managed to negate Yoshi’s speed. Reks hit his burning hammer for the victory after seven minutes.



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Backstage Johnny Curtis approaches Maxine, he says that since she’s dumped Bateman, there’s nothing to stop them getting together, he puts his arm around her, suddenly Derrick Bateman shows up, he asks what the hell Curtis is doing and the two begin to brawl. Maxine yells that she can’t handle this and walks off as the two men continue to brawl on the floor.



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Darren Young and Heath Slater beat Titus O’Neil and Percy Watson. The match itself is a fairly open affair, Slater gives a very good account of his work and manages to put forward a good case for a bigger part in the WWE. Titus spends the majority of the match chasing Young, but Darren keeps escaping, eventually after bursting with anger, Titus chases Darren to the back. Percy is left at Slater’s mercy and Heath finishes it quickly with an E-Minor.



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Our Show kicks off with some great tag action from the Smackdown Side, as new tag team Trent Barreta & Yoshi Tatsu battled Heath Slater & Tyson Kidd. In a good back and forth match, Kidd got the win with a a Code Blue on Trent.



We are shown a video package highlighting the rivalry between Mark Henry, Big Show and Daniel Bryan.



The Raw brand gives us our next singles encounter as Michael McGillicutty battled Santino Marella. Despite the fact that McGillicutty dominated the encounter, he made one slip up and Santino took full advantage by hitting the Cobra for the victory.


Our announce team give us highlights of Chris Jericho's shocking return on Raw.


In our main event, Air Boom clashed with Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks in a non-title match. Hawkins and Reks stayed strong throughout the encounter, but ultimately couldn't do enough to avoid being pinned, following an Air Bourne.


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Smackdown Preview


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It's the first Smackdown of the New Year and we're kicking off with a huge main event in a champion versus champion match when World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan goes one on one with IC Champ, Cody Rhodes. Also Sheamus, Wade Barrett and Zack Ryder all in action, Don't Miss Smackdown!



Quick Picks


Non-Title Champion vs Champion: Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes

Sheamus & Ted DiBiase vs Hunico & Jinder Mahal

Justin Gabriel vs Wade Barrett

AJ & Kaitlyn vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya

Zack Ryder vs Johnny Curtis

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Great start. Really enjoyed RAW and also NXT actually. Here are my picks for Smackdown:


Non-Title Champion vs Champion: Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes

Sheamus & Ted DiBiase vs Hunico & Jinder Mahal

Justin Gabriel vs Wade Barrett

AJ & Kaitlyn vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya

Zack Ryder vs Johnny Curtis


I would predict NXT given the chance ;-)

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Smackdown begins in a normal fashion, as the Pyro goes off and our announce team (Booker T, Josh Matthews and Michael Cole) welcome us to the show.



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Quickly,the electric riff of Ride of the Valkyries plays out across the arena and our World Heavyweight champion, Daniel Bryan comes out to thunderous cheers. Bryan’s grin is etched across his face, he is still clearly in shock and awe over the fact he is World champion and he clearly appreciates the fans admiration.


Bryan reaches the ring and takes a microphone to address the crowd.


“ I’m sure, that you’ve heard this all before, about how it’s my dream to be World Champion and how so many people told me that I was too small or I didn’t have the personality, that I was too different to make it in the WWE. But everything that I have, I fought for, I gave it my all against every opponent I ever stepped in the ring with, from NXT to Raw and right here on Smackdown, and it was that tenacity that led me to win Money In The Bank, giving me the opportunity to cash in my title shot and become World Heavyweight Champion. There is one thing that I would like to say however, one person I want to address, and that’s you, Big Show…..


Bryan is quickly cut off, by none other than Cody Rhodes. The Intercontinental champion comes out, with a microphone of his own.



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“ Well, if it isn’t the little engine that could. Bryan, you may well be ecstatic that you’re World Champion, but face facts, if you had cashed in your shot when Big Show was conscious, then you probably wouldn’t be out of the hospital yet. You are a liar, a hypocrite and an embarrassment to Friday Night Smackdown. Me, on the other hand, I stand for everything a WWE superstar should be, talented, charismatic, handsome. I truly have it all, I am a champion that these people can aspire to, right now, the Interconinental champion is the true face of Smackdown, not some Vegan who cheated his way to the title.”


Bryan quickly retorts


“Cody, if you’re asking for a fight, then I’m more than willing. In fact, I would love to prove to you, exactly why I am a world champion, by forcing you to submit, right here in the Middle of the Ring”.


Cody starts to head down toward the ring…… “You Know it’s the Mack Militant”…….Teddy Long!.


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The Smackdown GM comes out, with his own microphone.


“ Hey playas, let me stop you right there. You know, you two want to fight and I’m not a man who ever stops a good contest between two of the best. But this right here, this is Main Event Material, tonight we will have a non title champion versus champion match, Daniel Bryan versus Cody Rhodes.”


We go to Commercial as Rhodes and Bryan eye each other from across ringside.



Johnny Curtis versus Zack Ryder


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Ryder is in the best form of his life, while Johnny Curtis has been struggling down on NXT, so the outcome was obvious to 99 percent of viewers. Still, Curtis did come out all guns blazing and even managed to get a two count early on in the short match, but it was just a matter of time and Ryder quickly powered up and soon hit a Rough Ryder for an easy victory.


Winner: Zack Ryder



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Backstage, Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston are engaged in conversation, when Rosa Mendes approaches them. Mendes tells them that even though they have held the tag titles for nearly six months it’s down to a lack of competition and sooner or later her boys will take the gold from them.


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Air Boom shrug Mendes off and go to leave, only for Epico and Primo to leap out and attack, they beat up the tag champs and leave them down and out.



Beth Phoenix & Natalya versus AJ & Kaitlyn


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The match is a pretty back and forth affair and Phoenix seems legitimately surprised at how well AJ is keeping up with her in the early going of the match. Eventually Phoenix and Natalya manage to use their power game to isolate AJ from Kaitlyn and begin to take control of the match, Beth goes for a Glam Slam, but AJ manages to slip out and quickly rolls to her corner to make the tag….. only for Kaitlyn to drop off the apron and leave AJ alone. Phoenix quickly ends the match with a Glam Slam, leaving AJ broken physically and quite possibly mentally.


Winners: Beth Phoenix & Natalya



We cut to ringside, where our announce team show the footage of Chris Jericho’s shocking return on Raw last week, they then briefly speculate on exactly why Jericho attacked CM Punk.



Wade Barrett versus Justin Gabriel


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These two former Nexus members clash here on Smackdown. Barrett is looking to keep his run of momentum going, while Gabriel would dearly love to upset his former stablemate. Gabriel does look good in the early moments of the match, and using his athletic and gymnastic style, he catches Wade off guard at several moments, unfortunately for the South African Superstar, Barrett is considered a ring general for a good reason and kept finding ways to thwart Gabriel, eventually Wade managed to wear down Justin and caught him when Gabriel went for a crossbody, Barrett drilled Gabriel down to the mat with a Wasteland and a 3 count later was declared the victor.


Winner: Wade Barrett



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Wade celebrates his victory in the ring, but Randy Orton’s theme music hits and the Viper runs down the ramp, making a beeline for Barrett. The Englishmen uses his brain and exits the ring, escaping through the crowd to avoid any confrontation.


Frustrated Randy grabs a microphone.


“ Wade, you can run all you want for the next seven days, but then your luck is up. I went to Teddy Long this evening and I requested one more match with you, Wade. Teddy not only agreed, but he added a stipulation, next week Wade, me and you will fight in the Main Event of Smackdown in a Last Man Standing Match.”


The crowd goes wild, as Randy lets out a sly grin, clearly relishing the thought of getting his hands on Barrett is such a vicious match.




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Backstage, Big Show is in his dressing room, he suddenly looks down and the camera pans out to show the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan.


“ Show, I wanted to say, that I’m sorry that you didn’t get a longer title reign, but you’ve got to understand that I needed to win this belt, I had to cash it in. I wish the circumstances were different, but they weren’t”


Show stares long and hard at Daniel.


“ Look, I respect you coming back here and apologizing, but come on, if you think that I’m ready to forgive and forget you taking my title, the one I waited nearly a decade to win, then you’re the dumbest in the locker room”


On that note, Show walks away, leaving Bryan alone.




Hunico & Jinder Mahal versus Sheamus & Ted DiBiase


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The match starts off with Sheamus dominating both Hunico & Jinder and even delivering a brogue kick to Hunico’s new bodyguard, Comacho. As the match drew on though, Hunico and Mahal managed to eventually isolate Ted DiBiase and despite DiBiase’s best efforts, he couldn’t quite manage to escape back to his corner. Hunico began to use cheaper and cheaper techniques in an effort to gain victory, but ultimately DiBiase leapt to Sheamus and made the hot tag. The great White flew into action, he booted Hunico from the ring and delivered a vicious Irish Curse to Jinder, he quickly followed it up with a massive Celtic Cross. DiBiase kept Hunico from re-entering the ring as Sheamus made the cover for the win.


Winners: Sheamus & Ted DiBiase





Non- Title Champion versus Champion: Daniel Bryan versus Cody Rhodes


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Our two singles champions here on Smackdown have both been engaged in a semi- regular rivalry for many months, but this is different, Bryan is now World Heavyweight champion and quite possibly for the first time, Cody Rhodes goes into this battle as the underdog. The match itself is exactly as you would expect, a fitting main event from two of the promotions top future stars. Rhodes proves that he belongs in the main event with a stellar performance, very nearly pinning Bryan early in the bout, Bryan strikes back with some of the hardest shots and stiffest kicks that Rhodes can handle and the match is really getting the Smackdown crowd excited. As we draw towards our conclusion, both men begin to show signs of fatigue, Rhodes goes for his signature Cross Rhodes, but Bryan instead traps the arm and synchs in his deadly LeBelle Lock, Rhodes struggles for an impressive amount of time, before finally being forced into admitting defeat.


Winner: Daniel Bryan


Bryan is celebrating his win, when a familiar theme hits, that of the world’s strongest man, Mark Henry.


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Bryan gets ready for a fight, but the fatigue from his match is obvious and Henry easily manhandles him, he hits a World’s Strongest Slam, before the Big Show’s music plays out across the arena.


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Show comes out to the stage, and looks intently, he feigns going back and leaving Bryan to Henry’s mercy, but ultimately he decides to help and indeed connects with a big WMD to knock Henry down. As Smackdown goes off the air, Big Show and Daniel Bryan stare each other down from across the ring.



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Pro Wrestling News and Rumours


-Whilst Jericho’s return was known about for some time, it is believed that officials are still happy with how the debut went and are happy going forward. That said, many backstage felt that Alberto Del Rio was somewhat buried after the match and it didn’t exactly make him look strong as a number one contender.



-Rumours are also surfacing backstage that Triple H is pushing heavily for more matches on Pay Per Views, he feels that a lack of PPV buys may well be down to a deficiency of variety on their shows, It has also been said that he has several big ideas for Midcard stars heading toward Wrestlemania.



-Several members of the Creative Team has recently been agreeing there are several breakout stars down in FCW who deserve to be called up sooner rather than later. Recently Seth Rollins, Leo Kruger & Dean Ambrose have been touring with Raw & Smackdown.


-In surprising, yet not shocking news, TNA has announced that they have severed ties with Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. Both parties felt that things had not advanced as they felt they might and it was a good time to end the “experiment”. Despite this, Eric’s son, Garrett remains on TNA’s active roster, but time will tell whether his push will be as strong without his father in the company.


-WWE officials have new plans for NXT, it’s believed that the competition aspect is to be dropped entirely, and instead NXT will feature as a place for new workers to showcase their skills without the pressure of appearing on Raw or Smackdown. New faces are also being rumoured to debut shortly on NXT.

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Raw Preview


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Just one week removed from Chris Jericho's shocking return we will witness the return of the man once known as "Best In The World". We also saw Alberto Del Rio become #1 Contender for CM Punk's WWE Championship at Royal Rumble, what will be Del Rio's opinion on Jericho's return? All this plus The Miz, John Cena, Daniel Bryan and many more on Monday Night Raw!




Quick Picks

John Cena & Sheamus vs The Miz & Kane

Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger

Eve & Alicia Fox vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya

Santino Marella vs Alberto Del Rio

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Raw begins with an look back at last week and the shock return of Chris Jericho. As the pyro blasts off and we are welcomed to the show, we are informed by Michael Cole that Chris Jericho will address the WWE Universe tonight.



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Ricardo Rodriguez snatches the microphone from Justin Roberts and begins to introduce none other than Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio came out to a chorus of boos from the crowd, and Ricardo handed him his microphone.


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“ You know, last week I told The Miz, CM Punk and the whole world that it was my destiny to win the WWE Title for a third time at the Royal Rumble. I easily defeated The Miz and became number one contender, but what should’ve been my moment was ruined, first by CM Punk, clearly scared of losing his title, he attacked me. Then Chris Jericho returned and tried to steal even more of what should’ve been my moment. Well tonight, I am going to prove to CM Punk, Chris Jericho and the WWE universe, that I am the best in the world”


Shortly after Santino Marella’s music hits and we have our first match of the night.




Santino Marella versus Alberto Del Rio


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Santino and Del Rio were one year ago the last two men in the Royal Rumble and tonight they face off live on Raw. Marella initially tried to keep up with Alberto, but sadly he was quickly outclassed, Del Rio drove Santino into a ringpost and locked in a painful looking Cross Armbreaker, holding it in for far longer than necessary as Marella quickly tapped.


Winner: Alberto Del Rio



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John Laurinaitis is seen talking on the phone, but he quickly has to hang up as former WWE champion, The Miz has rudely interrupted him.


“ John, I am here for one reason and one reason only, I want you to put me into the WWE title match at the Royal Rumble, Del Rio has had far too many chances and it’s only fair that I get what I deserve”


Laurinaitis looks conflicted


“I’m sorry Miz, but there’s no way that the board would allow me to insert you into the match after you lost last week, but I can give you some consolations. Miz, you are officially the first competitor to be announced for this years’ Royal Rumble”


Miz begrudgingly accepts this with a slow nod of his head.


“ Not only that, but I will place you in a main event. Tonight’s main event in fact, when you will team with Kane to face Sheamus and John Cena”


Miz sneers at Laurinatis and leaves his office, before he can get put into any more trouble.




We head to are interviewing area with Josh Matthews.


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“ I’m Josh Matthews and I’m standing by with former United States Champion, Dolph Ziggler. Dolph, you lost your title and then last week you were denied a rematch at the new US champion, Zack Ryder. Where do you go from here?”


“ Josh, I may have lost the US title, but now I think it was a sign, a sign that I should move on, to bigger and better things, to the WWE title. Josh, I’ve been informed that I have a place in this years Royal Rumble and as the ultimate show off, I am going to do what 29 other men can’t and win. Then, I will go to Wrestlemania and I’ll beat CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho or whoever else is the champ and then the world will forget all about Zack Ryder and one man will rise above it all, Dolph Ziggler.”



Alicia Fox & Eve Torres versus The Divas Of Doom


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Fox was looking to continue her winning ways here tonight against the Divas Of Doom and she started off well, by really taking Pheonix & Natalya to their limit along with Eve. The four women all gave good accounts of themselves, but ultimately it was tainted means that won the match for Beth Phoenix as her apparent new protégé, Kaitlyn got involved, allowing Beth to hit Alicia with a Glam Slam for the win.


Winners: The Divas Of Doom



We are sent backstage, where Josh Matthews is ready for another interview.


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Matthews: Ladies and Gentleman, at this time I am with none other than John Cena. John, other the last few weeks, you have been unmercifully attacked by Kane, and a Kane with a new look, a new attitude and new ferocity, why is he coming after you and how can you stop him?


Cena is not his usual over the top self and responds fairly calmly and matter of factly.


Cena: Josh, I’ll be honest, I don’t know. Kane has chosen to attack me over the man who nearly ended his career, Mark Henry and I don’t know why, maybe even Kane doesn’t know why. I gave Kane a chance, an opportunity to bury the hatchet and clearly he has issues with me, but if we clash in the ring tonight, then I’m gonna topple him and leave with my head held high.



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John goes to leave, but suddenly Epico and Primo get thrown into the shot, they are quickly followed by Air Boom and it becomes apparent that this backstage brawl is getting out of hand, eventually several officials get the two teams sepratated, but they have already got the attention of interim Raw GM, John Laurnaitis.


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“ If you two teams can’t control yourselves, then I’m going have to do it for you. There’s clearly some unresolved issues and I’m making it official, at the Royal Rumble, Air Boom you will defend your tag titles against Epico & Primo. That said, I don’t want any more brawls before then, in fact if I catch you fighting again, not only will your match be cancelled, but Air Boom will have their titles stripped and Epico, Primo, you’ll never get another tag title shot. I’ll see you all at the Rumble”



Daniel Bryan versus Jack Swagger


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These two men have some unresolved issues stemming back from last week and it comes across in this match. Swagger is obviously desperate to get a victory over the World Heavyweight Champion and he looks very good in the early minutes of the bout, using his power and size to his advantage and throwing Bryan around with some devastating looking German Suplexes, but Swagger is unable to put Bryan away for the win and as the match wears on Bryan begins to come into his one, weakening Swagger’s legs with a series of kicks and locks, eventually Swagger begins to show the affects and struggles to keep up with Bryans speed. Swagger does however manage to continue the power game and catches Bryan off guard with a big clothesline, he then applies the Ankle Lock, Bryan struggles and manages to roll out and ram Swagger into a turnbuckle, the All-American American turns around and Daniel quickly slaps on a LeBell Lock, Swagger again taps for the second time in two weeks.


Winner: Daniel Bryan



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We cut backstage, Zack Ryder is talking to the Bella Twins.


“Ladies, since I won the United States title, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do. With my broskis behind me, I could beat anyone….. I could even win the Royal Rumble”


Zack seems to go into some kind of shocked trance at this point, The Bellas shrug and leave as Ryder keeps muttering

“Winner of the Royal Rumble and going to Wrestlemania: The Long Island Iced Z- Zack Ryder!”


Ryder grins.



John Cena & Sheamus versus Kane & The Miz


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The match began with Kane and Sheamus going toe to toe. They two men traded blows like the behmoths that they were, but Kane managed to get the upper hand, stunning the Irishman. Eventually Cena gets the tag and takes it to Kane, he throws everything that he has at the Big Red Monster, but Kane seems to shrug everything off and begins to dominate Cena. Eventually Kane tags the Miz in and Miz mocks Cena as he beats down the already hurt Cena, but the Miz’s confidence is his downfall as he allows Cena to turn things around and connect with a massive clothesline than downs Miz. Cena gets the quick tag to Sheamus, who proceeds to absolutely annihilate Miz with a series of big kicks, he does lift Miz up for a Celtic Cross, but Kane interrupts, attacking Sheamus before drilling him to the mat with a massive Choke Slam. Cena enters and ring and he and Kane fight to the outside, Miz drags his body on top of Sheamus and the ref counts 1-2-3. Despite the match being over though, the battle between Cena and Kane continues and the two trade blows, but Kane takes the advantage and seizes it, Chokeslamming Cena through the announce table!


Winner: Kane & The Miz



As we return to RAW, we are promised with an address from Chris Jericho. After Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole hype his return, we finally get the long awaited moment, as we see a familiar countdown on the screen, before the phrase “ I Cant’t Save you Anymore” appears and Jericho struts down to the ring. Jericho however looks changed, he appears to be shaking with anger as he gets a microphone.


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“ I am not going to waste any time here tonight, because I am on a mission. I have come to reclaim my legacy. Ever since I was put out of action and walked away from the WWE, I have seen every superstar on the roster attempt to fill my spot and they have all failed. Then one man almost overnight became a huge deal, he transformed the WWE in just 60 seconds….that man was CM Punk.


The Crowd erupts at the mention of CM Punk’s name, much to the chagrin of Jericho.


CM Punk pandered to the internet, he was desperate, he made inside references, anything to be accepted. That was fine, I’ve seen it happen a million times and it’ll happen again, but when you started to call yourself The Best in The World, then something inside of me snapped. Punk, watch my lips when I tell you that I’m am the best in the world, not you, not John Cena, not Randy Orton. Me.


I won’t pretend you’re the only one I’m here for though, Like I say everyone seems content to steal from me. Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett. You think any of those men would have risen up the card if it wasn’t for me blazing the trail. I built this company and I get no credit, so I am back to take what is mine.


Instantly, the fans went wild as those opening chords to Cult of Personality plays and CM Punk stormed out onto the stage


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“ Chris, Let me clear something up right here. If I was ever going to steal something, I’d do it from someone I respected….


Before Punk can even get the next word out, he is brutally attacked from behind!


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The mystery man delivers a shocking beat down on Punk, whipping him all the way down and into the ring. As Punk is rolled in, Jericho immediately hits him with a Code Breaker.


“ Punk, I am here to take back what truly belongs to me, what I deserve. The WWE Championship.”


Jericho’s Mystery Accomplice, holds Punk’s head and Jericho talks directly to him.


“ And I will take it from you on the biggest stage of them all. At Wrestlemania, I finally change the WWE for good, by ridding them of the cancer you have become”.


The fans go wild in anger as Raw goes off the air.



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Tonight’s NXT begins with Johnny Curtis shown arriving at the arena, he is stopped by Scott Stanford who asks his opinion on tonight’s “Final Encounter” between him and Derrick Bateman. Curtis says he’s the bigger man in every sense and tonight he’ll prove it to Maxine….in every sense.



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Trent Barreta beat Curt Hawkins in a decent enough back and forth match. Tyler Reks had tried to get involved but Yoshi Tatsu intervened. The brawl between Reks and Yoshi distracted Hawkins long enough for Trent to score a rollup for the victory.



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We go backstage, Scott Stanford grabs another interview, this time with Derrick Bateman. Bateman said he’s had to fight for a lot, and he will fight for this sweet maiden’s hand tonight, even if it means going through his old friend, Johnny Curtis.



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JTG, Darren Young & Heath Slater beat The Uso’s and Titus O’Neil. The 6 men put on a ok match with Slater getting the most offense and looking good throughout the match, but The Uso’s were also on good form and were in fact dominating JTG, until Tamina got involved in the match, allowing JTG to hit “Da Shout Out” on Jey for the win.



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Just before our main event, we see Scott Stanford’s final interview of the night, as he finds Maxine backstage, he asks her who she wants to win, Maxine says she doesn’t care who wins and walks away.


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In Our main event Derrick Bateman pinned Johnny Curtis. The match was one of the best in recent NXT history with both men showcasing themselves nicely and getting equal offense and defence in, however noticeable by her absence was Maxine who did not appear throughout the whole match. In the end after both men had scored several near falls and beaten each other senseless, Bateman seized an opportunity to connect with his “Man-Tastic” finisher for the win




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Derrick Bateman celebrates his win over Johnny Curtis and Maxine comes out to the ramp. She congratulates Derrick, but says it’s still over between them, then she tells Johnny Curtis that it was never on with them and never would be. She says she’s sick of dating man-children and she’s found a real man and one she’ll take to the top of the WWE….Brad Maddox.


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Brad comes out and the two make out as the show goes off the air.



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To kick off tonight we have two superstars from Smackdown as Trent Barreta faces Hunico (joint by Comacho), Hunico does dominate the match, but Trent makes a brief comeback, but Comacho gets involved, allowing Hunico to take advantage and get the win.


We are treated to a hype package for the upcoming Wrestlemania, it especially focuses on The Rock’s return.


In a short match, featuring the stars of Raw, Mason Ryan dominated JTG. Ryan completely owned the match from the second the bell rang and quickly pinned the Brooklyn Native.


We are shown footage from Monday Night Raw Supershow, where Chris Jericho’s explanation and then the assault on CM Punk is shown


In a good back and forth match, Justin Gabriel and Johnny Curtis showcased their underrated abilities. Curtis did very nearly get the victory, but Gabriel managed to kick out of several nearfalls and eventually came back to hit a 450 Splash to get the win.


A video plays that shows the bitter rivalry forming between the trio of Mark Henry, Big Show and Daniel Bryan.


In our Main Event, two Raw stars collided as Drew McIntyre took on Alex Riley. Both men got a lot of offense in and both very nearly got the win, but ultimately it was McIntyre who took the victory on this occasion ending a close encounter with a Futureshock DDT.

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