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WWF 2012: A Phoenix Story?

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January 8, 2012



As my plane touched down at the Denver International Airport, I remember thinking this was an interesting way to start my New Year. You see, I live back in Tampa, Florida where until recently I made my living working for Skinner himself, Steve Keirn doing various behind the scenes work at his Florida Championship Wrestling promotion. That was just one of those "right place at the right time" kind of jobs that I stumbled into when I was 17 and still in high school. I first I was just helping set up rings and hand out flyers but over the next four years I ended up being the head booker but unfortunately, that didn't last long. It wasn't even a half a year later that Steve told me he was closing up the doors to FCW and his training program, the School of Hard Knocks for good. That was August of 2010. But now, here it was, the middle of January 2012 and I was flying to Denver, Colorado because I got a call from Gerald Brisco of all people telling me he had a wrestling project he wanted to meet with me about. He didn't tell me much about it but he told me it would be worth my time to come out for the meeting so I did.


A goateed man who looked to be a wrestler himself met me at the airport. He was holding a sign, which read 'Novack' and he introduced himself as Eric. He told me he was just flying home after some shows in Philadelphia and that Brisco had asked him to hang around at the airport so he could bring me by Jerry's house on the way out.


I asked Eric if he knew why Brisco had called me out and he told me that unfortunately he did not know exactly as he said he'd never heard of me before. He quickly apologized, realizing how rude that sounded, but I assured him it was fine, I was nobody.


I knew Brisco had been a life long employee of the World Wrestling Federation through their rise and fall in Connecticut and that since the company's closing early last year he'd been working for Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling in Vancouver and NWA: Total Nonstop Action in Orlando. I assumed he was calling about something regarding one of those two promotions and honestly, I hoped it was Total Nonstop Action as they ran their shows just an hour or two from my home. In fact, I was even there at the TV taping when Chris Kanyon pinned Christopher Daniels to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title. That was around the time I got the book at FCW and was scouting some other promotions to see what we were up against. It was honestly TNA that got me interested in professional wrestling moreso than WWF and I was always shocked to hear their champions had been wasted talents in the WWF. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Christopher Daniels, Onyx, and Alex Shelley had all been jobbers or lower midcarders in the WWF.


Eric and I shared in idle chitchat about wrestling during the twenty minute drive to the Denver suburb of Aurora where Eric said Brisco and 'the other bosses' were renting a house as they discussed plans to 'open the company back up.'


Open the company back up? So this wasn't about TNA then. The first thought that came to my mind was the World Wrestling Federation but that legacy ended almost a year ago, like I said, when Vince McMahon retired after years of falling attendance figures and losing the companies TV and PPV deals. It seemed after fifteen years, WCW finally won the Monday Night Wars, albeit neither company was even on Monday Nights by the end of it. Vince, however, outlasted one rival Eric Bischoff by six years but lost his close confidante Jim Ross in the process who became Bischoff's replacement and he outlasted his other, Ted Turner by a year. His attending Turner's funeral was publicly ridiculed as crossing certain lines between business wars and personal insult to the man's family.


I didn't have to wait long to find out what Brisco had called me for, though, because as soon as I entered the small home none other than Gerald Brisco himself welcomed me warmly into the companies office, as he called it. And in the end, it turned out my suspicions were correct.


"The letters WWF used to mean something, something other than World Wrestling Federation," he said to me. "They meant tradition. They meant quality entertainment. And they were something that I was proud to wear on my polo shirt for over 25 years. Now two other individuals and myself have pooled some resources and managed to purchase the logos, titles, all of that for just a couple hundred thousand dollars from some schmuck, Chuck Ristano. But here's the catch. We need is someone to book it. That's where you come in."

"You really think that I have the skills to bring a company from the ground up to the Global status that it was at before?"


I was stunned at the lofty offer. I mean, at most, I've booked two dozen shows that were never attended by more than 200 people. How was I chosen to rebuild what was for many years the paramount achievement in this industry?


"We do, kid. We threw around a lot of names besides yours- names like Sapolsky from ZERO and Prazak from PWG. We talked about Iadevaia from JAPW and Rob Black from SHIMMER. Hell, we even thought about calling up Stephanie herself since Deep South just closed a few months ago."

"So what made you settle on me?"

"You're fresh. All the rest of them, they've been at this for years. They're burning out. You've still got your finger on pulse of the audience. That's what we need to really make this company a success again. So what do you say?"

"How much time do I have to think about it?"

"Not much. The Royal Rumble is in just a week and a half and we need someone to get started on it. If it's not you, then it's going to be someone else but you were our first real choice and I promise you, sink or swim, this'll be well worth your time."

"How worth my time?"

"How's $50,000 a year sound?"


I was stunned and Brisco chuckled as he could hear it in my voice.


"That's sounds like a damn good amount."


At FCW, I was working for free hot dogs and nachos. Hell, at my call center job I was barely making half of that back home.


"I mean, hell, we'll even fly your girlfriend and son out here next week, pay your first month's rent, and let you choose your assistant booker. Anyone you want."


It really wasn't an offer I could turn down so I accepted it. On the spot. I knew I probably should have consulted with Violet but I figured for that kind of money, even if it just lasted a couple months, there really was no downside to agreeing.


"So what's your roster look like so far?"

"We've got sixteen guys right now who've agreed to appear on the first show. Most of them are from Vince's WWF and some are only just joining us. The majority are working for other independents. Hell, even one of 'em is working for TNA, Brett Major. But I'll make sure you get a list of them before you leave today."


I knew who Major was. He'd been working for TNA back when I was scouting them out and his match with Jack Evans that I saw had blown me away. I offered him a contract with FCW but scheduling conflicts got in the way and he never premiered before we closed up shop.


"I haven't watched any wrestling since FCW closed back in 2010. Can you lend me the videos of the past few events so I can try to get caught up?"


Brisco laughed, like he was expecting that question.


"That is the only thing we do not have. When we purchased the rights to the WWF name from Ristano, he refused to part with the video library even when we offered him a cool one million dollars for it. The kid's an idiot, he could have been set for life with that kind of money but I hear he's convinced we're going to further tarnish the name and, as he put it, wanted to keep some part of it pure. I can however give you some write ups so you can go over what happened."

"I guess that'll work, but I'd like to try to get access to these videos."

"Well good luck with that. Maybe you try YouTube because I know Ristano won't let you see them."


I wasn't there much longer but before I left I was told that there was a company meeting on Thursday in about five days to brief everyone on the business plan and to get them ready for the Royal Rumble so he suggested I stay in town until then. I was soon introduced to Bob Densmore, who I was told was the referee for the organization, and Brisco asked him to give me a ride to the hotel I was staying at. He remained painfully silent as we walked to the car and once he started it, he turned to me and spoke quietly.


"You know, Chuck's not as bad as Jerry makes him sound."


I looked at him, intrigued.


"You know this Ristano guy?"

"Yeah. He and I used to work together out in the Northeast before I signed on with Vince and then after a few months he ended up jumping over here too."

"He used to work for the WWF?"

"Yeah, for about a year. He worked with Vince at the very end. Like, right there beside him. By the end I think those two were closer than Vince was with Shane. That's why he got all the brands and stuff. But he's not as bad as those three think he is. If you ask me, he's right in the things he's thinking."

"And what is it that he thinks?" I asked but Bob hesitated.

"It's really not my place to say."


For a moment, I thought the conversation was over as Bob didn't continue and I was unsure what to say but he ended up reaching a hand inside of jacket and pulled out his cell phone. After fiddling with it for a few moments he handed it to me.


"There's his number, why don't you give him a call," he suggested. "Just don't let the three stooges back there know I gave it to you."


I quickly copied down the number and thanked him and soon the conversation drifted to business in general. It turned out that Bob had a lot of respect amongst the boys in the locker room because when the WWF was dying about a year ago, he helped several of them pick up work with Jim Kettner's ECWA promotion back in Delaware. Surely, Brisco and his two unnamed friends wished he hadn't because some of the companies biggest names parted ways with the WWF at that point in time. Guys like Ray Gonzalez, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage, and Homicide all left while the company was on its last legs. Bob told me about a kid, Harry Smith, who jumped to New Japan with the Intercontinental title who was being talked about like he was the future of the industry.


Once Bob dropped me off at the hotel, I quickly checked into my room and dialed the number that Densmore gave me and after several rings, I landed on a voicemail response.


"Hey, Chuck," I started. "Uh, you don't know me. My name is Novack and I'm the head booker for the WWF. Listen, I guess there's some tension between you and them… er, us I mean, but, uh, I'd really appreciate it if I could just sit down and watch the last couple shows they ran. Listen, I'm not trying to like, bastardize this brand, and honestly I don't even know what the heat is between you guys. I just started today. So listen, give me a call back if you could. Thanks."


I figured I wouldn't hear anything back from him but shockingly my phone rang about twenty minutes later and it was this Ristano kid. After some initially tense conversation, I managed to convince him that my intentions were pure (even though I still didn't know what was unpure about Brisco's) and he agreed that I could come over to his Elkton, Maryland apartment to watch a couple of shows. However, he made it clear that I could not take them with me which I assured him was not my intention.


January 10, 2012


Despite Brisco advising me to stay in Denver for the week, I ended up in Maryland the next day and met with Chuck where we soon sat down to watch last year's Royal Rumble, No Way Out, and WrestleMania. During the several hours I was there we ended up talking and I asked Ristano what he had against Brisco.


"That man is trying to rape the name WWF," he told me. "There's a reason Vince fired him in 2009. Not a lot of people know that reason, but I do. I was there. Vince fired him because he was more concerned with the money than the fans and it turned out that certain workers were paying him to book them wins. Hell, how else do you think John Cena won the King of the Ring tournament? And when Vince found out, he fired Brisco and he fired all the workers that he even suspected were involved. But that left the head booker position open and somehow, for some reason, Vince picked me. So I became his right hand man. He and I ran that company together in it's dying days and when he decided that enough was enough, he gave me everything and closed up shop."

"So why did you sell to Brisco if you know what he's doing?"

"Working as an editor at a local paper only pays so well, Novack. I needed the money. But I had to keep a hold of something and that's why I won't let them touch these videos."

"Do you know who the other two investors are?"

"No, I've only ever dealt with Brisco and he's bad enough. I shudder to think who the other two are."

"So how did any of this even happen? Not even ten years ago, the WWF was the at the top of the world."

"It was a lot of things," Chuck answered. "After Vince beat ECW in 2000, all of those guys jumped over to IWA: MS and brought the fight right back to him. I don't know what that was all about, I was still working in ECWA at the time but I know that Ian Rotten never let off Vince, even when I was there. Then there were those ever-constant battles with Ted Turner. TV was head to head. Pay per view was head to head. It seemed everytime we were trying something new, WCW was a step ahead of us. And for the longest time, we were winning in the battles. We were winning even when I first got there in 2006. But from the way Vince talked about, when his guys started jumping ship over there, guys like Shawn Michaels, Paul Levesque, Steve Austin, and the Undertaker, you know, these guys that he considered friends, guys that he built from nothing, that really destroyed him. Our roster never recovered from that exodus of 2003 and 2004. Every star we ever made or had during that 'second golden age' as he called it has now worked for WCW for at least a little while. But all of that stuff... that's just affecting the business. That's just ratings and buy rates. If you want to know what finally ****ed up Vince, it was the war with his own daughter. See, in 2007, she bought Deep South Wrestling from Jody Hamilton and the original plan was for a dynasty of McMahon promotions across the world. Or at least that's what Vince thought. She ended up declaring war on him and over the next 18 months the two battled. I thought that was going to be the end. Vince was breaking down from all the stress. I mean, hell, we were at war with WCW, the Powerplant, IWA: MS, WWC and now his own daughter at DSW too? And in the end it really did. The man started acting crazy. He was sending Steph hundred thousand-dollar checks every month and he went around buying every retired title belt he could find. I bet he even bought your old FCW titles. But that didn't last long. After WrestleMania, Vince decided that the WWE was done. The company was millions of dollars in debt. Steph had won. It serves her right that her company went under six months later. I'm surprised those vultures didn't call her to try to help in their bastardization."


During a moment of stunned silence, I was shocked to hear such intimate details of the downfall of what was formerly the most successful wrestling promotion in the history of the industry. What was now my employer.


"Listen, Chuck, I know you're going to say 'no' but Brisco told me I can hire on an assistant booker," the look on his face was a mixture of pissed and adventurous. "Since you clearly know so much about the company's history, why don't you let me hire you and that way we can try to keep these guys in check?"

"They'd never let me have a job there."

"They told me I could hire anyone I want. What do you say?"

"I don't know, man."

"Oh come on, it's obvious this company is important to you. Help me keep it alive in the way it should be."


After a hesitation, he finally agreed. I guess I got my assistant booker in the form of the previous head booker. Not a bad choice if you ask me. I told Chuck the date and time of the pre-Rumble meeting and he agreed to fly out by then and next I was off to my Florida home to tell my family the news. Despite some initial resistance from my girlfriend, after I told her my annual salary she had no qualms about quitting her job on the spot and moving.


January 12, 2012


So when Thursday's meeting came around, my family was back at the new rented apartment getting adjusted as I was at Brisco's rented home. I had arrived early so not the whole roster was there yet but did I manage to run into Eric, the man I met at the airport. I politely asked him how he was and he informed me he was actually pretty upset.

"I just got fired from ZX," he told me. ZX was a promotion from Philadelphia that ran a similar style to WWF who, if things worked out, could end up a rival of ours in the future. "That was supposed to be my ticket out of here. I was going to get noticed by Ring of Honor and then from there WCW. I know I could be at the top of this industry if I could just get some goddamned exposure."

"Listen, Eric," I said. "I've watched your work in IWA: PR over the past few days. Your match with Danielson last year was a five-star for an Indy. I guarantee you, right now the WWF may be small but if you give me a year, you will have the exposure you're looking for."

"How have you seen my tapes?"


Just at that moment, Chuck made his entrance, which brought all conversation to a standstill and seemed to answer Eric's question.


"What in the hell is he doing here?" Brisco shouted, as he rapidly approached Ristano.

"Gerald, I'd like you to meet my assistant booker," I responded, stepping between the two men.


Brisco's attention snapped fully to me and I could tell he wanted me dead.


"What?" he barked. "Your assistant booker?! Do you have any idea in the blue hell this man is? He's the one who destroyed the WWF in the first place!"

"I've heard varying stories. What I do know is that he is the man who brought in a quarter million dollars with the Ray Gonzalez-Rhino blow off match. I know that he's the man who booked Harry Smith to be even bigger than his father-"

"He's the man who sold Harry Smith to New Japan!"

"And I know he's the man who never took payoffs for title wins."

"Now you watch yourself, Novack," Brisco steamed. "You don't have the stroke to talk about things you weren't here to experience. I own 33% of this company and I'm sure the owners of the other 67% will agree with me that Chuck Ristano will never work for the WWF again."

"They can agree all they want but it says specifically in my contract that I can hire whoever I please to be my assistant booker and there is no executive approval needed."


Brisco fumed, but he knew I was right. Begrudgingly he stood down as Chuck and I stood our ground and not long after, the company meeting was underway. Brisco announced that the other two owners were not able to attend this meeting but they would be at the Royal Rumble in one-week from the day. Furthermore, he announced that all titles had been vacated due to the various departures from the company. Ray Gonzalez had been the last World Champion and Harry Smith had been the last Intercontinental Champion as well as sharing the Tag Championship with Andy Douglas who did still work for the company. Andy chimed in that his European Championship should not be vacated but Brisco insisted for uniformity, the decision was final.


With exception to a few rules, not much more of note was discussed as they basically wanted to welcome everyone to the new 'and improved' WWF and reminded us all that the Royal Rumble was the 'return of something special.'


January 19, 2012

The Royal Rumble

The Denver Coliseum

7:00 PM MT

European, Intercontinental, and Tag Champions will be crowned

World Champion will be crowned in a 15 man Battle Royal

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Thanks for the comment Jaysin. Basically, what happened here is I simmed by game (Genadi's Montreal Aftermath) until January 2012 and found that the WWF was the smallest promotion in the USA and teetering on bankruptcy. Perfect time to try to play right? Haha. I'll have the first show up in a day or two and hopefully it'll keep your attention.
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Hey guys thanks for the comments! I'm gonna have the first show up in a few hours. Everything is written is except the Rumble which is a lot harder than I anticipated ahah.




Even though it'll be posted in a few hours and there's not much time, if anyone wants to make some predictions feel free. We can even come up with a prize and stuff together.




Johnny Swinger and Anthony Carelli vs Kenny Phoenix and Anthony DiFranco for the WWF Tag Titles


Windham Rotundo vs Lupe Martinez vs Joey Ryan for the WWF European Title


Tornado vs Andy Douglas vs Lance Cade vs Corvis Fear for the WWF Intercontinental Title


WWF Royal Rumble for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

Andy Douglas, Brent Albright, Brett Major, Carelli, Corvis Fear, Fiasco, Joey Ryan, John Hennigan, Johnny Swinger, Kenny Phoenix, Lance Cade, Lodi, Rhino, Tony DiFranco, Tornado, Windham Rotundo


Bonus Questions


Who enters the Royal Rumble First?

Who enters the Royal Rumble Last?

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Johnny Swinger and Anthony Carelli vs Kenny Phoenix and Anthony DiFranco for the WWF Tag Titles


Windham Rotundo vs Lupe Martinez vs Joey Ryan for the WWF European Title


Tornado vs Andy Douglas vs Lance Cade vs Corvis Fear for the WWF Intercontinental Title


WWF Royal Rumble for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

Andy Douglas, Brent Albright, Brett Major, Carelli, Corvis Fear, Fiasco, Joey Ryan, John Hennigan, Johnny Swinger, Kenny Phoenix, Lance Cade, Lodi, Rhino, Tony DiFranco, Tornado, Windham Rotundo


Bonus Questions


Who enters the Royal Rumble First? John Hennigan

Who enters the Royal Rumble Last? Brett Major

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Johnny Swinger and Anthony Carelli vs Kenny Phoenix and Anthony DiFranco for the WWF Tag Titles


Windham Rotundo vs Lupe Martinez vs Joey Ryan for the WWF European Title


Tornado vs Andy Douglas vs Lance Cade vs Corvis Fear for the WWF Intercontinental Title


WWF Royal Rumble for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

Andy Douglas, Brent Albright, Brett Major, Carelli, Corvis Fear, Fiasco, Joey Ryan, John Hennigan, Johnny Swinger, Kenny Phoenix, Lance Cade, Lodi, Rhino, Tony DiFranco, Tornado, Windham Rotundo


Bonus Questions


Who enters the Royal Rumble First? Lance Cade

Who enters the Royal Rumble Last? Anthony Carelli

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WWF Royal Rumble 2012


As 445 WWF fans made their way into the Inline Hockey Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado, you could feel the excitement in the air. The arena was set up with a carpet rolled out over the ice, a ring set in the middle, and 450 folding chairs set up around the ring. In one section of the ‘ice,’ a temporary wall had been erected by hanging a black length of thick fabric and in the middle there was a section for the workers to make their entrances. If you were close enough to the hanging fabric, you could distinctly hear the conversation backstage. At promptly 7 PM, Gerald Brisco made his way out of the makeshift backstage area and walked to the ring as the crowd cheered.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you and welcome to the WWF Royal Rumble.


The nearly sold out crowd cheered, pumped about the rebirth of their former favorite company.


“In traditional fashion, tonight’s main event will be a sixteen man battle royal however, the reward is something that has not been offered in this match in twenty years. Rather than winning at a shot at the WWF Championship, the winner of tonight’s match will be crowned the new WWF Champion! Also, as this is our first show in nearly a full year, all of the titles have been vacated and I’m pleased to announce that all of them, yes, every single championship will be on the line tonight. That means that almost everyone on our roster will have two title opportunities tonight! Now, without any more delays, please welcome back to the WWF, tonight’s announce team Mr. Jim Cornette and Mr. Frank Simmons!”


As the pair who announced the last year of WWF’s programming together made their way to the ring, the crowd was hot. It was clear, despite the small start for the company they weren’t settling for small names and the workers who the fans knew were going to be back with the company. As Brisco began making his way to the back, a new voice boomed out over the Ice Rink’s PA system.


“Hold on, one second, Brisco.”


Brisco stopped and looked towards the entrance ramp where Johnny Swinger and Carelli stepped through the curtain.


“So you’re saying that my friend and I here are going to have to earn the WWF Tag Team Championship?” Swinger asked as the two made their way down the ramp towards Brisco. “You know, looking around backstage, I didn’t see anyone else who is a tag team so I don’t really think there’s any competition for the two of us. I think it’s probably best if you just hand the WWF Tag Team Championship over to Carelli and I right now.”


“I’m glad to see you two ran into each other backstage. I hired your friend, Johnny, because I saw the work you two did together in Japan and I thought you could help ignite a division in our company. However, you’re mistaken if you think you’re the only tag team. I don’t know if you know my old friend, Harley Race, but a few weeks ago he called me and told me if we’re starting up the WWF, we have to check out these two guys he was training at the time.”


“Greens? You’re putting us up against greens?” Carelli barked.


However, not more than a second later, both men found themselves nailed in the back of the head as Kenny Phoenix and Tony DiFranco both had raced down the aisle and slammed double axe handles into the backs of both men’s heads. Brisco dodged out of the way, and a bell rang signifying that this event had started! This brawl made it to the ring by the time referee Bob Densmore had only made the three count and seemed to be started by Swinger in the ring with Phoenix. However, as the fans close to ringside heard and Jim Cornette later clarified on the commentary, Carelli was begging to ‘teach the greens a lesson.’ Swinger allowed Carelli to tag himself into the match and now it was set, Carelli was to take on Phoenix to start this title match!


“Now to fill in the viewing audience, ‘green’ is a term used by some professional wrestlers to refer to other workers who are just out of training. However, and correct me if I’m wrong, Jim, but aren’t Phoenix and DiFranco both several years out of training?”


As Frank Simmons, the modern day Todd Pettengill, made this statement, Carelli was indicating that he’d give Phoenix one free shot at him. Phoenix hit the ropes and charged forth, landing a big dropkick to the upper torso of Carelli, knocking the Italian to the outside of the ring.


“You’re absolutely right, Simmons,” Cornette answered. “In fact, Phoenix wrestled his first professional match in 2001, three years before Carelli.”

“Well, it doesn’t look like Carelli knew that.”


Phoenix continued the assault with a flurry of kicks and quick attacks as the announcers informed us that while Carelli has been gaining exposure on the Japanese scene in companies like HUSTLE, Phoenix has been remaining underground on his own discretion. We are told that he has had noteworthy matches with Ricky Steamboat Jr., Danny Doring, and Christian York over the last few years of his career. They say he’s been stalling his own eventual call into the limelight for when he felt he was ready, rather than jumping in quickly as so many others too.


Eventually, when Carelli was in the opposing corner, Phoenix tagged DiFranco in and the two executed some double team maneuvers on Carelli until Phoenix finally made his way to the apron. DiFranco attempted to maintain his team’s advantage but showed clearly that of the two, he was not the dominant partner. After maintaining the advantage, it was Carelli who managed a tag out to Johnny Swinger who upon entering the ring quickly dominated the much younger worker. A flurry of punches later and it was clear who had the upper hand. Despite Phoenix yelling in from the apron and trying to rally the crowd, DiFranco was not able to turn things around and eventually conceded defeat following a swinging neckbreaker. In the losing team’s defense, Phoenix did attempt to break up the pinfall but was prevented in doing so by Carelli who, despite being dominated by Phoenix, stood his ground for at least three seconds.


As Phoenix helped DiFranco out of the ring, announcer Frank Simmons made his way into the ring carrying the WWF Tag Team Championships with him.


“Gentlemen, with your victory tonight, you are officially the WWF Tag Team Champions. Despite the surprise of not knowing anything about your opponents, the two of you managed to overcome them and win these vacant titles. Despite they proved to be a better duo than your earlier guess anticipated of them, you have still defeated them and for that, the WWF congratulates you.”

“Congratulations? That’s hardly in line,” said Swinger. “These kids may not be as green as we assumed but what they are is just another set of victims for Sudden Onslaught.”

Sudden Onslaught has taken out the top teams in Japan, the top teams in Europe, and now we’ve come to the WWF to take out the top teams in the United States,” said Carelli, taking the mic. “And it’s unfortunate for the company that ‘top teams’ is not something that they seem to know about. All it seems they know is the top team… Sudden Onslaught.”


With that, Swinger shoved Morris out of the pairs way and they walked up the entrance ramp to a chorus of boos, carrying their newly won WWF Tag Team Championships. After a moment of silence, the wrestlers for the next match began making their entrances. Out first was Fiasco, a 24 year old whose display of cockiness did not please the fans as much as he’d hoped. Joey Ryan entered second and his reputation preceded him as he soaked in the crowd’s jeers and boos as though they were chanting his name. Finally, out third was a young wrestler who entered with little response from the crowd but as the ring announcer made the introductions, his name elicited a cheap pop. Taking the mic, he addressed the audience.


“As you’ve just heard, my name is Windham Rotundo and I am the only third generation superstar in this company. The names Windham and Rotundo permeate through this company and I’m destined to be the future of it. I’m sure you all know my father, Michael. My father is a former six time WWF Tag Team Champion. He taught me everything there is to know about professional wrestling and with his training I’m ready to become a future champion in this company. Then there are my uncles Barry and Kendall… You all might not know Kendall very well, he spent a lot of his time on the underground, working ahead of his own time but you all should know Uncle Barry. My uncle Barry gave this company ten years of his life, holding the Tag Team Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, and even the World Championship before he had to retire as champion after that bastard Brian Lee broke my uncle’s neck. And my grandfather was the WWF Tag Team Champion long before this ring I’m standing in was even called a WWF ring. So with that champion blood coursing through my veins, I’m going to capture the WWF European Championship right now and then I guarantee, in tonight’s main event, I’ll be the second man in history to hold the European Championship and the WWF Heavyweight Championship simultaneously.”


During the speech, Fiasco was listening attentively while Joey Ryan was mocking the young man behind his back. As Rotundo hands the microphone to a member of the ring crew, the bell rings and Ryan charges Rotundo, clearing trying to make a point out of him. Despite being attacked from behind, Rotundo manages to even the score with his heavy punches that lightweight Joey Ryan just can’t match as Fiasco stands in a corner, choosing his attacks wisely.


“It’s worth mentioning that Joey Ryan is the only one of these three men to appear on WWF programming before this evening,” Morris stated.

“And it’s also worth noting that at the last show we ran, WrestleMania XXVII, Ryan lost his seventh match in a row. I don’t get why he’s getting a title shot here tonight.”

“Well, Cornette, Ryan actually allowed WWF President Gerald Brisco to attend one of his training sessions over the last few weeks and apparently that encouraged Brisco to put Ryan in this European Championship match.”


Fiasco had fully inserted himself in the match by this point and together with Rotundo, the two were laying waste to Joey Ryan. They were doing double team moves as well as trading offense back and forth against Ryan and seemingly congratulating each other after each successful attack. Finally one of the times when Windham went in for an attack, Ryan elbowed him in the face, dazing him and then landed an enzigueri on Fiasco. This led to Ryan pulling the lead and beginning to rain down on Fiasco with furious punches and kicks. Eventually, Ryan had Fiasco’s arms tied up the ropes and was beginning to strike knife edge chops against him when he must have sensed Rotundo charging as he quickly rolled out of the way, causing Rotundo to crash into Fiasco with a huge lariat. As Rotundo did a double take, clearly upset about attacking Fiasco, Ryan popped up behind him and executed a neckbreaker, taking Rotundo to the mat. Ryan covered Rotundo but Fiasco who was still tied in the ropes managed to kick Ryan and break up the pinfall. Ryan, upset, got to his feet and charged at Fiasco, executed a dropkick, which added further damage to Fiasco. Rotundo rolled out of the ring to compose himself and in doing so allowed Ryan to untie Fiasco and pin him to win the European Title. By the time Rotundo was aware of his surroundings, the damage had already been done and the match had been won.


As a member of ring crew entered the ring to hand Joey Ryan his new WWF European Championship, a look of horror and frustration crossed Rotundo’s face. He slid into the ring and as it looked as though the champion and the former contender were to come to blows, Rotundo extended his hand in defeat. However, after glancing at the hand, Ryan laughed and left the ring with his title as Rotundo helped Fiasco to his feet.


As Ryan was making his way up the ramp, Rhino came through the curtain holding a microphone and looking like a pissed off beast. Joey Ryan stopped dead in his tracks and decided to take a detour into the crowd to stay out of the madman’s way.


“There’s some ****ing bullshit in this company,” he said. “Some ****ing bullshit that needs to be taken care of. I came to this building expecting to be handed the ****ing WWF Heavyweight Championship after a conversation that I just had five days with the goddamn last man to hold the belt when he took me ‘I don’t give a **** Richards, take the damn belt!’ But when I told that to ****ing Jerry Brisco do you know what he did? He booked me in a goddamn match tonight against 15 other men to try to win that ****ing belt. And he decided I’m going to be the first one to enter! He’s trying to **** me out of the championship that it is my right to ****ing hold. As far as titles go, I am the most decorated man in this company right now and I have to earn the goddamn gold against a bunch of nobodies? Why the **** am I even wasting my time in this tiny ****ing company?!”


As Rhino ranted, the announcers continually apologized for his obscenities and guaranteed that due to company policy, Rhino was being charged $3,200 for his outburst, or $200 for each obscenity. Rhino was cut off before he got much farther by another worker, Tornado coming out to the stage.


“I don’t know, Rhino. Why are you still in this company? There’s one thing that you are missing that every other member of this roster has- raw talent. You’ve made your career off of tearing through people and never showed a shred of talent in the process. If it weren’t for your sheer size, you wouldn’t have ever won a single title in your career. And speaking of titles- you can rant about all the gold you’ve won but none of that matters since you have never won a title in the WWF. In all of the five years you’ve been with this company you’ve never won a WWF Championship and every wrestling fan knows, it’s the WWF championships that matter. So why don’t you go back to CHIKARA with your fake, plastic belts and make room for the guys with the talent.”


With that, Rhino charged at the debuting Tornado with intent to Gore him but Tornado jumped over the incoming man and Rhino ended up running through the curtain.


“Now stay back there, Whine-O, I’ve got an Intercontinental title match to worry about. But I’m sure I’ll see you in the main event.”


Tornado dropped his microphone and began making his way to the ring. Rotundo and Fiasco made their way backstage already so the ring was vacant as former European Champion Andy Douglas made his entrance, followed by the debuting Corvis Fear and finally Lance Cade. Andy Douglas, a tag team specialist, relied heavily on friend Tornado in this match as the two seemed to pair up to take on Fear and Cade who also found themselves paired up.


The announcers explained the workers were probably teaming to attempt to eliminate the weakest link in the equation though this match was not being contested under tag team rules, but rather four way rules with the first elimination being the final one. Corvis Fear managed to lock a headlock on Douglas and held it just long enough to get some heat brewing from the crowd before Tornado broke away from ‘the Cowboy’ Lance Cade and sprung up top, taking out both Fear and Douglas. Douglas landed awkwardly and the announcers speculated that he might be hurt. Tornado covered Fear but Douglas shoved him off and as both men got to their feet they began to shove one another but this was soon interrupted by Cade bouncing off the ropes and hitting both with a double clothesline. Looking at the three prone forms on the mat, he decided to cover Tornado but this time it was Fear who broke up the pinfall.


This continued for several minutes as the uneasy alliances between the pairs faltered and the commentators discussed the backgrounds of these workers. Lance Cade has been with the WWF since 2008 and has been resting around the 50/50 win/loss rate but he feels the time off has recharged his batteries. Douglas had recently been stripped of both his Tag Team and European Championships and had been harboring some resentment towards the company. However, it seemed that all blew over when he found out he was getting an opportunity at the WWF Intercontinental and WWF Heavyweight Championships tonight, arguably the two most prestigious titles in professional wrestling. The other two men were both debuting for the company tonight with Fear being an import from IWA’s Puerto Rico branch and Tornado being an acclaimed high flier on the American scene, specifically in Philadelphia’s various promotions.


The finish of the match saw Andy Douglas execute a double underhook DDT on Fear outside of the ring while Cade threw Tornado from the top turnbuckle with a huge superplex that left both men exhausted on the mat. Douglas, seeing his opportunity, slid into the ring and covered Lance Cade for the pinfall and to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship.


Douglas was handed the title by a member of ring crew and helped Tornado to his feet. The two made their way to the back but were cut off by John Hennigan. The crowd exploded for Hennigan as he has not made an appearance wrestling in the United States since the last WWF show in March. Douglas stopped and held the title high over his head but Hennigan merely stretched out his hand. The two shook hands and Hennigan rose a mic to his lips.


“Don’t worry, Andy. As far as you and I go, the past is the past. Congrats on winning that Intercontinental title but I’m here with a loftier goal in mind. The WWF Heavyweight Championship.”


The announcers remind us that Andy Douglas and John Hennigan had feuded for several months over the WWF European Championship with Douglas always coming up short in the feud.


Rhino, earlier when you said you’re the most decorated champion in the locker room tonight, well, you didn’t take one thing into consideration. I’m in the locker room tonight. The title’s I’ve won in the US, Japan, Europe, and Puerto Rico nearly double the championships that you’ve held and your career is almost twice as long as mine has. And there is one other thing you said earlier that upset me. You think just because you asked Gonzalez for his title that you should get it? That’s not how it works Richards. If anything, the only man in this company who has ever beat him deserves the title and do you know who that is? It’s me, Richards. So if anyone deserves to be handed the title belt it’s me but when Jerry Brisco booked me in tonight’s match, do you know what I did? I grinned and I said ‘thank you boss for the opportunity’ because I know, unlike you, that whether I enter 1st or 15th, I have the skills to win this match and reclaim that WWF Heavyweight Championship. Now excuse me, but I have a match to prepare for.”


With that, Hennigan stepped back behind the curtain, followed by Douglas and Tornado. As Cade and Fear made their way to the back, Gerald Brisco came on to the stage with a microphone.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m happy to announce that we are now coming up on the main event of the evening, the twenty fifth annual Royal Rumble. Tonight will be a historic night in one of the men in our locker room’s careers as none of these sixteen men have ever won a WWF Royal Rumble. Many have competed in them before but none have ever sealed the deal. Now in the past, the men who won the Rumble then go on to challenge for the Heavyweight Title but as I stated earlier, tonight, the prize is the most prestigious title in professional wrestling. One man will join the ranks of elite wrestlers who have outlasted fifteen, twenty, even thirty other workers to call themselves truly the greatest worker we can offer. Men like Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin, Vader and Tyler Black. And tonight another name gets added to that list. Also, I am pleased to announce that tonight’s attendance is 445, which is the highest attendance we’ve had for a Royal Rumble since 2009. Now, without further ado, please welcome the first two Heavyweight Champion hopefuls.”


Brisco makes his way behind the curtain and is soon replaced by ‘The War Machine’ Rhino. Rhino charges the ring and upon entered stomps his foot impatiently yelling ‘come on.’ After a moment, recent rookie debut Windham Rotundo also enters the ring and the bell sounds to mark the start of the main event. Rotundo extends his hand, the same way he had to Joey Ryan, but Rhino laughs and begins throwing a barrage of punches. Rotundo managed to hold his own against Rhino, trading punches back with him. The announcers remind us that despite his youth, Rotundo has wrestling running through his blood and either one of these men are candidates to win this match.


Frank Morris informs us that Rotundo has victories over Savio Vega, Dan Maff, Tank Toland, and Deacon DeVille, names that some fans may recognize. One big spot that comes with these workers sees Rotundo hitting a ‘flapjack’ maneuver on a charging Rhino, nearly sending him over the top rope for elimination but Rhino managed to hold on.


As the 90 seconds had managed to tick down, the next competitor is revealed to me the man who Rotundo faced earlier this evening, the new WWF European Champion Joey Ryan. Ryan takes his time entering the ring, careful not to get involved with the brawl that has erupted between Rotundo and Rhino. However, referee Bob Densmore shouts to him that if he doesn’t enter by the count of ten, he will not be allowed to enter the match and will be automatically eliminated. Ryan shouted that Densmore couldn’t do that but Desnmore begins the counting. It appears the champ isn’t going to enter the ring but at 9 ½, he finally slides in having used up a large portion of the time designated before the next entrance.


Ryan tries to help Rhino double team Rotundo; however, Rhino is content to attack both men on his own rather than team up with the champ. At one point, Rhino whipped an exhausted Rotundo into the corner before then picking up the European Champion and lobbing him at the rookie. Following the impact, Ryan ended up over the top rope, however, he managed to hold on to rope and land both of his feet on the apron. Rhino charged, intending to hit a Gore through the ropes and knock Ryan to the ground but Ryan dove over Rhino resulting in the War Machine soaring through both the ropes and landing outside of the ring.


The crowd pops but the announcers inform us that Rhino was not eliminated as he did NOT go over the top rope and the next competitor begins making his way to the ring. The next competitor is Fiasco and as he enters the ring, it is the same three men who were in the European Championship match now competing against one another for the Heavyweight Championship.


Rotundo, who has now caught his breath, proceeds to team with Fiasco to work on eliminating the European Champion from the match but are unsuccessful in overpowering the champion. At one point, both men were holding one leg and trying to dump Ryan over the top rope but he was holding on to the aforementioned rope and managed to swing his body weight and slam both men onto the backs, landing on his own feet. He charged at the ropes and upon making his way back to where the two rookies were laying executed a senton, landing on his back against both men and then stood with one hand in the air as the crowd booed. He walked over to the side of the ring and began shouting for the ring crew to give him his European title so he could use it as a weapon but the crew refused. As he was arguing with them, Fiasco charged him and he managed to duck causing Fiasco to trip over his ducking form and topple over the top rope.


“I don’t know who to credit that elimination to,” said Cornette. “Joey Ryan or Fiasco himself.”


Fiasco is eliminated by Joey Ryan.

Fiasco made his way to the back as WWF Tag Team Champion Johnny Swinger began making his way down to the ring. The announcers rave about two WWF Champions being in the ring going after the biggest prize of them all. Ryan apparently thought the larger man would help him eliminate Rotundo but was sadly mistaken, as it was Ryan himself that the Tag Team Champ targeted. However, it soon became clear that Rotundo shouldn’t consider himself safe either as the match soon devolved into a three-way brawl. Suddenly, Rhino had slid into the ring and clotheslined Swinger out of the ring within the blink of an eye!


Johnny Swinger is eliminated by Rhino.


The commentators forgot that Rhino hadn’t been eliminated and that he’d merely been hiding out, waiting for his moment to strike apparently. Before long, Swinger was replaced by ‘The Cowboy’ Lance Cade who upon entering, made it clear he wanted to work together with Joey Ryan. The announcers reminded us that working together in his Intercontinental match earlier this evening didn’t help him out.


The two did end up working together but probably not as Cade anticipated. Cade was used to provide all of the offense as well as the European Champion’s entire defense for him! As Rhino picked up Cade into a powerbomb position, looking to send the rookie outside, Ryan stomped on his Achilles tendon and caused Rhino to fall, dropping Cade to the mat in the process. Ryan immediately began putting the boots to the War Machine as Rotundo sat back, apparently content to watch the bad guys go after each other.


It wasn’t much longer before the countdown ended and another current WWF Champion made his way into the fold as the new Intercontinental Champion, Andy Douglas, entered the ring. Ryan broke out from behind his guard (Lance Cade) and took the fight to Douglas as Rotundo began brawling with ‘The Cowboy.’ Ryan was intent to stay away from Rotundo from as long as possible and if that meant going up against the Intercontinental Champion, then so be it.


However, as Ryan was avoiding Rotundo, Rhino was targeting Rotundo and Cade both. Perhaps viewing the two as the rookies, he felt they’d be easy eliminations. He floored Rotundo with a huge clothesline as the timer ran out for the next entrant and as it did, Corvis Fear ran down to the ring and made it in to stop Rhino from eliminating Cade. Fear and Cade together charged Rhino with a double shoulder block, which surprisingly brought him to the mat as they shifted their focus on their previous opponent.


The two men who teamed well earlier this evening were now focused intently on the Intercontinental Champion Andy Douglas and it wasn’t more than ten seconds before the now triple teaming became too much for him. As the European Champion, Joey Ryan, and Fear and Cade beat down on the man, he began crumbling and soon was tossed unceremoniously out of the ring by Fear and Cade.


Intercontinental Champion Andy Douglas is eliminated by Fear and Cade.

Joey Ryan celebrated outlasting the Intercontinental Champion by hopping up on the corner turnbuckle and goading the crowd. The fans in the front row could here him saying ‘European is dominant’ or something to that effect. However, his celebrations would be cut short as within moments Rotundo had snuck up behind him and pulled his legs, sending him crashing over the top turnbuckle and to the mats below.


European Champion Joey Ryan is eliminated by Windham Rotundo.

As the commentators mentioned that the first two entrants were still competing, another entrant made his way to the ring. Tony DiFranco, who had competed in the Tag Team contest earlier this evening slid into the ring but was dispatched quickly by Fear and Cade. He did attempt to put up some resistance but the attack from Swinger and Carelli was surely still being felt so when faced with another double team, he cracked.


Tony DiFranco was eliminated by Fear and Cade.


With four competitors now in the ring, the destructive team of Fear and Cade now turned their attentions to Windham Rotundo who was being assaulted by Rhino. Soon, Rotundo had fallen to the same fate that Douglas and DiFranco had before him. The overpowering force of three men reigning down on Rotundo, despite his family blood and two and a half years of experience was just too much for him and the trio eliminated the hot prospect from the contest.


Windham Rotundo was eliminated by Fear, Cade, and Rhino.

The partnership that these three shared had soon broken down as now Fear and Cade were targeting the War Machine and despite having more years of experience then both of these men combined, the fatigue of performing for the length that he had was clearly getting to Rhino. He was able to fight them off but things only got worse when the next entrant was revealed to be Tornado, a man who he’d developed a grudge with earlier in the evening.


Luckily for Rhino, when Tornado entered the other two men seemed to shift their attention to him, perhaps viewing the smaller of the two of an easier target. Unfortunately for Cade and Fear though, Tornado showed to be more resilient than Douglas, Rotundo, or Tony DiFranco had been as he easily maneuvered around their attacks and leapfrogged over their charges. As the tag team specialist constantly evaded the two men who were looking to be a formidable tag-team themselves, Rhino was lazing in the corner in a pose reminiscent of another extremist, Raven. Though he was concentrated on Fear and Cade, it was obvious Tornado was itching to get a shot at Rhino.


Once Kenny Phoenix entered the ring, the brawling turned into a 2 on 2 and things evened out a little more. After several moments, the faces hit a huge rally and left Fear and Cade on the defensive for several moments as the flyer Tornado took to the sky against Fear and Phoenix locked in a Boston crab on Cade. Cade began frantically tapping out and reaching for the ropes but these are not valid forms of defeat in a Rumble match.


Fear rolled outside of the ring much to Bob Densmore’s dismay and soon Tornado and Rhino were going at it at full throttle with Tornado landing some showy DDT variations and springboard moves while Rhino with some slams and suplexes. A Death Valley Driver left Tornado down for the (hypothetical) count and begin to pick him up to throw him over the rope when Ken Phoenix hit a dropkick to his back, causing him to drop Tornado. His fatigue by this point was too much and Phoenix had the clear advantage. As Phoenix dominated Rhino, Carelli made his entrance as 12th of 16 participants in tonight’s main event. Phoenix had Rhino set up for a hurricanrana but Carelli pulled his feet out from behind him, sending the young man crashing to the mat.


As Rhino sat exhausted on the top turnbuckle, Tornado raced across the ring and executed a high dropkick squarely into Rhino’s chest which sent the larger man off the turnbuckle and crashing to the floor outside as Tornado hung on to the ropes preventing him from crashing down as well.


Rhino was eliminated by Tornado.

Carelli and Phoenix engaged in a hard hitting back and forth as Tornado collapsed to the mat, still feeling the effects of Rhino’s Death Valley Driver. Cade and Fear had returned to the action after taking a few moments to themselves to recuperate. The two had been standing outside of the ring and Cornette had been commenting on what they were discussing, concocting a game plan together to eliminate everyone as a team to get an advantage.


Phoenix, for the second time tonight, embarrassed the seasoned Carelli when he eliminated him from the Rumble a snap neckbreaker and then unceremoniously rolling him out of the ring.


Carelli was eliminated by Kenny Phoenix.

Phoenix, however, didn’t have long to celebrate as within seconds Fear and Cade had each picked up one of his legs from behind him and dumped him to the outside as well!


Kenny Phoenix was eliminated by Fear and Cade.

Cade turned towards Tornado as the pair looked to eliminate their last present threat but was surprised to be hit with a reverse DDT by Corvis Fear himself! Fear picked up Cade and threw him over the ring ropes and shouted that ‘all is fair.’


Lance Cade was eliminated by Corvis Fear.

Tornado was still lying prone on the mat as Fear walked over to him and Cornette exclaimed that Fear could be left as the last man standing, at least for a minute. Fear picked up Tornado and drove a hard knee right into his abdomen and then delivered up elbow to the back of his head dropping him to the mat. The crowd was hot with boos. Fear took a step back and then ran forth delivering a stiff kick to the ribs of Tornado before seeing Lodi approaching the ring and apparently deciding to ditch Tornado. He picked up the nearly unconscious competitor and tossed him over the top rope as Lodi slid into the ring.


The commentators remind us that Lodi is a 6 year veteran of the WWF after debuting at the 2006 Royal Rumble and also, he’s technically the WWF Television Champion though he isn’t allowed to defend the title until the company returns to television. Lodi immediately takes the fight to Fear despite Fear pleading that they could partner to protect one another. However, Fear reveals his mean streak again after it is apparent Lodi’s not interested in teaming together. Fear is pulling no punches and despite being at least fifty pounds lighter than Lodi, he manages to hold his own against the much bigger man. Both go for some big moves and neither is able to execute them as they keep one another in check. Cornette warns that the next competitor could be the deciding factor in which of these men progresses further.


The next competitor is revealed to be ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright who, like Lodi, has been with the WWF for several years, having debuted in 2000 but being released soon after, he returned in 2005 and has been with the company since then. The commentators speculate that his years of working the WWF style will lead to either he or Lodi eliminating Fear and ending Fear’s impressive Rumble debut. The next ninety seconds were intense as Albright threw the other two around with various suplexes, Fear utilized his arsenal of kicks to subdue his opponents, and Lodi was either executing a variety of standard moves like DDTs or bodyslams or just staying as far from the action as possible. Fear managed to fight back from several elimination attempts, which led the announcers to speculate that perhaps Fear had what it took to win the Heavyweight title.


As the clock ran down, John Hennigan was revealed to be the number 15 entrant and the crowd popped for the seven-year veteran of the WWF who was making his first appearance stateside since last March. Hennigan immediately targeted Lodi, who he used to team with as the Culture Club in 2007. The commentators remind us that after Hennigan realized what Lodi and Lenny Lane were all about he departed from the group which both men took exception to. However, with the ending of the original WWF and Hennigan’s subsequent departure to Japan, this issue was never fully resolved. *


On the other side of the ring, the Shooter was living up to his reputation with Corvis Fear as it looked like he was delivering some stuff shots to Fear. The crowd couldn’t determine who to watch as both pairs were involved in high drama back and forth action which actually led to both Lodi and Corvis Fear being eliminated by Hennigan and Brent Albright simultaneously!


Corvis Fear was eliminated by Brent Albright.

Lodi was eliminated by John Hennigan.


With those two eliminations, Brent Albright and John Hennigan were left alone in the ring and the camera could pick up Hennigan saying ‘so which way are we doing it this time?’ which the commentators explained was in reference to these two’s history. They were best friends who couldn’t stand each half the time and were frequently going back and forth between teaming together and facing each other. However, the Shooter’s stiff clothesline, which doubled Hennigan over seemed to answer that question for his former friend. Albright was putting the boots to Hennigan when the 16th competitor was revealed as Brett Major, who’d been with the company since 2007 and who actually defeated John Hennigan at last year’s Royal Rumble.


Albright, however, was undefeated against Major and laughed as he saw him entering the ring and paid him no mind. However, the momentary distraction led to a return for Hennigan who unloaded a series of punches and elbows until Albright was backed into the corner. Hennigan sat Albright on the top turnbuckle and looked to execute a superplex but Albright fought back and snapped Hennigan behind him, sending Hennigan crashing to the floor behind them!


John Hennigan was eliminated by Brent Albright.


That left just two men and the commentators were proclaiming that one of these two men would be the WWF Heavyweight Champion before the night was over! Albright stood on the top rope and launched off, diving for Majors with a dropkick, which connected and sent Major to the mat. The two brawled for several minutes one on one as the crowd got hot from the back and forth action. Major had a large, grass roots fanbase behind him and they were chanting his name, which Albright looked furious about but in the end, Major picked up the larger competitor with a lifting inverted DDT which he executed perfectly, leaving Albright nearly unconscious. Picking up Albright by his hair, he dragged him across the ring and lobbed him out of the ring.


Brent Albright was eliminated by Brett Major!

Brett Major won the Royal Rumble and the WWF Heavyweight Title!


The Royal Rumble ended with Brett Major celebrating his first title victory in his professional career with the crowd ecstatic for their ‘people’s champion.’






* You can’t come up with this stuff on your own. Legit, if the game’s autobooking actually storylines I’d swear that was what happened. Lenny Lane, John Hennigan, and Lodi were in a stable called Culture Club and after teaming for a while, Hennigan apparently turned and then the company went under. Awkward.

The winner of the first prediction contest is rvdjrv2002 with 6 points but it was close with Jaysin getting 5. However, since I didn't explain the point systems or anything like I don't have a problem doing something for both of you. I'll message you guys later tonight and for the next show I'll be clear.

Also, just a clarification of how this style is going to work. I'm going to post these writeups for pay per views, shorter more result based stuff for TV and also a few backstage things every now and then when it's important. So there's variety and such.
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a suggestion if i may is too add a quick results section after the show and perhaps labeling your segments a bit better as right now it just looks like a wall of text and it may turn some people off......now that the constructive criticism is over i cant believe i won really glad Joey Ryan got the European title and cant wait to see where you go from here.
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