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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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<p><strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong> vs Bradley Blaze</p><p>

<em>Higher on ladders.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Running Wolf </strong>vs Shame</p><p>

<em>Close one but since Outlaws won the tag match in last show, I give this one to Wolf.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Donte Dunn vs <strong>Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

<em>Dunn is still jobbing.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs <strong>Marshall Dillon</strong></p><p>

<em>Could go either way but Dillon has looked stronger so far.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<em>Monteiro might not be complete jobber anymore but he isn´t on the same level than Rumus either.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<em>No way Smart gets a win here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha III & Cal Sanders</strong> vs Ant Man & DeCipher </p><p>

<em>Tough one but since Ant Man will likely win singles matches agains Lucha (at least if the title is on the line) I give Lucha a win here.</em></p>

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<p><strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong> vs Bradley Blaze</p><p>

Running Wolf vs <strong>Shame</strong></p><p>

Donte Dunn vs <strong>Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs <strong>Marshall Dillon</strong></p><p>

Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha III & Cal Sanders</strong> vs Ant Man & DeCipher</p>

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From The Asylum, with 909 people in attendance...

MPW presents Another Day In This House


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


‘Another Day In This House’ opens to a chorus of boos, as the MPW Champion, Ant Man, appears from behind the curtain to kick off the show. It quickly becomes very obvious from the champion’s demeanour alone that, having successfully retained his title against Mr Lucha III, the arrogance that had been so surprisingly missing at ‘Doomsday’ was back. Ant Man lazily grabbed a microphone from ringside, before hoisting the MPW Championship high above his head... causing the volume of the crowds dissatisfaction to raise a notch or two.


Ant Man: “If you simpletons would be quiet for just one moment, I have an announcement I would like to make... because you see, having successfully negotiated the little speed bump that Mr Lucha III and his contract stipulation threw in the road, I can once again welcome you all to a new era here in MPW. All of you can look back to this night as the night you saw the beginning of my dominant run as champion, ruling every aspect of this company with an iron fist.”


The crowd launch into another tirade of boos at this statement. The MPW Champion calmly waits for the crowd to quieten down again. Ant Man is in no rush, seemingly nothing can ruin this moment for him.


Ant Man: “Because as I said before, Mr Lucha’s rematch clause was nothing more than a small bump in an otherwise smooth road. If anything, that rematch clause has actually done me a favour. You see having discovered that Mr Lucha had more clauses in his contract than I did; I went to MPW management after my victory at Doomsday and re-negotiated the terms of my own deal. I think you will all agree that the terms of that new deal to be most acceptable... I certainly did.”


The crowd start up an “A**hole, A**hole” chant, but still this doesn’t seem to rustle the feathers of the extremely confident MPW Champion... who once again just waits for the chant to subside before continuing.


Ant Man: “And since you all took the time to come and see me here tonight, I’d thought I’d let you in on a few of the new terms I negotiated. First of all, I was granted a wage rise... which is only fair, considering that I am the man dragging this company to new heights and setting new attendance records here at The Asylum. I also noted that MPW are now running two shows a month to capatalise on my drawing power, compared to the once a month that the previous champions could draw for. So in the interest of fairness, MPW management and I decided that I should only have to defend my title once a month.”


On commentary, Remmington Remus pipes up that he had spoken to MPW management about this clause and they had told him that it was a MINIMUM of one title defence a month... not a maximum as Ant Man was suggesting. Jamie Atherton asked Remmington Remus is he had personally sat in on the contract negotiations, and Remus said no... so Atherton told him to shut up about things he doesn’t understand and let the champion speak.


Ant Man: “Because let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be fair to have me defending the championship twice as often as any of the other champions have had to... I mean why put your prized asset in any unnecessary danger by putting him into unnecessary matches? And finally, knowing just how large an asset I am to this company, MPW management have agreed to give me the option as to who faces me for this Championship. That’s right if I don’t want to face somebody, I don’t have to. So you people better get used to the sight of me with this belt, because I am going to be holding on to it for a long, long time... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything!”


Ant Man carelessly tosses the microphone towards the time keeper at ringside, before hoisting the title high above his head... seemingly soaking in the boos reigning in from the hostile crowd. On commentary, Remmington Remus can’t believe what he has just heard. How could MPW management give Ant Man control over his challengers? Atherton says that MPW management know talent, that’s why. After all they were the ones who hired Jamie Atherton in the first place...


Rating: C-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Bradley Blaze

Bradley Blaze came into this match on a high, on the back of picking up his first win in MPW two weeks ago at ‘Doomsday’ in a tag team match with his stable mate Shame. Blaze initially looked to take the fight to Van Pelt, but was continually overwhelmed by Van Pelt’s speed and quickly reverted to using underhand tactics to try and break the momentum of his opponent. However, Van Pelt’s speed and athleticism eventually overwhelmed the young cowboy and Van Pelt was able to land the Axe Kick to pick up the win.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Bradley Blaze in 6:09 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Mr Lucha III appearing from behind the curtain is met by a nice pop from the 900+ fans in attendance. Mr Lucha smiles to the crowd, and high fives everyone on his way to the ring... paying special attention to any children that were in attendance. Lucha grabs a microphone from ringside, and applauds the crowd before addressing them.


Lucha: “Last month I promised to win the MPW Championship from Ant Man to give all the young performers here in MPW a champion they could be proud of, and a champion you fans can be proud of... but unfortunately I couldn’t get the job done. But of all the things that happened last week, that’s not what disturbs me the most. No what worries me is the constant interference and illegal weapon attacks that are happening around here. First the Texas Outlaws insert themselves into each other’s matches to rob hard working wrestlers of a fair chance in their match, and then DeCipher goes and attacks his fellow wrestlers with weapons such as ring bells and put their entire career in danger.”


Lucha pauses, allowing the murmuring and booing from the crowd to settle down before continuing.


Lucha: “Now DeCipher and I have history. He forced one of my best friends out of MPW with continued chair shots outside of matches. He also assaulted Amazing Fire Fly with a chair, and nearly forced him out of MPW as well. So tonight I am going to put an end to all of this. Cal Sanders wants to get retribution for what DeCipher did to him two weeks ago, and I will be right in his corner to help him do so. I may have failed to get the MPW Championship back from Ant Man at ‘Welcome To The Future’, but tonight I will put an end to the chaos that has taken hold of this promotion since he took hold of that Championship.”


The crowd cheer Lucha, as he hands his microphone back to the timekeeper and takes time to wave to the crowd as he makes his way to the back. On commentary, Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton hype tonight’s blockbuster tag team Main Event, and the fact that Mr Lucha III will be teaming with Cal Sanders for the first time.


Rating: C-


Running Wolf vs Shame

This match was made on the back of Shame getting involved in the tag match at ‘Doomsday’ between his Texas Outlaw stable mates and the Native Americans. Shame’s distraction allowed Marshall Dillon to pick up the victory for the Texas Outlaws, and Running Wolf is looking to gain some measure of revenge for that interference. The 6’6 Native American threw his weight around in this match, all 290 pounds of it, as he landed a number of heavy shots in the early goings to gain the early initiative. Shame struggled to come to terms with the overwhelming strength of his opponent, and resorted to time wasting tactics to try and break the Native Americans momentum. This begins to frustrate Running Wolf, and he starts to try and land heavier and heavier blows. This eventually proves to be the Native American’s downfall, as Running Wolf looked to charge a dazed Shame in the corner. However, the Outlaw was able to evade the onrushing 290lber at the last moment and send Running Wolf crashing into the turnbuckle. Shame quickly rolled up his dazed opponent, and grabbed hold of the second rope for good measure. Unfortunately for Running Wolf, the referee didn’t notice Shame holding the ropes and counted the three to allow Shame to steal the victory.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Shame defeated Running Wolf in 6:10 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: D-


Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

This was an incredibly high octane match between these two incredibly athletic competitors, with the pace of the match not dropping even for a second from the first bell to the last. Both men showed off some impressive high flying offence, and wowed the crowd with some intricate, high paced exchanges. Donte Dunn looked like he may pick up a huge upset first victory after six minutes of the match, having landed an impressive Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick. However, Atherton was just able to get his foot on the bottom rope to break the count just inches before the referee struck the mat for the third time. Donte Dunn seemed to take encouragement from this, and lifted the pace further to put Atherton in real trouble. A breathtaking high-angle Leg Drop from the top rope looked to have the match won for the Babadian, but again Atherton was able to kick out at two-and-a-half. Atherton quickly bailed from the ring to regroup, having been rattled by the Barbadian’s onslaught. Dunn, not wanting to give Atherton a second, looked to come flying over the top rope with a running Plancha... but Sienna DeVille saw Dunn coming and alerted her client to allow Atherton to avoid the flying Dunn, who went crashing into the guardrails. Atherton quickly seized on the opportunity and rolled the dazed Donte Dunn back into the ring, and quickly slid in after the Barbadian. Dunn struggled back to his feet, but turned right into the Super Kick (Lightning Bolt) from Atherton. Dunn’s body immediately went limp and slumped to the mat, allowing Atherton to make the arrogant cover and pick up a surprisingly hard fought victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Donte Dunn in 7:55 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: C-


Having bounced back from his loss at ‘Welcome To The Future’, Jamie Atherton grabs a microphone from ringside to say a few words.


Atherton: “And that is how you get the job done. Last month, Nigel Svensson beat me in a fluke. Everybody knows that nine times out of ten, I would have won that match. So I want a rematch and I want it in two weeks at ‘Guilty As Charged’.”


Nigel Svensson appears at the curtain. The Swede has an exasperated look on his face as he addresses Atherton.


Svensson: “Eh look, I understand that you’re frustrated... but last month wasn’t a fluke. We’ve faced five times in MPW, and on all five occasions I’ve been the winner.”


Atherton shakes his head, seemingly unable to grasp the logic behind Svensson’s statement.


Atherton: “Come on, let’s not insult anyone’s intelligence here. We both know that I can beat you, and that in two weeks time at ‘Guilty As Charged’ I WILL beat you!”


Svensson: “Look... if you think you can beat me then that’s great, but all the evidence points to the fact that you can’t. I’ve proved time and time again that I am better than you, so I’m not going to waste my time, or these peoples time, by beating you again. I think you need to move on from this, eh?”


Svensson gives Atherton a look that suggests the Swede thinks that ‘White Lightning’ is delusional, before dropping his microphone and heading to the back, leaving an irate Jamie Atherton alone in the ring.


Atherton: “Hey, where do you think you’re going? This isn’t over. You can’t just say no to me. I will have my rematch, I will have my victory and I will have my revenge... and I promise you now, that revenge will be oh so very sweet!”


With that, Atherton launches the microphone into the canvas before returning to the commentary desk. Remmington Remus cheekily asks Atherton if that went as well as he had hoped, causing Atherton to lose his rag once again...


Rating: D


Marshall Dillon vs Amazing Fire Fly

Marshall Dillon picked up a victory over Amazing Fire Fly in a triple threat match at ‘Doomsday’ only a month ago, so this match represented an opportunity to gain a measure of revenge for that defeat. As before, Marshall Dillon towered over the luchador here, and looked to take advantage of his size and strength advantage here in this match. However, the incredible speed of Amazing Fire Fly kept him out of the giant cowboys reach, and even allowed the luchador to begin building some offence. Fire Fly looked to take Dillon’s legs away with a series of kicks, and take the larger man to the mat. This tactic proved successful, as Dillon continued to struggle to get hold of his speedy opponent.


Fire Fly stayed on top until around the six minute mark, when the luchador went for one move too many. Fire Fly looked to come of the top rope, but was caught by Dillon before being Power Slammed to the mat. From here the 6’7 Marshall Dillon took control of the match, using his size and power advantages to throw his smaller opponent around like a rag doll. Fire Fly looked to rally, but as he bounced off the ropes the luchador ran straight into a Big Boot from Dillon. The 300lb wrestler then stalked Fire Fly, before delivering a bone crunching Crackdown to get the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Marshall Dillon defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 7:59 by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: C-


Roger Monteiro vs Roderick Remus

At ‘Doomsday’, Roderick Remus promised to introduce his new ‘business agent’ this show. With this in mind, many fans were surprised that the former MPW Champion made his way to the ring for this match alone. This didn’t stop Remus putting in a solid performance in this match, as his opponent struggled to keep up with Remus’ greater technical skills. Monteiro worked hard in this match, but could do nothing to stop the former MPW Champion locking in the Remus Clutch and picking up the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Roger Monteiro in 7:42 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: C-


Following his victory, Roderick Remus grabs a microphone from ringside. He assesses the crowd arrogantly, as he leans nonchalantly against the turnbuckle.

Roderick Remus: “Well now that the Native American has been taken care of, I have an announcement to make. Allow me the opportunity to introduce to you idiots, the woman who is going to take me to new heights here in MPW.... my new agent: Miss Cameron!”


An attractive young woman appears from behind the curtain, and makes her way straight to the ring to join her new client. Miss Cameron barely acknowledges that the crowd exist as she makes her way to the ring, despite the attentions of some of the rowdier men in attendance. Upon joining her client in the ring, Miss Cameron takes the microphone to introduce herself.


Miss Cameron: “Allow me to tell you people a little bit about myself, and why I am going to take the man to my right all the way to the top of this industry. I have worked with a variety of sports stars across a range of fields. From securing draft spots for new NFL stars, to securing high profile trades in the NBA... name it and I’ve done it. I’ve decided to take Mr Remus on as a client, as he told me of his desire to secure a big money move to the ‘big leagues. I work under a simple principle: I want what my clients want... and what Miss Cameron wants, Miss Cameron gets.”


On commentary, Remmington Remus voices his displeasure at his brother bringing someone like Miss Cameron into MPW. Jamie Atherton tells Remmington that his brother is just moving with the times, and if Miss Cameron was as good as she says she is then Roderick wouldn’t be here in MPW much longer anyway. This leads to Remmington questioning Roderick’s desire to leave, stating that his focus should be on regaining the MPW Championship. Back in the ring, Roderick Remus and Miss Cameron have ditched the microphones and are making their way back to the curtain.


Rating: D+


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Coming into this match, these two competitors could barely have more contrasting records in MPW. Mark Smart has struggled since debuting over two years ago, not registering a single victory in that time. However, Smart has shown signs of improvement in recent months. However, these signs of improvement surely couldn’t give him a chance against the technical prowess of Nigel Svensson? Svensson’s MMA background had served the Swede well in MPW, and catapulted right into the upper echelons of the roster. However in spite of the difference in their careers to date, this actually proved to be a really evenly contested match. Much to the surprise of everyone involved, Mark Smart actually managed to keep up with Nigel Svensson, and was involved in a number of technical exchanges with Svensson that really had the Swede working hard. Smart had Svensson in trouble on a number of occasions, none more so than when Smart locked in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring for nearly a minute. Svensson considered tapping out on more than one occasion, but was eventually able to claw his way to the bottom rope. However, despite coming close, Smart just wasn’t able to get the job done. Perhaps he got nervous, having not won in over two years, but it was Svensson who picked up the victory here as the Swede locked in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock for the result everyone had expected coming into this match, but nobody had anticipated Svensson having to work this hard for it.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Mark Smart in 8:05 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: C-


Cal Sanders & Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man & DeCipher

The Main Event started in the way many will have anticipated, with the faces taking the fight to their respected rivals. Cal Sanders took the fight to DeCipher, while Mr Lucha went after the MPW Champion. While Sanders & DeCipher brawled in the ring, Lucha was able to dump Ant Man to the outside and follow up with a spectacular Spinning Springboard Plancha.


Once Lucha & Ant Man were back to their feet, the match began to resemble more of a traditional tag team match as both men took their position on the apron. From here Ant Man looked to avoid Lucha wherever possible, only tagging in when he would be facing Sanders and quickly tagging out to DeCipher whenever Lucha tagged in. This tactic quickly began to frustrate the luchador, as he continually looked to get in the ring with the Champion, but continually found Ant Man tagging out to avoid confrontation. This frustration would eventually boil over, allowing Ant Man & DeCipher to double team Cal Sanders a few times while the referee was distracted trying to restrain an irate Lucha. The finish to the match began, predictably, with referee Jonathan Taylor desperately trying to get Mr Lucha to return to his corner, after another illegal double team from Ant Man & DeCipher behind the referees back. Using the distraction, DeCipher slid Ant Man his MPW Championship Belt into the ring. The Champion grabbed the belt, and nailed Sanders between the eyes before sliding the belt back to DeCipher on the outside. With Jonathan Taylor still trying to deal with Lucha, he saw nothing of this, despite Lucha’s desperate protestations. Lucha was eventually, and reluctantly, returned to the apron while Ant Man simply stalked a downed Sanders. Once the referee’s attention was back on the match, Ant Man hauled Sanders back to his feet and hoisted him onto his shoulders. Ant Man stared right into the eyes of a livid Mr Lucha on the apron, before delivering the Antidote to an already knocked out Cal Sanders. Ant Man then made the cover, never taking his eyes off of Mr Lucha for a second wile Jonathan Taylor counted the three.


Following the match, Ant Man immediately bailed the ring away from a furious Mr Lucha and was handed his belt back by DeCipher. Ant Man raised his belt high above his head to taunt Lucha, while the luchador checked on Sanders, who was still knocked out in the middle of the ring.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ant-Man and DeCipher defeated Cal Sanders and Mr. Lucha III in 7:39 when Ant Man defeated Cal Sanders by pinfall following an Antidote.


Rating: C


Final Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 6-1

Zergon 5-2


Prediction Contest (After 5 Shows)

Emark 37-4

Zergon 35-6

Hyde Hill 22-5

Jaded 15-6

Condors 12-2

Boltinho 12-2

masterofnone 6-0


Thank you to Zergon & Emark who predicted this month, and to everyone who has taken the time to read the show. Hopefully we’ll see some more guys back predicting next show, as it’s always encouraging to know people are following along. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, whether it be on my writing style, layout or any other comments you may have on the diary. :)

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March 2012

There was only one talking point in the world of wrestling this month, as Sam Strong pulled down the curtain on his illustrious career. USPW of course marked the occasion by putting on a lavish tribute show for their owner, and drew record viewing figures for the promotion. TCW and the SWF paid their own tributes to the legend, in a rare show of appreciation to a worker who had turned his back on the both promotions.


Back closer to home; Cal Sanders told me this month that he had decided to change his wrestling style to a Japanese Junior style. While I didn’t see this as an immediate issue, it could potentially cause some meshing issues in the ring with some other workers going forward, and was something I would have to keep an eye on. March proved to be another good month for MPW, as we were able to win our regional battle with PSW & NYCW for the month... and on top of that we topped a $20K profit for the first time as well! All in all, things were looking up for our small promotion...



-Mikey James, Giant Tana & Texas Pete extends deal

-Steve Frehley signs with TCW


Big Event: TCW Just Another Day? (B+) Buy Rate: 3.18

Main Event: Sean McFly bt Eddie Peak to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match Of The Night: Freedom Fighters bt The Syndicate


Bookers view: A great month for TCW, as they continued their serene progress at the top of the US wrestling industry. On top of putting on another great PPV, they also secured the signing of the biggest free agent in the industry, Steve Frehley. Frehley spectacularly walked out on the SWF last year, and all eyes will be on Frehley to see if he can make a success of himself in Total.



-Lenny Brown signs with the SWF

-Jim Force leaves the SWF


Big Event: SWF Awesome Impact (B) Buy Rate: 2.50

Main Event: James Justice bt Marat Khoklov to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Runaway Train bt Christian Faith


Bookers View: A decent month for the SWF, as they put out a good effort with their Awesome Impact PPV. However, the main talking point of the month for SWF fans was probably the end of former SWF World Champion Jim Force’s second run with the company. The move came as a shock to fans, even if in his second run Force had struggled to break out of the midcard, with the highlight of his nearly two year stint being an unsuccessful challenge for Jack Giedroyc’s North American Title. However “The Force” still had a good connection with the fans, so many observers were caught off guard by the move. The question on many fans of “sports entertainments” lips is: What’s next for “The Force”?



-Belle Bryden takes over as owner of USPW

-Valiant, Seduction & Commissioner Doom extends deal with USPW


Big Event: USPW Liberty & Justice! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.64

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Chris Caulfield bt Nicky Champion to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A chaotic month for USPW. The month started with a tribute show for Sam Strong, who had announced his retirement from wrestling in March, which unsurprisingly set new viewing figure records for the promotion as nostalgic fans tuned in to see the legend “one last time”. Many had assumed that Strong’s daughter would take up the reign s on Sam’s exit, but when Alicia announced she wasn’t interested in the job a power struggle began within USPW. Peter Valentine tried to gain followers as he looked to take over from his best friend, perhaps fearing for his job when the new owner took over and noticed his obvious lack of any skill whatsoever. However, Shane Sneer quickly emerged as the favourite, and looked odds on to take over from his old friend. However, in a dramatic late twist it was Belle Bryden who came from nowhere to take the reigns of the company at the very end of the month. Belle is known not to be some people within USPW’s first choice for new owner, and it remains to be seen how the appointment will be received. Will Belle lead USPW into a golden future, or will the promotion crumble from within following Sam Strongs retirement?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to write a quick note to let everyone know that unfortunately this dynasty has come to an end. I'm sure most will have worked this out, due to my recent inactivity. Unfortunately I've not been well for the last month or so, and found myself with little to no energy. Unfortunately this really affected my writing in the last couple of shows I put up (at least in my mind), and the last show I posted read really badly to me. With this in mind, I decided not to write anything until I was feeling a lot better. While I am now feeling much better, I seem to have lost my drive to progress with MPW. I think this partly has to do with my mini-hiatus, and partly due to the announcement of TEW 2013 by Adam. Regardless of the reasons for this coming to an end, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to read the short life of MPW. Particular thanks to Zergon & Emark who followed along consistently from the beginning, although Boltinho, Hyde Hill & Jaded deserve a mention as well.


While the dynasty didn't quite follow the initial path I had mapped out in my mind, I did enjoy it for the most part and consider it a success in that regard. I'll still be around the forums predicting in some dynasties I read and such, but I don't anticipate doing another dynasty until the new game is released. Hopefully I'll see everyone around :)

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Sad to see another good dynasty end. Your work really improved from the first show on and with the announcement of TEW13, I can see that some folks will wind down their current diaries and start amping up story lines for the new version. Keep getting better and hopefully we'll see a new diary from you after TEW13 is released.
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