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Break Down Wrestling: The Challenge

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Allow me to introduce myself. I'm known to most of you as Charles Avatar, but my proper name is Chad Anderson. Not to brag, but I was likely one of the best pure athletes in the United States. I wasn't a Rip Chord, a Sam Strong, a Sam Keith, or a Christian Faith, but I could make someone with even worse skills than Big Smack Scott look like a million bucks. Travelling was hard but the payoffs were well. However, not being able to find regular work definitely angered me. I could continue to wrestle on the indie scene for good money that would only last a short while or I could change the face of wrestling in the entire North American region. SWF is doing good right now with the success of their big storyline with Jack Bruce becoming the biggest babyface in quite possibly, the entire planet and with nepotism revealing itself with Eric Eisen becoming a World Heavyweight Champion. As if it wasn't going happen.


Total Championship Wrestling seems to fail every single time they even attempt to go head to head with SWF. Trying to use the sports entertainment formula against SWF didn't turn out too well and now, TCW is in financial trouble, having to release the remaining members of TCW's once highest profiled pre-Syndicate stable, Painful Procedure. The demise of DAVE did kind of save TCW somewhere because they have people like Guide and Scout to rely on if contracts become too gruesome to pay to other midcarders or main eventers for that matter. United States Pro Wrestling is nothing more than a simple flashback of Supreme Wrestling Federation in the days of Micky Starr, Professor Nero, and even the great Sam Strong himself. Their slow-paced matches do offer me ample time to catch up on rest, though. Same deal with NYCW. I see CZCW showing promise and if PSW toned down their risque way of entertainment, then maybe they could have a better chance with hiring talent to replace the wrestling ability-impaired like Lazy Joe. For FCW, I really don't see them expanding outside of Puerto Rico anytime soon. SWF is dominant without competition. I had all of the tools needed to create my own promotion.


I had the mind for the business, the creativity, the leadership to take this company to the top, and the wit to try and avoid going into direct competition with the Supreme Wrestling Federation. As good as I am, so many others have went into direct competition with SWF and those companies are either defunct with the occasional poor attempt at reunion shows or dealing with financial troubles and struggling to pay their own workers, let alone the ones that they are trying to sign. I had everything except.....money. Don't get me wrong, I had money saved up from matches dating back to my 18th birthday, but when you factor the promotion the company needs to be relevant, paying big money contracts for mega-stars that have either just ended their tenure with a major promotion or looking for a place to prove that they belong in main events, it would burn out my funds. Luckily, my father owns a high profile auto shop and was willing to loan me the money to begin my journey to re-revolutionize wrestling in North America. To all the Stones, the DeColts, the Eisens, and even Jeffery McPeterson, you are not the only ones with relatives in high places. After I received the loan, the following week was filled with getting time to promote the brand and get things going. The week after was followed by a huge press conference. I announced my founding of a new wrestling company that would forever send shockwaves through United States wrestling promoters and the fans as well.


This company would become know as Break Down Wrestling. The challenge? Re-revolutionizing wrestling in North America. Mix good entertainment with good violence and the rest is self-explanatory.

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