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Absolute Wrestling Franchise

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After failing with my first attempt at a diary, this one should be more clear as time goes on. My first diary was lacking direction, this next one should be more interesting and more "strong in direction".


Prologue: Here I am, Charles Anderson (Charles Avatar in-game). I've done many independent shows before. Some with promotions like MAW, FCW, NYCW, and so-on and so forth. My father was the owner of Anderson Auto, a huge car-selling company that was doing great but instead of following in my dad's footsteps, I became a wrestler. However, as mentioned earlier, I was only being the odd-jobber when called upon.


I wanted to do something different, so I made a phone call to my father and pleaded for $700 grand. He knew that the companies I was on loan for only paid $100-$300 for an appearance and that wasn't enough to put bread on the table, unfortunately. After hearing my plea, he gave me the money. The reason I asked him wasn't just to ease my financial troubles, I wanted to start my own company. Absolute Wrestling Franchise.




Luckily, I managed to get the word out about me starting a promotion and I used $200 grand for advertising, posters, billboards, radio time, hiring production teams, legal departments, marketing, administration and finance departments. Soon, the word spread across America about Absolute Wrestling Franchise. However, I still had to sign talent, create championships, plot for events, storylines, and figure out how I wanted my product to be.

Next: Hiring the talent.
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Hiring the talent: Day 1


It was Friday in the first week of January 2010. After starting the promotion in early December and still having no talent, I thought going on a hiring spree for initial talent would help to further promote the company. First, I needed some solid guys who weren't ready for main event exposure yet, but could become the hottest thing since sliced bread if given the proper push.


This man fits the bill.


He's The Big Problem. Apparently, he was supposed to be the fresh young star that NYCW was going to push in 2003 (he was 21-22 at the time). Old man Stomper didn't think he could fit the bill to be the big young star to carry the company and ended up in a tag team with dead-weight Land Mass until he got fired. However, he's got the "look" and the ability to be one of AWF's future main-eventers or big headliners, so I want to see what he can do, regardless of his past history.



Carl Batch is the holy trinity of managing. This guy can talk, entertain, and do anything, except wrestle, of course. Batch is the best available option as a manager and this does mean that whenever AWF has an event or needs Batch, FCW is getting the short end of the stick on this one, but if I could pair Batch up with someone who needs him as a mouthpiece, then this signing was definitely worth it.



Dagger, I was able to sign pretty cheap. $250 per appearance isn't bad. Dagger is someone I can definitely use on my undercard, especially with his performance ability like I've seen in a few ACPW tapes. I have plans for him and a few others soon.



Greg Gauge is the 4th signee to AWF. Sam Keith's skill and ability certaintly didn't skip a generation at all. Greg is definitely a future star and I see him becoming a multi-time AWF World champion if he doesn't get poached from another promotion because since I don't have the notoriety to sign exclusive, written, per-month contracts at the moment, Greg Gauge is sadly fair game to whatever big promotion tries to take him.



Henry Bennett isn't currently under a touring contract with GCG right now, so the "Trouble From Tennessee" is available to me. Rhymes, I know. With Bennett's in-ring skills, if he can avoid getting drunk on a regular basis, he could become a key member of AWF's midcard.



Mario Da Silva is another ACPW roster member who I signed. Solid performer, not much else to say. Like Dagger, I have plans for him.



Steve Flash is a great performer who is currently signed to NYCW. Flash has great popularity and could definitely add something to the main event scene of AWF. He might need a manager due to his poor entertainment skills, though.



"Hands of Stone" Bradford Peverell impresses me with his entertainment and performance ability. Let's see how far he goes as one of the next big things in this company.



Ernie Turner is starting to get "up there" in age as he's 35 right now, but his entertainment and performance skills were too hard to ignore. Apparently, he's had some history with SCCW, being in a tag team. Let's see if "The Slick Pimp Daddy" still has what it takes to make it in AWF.



There's not really much to say about Leper Messiah. He boosts my midcard.



Joey Beauchamp is probably the only Europe wrestling promotion-employed guy I have signed, but he is still a great talent. He could be a bitter veteran considering his age, but with his charisma, there's still many options.



Nothing special about Ca$ino.



Possibly the best wrestler I've signed that also works for ACPW. I already have plans for Sky King. These plans are just yet to be finalized.



Signing a former SWF-er is an easy way to get an upper midcarder/main-eventer. Cannonball Kid is no different.



Nigel Svensson is the only Swedish guy I have on the roster and has barely any popularity in America, but if he can perform, then who cares? I'd rather have an undercard with unknowns who can wrestle well, then big name undercarders who can't wrestle for his life.



Grandmaster Phunk used to be Danny B Bolte in Supreme Wrestling Federation, but he was stuck doing nothing because his small stature didn't scream money-making mega-star for Rich Eisen. Now, I have him and he's going to be huge in my company. Mark my words.



She's kind of a spoiler alert to this but in case you don't already know, there's going to be an Absolute Women division in AWF. Also, Devil's Daughter is the final signee of the day.


After spending the day having meetings and signing contracts with all these people, I'm exhausted. I've signed big names, foreign names, and independent figures who are slowly but surely becoming the talk of the wrestling business. The fact that I have to get up and do the exact same thing the next morning is just a pure nightmare.


Next: Hiring the talent: Day 2
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've decided not to do a day 2 because it's troublesome and I'd rather add in some shock factor for the people that I've managed to snap up. The first show is called AWF Before The Storm and will be coming soon.
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I've decided not to do a day 2 because it's troublesome and I'd rather add in some shock factor for the people that I've managed to snap up. The first show is called AWF Before The Storm and will be coming soon.


show preview? or you just want to get straight to it?

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